########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### # This locale is always current with the latest version meta: authors: - tastybento - Poslovitch banner: "WHITE_BANNER:1:STRIPE_SMALL:RED:SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT:CYAN:SQUARE_TOP_RIGHT:BLUE" general: success: "&aSuccess!" invalid: "Invalid" errors: command-cancelled: "&cCommand cancelled." no-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission to execute this command (&7[permission]&c)." use-in-game: "&cThis command is only available in game." no-team: "&cYou do not have a team!" no-island: "&cYou do not have an island!" player-has-island: "&cPlayer already has an island!" player-has-no-island: "&cThat player has no island!" already-have-island: "&cYou already have an island!" no-safe-location-found: "&cCould not find a safe spot to teleport you to on the island." not-owner: "&cYou are not the owner of your island!" not-in-team: "&cThat player is not in your team!" offline-player: "&cThat player is offline or doesn't exist." unknown-player: "&c[name] is an unknown player!" general: "&cThat command is not ready yet - contact admin" unknown-command: "&cUnknown command. Do &b/[label] help &cfor help." wrong-world: "&cYou are not in the right world to do that!" you-must-wait: "&cYou must wait [number]s before you can do that command again." must-be-positive-number: "&c[number] is not a valid positive number." tips: changing-obsidian-to-lava: "Changing obsidian back into lava. Be careful!" commands: # Parameters in <> are required, parameters in [] are optional help: header: "&7=========== &c[label] help &7===========" syntax: "&b[usage] &a[parameters]&7: &e[description]" syntax-no-parameters: "&b[usage]&7: &e[description]" end: "&7=================================" parameters: "[command]" description: "help command" console: "Console" admin: help: description: "admin command" resets: description: "edit resets of the players" set: description: "sets the resets of this player" parameters: " " reset: description: "resets the resets of this player to 0" parameters: "" team: add: parameters: " " description: "add player to owner's team" name-not-owner: "&c[name] is not the owner." name-has-island: "&c[name] has an island. Unregister or delete them first!" success: "&b[name]&a has been added to &b[owner]&a's island." disband: parameters: "" description: "disband owner's team" use-disband-owner: "&cNot owner! Use disband [owner]." disbanded: "&cAdmin disbanded your team!" success: "&b[name]&a's team has been disbanded." kick: parameters: "" description: "kick a player from a team" cannot-kick-owner: "&cYou cannot kick the owner. Kick members first." not-in-team: "&cThis player is not in a team." admin-kicked: "&cThe admin kicked you from the team." success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from &b[owner]&a's island." setowner: parameters: "" description: "transfers island ownership to the player" already-owner: "&c[name] is already the owner of this island!" success: "&b[name]&a is now the owner of this island." range: description: "Admin island range command" display: already-off: "&cIndicators are already off" already-on: "&cIndicators are already on" description: "show/hide island range indicators" hiding: "&2Hiding range indicators" hint: |- &cRed Barrier icons &fshow the current island protected range limit. &7Gray Particles &fshow the max island limit. &aGreen Particles &fshow the default protected range if the island protection range differs from it. showing: "&2Showing range indicators" set: parameters: " " description: "sets the island protected range" invalid-value: not-numeric: "&c[number] is not a whole number!" too-low: "&cThe protection range must be greater than &b1&c!" too-high: "&cThe protection range should be equal or less than &b[number]&c!" same-as-before: "&cThe protection range is already set to &b[number]&c!" success: "&aSet island protection range to &b[number]&a." reset: parameters: "" description: "resets the island protected range to the world default" success: "&aReset island protection range to &b[number]&a." register: parameters: "" description: "register player to unowned island you are on" registered-island: "&aRegistered player to island at [xyz]." already-owned: "&cIsland is already owned by another player!" no-island-here: "&cThere is no island here. Confirm to make one." in-deletion: "&cThis island space is currently being deleted. Try later." cannot-make-island: "&cAn island cannot be placed here, sorry. See console for possible errors." unregister: