Superflat addition to FAQ

tastybento 2020-03-17 18:42:01 -07:00
parent 231f93db55
commit 19ab7b6a61
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ Yes, there is definitely an API! Writing addons is very similar to writing plugi
Look at the [Getting started with addons]( page. Look at the [Getting started with addons]( page.
## I am getting super flat after a while, help!
If you see super flat then it is because the world generator is not working for the world anymore. There are a few reasons why this may be the case:
1. BentoBox is not actually running, or the addon is not running but you managed to get into the world. This usually doesn't happen because if the world generating addon or BentoBox is not running the server will usually dump you into the main world. If this happens, the obvious fix is to run the addon and BentoBox again and use the fix-superflat setting in admin settings to regenerate the chunks.
2. You set the default world to be the addon world but you didn't list the generator in Bukkit.yml. This is often the situation. Check out [this page]( for how to set up your server with a default world. Again, you may need to run the super flat fixer in settings to regenerate chunks.
3. You have another plugin that is trying to control the generator for this world. This is very rare.
4. There's a bug in the addon or BentoBox. This is extremely rare (haha) - actually, nowadays it is, but it might happen for some reason, but check #1 and #2 first before filing a bug report.
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