mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2024-09-27 04:03:00 +02:00

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7910 lines
243 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"whatTypeOfItem": {
"message": "Zein elementu mota da hau?"
"name": {
"message": "Izena"
"uri": {
"message": "URI"
"uriPosition": {
"message": "URI $POSITION$",
"description": "A listing of URIs. Ex: URI 1, URI 2, URI 3, etc.",
"placeholders": {
"position": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"newUri": {
"message": "URI berria"
"username": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile izena"
"password": {
"message": "Pasahitza"
"newPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz berria"
"passphrase": {
"message": "Pasaesaldia"
"notes": {
"message": "Oharrak"
"customFields": {
"message": "Eremu pertsonalizatuak"
"cardholderName": {
"message": "Txartelaren titularraren izena"
"number": {
"message": "Zenbakia"
"brand": {
"message": "Marka"
"expiration": {
"message": "Iraungitze data"
"securityCode": {
"message": "Segurtasun-kodea (CVV)"
"identityName": {
"message": "Identitate izena"
"company": {
"message": "Enpresa"
"ssn": {
"message": "Segurtasun sozialaren zenbakia"
"passportNumber": {
"message": "Pasaporte zenbakia"
"licenseNumber": {
"message": "Lizentzia zenbakia"
"email": {
"message": "Emaila"
"phone": {
"message": "Telefonoa"
"january": {
"message": "Urtarrila"
"february": {
"message": "Otsaila"
"march": {
"message": "Martxoa"
"april": {
"message": "Apirila"
"may": {
"message": "Maiatza"
"june": {
"message": "Ekaina"
"july": {
"message": "Uztaila"
"august": {
"message": "Abuztua"
"september": {
"message": "Iraila"
"october": {
"message": "Urria"
"november": {
"message": "Azaroa"
"december": {
"message": "Abendua"
"title": {
"message": "Titulua"
"mr": {
"message": "Jn."
"mrs": {
"message": "And."
"ms": {
"message": "And."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"dr": {
"message": "Jn."
"expirationMonth": {
"message": "Iraungitze hilabetea"
"expirationYear": {
"message": "Iraungitze urtea"
"authenticatorKeyTotp": {
"message": "Autentifikazio-gakoa (TOTP)"
"folder": {
"message": "Karpeta"
"newCustomField": {
"message": "Eremu pertsonalizatu berria"
"value": {
"message": "Balioa"
"dragToSort": {
"message": "Arrastatu txukuntzeko"
"cfTypeText": {
"message": "Testua"
"cfTypeHidden": {
"message": "Ezkutatua"
"cfTypeBoolean": {
"message": "Boolearra"
"cfTypeLinked": {
"message": "Konektatuta",
"description": "This describes a field that is 'linked' (related) to another field."
"remove": {
"message": "Ezabatu"
"unassigned": {
"message": "Esleitu gabe"
"noneFolder": {
"message": "Karpetarik ez",
"description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items"
"addFolder": {
"message": "Gehitu karpeta"
"editFolder": {
"message": "Editatu Karpeta"
"baseDomain": {
"message": "Oinarrizko domeinua",
"description": "Domain name. Example: website.com"
"domainName": {
"message": "Domeinu izena",
"description": "Domain name. Example: website.com"
"host": {
"message": "Ostalaria",
"description": "A URL's host value. For example, the host of https://sub.domain.com:443 is 'sub.domain.com:443'."
"exact": {
"message": "Zehatza"
"startsWith": {
"message": "Hasi honekin"
"regEx": {
"message": "Expresio erregularra",
"description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'."
"matchDetection": {
"message": "Detekzio mota",
"description": "URI match detection for auto-fill."
"defaultMatchDetection": {
"message": "Lehenetsitako detekzio mota",
"description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill."
"never": {
"message": "Inoiz ez"
"toggleVisibility": {
"message": "Txandakatu ikusgarritasuna"
"toggleCollapse": {
"message": "Hondoa jo",
"description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state."
"generatePassword": {
"message": "Sortu pasahitza"
"checkPassword": {
"message": "Egiaztatu pasahitza konprometituta dagoen."
"passwordExposed": {
"message": "Pasahitz hau $VALUE$ aldiz datu-iragazketetan aurkitu da. Aldatu egin beharko zenuke.",
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"passwordSafe": {
"message": "Pasahitz hau ez da inongo datu-filtrazio ezagunetan aurkitu. Erabiltzea segurua izan beharko luke."
"save": {
"message": "Gorde"
"cancel": {
"message": "Ezeztatu"
"canceled": {
"message": "Ezeztatuta"
"close": {
"message": "Itxi"
"delete": {
"message": "Ezabatu"
"favorite": {
"message": "Gogokoa"
"unfavorite": {
"message": "Gogokoetatik kendu"
"edit": {
"message": "Editatu"
"searchCollection": {
"message": "Bilatu bilduma"
"searchFolder": {
"message": "Bilatu karpeta"
"searchFavorites": {
"message": "Bilatu gogokoak"
"searchLogin": {
"message": "Search logins",
"description": "Search Login type"
"searchCard": {
"message": "Search cards",
"description": "Search Card type"
"searchIdentity": {
"message": "Search identities",
"description": "Search Identity type"
"searchSecureNote": {
"message": "Search secure notes",
"description": "Search Secure Note type"
"searchVault": {
"message": "Kutxa Gotorrean bilatu"
"searchMyVault": {
"message": "Search my vault"
"searchOrganization": {
"message": "Search organization"
"searchMembers": {
"message": "Search members"
"searchGroups": {
"message": "Search groups"
"allItems": {
"message": "Elementu guztiak"
"favorites": {
"message": "Gogokoak"
"types": {
"message": "Motak"
"typeLogin": {
"message": "Hasi saioa"
"typeCard": {
"message": "Txartela"
"typeIdentity": {
"message": "Identitatea"
"typeSecureNote": {
"message": "Ohar segurua"
"typeLoginPlural": {
"message": "Saio hasierak"
"typeCardPlural": {
"message": "Txartelak"
"typeIdentityPlural": {
"message": "Identitateak"
"typeSecureNotePlural": {
"message": "Ohar seguruak"
"folders": {
"message": "Karpetak"
"collections": {
"message": "Bildumak"
"firstName": {
"message": "Izena"
"middleName": {
"message": "Bigarren izena"
"lastName": {
"message": "Abizena"
"fullName": {
"message": "Izen osoa"
"address1": {
"message": "1go helbidea"
"address2": {
"message": "2. helbidea"
"address3": {
"message": "3. helbidea"
"cityTown": {
"message": "Hiria / Herria"
"stateProvince": {
"message": "Estatua / Probintzia"
"zipPostalCode": {
"message": "Posta kodea"
"country": {
"message": "Herrialdea"
"shared": {
"message": "Partekatua"
"attachments": {
"message": "Eranskinak"
"select": {
"message": "Hautatu"
"newItem": {
"message": "New item"
"addItem": {
"message": "Gehitu elementua"
"editItem": {
"message": "Editatu elementua"
"viewItem": {
"message": "Bistaratu elementua"
"new": {
"message": "New",
"description": "for adding new items"
"item": {
"message": "Item"
"ex": {
"message": "adb.",
"description": "Short abbreviation for 'example'."
"other": {
"message": "Bestelakoak"
"share": {
"message": "Partekatu"
"moveToOrganization": {
"message": "Mugitu erakundera"
"valueCopied": {
"message": "$VALUE$ kopiatuta",
"description": "Value has been copied to the clipboard.",
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Password"
"copyValue": {
"message": "Kopiatu balioa",
"description": "Copy value to clipboard"
"copyPassword": {
"message": "Kopiatu pasahitza",
"description": "Copy password to clipboard"
"copyUsername": {
"message": "Kopiatu erabiltzaile-izena",
"description": "Copy username to clipboard"
"copyNumber": {
"message": "Kopiatu zenbakia",
"description": "Copy credit card number"
"copySecurityCode": {
"message": "Kopiatu segurtasun-kodea",
"description": "Copy credit card security code (CVV)"
"copyUri": {
"message": "Kopiatu URIa",
"description": "Copy URI to clipboard"
"me": {
"message": "Ni"
"myVault": {
"message": "Kutxa Gotorra"
"allVaults": {
"message": "Kutxa Gotor guztiak"
"vault": {
"message": "Kutxa Gotorra"
"vaults": {
"message": "Kutxa Gotorrak"
"vaultItems": {
"message": "Kuxa gotorreko elementuak"
"filter": {
"message": "Filter"
"moveSelectedToOrg": {
"message": "Mugitu hautatutako antolakundera"
"deleteSelected": {
"message": "Ezabatu hautatutakoa"
"moveSelected": {
"message": "Mugitu hautatuak"
"selectAll": {
"message": "Hautatu guztiak"
"unselectAll": {
"message": "Deshautatu guztiak"
"launch": {
"message": "Abiarazi"
"newAttachment": {
"message": "Gehitu eranskin berria"
"deletedAttachment": {
"message": "Ezabatu eranskina"
"deleteAttachmentConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude eranskina ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"attachmentSaved": {
"message": "Eranskina gorde da."
"file": {
"message": "Fitxategia"
"selectFile": {
"message": "Hautatu fitxategia."
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Eranskinaren gehienezko tamaina 500MB."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Gehitu elementua"
"editedItem": {
"message": "Editatu elementua"
"movedItemToOrg": {
"message": "$ITEMNAME$ $ORGNAME$-ra mugitu",
"placeholders": {
"itemname": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Secret Item"
"orgname": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "Company Name"
"movedItemsToOrg": {
"message": "Hautatutako elementuak $ORGNAME$-ra mugituak",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Company Name"
"deleteItem": {
"message": "Ezabatu elementua"
"deleteFolder": {
"message": "Ezabatu karpeta"
"deleteAttachment": {
"message": "Ezabatu eranskina"
"deleteItemConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude osagai hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"deletedItem": {
"message": "Elementua zakarrontzira bidalia"
"deletedItems": {
"message": "Elementuak zakarrontzira bidaliak"
"movedItems": {
"message": "Elementuak mugituak"
"overwritePasswordConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude pasahitza berridatzi nahi duzula?"
"editedFolder": {
"message": "Karpeta editatuta"
"addedFolder": {
"message": "Karpeta gehituta"
"deleteFolderConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude karpeta hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"deletedFolder": {
"message": "Karpeta ezabatuta"
"editInfo": {
"message": "Edit info"
"access": {
"message": "Access"
"accessLevel": {
"message": "Access level"
"loggedOut": {
"message": "Saioa itxita"
"loginExpired": {
"message": "Saioa amaitu da."
"logOutConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude saioa itxi nahi duzula?"
"logOut": {
"message": "Itxi saioa"
"ok": {
"message": "Ados"
"yes": {
"message": "Bai"
"no": {
"message": "Ez"
"loginOrCreateNewAccount": {
"message": "Saioa hasi edo sortu kontu berri bat zure kutxa gotorrera sartzeko."
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Hasi saioa gailuarekin"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledNote": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"loginWithMasterPassword": {
"message": "Hasi saioa pasahitz nagusiarekin"
"readingPasskeyLoading": {
"message": "Reading passkey..."
"readingPasskeyLoadingInfo": {
"message": "Keep this window open and follow prompts from your browser."
"useADifferentLogInMethod": {
"message": "Use a different log in method"
"loginWithPasskey": {
"message": "Log in with passkey"
"invalidPasskeyPleaseTryAgain": {
"message": "Invalid Passkey. Please try again."
"twoFactorForPasskeysNotSupportedOnClientUpdateToLogIn": {
"message": "2FA for passkeys is not supported. Update the app to log in."
"loginWithPasskeyInfo": {
"message": "Use a generated passkey that will automatically log you in without a password. Biometrics, like facial recognition or fingerprint, or another FIDO2 security method will verify your identity."
"newPasskey": {
"message": "New passkey"
"learnMoreAboutPasswordless": {
"message": "Learn more about passwordless"
"creatingPasskeyLoading": {
"message": "Creating passkey..."
"creatingPasskeyLoadingInfo": {
"message": "Keep this window open and follow prompts from your browser."
"errorCreatingPasskey": {
"message": "Error creating passkey"
"errorCreatingPasskeyInfo": {
"message": "There was a problem creating your passkey."
"passkeySuccessfullyCreated": {
"message": "Passkey successfully created!"
"customPasskeyNameInfo": {
"message": "Name your passkey to help you identify it."
"useForVaultEncryption": {
"message": "Use for vault encryption"
"useForVaultEncryptionInfo": {
"message": "Log in and unlock on supported devices without your master password. Follow the prompts from your browser to finalize setup."
"useForVaultEncryptionErrorReadingPasskey": {
"message": "Error reading passkey. Try again or uncheck this option."
"encryptionNotSupported": {
"message": "Encryption not supported"
"enablePasskeyEncryption": {
"message": "Set up encryption"
"usedForEncryption": {
"message": "Used for encryption"
"loginWithPasskeyEnabled": {
"message": "Log in with passkey turned on"
"passkeySaved": {
"message": "$NAME$ saved",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Personal yubikey"
"passkeyRemoved": {
"message": "Passkey removed"
"removePasskey": {
"message": "Remove passkey"
"removePasskeyInfo": {
"message": "If all passkeys are removed, you will be unable to log into new devices without your master password."
"passkeyLimitReachedInfo": {
"message": "Passkey limit reached. Remove a passkey to add another."
"tryAgain": {
"message": "Try again"
"createAccount": {
"message": "Sortu kontua"
"newAroundHere": {
"message": "Berria hemendik?"
"startTrial": {
"message": "Hasi probaldia"
"logIn": {
"message": "Hasi saioa"
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Saioa hastea martxan da"
"submit": {
"message": "Bidali"
"emailAddressDesc": {
"message": "Zure emaila erabiliko duzu saioa hasteko."
"yourName": {
"message": "Zure izena"
"yourNameDesc": {
"message": "Nola deitu beharko genizuke?"
"masterPass": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia"
"masterPassDesc": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia, kutxa gotorrera sartzeko erabiltzen duzun pasahitza da. Oso garrantzitsua da ez ahaztea, ahazten baduzu, ez dago pasahitza berreskuratzeko modurik."
"masterPassImportant": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia ahazten baduzu ezingo duzu berreskuratu!"
"masterPassHintDesc": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia ahazten baduzu, pista batek pasahitza gogoratzen lagunduko dizu."
