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package world.bentobox.bentobox.util;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern;
import org.bukkit.block.banner.PatternType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFactory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BannerMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.Damageable;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import org.bukkit.profile.PlayerProfile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
* Utility class that parses a String into an ItemStack.
* It is used for converting config file entries to objects.
* @author tastybento, Poslovitch
public class ItemParser {
private ItemParser() {} // private constructor to hide the implicit public one.
* Parse given string to ItemStack.
* @param text String value of item stack.
* @return ItemStack of parsed item or null.
public static ItemStack parse(String text) {
return ItemParser.parse(text, null);
* Parse given string to ItemStack.
* @param text String value of item stack.
* @param defaultItemStack Material that should be returned if parsing failed.
* @return ItemStack of parsed item or defaultItemStack.
public static ItemStack parse(@Nullable String text, @Nullable ItemStack defaultItemStack) {
if (text == null || text.isBlank()) {
// Text does not exist or is empty.
return defaultItemStack;
ItemStack returnValue;
try {
// Check if item can be parsed using bukkit item factory.
returnValue = Bukkit.getItemFactory().createItemStack(text);
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
returnValue = ItemParser.parseOld(text, defaultItemStack);
return returnValue;
* Parse given string to ItemStack.
* @param text String value of item stack.
* @param defaultItemStack Material that should be returned if parsing failed.
* @return ItemStack of parsed item or defaultItemStack.
private static ItemStack parseOld(@Nullable String text, @Nullable ItemStack defaultItemStack) {
if (text == null || text.isBlank()) {
// Text does not exist or is empty.
return defaultItemStack;
ItemStack returnValue = defaultItemStack;
String[] part = text.split(":");
try {
// Because I am lazy, and do not want to rewrite every parser, I will just add custom data as
// parameter and remove that array part form input data.
Optional<String> first = -> field.matches("(CMD-\\d*)")).findFirst();
Integer customModelData = null;
if (first.isPresent()) {
// Ugly and fast way how to get rid of customData field.
String[] copyParts = new String[part.length - 1];
int j = 0;
for (String field : part) {
if (!field.matches("(CMD-\\d*)")) {
copyParts[j++] = field;
// Replace original parts with the copy parts that does not have any CMD values.
part = copyParts;
// Now use value from Custom Data Model and parse it as integer.
customModelData = Integer.valueOf(first.get().replaceFirst("CMD-", ""));
// Check if there are more properties for the item stack
if (part.length == 1) {
// Parse material directly. It does not have any extra properties.
returnValue = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(part[0].toUpperCase()));
// Material-specific handling
else if (part[0].contains("POTION") || part[0].equalsIgnoreCase("TIPPED_ARROW")) {
// Parse Potions and Tipped Arrows
returnValue = parsePotion(part);
} else if (part[0].contains("BANNER")) {
// Parse Banners
returnValue = parseBanner(part);
} else if (part[0].equalsIgnoreCase("PLAYER_HEAD")) {
// Parse Player Heads
returnValue = parsePlayerHead(part);
// Generic handling
else if (part.length == 2) {
// Material:Qty
returnValue = parseItemQuantity(part);
} else if (part.length == 3) {
// Material:Durability:Qty
returnValue = parseItemDurabilityAndQuantity(part);
// Update item meta with custom data model.
if (returnValue != null && customModelData != null) {
ItemParser.setCustomModelData(returnValue, customModelData);
} catch (Exception exception) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logError("Could not parse item " + text + " " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
returnValue = defaultItemStack;
return returnValue;
* This method assigns custom model data to the item stack.
* @param returnValue Item stack that should be updated.
* @param customModelData Integer value of custom model data.
private static void setCustomModelData(ItemStack returnValue, Integer customModelData) {
// We have custom data model. Now assign it to the item-stack.
ItemMeta itemMeta = returnValue.getItemMeta();
// Another null-pointer check for materials that does not have item meta.
if (itemMeta != null) {
// Update meta to the return item.
* This method parses array of 2 items into an item stack.
* First array element is material, while second array element is integer, that represents item count.
* Example:
* @param part String array that contains 2 elements.
* @return ItemStack with material from first array element and amount based on second array element.
private static ItemStack parseItemQuantity(String[] part) {
int reqAmount = Integer.parseInt(part[1]);
Material reqItem = Material.getMaterial(part[0].toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH));
if (reqItem == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(part[0] + " is not a valid Material.");
return new ItemStack(reqItem, reqAmount);
* This method parses array of 3 items into an item stack.
* First array element is material, while second and third array element are integers.
* The middle element represents durability, while third element represents quantity.
* Example:
* @param part String array that contains 3 elements.
* @return ItemStack with material from first array element, durability from second element and amount based on third array element.
private static ItemStack parseItemDurabilityAndQuantity(String[] part) {
// Rearrange
String[] parsable = {part[0], part[2]};
ItemStack durability = parseItemQuantity(parsable);
ItemMeta meta = durability.getItemMeta();
if (meta instanceof Damageable damageable) {
return durability;
* This method parses array of 6 items into an item stack.
* Format:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* Example:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* @param part String array that contains 6 elements.
* @return Potion with given properties.
