
1018 lines
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package world.bentobox.bentobox;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigComment;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigEntry;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigObject;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.StoreAt;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.DatabaseSetup.DatabaseType;
* All the plugin settings are here
* @author tastybento
@StoreAt(filename = "config.yml") // Explicitly call out what name this should have.
@ConfigComment("BentoBox v[version] configuration file.")
public class Settings implements ConfigObject {
@ConfigComment("Default language for new players.")
@ConfigComment("This is the filename in the locale folder without .yml.")
@ConfigComment("If this does not exist, the default en-US will be used.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.default-language")
private String defaultLanguage = "en-US";
@ConfigComment("Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false, no money is used or given.")
@ConfigComment("If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically disabled.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.use-economy")
private boolean useEconomy = true;
@ConfigComment("Console commands to run when BentoBox has loaded all worlds and addons.")
@ConfigComment("Commands are run as the console.")
@ConfigComment("e.g. set aliases for worlds in Multiverse here, or anything you need to")
@ConfigComment("run after the plugin is fully loaded.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.ready-commands", since = "1.24.2")
private List<String> readyCommands = new ArrayList<>();
// Database
@ConfigComment("Transition database options are:")
@ConfigComment("If you need others, please make a feature request.")
@ConfigComment("Minimum required versions:")
@ConfigComment(" MySQL versions 5.7 or later")
@ConfigComment(" MariaDB versions 10.2.3 or later")
@ConfigComment(" MongoDB versions 3.6 or later")
@ConfigComment(" SQLite versions 3.28 or later")
@ConfigComment(" PostgreSQL versions 9.4 or later")
@ConfigComment("Transition options enable migration from one database type to another. Use /bbox migrate.")
@ConfigComment("JSON is a file-based database.")
@ConfigComment("MYSQL might not work with all implementations: if available, use a dedicated database type (e.g. MARIADB).")
@ConfigComment("BentoBox uses HikariCP for connecting with SQL databases.")
@ConfigComment("If you use MONGODB, you must also run the BSBMongo plugin (not addon).")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.type", video = "")
private DatabaseType databaseType = DatabaseType.JSON;
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private String databaseHost = "localhost";
@ConfigComment("Port 3306 is MySQL's default. Port 27017 is MongoDB's default.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.port")
private int databasePort = 3306;
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private String databaseName = "bentobox";
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.username")
private String databaseUsername = "username";
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.password")
private String databasePassword = "password";
@ConfigComment("How often the data will be saved to file in mins. Default is 5 minutes.")
@ConfigComment("This helps prevent issues if the server crashes.")
@ConfigComment("Data is also saved at important points in the game.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.backup-period")
private int databaseBackupPeriod = 5;
@ConfigComment("How many players will be saved in one tick. Default is 200")
@ConfigComment("Reduce if you experience lag while saving.")
@ConfigComment("Do not set this too low or data might get lost!")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.max-saved-players-per-tick")
private int maxSavedPlayersPerTick = 20;
@ConfigComment("How many islands will be saved in one tick. Default is 200")
@ConfigComment("Reduce if you experience lag while saving.")
@ConfigComment("Do not set this too low or data might get lost!")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.max-saved-islands-per-tick")
private int maxSavedIslandsPerTick = 20;
@ConfigComment("Number of active connections to the SQL database at the same time.")
@ConfigComment("Default 10.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.max-pool-size", since = "1.21.0")
private int maximumPoolSize = 10;
@ConfigComment("Enable SSL connection to MongoDB, MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.use-ssl", since = "1.12.0")
private boolean useSSL = false;
@ConfigComment("Database table prefix. Adds a prefix to the database tables. Not used by flatfile databases.")
@ConfigComment("Only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 can be used. Invalid characters will become an underscore.")
@ConfigComment("Set this to a unique value if you are running multiple BentoBox instances that share a database.")
@ConfigComment("Be careful about length - databases usually have a limit of 63 characters for table lengths")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.prefix-character", since = "1.13.0")
private String databasePrefix = "";
@ConfigComment("Custom connection datasource properties that will be applied to connection pool.")