"reTypeMasterPass": {
"message": "Idatzi berriro pasahitz nagusia"
"masterPassHint": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusirako pista (aukerakoa)"
"masterPassHintLabel": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusiaren pista"
"settings": {
"message": "Ezarpenak"
"passwordHint": {
"message": "Pasahitza gogoratzeko pista"
"enterEmailToGetHint": {
"message": "Sartu zure kontuko emaila pasahitz nagusiaren pista jasotzeko."
"getMasterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Jaso pasahitz nagusiaren pista"
"emailRequired": {
"message": "Emaila derrigorrezkoa da."
"invalidEmail": {
"message": "Email helbide baliogabea."
"masterPasswordRequired": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia derrigorrezkoa da."
"confirmMasterPasswordRequired": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia berridaztea derrigorrezkoa da."
"masterPasswordMinlength": {
"message": "Master password must be at least $VALUE$ characters long.",
"description": "The Master Password must be at least a specific number of characters long.",
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"masterPassDoesntMatch": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusiaren egiaztatzea ez dator bat."
"newAccountCreated": {
"message": "Zure kontua egina dago. Orain saioa has dezakezu."
"trialAccountCreated": {
"message": "Kontua sortu da."
"masterPassSent": {
"message": "Mezu elektroniko bat bidali dizugu zure pasahitz nagusiaren pistarekin."
"unexpectedError": {
"message": "Ustekabeko akatsa gertatu da."
"expirationDateError": {
"message": "Please select an expiration date that is in the future."
"emailAddress": {
"message": "Emaila"
"yourVaultIsLocked": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorra blokeatuta dago. Egiaztatu zure pasahitz nagusia jarraitzeko."
"uuid": {
"message": "UUID"
"unlock": {
"message": "Desblokeatu"
"loggedInAsEmailOn": {
"message": "$HOSTNAME$-en $EMAIL$ bezala saioa hasita.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "name@example.com"
"hostname": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"invalidMasterPassword": {
"message": "Master pasahitz baliogabea"
"invalidFilePassword": {
"message": "Fitxategi pasahitzak ez du balio; mesedez, erabili esportazio fitxategia sortzean sartutako pasahitza."
"lockNow": {
"message": "Blokeatu orain"
"noItemsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko elementurik."
"noPermissionToViewAllCollectionItems": {
"message": "You do not have permission to view all items in this collection."
"noCollectionsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko bildumarik."
"noGroupsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko talderik."
"noUsersInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko erabiltzailerik."
"noMembersInList": {
"message": "There are no members to list."
"noEventsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko gertakaririk."
"newOrganization": {
"message": "Erakunde berria"
"noOrganizationsList": {
"message": "Zu ez zara inongo erakundekoa. Erakundeek elementuak beste erabiltzaile batzuekin modu seguruan partekatzeko aukera ematen dute."
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Jakinarazpen bat bidali da zure gailura."
"versionNumber": {
"message": "$VERSION_NUMBER$ bertsioa",
"placeholders": {
"version_number": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1.2.3"
"enterVerificationCodeApp": {
"message": "Sartu zure autentifikazio aplikazioaren 6 digituko egiaztatze-kodea."
"enterVerificationCodeEmail": {
"message": "Sartu $EMAIL$-era bidalitako 6 digituko egiaztatze-kodea.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "example@gmail.com"
"verificationCodeEmailSent": {
"message": "Egiaztatze emaila $EMAIL$-era bidalia.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "example@gmail.com"
"rememberMe": {
"message": "Gogora nazazu"
"sendVerificationCodeEmailAgain": {
"message": "Berbidali email bidezko egiaztatze-kodea"
"useAnotherTwoStepMethod": {
"message": "Erabili bi urratseko saio hasierarako beste modu bat"
"insertYubiKey": {
"message": "Sartu zure YubiKey-a ordenagailuko USB atakan, ondoren, sakatu bere botoia."
"insertU2f": {
"message": "Sartu zure segurtasun-gakoa ordenagailuaren USB atakan. Botoia badu, sakatu ezazu."
"loginUnavailable": {
"message": "Ez dago eskuragarri saio-hasierarik"
"noTwoStepProviders": {
"message": "Kontu honek bi urratseko saio hasiera du gaituta, baina ezarritako bi urratserako hornitzailea ez da web-nabigatzaile honekin bateragarria."
"noTwoStepProviders2": {
"message": "Mesedez, erabili nabigatzaile bateragarri bat (adibidez, Chrome) eta/edo gehitu bateragarritasun obea duten nabigatzaile bidezko (autentifikazio aplikazio gisa) autentifikazio modu gehigarriak."
"twoStepOptions": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasieraren aukerak"
"recoveryCodeDesc": {
"message": "Bi urratseko egiaztatzeko modu guztietarako sarbidea galdu duzu? Erabili zure berreskuratze-kodea zure kontuko bi urratseko egiaztatze hornitzaile guztiak desaktibatzeko."
"recoveryCodeTitle": {
"message": "Berreskuratze-kodea"
"authenticatorAppTitle": {
"message": "Autentifikazio aplikazioa"
"authenticatorAppDesc": {
"message": "Erabili autentifikazio aplikazio bat (adibidez, Authy edo Google Authenticator) denboran oinarritutako egiaztatze-kodeak sortzeko.",
"description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated."
"yubiKeyTitle": {
"message": "YubiKey OTP segurtasun-gakoa"
"yubiKeyDesc": {
"message": "Erabili YubiKey zure kontuan sartzeko. YubiKey 4 series, 5 series eta NEO gailuekin dabil."
"duoDesc": {
"message": "Egiaztatu Duo Securityrekin Duo Mobile aplikazioa, SMS, telefono deia edo U2F segurtasun-gakoa erabiliz.",
"description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated."
"duoOrganizationDesc": {
"message": "Egiaztatu zure erakunderako Duo Securityrekin Duo Mobile aplikazioa, SMS, telefono deia edo U2F segurtasun-gakoa erabiliz.",
"description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated."
"u2fDesc": {
"message": "Erabili gaitutako edozein FIDO U2F segurtasun-gako zure kontura sartzeko."
"u2fTitle": {
"message": "FIDO U2F segurtasun-gakoa"
"webAuthnTitle": {
"message": "FIDO2 WebAuthn"
"webAuthnDesc": {
"message": "Erabili gaitutako edozein WebAuthn segurtasun-gako zure kontura sartzeko."
"webAuthnMigrated": {
"message": "(FIDO-tik migratua)"
"emailTitle": {
"message": "Emaila"
"emailDesc": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kodeak email bidez bidaliko dira."
"continue": {
"message": "Jarraitu"
"organization": {
"message": "Erakundea"
"organizations": {
"message": "Erakundeak"
"moveToOrgDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu elementu hau zein erakundetara eraman nahi duzun. Erakunde batera pasatzeak elementuaren jabetza erakunde horretara transferitzen du. Zu ez zara elementu honen jabe zuzena izango mugitzen duzunean."
"moveManyToOrgDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu elementu hauek zein erakundetara eraman nahi dituzun. Erakunde batera pasatzeak elementuen jabetzak erakunde horretara transferitzen ditu. Zu ez zara elementu horien jabe zuzena izango mugitzen dituzunean."
"collectionsDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu elementu hau zein bildumarekin partekatzen den. Bilduma horietarako sarbidea duten erakundeko erabiltzaileek bakarrik ikus dezakete elementu hau."
"deleteSelectedItemsDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ elementu hautatu dituzu ezabatzeko. Ziur zaude elementu horiek guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "150"
"deleteSelectedCollectionsDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ collection(s) will be permanently deleted.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "150"
"deleteSelectedConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to continue?"
"moveSelectedItemsDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu $COUNT$ hautatutako artikulu mugitu nahi d(it)uzun karpeta.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "150"
"moveSelectedItemsCountDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ artikulu hautatu d(it)uzu. $MOVEABLE_COUNT$ artikulu erakunde batera alda daite(z)ke, $NONMOVEABLE_COUNT$ ezin d(ir)a.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"moveable_count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "8"
"nonmoveable_count": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "2"
"verificationCodeTotp": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kodea (TOTP)"
"copyVerificationCode": {
"message": "Kopiatu egiaztatze-kodea"
"copyUuid": {
"message": "Copy UUID"
"warning": {
"message": "Kontuz"
"confirmVaultExport": {
"message": "Baieztatu kutxa gotorra esportatzea"
"confirmSecretsExport": {
"message": "Confirm secrets export"
"exportWarningDesc": {
"message": "Esportazio honek kutxa gotorraren datuak zifratu gabeko formatuan biltzen ditu. Ez zenuke gorde edo kanal ez-seguruetaik (emaila, adibidez) bidali behar. Erabili eta berehala ezabatu."
"exportSecretsWarningDesc": {
"message": "This export contains your secrets data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it."
"encExportKeyWarningDesc": {
"message": "Esportazio honek zure datuak zifratzen ditu zure kontuaren zifratze-gakoa erabiliz. Inoiz zure kontuko zifratze-gakoa berrituz gero, berriro esportatu beharko duzu, ezin izango baituzu fitxategi hori deszifratu."
"encExportAccountWarningDesc": {
"message": "Kontua zifratzeko gakoak Bitwarden erabiltzaile bakoitzarentzako bakarrik dira; beraz, ezin da inportatu beste kontu batean zifratutako esportazio bat."
"export": {
"message": "Esportatu"
"exportFrom": {
"message": "Export from"
"exportVault": {
"message": "Esportatu kutxa gotorra"
"exportSecrets": {
"message": "Export secrets"
"fileFormat": {
"message": "Fitxategiaren formatua"
"fileEncryptedExportWarningDesc": {
"message": "Fitxategien esportazio hori pasahitzaren bidez babestuta egongo da eta deszifratzeko fitxategi pasahitza beharko da."
"exportPasswordDescription": {
"message": "Fitxategi hau esportatu eta inportatzeko erabiliko da pasahitz hau"
"confirmMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia baieztatu"
"confirmFormat": {
"message": "Formatua baieztatu"
"filePassword": {
"message": "Fitxategi pasahitza"
"confirmFilePassword": {
"message": "Fitxategi pasahitza berretsi"
"accountRestrictedOptionDescription": {
"message": "Use your account encryption key, derived from your account's username and Master Password, to encrypt the export and restrict import to only the current Bitwarden account."
"passwordProtectedOptionDescription": {
"message": "Erabili pasahitza esportazioa zifratzeko eta Bitwardeneko edozein kontutara inportatzean deszifratzeko."
"exportTypeHeading": {
"message": "Export type"
"accountRestricted": {
"message": "Account restricted"
"passwordProtected": {
"message": "Pasahitz babestua"
"filePasswordAndConfirmFilePasswordDoNotMatch": {
"message": "“Fitxategi pasahitza” eta “Fitxategi pasahitza berretsi” ez datoz bat."
"confirmVaultImport": {
"message": "Berretsi kutxa gotorra inportatzea"
"confirmVaultImportDesc": {
"message": "Fitxategi hau pasahitzez babestuta dago. Sartu fitxategiaren pasahitza datuak inportatzeko."
"exportSuccess": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorra esportatu da."
"passwordGenerator": {
"message": "Pasahitz sortzailea"
"minComplexityScore": {
"message": "Konplexutasun puntuazio minimoa"
"minNumbers": {
"message": "Gutxieneko zenbaki kopurua"
"minSpecial": {
"message": "Gutxieneko karaktere bereziak",
"description": "Minimum special characters"
"ambiguous": {
"message": "Saihestu karaktere anbiguoak"
"regeneratePassword": {
"message": "Berrezarri pasahitza"
"length": {
"message": "Luzera"
"passwordMinLength": {
"message": "Minimum password length"
"uppercase": {
"message": "Letra larria (A-Z)",
"description": "Include uppercase letters in the password generator."
"lowercase": {
"message": "Letra txikia (a-z)",
"description": "Include lowercase letters in the password generator."
"numbers": {
"message": "Zenbakiak (0-9)"
"specialCharacters": {
"message": "Karaktere bereziak (!@#$%^&*)"
"numWords": {
"message": "Hitz kopurua"
"wordSeparator": {
"message": "Hitz banatzailea"
"capitalize": {
"message": "Hasierako letra larria",
"description": "Make the first letter of a word uppercase."
"includeNumber": {
"message": "Sartu zenbakia"
"passwordHistory": {
"message": "Pasahitz historia"
"noPasswordsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko pasahitzik."
"clear": {
"message": "Ezabatu",
"description": "To clear something out. Example: To clear browser history."
"accountUpdated": {
"message": "Kontu eguneratua"
"changeEmail": {
"message": "Aldatu emaila"
"changeEmailTwoFactorWarning": {
"message": "Prozedurak zure kontuko emaila aldatuko du. Bi urratseko autentifikazioan erabilitako emaila ez da aldatuko. Email hori alda dezakezu bi urratseko saio hasieraren ezarpenetan."
"newEmail": {
"message": "Email berria"
"code": {
"message": "Kodea"
"changeEmailDesc": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kode bat bidali dugu $EMAIL$-ra. Mesedez, berrikusi zure emaila eta idatzi kodea behean emailaren aldaketa burutzeko.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "john.smith@example.com"
"loggedOutWarning": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak uneko saioa itxiko du eta berriro saioa hasteko eskatuko zaizu. Beste gailu batzuetako saio aktiboek ordubete iraun dezakete aktibo."
"emailChanged": {
"message": "Emaila aldatua"
"logBackIn": {
"message": "Mesedez, hasi saioa berriro."
"logBackInOthersToo": {
"message": "Mesedez, hasi saioa berriro. Bitwardenen beste aplikazioren bat erabiltzen ari bazara, itxi saioa eta hasi saioa berriro aplikazio horretan ere."
"changeMasterPassword": {
"message": "Aldatu pasahitz nagusia"
"masterPasswordChanged": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia aldatua"
"currentMasterPass": {
"message": "Uneko pasahitz nagusia"
"newMasterPass": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusi berria"
"confirmNewMasterPass": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusi berria baieztatu"
"encKeySettings": {
"message": "Zifratze-gakoaren ezarpenak"
"kdfAlgorithm": {
"message": "KDF algoritmoa"
"kdfIterations": {
"message": "KDF iterazioak"
"kdfIterationsDesc": {
"message": "KFD iterazio altuenek zure pasahitz nagusia babesten lagun dezakete, erasotzaile batek bortxatu ez ditzan. $VALUE$ edo gehiagoko balioa gomendatzen dugu.",
"placeholders": {
"value": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "100,000"
"kdfIterationsWarning": {
"message": "Setting your KDF iterations too high could result in poor performance when logging into (and unlocking) Bitwarden on slower or older devices. We recommend that you increase the value in increments of $INCREMENT$ and then test all of your devices.",
"placeholders": {
"increment": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50,000"
"kdfMemory": {
"message": "KDF memory (MB)",
"description": "Memory refers to computer memory (RAM). MB is short for megabytes."
