Where the `urls` object is defined by the [Urls type in jslib](https://github.com/bitwarden/jslib/blob/master/common/src/abstractions/environment.service.ts).
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We recently migrated to using Prettier as code formatter. All previous branches will need to updated to avoid large merge conflicts using the following steps:
1. Check out your local Branch
2. Run `git merge 2b0a9d995e0147601ca8ae4778434a19354a60c2`
3. Resolve any merge conflicts, commit.
4. Run `npm run prettier`
5. Commit
6. Run `git merge -Xours 56477eb39cfd8a73c9920577d24d75fed36e2cf5`
7. Push
### Git blame
We also recommend that you configure git to ignore the prettier revision using: