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package world.bentobox.bentobox.api.flags;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.admin.AdminSwitchCommand;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.localization.TextVariables;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.metadata.MetaDataValue;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.IslandWorldManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.IslandsManager;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util;
* Abstract class for flag listeners. Provides common code.
* @author tastybento
public abstract class FlagListener implements Listener {
* Reason for why flag was allowed or disallowed
* Used by admins for debugging player actions
protected enum Why {
private BentoBox plugin = BentoBox.getInstance();
private User user = null;
* @return the plugin
public BentoBox getPlugin() {
return plugin;
* Used for unit testing only to set the plugin
* @param plugin - plugin object
public void setPlugin(@NonNull BentoBox plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
* The following methods cover the cancellable events and enable a simple noGo(e) to be used to cancel and send the error message
* Cancels the event and sends the island public message to user
* @param e - event
* @param flag - the flag that has been checked
public void noGo(@NonNull Event e, @NonNull Flag flag) {
noGo(e, flag, false, "protection.protected");
* Cancels the event and sends the island protected message to user unless silent is true
* @param e - event
* @param flag - the flag that has been checked
* @param silent - if true, message is not sent
* @param string - translation reference
public void noGo(@NonNull Event e, @NonNull Flag flag, boolean silent, String string) {
if (e instanceof Cancellable cancellable) {
if (user != null && !silent) {
user.notify(string, TextVariables.DESCRIPTION, user.getTranslation(flag.getHintReference()));
* Check if flag is allowed at location. Uses player object because Bukkit events provide player.
* @param e - event
* @param player - player affected by this flag, or null if none
* @param loc - location, will return true if null
* @param flag - flag {@link world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags}
* @return true if allowed, false if not
public boolean checkIsland(@NonNull Event e, @Nullable Player player, @Nullable Location loc, @NonNull Flag flag) {
return checkIsland(e, player, loc, flag, false);
* Check if flag is allowed at location
* @param e - event
* @param player - player affected by this flag, or null if none
* @param loc - location, will return true if null
* @param flag - flag {@link world.bentobox.bentobox.lists.Flags}
* @param silent - if true, no attempt is made to tell the user
* @return true if the check is okay, false if it was disallowed
public boolean checkIsland(@NonNull Event e, @Nullable Player player, @Nullable Location loc, @NonNull Flag flag, boolean silent) {
// Set user
user = player == null ? null : User.getInstance(player);
if (loc == null) {
if (user != null && user.getLocation().getWorld() != null) {
report(user, e, user.getLocation(), flag, Why.NULL_LOCATION);
return true;
// If this is not an Island World or a standard Nether or End, skip
if (!plugin.getIWM().inWorld(loc)) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.UNPROTECTED_WORLD);
return true;
// Get the island and if present
Optional<Island> island = getIslands().getProtectedIslandAt(loc);
// Handle Settings Flag
if (flag.getType().equals(Flag.Type.SETTING)) {
return processSetting(flag, island, e, loc);
// Protection flag
// Ops or "bypass everywhere" moderators can do anything unless they have switched it off
if (!user.getMetaData(AdminSwitchCommand.META_TAG).map(MetaDataValue::asBoolean).orElse(false)
&& (user.hasPermission(getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(loc.getWorld()) + "mod.bypassprotect")
|| user.hasPermission(getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(loc.getWorld()) + "mod.bypass." + flag.getID() + ".everywhere"))) {
if (user.isOp()) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.OP);
} else {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.BYPASS_EVERYWHERE);
return true;
// Handle World Settings
if (flag.getType().equals(Flag.Type.WORLD_SETTING)) {
return processWorldSetting(flag, loc, e, silent);
// Check if the plugin is set in User (required for testing)
if (island.isPresent()) {
return processBypass(flag, island.get(), e, loc, silent);