@ConfigComment("Check available values to your SQL driver implementation.")
@ConfigComment("Example: ")
@ConfigComment(" custom-properties: ")
@ConfigComment(" cachePrepStmts: 'true'")
@ConfigComment(" prepStmtCacheSize: '250'")
@ConfigComment(" prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: '2048'")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.custom-properties", since = "1.21.0")
private Map<String, String> customPoolProperties = new HashMap<>();
@ConfigComment("MongoDB client connection URI to override default connection options.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.mongodb-connection-uri", since = "1.14.0")
private String mongodbConnectionUri = "";
@ConfigComment("Allow FTB Autonomous Activator to work (will allow a pseudo player [CoFH] to place and break blocks and hang items)")
@ConfigComment("Add other fake player names here if required")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.fakeplayers", experimental = true)
private Set<String> fakePlayers = new HashSet<>();
/* PANELS */
@ConfigComment("Toggle whether panels should be closed or not when the player clicks anywhere outside of the inventory view.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.close-on-click-outside")
private boolean closePanelOnClickOutside = true;
@ConfigComment("Defines the Material of the item that fills the gaps (in the header, etc.) of most panels.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.filler-material", since = "1.14.0")
private Material panelFillerMaterial = Material.LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE;
@ConfigComment("Toggle whether player head texture should be gathered from Mojang API or cache server.")
@ConfigComment("Mojang API sometime may be slow and may limit requests to the player data, so this will allow to")
@ConfigComment("get player heads a bit faster then Mojang API.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.use-cache-server", since = "1.16.0")
private boolean useCacheServer = false;
@ConfigComment("Defines how long player skin texture link is stored into local cache before it is requested again.")
@ConfigComment("Defined value is in the minutes.")
@ConfigComment("Value 0 will not clear cache until server restart.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.head-cache-time", since = "1.14.1")
private long playerHeadCacheTime = 60;
@ConfigComment("Defines a number of player heads requested per tasks.")
@ConfigComment("Setting it too large may lead to temporarily being blocked from head gatherer API.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.heads-per-call", since = "1.16.0")
private int headsPerCall = 9;
@ConfigComment("Defines a number of ticks between each player head request task.")
@ConfigComment("Setting it too large may lead to temporarily being blocked from head gatherer API.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.ticks-between-calls", since = "1.16.0", needsRestart = true)
private long ticksBetweenCalls = 10;
* Logs
@ConfigComment("Toggle whether superflat chunks regeneration should be logged in the server logs or not.")
@ConfigComment("It can be spammy if there are a lot of superflat chunks to regenerate.")
@ConfigComment("However, as superflat chunks regeneration can be performance-intensive, it is recommended to keep")
@ConfigComment("this setting set to true, as it will help you know if there are regenerations taking place.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "logs.clean-super-flat-chunks", since = "1.2.0")
private boolean logCleanSuperFlatChunks = true;
@ConfigComment("Toggle whether downloading data from GitHub should be logged in the server logs or not.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "logs.github-download-data", since = "1.5.0")
private boolean logGithubDownloadData = true;
* Island
// Number of islands
@ConfigComment("The default number of concurrent islands a player may have.")
@ConfigComment("This may be overridden by individual game mode config settings.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.concurrent-islands")
private int islandNumber = 1;
// Cooldowns
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being kicked in minutes.")