"argon2Warning": {
"message": "Setting your KDF iterations, memory, and parallelism too high could result in poor performance when logging into (and unlocking) Bitwarden on slower or older devices. We recommend changing these individually in small increments and then test all of your devices."
"kdfParallelism": {
"message": "KDF parallelism"
"argon2Desc": {
"message": "Higher KDF iterations, memory, and parallelism can help protect your master password from being brute forced by an attacker."
"changeKdf": {
"message": "Aldatu KDF"
"encKeySettingsChanged": {
"message": "Zifratze-gakoaren ezarpenak aldatuta"
"dangerZone": {
"message": "Eremu arriskutsua"
"dangerZoneDesc": {
"message": "Kontuz, ekintza hauek ez dira itzulgarriak!"
"deauthorizeSessions": {
"message": "Baimena kendu saio hasierei"
"deauthorizeSessionsDesc": {
"message": "Zure kontua beste gailu batean saioa hasita egoteak kezkatzen zaitu? Beheko aukeran, erabili dituzun gailu guztietako saioa hasteko baimenak kendu dezakezu. Gomendagarria da aldez aurretik ordenagailu publiko bat erabili baduzu edo nahi gabe pasahitza zurea ez den gailu batean gorde baduzu. Urrats honek lehenago gogoratutako bi urratseko saio hasierako saio guztiak ere garbituko ditu."
"deauthorizeSessionsWarning": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak uneko saioa itxiko du eta berriro saioa hasteko eskatuko zaizu. Gaituta badago, berriz ere bi urratseko saioa hasiera eskatuko zaizu. Beste gailu batzuetako saio aktiboek ordubete iraun dezakete aktibo."
"sessionsDeauthorized": {
"message": "Saio guztiei baimena kendua"
"purgeVault": {
"message": "Garbitu kutxa gotorra"
"purgedOrganizationVault": {
"message": "Garbitu erakundeko kutxa gotorra."
"vaultAccessedByProvider": {
"message": "Hornitzaileak sarbidea duen kutxa gotorra."
"purgeVaultDesc": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak kutxa gotorrean dauden elementu eta karpeta guztiak ezabatuko ditu. Partekatzen dituzun erakunde bateko elementuak ez dira ezabatuko."
"purgeOrgVaultDesc": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak erakundeko kutxa gotorrean dauden elementu guztiak ezabatuko ditu."
"purgeVaultWarning": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorra garbitzea iraunkorra da. Ezin da desegin."
"vaultPurged": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorra garbitu da."
"deleteAccount": {
"message": "Ezabatu kontua"
"deleteAccountDesc": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak zure kontua eta kutxa gotorreko datu guztiak ezabatuko ditu."
"deleteAccountWarning": {
"message": "Zure kontua ezabatzea iraunkorra da. Ezin da desegin."
"accountDeleted": {
"message": "Kontu eguneratua"
"accountDeletedDesc": {
"message": "Bitwarden kontuko eta kutxa gotorreko datuak betiko ezabatu dira."
"myAccount": {
"message": "Nire kontua"
"tools": {
"message": "Tresnak"
"importData": {
"message": "Inportatu datuak"
"onboardingImportDataDetailsPartOne": {
"message": "If you don't have any data to import, you can create a ",
"description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. (Optional second half: You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.)"
"onboardingImportDataDetailsLink": {
"message": "new item",
"description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. (Optional second half: You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.)"
"onboardingImportDataDetailsPartTwoNoOrgs": {
"message": " instead.",
"description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead."
"onboardingImportDataDetailsPartTwoWithOrgs": {
"message": " instead. You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership.",
"description": "This will be part of a larger sentence, that will read like this: If you don't have any data to import, you can create a new item instead. You may need to wait until your administrator confirms your organization membership."
"importError": {
"message": "Akatsa inportatzerakoan"
"importErrorDesc": {
"message": "Inportatzen saiatu zaren datuekin arazo bat egon da. Mesedez, konpondu ondoren adierazten diren akatsak eta saiatu berriro."
"importSuccess": {
"message": "Datuak behar bezala inportatu dira."
"importSuccessNumberOfItems": {
"message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.",
"placeholders": {
"amount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"dataExportSuccess": {
"message": "Data successfully exported"
"importWarning": {
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$-era datuak inportatzen ari zara. Zure datuak erakunde horretako kideekin parteka daitezke. Jarraitu nahi duzu?",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"importFormatError": {
"message": "Datuak ez daude behar bezala formateatuta. Berrikusi inportazio fitxategia eta saiatu berriro."
"importNothingError": {
"message": "Ez da ezer inportatu."
"importEncKeyError": {
"message": "Errorea esportatutako fitxategia deszifratzean. Zifratze-gakoa ez dator bat datuak esportatzeko erabilitako zifratze-gakoarekin."
"importDestination": {
"message": "Import destination"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "Learn about your import options"
"selectImportFolder": {
"message": "Select a folder"
"selectImportCollection": {
"message": "Select a collection"
"importTargetHint": {
"message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$",
"description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.",
"placeholders": {
"destination": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "folder or collection"
"importUnassignedItemsError": {
"message": "File contains unassigned items."
"selectFormat": {
"message": "Hautatu inportazio fitxategiaren formatua"
"selectImportFile": {
"message": "Hautatu inportazio fitxategia"
"chooseFile": {
"message": "Hautatu fitxategia"
"noFileChosen": {
"message": "Ez da fitxategirik hautatu"
"orCopyPasteFileContents": {
"message": "edo kopiatu/pegatu inportazio fitxategiaren edukia"
"instructionsFor": {
"message": "$NAME$ jarraibideak",
"description": "The title for the import tool instructions.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "LastPass (csv)"
"options": {
"message": "Aukerak"
"preferences": {
"message": "Hobespenak"
"preferencesDesc": {
"message": "Pertsonalizatu zure esperientzia webguneko kutxa gotorrean."
"preferencesUpdated": {
"message": "Hobespenak eguneratuta"
"language": {
"message": "Hizkuntza"
"languageDesc": {
"message": "Aldatu webguneko kutxa gotorrean erabiltzen den hizkuntza."
"enableFavicon": {
"message": "Erakutsi webguneko ikonoak"
"faviconDesc": {
"message": "Erakutsi irudi bat saio-hasiera bakoitzaren ondoan."
"default": {
"message": "Lehenetsia"
"domainRules": {
"message": "Domeinu arauak"
"domainRulesDesc": {
"message": "Webguneko hainbat domeinutan saio bera hasia baduzu, webgunea \"baliokide\" gisa marka dezakezu. Domeinu \"globalak\" Bitwarden-ek zure ordez sortzen ditu."
"globalEqDomains": {
"message": "Domeinu baliokide globalak"
"customEqDomains": {
"message": "Pertsonalizatutako domeinu baliokideak"
"exclude": {
"message": "Baztertu"
"include": {
"message": "Barne hartu"
"customize": {
"message": "Pertsonalizatu"
"newCustomDomain": {
"message": "Domeinu pertsonalizatu berria"
"newCustomDomainDesc": {
"message": "Sartu komaz bereizitako domeinu zerrenda bat. \"Oinarrizko\" domeinuak bakarrik onartzen dira. Ez sartu azpidomeinuak. Adibidez, sartu \"google.com\" \"www.google.com\" beharrean. \"androidapp://gav.name\" ere sar dezakezu Android-eko aplikazio bat webguneko beste domeinu batzuekin lotzeko."
"customDomainX": {
"message": "$INDEX$ domeinu pertsonalizatua",
"placeholders": {
"index": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"domainsUpdated": {
"message": "Domeinua eguneratua"
"twoStepLogin": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera"
"twoStepLoginEnforcement": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera aplikatu"
"twoStepLoginDesc": {
"message": "Ziurtatu zure kontua saioa hastean beste urrats bat egitea eskatuz."
"twoStepLoginTeamsDesc": {
"message": "Enable two-step login for your organization."
"twoStepLoginEnterpriseDescStart": {
"message": "Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the ",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the Two-step Login Policy.'"
"twoStepLoginPolicy": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasieraren politika"
"twoStepLoginOrganizationDuoDesc": {
"message": "Duo bidezko bi urratseko saio hasiera behartzeko, erabili hurrengo aukerak."
"twoStepLoginOrganizationSsoDesc": {
"message": "SSO ezarrita baduzu edo hori egiteko asmoa baduzu, baliteke bi urratseko saio-hasiera iada zure identitate-hornitzailearen bidez erabiltzen aritzea."
"twoStepLoginRecoveryWarning": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera gaitzeak betirako blokea dezake Bitwarden kontura sartzea. Berreskuratze-kode baten bidez, zure kontura sar zaitezke, bi urratseko saio hasierako hornitzailea erabili ezin baduzu (adb. gailua galtzen baduzu). Bitwarden-ek ezingo dizu lagundu zure konturako sarbidea galtzen baduzu. Berreskuratze-kodea idatzi edo inprimatzea eta leku seguruan edukitzea gomendatzen dugu."
"viewRecoveryCode": {
"message": "Berreskuratze-kodea"
"providers": {
"message": "Hornitzaileak",
"description": "Two-step login providers such as YubiKey, Duo, Authenticator apps, Email, etc."
"enable": {
"message": "Gaitu"
"enabled": {
"message": "Gaituta"
"restoreAccess": {
"message": "Sarbidea berreskuratu"
"premium": {
"message": "Premium",
"description": "Premium membership"
"premiumMembership": {
"message": "Premium bazkidea"
"premiumRequired": {
"message": "Premium izatea beharrezkoa da"
"premiumRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Premium bazkidetza beharrezkoa da ezaugarri hau erabiltzeko."
"youHavePremiumAccess": {
"message": "Premium sarbidea duzu"
"alreadyPremiumFromOrg": {
"message": "Dagoeneko premium ezaugarrietarako sarbidea duzu, kide zaren erakundeagatik."
"manage": {
"message": "Kudeatu"
"canManage": {
"message": "Can manage"
"disable": {
"message": "Desgaitu"
"revokeAccess": {
"message": "Sarbidea ezeztatu"
"twoStepLoginProviderEnabled": {
"message": "Zure kontuan gaituta dago bi urratseko saio hasieraren hornitzaile hori."
"twoStepLoginAuthDesc": {
"message": "Sartu pasahitz nagusia bi urratseko saio hasierako ezarpenak aldatzeko."
"twoStepAuthenticatorDesc": {
"message": "Jarraitu, bi urratseko saio hasiera autentifikazio aplikazio batekin zehazteko:"
"twoStepAuthenticatorDownloadApp": {
"message": "Deskargatu bi urratseko autentifikazio aplikazio bat"
"twoStepAuthenticatorNeedApp": {
"message": "Bi urratseko autentifikazio aplikazio bat behar duzu? Deskargatu ondorengoetako bat"
"iosDevices": {
"message": "iOS gailuak"
"androidDevices": {
"message": "Android gailuak"
"windowsDevices": {
"message": "Windows gailuak"
"twoStepAuthenticatorAppsRecommended": {
"message": "Aplikazio hauek dira gomendatuak, hala ere, beste aplikazio batzuk ere funtzionatuko dute."
"twoStepAuthenticatorScanCode": {
"message": "Eskaneatu QR kode hau zure autentifikazio aplikazioarekin"
"key": {
"message": "Gakoa"
"twoStepAuthenticatorEnterCode": {
"message": "Sartu aplikazioko 6 digituko egiaztatze-kodea"
"twoStepAuthenticatorReaddDesc": {
"message": "Beste gailu bati gehitu behar badiozu, hona hemen autentifikazio-aplikazioak eskatzen duen QR kodea (edo gakoa)."
"twoStepDisableDesc": {
"message": "Ziur zaude bi urratseko saio hasierako hornitzaile hau desgaitu nahi duzula?"
"twoStepDisabled": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasierako hornitzailea desgaitua."
"twoFactorYubikeyAdd": {
"message": "Gehitu YubiKey berria zure kontura"
"twoFactorYubikeyPlugIn": {
"message": "Sartu zure YubiKey-a ordenagailuko USB atakan."
"twoFactorYubikeySelectKey": {
"message": "Hautatu YubiKey-ren lehen sarrera-eremu hutsa."
"twoFactorYubikeyTouchButton": {
"message": "Sakatu YubiKey-aren botoia."
"twoFactorYubikeySaveForm": {
"message": "Formularioa gorde."
"twoFactorYubikeyWarning": {
"message": "Plataformaren mugak direla eta, YubiKey ezin da erabili Bitwarden-en aplikazio guztietan. Bi urratseko saio hasierako beste hornitzaile bat gaitu beharko duzu, YubiKey erabili ezin denean zure kontuan sartzeko. Plataforma bateragarriak:"
"twoFactorYubikeySupportUsb": {
"message": "Weguneko kutxa gotorra, mahaigaineko aplikazioa, CLI eta nabigatzailearen luzapen guztiak USB ataka duen gailu batean, zure YubiKeyak onar ditzakeena."
"twoFactorYubikeySupportMobile": {
"message": "Aplikazio mugikorrak NFC duen gailu batean edo zure YubiKey onartzen duen USB ataka batean."
"yubikeyX": {
"message": "YubiKey $INDEX$",
"placeholders": {
"index": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"u2fkeyX": {
"message": "U2F gakoa $INDEX$",
"placeholders": {
"index": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"webAuthnkeyX": {
"message": "WebAuthn gakoa $INDEX$",
"placeholders": {
"index": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"nfcSupport": {
"message": "NFC euskarria"
"twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfc": {
"message": "Nire gakoetako batek NFC baimentzen du."
"twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfcDesc": {
"message": "YubiKey-etako batek NFC onartzen badu (YubiKeyko NEO bat bezala), gailu mugikorretan eskatuko zaio NFC erabiltzeko aukera detektatzen denean."
