# BentoBox {$version} configuration file. # # This configuration file contains settings that mainly apply to or manage the following elements: # * Data storage # * Gamemodes (commands, ...) # * Internet connectivity (web-based content-enriched features, ...) # # Note that this configuration file is dynamic: # * It gets updated with the newest settings and comments after BentoBox loaded its settings from it. # * Upon updating BentoBox, new settings will be automatically added into this configuration file. # * Said settings are distinguishable by a dedicated comment, which looks like this: # Added since X.Y.Z. # * They are provided with default values that should not cause issues on live production servers. # * You can however edit this file while the server is online. # You will therefore need to run the following command in order to take the changes into account: /bentobox reload. # # Here are a few pieces of advice before you get started: # * You should check out our Wiki, which may provide you useful tips or insights about BentoBox's features. # Link: https://github.com/BentoBoxWorld/BentoBox/wiki # * You should edit this configuration file while the server is offline. # * Moreover, whenever you update BentoBox, you should do so on a test server first. # This will allow you to configure the new settings beforehand instead of applying them inadvertently on a live production server. general: # Default language for new players. # This is the filename in the locale folder without .yml. # If this does not exist, the default en-US will be used. default-language: en-US # Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false, no money is used or given. # If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically disabled. use-economy: true database: # JSON, MYSQL, MARIADB, MONGODB, SQLITE, POSTGRESQL and YAML(deprecated). # Transition database options are: # YAML2JSON, YAML2MARIADB, YAML2MYSQL, YAML2MONGODB, YAML2SQLITE # JSON2MARIADB, JSON2MYSQL, JSON2MONGODB, JSON2SQLITE, JSON2POSTGRESQL # MYSQL2JSON, MARIADB2JSON, MONGODB2JSON, SQLITE2JSON, POSTGRESQL2JSON # If you need others, please make a feature request. # Minimum required versions: # MySQL versions 5.7 or later # MariaDB versions 10.2.3 or later # MongoDB versions 3.6 or later # SQLite versions 3.28 or later # PostgreSQL versions 9.4 or later # Transition options enable migration from one database type to another. Use /bbox migrate. # YAML and JSON are file-based databases. # MYSQL might not work with all implementations: if available, use a dedicated database type (e.g. MARIADB). # If you use MONGODB, you must also run the BSBMongo plugin (not addon). # See https://github.com/tastybento/bsbMongo/releases/. # You can find more details in this video: https://youtu.be/FFzCk5-y7-g type: JSON host: localhost # Port 3306 is MySQL's default. Port 27017 is MongoDB's default. port: 3306 name: bentobox username: username password: password # How often the data will be saved to file in mins. Default is 5 minutes. # This helps prevent issues if the server crashes. # Data is also saved at important points in the game. backup-period: 5 # How many players will be saved in one tick. Default is 200 # Reduce if you experience lag while saving. # Do not set this too low or data might get lost! max-saved-players-per-tick: 20 # How many islands will be saved in one tick. Default is 200 # Reduce if you experience lag while saving. # Do not set this too low or data might get lost! max-saved-islands-per-tick: 20 # Enable SSL connection to MongoDB, MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. # Added since 1.12.0. use-ssl: false # Database table prefix. Adds a prefix to the database tables. Not used by flatfile databases. # Only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 can be used. Invalid characters will become an underscore. # Set this to a unique value if you are running multiple BentoBox instances that share a database. # Be careful about length - databases usually have a limit of 63 characters for table lengths # Added since 1.13.0. prefix-character: '' # MongoDB client connection URI to override default connection options. # See: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/ # Added since 1.14.0. mongodb-connection-uri: '' # Allow FTB Autonomous Activator to work (will allow a pseudo player [CoFH] to place and break blocks and hang items) # Add other fake player names here if required # /!\ This feature is experimental and might not work as expected or might not work at all. fakeplayers: - '[CoFH]' panel: # Toggle whether panels should be closed or not when the player clicks anywhere outside of the inventory view. close-on-click-outside: true # Defines the Material of the item that fills the gaps (in the header, etc.) of most panels. # Added since 1.14.0. filler-material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE # Toggle whether player head texture should be gathered from Mojang API or mc-heads.net cache server. # Mojang API sometime may be slow and may limit requests to the player data, so this will allow to # get player heads a bit faster then Mojang API. # Added since 1.16.0. use-cache-server: true # Defines how long player skin texture link is stored into local cache before it is requested again. # Defined value is in the minutes. # Value 0 will not clear cache until server restart. # Added since 1.14.1. head-cache-time: 60 # Defines a number of player heads requested per tasks. # Setting it too large may lead to temporarily being blocked from head gatherer API. # Added since 1.16.0. heads-per-call: 9 # Defines a number of ticks between each player head request task. # Setting it too large may lead to temporarily being blocked from head gatherer API. # Added since 1.16.0. # /!