2017-05-21 10:28:22 +02:00

199 lines
7.5 KiB

package us.tastybento.bskyblock.config;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.BSkyBlock;
* Contains all the texts sent to players
* @author Tastybento
* @author Poslovitch
public class BSBLocale {
private BSkyBlock plugin;
private String localeID;
private FileConfiguration locale = null;
private File localeFile = null;
private Locale localeObject;
* Creates a locale object full of localized string for a language
* @param plugin
* @param localeName - name of the yaml file that will be used
public BSBLocale(BSkyBlock plugin, String localeID){
this.plugin = plugin;
this.localeID = localeID;
localeObject = new Locale(localeID.substring(0, 2), localeID.substring(3, 5));
* Returns the locale language
* @return the locale language
public String getLanguageName(){
if(localeObject == null) return "unknown";
return localeObject.getDisplayLanguage(localeObject);
* Returns the locale country
* @return the locale country
public String getCountryName(){
if(localeObject == null) return "unknown";
return localeObject.getDisplayCountry(localeObject);
* Returns the locale identifier (e.g: en-GB)
* @return the locale ID
public String getLocaleID(){
return this.localeID;
* Returns the locale FileConfiguration
* @param localeID - name of the yaml file to get
* @return the FileConfiguration locale object
private FileConfiguration getLocale(String localeID){
if(locale == null){
return locale;
* Reloads the locale file
* @param localeID - name of the yaml file to reload
private void reloadLocale(String localeID){
// Make directory if it doesn't exist
File directory = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "locales");
if(!directory.exists()) directory.mkdirs();
if(localeFile == null) localeFile = new File(directory.getPath(), localeID + ".yml");
locale = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(localeFile);
} else {
// Look for defaults in the jars
if(plugin.getResource("locales/" + localeID + ".yml") != null){
plugin.saveResource("locales/" + localeID + ".yml", true);
localeFile = new File(directory.getPath(), localeID + ".yml");
locale = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(localeFile);
} else {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not find locale file '" + localeID + "' !");
/* Localization */
// Not Setup
public String notSetupHeader;
public String notSetupDistance;
public String notSetupGenerator;
public String notSetupGeneratorMultiverse;
public String notSetupWorldname;
public String notSetupOutdated;
// General
public String generalSuccess;
// Errors
public String errorNoPermission;
public String errorUseInGame;
public String errorNoIsland;
public String errorNotLeader;
public String errorTooShort;
public String errorTooLong;
// Help
public String helpSyntaxColor;
public String helpCommentColor;
public String helpHeader;
public String islandHelpGo;
public String islandHelpGoHomes;
public String islandHelpSpawn;
public String islandHelpCreate;
public String islandHelpInfo;
public String islandHelpControlPanel;
public String islandHelpReset;
public String islandHelpSetHome;
public String islandHelpName;
public String islandHelpResetName;
public String islandHelpLimits;
public String islandHelpTeam;
public String islandHelpInvite;
public String islandHelpUninvite;
public String islandHelpLeave;
public String islandHelpKick;
public String islandHelpAccept;
public String islandHelpReject;
public String islandHelpMakeleader;
public String islandHelpTeamchat;
public String islandHelpBiomes;
public String islandHelpExpel;
public String islandHelpExpelall;
public String islandHelpBan;
public String islandHelpUnban;
public String islandHelpBanlist;
public String islandHelpTrust;
public String islandHelpUntrust;
public String islandHelpTrustlist;
public String islandHelpCoop;
public String islandHelpUncoop;
public String islandHelpCooplist;
public String islandHelpLock;
public String islandHelpSettings;
public String islandHelpLanguage;
// Lock
public String lockLocking;
public String lockUnlocking;
private void loadLocale(){
// Not Setup
notSetupHeader = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', locale.getString("not-setup.header", "More set up is required before the plugin can start...\nEdit config.yml. Then restart server."));
notSetupDistance = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', locale.getString("not-setup.distance", "Make sure you set island distance. If upgrading, set it to what it was before."));
notSetupGenerator = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',
locale.getString("not-setup.generator", "The world generator for the island world is not registered."
+ "\nPotential reasons are:"
+ "\n 1. If you are configuring the island world as the only server world\n Make sure you have added the world to bukkit.yml"
+ "\n 2. You reloaded instead of restarting the server. Reboot and try again."));
notSetupGeneratorMultiverse = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', locale.getString("not-setup.generator-multiverse", " 3. Your Multiverse plugin is out of date. Upgrade to the latest version."));
notSetupWorldname = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',
locale.getString("", "The world name in config.yml is different to the world name in islands.yml."
+ "\nIf this is intentional, we assume you are doing a full reset."
+ "\nIf so, delete islands.yml and the previous world."
+ "\nIf not, correct the world name in config.yml and restart. This is probably the case if you are upgrading."));
notSetupOutdated = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',
locale.getString("not-setup.config-outdated", "The config.yml file looks outdated."
+ "\nMake sure you updated your configuration after upgrading."
+ "\nIf this error is still happening, you probably edited the old config rather than editing the new one."
+ "\nIf so, please remove the current config.yml, work on and rename it to config.yml."));
// General
generalSuccess = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', locale.getString("general.success", "Success!"));
// Errors
errorNoPermission = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', locale.getString("", "You don't have permission to execute this command."));