"yubikeysUpdated": {
"message": "YubiKey eguneratua"
"disableAllKeys": {
"message": "Desgaitu gako guztiak"
"twoFactorDuoDesc": {
"message": "Sartu zure Duo administrazio paneleko Bitwarden aplikazioaren informazioa."
"twoFactorDuoIntegrationKey": {
"message": "Integrazio-gakoa"
"twoFactorDuoSecretKey": {
"message": "Gako-sekretua"
"twoFactorDuoApiHostname": {
"message": "API-aren ostalariaren izena"
"twoFactorEmailDesc": {
"message": "Jarraitu, bi urratseko saio hasiera email batekin zehazteko:"
"twoFactorEmailEnterEmail": {
"message": "Sartu egiaztatze-kodeak jaso nahi dituzun emaila"
"twoFactorEmailEnterCode": {
"message": "Sartu emaileko 6 digituko egiaztatze-kodea"
"sendEmail": {
"message": "Emaila bidali"
"twoFactorU2fAdd": {
"message": "Gehitu FIDO U2F segurtasun-gakoa zure kontura"
"removeU2fConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude segurtasun-gakoa hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"twoFactorWebAuthnAdd": {
"message": "Gehitu WebAuthn segurtasun-gakoa zure kontura"
"readKey": {
"message": "Irakurri gakoa"
"keyCompromised": {
"message": "Gakoa konprometituta dago."
"twoFactorU2fGiveName": {
"message": "Izendatu segurtasun-gakoa."
"twoFactorU2fPlugInReadKey": {
"message": "Sartu segurtasun-gakoa ordenagailuaren USB atakan eta egin klik \"Read Key\" botoian."
"twoFactorU2fTouchButton": {
"message": "Segurtasun-gakoak botoia badu, sakatu."
"twoFactorU2fSaveForm": {
"message": "Formularioa gorde."
"twoFactorU2fWarning": {
"message": "Plataformaren mugak direla eta, FIDO U2F ezin da erabili Bitwarden-en aplikazio guztietan. Bi urratseko saio hasierako beste hornitzaile bat gaitu beharko duzu, FIDO U2F erabili ezin denean zure kontuan sartzeko. Plataforma bateragarriak:"
"twoFactorU2fSupportWeb": {
"message": "Webguneko kutxa gotorra eta nabigatzailearen gehiagarriak mahaigain/ordenagailu eramangarri batean, U2F nabigatzaile gaitu batekin (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi edo Firefox, FIDO U2F gaitua duena)."
"twoFactorU2fWaiting": {
"message": "Segurtasun-gakoko botoia sakatzeko zain"
"twoFactorU2fClickSave": {
"message": "Egin klik \"gorde\" botoian, bi urratseko saio hasierako segurtasun-gako hau gaitzeko."
"twoFactorU2fProblemReadingTryAgain": {
"message": "Arazo bat egon da segurtasun-gakoa irakurtzean. Saiatu berriro mesedez."
"twoFactorWebAuthnWarning": {
"message": "Plataformaren mugak direla eta, WebAuthn ezin da erabili Bitwarden-en aplikazio guztietan. Bi urratseko saio hasierako beste hornitzaile bat gaitu beharko duzu, WebAuthn erabili ezin denean zure kontuan sartzeko. Plataforma bateragarriak:"
"twoFactorWebAuthnSupportWeb": {
"message": "Webguneko kutxa gotorra eta nabigatzailearen gehiagarriak mahaigain/ordenagailu eramangarri batean, WebAuthn nabigatzaile gaitu batekin (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi edo Firefox, FIDO U2F gaitua duena)."
"twoFactorRecoveryYourCode": {
"message": "Zure Bitwardeneko bi urratseko saio hasierako berreskuratze-kodea"
"twoFactorRecoveryNoCode": {
"message": "Oraindik ez duzu bi urratseko saio hasiera hornitzailerik gaitu. Bi urratseko saio hasierako hornitzaile bat gaitu ondoren, hona itzul zaitezke zure berreskuratze-kodea ikusteko."
"printCode": {
"message": "Inprimatu kodea",
"description": "Print 2FA recovery code"
"reports": {
"message": "Txostenak"
"reportsDesc": {
"message": "Identifikatu eta itxi lineako kontuetako segurtasun hutsuneak, ondorengo txostenetan klik eginez.",
"description": "Vault health reports can be used to evaluate the security of your Bitwarden individual or organization vault."
"orgsReportsDesc": {
"message": "Identifikatu eta itxi erakundetako kontuetako segurtasun hutsuneak, ondorengo txostenetan klik eginez.",
"description": "Vault health reports can be used to evaluate the security of your Bitwarden individual or organization vault."
"unsecuredWebsitesReport": {
"message": "Webgune ez seguruak"
"unsecuredWebsitesReportDesc": {
"message": "http:// -rekin hasten diren URLek ez dute erabiltzen eskura dagoen zifraturik onena. Aldatu kontu horietarako sarbide URI-ak https://-ra, nabigazio seguruagoa izateko."
"unsecuredWebsitesFound": {
"message": "Webgune ez seguruak aurkituak"
"unsecuredWebsitesFoundDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ artikulu aurkitu d(it)ugu kutxa gotorrean bermatuta ez dauden URI-ekin. Zure URI eskema https://-ra aldatu behar duzu, web guneak onartzen badu.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"noUnsecuredWebsites": {
"message": "Ez dago elementurik zure kutxa gotorrean URI ez seguruekin."
"inactive2faReport": {
"message": "Desgaitu bi urratseko saio hasiera bidezko sarbidea"
"inactive2faReportDesc": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera bidezko sarbideak babes geruza bat gehitzen die zure kontuei. Gaitu bi urratseko saio hasiera kontu horietarako Bitwarden Autenticator edo ordezko modu bat erabiliz."
"inactive2faFound": {
"message": "2FA-rik gabeko saio hasierak aurkituak"
"inactive2faFoundDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ webgune aurkitu ditugu zure kutxa gotorrean bi urratseko autentifikazioarekin konfiguratu ezin direnak (twofactorauth.org-en arabera). Kontu horiek babesteko, bi urratseko autentifikazioa gaitu behar duzu.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"noInactive2fa": {
"message": "Ez da aurkitu webgunerik zure kutxa gotorrean bi urratsetako autentifikaziorik gabe."
"instructions": {
"message": "Jarraibideak"
"exposedPasswordsReport": {
"message": "Ikusgai dauden pasahitzen txostena"
"exposedPasswordsReportDesc": {
"message": "Ikusgai dauden pasahitzak datu bortxaketa ezagunetan aurkitu diren pasahitzak dira, eta publikoki argitaratu edo hackerrek web ilunean saldu dituzte. Aldatu pasahitz hauek arriskuak ekiditeko."
"exposedPasswordsFound": {
"message": "Ikusgai dauden pasahitzak aurkituak"
"exposedPasswordsFoundDesc": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorrean $COUNT$ elementuren pasahitz daude, datu bortxaketa ezagunetan erakutsi direnak. Aldatu beharko zenituzke eta pasahitz berria erabili.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"noExposedPasswords": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorrean ez da aurkitu inongo datu bortxaketa ezagunetan erakutsi den pasahitzik."
"checkExposedPasswords": {
"message": "Egiaztatu ikusgai dauden pasahitzik dagoen"
"exposedXTimes": {
"message": "$COUNT$ aldiz ikusgai egina",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "52"
"weakPasswordsReport": {
"message": "Pasahitz ahulak"
"weakPasswordsReportDesc": {
"message": "Erasotzaileek erraz asma ditzakete pasahitz ahulak. Aldatu pasahitz horiek sendoetara pasahitz sortzailea erabiliz."
"weakPasswordsFound": {
"message": "Pasahitz ahulak aurkituak"
"weakPasswordsFoundDesc": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorrean $COUNT$ elementu aurkitu ditugu pasahitz ahulekin. Eguneratu egin behar dituzu pasahitz seguruagoak erabiltzeko.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"noWeakPasswords": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorrean ez dago pasahitz ahulik duen elementurik."
"reusedPasswordsReport": {
"message": "Pasahitz berrerabiliak"
"reusedPasswordsReportDesc": {
"message": "Pasahitzak berrerabiliz gero, errazagoa da erasotzaileentzat kontu bat baino gehiago haustea. Aldatu pasahitz horiek, bakoitza bakarra izan dadin."
"reusedPasswordsFound": {
"message": "Pasahitz berrerabiliak aurkituak"
"reusedPasswordsFoundDesc": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorrean $COUNT$ elementu aurkitu ditugu pasahitz berrerabiliekin. Aldatu beharko zenituzke pasahitz bakarrak erabiltzeko.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"noReusedPasswords": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorrean ez dago pasahitz berrerabilik duen elementurik."
"reusedXTimes": {
"message": "$COUNT$ aldiz berrerabilia",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"dataBreachReport": {
"message": "Datu bortxaketen txostena"
"breachDesc": {
"message": "Bortxatutako kontuetako informazio pertsonala ikusgai egin dezakete. 2FA gaitzeak edo pasahitz indartsuagoa sortzeak kontu bortxatuak babesten ditu."
"breachCheckUsernameEmail": {
"message": "Berrikusi erabiltzen dituzun erabiltzaile izenak edo emailak."
"checkBreaches": {
"message": "Datu-iragazketak egiaztatu"
"breachUsernameNotFound": {
"message": "$USERNAME$ ez da inongo datu-iragazketa ezagunetan aurkitu.",
"placeholders": {
"username": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "user@example.com"
"goodNews": {
"message": "Berri onak",
"description": "ex. Good News, No Breached Accounts Found!"
"breachUsernameFound": {
"message": "$USERNAME$ $COUNT$ datu-iragazketa ezagunetan aurkitu da.",
"placeholders": {
"username": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "user@example.com"
"count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "7"
"breachFound": {
"message": "Iragazitako kontuak aurkitu dira"
"compromisedData": {
"message": "Datu konprometituak"
"website": {
"message": "Webgunea"
"affectedUsers": {
"message": "Eragindako erabiltzaileak"
"breachOccurred": {
"message": "Iragazketa bat gertatu da"
"breachReported": {
"message": "Iragazketa jakinarazia"
"reportError": {
"message": "Akatsa gertatu da txostena kargatzean. Saiatu berriro"
"billing": {
"message": "Fakturazioa"
"billingPlanLabel": {
"message": "Fakturazio plana"
"paymentType": {
"message": "Ordainketa modua"
"accountCredit": {
"message": "Kontuaren kreditua",
"description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)."
"accountBalance": {
"message": "Kontu balantzea",
"description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)."
"addCredit": {
"message": "Gehitu kreditua",
"description": "Add more credit to your account's balance."
"amount": {
"message": "Kopurua",
"description": "Dollar amount, or quantity."
"creditDelayed": {
"message": "Ordainketa egin ondoren, kreditu erantsia zure kontuan agertuko da. Ordainketa modu batzuk atzeratu egiten dira, eta beste batzuk baino denbora gehiago behar izaten dute kontuan agertzeko."
"makeSureEnoughCredit": {
"message": "Ziurtatu zure kontuak nahikoa kreditu duela erosketa honetarako. Zure kontuak behar adina kreditu erabilgarri ez badu, fitxategian lehenespenez ezarrita dagoen ordainketa modua ezberdintasuna ordaintzeko erabiliko da. Zure kontuan kreditua gehitu dezakezu fakturazio orritik."
"creditAppliedDesc": {
"message": "Zure kontuko kreditua erosketak egiteko erabil daiteke. Erabilgarri dagoen edozein kreditu automatikoki aplikatuko zaie kontu honetarako sortutako fakturei."
"goPremium": {
"message": "Egin zaitez Premium",
"description": "Another way of saying \"Get a Premium membership\""
"premiumUpdated": {
"message": "Premium egin zara."
"premiumUpgradeUnlockFeatures": {
"message": "Egin zaitrez Premium bazkide eta desblokeatu ezaugarri batzuk."
"premiumSignUpStorage": {
"message": "Eranskinentzako 1GB-eko zifratutako biltegia."
"premiumSignUpTwoStepOptions": {
"message": "Proprietary two-step login options such as YubiKey and Duo."
"premiumSignUpEmergency": {
"message": "Larrialdietarako sarbidea"
"premiumSignUpReports": {
"message": "Pasahitzaren higienea, kontuaren egoera eta datu-bortxaketen txostenak, kutxa gotorra seguru mantentzeko."
"premiumSignUpTotp": {
"message": "TOTP (2FA) egiaztatze-kode sortzailea gotor kutxako erregistroetarako."
"premiumSignUpSupport": {
"message": "Lehentasunezko bezeroarentzako arreta."
"premiumSignUpFuture": {
"message": "Etorkizuneko premium ezaugarri guztiak. Laister gehiago!"
"premiumPrice": {
"message": "Dena, urtean $PRICE$gatik!",
"placeholders": {
"price": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$10"
"premiumPriceWithFamilyPlan": {
"message": "Go premium for just $PRICE$ /year, or get premium accounts for $FAMILYPLANUSERCOUNT$ users and unlimited family sharing with a ",
"placeholders": {
"price": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$10"
"familyplanusercount": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "6"
"bitwardenFamiliesPlan": {
"message": "Bitwarden Families plan."
"addons": {
"message": "Gehigarriak"
"premiumAccess": {
"message": "Premium sarbidea"
"premiumAccessDesc": {
"message": "Erakundeko kide guztiei premium sarbidea gehi diezaiekezu $PRICE$ /$INTERVAL$-gatik.",
"placeholders": {
"price": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$3.33"
"interval": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "'month' or 'year'"
"additionalStorageGb": {
"message": "Biltegi gehigarria (GB)"
"additionalStorageGbDesc": {
"message": "# GB gehigarri"
"additionalStorageIntervalDesc": {
"message": "Fitxategiak zifratuta gordetzeko $SIZE$ d(it)u planak. Biltegiratze gehigarria gehi dezakezu $PRICE$ GB /$INTERVAL$-gatik.",
"placeholders": {
"size": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1 GB"
"price": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "$4.00"
"interval": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "'month' or 'year'"
"summary": {
"message": "Laburpena"
"total": {
"message": "Guztira"
"year": {
"message": "urte"
"yr": {
"message": "urt"
"month": {
"message": "hilabete"
"monthAbbr": {
"message": "hil.",
"description": "Short abbreviation for 'month'"
"paymentChargedAnnually": {
"message": "Zure ordainketa berehala kobratuko da eta gero urtero errepikatuko da. Edozein unetan utz dezakezu bertan behera."
