
137 lines
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package world.bentobox.bentobox.api.flags.clicklisteners;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.localization.TextVariables;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.Panel;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.TabbedPanel;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.RanksManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.panels.settings.SettingsTab;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
* Left Clicks increase rank, right clicks lower rank
* @author tastybento
public class CycleClick implements PanelItem.ClickHandler {
protected BentoBox plugin = BentoBox.getInstance();
protected Island island;
protected User user;
protected boolean changeOccurred;
private final String id;
private int minRank = RanksManager.VISITOR_RANK;
private int maxRank = RanksManager.OWNER_RANK;
* Construct default cycle clicker with min rank of {@link RanksManager#VISITOR_RANK}
* and max rank of {@link RanksManager#OWNER_RANK}
* @param id - the flag id that will be adjusted by this click
public CycleClick(String id) { = id;
* Construct a cycle clicker with a min and max rank
* @param id flag id
* @param minRank minimum rank value
* @param maxRank maximum rank value
public CycleClick(String id, int minRank, int maxRank) { = id;
this.minRank = minRank;
this.maxRank = maxRank;
public boolean onClick(Panel panel, User user, ClickType click, int slot) {
// This click listener is used with TabbedPanel and SettingsTabs only
TabbedPanel tp = (TabbedPanel)panel;
SettingsTab st = (SettingsTab)tp.getActiveTab();
// Get the island for this tab
island = st.getIsland();
this.user = user;
changeOccurred = false;
// Permission prefix
String prefix = plugin.getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(Util.getWorld(user.getWorld()));
String reqPerm = prefix + "settings." + id;
String allPerms = prefix + "settings.*";
if (!user.hasPermission(reqPerm) && !user.hasPermission(allPerms)
&& !user.isOp() && !user.hasPermission(prefix + "admin.settings")) {
user.sendMessage("", TextVariables.PERMISSION, reqPerm);
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_METAL_HIT, 1F, 1F);
return true;
// Left clicking increases the rank required
// Right clicking decreases the rank required
// Shift Left Click toggles player visibility
if (island != null && (user.isOp() || user.getUniqueId().equals(island.getOwner()) || user.hasPermission(prefix + "admin.settings"))) {
changeOccurred = true;
RanksManager rm = plugin.getRanksManager();
plugin.getFlagsManager().getFlag(id).ifPresent(flag -> {
// Rank
int currentRank = island.getFlag(flag);
if (click.equals(ClickType.LEFT)) {
if (currentRank >= maxRank) {
island.setFlag(flag, minRank);
} else {
island.setFlag(flag, rm.getRankUpValue(currentRank));
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF, 1F, 1F);
// Fire event
Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new FlagProtectionChangeEvent(island, user.getUniqueId(), flag, island.getFlag(flag)));
} else if (click.equals(ClickType.RIGHT)) {
if (currentRank <= minRank) {
island.setFlag(flag, maxRank);
} else {
island.setFlag(flag, rm.getRankDownValue(currentRank));
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_ON, 1F, 1F);
// Fire event
Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new FlagProtectionChangeEvent(island, user.getUniqueId(), flag, island.getFlag(flag)));
} else if (click.equals(ClickType.SHIFT_LEFT) && user.isOp()) {
if (!plugin.getIWM().getHiddenFlags(user.getWorld()).contains(flag.getID())) {
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK, 1F, 1F);
} else {
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME, 1F, 1F);
// Save changes
} else {
// Player is not the owner of the island.
user.getPlayer().playSound(user.getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_METAL_HIT, 1F, 1F);
return true;
* @param minRank the minRank to set
public void setMinRank(int minRank) {
this.minRank = minRank;
* @param maxRank the maxRank to set
public void setMaxRank(int maxRank) {
this.maxRank = maxRank;