* @deprecated due to the spigot potion changes.
private static ItemStack parsePotionOld(String[] part) {
if (part.length != 6) {
throw new MissingFormatArgumentException("Potion parsing requires 6 parts.");
# LEVEL is a number, 1 or 2
# LINGER is for V1.9 servers and later
# Examples:
# POTION:WEAKNESS::::1 - any weakness potion
ItemStack result = new ItemStack(Material.POTION);
if (part[4].equalsIgnoreCase("SPLASH")) {
result = new ItemStack(Material.SPLASH_POTION);
} else if (part[4].equalsIgnoreCase("LINGER")) {
result = new ItemStack(Material.LINGERING_POTION);
if (part[0].equalsIgnoreCase("TIPPED_ARROW")) {
result = new ItemStack(Material.TIPPED_ARROW);
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta)(result.getItemMeta());
PotionType type = PotionType.valueOf(part[1].toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH));
boolean isUpgraded = !part[2].isEmpty() && !part[2].equalsIgnoreCase("1");
boolean isExtended = part[3].equalsIgnoreCase("EXTENDED");
PotionData data = new PotionData(type, isExtended, isUpgraded);
// TODO: Set extended and u[graded settings.
return result;
* This method parses array of 6 items into an item stack.
* Format:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* Example:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* @link <a href="">Potion Type</a>
* @param part String array that contains 3 elements.
* @return Potion with given properties.
private static ItemStack parsePotion(String[] part) {
if (part.length == 6) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logWarning("The old potion parsing detected for " + part[0] +
". Please update your configs, as SPIGOT changed potion types.");
return parsePotionOld(part);
if (part.length != 3) {
throw new MissingFormatArgumentException("Potion parsing requires 3 parts.");
# Potion Type can be found out in:
# Examples:
# POTION:WEAKNESS:1 - any weakness potion
Material material = Material.matchMaterial(part[0]);
if (material == null) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logWarning("Could not parse potion item " + part[0] + " so using a regular potion.");
material = Material.POTION;
ItemStack result = new ItemStack(material, Integer.parseInt(part[2]));
if (result.getItemMeta() instanceof PotionMeta meta) {
PotionType potionType = Enums.getIfPresent(PotionType.class, part[1].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)).
return result;
* This method parses array of multiple elements for the Banner.
* @param part String array that contains at least 2 elements.
* @return Banner as item stack.
private static ItemStack parseBanner(String[] part) {
if (part.length >= 2) {
Material bannerMat = Material.getMaterial(part[0]);
if (bannerMat == null) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logError("Could not parse banner item " + part[0] + " so using a white banner.");
bannerMat = Material.WHITE_BANNER;
ItemStack result = new ItemStack(bannerMat, Integer.parseInt(part[1]));
BannerMeta meta = (BannerMeta) result.getItemMeta();
if (meta != null) {
for (int i = 2; i < part.length; i += 2) {
PatternType pt = Enums.getIfPresent(PatternType.class, part[i]).orNull();
if (pt == null) {
// Try to convert old to new
if (part[i].trim().equals("STRIPE_SMALL")
&& Enums.getIfPresent(PatternType.class, "SMALL_STRIPES").isPresent()) {
pt = PatternType.SMALL_STRIPES;
DyeColor dc = Enums.getIfPresent(DyeColor.class, part[i + 1]).orNull();
if (pt != null && dc != null) {
meta.addPattern(new Pattern(dc, pt));
return result;
} else {
throw new MissingFormatArgumentException("Banner parsing requires at least 2 parts.");
* This method parses array of 2 to 3 elements that represents player head.
* Format:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* Example:
* <pre>{@code
* }</pre>
* @param part String array that contains at least 2 elements.
* @return Player head with given properties.
private static ItemStack parsePlayerHead(String[] part) {
ItemStack playerHead;
if (part.length == 3) {
String[] parsable = {part[0], part[2]};
// create parse item and quantity.
playerHead = parseItemQuantity(parsable);
} else if (isNumeric(part[1])) {
// there is no meta item for player head.
return parseItemQuantity(part);
} else {
// create new player head item stack.
playerHead = new ItemStack(Material.PLAYER_HEAD);
// Set correct Skull texture
try {
if (playerHead.getItemMeta() instanceof SkullMeta meta)
PlayerProfile profile;
if (part[1].length() < 17) {
// Minecraft player names are in length between 3 and 16 chars.
profile = Bukkit.createPlayerProfile(part[1]);
} else if (part[1].length() == 32) {
// trimmed UUID length are 32 chars.
profile = Bukkit.createPlayerProfile(UUID.fromString(part[1].replaceAll("(\\w{8})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{4})(\\w{12})", "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5")));
} else if (part[1].length() == 36) {
// full UUID length are 36 chars.
profile = Bukkit.createPlayerProfile(UUID.fromString(part[1]));
} else {
// If chars are more than 36, apparently it is base64 encoded texture.
profile = Bukkit.createPlayerProfile(UUID.randomUUID(), "");
// Apply item meta.
} catch (Exception ignored) {
// Could not parse player head.
BentoBox.getInstance().logError("Could not parse player head item " + part[1] + " so using a Steve head.");
return playerHead;
* This method parses base64 encoded string into URL.
* @param base64 Base64 encoded string.
* @return URL of the skin.
private static URL getSkinURLFromBase64(String base64) {
* Base64 encoded string is in format: { "timestamp": 0, "profileId": "UUID",
* "profileName": "USERNAME", "textures": { "SKIN": { "url":
* "" }, "CAPE": { "url":
* "" } } }
try {
String decoded = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64));
JsonObject json = new Gson().fromJson(decoded, JsonObject.class);
String url = json.getAsJsonObject("textures").getAsJsonObject("SKIN").get("url").getAsString();
return new URL(url);
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Check if given sting is an integer.
* @param string Value that must be checked.
* @return {@code true} if value is integer, {@code false} otherwise.
private static boolean isNumeric(String string) {
if(string == null || string.equals("")) {
return false;
try {
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;