"paymentCharged": {
"message": "Zure ordainketa berehala kobratuko da eta gero $INTERVAL$-ro errepikatuko da. Edozein unetan utz dezakezu bertan behera.",
"placeholders": {
"interval": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "month or year"
"paymentChargedWithUnpaidSubscription": {
"message": "Your payment method will be charged for any unpaid subscriptions."
"paymentChargedWithTrial": {
"message": "Zure planak 7 eguneko doako probaldia du. Zure ordainketa ez da kobratuko probaldia amaitu arte. Edozein unetan utz dezakezu bertan behera."
"paymentInformation": {
"message": "Ordainketa informazioa"
"billingInformation": {
"message": "Fakturazioaren informazioa"
"billingTrialSubLabel": {
"message": "Ordainketa ez da kobratuko 7 eguneko probaldian."
"creditCard": {
"message": "Kreditu txartela"
"paypalClickSubmit": {
"message": "Egin klik PayPal botoian PayPal kontuan saioa hasteko; ondoren, egin klik Bidali botoian, aurrera jarraitzeko."
"cancelSubscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza ezeztatu"
"subscriptionExpiration": {
"message": "Subscription expiration"
"subscriptionCanceled": {
"message": "Harpidetza ezeztatu da."
"pendingCancellation": {
"message": "Ezeztatzea egiteke"
"subscriptionPendingCanceled": {
"message": "Uneko fakturazio aldiaren amaieran ezabatzeko markatu da harpidetza."
"reinstateSubscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza berrezarri"
"reinstateConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude ezabatze eskaera ezeztatu eta harpidetza berrezarri nahi duzula?"
"reinstated": {
"message": "Harpidetza berrezarri da."
"cancelConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude ezeztatu nahi duzula? Harpidetza honen ezaugarri guztiak galduko dituzu fakturazio ziklo honen amaieran."
"canceledSubscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza ezeztatu da."
"neverExpires": {
"message": "Inoiz ez da iraungiko"
"status": {
"message": "Egoera"
"nextCharge": {
"message": "Hurrengo kobrantza"
"details": {
"message": "Xehetasunak"
"downloadLicense": {
"message": "Lizentzia deskargatu"
"updateLicense": {
"message": "Lizentzia eguneratu"
"manageSubscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza kudeatu"
"launchCloudSubscription": {
"message": "Launch Cloud Subscription"
"storage": {
"message": "Biltegia"
"addStorage": {
"message": "Gehitu biltegia"
"removeStorage": {
"message": "Ezabatu biltegia"
"subscriptionStorage": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzak guztira $MAX_STORAGE$ GB ditu fitxategiak zifratuta gordetzeko. Orain, $USED_STORAGE$ erabiltzen ari zara.",
"placeholders": {
"max_storage": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "4"
"used_storage": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "65 MB"
"paymentMethod": {
"message": "Ordainketa modua"
"noPaymentMethod": {
"message": "Fitxategian ez dago ordaintzeko modurik."
"addPaymentMethod": {
"message": "Gehitu ordaintzeko modua"
"changePaymentMethod": {
"message": "Aldatu ordaintzeko modua"
"invoices": {
"message": "Fakturak"
"noInvoices": {
"message": "Fakturarik ez."
"paid": {
"message": "Ordaindua",
"description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid."
"unpaid": {
"message": "Ordaindu gabea",
"description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid."
"transactions": {
"message": "Eragiketak",
"description": "Payment/credit transactions."
"noTransactions": {
"message": "Eragiketarik ez."
"chargeNoun": {
"message": "Kargua",
"description": "Noun. A charge from a payment method."
"refundNoun": {
"message": "Itzulketa",
"description": "Noun. A refunded payment that was charged."
"chargesStatement": {
"message": "Edozein kargu zure kontuan agertuko da $STATEMENT_NAME$ gisa.",
"placeholders": {
"statement_name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "BITWARDEN"
"gbStorageAdd": {
"message": "Biltegian gehitzeko GB-ak"
"gbStorageRemove": {
"message": "Biltegitik kentzeko GB-ak"
"storageAddNote": {
"message": "Biltegia gehitzeak fakturazioan aldaketak eragingo ditu, eta berehala kargatuko du ordainketa moduan. Lehen kargua egungo fakturazio zikloaren gainerakoarekin hainbanatuta doituko da."
"storageRemoveNote": {
"message": "Biltegia kentzeak fakturazioan aldaketak eragingo ditu eta egungo fakturazio zikloaren gainerakoarekin hainbanatuta doituko da."
"adjustedStorage": {
"message": "$AMOUNT$ GB biltegiratzea ezarrita.",
"placeholders": {
"amount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"contactSupport": {
"message": "Jarri harremanetan bezeroarentzako arreta zerbitzuarekin"
"contactSupportShort": {
"message": "Contact Support"
"updatedPaymentMethod": {
"message": "Ordainketa modua eguneratua."
"purchasePremium": {
"message": "Premium erosi"
"licenseFile": {
"message": "Lizentzia fitxategia"
"licenseFileDesc": {
"message": "Zure lizentzia fitxategiak $FILE_NAME$ gisako izena izango du",
"placeholders": {
"file_name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden_premium_license.json"
"uploadLicenseFilePremium": {
"message": "Zure kontua premium bazkide izateko, baliozko lizentzia-fitxategi bat kargatu behar duzu."
"uploadLicenseFileOrg": {
"message": "Norbere ostatatze batean erakunde bat ezartzeko, baliozko lizentzia fitxategi bat kargatu behar duzu."
"accountEmailMustBeVerified": {
"message": "Zure kontuaren emaila egiaztatu behar da."
"newOrganizationDesc": {
"message": "Erakundeek zure kutxa gotorraren zatiak beste pertsona batzuekin partekatzeko aukera ematen dizute, bai eta familia, talde txiki edo enpresa handi batekin zerikusia duten erabiltzaileak kudeatzeko aukera ere."
"generalInformation": {
"message": "Informazio orokorra"
"organizationName": {
"message": "Erakundearen izena"
"accountOwnedBusiness": {
"message": "Kontu hau enpresa batena da."
"billingEmail": {
"message": "Fakturazio emaila"
"businessName": {
"message": "Enpresaren izena"
"chooseYourPlan": {
"message": "Aukeratu zure plana"
"users": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileak"
"userSeats": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile postuak"
"additionalUserSeats": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile postu gehigarriak"
"userSeatsDesc": {
"message": "# erabiltzaile postu"
"userSeatsAdditionalDesc": {
"message": "Zuen planak $BASE_SEATS$-en erabiltzaile postu ditu. Erabiltzaile gehiago gehi ditzakezue $SEAT_PRICE$/erabiltzaile/hil-engatik.",
"placeholders": {
"base_seats": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"seat_price": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "$2.00"
"userSeatsHowManyDesc": {
"message": "Zenbat erabiltzaile postu behar dituzue? Aurrerago ere gehitu ditzakezue erreserba gehigarriak, behar izanez gero."
"planNameFree": {
"message": "Doan",
"description": "Free as in 'free beer'."
"planDescFree": {
"message": "Probako erabiltzaileentzat edo pertsonalentzat, $COUNT$ erabiltzaile gehiagorekin partekatzeko aukera ematen du.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"planNameFamilies": {
"message": "Familia"
"planDescFamilies": {
"message": "Erabilera pertsonalerako, familia edo lagunekin partekatzeko."
"planNameTeams": {
"message": "Taldeak"
"planDescTeams": {
"message": "Enpresa edo bestelako erakunde taldeentzako."
"planNameTeamsStarter": {
"message": "Teams Starter"
"planNameEnterprise": {
"message": "Enpresa"
"planDescEnterprise": {
"message": "Enpresa edo bestelako erakunde handientzako."
"freeForever": {
"message": "Betirako doan"
"includesXUsers": {
"message": "$COUNT$ erabiltzaile barne",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"additionalUsers": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile gehigarriak"
"costPerUser": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileko $COST$",
"placeholders": {
"cost": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$3"
"limitedUsers": {
"message": "$COUNT$ erabiltzaileko muga du (zu barne)",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"limitedCollections": {
"message": "$COUNT$ bildumako muga du",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"addShareLimitedUsers": {
"message": "Gehitu eta partekatu $COUNT$ erabiltzaileko mugararte",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"addShareUnlimitedUsers": {
"message": "Gehitu eta partekatu mugagabeko erabiltzaileekin"
"createUnlimitedCollections": {
"message": "Sortu mugagabeko bilduma"
"gbEncryptedFileStorage": {
"message": "$SIZE$-eko zifratutako fitxategi biltegia",
"placeholders": {
"size": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1 GB"
"onPremHostingOptional": {
"message": "Norbere ostatazea (aukerakoa)"
"usersGetPremium": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileek Premium ezaugarrietarako sarbidea lortzen dute"
"controlAccessWithGroups": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileen sarbidea taldeekin kontrolatu"
"syncUsersFromDirectory": {
"message": "Sinkronizatu zure erabiltzaileak eta taldeak direktorio batetik"
"trackAuditLogs": {
"message": "Ikuskapen erregistroak dituzten erabiltzaileen ekintzak arakatu"
"enforce2faDuo": {
"message": "Duo-rekin 2FA behartu"
"priorityCustomerSupport": {
"message": "Lehentasunezko bezeroarentzako arreta"
"xDayFreeTrial": {
"message": "$COUNT$ probarako egun, ezeztatu nahi duzunean",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "7"
"trialThankYou": {
"message": "Eskerrik asko Bitwarden $PLAN$-en erregistratzeagatik!",
"placeholders": {
"plan": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Teams"
"trialSecretsManagerThankYou": {
"message": "Thanks for signing up for Bitwarden Secrets Manager for $PLAN$!",
"placeholders": {
"plan": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Teams"
"trialPaidInfoMessage": {
"message": "$PLAN$-en 7 eguneko doako proba, ordainpeko harpidetza bihurtuko da 7 egun igaro ondoren.",
"placeholders": {
"plan": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Teams"
"trialConfirmationEmail": {
"message": "Baieztapen email bat bidali dugu zure taldearen fakturazio email honetara "
"monthly": {
"message": "Hilero"
"annually": {
"message": "Urtero"
"annual": {
"message": "Urteroko"
"basePrice": {
"message": "Oinarrizko prezioa"
"organizationCreated": {
"message": "Erakundea sortua"
"organizationReadyToGo": {
"message": "Zure erakunde berria prest dago!"
"organizationUpgraded": {
"message": "Zure erakundea eguneratu da."
"leave": {
"message": "Utzi"
"leaveOrganizationConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude erakundea utzi nahi duzula?"
"leftOrganization": {
"message": "Erakundea utzi duzu."
"defaultCollection": {
"message": "Bilduma lehenetsia"
"getHelp": {
"message": "Jaso laguntza"
"getApps": {
"message": "Aplikazioak lortu"
"loggedInAs": {
"message": "Honela hasi duzu saioa"
"eventLogs": {
"message": "Gertaeren erregistroa"
"people": {
"message": "Jendea"
"policies": {
"message": "Politikak"
"singleSignOn": {
"message": "Saio hasiera bakarra"
"editPolicy": {
"message": "Editatu politika"
"groups": {
"message": "Taldeak"
"newGroup": {
"message": "Talde berria"
"addGroup": {
"message": "Gehitu taldea"
"editGroup": {
"message": "Editatu taldea"
"deleteGroupConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur talde hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"deleteMultipleGroupsConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete the following $QUANTITY$ group(s)?",
"placeholders": {
"quantity": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"removeUserConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude erabiltzaile hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"removeOrgUserConfirmation": {
"message": "Kide bat ezabatzen denean, ez du erakundearen datuetarako sarbiderik, eta ekintza hori atzeraezina da. Kidea erakundera itzul dadin, gonbidatu egin behar da eta berriro erakundean sartu."
"revokeUserConfirmation": {
"message": "Kide bat ezeztatzen denean, ez du erakundearen datuetarako sarbiderik. Kideen sarrera berehala leheneratzeko, joan Ezeztatuak atalera."
"removeUserConfirmationKeyConnector": {
"message": "Kontuz! Erabiltzaile honek Key Connector behar du zifratzea kudeatzeko. Zure erakundeko erabiltzaile hori ezabatzeak betiko desgaituko du bere kontua. Ekintza hori ezin da desegin. Jarraitu nahi al duzu?"
"externalId": {
"message": "Kanpoko ID"
"externalIdDesc": {
"message": "Kanpoko Id-a erreferentzia gisa erabil daiteke edo baliabide hori kanpoko sistema batekin lotzeko, erabiltzaileen direktorio gisa adibidez."
"nestCollectionUnder": {
"message": "Nest collection under"
"accessControl": {
"message": "Sarbide kontrola"
"groupAccessAllItems": {
"message": "Talde hau elementu guztietara sartu eta aldaketak egin ditzake."
"groupAccessSelectedCollections": {
"message": "Talde hau hautatutako bildumetara soilik sar daiteke."
"readOnly": {
"message": "Irakurtzeko soilik"
"newCollection": {
"message": "Bilduma berria"
"addCollection": {
"message": "Gehitu bilduma"
"editCollection": {
"message": "Editatu bilduma"
"collectionInfo": {
"message": "Collection info"
"deleteCollectionConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude bilduma hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"editMember": {
"message": "Edit member"
"fieldOnTabRequiresAttention": {
"message": "A field on the '$TAB$' tab requires your attention.",
"placeholders": {
"tab": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Collection info"
"inviteUserDesc": {
"message": "Gonbidatu erabiltzaile berri bat zure erakundera, jarraian bere Bitwarden kontuko emaila sartuz (Bitwarden konturik ez badu, kontu berri bat sortzeko eskatuko zaio)."
"inviteMultipleEmailDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$-rarteko erabiltzaileak gonbida ditzakezu, komaz bereizita, emailen zerrenda bat eginez.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "20"
"userUsingTwoStep": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile hau bi urratseko saio hasiera erabiltzen ari da bere kontua babesteko."
"userAccessAllItems": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile hau elementu guztietara sartu eta aldaketak egin ditzake."
"userAccessSelectedCollections": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile hau hautatutako bildumetara soilik sar daiteke."
