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import { Meta, Story } from "@storybook/addon-docs";
<Meta title="Documentation/Button" />
# Button
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Buttons are interactive elements that can be triggered using a mouse, keyboard, or touch. They are
used to indicate actions that can be performed by a user such as submitting a form.
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## Guidelines
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
### Choosing the `<a>` or `<button>`
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Buttons can use either the `<a>` or `<button>` tags. Choose which based on the action the button
- If navigating to a new page, use `<a>`
- If taking an action on the current page use `<button>`
- If the button launches a dialog, use `<button>`
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### Groups
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Groups of buttons should be seperated by a `0.5` rem gap. Usually acomplished by using the
`tw-gap-2` class in the button group container.
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Groups within page content, dialog footers or forms should have the `primary` call to action placed
to left. Groups in headers and navigational areas should have the `primary` call to action on the
## Accessibility
Please follow these guidelines to ensure that buttons are accessible to all users.
### Color contrast
All button styles are WCAG compliant when displayed on `background` and `background-alt` colors. To
use a button on a different background, double check that the color contrast is sufficient in both
the light and dark themes.
### Loading Buttons
Include an `aria-label` attribute that defaults to “loading” but can be configurable per
implementation. On click, the screen reader should announce the `aria-label`. Once the action is
compelted, use another messaging pattern to alert the user that the action is complete (example:
success toast).
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### Submit and async actions
Both submit and async action buttons use a loading button state while an action is taken. If your
button is preforming a long running task in the background like a server API call, be sure to review
the [Async Actions Directive](?path=/story/component-library-async-actions-overview--page).
<Story id="component-library-button--loading" />
## Styles
There are 3 main styles for the button: Primary, Secondary, and Danger.
### Primary
<Story id="component-library-button--primary" />
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Use the primary button styling for all Primary call to actions. An action is "primary" if it relates
to the main purpose of a page. There should never be 2 primary styled buttons next to each other.
### Secondary
<Story id="component-library-button--secondary" />
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The secondary styling should be used for secondary calls to action. An action is "secondary" if it
relates indirectly to the purpose of a page. There may be multiple secondary buttons next to each
other; however, generally there should only be 1 or 2 calls to action per page.
### Danger
<Story id="component-library-button--danger" />
Use the danger styling only in settings when the user may preform a permanent action.
## Disabled UI
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Both the disabled and loading states use the default states color with a 60% opacity or
<Story id="component-library-button--disabled" />
## Block
2023-05-08 14:46:59 +02:00
Typically button widths expand with their text. In some causes though buttons may need to be block
where the width is fixed and the text wraps to 2 lines if exceeding the buttons width.
<Story id="component-library-button--block" />