YAML cannot handle dots in keys, so they need to be converted to something else. I chose :dot:. This issue occurred because location coordinates were saved with .'s in them. Actually, there is no real value in saving such accurate locations, so in addition to keeping the dot escape system (just in case), I changed locations to just save as ints and then when they are loaded, x and z have 0.5D added to them to center the location. This should be sufficient accuracy for any location storage and it also reduces the file size a lot. |
locales | ||
schems | ||
src | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
config.yml | ||
plugin.yml | ||
pom.xml | ||
README.md | ||
A skyblock Bukkit plugin for Minecraft derived from the well-known ASkyBlock! This is a survival game where the player starts with an island in the sky.
BSkyBlock (Better SkyBlock) represents a turning point on ASkyBlock's history : Tastybento and Poslovitch thought and designed together this complete rewrite in order to provide a whole new way to play Skyblock.
Discover today BSkyBlock, its gameplay overhaul, and enjoy the Skyblock revival!
BSkyBlock is built to enable add-ons (plugins that use the BSkyBlock API). Here is a list of the current ones:
- Level - provides island level calculation and a top ten
- Welcome Warps - provides the warp sign feature
You can find the projects on tastybento's GitHub.
Bugs and Feature requests
File bug and feature requests here: https://github.com/tastybento/bskyblock/issues
Note for developers
This is an actively developed project but we are not currently accepting Pull Requests from non-collaborators. Once we have finished the main development, we'll be open to PR's.