\ In order to apply the changes made to this option, you must restart your server. Reloading BentoBox or the server won't work. ticks-between-calls: 10 logs: # Toggle whether superflat chunks regeneration should be logged in the server logs or not. # It can be spammy if there are a lot of superflat chunks to regenerate. # However, as superflat chunks regeneration can be performance-intensive, it is recommended to keep # this setting set to true, as it will help you know if there are regenerations taking place. # Added since 1.2.0. clean-super-flat-chunks: true # Toggle whether downloading data from GitHub should be logged in the server logs or not. # Added since 1.5.0. github-download-data: true island: cooldown: time: # How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being kicked in minutes. # This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges # by repetitively being invited to a team island. invite: 60 # How long a player must wait until they can coop a player in minutes. coop: 5 # How long a player must wait until they can trust a player in minutes. trust: 5 # How long a player must wait until they can ban a player after unbanning them. In minutes. ban: 10 # How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in seconds. reset: 300 options: # Whether the reset cooldown should be applied when the player creates an island for the first time or not. # Added since 1.2.0. set-reset-cooldown-on-create: true confirmation: # Time in seconds that players have to confirm sensitive commands, e.g. island reset. time: 10 commands: # Ask the player to confirm the command he is using by typing it again. kick: true leave: true reset: true # Ask the recipient to confirm trust or coop invites. # Team invites will always require confirmation, for safety concerns. # Added since 1.8.0. invites: false delay: # Time in seconds that players have to stand still before teleport commands activate, e.g. island go. time: 0 name: # Sets the minimum length an island custom name is required to have. min-length: 4 # Sets the maximum length an island custom name cannot exceed. max-length: 20 # Requires island custom names to be unique in the gamemode the island is in. # As a result, only one island per gamemode are allowed to share the same name. # Note that island names are purely cosmetics and are not used as a way to programmatically identify islands. # Added since 1.7.0. uniqueness: false # Remove hostile mob on teleport box radius # If hostile mobs are cleared on player teleport, then this sized box will be cleared # around the player. e.g. 5 means a 10 x 10 x 10 box around the player # Be careful not to make this too big. Does not cover standard nether or end teleports. # Added since 1.6.0. clear-radius: 5 # Minimum nether portal search radius. If this is too low, duplicate portals may appear. # Vanilla default is 128. # Added since 1.16.2. portal-search-radius: 64 # Number of blocks to paste per tick when pasting blueprints. # Smaller values will help reduce noticeable lag but will make pasting take slightly longer. # On the contrary, greater values will make pasting take less time, but this benefit is quickly severely impacted by the # resulting amount of chunks that must be loaded to fulfill the process, which often causes the server to hang out. paste-speed: 64 # Island deletion: Number of chunks per world to regenerate per second. # If there is a nether and end then 3x this number will be regenerated per second. # Smaller values will help reduce noticeable lag but will make deleting take longer. # A setting of 0 will leave island blocks (not recommended). # Added since 1.7.0. delete-speed: 100 deletion: # Toggles whether islands, when players are resetting them, should be kept in the world or deleted. # * If set to 'true', whenever a player resets his island, his previous island will become unowned and won't be deleted from the world. # You can, however, still delete those unowned islands through purging. # On bigger servers, this can lead to an increasing world size. # Yet, this allows admins to retrieve a player's old island in case of an improper use of the reset command. # Admins can indeed re-add the player to his old island by registering him to it. # * If set to 'false', whenever a player resets his island, his previous island will be deleted from the world. # This is the default behaviour. # Added since 1.13.0. keep-previous-island-on-reset: false # By default, If the destination is not safe, the plugin will try to search for a safe spot around the destination, # then it will try to expand the y-coordinate up and down from the destination. # This setting limits how far the y-coordinate will be expanded. # If set to 0 or lower, the plugin will not expand the y-coordinate. # Added since 1.19.1. safe-spot-search-vertical-range: 400 web: github: # Toggle whether BentoBox can connect to GitHub to get data about updates and addons. # Disabling this will result in the deactivation of the update checker and of some other # features that rely on the data downloaded from the GitHub API. # It does not send any data. # Added since 1.5.0. download-data: true # Time in minutes between each connection to the GitHub API. # This allows for up-to-the-minute information gathering. # However, as the GitHub API data does not get updated instantly, this value cannot be set to less than 60 minutes. # Setting this to 0 will make BentoBox download data only at startup. # Added since 1.5.0. connection-interval: 120