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import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { Meta, StoryObj, moduleMetadata } from "@storybook/angular";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { IconButtonModule } from "../icon-button";
import { InputModule } from "../input/input.module";
import { I18nMockService } from "../utils/i18n-mock.service";
import { FormFieldModule } from "./form-field.module";
import { BitPasswordInputToggleDirective } from "./password-input-toggle.directive";
export default {
title: "Component Library/Form/Password Toggle",
component: BitPasswordInputToggleDirective,
decorators: [
imports: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule, FormFieldModule, InputModule, IconButtonModule],
providers: [
provide: I18nService,
useValue: new I18nMockService({ toggleVisibility: "Toggle visibility" }),
parameters: {
design: {
type: "figma",
url: "",
docs: {
description: {
"Directive for toggling the visibility of a password input. Works by either having living inside a `bit-form-field` or by using the `toggled` two-way binding.",
} as Meta;
type Story = StoryObj<BitPasswordInputToggleDirective>;
export const Default: Story = {
render: (args) => ({
props: args,
template: `
<input bitInput type="password" />
<button type="button" bitIconButton bitSuffix bitPasswordInputToggle></button>
export const Binding: Story = {
render: (args) => ({
props: args,
template: `
<input bitInput type="password" />
<button type="button" bitIconButton bitSuffix bitPasswordInputToggle [(toggled)]="toggled"></button>
<label class="tw-text-main">
<input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="toggled" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" />
args: {
toggled: false,