"search": {
"message": "Bilatu"
"invited": {
"message": "Gonbidatuta"
"accepted": {
"message": "Onartuta"
"confirmed": {
"message": "Berretsita"
"clientOwnerEmail": {
"message": "Bezeroaren jabearen emaila"
"owner": {
"message": "Jabea"
"ownerDesc": {
"message": "Erakundearen alderdi guztiak kudea ditzakeen sarbiderik altueneko erabiltzailea."
"clientOwnerDesc": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile horrek hornitzailearekiko independentea izan behar du. Hornitzaileak erakundearekin loturarik ez badu, erabiltzaile horrek erakundearen jabetzari eutsiko dio."
"admin": {
"message": "Administratzailea"
"adminDesc": {
"message": "Administratzaileek erakundeko artikulu, bilduma eta erabiltzaile guztiak eskuratu eta kudeatu ditzakete."
"user": {
"message": "Erabiltzailea"
"userDesc": {
"message": "Erakundean esleitutako bildumetara sarbidea duen erabiltzaile erregularra."
"manager": {
"message": "Kudeatzailea"
"managerDesc": {
"message": "Kudeatzaileek zure erakundean esleitutako bildumak eskuratu eta kudeatu ditzakete."
"all": {
"message": "Guztiak"
"refresh": {
"message": "Freskatu"
"timestamp": {
"message": "Denbora-marka"
"event": {
"message": "Ekitaldia"
"unknown": {
"message": "Ezezaguna"
"loadMore": {
"message": "Kargatu gehiago"
"mobile": {
"message": "Mugikorra",
"description": "Mobile app"
"extension": {
"message": "Gehigarria",
"description": "Browser extension/addon"
"desktop": {
"message": "Mahaigaina",
"description": "Desktop app"
"webVault": {
"message": "Webguneko kutxa gotorra"
"cli": {
"message": "CLI"
"bitWebVault": {
"message": "Bitwarden Web vault"
"bitSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"loggedIn": {
"message": "Saioa hasita"
"changedPassword": {
"message": "Kontuaren pasahitza aldatuta."
"enabledUpdated2fa": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera gaituta/eguneratuta."
"disabled2fa": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera desgaituta."
"recovered2fa": {
"message": "Bi urratseko sai hasieradun kontua berreskuratuta."
"failedLogin": {
"message": "Sarbidea ukatuta pasahitz okerragatik."
"failedLogin2fa": {
"message": "Sarbidea ukatuta bi urratseko saio hasiera okerragatik."
"incorrectPassword": {
"message": "Incorrect password"
"incorrectCode": {
"message": "Incorrect code"
"incorrectPin": {
"message": "Incorrect PIN"
"exportedVault": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorra esportatua."
"exportedOrganizationVault": {
"message": "Erakundeko kutxa gotorra esportatuta."
"editedOrgSettings": {
"message": "Erakundearen ezarpenak editatuta."
"createdItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua sortua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"editedItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"deletedItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua zakarrontzira bidalia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"movedItemIdToOrg": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua erakundera mugitua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "'Google'"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Ikusi erregistro guztiak ezarpenetan"
"viewedItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua ikusia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"viewedPasswordItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementurako pasahitza ikusia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"viewedHiddenFieldItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementuko eremu ezkutua ikusia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"viewedCardNumberItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementuko txartel zenbakia ikusia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Unique ID"
"viewedSecurityCodeItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementuko segurtasun-kodea ikusia.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"viewCollectionWithName": {
"message": "View collection - $NAME$",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Collection1"
"editItemWithName": {
"message": "Edit item - $NAME$",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google Login"
"copiedPasswordItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementurako pasahitza kopiatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"copiedHiddenFieldItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementuko eremu ezkutua kopiatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"copiedSecurityCodeItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementuko segurtasun-kodea kopiatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"autofilledItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua automatikoki bete da.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"createdCollectionId": {
"message": "$ID$ bilduma sortua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Server Passwords"
"editedCollectionId": {
"message": "$ID$ bilduma editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Server Passwords"
"deletedCollections": {
"message": "Deleted collections"
"deletedCollectionId": {
"message": "$ID$ bilduma ezabatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Server Passwords"
"editedPolicyId": {
"message": "$ID$ politika editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Master Password"
"createdGroupId": {
"message": "$ID$ taldea sortua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Developers"
"editedGroupId": {
"message": "$ID$ taldea editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Developers"
"deletedGroupId": {
"message": "$ID$ taldea ezabatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Developers"
"deletedManyGroups": {
"message": "Deleted $QUANTITY$ group(s).",
"placeholders": {
"quantity": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"removedUserId": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailea kendua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"removeUserIdAccess": {
"message": "Kendu $ID$-ren sarbidea",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"revokedUserId": {
"message": "Erakunderako sarbidea ezeztatua $ID$-rentzat.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"restoredUserId": {
"message": "Erakunderako sarbidea berreskuratua $ID$-rentzat.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"revokeUserId": {
"message": "Ezeztatu $ID$-ren sarbidea",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"createdAttachmentForItem": {
"message": "$ID$ elementurako eranskina sortua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"deletedAttachmentForItem": {
"message": "$ID$ elementurako eranskina ezabatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"editedCollectionsForItem": {
"message": "$ID$ elementurako bilduma editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"invitedUserId": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailea gonbidatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"confirmedUserId": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailea baieztatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"editedUserId": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailea editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"editedGroupsForUser": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailearentzako taldea editatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"unlinkedSsoUser": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailearentzako SSO lotura kendua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"createdOrganizationId": {
"message": "$ID$ erakundea sortua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"addedOrganizationId": {
"message": "$ID$ erakundea gehitua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"removedOrganizationId": {
"message": "$ID$ erakundea ezabatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"accessedClientVault": {
"message": "$ID$ erakundeko kutxa gotorrera sartua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"device": {
"message": "Gailua"
"view": {
"message": "Erakutsi"
"invalidDateRange": {
"message": "Data-tarte baliogabea."
"errorOccurred": {
"message": "Akats bat gertatu da."
"userAccess": {
"message": "Erabiltzailearen sarbidea"
"userType": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile mota"
"groupAccess": {
"message": "Taldeko sarbidea"
"groupAccessUserDesc": {
"message": "Editatu erabiltzaile honen taldeak."
"invitedUsers": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile gonbidatua(k)."
"resendInvitation": {
"message": "Birbidali gonbidapena"
"resendEmail": {
"message": "Birbidali emaila"
"hasBeenReinvited": {
"message": "$USER$ birgonbidatua zan da.",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"confirm": {
"message": "Berretsi"
"confirmUser": {
"message": "Erabiltzailea berretsi"
"hasBeenConfirmed": {
"message": "$USER$ berretsia zan da.",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"confirmUsers": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileak berretsi"
"usersNeedConfirmed": {
"message": "Gonbidapena onartu duten erabiltzaileak dituzu, baina oraindik berretsi egin behar dituzu. Erabiltzaileek ez dute erakundera sartzerik izango berretsi arte."
"startDate": {
"message": "Hasiera data"
"endDate": {
"message": "Amaiera Eguna"
"verifyEmail": {
"message": "Egiaztatu emaila"
"verifyEmailDesc": {
"message": "Egiaztatu zure kontuaren emaila, ezaugarri guztietarako sarbidea desblokeatzeko."
"verifyEmailFirst": {
"message": "Lehenengo zure kontuaren emaila egiaztatu behar da."
"checkInboxForVerification": {
"message": "Bilatu zure emailaren sarrerako ontzian egiaztatze-lotura."
"emailVerified": {
"message": "Zure emaila egiaztatu da."
"emailVerifiedFailed": {
"message": "Ezin izan da emaila egiaztatu. Saiatu egiaztatzeko email berri bat bidaltzen."
"emailVerificationRequired": {
"message": "Emailaren egiaztapena behar da"
"emailVerificationRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Emaila egiaztatu behar duzu funtzio hau erabiltzeko."
"updateBrowser": {
"message": "Nabigatzailea eguneratu"
"updateBrowserDesc": {
"message": "Euskarririk gabeko web nabigatzailea erabiltzen ari zara. Baliteke webguneko kutxa gotorrak behar bezala ez funtzionatzea."
"joinOrganization": {
"message": "Erakundeko kide egin"
"joinOrganizationDesc": {
"message": "Lehen aipatutako erakundean parte hartzera gonbidatu zaituzte. Gonbidapena onartzeko, saioa hasi edo Bitwarden kontu berri bat sortu behar duzu."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Gonbidapena onartua"
"inviteAcceptedDesc": {
"message": "Erakundeko kudeatzaile batek berresten zaituenean sartu ahal izango zara. Email bat bidaliko dizugu hori gertatzen denean."
"inviteInitAcceptedDesc": {
"message": "You can now access this organization."
"inviteAcceptFailed": {
"message": "Ezin du gonbidapena onartu. Eskatu erakundeko kudeatzaile bati gonbidapen berri bat bidaltzeko."
"inviteAcceptFailedShort": {
"message": "Ezin dugu gonbidapena onartu. $DESCRIPTION$",
"placeholders": {
"description": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "You must set up 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization."
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Emaila gogoratu"
"recoverAccountTwoStepDesc": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera bidez zure kontura ezin bazara sartu, bi urratseko saio hasierako berreskuratze kodea erabil dezakezu zure kontuan bi urratseko hornitzaile guztiak desgaitzeko."
"recoverAccountTwoStep": {
"message": "Berreskuratu bi urratseko saio hasieradun kontua"
"twoStepRecoverDisabled": {
"message": "Zure kontuan bi urratseko sai hasiera desgaitu da."
"learnMore": {
"message": "Gehiago ikasi"
"deleteRecoverDesc": {
"message": "Sartu zure emaila jarraian, zure kontua berreskuratu eta ezabatzeko."
"deleteRecoverEmailSent": {
"message": "Zure kontua existitzen bada, email bat bidaliko dizugu jarraibide gehiagorekin."
"deleteRecoverConfirmDesc": {
"message": "Bitwarden kontua ezabatzeko eskatu duzu. Egin klik beheko botoian, berresteko."
"myOrganization": {
"message": "Nire erakundea"
"organizationInfo": {
"message": "Erakundearen informazioa"
"deleteOrganization": {
"message": "Ezabatu erakundea"
"deletingOrganizationContentWarning": {
"message": "Sartu pasahitz nagusia $ORGANIZATION$ eta honekin lotutako datu guztiak ezabatzea baieztatzeko. $ORGANIZATION$-en kutxa gotorraren datuak honakoak dira:",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"deletingOrganizationActiveUserAccountsWarning": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile kontuak aktibo mantenduko dira ezabatu ondoren, baina ez dira erakundeari lotuta egongo."
"deletingOrganizationIsPermanentWarning": {
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$ ezabatzea iraunkorra eta itzulezina da.",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"organizationDeleted": {
"message": "Erakundea ezabatua"
"organizationDeletedDesc": {
"message": "Erakundea eta honi lotutako datu guztiak ezabatu dira."
"organizationUpdated": {
"message": "Erakundea eguneratua"
"taxInformation": {
"message": "Informazio fiskala"
"taxInformationDesc": {
"message": "Estatu Batuetako bezeroentzat, posta-kodea salmenten gaineko zergaren baldintzak betetzera behartuta dago; beste herrialde batzuentzat, nahi izanez gero, identifikazio fiskaleko zenbakia (BEZ/GST) eta/edo fakturetan agertzen den helbidea eman dezake."
"billingPlan": {
"message": "Plana",
"description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc."
"changeBillingPlan": {
"message": "Eguneratu plana",
"description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc."
"changeBillingPlanUpgrade": {
"message": "Eguneratu zure kontua beste plan batera, informazio hau emanez. Ziurtatu kontuan ordaintzeko metodo aktibo bat duzula.",
"description": "A billing plan/package. For example: Families, Teams, Enterprise, etc."
"invoiceNumber": {
"message": "$NUMBER$ faktura",
"description": "ex. Invoice #79C66F0-0001",
"placeholders": {
"number": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "79C66F0-0001"
"viewInvoice": {
"message": "Faktura ikusi"
"downloadInvoice": {
"message": "Faktura deskargatu"
"verifyBankAccount": {
"message": "Bankuko kontua egiaztatu"
"verifyBankAccountDesc": {
"message": "Bi mikro-kargu egin ditugu zure banku-kontuan (1-2 egun baliodun har ditzake agertzeko). Sartu kopuru horiek banku kontua egiaztatzeko."
"verifyBankAccountInitialDesc": {
"message": "Banku kontu baten bidezko ordainketa Estatu Batuetako bezeroentzako bakarrik da. Zure banku kontua egiaztatu beharko duzu. Bi mikro-kargu egingo ditugu hurrengo 1-2 egun baliodunetan. Sartu kopuru horiek erakundearen fakturazio orrian, banku kontua egiaztatzeko."
"verifyBankAccountFailureWarning": {
"message": "Bankuko kontua ez egiaztatzeak ordainketa galtzea ekarriko du eta harpidetza desgaituko da."
"verifiedBankAccount": {
"message": "Banku kontua egiaztatu da."
"bankAccount": {
"message": "Banku kontua"
"amountX": {
"message": "Zenbatekoa $COUNT$",
"description": "Used in bank account verification of micro-deposits. Amount, as in a currency amount. Ex. Amount 1 is $2.00, Amount 2 is $1.50",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"routingNumber": {
"message": "Banku-ibilbidearen zenbakia",
"description": "Bank account routing number"
"accountNumber": {
"message": "Kontu zenbakia"
"accountHolderName": {
"message": "Kontuaren titularraren izena"
"bankAccountType": {
"message": "Kontu mota"
"bankAccountTypeCompany": {
"message": "Enpresa"
"bankAccountTypeIndividual": {
"message": "Norbanakoa"
"enterInstallationId": {
"message": "Sartu zure instalazioko ID-a"
"limitSubscriptionDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri harpidetzarako postuen muga. Muga horretara iritsitakoan, ezingo dituzu erabiltzaile berriak gonbidatu."
"limitSmSubscriptionDesc": {
"message": "Set a seat limit for your Secrets Manager subscription. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to invite new members."
