package world.bentobox.bentobox.hooks; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Biome; import org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.TropicalFish; import org.bukkit.entity.Villager; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.TropicalFishBucketMeta; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import com.meowj.langutils.lang.LanguageHelper; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.hooks.Hook; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; /** * @author ApacheZy * @since 1.6.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class LangUtilsHook extends Hook { private static boolean hooked; public LangUtilsHook() { super("LangUtils", Material.BOOK); } private static boolean doHook(Plugin plugin) { // Because there are other plugins with the same name, // we should check here whether it is the plugin we need. if (plugin != null && plugin.isEnabled()) { String tag = plugin.getConfig().getString("Extra-TAG"); if ("tag_r72EhIAL".equals(tag)) { hooked = true; return true; } Logger logger = BentoBox.getInstance().getLogger(); logger.warning("This LangUtils version is not available for BentoBox."); logger.warning("Please go here to download the latest version:"); logger.warning(""); } hooked = false; return false; } @Override public boolean hook() { return LangUtilsHook.doHook(getPlugin()); } @Override public String getFailureCause() { return "The LangUtils version does not apply to BentoBox."; } /** * Sometimes it is necessary to check whether "LangUtils" exists * first to decide what method to use to complete the work. * * @return LangUtils is loaded correctly. */ public static boolean isHooked() { return hooked; } private static String getUserLocale(User user) { return user.getLocale().toLanguageTag(); } /** * Get the item display name. * * If the item contains a custom name, return its custom name. * If the item itself does not have a custom name, the material * name will be translated and returned. * * @param item The item * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The Display-Name of the item. */ public static String getItemDisplayName(ItemStack item, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getItemDisplayName(item, getUserLocale(user)); } ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); if (meta != null && meta.hasDisplayName()) { String dname = meta.getDisplayName(); if (!dname.isEmpty()) { return dname; } } return Util.prettifyText(item.getType().name()); } /** * Name translation of ItemStack. *

* Translate the material names of the items so that players can * see the names they know well. * * @param itemStack the ItemStack whose name will be translated. * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated item name. */ public static String getItemName(ItemStack itemStack, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getItemName(itemStack, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(itemStack.getType().name()); } /** * Name translation of Bukkit material. *

* Translate the material names of the items so that players can * see the names they know well. * * @param material the Bukkit material whose name will be translated. * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated material name. */ public static String getMaterialName(Material material, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getMaterialName(material, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(; } /** * Return the display name of the entity. * * @param entity The entity * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The name of the entity */ public static String getEntityDisplayName(Entity entity, User user) { return entity.getCustomName() != null ? entity.getCustomName() : getEntityName(entity, user); } /** * Translate the name of the entity type. * * @param entityType the EntityType whose name will be translated. * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated EntityType name. */ public static String getEntityName(EntityType entityType, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEntityName(entityType, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(entityType.toString()); } /** * Translate the name of the entity type. * * @param entity the EntityType whose name will be translated. * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated EntityType name. */ public static String getEntityName(Entity entity, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEntityName(entity, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(entity.getType().toString()); } /** * Translate the name of the Biome. * * @param biome the Biome whose name will be translated. * @param user the User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated Biome name. */ public static String getBiomeName(Biome