############################################################################ # Config for BSkyBlock V${version} # # Created and maintained by Tastybento with the help of Poslovitch ############################################################################ ### General Settings ### general: # BSkyBlock uses bStats.org to get global data about the plugin to help improving it. # bStats has nearly no effect on your server's performance and the sent data is completely # anonymous so please consider twice if you really want to disable it. metrics: true # Check for updates - this will tell Ops and the console if there is a new # version available. It contacts dev.bukkit.org to request the latest version # info. It does not download the latest version or change any files check-updates: true # Default language for new players. # This is the filename in the locale folder without .yml. # If this does not exist, the default en-US will be used. default-language: en-US # Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false, no money is used or give. # If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically disabled. use-economy: true # Starting money - this is how much money new players will have as their # balance at the start of an island. starting-money: 10.0 # Use the control panel as the default display for /island # /island will always create an island if one does not exist # If the control panel is not used, then /island will teleport the player home # Players can change this setting using /island cp on or /island cp off # Changing this setting will only apply to new players. use-control-panel: true ### Purge-related Settings ### purge: # Only islands below this level will be removed if they are abandoned and admins issue the purge command max-island-level: 50 # Remove user data when its island gets purged. # Helps a lot to avoid huge backups and can save some performance on startup, # but the player settings and data will be reset. remove-user-data: false ### Database-related Settings ### database: # FLATFILE, MYSQL, SQLITE type: FLATFILE mysql: 0 #TODO sqlite: 0 #TODO # How often the data will be saved to file in mins. Default is 5 minutes. # This helps prevent issues if the server crashes. # Data is also saved at important points in the game. backup-period: 5 # Recover super flat - if the generator does not run for some reason, you can get # super flat chunks (grass). To remove automatically, select this option. Turn off # if there are no more because it may cause lag. # This will regenerate any chunks with bedrock at y=0 when they are loaded recover-super-flat: false # Mute death messages mute-death-messages: false # Allow FTB Autonomous Activator to work (will allow a pseudo player [CoFH] to place and break blocks and hang items) ftb-auto-activator: false # Allow obsidian to be scooped up with an empty bucket back into lava # This only works if there is a single block of obsidian (no obsidian within 10 blocks) # Recommendation is to keep this true so that newbies don't bother you or reset their # island unnecessarily. allow-obsidian-scooping: true allow-teleport: # Allow /island teleport when falling. If set to false, all teleporting is # disabled until death from the void or until you hit something. # See commands that this will block too # Using "*" (with quotes) will block ALL commands when falling falling: true falling-blocked-commands: - home # The same as above, but this time it is when the player is swimming in acid acid: true acid-blocked-commands: - home ### World Settings ### world: # Name of the world - if it does not exist then it will be generated. # It acts like a prefix for nether and end (e.g. BSkyBlock, BSkyBlock_nether, BSkyBlock_end) world-name: BSkyBlock # Distance between islands in blocks - NEVER change this mid-game. # It is the same for every dimension : Overworld, Nether and End. # Values for a new world: # 400 - puts players distance enough that they usually cannot see each other # 200 - allows some expansion of the protected zone (recommended) # 110 - for compatibility with established worlds. Cozy. # 50 - minimum - not recommended # IF YOU ARE UPGRADING YOU MUST USE YOUR OLD VALUE EXACTLY (E.G.: 110), OR RESET YOUR WORLD # Value must be an even number (must end with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) distance: 200 # Default protection range (even number). Min = 0, Recommended = 100 # Larger values will take longer to calculate the island level # Admins can change protection sizes for players individually using /asadmin setrange # or set this permission: askyblock.island.range. # For optimal performance, keep protection range at least 16 blocks less than distance. protection-range: 100 # Start islands at these coordinates. This is where new islands will start in the # world. These must be a factor of your island distance, but the plugin will auto # calculate the closest location on the grid. Islands develop around this location # both positively and negatively in a square grid. # If none of this makes sense, leave it at 0,0. start-x: 0 start-z: 0 # Sea height (don't changes this mid-game unless you delete the world) # Minimum is 0, which means you are playing Skyblock! # If sea height is less than about 10, then players will drop right through it # if it exists. Makes for an interesting variation on skyblock. sea-height: 0 # Island height - Lowest is 5. # It is the y coordinate of the bedrock block in the schematic island-height: 120 # Maximum number of islands in the world. Set to 0 for unlimited. # If the number of islands is greater than this number, no new island will be created. max-islands: 0 ### Nether-related Settings ### nether: # Generate Nether - if this is false, the nether world will not be made and access to # the nether will not occur. Other plugins may still enable portal usage. # Note: Some challenges will not be possible if there is no nether. # Note that with a standard nether all players arrive at the same portal and