########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### ### Credits ### # tastybento: maintainer # Poslovitch: maintainer # # This translation is adapted to version : [alpha-2] banner: "BANNER:1:WHITE:STRIPE_SMALL:RED:SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT:CYAN:SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT:BLUE" general: success: "&aSuccess!" request-cancelled: "&cConfirmation timeout - &brequest cancelled" previous-request-cancelled: "&6Previous confirmation request cancelled" confirm: "&cType command again within &b[seconds]s&c to confirm" errors: command-cancelled: "&cCommand cancelled" no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command." use-in-game: "&cThis command is only available in game." no-team: "&cYou do not have a team!" no-island: "&cYou do not have an island!" player-has-island: "&cPlayer already has an island!" player-has-no-island: "&cThat player has no island!" already-have-island: "&cYou already have an island!" no-safe-location: "&cNo safe location found on island!" not-leader: "&cYou are not the leader of your island!" not-in-team: "&cThat player is not in your team!" offline-player: "&cThat player is offline or doesn't exist." unknown-player: "&cUnknown player!" unknown-player-name: "&c[name] is an unknown player!" general: "&cThat command is not ready yet - contact admin" unknown-command: "&cUnknown command. Do &b/[label] help &cfor help." warp-not-safe: "&cThat warp is not safe right now!" wrong-world: "&cYou are not in the right world to do that!" you-must-wait: "&cYou must wait [number]s before you can do that command again" you-need: "&cYou need [permission]" tips: changing-obsidian-to-lava: "Changing obsidian back into lava. Be careful!" commands: # Parameters in <> are required, parameters in [] are optional help: header: "&7=========== &c[label] help &7===========" syntax: "&b[usage] &a[parameters]&7: &e[description]" end: "&7=================================" parameters: "[command]" description: "help command" admin: help: parameters: "" description: "admin command" team: add: parameters: " " description: "add player to leader's team" name-not-leader: "&c[name] is not the leader" name-has-island: "&c[name] has an island. Unregister or delete them first!" disband: parameters: "" description: "disband team leader's team" user-disband-leader: "&cNot leader! Use disband [leader]" disbanded: "&cAdmin disbanded your team!" kick: parameters: "" description: "kick a player from a team" cannot-kick-leader: "&cYou cannot kick the team leader. Kick members first" admin-kicked: "&cThe admin kicked you from the team." makeleader: parameters: "" description: "make player the team's leader" already-leader: "&cPlayer is already the leader!" register: parameters: "" description: "register player to unowned island you are on" registered-island: "&aRegistered player to island at [xyz]." already-owned: "&cIsland is already owned by another player!" no-island-here: "&cThere is no island here. Confirm to make one." unregister: parameters: "" description: "unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks" unregistered-island: "&aUnregistered player from island at [xyz]." info: parameters: "" description: "get info on where you are or player's island" no-island: "&cYou are not in an island right now..." title: "========== Island Info ============" owner: "Owner: [owner] ([uuid])" last-login: "Last login: [date]" deaths: "Deaths: [number]" resets-left: "Resets left: [number]/[total]" team-members-title: "Team members:" team-owner-format: "&a[name] [rank]" team-member-format: "&b[name] [rank]" island-location: "Island location: [xyz]" island-coords: "Island coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]" protection-range: "Protection range: [range]" protection-coords: "Protection coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]" is-spawn: "Island is a spawn island" banned-players: "Banned players:" banned-format: "&c[name]" unowned: "&cUnonwed" version: description: "display %bsb_plugin_name% and addons versions" setrange: parameters: " " description: "set the range of player's island" range-updated: "Island range updated to [number]" reload: description: "reload the plugin" tp: parameters: "" description: "teleport to a player's island" manual: "&cNo safe warp found! Manually tp near to &b[location] &cand check it out" getrank: parameters: "" description: "get a player's rank on their island" rank-is: "&aRank is [rank] on their island." setrank: parameters: " " description: "set a player's rank on their island" unknown-rank: "&cUnknown rank!" rank-set: "&aRank set from [from] to [to]." schem: parameters: "" description: "manipulate schems" copy-first: "&cCopy a schem first!" file-exists: "&cFile already exists, overwrite?" no-such-file: "&cNo such file!" could-not-load: "&cCould not load that file!" could-not-save: "&cHmm, something went wrong saving that file: [message]" set-pos1: "&aPosition 1 set at [vector]" set-pos2: "&aPosition 2 set at [vector]" set-different-pos: "&cSet a different location - this pos is already set!" need-pos1-pos2: "&cSet pos1 and pos2 first!" copied-blocks: "&bCopied [number] blocks to clipboard" look-at-a-block: "&cLook at block within 20 blocks to set" world: description: "Manage world settings" island: about: description: "display copyright and license info" go: parameters: "[home number]" description: "teleport you to your island" teleport: "&aTeleporting you to your island." teleported: "&aTeleported you to home &e#[number]." tip: "&bType /[label] help &afor help." help: description: "The main island command" pick-world: "&cSpecify world from [worlds]" spawn: description: "teleport you to the spawn" create: description: "create an island" unable-create-island: "Your island could not be generated, please contact an administrator." creating-island: "Creating your island..." pick-world: "&cPick a world from [worlds]" info: description: "display info about your island" reset: description: "restart your island and remove the old one" must-remove-members: "You must remove all members from your island before you can restart it (/island kick )." none-left: "&cYou have no more resets left!" resets-left: "&cYou have [number] resets left" sethome: description: "set your teleport point for /island" must-be-on-your-island: "You must be on your island to set home!" num-homes: "Homes can be 1 to [number]." home-set: "Your island home has been set to your current location." parameters: "[home number]" setname: description: "set a name for your island" name-too-short: "&cToo short. Minimum size is [number] characters." name-too-long: "&cToo long. Maximum size is [number] characters." parameters: "" resetname: description: "reset your island name" team: description: "manage your team" info: description: "display detailed info about your team" invite: description: "invite a player to join your island" invitation-sent: "Invitation sent to [name]" removing-invite: "Removing invite" name-has-invited-you: "[name] has invited you to join their island." to-accept-or-reject: "Do /island team accept to accept, or /island team reject to reject" you-will-lose-your-island: "&cWARNING! You will lose your island if you accept!" errors: cannot-invite-self: "&cYou cannot invite yourself!" cooldown: "&cYou cannot invite that person for another [number] seconds" island-is-full: "&cYour island is full, you can't invite anyone else." none-invited-you: "&cNo one invited you :c." you-already-are-in-team: "&cYou are already on a team!" already-on-team: "&cThat player is already on a team!" invalid-invite: "&cThat invite is no longer valid, sorry." parameters: "" you-can-invite: "You can invite [number] more players." accept: description: "accept an invitation" you-joined-island: "&aYou joined an island! Use /[label] team info to see the other members." name-joined-your-island: "&a[name] joined your island!" reject: description: "reject an invitation" you-rejected-invite: "&aYou rejected the invitation to join an island." name-rejected-your-invite: "&c[name] rejected your island invite!" cancel: description: "cancel the pending invite to