@ConfigComment("This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges")
@ConfigComment("by repetitively being invited to a team island.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.cooldown.time.invite")
private int inviteCooldown = 60;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can coop a player in minutes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int coopCooldown = 5;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can trust a player in minutes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int trustCooldown = 5;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can ban a player after unbanning them. In minutes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.cooldown.time.ban")
private int banCooldown = 10;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in seconds.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.cooldown.time.reset")
private int resetCooldown = 300;
@ConfigComment("Whether the reset cooldown should be applied when the player creates an island for the first time or not.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.cooldown.options.set-reset-cooldown-on-create", since = "1.2.0")
private boolean resetCooldownOnCreate = true;
// Timeout for team kick and leave commands
@ConfigComment("Time in seconds that players have to confirm sensitive commands, e.g. island reset.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.confirmation.time")
private int confirmationTime = 10;
// Timeout for team kick and leave commands
@ConfigComment("Time in seconds that players have to stand still before teleport commands activate, e.g. island go.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.delay.time")
private int delayTime = 0;
@ConfigComment("Ask the player to confirm the command he is using by typing it again.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.confirmation.commands.kick")
private boolean kickConfirmation = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.confirmation.commands.leave")
private boolean leaveConfirmation = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.confirmation.commands.reset")
private boolean resetConfirmation = true;
@ConfigComment("Ask the recipient to confirm trust or coop invites.")
@ConfigComment("Team invites will always require confirmation, for safety concerns.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.confirmation.invites", since = "1.8.0")
private boolean inviteConfirmation = false;
@ConfigComment("Sets the minimum length an island custom name is required to have.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int nameMinLength = 4;
@ConfigComment("Sets the maximum length an island custom name cannot exceed.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int nameMaxLength = 20;
@ConfigComment("Requires island custom names to be unique in the gamemode the island is in.")
@ConfigComment("As a result, only one island per gamemode are allowed to share the same name.")
@ConfigComment("Note that island names are purely cosmetics and are not used as a way to programmatically identify islands.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", since = "1.7.0")
private boolean nameUniqueness = false;
@ConfigComment("Remove hostile mob on teleport box radius")
@ConfigComment("If hostile mobs are cleared on player teleport, then this sized box will be cleared")
@ConfigComment("around the player. e.g. 5 means a 10 x 10 x 10 box around the player")
@ConfigComment("Be careful not to make this too big. Does not cover standard nether or end teleports.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.clear-radius", since = "1.6.0")
private int clearRadius = 5;
@ConfigComment("Minimum nether portal search radius. If this is too low, duplicate portals may appear.")
@ConfigComment("Vanilla default is 128.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.portal-search-radius", since = "1.16.2")
private int minPortalSearchRadius = 64;
@ConfigComment("Number of blocks to paste per tick when pasting blueprints.")
@ConfigComment("Smaller values will help reduce noticeable lag but will make pasting take slightly longer.")
@ConfigComment("On the contrary, greater values will make pasting take less time, but this benefit is quickly severely impacted by the")
@ConfigComment("resulting amount of chunks that must be loaded to fulfill the process, which often causes the server to hang out.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.paste-speed")
private int pasteSpeed = 64;
@ConfigComment("Island deletion: Number of chunks per world to regenerate per second.")
@ConfigComment("If there is a nether and end then 3x this number will be regenerated per second.")
@ConfigComment("Smaller values will help reduce noticeable lag but will make deleting take longer.")
@ConfigComment("A setting of 0 will leave island blocks (not recommended).")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.delete-speed", since = "1.7.0")
private int deleteSpeed = 1;
// Island deletion related settings
@ConfigComment("Toggles whether islands, when players are resetting them, should be kept in the world or deleted.")
@ConfigComment("* If set to 'true', whenever a player resets his island, his previous island will become unowned and won't be deleted from the world.")
@ConfigComment(" You can, however, still delete those unowned islands through purging.")
@ConfigComment(" On bigger servers, this can lead to an increasing world size.")
@ConfigComment(" Yet, this allows admins to retrieve a player's old island in case of an improper use of the reset command.")
@ConfigComment(" Admins can indeed re-add the player to his old island by registering him to it.")
@ConfigComment("* If set to 'false', whenever a player resets his island, his previous island will be deleted from the world.")
@ConfigComment(" This is the default behaviour.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.deletion.keep-previous-island-on-reset", since = "1.13.0")
private boolean keepPreviousIslandOnReset = false;
@ConfigComment("Toggles how the islands are deleted.")
@ConfigComment("* If set to 'false', all islands will be deleted at once.")
