
350 lines
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import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.blueprints.dataobjects.BlueprintBundle;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.IslandDeletion;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags;
* Fired when an island event happens.
* @author tastybento
public class IslandEvent extends IslandBaseEvent {
private final Reason reason;
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
public @NonNull HandlerList getHandlers() {
return getHandlerList();
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
* Fired every time an island event occurs. For developers who just want one event and will use an enum to track the reason
* @param island - the island involved in the event
* @param playerUUID - the player's UUID involved in the event
* @param admin - true if this is due to an admin event
* @param location - location of event
* @param reason - see {@link #getReason()}
public IslandEvent(Island island, UUID playerUUID, boolean admin, Location location, Reason reason) {
super(island, playerUUID, admin, location);
this.reason = reason;
* @return the reason
public Reason getReason() {
return reason;
* Reason for the event
public enum Reason {
* Fired when a player will be banned from an island.
* @since 1.1
* Fired when a player tries to create a new island. If canceled will
* proceed no further.
* @since 1.15.1
* Called when a player has been allocated a new island spot
* but before the island itself has been pasted or the player teleported.
* Fired when an island is created for the very first time. Occurs after everything
* has been completed.
* Fired when an island is to be deleted. Note an island can be deleted without having
* chunks removed.
* Fired when island chunks are going to be deleted
* Fired after all island chunks have been deleted or set for regeneration by the server
* Fired when a player enters an island
* Fired when a player exits an island
* Fired when there a player makes a change to the lock state of their island
* To read the rank value, check the {@link Flags#LOCK} flag.
* Called when a player goes to their new island for the first time
* @since 1.16.1
* Called before an island is going to be cleared of island members.
* This event occurs before resets or other island clearing activities.
* Cannot be cancelled.
* @since 1.12.0
* Called when a player has been reset and a new island spot allocated
* but before the island itself has been pasted or the player teleported.
* Called when an island has been pasted due to a reset.
* Occurs before the old island has been deleted but after everything else.
* ie., island pasted, player teleported, etc.
* Fired when a player will be unbanned from an island.
* @since 1.1
* Reserved
* Reserved
* Player was unregistered from the island by admin
* @since 1.3.0
* Player was registered to the island by admin
* @since 1.3.0
* Player was expelled
* @since 1.4.0
* The island was reserved and now is being pasted.
* @since 1.6.0
* The island protection range was changed.
* @since 1.11.0
* Event that will fire any time a player's rank changes on an island.
* @since 1.13.0
public static IslandEventBuilder builder() {
return new IslandEventBuilder();
public static class IslandEventBuilder {
// Here field are NOT final. They are just used for the building.
private Island island;
private UUID player;
private Reason reason = Reason.UNKNOWN;
private boolean admin;
private Location location;
private IslandDeletion deletedIslandInfo;
private BlueprintBundle blueprintBundle;
private Event rawEvent;
* Stores new protection range for island.
private int newRange;
* Stores old protection range for island.
private int oldRange;
* Stores old island object
* @since 1.12.0
private Island oldIsland;
* @since 1.13.0
private int oldRank;
* @since 1.13.0
private int newRank;
public IslandEventBuilder island(Island island) {
this.island = island;
return this;
* @param oldIsland old island object
* @return IslandEventBuilder
* @since 1.12.0
public IslandEventBuilder oldIsland(Island oldIsland) {
this.oldIsland = oldIsland;
return this;
* True if this is an admin driven event
* @param admin - true if due to admin event
* @return TeamEvent
public IslandEventBuilder admin(boolean admin) {
this.admin = admin;
return this;
* @param reason for the event
* @return IslandEventBuilder
public IslandEventBuilder reason(Reason reason) {
this.reason = reason;
return this;
* @param player - the player involved in the event
* @return IslandEventBuilder
public IslandEventBuilder involvedPlayer(UUID player) {
this.player = player;
return this;
public IslandEventBuilder location(Location center) {
location = center;
return this;
public IslandEventBuilder rawEvent(Event event) {
rawEvent = event;
return this;
public IslandEventBuilder deletedIslandInfo(IslandDeletion deletedIslandInfo) {
this.deletedIslandInfo = deletedIslandInfo;
return this;
* @since 1.6.0
public IslandEventBuilder blueprintBundle(@NonNull BlueprintBundle blueprintBundle) {
this.blueprintBundle = blueprintBundle;
return this;
* Allows to set new and old protection range.
* @param newRange New value of protection range.
* @param oldRange Old value of protection range.
* @since 1.11.0
public IslandEventBuilder protectionRange(int newRange, int oldRange) {
this.newRange = newRange;
this.oldRange = oldRange;
return this;
* @since 1.13.0
public IslandEventBuilder rankChange(int oldRank, int newRank){
this.oldRank = oldRank;
this.newRank = newRank;
return this;
private IslandBaseEvent getEvent() {
return switch (reason) {
case EXPEL -> new IslandExpelEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case BAN -> new IslandBanEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case PRECREATE -> new IslandPreCreateEvent(player);
case CREATE -> new IslandCreateEvent(island, player, admin, location, blueprintBundle);
case CREATED -> new IslandCreatedEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case DELETE -> new IslandDeleteEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case DELETE_CHUNKS -> new IslandDeleteChunksEvent(island, player, admin, location, deletedIslandInfo);
case DELETED -> new IslandDeletedEvent(island, player, admin, location, deletedIslandInfo);
case ENTER -> new IslandEnterEvent(island, player, admin, location, oldIsland, rawEvent);
case EXIT -> new IslandExitEvent(island, player, admin, location, oldIsland, rawEvent);
case LOCK -> new IslandLockEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case RESET -> new IslandResetEvent(island, player, admin, location, blueprintBundle, oldIsland);
case RESETTED -> new IslandResettedEvent(island, player, admin, location, oldIsland);
case UNBAN -> new IslandUnbanEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case UNLOCK -> new IslandUnlockEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case REGISTERED -> new IslandRegisteredEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case UNREGISTERED -> new IslandUnregisteredEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case RANGE_CHANGE -> new IslandProtectionRangeChangeEvent(island, player, admin, location, newRange, oldRange);
case PRECLEAR -> new IslandPreclearEvent(island, player, admin, location, oldIsland);
case RESERVED -> new IslandReservedEvent(island, player, admin, location);
case RANK_CHANGE -> new IslandRankChangeEvent(island, player, admin, location, oldRank, newRank);
case NEW_ISLAND -> new IslandNewIslandEvent(island, player, admin, location);
default -> new IslandGeneralEvent(island, player, admin, location);
* Builds and fires the deprecated and new IslandEvent.
* @return deprecated event. To obtain the new event use {@link IslandBaseEvent#getNewEvent()}
public IslandBaseEvent build() {
// Call the generic event for developers who just want one event and use the Reason enum
Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new IslandEvent(island, player, admin, location, reason));
// Generate new event
IslandBaseEvent newEvent = getEvent();
return newEvent;