parameters: "" description: "unregister owner from island, but keep island blocks" unregistered-island: "&aUnregistered player from island at [xyz]." info: parameters: "" description: "get info on where you are or player's island" no-island: "&cYou are not in an island right now..." title: "========== Island Info ============" island-uuid: "UUID: [uuid]" owner: "Owner: [owner] ([uuid])" last-login: "Last login: [date]" deaths: "Deaths: [number]" resets-left: "Resets: [number] (Max: [total])" team-members-title: "Team members:" team-owner-format: "&a[name] [rank]" team-member-format: "&b[name] [rank]" island-location: "Island location: [xyz]" island-coords: "Island coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]" islands-in-trash: "&dPlayer has islands in trash." protection-range: "Protection range: [range]" max-protection-range: "Largest historical protection range: [range]" protection-coords: "Protection coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]" is-spawn: "Island is a spawn island" banned-players: "Banned players:" banned-format: "&c[name]" unowned: "&cUnowned" switch: description: "switch on/off protection bypass" op: "&cOps can always bypass protection. Deop to use command." removing: "Removing protection bypass..." adding: "Adding protection bypass..." switchto: parameters: " " description: "switch player's island to the numbered one in trash" out-of-range: "&cNumber must be between 1 and [number]. Use &l[label] trash [player] &r&cto see island numbers" cannot-switch: "&cSwitch failed. See console log for error." success: "&Successfully switched the player's island to the specified one." trash: no-unowned-in-trash: "&cNo unowned islands in trash" no-islands-in-trash: "&cPlayer has no islands in trash" parameters: "[player]" description: "show unowned islands or player's islands in trash" title: "&d=========== Islands in Trash ===========" count: "&l&dIsland [number]:" use-switch: "&aUse &l[label] switchto &r&a to switch player to island in trash" use-emptytrash: "&aUse &l[label] emptytrash [player]&r&a to permanently remove trash items" emptytrash: parameters: "[player]" description: "Clear trash for player, or all unowned islands in trash" success: "&aTrash successfully emptied." version: description: "display BentoBox and addons versions" setrange: parameters: " " description: "set the range of player's island" range-updated: "&aIsland range updated to &b[number]&a." reload: description: "reload" tp: parameters: "" description: "teleport to a player's island" manual: "&cNo safe warp found! Manually tp near to &b[location] &cand check it out" getrank: parameters: "" description: "get a player's rank on their island" rank-is: "&aRank is [rank] on their island." setrank: parameters: " " description: "set a player's rank on their island" unknown-rank: "&cUnknown rank!" rank-set: "&aRank set from [from] to [to]." setspawn: description: "set an island as spawn for this world" already-spawn: "&cThis island is already a spawn!" no-island-here: "&cThere is no island here." confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set this island as the spawn for this world?" success: "&aSuccessfully set this island as the spawn for this world." blueprint: parameters: "" description: "manipulate blueprints" bedrock-required: "&cAt least one bedrock block must be in a blueprint!" copy-first: "&cCopy first!" file-exists: "&cFile already exists, overwrite?" no-such-file: "&cNo such file!" could-not-load: "&cCould not load that file!" could-not-save: "&cHmm, something went wrong saving that file: [message]" set-pos1: "&aPosition 1 set at [vector]" set-pos2: "&aPosition 2 set at [vector]" set-different-pos: "&cSet a different location - this pos is already set!" need-pos1-pos2: "&cSet pos1 and pos2 first!" copying: "&bCopying blocks..." copied-blocks: "&bCopied [number] blocks to clipboard" look-at-a-block: "&cLook at block within 20 blocks to set" mid-copy: "&cYou are mid-copy. Wait until the copy is done." copied-percent: "&6Copied [number]%" copy: parameters: "[air]" description: "copy the clipboard set by pos1 and pos2 and optionally the air blocks" load: parameters: "" description: "load blueprint into the clipboard" list: description: "list available blueprints" no-blueprints: "&cNo blueprints in blueprints folder!" available-blueprints: "&aThese blueprints are available for loading:" origin: description: "set the blueprint's origin to your position" paste: description: "paste the clipboard to your location" pasting: "&aPasting..." pos1: description: "set 1st corner of cuboid