@ConfigComment(" This is fast but may cause an impact on the performance")
@ConfigComment(" as it'll load all the chunks of the in-deletion islands.")
@ConfigComment("* If set to 'true', the islands will be deleted one by one.")
@ConfigComment(" This is slower but will not cause any impact on the performance.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.deletion.slow-deletion", since = "1.19.1")
private boolean slowDeletion = false;
@ConfigComment("By default, If the destination is not safe, the plugin will try to search for a safe spot around the destination,")
@ConfigComment("then it will try to expand the y-coordinate up and down from the destination.")
@ConfigComment("This setting limits how far the y-coordinate will be expanded.")
@ConfigComment("If set to 0 or lower, the plugin will not expand the y-coordinate.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", since = "1.19.1")
private int safeSpotSearchVerticalRange = 400;
@ConfigComment("By default, if the destination is not safe, the plugin will try to search for a safe spot around the destination.")
@ConfigComment("This allows to change the distance for searching this spot. Larger value will mean longer position search.")
@ConfigComment("This value is also used for valid nether portal linking between dimension.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", since = "1.21.0")
private int safeSpotSearchRange = 16;
/* WEB */
@ConfigComment("Toggle whether BentoBox can connect to GitHub to get data about updates and addons.")
@ConfigComment("Disabling this will result in the deactivation of the update checker and of some other")
@ConfigComment("features that rely on the data downloaded from the GitHub API.")
@ConfigComment("It does not send any data.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", since = "1.5.0")
private boolean githubDownloadData = true;
@ConfigComment("Time in minutes between each connection to the GitHub API.")
@ConfigComment("This allows for up-to-the-minute information gathering.")
@ConfigComment("However, as the GitHub API data does not get updated instantly, this value cannot be set to less than 60 minutes.")
@ConfigComment("Setting this to 0 will make BentoBox download data only at startup.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "web.github.connection-interval", since = "1.5.0")
private int githubConnectionInterval = 120;
@ConfigEntry(path = "web.updater.check-updates.bentobox", since = "1.3.0", hidden = true)
private boolean checkBentoBoxUpdates = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "web.updater.check-updates.addons", since = "1.3.0", hidden = true)
private boolean checkAddonsUpdates = true;
// ---------------------------------------------
// Getters and setters
public String getDefaultLanguage() {
return defaultLanguage;
public void setDefaultLanguage(String defaultLanguage) {
this.defaultLanguage = defaultLanguage;
public boolean isUseEconomy() {
return useEconomy;
public void setUseEconomy(boolean useEconomy) {
this.useEconomy = useEconomy;
public DatabaseType getDatabaseType() {
return databaseType;
public void setDatabaseType(DatabaseType databaseType) {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
public String getDatabaseHost() {
return databaseHost;
public void setDatabaseHost(String databaseHost) {
this.databaseHost = databaseHost;
public int getDatabasePort() {
return databasePort;
* This method returns the useSSL value.
* @return the value of useSSL.
* @since 1.12.0
public boolean isUseSSL() {
return useSSL;
* This method sets the useSSL value.
* @param useSSL the useSSL new value.
