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Vertical Vault Navigation (#6957) * WIP admin console layout * Update icons * Migrate more things * Migrate the last pages * Move header to web * Fix story not working * Convert header component to standalone * Migrate org layout to standalone * Enable org switcher * Add AC to product switcher * Migrate provider portal to vertical nav * Migrate PM * Prettier fixes * Change AC and PP to use secondary variant layout & update logos * Remove full width setting * Remove commented code * Add header to report pages * Add provider portal banner * Fix banner for billing pages * Move vault title to header * Prevent scrollbar jumping * Move send button to header * Replace search input with bit-search * Remove unused files and css * Add banner * Tweak storage option * Fix duplicate nav item after merge * Migrate banner state to state provider framework * [AC-2078] Fix device approvals header * [PM-5861] Hide AC from product switcher for users that do not have access * [PM-5860] Fix Vault and Send page headers * [AC-2075] Fix missing link on reporting nav group * [AC-2079] Hide Payment Method and Billing History pages for self-hosted instances * [AC-2090] Hide reports/event log nav items for users that do not have permission * [AC-2092] Fix missing provider portal option in product switcher on page load * Add null check for organization in org layout component * [AC-2094] Fix missing page header for new client orgs page * [AC-2093] Update New client button styling * Fix failing test after merge * [PM-2087] Use disk-local for web layout banner * [PM-6041] Update banner copy to read "web app" * [PM-6094] Update banner link to marketing URL * [PM-6114] add CL container component to VVR pages (#7802) * create bit-container component * add container to all page components * Fix linting errors after merge with main * Fix product switcher stories * Fix web-header stories * mock org state properly in product switcher stories (#7956) * refactor: move web layout migration banner logic into a service (#7958) * make CL codeowner of web header files * move migration banner logic to service; update stories * [PM-5862] Ensure a sync has run before hiding navigation links * Remove leftover banner global state * Re-add dropped selfHosted ngIf * Add rel noreferrer * Remove comment --------- Co-authored-by: Shane Melton <smelton@bitwarden.com> Co-authored-by: Will Martin <contact@willmartian.com>
2024-02-23 18:22:45 +01:00
import { svgIcon } from "@bitwarden/components";
export const ProviderPortalLogo = svgIcon`
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 580 104" fill="none"><path class="tw-fill-text-alt2" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M126.29 19.592c4.87 0 8.658 1.904 11.441 5.87 2.783 3.887 4.174 9.202 4.174 15.945 0 6.981-1.391 12.375-4.251 16.183-2.86 3.887-6.726 5.712-11.596 5.712s-8.58-1.745-11.363-5.395h-.773l-1.469 3.729a1.427 1.427 0 0 1-1.314.872h-6.184c-.773 0-1.391-.634-1.391-1.427V5.313c0-.793.618-1.428 1.391-1.428h8.349c.773 0 1.391.635 1.391 1.428v12.216c0 1.746-.155 4.522-.464 8.33h.464c2.551-4.125 6.493-6.267 11.595-6.267Zm-3.556 9.281c-2.705 0-4.792.873-6.106 2.618-1.237 1.745-1.933 4.68-1.933 8.647v1.27c0 4.52.618 7.773 1.933 9.677 1.314 1.904 3.401 2.935 6.261 2.935 2.242 0 4.174-1.11 5.488-3.331 1.315-2.142 2.01-5.395 