// The player is in the world, but not on an island, so general world settings apply
if (flag.isSetForWorld(loc.getWorld())) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.ALLOWED_IN_WORLD);
return true;
} else {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.NOT_ALLOWED_IN_WORLD);
noGo(e, flag, silent, "");
return false;
private boolean processBypass(@NonNull Flag flag, Island island, @NonNull Event e, @NonNull Location loc, boolean silent) {
// If it is not allowed on the island, "bypass island" moderators can do anything
if (island.isAllowed(user, flag)) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.RANK_ALLOWED);
return true;
} else if (!user.getMetaData(AdminSwitchCommand.META_TAG).map(MetaDataValue::asBoolean).orElse(false)
&& (user.hasPermission(getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(loc.getWorld()) + "mod.bypass." + flag.getID() + ".island"))) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.BYPASS_ISLAND);
return true;
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ISLAND);
noGo(e, flag, silent, island.isSpawn() ? "protection.spawn-protected" : "protection.protected");
return false;
private boolean processWorldSetting(@NonNull Flag flag, @NonNull Location loc, @NonNull Event e, boolean silent) {
if (flag.isSetForWorld(loc.getWorld())) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.ALLOWED_IN_WORLD);
return true;
report(user, e, loc, flag, Why.NOT_ALLOWED_IN_WORLD);
noGo(e, flag, silent, "");
return false;
private boolean processSetting(@NonNull Flag flag, Optional<Island> island, @NonNull Event e, @NonNull Location loc) {
// If the island exists, return the setting, otherwise return the default setting for this flag
if (island.isPresent()) {
report(user, e, loc, flag, -> x.isAllowed(flag)).orElse(false) ? Why.SETTING_ALLOWED_ON_ISLAND : Why.SETTING_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ISLAND);
} else {
report(user, e, loc, flag, flag.isSetForWorld(loc.getWorld()) ? Why.SETTING_ALLOWED_IN_WORLD : Why.SETTING_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_WORLD);
return -> x.isAllowed(flag)).orElseGet(() -> flag.isSetForWorld(loc.getWorld()));
* Report why something did or did not happen for the admin why command
* @param user user involved
* @param e associated event
* @param loc location
* @param flag flag
* @param why reason enum
protected void report(@Nullable User user, @NonNull Event e, @NonNull Location loc, @NonNull Flag flag, @NonNull Why why) {
// A quick way to debug flag listener unit tests is to add this line here: System.out.println(; NOSONAR
if (user != null && user.isPlayer() && user.getPlayer().getMetadata(loc.getWorld().getName() + "_why_debug").stream()
.filter(p -> p.getOwningPlugin().equals(getPlugin())).findFirst().map(MetadataValue::asBoolean).orElse(false)) {
String whyEvent = "Why: " + e.getEventName() + " in world " + loc.getWorld().getName() + " at " +;
String whyBypass = "Why: " + user.getName() + " " + flag.getID() + " - " +;
// See if there is a player that issued the debug
String issuerUUID = user.getPlayer().getMetadata(loc.getWorld().getName() + "_why_debug_issuer").stream()
.filter(p -> getPlugin().equals(p.getOwningPlugin())).findFirst().map(MetadataValue::asString).orElse("");
if (!issuerUUID.isEmpty()) {
User issuer = User.getInstance(UUID.fromString(issuerUUID));
if (issuer.isPlayer()) {
* Get the flag for this ID
* @param id the flag ID
* @return Optional of the Flag denoted by the id
* @since 1.1
protected Optional<Flag> getFlag(@NonNull String id) {
return plugin.getFlagsManager().getFlag(id);
* Get the island database manager
* @return the island database manager
protected IslandsManager getIslands() {
return plugin.getIslands();
* Get the island database manager
* @return the island database manager
protected IslandsManager getIslandsManager() {
return plugin.getIslands();
* Get the island world manager
* @return Island World Manager
protected IslandWorldManager getIWM() {
return plugin.getIWM();
* Check if PVP is allowed here or not
* @param location location where action is taking
* @return true if PVP is allowed, false if not
protected boolean PVPAllowed(Location location) {
return plugin.getIslands().getIslandAt(location).map(i -> i.isAllowed(this.getFlag(location.getWorld()))).orElse(false);
protected Flag getFlag(World w) {
return switch (w.getEnvironment()) {
case NETHER -> Flags.PVP_NETHER;
case THE_END -> Flags.PVP_END;
default -> Flags.PVP_OVERWORLD;