clipboard" pos2: description: "set 2nd corner of cuboid clipboard" save: parameters: "" description: "save the copied clipboard" management: back: "Back" instruction: "Click on blueprint then click here" normal: "Normal" nether: "Nether" end: "The End" title: "Blueprint Bundle Manager" edit: "Click to edit" rename: "Right-click to rename" edit-description: "Click to edit description" world-name-syntax: "[name] world" world-instructions: | Place blueprint to right to set trash: "Trash" trash-instructions: "Right click here to delete" permission: "Permission" perm-required: "Required" perm-not-required: "Not Required" perm-format: "&e" remove: "Right click to remove" blueprint-instruction: | Click to select, then add to bundle. Right-click to rename. select-first: "Select Blueprint first" new-bundle: "New Bundle" new-bundle-instructions: "Click to make a new bundle" name: quit: "quit" prompt: "Enter a name, or 'quit' to quit" too-long: "&cToo long" pick-a-unique-name: "Please pick a more unique name" success: "Success!" conversation-prefix: ">" description: quit: "quit" instructions: | Enter a multi line description for [name] and 'quit' on a line by itself to finish. default-color: "" success: "Success!" cancelling: "Cancelling" slot: "&fPreferred Slot [number]" slot-instructions: | &aLeft click to increment &aRight click to decrement resetflags: description: "Reset all islands to default flag settings in config.yml" success: "&aSuccessfully reset all islands' flags to the default settings." world: description: "Manage world settings" delete: parameters: "" description: "deletes a player's island" cannot-delete-owner: "&cAll island members have to be kicked from the island before deleting it." deleted-island: "&aIsland at &e[xyz] &ahas been successfully deleted." why: parameters: "" description: "toggle console protection debug reporting" turning-on: "Turning on console debug for [name]." turning-off: "Turning off console debug for [name]." deaths: description: "edit deaths of players" reset: description: "resets deaths of the player" parameters: "" success: "&aSuccessfully reset &b[name]&a's deaths to &b0&a." set: description: "sets deaths of the player" parameters: " " success: "&aSuccessfully set &b[name]&a's deaths to &b[number]&a." bentobox: description: "BentoBox admin command" about: description: "displays copyright and license information" reload: description: "reloads BentoBox and all addons, settings and locales" locales-reloaded: "&2Languages reloaded." addons-reloaded: "&2Addons reloaded." settings-reloaded: "&2Settings reloaded." addon: "&6Reloading &b[name]&2." addon-reloaded: "&b[name] &2reloaded." warning: "&cWarning: Reloading may cause instability, so if you see errors afterwards, restart the server." unknown-addon: "&cUnknown addon!" version: plugin-version: "&2BentoBox version: &3[version]" description: "displays BentoBox and addons versions" loaded-addons: "Loaded Addons:" loaded-game-worlds: "Loaded Game Worlds:" addon-syntax: "&2[name] &3[version] &7(&3[state]&7)" game-world: "&2[name] &7(&3[addon]&7): &aOverworld&7, &r[nether_color]Nether&7, &r[end_color]End" server: "&2Running &3[name] [version]&2." manage: description: "displays the Management Panel" catalog: description: "displays the Catalog" locale: description: "performs localization files analysis" see-console: |- &aCheck the console to see the feedback. &aThis command is so spammy that the feedback cannot be read from chat... migrate: description: "migrates data from one database to another" players: "&6Migrating players" names: "&6Migrating names" addons: "&6Migrating addons" class: "&6Migrating [description]" migrated: "&AMigrated" confirmation: confirm: "&cType command again within &b[seconds]s&c to confirm." previous-request-cancelled: "&6Previous confirmation request cancelled." request-cancelled: "&cConfirmation timeout - &brequest cancelled." island: about: description: "About this addon" go: parameters: "[home number]" description: "teleport you to your island" teleport: "&aTeleporting you to your island." teleported: "&aTeleported you to home &e#[number]." tip: "&bType /[label] help &afor help." help: description: "The main island command" pick-world: "&cSpecify world from [worlds]" spawn: description: "teleport you to the spawn" teleporting: "&aTeleporting you to the spawn." no-spawn: "&cThere is no spawn in this world." create: description: "create an island, using optional blueprint (requires permission)" parameters: "" too-many-islands: "&cThere are too many islands in this world: there isn't enough room