* @since 1.12.0
public void setUseSSL(boolean useSSL) {
this.useSSL = useSSL;
public void setDatabasePort(int databasePort) {
this.databasePort = databasePort;
public String getDatabaseName() {
return databaseName;
public void setDatabaseName(String databaseName) {
this.databaseName = databaseName;
public String getDatabaseUsername() {
return databaseUsername;
public void setDatabaseUsername(String databaseUsername) {
this.databaseUsername = databaseUsername;
public String getDatabasePassword() {
return databasePassword;
public void setDatabasePassword(String databasePassword) {
this.databasePassword = databasePassword;
public int getDatabaseBackupPeriod() {
return databaseBackupPeriod;
public void setDatabaseBackupPeriod(int databaseBackupPeriod) {
this.databaseBackupPeriod = databaseBackupPeriod;
* @since 1.15.3
public int getMaxSavedPlayersPerTick() {
return maxSavedPlayersPerTick;
* @since 1.15.3
public void setMaxSavedPlayersPerTick(int maxSavedPlayersPerTick) {
this.maxSavedPlayersPerTick = maxSavedPlayersPerTick;
* @since 1.15.3
public int getMaxSavedIslandsPerTick() {
return maxSavedIslandsPerTick;
* @since 1.15.3
public void setMaxSavedIslandsPerTick(int maxSavedIslandsPerTick) {
this.maxSavedIslandsPerTick = maxSavedIslandsPerTick;
public Set<String> getFakePlayers() {
return fakePlayers;
public void setFakePlayers(Set<String> fakePlayers) {
this.fakePlayers = fakePlayers;
public boolean isClosePanelOnClickOutside() {
return closePanelOnClickOutside;
public void setClosePanelOnClickOutside(boolean closePanelOnClickOutside) {
this.closePanelOnClickOutside = closePanelOnClickOutside;
public int getInviteCooldown() {
return inviteCooldown;
public void setInviteCooldown(int inviteCooldown) {
this.inviteCooldown = inviteCooldown;
public int getCoopCooldown() {
return coopCooldown;
public void setCoopCooldown(int coopCooldown) {
this.coopCooldown = coopCooldown;
public int getTrustCooldown() {
return trustCooldown;
public void setTrustCooldown(int trustCooldown) {
this.trustCooldown = trustCooldown;
public int getBanCooldown() {
return banCooldown;
public void setBanCooldown(int banCooldown) {
this.banCooldown = banCooldown;
public int getResetCooldown() {
return resetCooldown;
public void setResetCooldown(int resetCooldown) {
this.resetCooldown = resetCooldown;
public int getConfirmationTime() {
return confirmationTime;
public void setConfirmationTime(int confirmationTime) {
this.confirmationTime = confirmationTime;
public boolean isKickConfirmation() {
return kickConfirmation;
public void setKickConfirmation(boolean kickConfirmation) {
this.kickConfirmation = kickConfirmation;
public boolean isLeaveConfirmation() {
return leaveConfirmation;
public void setLeaveConfirmation(boolean leaveConfirmation) {
this.leaveConfirmation = leaveConfirmation;
public boolean isResetConfirmation() {
return resetConfirmation;
public void setResetConfirmation(boolean resetConfirmation) {
this.resetConfirmation = resetConfirmation;
public int getNameMinLength() {
return nameMinLength;
public void setNameMinLength(int nameMinLength) {
this.nameMinLength = nameMinLength;
public int getNameMaxLength() {
return nameMaxLength;
public void setNameMaxLength(int nameMaxLength) {
this.nameMaxLength = nameMaxLength;
* @since 1.7.0
public boolean isNameUniqueness() {
return nameUniqueness;
* @since 1.7.0
public void setNameUniqueness(boolean nameUniqueness) {
this.nameUniqueness = nameUniqueness;
* @param pasteSpeed the pasteSpeed to set
public void setPasteSpeed(int pasteSpeed) {
this.pasteSpeed = pasteSpeed;
* @return paste speed in blocks per tick
public int getPasteSpeed() {
return this.pasteSpeed;
* @return the deleteSpeed
* @since 1.7.0
public int getDeleteSpeed() {
return deleteSpeed;
* @param deleteSpeed the deleteSpeed to set
* @since 1.7.0
public void setDeleteSpeed(int deleteSpeed) {
this.deleteSpeed = deleteSpeed;
public boolean isLogCleanSuperFlatChunks() {
return logCleanSuperFlatChunks;
public void setLogCleanSuperFlatChunks(boolean logCleanSuperFlatChunks) {
this.logCleanSuperFlatChunks = logCleanSuperFlatChunks;
public boolean isResetCooldownOnCreate() {
