name: BentoBox main: world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox version: ${project.version}${build.number} api-version: "1.18" authors: [tastybento, Poslovitch] contributors: ["The BentoBoxWorld Community"] website: description: ${project.description} load: STARTUP loadbefore: [Pladdon, Multiverse-Core, Residence] softdepend: - Citizens - Vault - PlaceholderAPI - dynmap - WorldBorderAPI - BsbMongo - WorldGeneratorApi - AdvancedChests - LangUtils - WildStacker - LuckPerms - HolographicDisplays - EconomyPlus libraries: - mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.27 - org.mongodb:mongodb-driver:${mongodb.version} - postgresql:postgresql:9.1-901-1.jdbc4 permissions: bentobox.admin: description: Allows admin command usage default: op children: bentobox.admin.catalog: description: Allows to use /bentobox catalog default: op bentobox.admin.locale: description: Allows to use /bentobox locale default: op bentobox.admin.manage: description: Allows to use /bentobox manage default: op bentobox.admin.migrate: description: Allows to use /bentobox migrate default: op bentobox.admin.reload: description: Allows to use /bentobox reload default: op bentobox.about: description: Allows to use /bentobox about default: true bentobox.version: description: Allows to use /bentobox version default: op