for yours to be created." unable-create-island: "&cYour island could not be generated, please contact an administrator." creating-island: "&aCreating your island, please wait a moment..." pick: "&aPick an island" unknown-blueprint: "&cThat blueprint has not been loaded yet." info: description: "display info about your island or the player's island" parameters: "" near: description: "show the name of neighboring islands around you" parameters: "" the-following-islands: "&aThe following islands are nearby:" syntax: "&6[direction]: &a[name]" north: North south: South east: East west: West no-neighbors: "&cYou have no immediate neighboring islands!" reset: description: "restart your island and remove the old one" parameters: "" must-remove-members: "&cYou must remove all members from your island before you can restart it (/island team kick )." none-left: "&cYou have no more resets left!" resets-left: "&cYou have [number] resets left" sethome: description: "set your home teleport point" must-be-on-your-island: "&cYou must be on your island to set home!" num-homes: "&cHomes can be 1 to [number]." home-set: "&6Your island home has been set to your current location." nether: not-allowed: "&cYou are not allowed to set your home in the Nether." confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set your home in the Nether?" the-end: not-allowed: "&cYou are not allowed to set your home in the End." confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set your home in the End?" parameters: "[home number]" setname: description: "set a name for your island" name-too-short: "&cToo short. Minimum size is [number] characters." name-too-long: "&cToo long. Maximum size is [number] characters." parameters: "" resetname: description: "reset your island name" team: description: "manage your team" info: description: "display detailed info about your team" coop: description: "make a player coop rank on your island" parameters: "" cannot-coop-yourself: "&cYou cannot coop yourself!" already-has-rank: "&cPlayer already has a rank!" you-are-a-coop-member: "&2You were cooped by [name]" success: "&aYou cooped &b[name]." uncoop: description: "remove a coop rank from player" parameters: "" cannot-uncoop-yourself: "&cYou cannot uncoop yourself!" cannot-uncoop-member: "&cYou cannot uncoop a team member!" player-not-cooped: "&cPlayer is not cooped!" you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: "&cYou are no longer a coop member of [name]'s island" all-members-logged-off: "&cAll island members logged off so you are no longer a coop member of [name]'s island" success: "&b[name] &ais no longer a coop member of your island." trust: description: "give a player trusted rank on your island" parameters: "" trust-in-yourself: "&cTrust in yourself!" members-trusted: "&cMembers are already trusted" player-already-trusted: "&cPlayer is already trusted!" you-are-trusted: "&2You are trusted by &b[name]&a!" success: "&aYou trusted &b[name]&a." untrust: description: "remove trusted player rank from player" parameters: "" cannot-untrust-yourself: "&cYou cannot untrust yourself!" cannot-untrust-member: "&cYou cannot untrust a team member!" player-not-trusted: "&cPlayer is not trusted!" you-are-no-longer-trusted: "&cYou are no longer trusted by &b[name]&a!" success: "&b[name] &ais no longer trusted on your island." invite: description: "invite a player to join your island" invitation-sent: "&aInvitation sent to [name]" removing-invite: "&cRemoving invite" name-has-invited-you: "&a[name] has invited you to join their island." to-accept-or-reject: "&aDo /[label] team accept to accept, or /[label] team reject to reject" you-will-lose-your-island: "&cWARNING! You will lose your island if you accept!" errors: cannot-invite-self: "&cYou cannot invite yourself!" cooldown: "&cYou cannot invite that person for another [number] seconds" island-is-full: "&cYour island is full, you can't invite anyone else." none-invited-you: "&cNo one invited you :c." you-already-are-in-team: "&cYou are already on a team!" already-on-team: "&cThat player is already on a team!" invalid-invite: "&cThat invite is no longer valid, sorry." parameters: "" you-can-invite: "&aYou can invite [number] more players." accept: description: "accept an invitation" you-joined-island: "&aYou joined an island! Use /[label] team info to see the other members." name-joined-your-island: "&a[name] joined your island!" confirmation: |- &cAre you sure you want to accept this invite? &c&lYou will &nLOSE&r &c&lyour current island! reject: description: "reject an