return resetCooldownOnCreate;
public void setResetCooldownOnCreate(boolean resetCooldownOnCreate) {
this.resetCooldownOnCreate = resetCooldownOnCreate;
public boolean isGithubDownloadData() {
return githubDownloadData;
public void setGithubDownloadData(boolean githubDownloadData) {
this.githubDownloadData = githubDownloadData;
public int getGithubConnectionInterval() {
return githubConnectionInterval;
public void setGithubConnectionInterval(int githubConnectionInterval) {
this.githubConnectionInterval = githubConnectionInterval;
public boolean isCheckBentoBoxUpdates() {
return checkBentoBoxUpdates;
public void setCheckBentoBoxUpdates(boolean checkBentoBoxUpdates) {
this.checkBentoBoxUpdates = checkBentoBoxUpdates;
public boolean isCheckAddonsUpdates() {
return checkAddonsUpdates;
public void setCheckAddonsUpdates(boolean checkAddonsUpdates) {
this.checkAddonsUpdates = checkAddonsUpdates;
public boolean isLogGithubDownloadData() {
return logGithubDownloadData;
public void setLogGithubDownloadData(boolean logGithubDownloadData) {
this.logGithubDownloadData = logGithubDownloadData;
public int getDelayTime() {
return delayTime;
* @param delayTime the delayTime to set
public void setDelayTime(int delayTime) {
this.delayTime = delayTime;
* @return the clearRadius
public int getClearRadius() {
if (clearRadius < 0)
clearRadius = 0;
return clearRadius;
* @param clearRadius the clearRadius to set. Cannot be negative.
public void setClearRadius(int clearRadius) {
if (clearRadius < 0)
clearRadius = 0;
this.clearRadius = clearRadius;
* @return the inviteConfirmation
* @since 1.8.0
public boolean isInviteConfirmation() {
return inviteConfirmation;
* @param inviteConfirmation the inviteConfirmation to set
* @since 1.8.0
public void setInviteConfirmation(boolean inviteConfirmation) {
this.inviteConfirmation = inviteConfirmation;
* @return the databasePrefix
public String getDatabasePrefix() {
if (databasePrefix == null)
databasePrefix = "";
return databasePrefix.isEmpty() ? "" : databasePrefix.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
* @param databasePrefix the databasePrefix to set
public void setDatabasePrefix(String databasePrefix) {
this.databasePrefix = databasePrefix;
* Returns whether islands, when reset, should be kept or deleted.
* @return {@code true} if islands, when reset, should be kept; {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @since 1.13.0
public boolean isKeepPreviousIslandOnReset() {
return keepPreviousIslandOnReset;
* Sets whether islands, when reset, should be kept or deleted.
* @param keepPreviousIslandOnReset {@code true} if islands, when reset, should
* be kept; {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 1.13.0
public void setKeepPreviousIslandOnReset(boolean keepPreviousIslandOnReset) {
this.keepPreviousIslandOnReset = keepPreviousIslandOnReset;
* Returns a MongoDB client connection URI to override default connection
* options.
* @return mongodb client connection.
* @see <a href=
* "">MongoDB
* Documentation</a>
* @since 1.14.0
public String getMongodbConnectionUri() {
return mongodbConnectionUri;
* Set the MongoDB client connection URI.
* @param mongodbConnectionUri connection URI.
* @since 1.14.0
public void setMongodbConnectionUri(String mongodbConnectionUri) {
this.mongodbConnectionUri = mongodbConnectionUri;
* Returns the Material of the item to preferably use when one needs to fill
* gaps in Panels.
* @return the Material of the item to preferably use when one needs to fill
* gaps in Panels.
* @since 1.14.0
public Material getPanelFillerMaterial() {
return panelFillerMaterial;
* Sets the Material of the item to preferably use when one needs to fill gaps
* in Panels.
* @param panelFillerMaterial the Material of the item to preferably use when
* one needs to fill gaps in Panels.
* @since 1.14.0
public void setPanelFillerMaterial(Material panelFillerMaterial) {
this.panelFillerMaterial = panelFillerMaterial;
* Method Settings#getPlayerHeadCacheTime returns the playerHeadCacheTime of
* this object.
* @return the playerHeadCacheTime (type long) of this object.
