
285 lines
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package world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.island;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.World.Environment;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
* Create and paste a new island
* @author tastybento
public class NewIsland {
private static final Integer MAX_UNOWNED_ISLANDS = 10;
private BentoBox plugin;
private Island island;
private final User user;
private final Reason reason;
private final World world;
private enum Result {
private NewIsland(Island oldIsland, User user, Reason reason, World world) {
plugin = BentoBox.getInstance();
this.user = user;
this.reason = reason; = world;
if (oldIsland != null) {
// Delete the old island
plugin.getIslands().deleteIsland(oldIsland, true);
* @return the island that was created
public Island getIsland() {
return island;
* Start building a new island
* @return New island builder object
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Build a new island for a player
* @author tastybento
public static class Builder {
private Island oldIsland2;
private User user2;
private Reason reason2;
private World world2;
public Builder oldIsland(Island oldIsland) {
this.oldIsland2 = oldIsland;
this.world2 = oldIsland.getWorld();
return this;
public Builder player(User player) {
this.user2 = player;
return this;
public Builder reason(Reason reason) {
this.reason2 = reason;
return this;
public Builder world(World world) {
this.world2 = world;
return this;
public Island build() throws IOException {
if (user2 != null) {
NewIsland newIsland = new NewIsland(oldIsland2, user2, reason2, world2);
return newIsland.getIsland();
throw new IOException("Insufficient parameters. Must have a schematic and a player");
* Makes an island.
public void newIsland() {
Location next = getNextIsland();
if (next == null) {
plugin.logError("Failed to make island - no unoccupied spot found");
// Add to the grid
island = plugin.getIslands().createIsland(next, user.getUniqueId());
// Save the player so that if the server is reset weird things won't happen
// Clear any old home locations (they should be clear, but just in case)
plugin.getPlayers().clearHomeLocations(world, user.getUniqueId());
// Set home location
plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(user, next, 1);
// Fire event
IslandBaseEvent event = IslandEvent.builder()
if (event.isCancelled()) {
// Create island
plugin.getSchemsManager().paste(world, island, () -> {
// Set initial spawn point if one exists
if (island.getSpawnPoint(Environment.NORMAL) != null) {
plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(user, island.getSpawnPoint(Environment.NORMAL), 1);
// Stop the player from falling or moving if they are
user.getPlayer().setVelocity(new Vector(0,0,0));
// Teleport player after this island is built
plugin.getIslands().homeTeleport(world, user.getPlayer(), true);
// Make nether island
if (plugin.getIWM().isNetherGenerate(world) && plugin.getIWM().isNetherIslands(world) && plugin.getIWM().getNetherWorld(world) != null) {
plugin.getSchemsManager().paste(plugin.getIWM().getNetherWorld(world), island);
// Make end island
if (plugin.getIWM().isEndGenerate(world) && plugin.getIWM().isEndIslands(world) && plugin.getIWM().getEndWorld(world) != null) {
plugin.getSchemsManager().paste(plugin.getIWM().getEndWorld(world), island);
// Set default settings
// Fire exit event
Reason reasonDone = Reason.CREATED;
switch (reason) {
case CREATE:
reasonDone = Reason.CREATED;
case RESET:
reasonDone = Reason.RESETTED;
* Get the location of next free island spot
* @return Location of island spot or null if one cannot be found
private Location getNextIsland() {
Location last = plugin.getIslands().getLast(world);
if (last == null) {
last = new Location(world, plugin.getIWM().getIslandXOffset(world) + plugin.getIWM().getIslandStartX(world),
plugin.getIWM().getIslandHeight(world), plugin.getIWM().getIslandZOffset(world) + plugin.getIWM().getIslandStartZ(world));
// Find a free spot
Map<Result, Integer> result = new EnumMap<>(Result.class);
Result r = isIsland(last);
while (!r.equals(Result.FREE) && result.getOrDefault(Result.BLOCK_AT_CENTER, 0) < MAX_UNOWNED_ISLANDS) {
last = nextGridLocation(last);
result.merge(r, 1, (k,v) -> v++);
r = isIsland(last);
if (!r.equals(Result.FREE)) {
// We could not find a free spot within the limit required. It's likely this world is not empty
plugin.logError("Could not find a free spot for islands! Is this world empty?");
plugin.logError("Blocks at center locations: " + result.getOrDefault(Result.BLOCK_AT_CENTER, 0) + " max " + MAX_UNOWNED_ISLANDS);
plugin.logError("Blocks around center locations: " + result.getOrDefault(Result.BLOCKS_IN_AREA, 0) + " max " + MAX_UNOWNED_ISLANDS);
plugin.logError("Known islands: " + result.getOrDefault(Result.ISLAND_FOUND, 0) + " max unlimited.");
return null;
return last;
* Checks if there is an island or blocks at this location
* @param location - the location
* @return true if island found, null if blocks found, false if nothing found
private Result isIsland(Location location){
location = Util.getClosestIsland(location);
if (plugin.getIslands().getIslandAt(location).isPresent()) {
return Result.ISLAND_FOUND;
if (!plugin.getIWM().isUseOwnGenerator(location.getWorld())) {
// Block check
if (!location.getBlock().isEmpty() && !location.getBlock().getType().equals(Material.WATER)) {
return Result.BLOCK_AT_CENTER;
// Look around
for (int x = -5; x <= 5; x++) {
for (int y = 10; y < location.getWorld().getMaxHeight(); y++) {
for (int z = -5; z <= 5; z++) {
if (!location.getWorld().getBlockAt(x + location.getBlockX(), y, z + location.getBlockZ()).isEmpty()
&& !location.getWorld().getBlockAt(x + location.getBlockX(), y, z + location.getBlockZ()).getType().equals(Material.WATER)) {
return Result.BLOCKS_IN_AREA;
return Result.FREE;
* Finds the next free island spot based off the last known island Uses
* island_distance setting from the config file Builds up in a grid fashion
* @param lastIsland - last island location
* @return Location of next free island
private Location nextGridLocation(final Location lastIsland) {
int x = lastIsland.getBlockX();
int z = lastIsland.getBlockZ();
int d = plugin.getIWM().getIslandDistance(lastIsland.getWorld()) * 2;
if (x < z) {
if (-1 * x < z) {
lastIsland.setX(lastIsland.getX() + d);
return lastIsland;
lastIsland.setZ(lastIsland.getZ() + d);
return lastIsland;
if (x > z) {
if (-1 * x >= z) {
lastIsland.setX(lastIsland.getX() - d);
return lastIsland;
lastIsland.setZ(lastIsland.getZ() - d);
return lastIsland;
if (x <= 0) {
lastIsland.setZ(lastIsland.getZ() + d);
return lastIsland;
lastIsland.setZ(lastIsland.getZ() - d);
return lastIsland;