biome, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getBiomeName(biome, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(; } /** * Return the display name of the enchantment(with level). * * @param ench The enchantment. * @param level The enchantment level. * @param user The User's locale will be used for translation. * @return Translated enchanted name with level. */ public static String getEnchantDisplayName(Enchantment ench, int level, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEnchantmentDisplayName(ench, level, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(ench.getKey().getKey()) + " " + level; } /** * Return the display name of the enchantment(with level). * * @param entry The Entry of an enchantment with level The type * is {@code Map.Entry} * @param user The User's locale will be used for translation. * @return Translated enchanted name with level. */ public static String getEnchantDisplayName(Entry entry, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEnchantmentDisplayName(entry, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(entry.getKey().getKey().getKey()) + " " + entry.getValue(); } /** * Return the name of the enchantment. * * @param enchant The enchantment. * @param user The User's locale will be used for translation. * @return The translated enchant name. */ public static String getEnchantName(Enchantment enchant, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEnchantmentName(enchant, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(enchant.getKey().getKey()); } /** * Return the enchantment level indicated by Roman numerals. * Can only get Roman numerals within 10. * * @param level The enchantment level. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The converted enchantment level. */ public static String getEnchantLevelName(int level, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getEnchantmentLevelName(level, getUserLocale(user)) : String.valueOf(level); } /** * Translate the name of the potion. * * @param potionType The type of the potion. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated potion name. */ public static String getPotionTypeName(PotionType potionType, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getPotionName(potionType, getUserLocale(user)); } return switch (potionType) { case UNCRAFTABLE -> "Uncraftable Potion"; case WATER -> "Water Bottle"; case MUNDANE -> "Mundane Potion"; case THICK -> "Thick Potion"; case AWKWARD -> "Awkward Potion"; case NIGHT_VISION -> "Potion of Night Vision"; case INVISIBILITY -> "Potion of Invisibility"; case JUMP -> "Potion of Leaping"; case FIRE_RESISTANCE -> "Potion of Fire Resistance"; case SPEED -> "Potion of Swiftness"; case SLOWNESS -> "Potion of Slowness"; case WATER_BREATHING -> "Potion of Water Breathing"; case INSTANT_HEAL -> "Potion of Healing"; case INSTANT_DAMAGE -> "Potion of Harming"; case POISON -> "Potion of Poison"; case REGEN -> "Potion of Regeneration"; case STRENGTH -> "Potion of Strength"; case WEAKNESS -> "Potion of Weakness"; case LUCK -> "Potion of Luck"; case TURTLE_MASTER -> "Potion of the Turtle Master"; case SLOW_FALLING -> "Potion of Slow Falling"; }; } /** * Translate the name of the splash potion. * * @param potionType The type of the splash potion. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated splash potion name. */ public static String getSplashPotionName(PotionType potionType, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getSplashPotionName(potionType, getUserLocale(user)); } return switch (potionType) { case UNCRAFTABLE -> "Splash Uncraftable Potion"; case WATER -> "Splash Water Bottle"; case MUNDANE -> "Mundane Splash Potion"; case THICK -> "Thick Splash Potion"; case AWKWARD -> "Awkward Splash Potion"; case NIGHT_VISION -> "Splash Potion of Night Vision"; case INVISIBILITY -> "Splash Potion of Invisibility"; case JUMP -> "Splash Potion of Leaping"; case FIRE_RESISTANCE -> "Splash Potion of Fire Resistance"; case SPEED -> "Splash Potion of Swiftness"; case SLOWNESS -> "Splash Potion of Slowness"; case WATER_BREATHING -> "Splash Potion of Water Breathing"; case INSTANT_HEAL -> "Splash Potion of Healing"; case INSTANT_DAMAGE -> "Splash Potion of Harming"; case POISON -> "Splash Potion of Poison"; case REGEN -> "Splash Potion of Regeneration"; case STRENGTH -> "Splash Potion of Strength"; case WEAKNESS -> "Splash Potion of Weakness"; case LUCK -> "Splash Potion of Luck"; case TURTLE_MASTER -> "Splash Potion of the Turtle Master"; case SLOW_FALLING -> "Splash Potion of Slow Falling"; }; } /** * Translate the name of the lingering potion. * * @param potionType The type of lingering potion. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated lingering potion name. */ public static String getLingeringPotionName(PotionType potionType, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getLingeringPotionName(potionType, getUserLocale(user)); } return switch (potionType) { case UNCRAFTABLE -> "Lingering Uncraftable Potion"; case WATER -> "Lingering Water Bottle"; case MUNDANE -> "Mundane Lingering Potion"; case THICK -> "Thick Lingering Potion"; case AWKWARD -> "Awkward Lingering Potion"; case NIGHT_VISION -> "Lingering Potion of Night Vision"; case INVISIBILITY -> "Lingering Potion of Invisibility"; case JUMP -> "Lingering Potion of Leaping"; case FIRE_RESISTANCE -> "Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance"; case SPEED -> "Lingering Potion of Swiftness"; case SLOWNESS -> "Lingering Potion of Slowness"; case WATER_BREATHING -> "Lingering Potion of Water Breathing"; case INSTANT_HEAL -> "Lingering Potion of Healing"; case INSTANT_DAMAGE -> "Lingering Potion of Harming"; case POISON -> "Lingering Potion of Poison"; case REGEN -> "Lingering Potion of Regeneration"; case STRENGTH -> "Lingering Potion of Strength"; case WEAKNESS -> "Lingering Potion of Weakness"; case LUCK -> "Lingering Potion of Luck"; case TURTLE_MASTER -> "Lingering Potion of the Turtle Master"; case SLOW_FALLING -> "Lingering Potion of Slow Falling"; }; } /** * Translate the name of the tipped arrow. * * @param potionType Potion type of tipped arrow. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated tipped arrow name. */ public static String getTippedArrowName(PotionType potionType, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getTippedArrowName(potionType, getUserLocale(user)); } return switch (potionType) { case UNCRAFTABLE -> "Uncraftable Tipped Arrow"; case WATER -> "Arrow of Splashing"; case MUNDANE, THICK, AWKWARD -> "Tipped Arrow"; case NIGHT_VISION -> "Arrow of Night Vision"; case INVISIBILITY -> "Arrow of Invisibility"; case JUMP -> "Arrow of Leaping"; case FIRE_RESISTANCE -> "Arrow of Fire Resistance"; case SPEED -> "Arrow of Swiftness"; case SLOWNESS -> "Arrow of Slowness"; case WATER_BREATHING -> "Arrow of Water Breathing"; case INSTANT_HEAL -> "Arrow of Healing"; case INSTANT_DAMAGE -> "Arrow of Harming"; case POISON -> "Arrow of Poison"; case REGEN -> "Arrow of Regeneration"; case STRENGTH -> "Arrow of Strength"; case WEAKNESS -> "Arrow of Weakness"; case LUCK -> "Arrow of Luck"; case TURTLE_MASTER -> "Arrow of the Turtle Master"; case SLOW_FALLING -> "Arrow of Slow Falling"; }; } /** * Translate the name of the base effect of the potion. If the PotionType * has no base effect, the translation of "No Effects" is returned. e.g. * Water Bottle, Mundane Potion. * * @param potionType The basic effect of PotionType. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Return the translation result. */ public static String getPotionBaseEffectName(PotionType potionType, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getPotionBaseEffectName(potionType, getUserLocale(user)); } PotionEffectType effectType = potionType.getEffectType(); if (effectType == null) { return "No Effects"; } return Util.prettifyText(effectType.getName()); } /** * Translate the name of the potion effect. * * @param effectType The potion effect. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated name of potion effect. */ public static String getPotionEffectName(PotionEffectType effectType, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getPotionEffectName(effectType, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(effectType.getName()); } /** * Translate the name of the potion level. * * @param amplifier The potion level. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The translated name of the potion level. */ public static String getEffectAmplifierName(int amplifier, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getEffectAmplifierName(amplifier, getUserLocale(user)); } return amplifier > 0 ? Integer.toString(amplifier) : ""; } /** * Make the custom potion effect like the player usually sees. * * @param effect The potion effect. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The translated and formatted potion effect name, level, and duration. */ public static String getPotionEffectDisplay(PotionEffect effect, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getPotionEffectDisplay(effect, getUserLocale(user)); } String effecName = getPotionEffectName(effect.getType(), user); String amplifier = getEffectAmplifierName(effect.getAmplifier(), user); if (amplifier.length() > 0) { effecName = effecName + " " + amplifier; } int duration = effect.getDuration(); if (duration > 20) { int m = duration / 20 / 60; int s = duration / 20 % 60; String ts = String.format("%d:%02d", m, s); effecName = String.format("%s (%s)", effecName, ts); } return effecName; } /** * Translate the type name of tropical fish. * * @param fishPattern The type of tropical fish. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The translated name of the tropical fish type. */ public static String getTropicalFishTypeName(TropicalFish.Pattern fishPattern, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getTropicalFishTypeName(fishPattern, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(; } /** * Get the names of 22 predefined tropical fish according to the * 'variant' tag of TropicalFish. * * @param meta Metadata carrying information about tropical fish. * @param user The return value is localized according to the * user's locale. * @return If variant is predefined, return the name of the * tropical fish, otherwise return null. */ @Nullable public static String getPredefinedTropicalFishName(TropicalFishBucketMeta meta, User user) { if (hooked) { return LanguageHelper.getPredefinedTropicalFishName(meta, getUserLocale(user)); } if (meta.hasVariant()) { TropicalFish.Pattern pattern = meta.getPattern(); // int type = pattern.ordinal() > 5 ? 1 : 0; int patt = pattern.ordinal() % 6; int bcol = meta.getBodyColor().ordinal(); int pcol = meta.getPatternColor().ordinal(); int variant = (pcol & 255) << 24 | (bcol & 255) << 16 | (patt & 255) << 8 | type; switch (variant) { case 117506305: return "Anemone"; case 117899265: return "Black Tang"; case 185008129: return "Blue Tang"; case 117441793: return "Butterflyfish"; case 118161664: return "Cichlid"; case 65536 : return "Clownfish"; case 50726144 : return "Cotton Candy Betta"; case 67764993 : return "Dottyback"; case 234882305: return "Emperor Red Snapper"; case 67110144 : return "Goatfish"; case 117441025: return "Moorish Idol"; case 16778497 : return "Ornate Butterflyfish"; case 101253888: return "Parrotfish"; case 50660352 : return "Queen Angelfish"; case 918529 : return "Red Cichlid"; case 235340288: return "Red Lipped Blenny"; case 918273 : return "Red Snapper"; case 67108865 : return "Threadfin"; case 917504 : return "Tomato Clownfish"; case 459008 : return "Triggerfish"; case 67699456 : return "Yellowtail Parrotfish"; case 67371009 : return "Yellow Tang"; default : break; } } return null; } /** * Translate the name of the dye color. * * @param color The color of the dye. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The name of the dye color that has been translated. */ public static String getDyeColorName(DyeColor color, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getDyeColorName(color, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(; } /** * Translate merchant's level name. * * @param level The merchant's level. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return Translated name of merchant's level. */ public static String getVillagerLevelName(int level, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getVillagerLevelName(level, getUserLocale(user)) : Integer.toString(level); } /** * Translate the profession name of the villager. * * @param profession The villager's profession. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The translated profession name of the villager. */ public static String getVillagerProfessionName(Villager.Profession profession, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getVillagerProfessionName(profession, getUserLocale(user)) : Util.prettifyText(; } /** * Translate the name of the banner pattern. * * @param pattern Contains the color banner pattern. * @param user The user's language will be used for translation. * @return The translated name of banner pattern. */ public static String getBannerPatternName(Pattern pattern, User user) { return hooked ? LanguageHelper.getBannerPatternName(pattern, getUserLocale(user)) : pattern.getColor().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + "_" + pattern.getPattern().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } /** * Get the description of the music disk. * * @param material Material for music records. * @param user This parameter is temporarily useless and is reserved for * possible future changes. * @return If the given material is a music disk, the description of the * music disk is returned. Otherwise, return NULL. */ @Nullable public static String getMusicDiskDesc(Material material, User user) { // The description of the music record is the same in any language, // so directly output it here. return switch (material) { case MUSIC_DISC_13 -> "C418 - 13"; case MUSIC_DISC_CAT -> "C418 - cat"; case MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS -> "C418 - blocks"; case MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP -> "C418 - chirp"; case MUSIC_DISC_FAR -> "C418 - far"; case MUSIC_DISC_MALL -> "C418 - mall"; case MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI -> "C418 - mellohi"; case MUSIC_DISC_STAL -> "C418 - stal"; case MUSIC_DISC_STRAD -> "C418 - strad"; case MUSIC_DISC_WARD -> "C418 - ward"; case MUSIC_DISC_11 -> "C418 - 11"; case MUSIC_DISC_WAIT -> "C418 - wait"; case MUSIC_DISC_PIGSTEP -> "Lena Raine - Pigstep"; default -> null; }; } }