invitation" you-rejected-invite: "&aYou rejected the invitation to join an island." name-rejected-your-invite: "&c[name] rejected your island invite!" cancel: description: "cancel the pending invite to join your island" leave: cannot-leave: "&cOwners cannot leave! Become a member first, or kick all members." description: "leave your island" left-your-island: "&c[name] &cleft your island" success: "&aYou left this island." kick: description: "remove a member from your island" parameters: "" owner-kicked: "&cThe owner kicked you from the island!" cannot-kick: "&cYou cannot kick yourself!" success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from your island." demote: description: "demote a player on your island down a rank" parameters: "" failure: "&cPlayer cannot be demoted any further!" success: "&aDemoted [name] to [rank]" promote: description: "promote a player on your island up a rank" parameters: "" failure: "&cPlayer cannot be promoted any further!" success: "&aPromoted [name] to [rank]" setowner: description: "transfer your island ownership to a member" errors: cant-transfer-to-yourself: "&cYou can't transfer ownership to yourself! &7(&oWell, in fact, you could... But we don't want you to. Because it's useless.&r&7)" target-is-not-member: "&cThat player is not part of your island team!" name-is-the-owner: "&a[name] is now the island owner!" parameters: "" you-are-the-owner: "&aYou are now the island owner!" ban: description: "ban a player from your island" parameters: "" cannot-ban-yourself: "&cYou cannot ban yourself!" cannot-ban: "&cThat player cannot be banned." cannot-ban-member: "&cKick the team member first, then ban." cannot-ban-more-players: "&cYou reached the ban limit, you cannot ban any more players from your island." player-already-banned: "&cPlayer is already banned." player-banned: "&b[name]&c is now banned from your island." owner-banned-you: "&b[name]&c banned you from their island!" you-are-banned: "&bYou are banned from this island!" unban: description: "unban a player from your island" parameters: "" cannot-unban-yourself: "&cYou cannot unban yourself!" player-not-banned: "&cPlayer is not banned." player-unbanned: "&b[name]&a is now unbanned from your island." you-are-unbanned: "&b[name]&a unbanned you from their island!" banlist: description: "list banned players" noone: "&aNo one is banned on this island." the-following: "&bThe following players are banned:" names: "&c[line]" you-can-ban: "&bYou can ban up to &e[number] &bmore players." settings: description: "display island settings" language: description: "select language" expel: description: "expel a player from your island" parameters: "" cannot-expel-yourself: "&cYou cannot expel yourself!" cannot-expel: "&cThat player cannot be expelled." cannot-ban-member: "&cYou cannot expel a team member!" not-on-island: "&cThat player is not on your island!" player-expelled-you: "&b[name]&c expelled you from the island!" success: "&aYou expelled &b[name] &afrom the island." ranks: owner: "Owner" sub-owner: "Sub-Owner" member: "Member" trusted: "Trusted" coop: "Coop" visitor: "Visitor" banned: "Banned" admin: "Admin" mod: "Mod" protection: command-is-banned: "Command is banned for visitors" flags: ANIMAL_SPAWN: description: "Toggle spawning" name: "Animal spawning" ANVIL: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Anvils" hint: "Anvil use disabled" ARMOR_STAND: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Armor stands" hint: "Armor stand use disabled" BEACON: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Beacons" hint: "Beacon use disabled" BED: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Beds" hint: "Bed use disabled" BOAT: name: "Boats" description: "Toggle boats interactions" hint: "No boat interaction allowed" BREAK_BLOCKS: description: "Toggle breaking" name: "Break blocks" hint: "Block breaking disabled" BREEDING: description: "Toggle breeding" name: "Breed animals" hint: "Animal breeding protected" BREWING: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Brewing stands" hint: "No brewing allowed" BUCKET: description: "Toggle interaction" name: "Buckets" hint: "No bucket use allowed" BUTTON: description: "Toggle button use" name: "Buttons" hint: "No button use allowed" CONTAINER: name: "Containers" description: |- &aToggle interaction with chests, &ashulker boxes and flower pots. &7Other containers are handled &7by dedicated flags. hint: "Container access disabled" DISPENSER: name: "Dispensers" description: "Toggle dispenser interaction" hint: "Dispenser interaction disabled" DROPPER: name: "Droppers" description: "Toggle dropper interaction" hint: "Dropper interaction disabled" ELYTRA: name: "Elytra" description: "Toggle elytra allowed or not" hint: "&cWARNING: Elytra cannot be used here!" HOPPER: name: "Hoppers" description: "Toggle hopper interaction" hint: "Hopper interaction disabled" CHEST_DAMAGE: description: "Toggle chest damage from explosions" name: "Chest Damage" CHORUS_FRUIT: description: "Toggle teleportation" name: "Chorus fruits" hint: "No teleporting" CLEAN_SUPER_FLAT: description: |- &aEnable to clean any &asuper-flat chunks in &aisland worlds name: "Clean Super Flat" COARSE_DIRT_TILLING: description: |- &aToggle tilling coarse &adirt and breaking podzol &ato obtain dirt name: "Coarse dirt tilling" hint: "No coarse dirt tilling" COLLECT_LAVA: description: |- &aToggle collecting lava &a(override Buckets) name: "Collect lava" hint: "No lava collection" COLLECT_WATER: description: |- &aToggle collecting water &a(override Buckets) name: "Collect water" hint: "No water collection" COMMAND_RANKS: name: "&eCommand Ranks" description: "&aConfigure command ranks" CRAFTING: description: "Toggle use" name: "Workbenches" hint: "No workbench use" CREEPER_DAMAGE: description: "Toggle creeper damage" name: "Creeper damage" CREEPER_GRIEFING: description: "Toggle creeper griefing" name: "Creeper griefing" hint: "No creeper griefing allowed" CROP_TRAMPLE: description: "Toggle crop trampling" name: "Trample crops" hint: "Crops are protected" DOOR: description: "Toggle door usage" name: "Use doors" hint: "No door use" DRAGON_EGG: name: "Dragon Egg" description: |- &aPrevents interaction with Dragon Eggs. &cThis does not protect it from being &cplaced or broken. hint: "No Dragon Egg interaction" DYE: description: "Prevent dye use" name: "Dye use" hint: "No dying allowed" EGGS: description: "Toggle egg throwing" name: "Egg throwing" hint: "No egg throwing" ELYTRA: description: "Toggle use on island" name: "Elytra" hint: "No elytra flying allowed" ENCHANTING: description: "Toggle use" name: "Enchanting table" hint: "No table use" ENDER_CHEST: description: "Toggle use/crafting" name: "Ender Chests" hint: "Ender chests are disabled in this world" ENDERMAN_DEATH_DROP: description: |- &aEndermen will drop &aany block they are &aholding if killed. name: "Enderman Death Drop" ENDERMAN_GRIEFING: description: |- &aEndermen can remove &ablocks from islands name: "Enderman griefing" ENDER_PEARL: description: "Toggle use" name: "EnderPearls" hint: "No enderpearl use" ENTER_EXIT_MESSAGES: description: "Display entry and exit messages" island: "[name]'s island" name: "Enter/Exit messages" now-entering: "&bNow entering [name]" now-leaving: "&bNow leaving [name]" EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE_THROWING: name: "Experience bottle throwing" description: "Toggle throwing experience bottles." hint: "Not allowed to throw experience bottles" FIRE_BURNING: name: "Fire burning" description: |- &aToggle whether fire can burn &ablocks or not. FIRE_EXTINGUISH: description: "Toggle extinguishing fires" name: "Fire extinguish" hint: "No fire extinguishing allowed" FIRE_IGNITE: name: "Fire ignition" description: |- &aToggle whether fire can be ignited &aby non-player means or not. FIRE_SPREAD: name: "Fire spread" description: |- &aToggle whether fire can spread &ato nearby blocks or not. FISH_SCOOPING: name: "Fish Scooping" description: "Allow scooping of fishes using a bucket" hint: "No scooping of fishes" FLINT_AND_STEEL: name: "Flint and steel" description: |- &aAllow players to ignite fires using &aflint and steel or fire charges. hint: "No flint and steel or fire charges usage" FURNACE: description: "Toggle use" name: "Furnace" hint: "No furnace use" GATE: description: "Toggle use" name: "Gates" hint: "No gate use" GEO_LIMIT_MOBS: description: |- &aRemove mobs that go &aoutside protected &aisland space name: "&eLimit mobs to island" HURT_ANIMALS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt animals" hint: "No animal hurting allowed" HURT_MONSTERS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt monsters" hint: "No monster hurting" HURT_VILLAGERS: description: "Toggle hurting" name: "Hurt villagers" hint: "No villager hurting" ITEM_FRAME: name: "Item Frame" description: "Toggle interaction" hint: "Item Frame use disabled" ITEM_FRAME_DAMAGE: description: |- &aMobs can damage &aitem frames name: "Item Frame Damage" INVINCIBLE_VISITORS: description: |- &aConfigure invincible visitor &asettings. name: "&eInvincible Visitors" hint: "&cVisitors protected" ISLAND_RESPAWN: description: |- &aPlayers respawn &aon island name: "Island respawn" ITEM_DROP: description: "Toggle dropping" name: "Item drop" hint: "Items cannot be dropped" ITEM_PICKUP: description: "Toggle pickup" name: "Item pickup" hint: "Items cannot be picked up" JUKEBOX: description: "Toggle usage" name: "Jukebox use" hint: "No jukebox use allowed" LEAF_DECAY: name: "Leaf decay" description: "Allow leaves to naturally decay" LEASH: description: "Toggle use" name: "Leash use" LEVER: description: "Toggle use" name: "Lever use" hint: "No lever use" LIQUIDS_FLOWING_OUT: name: "Liquids flowing outside islands" description: |- &aToggle whether liquids can flow outside &aof the island's protection range. &aDisabling it helps avoiding lava and water &agenerating cobblestone in the area between &atwo islands. &cNote that liquids will still flow vertically. &cThey will also not spread horizontally if &cthey are placed outside an island's &cprotection range. LOCK: description: "Toggle lock" name: "Lock island" MILKING: description: "Toggle cow milking" name: "Milking" hint: "No milking allowed" MINECART: name: "Minecarts" description: "Toggle minecart interactions" hint: "No minecart interaction allowed" MONSTER_SPAWN: description: "Toggle spawning" name: "Monster spawning" MOUNT_INVENTORY: description: |- &aToggle access &ato mount inventory name: "Mount inventory" hint: "No access to mount inventory" NAME_TAG: name: "Name tags" description: "Toggle use" hint: "No name tags use" NATURAL_SPAWNING_OUTSIDE_RANGE: name: "Natural creature spawning outside range" description: |- &aToggle whether creatures (animals and &amonsters) can spawn naturally outside &aan island's protection range. &cNote that it doesn't prevent creatures &cto spawn via a mob spawner or a spawn &cegg. NOTE_BLOCK: description: "Toggle use" name: "Note block" hint: "No note block use" OBSIDIAN_SCOOPING: name: "Obsidian scooping" description: | &aToggle scooping &aAllow obsidian to be scooped up &awith an empty bucket back into lava. &aProtects newbies. Reduces resets. OFFLINE_GROWTH: description: |- &aWhen disabled, plants &awill not grow on islands &awhere all members are offline. &aMay help reduce lag. name: "Offline Growth" OFFLINE_REDSTONE: description: |- &aWhen disabled, redstone &awill not operate on islands &awhere all members are offline. &aMay help reduce lag. name: "Offline Redstone" PISTON_PUSH: description: |- &aAllow pistons to push &ablocks outside island name: "Piston Push" PLACE_BLOCKS: description: "Toggle placing" name: "Place blocks" hint: "Not allowed to place blocks" POTION_THROWING: name: "Potion throwing" description: |- &aToggle throwing potions. &aThis include splash and lingering potions. hint: "Not allowed to throw potions" NETHER_PORTAL: description: "Toggle use" name: "Nether Portal" hint: "Portal use is disallowed" END_PORTAL: description: "Toggle use" name: "End Portal" hint: "Portal use is disallowed" PRESSURE_PLATE: description: "Toggle usage" name: "Pressure Plates" hint: "No pressure plate use" PVP_END: description: |- &cEnable/Disable PVP &cin the End. name: "End PVP" hint: "No PVP allowed in the End" PVP_NETHER: description: |- &cEnable/Disable PVP &cin the Nether. name: "Nether PVP" hint: "No PVP allowed in the Nether" PVP_OVERWORLD: description: |- &cEnable/Disable PVP &con island. name: "Overworld PVP" hint: "&cPVP is not allowed" active: "&cPVP is active here!" REDSTONE: description: "Toggle use" name: "Redstone items" hint: "No redstone item use" REMOVE_END_EXIT_ISLAND: description: |- &aPrevents the end exit &aisland from generating &aat coordinates 0,0 name: "Remove end exit island" REMOVE_MOBS: description: |- &aRemove monsters when &ateleporting to island name: "Remove monsters" RIDING: description: "Toggle riding" name: "Animal riding" hint: "No animal riding allowed" SHEARING: description: "Toggle shearing" name: "Shearing" hint: "No shearing" SPAWN_EGGS: description: "Toggle use" name: "Spawn eggs" hint: "No throwing spawn eggs" TNT_DAMAGE: description: |- &aAllow TNT and TNT minecarts &ato break blocks and damage &aentities. name: "TNT damage" TNT_PRIMING: description: |- &aPrevents priming TNT. &aIt does not override the &aFlint and steel protection. name: "TNT priming" hint: "No TNT priming" TRADING: description: "Toggle trading" name: "Villager trading" hint: "No villager trading" TRAPDOOR: description: "Toggle access" name: "Trap doors" hint: "No trapdoor use" TREES_GROWING_OUTSIDE_RANGE: name: "Trees growing outside range" description: |- &aToggle whether trees can grow outside an &aisland's protection range