2.01-9.44 0-4.126-.695-7.22-2.01-9.282-1.391-2.062-3.324-3.094-5.643-3.094Zm37.569 33.715h-8.348c-.773 0-1.392-.635-1.392-1.428V21.893c0-.794.619-1.428 1.392-1.428h8.348c.773 0 1.392.634 1.392 1.428V61.08c.077.713-.619 1.507-1.392 1.507Zm30.534-8.488c1.624 0 3.556-.318 5.875-.952.619-.159 1.16.317 1.16.952v6.584a.978.978 0 0 1-.541.873c-2.628 1.11-5.952 1.665-9.663 1.665-4.483 0-7.73-1.11-9.74-3.49-2.01-2.3-3.092-5.79-3.092-10.392V29.111h-4.406c-.541 0-.928-.396-.928-.951v-3.73c0-.08.077-.159.077-.238l6.107-3.728 3.015-8.25c.155-.397.464-.635.85-.635h5.566c.541 0 .928.397.928.952v8.012h11.054c.232 0 .464.238.464.476v7.14c0 .555-.387.951-.928.951h-10.513v20.15c0 1.586.464 2.855 1.314 3.57.773.872 2.01 1.269 3.401 1.269Zm52.025 8.488c-1.083 0-1.933-.714-2.397-1.745l-8.194-25.623c-.541-1.825-1.237-4.601-2.164-8.171h-.232l-.773 2.856-1.623 5.394-8.426 25.623c-.31 1.031-1.237 1.666-2.319 1.666-1.083 0-2.01-.714-2.319-1.825l-10.282-36.887c-.309-1.11.541-2.3 1.778-2.3h.232c.773 0 1.469.555 1.701 1.348l6.029 22.45c1.469 5.87 2.474 10.154 2.938 13.01h.232c1.391-5.87 2.473-9.758 3.169-11.741l7.808-23.481c.309-.952 1.159-1.587 2.241-1.587 1.005 0 1.856.635 2.165 1.587l7.266 23.322c1.778 5.95 2.86 9.758 3.247 11.74h.232c.232-1.586 1.159-6.028 2.937-13.168l5.798-22.132c.232-.793.928-1.349 1.701-1.349 1.159 0 2.009 1.11 1.7 2.3l-9.74 36.888c-.309 1.11-1.237 1.825-2.396 1.825h-.309Zm45.917 0c-.696 0-1.314-.556-1.391-1.27l-.696-5.235h-.387c-2.009 2.618-4.019 4.522-6.184 5.632-2.087 1.11-4.638 1.587-7.498 1.587-3.942 0-6.957-1.032-9.122-3.094-1.932-1.825-3.015-4.284-3.169-7.377-.309-4.126 1.391-8.092 4.638-10.393 3.324-2.22 7.962-3.57 14.224-3.57l7.575-.237v-2.697c0-3.967-.773-6.823-2.396-8.806-1.624-1.983-4.02-2.935-7.421-2.935-3.247 0-6.494.793-9.895 2.46-.85.396-1.855 0-2.242-.873-.386-.873 0-1.904.851-2.222 3.865-1.586 7.653-2.459 11.518-2.459 4.406 0 7.653 1.19 9.894 3.57 2.165 2.3 3.247 6.029 3.247 10.868v25.782c-.077.475-.773 1.269-1.546 1.269Zm-16.001-2.697c4.328 0 7.652-1.27 10.049-3.729 2.473-2.459 3.71-6.029 3.71-10.392v-3.966l-6.957.317c-5.643.238-9.585 1.19-12.059 2.697-2.396 1.508-3.633 3.967-3.633 7.14 0 2.538.773 4.6 2.242 6.029 1.7 1.19 3.865 1.904 6.648 1.904Zm45.762-39.109c1.16 0 2.319.08 3.633.238 1.005.159 1.624 1.11 1.469 2.063-.154.951-1.082 1.507-2.01 1.348-1.159-.159-2.319-.317-3.478-.317-3.402 0-6.184 1.507-8.349 4.442-2.164 2.935-3.247 6.743-3.247 11.185v20.784c0 1.032-.773 1.825-1.777 1.825-1.005 0-1.778-.794-1.778-1.825V23.241c0-.872.695-1.586 1.546-1.586.85 0 1.546.634 1.546 1.507l.309 5.87h.232c1.623-3.014 3.401-5.156 5.256-6.346 1.778-1.27 4.02-1.904 6.648-1.904Zm27.211 0c2.86 0 5.411.555 7.498 1.587 2.164 1.03 4.02 2.935 5.643 5.553h.232a192.783 192.783 0 0 1-.232-9.282V5.71c0-1.032.773-1.825 1.778-1.825s1.778.793 1.778 1.825v55.45c0 .714-.541 1.27-1.237 1.27-.618 0-1.16-.477-1.237-1.19l-.773-5.157h-.309c-3.015 4.68-7.421 6.98-13.064 6.98-5.566 0-9.663-1.745-12.678-5.314-2.86-3.57-4.406-8.647-4.406-15.39 0-7.06 1.392-12.454 4.329-16.262 2.938-3.411 7.112-5.315 12.678-5.315Zm0 3.411c-4.407 0-7.653 1.587-9.895 4.76-2.165 3.094-3.247 7.615-3.247 13.644 0 11.582 4.406 17.373 13.219 17.373 4.561 0 7.807-1.349 9.895-4.046 2.164-2.697 3.169-7.14 3.169-13.327v-.635c0-6.346-1.005-10.867-3.169-13.565-2.01-2.855-5.334-4.204-9.972-4.204Zm46.303 39.109c-5.797 0-10.281-1.825-13.605-5.553-