join your island" leave: cannot-leave: "&cTeamleaders cannot leave! Become a member first, or kick all members." description: "leave your island" left-your-island: "&c[name] left your island" kick: description: "remove a member from your island" parameters: "" leader-kicked: "&cThe leader kicked you from the island!" cannot-kick: "&cYou cannot kick yourself!" demote: description: "demote a player on your island down a rank" parameters: "" failure: "&cPlayer cannot be demoted any further!" success: "Demoted [name] to [rank]" promote: description: "promote a player on your island up a rank" parameters: "" failure: "&cPlayer cannot be promoted any further!" success: "Promoted [name] to [rank]" setowner: description: "transfer your island ownership to a member" errors: cant-transfer-to-yourself: "&cYou can't transfer ownership to yourself! Well, infact, you could... But we don't want you to. 'Cause it's bad." target-is-not-member: "&cThat player is not part of your island team!" name-is-the-owner: "&a[name] is now the island owner!" parameters: "" you-are-the-owner: "&aYou are now the island owner!" ban: description: "ban a player from your island" parameters: "" cannot-ban-yourself: "&cYou cannot ban yourself!" cannot-ban: "&cThat player cannot be banned." cannot-ban-member: "&cKick the team member first, then ban." player-already-banned: "&cPlayer is already banned" owner-banned-you: "&b[name]&c banned you from their island!" you-are-banned: "&bYou are banned from this island!" unban: description: "unban a player from your island" parameters: "" cannot-unban-yourself: "&cYou cannot unban yourself!" player-not-banned: "&cPlayer is not banned" you-are-unbanned: "&b[name]&a unbanned you from their island!" banlist: description: "list banned players" noone: "&aNo one is banned on this island" the-following: "&bThe following players are banned:" names: "&c[line]" settings: description: "display island settings" language: description: "select language" ranks: owner: "Owner" member: "Member" coop: "Coop" visitor: "Visitor" banned: "Banned" admin: "Admin" mod: "Mod" protection: flags: ANIMAL_SPAWN: description: "Toggle spawning" name: "Animal spawning" ANVIL: description: "Toggle interaction" name: Anvils hint: "Anvil use disabled" ARMOR_STAND: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Armor stands" hint: "Armor stand use disabled" BEACON: description: "Toggle interaction" name: Beacons hint: "Beacon use disabled" BED: description: "Toggle interaction" name: Beds hint: "Bed use disabled" BREAK_BLOCKS: description: "Toggle breaking" name: "Break blocks" hint: "Block breaking disabled" BREEDING: description: "Toggle breeding" name: "Breed animals" hint: "Animal breeding protected" BREWING: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Brewing stands" hint: "No brewing allowed" BUCKET: description: "Toggle interaction" name: Buckets hint: "No bucket use allowed" CHEST: description: "Toggle chest access" name: Chests hint: "Chest access disabled" CHORUS_FRUIT: description: "Toggle teleportation" name: "Chorus fruits" hint: "No teleporting" COLLECT_LAVA: description: | Toggle collecting lava (override Buckets) name: "Collect lava" hint: "No lava collection" COLLECT_WATER: description: | Toggle collecting water (override Buckets) name: "Collect water" hint: "No water collection" CRAFTING: description: "Toggle use" name: Workbenches hint: "No workbench use" CROP_TRAMPLE: description: "Toggle crop trampling" name: "Trample crops" hint: "Crops are protected" DOOR: description: "Toggle door usage" name: "Use doors" hint: "No door use" EGGS: description: "Toggle egg throwing" name: "Egg throwing" hint: "No egg throwing" ELYTRA: description: "Toggle use on island" name: "Elytra" hint: "No elytra flying allowed" ENCHANTING: description: "Toggle use" name: "Enchanting table" hint: "No table use" ENDER_CHEST: description: "Toggle use/crafting" name: "Ender Chests" hint: "Ender chests are disabled in this world" ENDER_PEARL: description: "Toggle use" name: "EnderPearls" hint: "No enderpearl use" ENTER_EXIT_MESSAGES: description: "Display entry and exit messages" island: "[name]'s island" name: "Enter/Exit messages" now-entering: "Now entering [name]" now-leaving: "Now leaving [name]" FIRE: description: "Allow fire to exist or not" name: Fire hint: "No fire allowed" FIRE_EXTINGUISH: description: "Toggle extinguishing" name: "Fire extinguish" hint: "No fire extinguishing allowed" FIRE_SPREAD: description: "Toggle spread" name: "Fire spread" hint: "No fire spread allowed" FURNACE: description: "Toggle use" name: Furnace hint: "No furnace use" GATE: description: "Toggle use" name: Gates hint: "No gate use" HURT_ANIMALS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt animals" hint: "No animal hurting allowed" HURT_MONSTERS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt monsters" hint: "No monster hurting" HURT_VILLAGERS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt villagers" hint: "No villager hurting" INVINCIBLE_VISITORS: description: | &aConfigure invincible visitor &asettings. name: "Invincible Visitors" hint: "&cVisitors protected" ISLAND_RESPAWN: description: | &aPlayers respawn &aon island name: "Island respawn" ITEM_DROP: description: "Toggle dropping" name: "Item drop" hint: "Items cannot be dropped" ITEM_PICKUP: description: "Toggle pickup" name: "Item pickup" hint: "Items cannot be picked up" LEASH: description: "Toggle use" name: "Leash use" LEVER_BUTTON: description: "Toggle use" name: "Leaver or button use" hint: "No leash use" LOCK: description: "Toggle lock" name: "Lock island" MILKING: description: "Toggle cow milking" name: Milking hint: "No milking allowed" MONSTER_SPAWN: description: "Toggle spawning" name: "Monster spawning" MOUNT_INVENTORY: description: | &aToggle access &ato mount inventory name: "Mount inventory" hint: "No access to mount inventory" MUSIC: description: "Toggle access" name: Music hint: "No jukebox use" PISTON_PUSH: description: | &aAllow pistons to push &ablocks outside island name: "Piston Push" PLACE_BLOCKS: description: "Toggle placing" name: "Place blocks" hint: "Not allowed to place blocks" PORTAL: description: "Toggle use" name: Portal hint: "Portal use is disallowed" PRESSURE_PLATE: description: "Toggle usage" name: "Pressure Plates" hint: "No pressure plate use" PVP_END: description: | &cEnable/Disable PVP &cin the End. name: "End PVP" hint: "No PVP allowed in the End" PVP_NETHER: description: | &cEnable/Disable PVP &cin nether. name: "Nether PVP" hint: "No PVP allowed in the Nether" PVP_OVERWORLD: description: | &cEnable/Disable PVP &con island. name: "Overworld PVP" hint: "&cPVP is not allowed" REDSTONE: description: "Toggle use" name: "Redstone items" hint: "No redstone item use" RIDING: description: "Toggle riding" name: "Animal riding" hint: "No animal riding allowed" REMOVE_MOBS: description: | &aRemove monsters when &ateleporting to island name: "Remove monsters" SHEARING: description: "Toggle sheering" name: Shearing hint: "No shearing" SPAWN_EGGS: description: "Toggle use" name: "Spawn eggs" hint: "No throwing spawn eggs" TRADING: description: "Toggle trading" name: "Village trading" hint: "No villager trading" TRAPDOOR: description: "Toggle access" name: "Trap doors" hint: "No trapdoor use" locked: "&cThis island is locked!" protected: "&cIsland protected: [description]" panel: PROTECTION: title: "Protection" description: | Protection settings for this location SETTING: title: "Settings" description: "General settings" WORLD_SETTING: title: "[world_name] Settings" description: "Settings for this game world" flag-item: name-layout: "&a[name]" description-layout: |+ &a[description] &7Allowed for: allowed_rank: "&3- &a" blocked_rank: "&3- &c" minimal_rank: "&3- &2" menu-layout: "&a[description]" setting-layout: |+ &a[description] &7Current setting: [setting] setting-active: "&aActive" setting-disabled: "&cDisabled" language: panel-title: "Select your language" selected: "&aCurrently selected." edited: "&aEdited your language to &e[lang]&a." new-island: sign: line0: "&1%bsb_plugin_name%" line1: "[name]" line2: "Don't fall!" line3: "Have fun! &c<3"