or not. &aNot only will it prevent saplings placed &aoutside an island's protection range from &agrowing, but it will also block generation &aof leaves/logs outside of the island, thus &acutting the tree. TURTLE_EGGS: description: "Toggle crushing" name: "Turtle Eggs" hint: "Turtle eggs cannot be crushed!" FROST_WALKER: description: "Toggle Frost Walker enchantment" name: "Frost Walker" hint: "Frost Walker cannot be used here" EXPERIENCE_PICKUP: name: "Experience pickup" description: "Toggle experience orb pickup" hint: "cannot pickup experience orb" PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING: name: "Prevent teleport when falling" description: |- &aPrevent players from teleporting &aback to their island using commands &aif they are falling. hint: "&cYou cannot teleport back to your island while you are falling." locked: "&cThis island is locked!" protected: "&cIsland protected: [description]" spawn-protected: "&cSpawn protected: [description]" panel: next: "Next Page" previous: "Previous Page" PROTECTION: title: "&6Protection" description: |- &aProtection settings &afor this island SETTING: title: "&6Settings" description: |- &aGeneral settings &afor this island WORLD_SETTING: title: "&b[world_name] &6Settings" description: "&aSettings for this game world" flag-item: name-layout: "&a[name]" description-layout: | &a[description] &7Allowed for: allowed-rank: "&3- &a" blocked-rank: "&3- &c" minimal-rank: "&3- &2" menu-layout: "&a[description]" setting-layout: | &a[description] &7Current setting: [setting] setting-active: "&aActive" setting-disabled: "&cDisabled" language: panel-title: "Select your language" description: selected: "&aCurrently selected." click-to-select: "&eClick &ato select." authors: "&aAuthors:" author: "&3- &b[name]" edited: "&aChanged your language to &e[lang]&a." management: panel: title: "BentoBox Management" views: gamemodes: name: "&6Gamemodes" description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Gamemodes" blueprints: name: "&6Blueprints" description: "&aOpens the Admin Blueprint menu." gamemode: name: "&f[name]" description: |+ &aIslands: &b[islands] addons: name: "&6Addons" description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Addons" hooks: name: "&6Hooks" description: "&eClick &ato display currently loaded Hooks" actions: reload: name: "&cReload" description: "&eClick &c<wice &r&ato reload BentoBox" buttons: catalog: name: "&6Addons Catalog" description: "&aOpens the Addons Catalog" empty-here: name: "&bThis looks empty here..." description: "&aWhat if you take a look at our catalog?" information: state: name: "&6Compatibility" description: COMPATIBLE: |+ &aRunning &e[name] [version]&a. &aBentoBox is currently running on a &a&lCOMPATIBLE &r&aserver software and &aversion. &aIts features are fully designed to &arun in this environment. SUPPORTED: |+ &aRunning &e[name] [version]&a. &aBentoBox is currently running on a &a&lSUPPORTED &r&aserver software and &aversion. &aMost of its features will run smoothly &ain this environment. NOT_SUPPORTED: |+ &aRunning &e[name] [version]&a. &aBentoBox is currently running on a &6&lNOT SUPPORTED &r&aserver software or &aversion. &aWhile most of its features will run &acorrectly, &6platform-specific bugs or &6issues are to be expected&a. INCOMPATIBLE: |+ &aRunning &e[name] [version]&a. &aBentoBox is currently running on an &c&lINCOMPATIBLE &r&aserver software or &aversion. &cWeird behaviour and bugs can occur &cand most features may be unstable. catalog: panel: GAMEMODES: title: "Gamemodes Catalog" ADDONS: title: "Addons Catalog" views: gamemodes: name: "&6Gamemodes" description: |+ &eClick &ato browse through the &aavailable official Gamemodes. addons: name: "&6Addons" description: |+ &eClick &ato browse through the &aavailable official Addons. icon: description-template: |+ &8[topic] &a[install] &7&o[description] &eClick &ato get the link to the &alatest release. already-installed: "Already installed!" install-now: "Install now!" empty-here: name: "&bThis looks empty here..." description: |+ &cBentoBox could not connect to GitHub. &aAllow BentoBox to connect to GitHub in &athe configuration or try again later. successfully-loaded: | &6 ____ _ ____ &6 | _ \ | | | _ \ &7by &atastybento &7and &aPoslovitch &6 | |_) | ___ _ __ | |_ ___ | |_) | _____ __ &72017 - 2019 &6 | _ < / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| _ < / _ \ \/ / &6 | |_) | __/ | | | || (_) | |_) | (_) > < &bv&e[version] &6 |____/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|____/ \___/_/\_\ &8Loaded in &e[time]&8ms.