* @since 1.14.1
public long getPlayerHeadCacheTime() {
return playerHeadCacheTime;
* Method Settings#setPlayerHeadCacheTime sets new value for the
* playerHeadCacheTime of this object.
* @param playerHeadCacheTime new value for this object.
* @since 1.14.1
public void setPlayerHeadCacheTime(long playerHeadCacheTime) {
this.playerHeadCacheTime = playerHeadCacheTime;
* Is use cache server boolean.
* @return the boolean
* @since 1.16.0
public boolean isUseCacheServer() {
return useCacheServer;
* Sets use cache server.
* @param useCacheServer the use cache server
* @since 1.16.0
public void setUseCacheServer(boolean useCacheServer) {
this.useCacheServer = useCacheServer;
* Gets heads per call.
* @return the heads per call
* @since 1.16.0
public int getHeadsPerCall() {
return headsPerCall;
* Sets heads per call.
* @param headsPerCall the heads per call
* @since 1.16.0
public void setHeadsPerCall(int headsPerCall) {
this.headsPerCall = headsPerCall;
* Gets ticks between calls.
* @return the ticks between calls
* @since 1.16.0
public long getTicksBetweenCalls() {
return ticksBetweenCalls;
* Sets ticks between calls.
* @param ticksBetweenCalls the ticks between calls
* @since 1.16.0
public void setTicksBetweenCalls(long ticksBetweenCalls) {
this.ticksBetweenCalls = ticksBetweenCalls;
* @return the minPortalSearchRadius
public int getMinPortalSearchRadius() {
return minPortalSearchRadius;
* @param minPortalSearchRadius the minPortalSearchRadius to set
public void setMinPortalSearchRadius(int minPortalSearchRadius) {
this.minPortalSearchRadius = minPortalSearchRadius;
* Gets safe spot search vertical range.
* @return the safe spot search vertical range
public int getSafeSpotSearchVerticalRange() {
return safeSpotSearchVerticalRange;
* Sets safe spot search vertical range.
* @param safeSpotSearchVerticalRange the safe spot search vertical range
public void setSafeSpotSearchVerticalRange(int safeSpotSearchVerticalRange) {
this.safeSpotSearchVerticalRange = safeSpotSearchVerticalRange;
* Is slow deletion boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean isSlowDeletion() {
return slowDeletion;
* Sets slow deletion.
* @param slowDeletion the slow deletion
public void setSlowDeletion(boolean slowDeletion) {
this.slowDeletion = slowDeletion;
* Gets maximum pool size.
* @return the maximum pool size
public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
return maximumPoolSize;
* Gets safe spot search range.
* @return the safe spot search range
public int getSafeSpotSearchRange() {
return safeSpotSearchRange;
* Sets maximum pool size.
* @param maximumPoolSize the maximum pool size
public void setMaximumPoolSize(int maximumPoolSize) {
this.maximumPoolSize = maximumPoolSize;
* Gets custom pool properties.
* @return the custom pool properties
public Map<String, String> getCustomPoolProperties() {
return customPoolProperties;
* Sets custom pool properties.
* @param customPoolProperties the custom pool properties
public void setCustomPoolProperties(Map<String, String> customPoolProperties) {
this.customPoolProperties = customPoolProperties;
* Sets safe spot search range.
* @param safeSpotSearchRange the safe spot search range
public void setSafeSpotSearchRange(int safeSpotSearchRange) {
this.safeSpotSearchRange = safeSpotSearchRange;
* @return an immutable list of readyCommands
public List<String> getReadyCommands() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(Objects.requireNonNullElse(readyCommands, Collections.emptyList()));
* @param readyCommands the readyCommands to set
public void setReadyCommands(List<String> readyCommands) {
this.readyCommands = readyCommands;
* @return the islandNumber
* @since 2.0.0
public int getIslandNumber() {
return islandNumber;
* @param islandNumber the islandNumber to set
* @since 2.0.0
public void setIslandNumber(int islandNumber) {
this.islandNumber = islandNumber;