entering a # portal will return them back to their islands. generate: true # Islands in Nether. Change to false for standard vanilla nether. islands: true # Nether trees are made if a player grows a tree in the nether (gravel and glowstone) # Applies to both vanilla and islands Nether trees: true # Make the nether roof, if false, there is nothing up there # Change to false if lag is a problem from the generation # Only applies to islands Nether roof: true # Nether spawn protection radius - this is the distance around the nether spawn # that will be protected from player interaction (breaking blocks, pouring lava etc.) # Minimum is 0 (not recommended), maximum is 100. Default is 25. # Only applies to vanilla nether spawn-radius: 25 ### Entities-related Settings ### entities: # Sets the limit for number of entities that can spawn in a chunk in this world. # Note: this does not limit the number of them, just how many spawn naturally. # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead. spawn-per-chunk: # Limit monsters spawn monsters: 100 # Limits animals spawn animals: 15 # Limits water animals (Squid) spawn water-animals: 15 # Animal breeding limits - if this is set to more than 0, then players will not be able # to breed more animals than that number on their island. A value of zero means no # limit. Note that animals will not be killed or reduced to this limit. # This WILL affect mob-spawner blocks AND spawn egg use. Note that hearts will # still appear, but breeding will not happen. # Limit includes nether island if nether islands are active. animal-breeding-limit: 0 # General entity limiting # Use this section to limit how many entities can be added to an island. # 0 means the item will be blocked from placement completely. # Uncomment to set the limit. The numbers are just suggested values. # The limit is per-world, so a hopper limit of 30 means up to 30 in the overworld and # up to 30 in the nether. limits: # Mobs, animals and other living entities #BAT: 10 #BLAZE: 10 #BOAT: 10 #CAVE_SPIDER: 10 #CHICKEN: 10 #COW: 10 #CREEPER: 10 #DONKEY: 10 #ENDERMAN: 10 #HORSE: 10 #HUSK: 10 #IRON_GOLEM: 10 #LLAMA: 10 #MAGMA_CUBE: 10 #MULE: 10 #MUSHROOM_COW: 10 #OCELOT: 10 #PIG: 10 #PIG_ZOMBIE: 10 #POLAR_BEAR: 10 #RABBIT: 10 #SHEEP: 10 #SKELETON: 10 #SKELETON_HORSE: 10 #SLIME: 10 #SNOWMAN: 10 #SPIDER: 10 #SQUID: 10 #STRAY: 10 #WITCH: 10 #WITHER: 10 #WITHER_SKELETON: 10 #WOLF: 10 #ZOMBIE: 10 #ZOMBIE_HORSE: 10 #ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: 10 # These are the ONLY blocks that can be limited (because they are entities). #BANNER: 20 #ITEM_FRAME: 30 #FURNACE: 10 #CHEST: 50 #TRAPPED_CHEST: 50 #ENDER_CHEST: 1 #JUKEBOX: 5 #DISPENSER: 5 #DROPPER: 5 #SIGN: 10 #MOB_SPAWNER: 10 #NOTE_BLOCK: 5 #ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: 5 #BEACON: 12 #SKULL: 50 #DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR: 10 HOPPER: 30 #REDSTONE_COMPARATOR: 30 #FLOWER_POT: 20 #PAINTING: 5 #ARMOR_STAND: 5 # Disable redstone operation on islands unless a team member is online. # This may reduce lag but it can cause problems with visitors needing to use a redstone system. # Default is false, because it is an experimental feature that can break a lot of redstone systems. disable-offline-redstone: false ### Island Settings ### island: # Default max team size # Use this permission to set for specific user groups: askyblock.team.maxsize. # Permission size cannot be less than the default below. max-team-size: 4 # Default maximum number of homes a player can have. Min = 1 # Accessed via sethome or go # Use this permission to set for specific user groups: askyblock.island.maxhomes. max-homes: 1 # Island naming # Only players with the TODO can name their island # It is displayed in the top ten and enter and exit announcements # It replaces the owner's name. Players can use & for color coding if they have the TODO permission # These set the minimum and maximum size of a name. name: min-length: 0 max-length: 20 # How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being # kicked in minutes. This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges # by repetitively being invited to a team island. invite-wait: 60 ### Join/leave/reset island related settings ### reset: # How many resets a player is allowed (override with /asadmin clearreset ) # Value of -1 means unlimited, 0 means hardcore - no resets. # Example, 2 resets means they get 2 resets or 3 islands lifetime reset-limit: -1 #How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in second reset-wait: 300 # Kicked or leaving players lose resets # Players who leave a team will lose an island reset chance # If a player has zero resets left and leaves a team, they cannot make a new # island by themselves and can only join a team. # Leave this true to avoid players exploiting free islands leavers-lose-resets: true # Allow kicked players to keep their inventory. # If false, kicked player's inventory will be thrown at the island leader if the # kicked player is online and in the island world. kicked-keep-inventory: false # What the plugin should reset when the player joins or creates an island on-join: # Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to the starting money # Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds # make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too. money: false # Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared. # Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that # plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes. inventory: false # Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared. ender-chest: false # What the plugin should reset when the player leaves or is kicked from an island on-leave: # Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to the starting money # Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds # make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too. money: false # Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared. # Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that # plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes. inventory: false # Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared. ender-chest: false # Removing mobs - this kills all monsters in the vicinity. Benefit is that it helps # players return to their island if the island has been overrun by monsters. # Con is that it kills any mob grinders. remove-mobs: # Remove mobs on island when logging in. on-login: false # Remove mobs when /island. on-island: false # Mob white list - these mobs will NOT be removed when logging in or doing /island whitelist: - WITHER - ENDERMAN - PIG_ZOMBIE #- ZOMBIE_VILLAGER (1.10+) # Make island if player teleports to the island world and does not have one make-island-if-none: false # Immediately teleport player to their island (home 1 if it exists) when entering the world immediate-teleport-on-island: false # Have player's respawn on their island if they die respawn-on-island: false # Only allow the island leader to coop players. # Island members wont be able to coop other players. only-leader-can-coop: false # Island and Team Chat chat: # Team Chat # The prefix [Team Chat] that goes in front of team chats is in the locale files team: # This enables player to set is so their chat goes to their team mates only # using the /island teamchat command. use: true # Log all messages sent in TeamChats to console. log: true # Set this to true will include trust players in the TeamChat. include-trust: true # Set this to true will include coop players in the TeamChat. include-coop: false # TODO island: use: true log: true # Ask the player to confirm the command he is using by typing it again. # The "wait" value is the number of seconds to wait for confirmation. require-confirmation: kick: true kick-wait: 10 leave: true leave-wait: 10 reset: true reset-wait: 10 # Deaths count deaths: # Max deaths # If player dies more than this, it doesn't count anymore max: 10 # Sum team deaths - if true, all the teams deaths are summed # If false, only the leader's deaths counts sum-team: false ### Protection Settings ### protection: # Allow pistons to push outside of the protected area (maybe to make bridges) allow-piston-push: true # Restrict Wither and other flying mobs. # Any flying mobs that exit the island space where they were spawned will be removed. # Includes blaze and ghast. restrict-wither: true # Invincible visitors - Prevent players from killing them (intentionally or by accident) # If they fall to the void, they get TP'd to their island. invincible-visitors: # Toggle the invincibility use: true # This allow you to customize what kind of damage visitors should not receive # If you want visitors to receive a listed damage, put a "#" at the start of the line # See this for more info about options : https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html options: - BLOCK_EXPLOSION - CONTACT - CUSTOM - DROWNING - ENTITY_ATTACK - ENTITY_EXPLOSION - FALL - FALLING_BLOCK - FIRE - FIRE_TICK - LAVA - LIGHTNING - MAGIC - POISON - PROJECTILE - STARVATION - SUFFOCATION - THORNS - WITHER # 1.9+ only - DRAGON_BREATH - FLY_INTO_WALL # 1.10+ only - HOT_FLOOR # 1.11+ only - CRAMMING # Visitor banned commands: Visitors to islands cannot use these commands visitor-banned-commands: - spawner - spawnmob # PVP cooldown in seconds. Players cannot toggle PVP off and on until this timeout toggle-pvp-cooldown: 60 # TODO flags: [] ### Acid Settings ### # Originally designed for AcidIsland, but can be used for BSkyBlock as well. acid: # Ops receive damage from acid (Set to true if you want Ops to play properly) damage-op: false # Damage chickens in acid - true or false - chickens tend to go swimming... damage-chickens: false damage: # Water is acid acid: # Acid damage to player per second by being in acid if they have no armor on. # A fully health player has 20 health points. Players will regen some health # so the default will give players about 3 seconds to get out the acid # 0 = no damage, 10 = default damage, 20 = instant death player: 0 # Damage that monsters will experience in acid. monster: 0 # Damage that animals will experience in acid. animal: 0 # Destroy items in water after this many seconds. Timing is variable and may occur # up to 2x this time. If 0, items will not be removed. Acid damage does not need to # be on for this setting to work. i.e., it'll work with water too. # Items fizz when they are destroyed. item: 0 # Damage that rain does. rain: 0 # Damage type to apply in addition to acid damage # Types can be : SLOW, SLOW_DIGGING, CONFUSION, BLINDNESS, HUNGER, WEAKNESS and POISON # If you just want these to act, then make the acid damage 0 above # Note - these are potion effects and so can be cured by milk effects: #- confusion # Armor protection protection: # Protect players from acid rain if they have a helmet on helmet: false # Protect players from all acid if they have a full set of armor on full-armor: false ### Schematics Settings ### schematics: # These are the default settings applied to the schematics defaults: companion: # Default island companion. Set schematic-specific companions in the schematic configuration # Recommended are: COW, PIG, SHEEP, CHICKEN, VILLAGER, HORSE, IRON_GOLEM, OCELOT, # RABBIT, WOLF, LLAMA or NOTHING. Default is COW. # If you don't want a companion to spawn, set NOTHING. type: COW # List of names, picked at random that will apply to the companion # You can add more if you like. If none are listed, the companion will not be named. # Set schematic-specific companion names in the schematic configuration names: - "&9[player]'s cow" - "&cEmergency &fFood?" - "&aD&6a&di&6s&9y" - "&bA&cTasty&aCow" # Items that will be in the chest when the player starts an island # TODO chest-items: - ICE:2 # Config.yml version. DO NOT EDIT. This number only changes if the latest # plugin config has been updated. If a new config is detected, it will be # auto-saved to config.new.yml. version: ${version}