"maxSeatLimit": {
"message": "Gehienezko postu kopurua (aukerakoa)",
"description": "Upper limit of seats to allow through autoscaling"
"maxSeatCost": {
"message": "Postuaren gehienezko kostu potentziala"
"addSeats": {
"message": "Gehitu postuak",
"description": "Seat = User Seat"
"removeSeats": {
"message": "Kendu postuak",
"description": "Seat = User Seat"
"subscriptionDesc": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzako doikuntzak fakturazioko guztizkoetan hainbanatutako aldaketak eragingo ditu. Erabiltzaile gonbidatuek harpidetza postuak gainditzen badituzte, berehala tarifa hainbanatua jasoko dute erabiltzaile gehigarrientzat."
"subscriptionUserSeats": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzak gehienez $COUNT$ erabiltzaile onartzen ditu.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50"
"limitSubscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza mugatu (aukerakoa)"
"subscriptionSeats": {
"message": "Harpidetzako postuak"
"subscriptionUpdated": {
"message": "Harpidetza eguneratua"
"subscribedToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Subscription updated. You now have access to Secrets Manager."
"additionalOptions": {
"message": "Aukera gehigarriak"
"additionalOptionsDesc": {
"message": "Harpidetzaren kudeaketan laguntza gehiago lortzeko, jarri harremanetan bezeroarentzako arretarekin."
"subscriptionUserSeatsUnlimitedAutoscale": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzako doikuntzak fakturazioko guztizkoetan hainbanatutako aldaketak eragingo ditu. Erabiltzaile gonbidatuek harpidetza postuak gainditzen badituzte, berehala tarifa hainbanatua jasoko dute erabiltzaile gehigarrientzat."
"subscriptionUserSeatsLimitedAutoscale": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzako doikuntzak fakturazioko guztizkoetan hainbanatutako aldaketak eragingo ditu. Erabiltzaile gonbidatuek harpidetza postuak gainditzen badituzte, berehala tarifa hainbanatua jasoko dute erabiltzaile gehigarrientzat, $MAX$-eko gehienezko muga gainditzen ez den bitartean.",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50"
"subscriptionUserSeatsWithoutAdditionalSeatsOption": {
"message": "You can invite up to $COUNT$ members for no additional charge. Contact Customer Support to upgrade your plan and invite more members.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"subscriptionFreePlan": {
"message": "Ezin dituzu $COUNT$ erabiltzaile baino gehiago gonbidatu zure plana aldatu gabe.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"subscriptionUpgrade": {
"message": "You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ members without upgrading your plan.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"subscriptionSponsoredFamiliesPlan": {
"message": "Zre harpidetzak $COUNT$ erabiltzaile izateko aukera ematen du. Zure plana kanpoko erakunde batek babestuta eta fakturatuta dago.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "6"
"subscriptionMaxReached": {
"message": "Zure harpidetzako doikuntzak fakturazioko guztizkoetan hainbanatutako aldaketak eragingo ditu. Ezin dituzu $COUNT$ erabiltzaile baino gehiago gonbidatu harpidetzako postuak gehitu gabe.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50"
"seatsToAdd": {
"message": "Gehitzeko postuak"
"seatsToRemove": {
"message": "Kentzeko postuak"
"seatsAddNote": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile postuak gehitzeak fakturazioan aldaketak eragingo ditu, eta berehala kargatuko du ordainketa moduan. Lehen kargua egungo fakturazio zikloaren gainerakoarekin hainbanatuta doituko da."
"seatsRemoveNote": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile postuak kentzeak fakturazioan aldaketak eragingo ditu eta egungo fakturazio zikloaren gainerakoarekin hainbanatuta doituko da."
"adjustedSeats": {
"message": "$AMOUNT$ postu ezarrita.",
"placeholders": {
"amount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "15"
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Gakoa eguneratua"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Eguneratu zifratze-gakoa"
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Zifratze-gakoa eguneratu ondoren, saioa hasi eta erabiltzen ari zaren Bitwarden aplikazio guztietara itzuli behar duzu (adibidez, aplikazio mugikorra edo nabigatzailearen gehigarriak). Saioa berriro hasteak huts egiten badu (zifratze-gako berria deskargatzea dakar) datuen korrupzioa ekar lezake. Automatikoki saioa ixten saiatuko gara, baina atzeratu egin daiteke."
"updateEncryptionKeyExportWarning": {
"message": "Gorde duzun edozein esportazio zifratu ez da baliozkoa izango."
"subscription": {
"message": "Harpidetza"
"loading": {
"message": "Kargatzen"
"upgrade": {
"message": "Eguneratu"
"upgradeOrganization": {
"message": "Eguneratu erakundea"
"upgradeOrganizationDesc": {
"message": "Ezaugarri hau ez dago doako erakundeentzat erabilgarri. Aldatu ordainketa plan batera, ezaugarri gehiago desblokeatzeko."
"createOrganizationStep1": {
"message": "Sortu erakundea: 1go urratsa"
"createOrganizationCreatePersonalAccount": {
"message": "Zure erakundea sortu aurretik, lehenbizi doako kontu pertsonal bat sortu behar duzu."
"refunded": {
"message": "Itzulia"
"nothingSelected": {
"message": "Ez duzu ezer aukeratu."
"acceptPolicies": {
"message": "Laukitxo hau markatzean, honakoa onartzen duzu:"
"acceptPoliciesRequired": {
"message": "Zerbitzuaren baldintzak eta pribatutasun politika ez dira onartu."
"termsOfService": {
"message": "Zerbitzuaren baldintzak"
"privacyPolicy": {
"message": "Pribatutasun politika"
"filters": {
"message": "Iragazkiak"
"vaultTimeout": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorraren itxaronaldia"
"vaultTimeoutDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu kutxa gotorraren itxaronaldia eta egingo den ekintza."
"vaultTimeoutLogoutDesc": {
"message": "Choose when your vault will be logged out."
"oneMinute": {
"message": "Minutu 1"
"fiveMinutes": {
"message": "5 minutu"
"fifteenMinutes": {
"message": "15 minutu"
"thirtyMinutes": {
"message": "30 minutu"
"oneHour": {
"message": "Ordu 1"
"fourHours": {
"message": "4 ordu"
"onRefresh": {
"message": "Nabigatzailea eguneratzean"
"dateUpdated": {
"message": "Eguneratua",
"description": "ex. Date this item was updated"
"dateCreated": {
"message": "Sortuta",
"description": "ex. Date this item was created"
"datePasswordUpdated": {
"message": "Pasahitza eguneratu da",
"description": "ex. Date this password was updated"
"organizationIsDisabled": {
"message": "Erakundea desgaituta dago."
"secretsAccessSuspended": {
"message": "Suspended organizations cannot be accessed. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"secretsCannotCreate": {
"message": "Secrets cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"projectsCannotCreate": {
"message": "Projects cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"serviceAccountsCannotCreate": {
"message": "Service accounts cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"disabledOrganizationFilterError": {
"message": "Ezin da sartu desgaitutako erakundeetako elementuetara. Laguntza lortzeko, jarri harremanetan zure erakundearekin."
"licenseIsExpired": {
"message": "Lizentzia iraungi da."
"updatedUsers": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileak eguneratuta"
"selected": {
"message": "Aukeratuta"
"ownership": {
"message": "Jabetza"
"whoOwnsThisItem": {
"message": "Nork du elementu hau?"
"strong": {
"message": "Sendoa",
"description": "ex. A strong password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"good": {
"message": "Ona",
"description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weak": {
"message": "Ahula",
"description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"veryWeak": {
"message": "Oso ahula",
"description": "ex. A very weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weakMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusi ahula"
"weakMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Aukeratu duzun pasahitza ahula da. Pasahitz nagusi sendo bat (edo pasaesaldi bat) erabili beharko zenuke Bitwarden kontua behar bezala babesteko. Ziur zaude pasahitz nagusi hau erabili nahi duzula?"
"rotateAccountEncKey": {
"message": "Nire kontuko zifratze-gakoa ere berritu"
"rotateEncKeyTitle": {
"message": "Berritu zifratze-gakoa"
"rotateEncKeyConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude zure kontuaren zifratze-gakoa berritu nahi duzula?"
"attachmentsNeedFix": {
"message": "Artikulu honek fitxategi erantsi zaharrak ditu, konpondu beharrekoak."
"attachmentFixDescription": {
"message": "This attachment uses outdated encryption. Select 'Fix' to download, re-encrypt, and re-upload the attachment."
"fix": {
"message": "Konpondu",
"description": "This is a verb. ex. 'Fix The Car'"
"oldAttachmentsNeedFixDesc": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorrean eranskin zaharrak daude, eta konpondu beharra dute zure kontuko zifratze-gakoa berritu ahal izateko."
"yourAccountsFingerprint": {
"message": "Zure kontuaren hatz-marka esaldia",
"description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing."
"fingerprintEnsureIntegrityVerify": {
"message": "Zifratze-gakoen osotasuna bermatzeko, egiaztatu erabiltzailearen hatz-marka esaldia jarraitu aurretik.",
"description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing."
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Mesedez, ziurtatu kutxa gotorra desblokeatuta dagoela eta hatz-marka digitalaren esaldia bat datorrela beste gailuarekin."
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Hatz-marka digitalaren esaldia"
"dontAskFingerprintAgain": {
"message": "Inoiz ez da beharrezkoa gonbidatutako erabiltzaileentzat hatz-marka esaldiak egiaztatzea (ez da gomendatzen)",
"description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing."
"free": {
"message": "Doan",
"description": "Free, as in 'Free beer'"
"apiKey": {
"message": "API Gakoa"
"apiKeyDesc": {
"message": "Zure API gakoa Bitwarden API publikoa autentifikatzeko erabil daiteke."
"apiKeyRotateDesc": {
"message": "API gakoa berrituz gero, aurreko gakoa baliogabetuko da. Zure API gakoa berritu dezakezu, uneko gakoa erabiltzeko segurua ez dela uste baduzu."
"apiKeyWarning": {
"message": "Zure API gakoak erakunderako sarbide osoa du. Sekretupean gorde beharko zenuke."
"userApiKeyDesc": {
"message": "Zure API gakoa Bitwarden CLI-an autentifikatzeko erabil daiteke."
"userApiKeyWarning": {
"message": "Zure API gakoa autentifikazio modu alternatibo bat da. Sekretupean gorde beharko zenuke."
"oauth2ClientCredentials": {
"message": "OAuth 2.0 bezeroaren kredentzialak",
"description": "'OAuth 2.0' is a programming protocol. It should probably not be translated."
"viewApiKey": {
"message": "Ikusi API gakoa"
"rotateApiKey": {
"message": "Berritu API gakoa"
"selectOneCollection": {
"message": "Gutxienez bilduma bat aukeratu behar duzu."
"couldNotChargeCardPayInvoice": {
"message": "Ezin izan dugu zure txartelean kargatu. Mesedez, ikusi eta ordaindu ondoren agertzen den ordaindu gabeko faktura."
"minLength": {
"message": "Gutxieneko luzera"
"clone": {
"message": "Klonatu"
"masterPassPolicyTitle": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusiaren baldintzak"
"masterPassPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri pasahitz nagusiaren gutxieneko baldintzak."
"twoStepLoginPolicyTitle": {
"message": "Bi urratseko saio hasiera beharrezkoa da"
"twoStepLoginPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Behartu erabiltzaileei bi urratseko saio hasiera erabil dezaten beraien kontuetan."
"twoStepLoginPolicyWarning": {
"message": "Jabeak edo administratzaileak ez diren eta beren kontuan bi urratseko saioa hasiera gaituta ez dituzten erakundeko kideak, erakundetik kanporatuko dira eta email bat jasoko dute aldaketaren berri emateko."
"twoStepLoginPolicyUserWarning": {
"message": "Zure kontuan bi urratseko saioa hasiera gaituta izatea beharrezkoa den erakunde bateko kidea zara. Bi urratseko saio hasierako hornitzaile guztiak desaktibatzen badituzu, automatikoki kanporatua izango zara erakunde horretatik."
"passwordGeneratorPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri pasahitz sortzailearen gutxieneko baldintzak."
"passwordGeneratorPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok sortzailearen konfigurazioari eragiten diote."
"masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok pasahitz nagusia behar dute baldintza hauek betetzeko:"
"policyInEffectMinComplexity": {
"message": "$SCORE$-en gutxieneko konplexutasun puntuazioa",
"placeholders": {
"score": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "4"
"policyInEffectMinLength": {
"message": "$LENGTH$-en gutxieneko luzera",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"
"policyInEffectUppercase": {
"message": "Karaktere larri bat edo gehiago edukitzea"
"policyInEffectLowercase": {
"message": "Karaktere txiki bat edo gehiago edukitzea"
"policyInEffectNumbers": {
"message": "Zenbaki bat edo gehiago edukitzea"
"policyInEffectSpecial": {
"message": "Karaktere berezi hauetako $CHARS$ bat edo gehiago edukitzea",
"placeholders": {
"chars": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "!@#$%^&*"
"masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": {
"message": "Zure pasahitz nagusi berriak ez ditu baldintzak betetzen."
"minimumNumberOfWords": {
"message": "Gutxieneko hitz kopurua"
"defaultType": {
"message": "Modu lehenetsia"
"userPreference": {
"message": "Erabiltzailearen hobespenak"
"vaultTimeoutAction": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorraren itxaronaldiaren ekintza"
"vaultTimeoutActionLockDesc": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia edo beste desblokeatze modu bat behar da kutxa gotorrera berriro sartzeko."
"vaultTimeoutActionLogOutDesc": {
"message": "Berriro autentifikatzea beharrezkoa da kutxa gotorrean berriro sartzeko."
"lock": {
"message": "Blokeatu",
"description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by"
"trash": {
"message": "Zakarrontzia",
"description": "Noun: A special folder for holding deleted items that have not yet been permanently deleted"
"searchTrash": {
"message": "Bilatu zakarrontzian"
"permanentlyDelete": {
"message": "Ezabatu betiko"
"permanentlyDeleteSelected": {
"message": "Ezabatu hautatutakoa betirako"
"permanentlyDeleteItem": {
"message": "Ezabatu elementua betirako"
"permanentlyDeleteItemConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude elementu hau betirako ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"permanentlyDeletedItem": {
"message": "Elementua betirako ezabatua"
"permanentlyDeletedItems": {
"message": "Elementuak betirako ezabatuak"
"permanentlyDeleteSelectedItemsDesc": {
"message": "$COUNT$ elementu hautatu dituzu betirako ezabatzeko. Ziur al zaude elementu horiek guztiak betirako ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "150"
"permanentlyDeletedItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua betirako ezabatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"restore": {
"message": "Berreskuratu"
"restoreSelected": {
"message": "Hautatuak berreskuratu"
"restoredItem": {
"message": "Elementua berreskuratua"
"restoredItems": {
"message": "Elementuak berreskuratuak"
"restoredItemId": {
"message": "$ID$ elementua berreskuratua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Google"
"vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": {
"message": "Saioa ixteak kutxa gotorreko sarrera guztia kenduko du eta itxaronaldiaren ondoren lineako autentifikazioa eskatuko du. Ziur al zaude hau egin nahi duzula?"
"vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmationTitle": {
"message": "Baieztatu itxaronaldiaren ekintza"
"hidePasswords": {
"message": "Ezkutatu pasahitzak"
"countryPostalCodeRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Informazio hori zerga eta salmenten gaineko finantza-informazioa kalkulatzeko bakarrik eskatzen dugu."
"includeVAT": {
"message": "BEZ/GST informazioa txertatu (aukerakoa)"
"taxIdNumber": {
"message": "Zergaren BEZ/GST ID-a"
"taxInfoUpdated": {
"message": "Zergaren informazioa eguneratua."
"setMasterPassword": {
"message": "Ezarri pasahitz nagusia"
"identifier": {
"message": "Identifikatzailea"
"organizationIdentifier": {
"message": "Erakundearen identifikatzailea"
"ssoLogInWithOrgIdentifier": {
"message": "Hasi saioa zure erakundeko atari bakarra erabiliz. Sartu zure erakundearen identifikatzailea hasteko."
"enterpriseSingleSignOn": {
"message": "Enpresentzako saio hasiera bakarra"
"ssoHandOff": {
"message": "Orain, fitxa hau itxi eta gehigarrian jarrai dezakezu."
"youSuccessfullyLoggedIn": {
"message": "You successfully logged in"
"thisWindowWillCloseIn5Seconds": {
"message": "This window will automatically close in 5 seconds"
"includeAllTeamsFeatures": {
"message": "Taldeen ezaugarriak guztiak, gehi:"
"includeAllTeamsStarterFeatures": {
"message": "All Teams Starter features, plus:"
"chooseMonthlyOrAnnualBilling": {
"message": "Choose monthly or annual billing"
"abilityToAddMoreThanNMembers": {
"message": "Ability to add more than $COUNT$ members",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"includeSsoAuthentication": {
"message": "SAML2.0 eta OpenID Connect bidezko SSO autentifikazioa"
"includeEnterprisePolicies": {
"message": "Enpresa politikak"
"ssoValidationFailed": {
"message": "Akatsa SSO egiaztatzean"
"ssoIdentifierRequired": {
"message": "Erakundearen identifikatzailea beharrezkoa da."
"ssoIdentifier": {
"message": "SSO identifikatzailea"
"ssoIdentifierHintPartOne": {
"message": "Provide this ID to your members to login with SSO. To bypass this step, set up ",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Provide this ID to your members to login with SSO. To bypass this step, set up Domain verification'"
"unlinkSso": {
"message": "SSO deskonektatu"
"unlinkSsoConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude erakunde honetarako SSO deskonektatu nahi duzula?"
"linkSso": {
"message": "Konektatu SSO"
"singleOrg": {
"message": "Erakunde bakarra"
"singleOrgDesc": {
"message": "Eragotzi kideei beste erakunde batekin saioa hastea."
"singleOrgBlockCreateMessage": {
"message": "Zure erakundeak erakunde batean baino gehiagotan saioa hastea ukatzen duen politika bat dauka. Jar zaitez harremanetan zure erakundeko administratzaileekin edo erregistratu beste Bitwarden kontu batean."
"singleOrgPolicyWarning": {
"message": "Jabe edo administratzaile ez diren eta beste erakunde bateko kide diren erakundeko kideak zure erakundetik kanporatuko dira."
"requireSso": {
"message": "Saio hasiera bakarreko autentifikazioa "
"requireSsoPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Kideei enpresarako saio hasiera bakarra moduarekin saioa hasteko eskatu."
"prerequisite": {
"message": "Aurrebaldintza"
"requireSsoPolicyReq": {
"message": "Erakunde bakarraren enpresa politika martxan jarri behar da politika hori aktibatu aurretik."
"requireSsoPolicyReqError": {
"message": "Erakunde bakarraren politika ez dago gaituta."
"requireSsoExemption": {
"message": "Erakundearen jabeak eta administratzaileak politika horretatik salbuetsita daude."
"sendTypeFile": {
"message": "Fitxategia"
"sendTypeText": {
"message": "Testua"
"createSend": {
"message": "Sortu Send berria",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editSend": {
"message": "Editatu Send-a",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createdSend": {
"message": "Send-a sortua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "Send-a editatua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deletedSend": {
"message": "Send-a ezabatua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deleteSend": {
"message": "Ezabatu Send-a",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deleteSendConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude Send hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"whatTypeOfSend": {
"message": "Zein Send mota da hau?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deletionDate": {
"message": "Ezabatze data"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "Send-a betiko ezabatuko da zehaztutako datan eta orduan.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Iraungitze data"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, Send honetarako sarbidea zehaztutako egunean eta orduan amaituko da.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"maxAccessCount": {
"message": "Sarbide kopuru maximoa"
"maxAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, erabiltzaileak ezin izango dira Send honetara sartu gehienezko sarbide kopurura iritsi ondoren.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Uneko sarbide kopurua"
"sendPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Nahi izanez gero, pasahitza eskatu erabiltzaileak bidalketa honetara sar daitezen.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNotesDesc": {
"message": "Send honi buruzko ohar pribatuak.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"disabled": {
"message": "Desgaitua"
"revoked": {
"message": "Ezeztatuak"
"sendLink": {
"message": "Send esteka",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Send esteka kopiatu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"removePassword": {
"message": "Kendu pasahitza"
"removedPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitza kendua"
"removePasswordConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude pasahitz hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"hideEmail": {
"message": "Ezkutatu nire emaila hartzaileei."
"disableThisSend": {
"message": "Desgaitu Send hau inor sar ez dadin.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"allSends": {
"message": "Send guztiak"
"maxAccessCountReached": {
"message": "Sarbide kopuru maximoa gaindituta",
"description": "This text will be displayed after a Send has been accessed the maximum amount of times."
"pendingDeletion": {
"message": "Ezabatzea egiteke"
"expired": {
"message": "Iraungita"
"searchSends": {
"message": "Send-ak bilatu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendProtectedPassword": {
"message": "Send hau pasahitz batekin babestuta dago. Idatzi pasahitza jarraitzeko.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendProtectedPasswordDontKnow": {
"message": "Ez duzu pasahitza ezagutzen? Eskatu bidaltzaileari Send honetara sartzeko behar den pasahitza.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendHiddenByDefault": {
"message": "Send hau modu lehenetsian ezkutatuta dago. Beheko botoia sakatuz alda dezakezu ikusgarritasuna.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"downloadAttachments": {
"message": "Download attachments"
"sendAccessUnavailable": {
"message": "Sartzen saiatzen ari zaren Send-a ez da existitzen edo ez dago erabilgarri.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"missingSendFile": {
"message": "Send honi lotutako fitxategia ezin izan da aurkitu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"noSendsInList": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko Send-ik.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"emergencyAccess": {
"message": "Larrialdietarako sarbidea"
"emergencyAccessDesc": {
"message": "Konfiantzazko kontaktuei larrialdiko sarbidea eman eta kudeatzea. Konfiantzazko kontaktuek Ikusi edo Kontrola hartu-rako sarbidea eska dezakete larrialdi bat izanez gero. Bisitatu gure laguntza orria, zero ezagutza trukaketa funtzionamenduari buruzko informazio eta xehetasun gehiago eskuratzeko."
"emergencyAccessOwnerWarning": {
"message": "Erakunde baten edo gehiagoren jabea zara. Larrialdiko kontaktu batek kontrola hartzeko aukera ematen baduzu, baimen guztiak erabil ditzake jabe gisa, kontrola hartu ondoren."
"trustedEmergencyContacts": {
"message": "Konfiantzazko larrialdi kontaktuak"
"noTrustedContacts": {
"message": "Oraindik ez duzu larrialdietako kontakturik gehitu, hasteko gonbidatu konfiantzazko kontaktu bat."
"addEmergencyContact": {
"message": "Gehitu larrialdi kontaktu bat"
"designatedEmergencyContacts": {
"message": "Larrialdi kontaktu bezala ezarria"
"noGrantedAccess": {
"message": "Oraindik ez duzu inorentzat larrialdi kontaktu bezala ezarri."
"inviteEmergencyContact": {
"message": "Gonbidatu larrialdi kontaktua"
"editEmergencyContact": {
"message": "Editatu larrialdi kontaktua"
"inviteEmergencyContactDesc": {
"message": "Gonbidatu larrialdi kontaktu berri bat, jarraian bere Bitwarden kontuko emaila sartuz. Bitwarden konturik ez badu, kontu berri bat sortzeko eskatuko zaio."
"emergencyAccessRecoveryInitiated": {
"message": "Larrialdiko sarbidea hasita"
"emergencyAccessRecoveryApproved": {
"message": "Larrialdi sarbidea onartuta"
"viewDesc": {
"message": "Artikulu guztiak bere kutxa gotorrean ikus ditzake."
"takeover": {
"message": "Kontrola hartu"
"takeoverDesc": {
"message": "Zure kontua pasahitz nagusi berri batekin berrezarri dezakezu."
"waitTime": {
"message": "Itxaronaldia"
"waitTimeDesc": {
"message": "Sarbidea automatikoki eman aurretik behar den denbora."
"oneDay": {
"message": "Egun 1"
"days": {
"message": "$DAYS$ egun",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"invitedUser": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile gonbidatua."
"acceptEmergencyAccess": {
"message": "Lehen aipatutako erabiltzaileak larrialdi kontaktu izatera gonbidatu zaitu. Gonbidapena onartzeko, saioa hasi edo Bitwarden kontu berri bat sortu behar duzu."
"emergencyInviteAcceptFailed": {
"message": "Ezin du gonbidapena onartu. Eskatu erabiltzaileari gonbidapen berri bat bidaltzeko."
"emergencyInviteAcceptFailedShort": {
"message": "Ezin dugu gonbidapena onartu. $DESCRIPTION$",
"placeholders": {
"description": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "You must set up 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization."
"emergencyInviteAcceptedDesc": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile honen larrialdi aukeretara sar zaitezke, zure identitatea egiaztatu ondoren. Email bat bidaliko dizugu hori egitean."
"requestAccess": {
"message": "Sartzeko eskaera"
"requestAccessConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude larrialdiko sarbidea eskatu nahi duzula? $WAITTIME$ egunetik aurrera edo erabiltzaileak eskaera eskuz onartzen duenean emango zaizu sarbidea.",
"placeholders": {
"waittime": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"requestSent": {
"message": "$USER$-(e)k eskatutako larrialdi sarbidea. Posta elektronikoz jakinaraziko dizugu, aurrera egin daitekeenean.",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"approve": {
"message": "Onartu"
"reject": {
"message": "Ukatu"
"approveAccessConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude larrialdi sarbidea onartu nahi duzula? Horri esker, $USER$-(e)k $ACTION$-ren kontrola izango du.",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"action": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "View"
"emergencyApproved": {
"message": "Larrialdi sarbidea onartuta."
"emergencyRejected": {
"message": "Larrialdiko sarbidea ukatua"
"passwordResetFor": {
"message": "$USER$-(r)entzat pasahitza berrezartzea. Orain, saioa abiaraz dezakezu pasahitz berria erabiliz.",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"personalOwnership": {
"message": "Ezabatu kutxa gotor pertsonala"
"personalOwnershipPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Kideek kutxa gotorreko elementuak erakundean gorde behar dituzte, jabetza pertsonalaren aukera ezabatuz."
"personalOwnershipExemption": {
"message": "Erakundearen jabeak eta administratzaileak politika horretatik salbuetsita daude."
"personalOwnershipSubmitError": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika bat dela eta, ezin dituzu elementuak zure kutxa gotor pertsonalean gorde. Aldatu jabe aukera erakunde aukera batera, eta aukeratu bilduma erabilgarrien artean."
"disableSend": {
"message": "Kendu Send-ak"
"disableSendPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Ez utzi kideei Send-ak sortu edo editatzen.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"disableSendExemption": {
"message": "Erakundearen politikak kudea ditzaketen erabiltzaileak politika honetatik salbuetsita daude."
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "Send-a desgaitua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisabledWarning": {
"message": "Enpresa-politika baten ondorioz, lehendik dagoen Send-a bakarrik ezaba dezakezu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendOptions": {
"message": "Send aukerak",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendOptionsPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri Send-a sortzeko eta editatzeko aukerak.",
"description": "'Sends' is a plural noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendOptionsExemption": {
"message": "Erakundearen politikak kudea ditzaketen erabiltzaileak politika honetatik salbuetsita daude."
"disableHideEmail": {
"message": "Send bat sortzean edo editatzean, erakutsi beti kidearen emaila hartzaileari.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Une honetan, erakunderako politika hauek aplikatzen dira:"
"sendDisableHideEmailInEffect": {
"message": "Erabiltzaileek ezin diete hartzaileei beren emaila ezkutatu Send bat sortu edo editatzen dutenean.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"modifiedPolicyId": {
"message": "$ID$ politika aldatua.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Master Password"
"planPrice": {
"message": "Planaren prezioa"
"estimatedTax": {
"message": "Aurreikusitako zerga"
"custom": {
"message": "Pertsonalizatua"
"customDesc": {
"message": "Ezarpen aurreratuetarako erabiltzaile baimenen kontrol aurreratuagoa ahalbidetzen du."
"customDescNonEnterpriseStart": {
"message": "Rol pertsonalizatuak dira ",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'"
"customDescNonEnterpriseLink": {
"message": "enpresaren ezaugarriak",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'"
"customDescNonEnterpriseEnd": {
"message": ". Jarri harremanetan gure laguntza-taldearekin zure harpidetza eguneratzeko",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Custom roles is an enterprise feature. Contact our support team to upgrade your subscription'"
"customNonEnterpriseError": {
"message": "Baimen pertsonalizatuak gaitzeko, erakundeak Enterprise 2020 plan batean egon behar du."
"permissions": {
"message": "Baimenak"
"permission": {
"message": "Baimena"
"managerPermissions": {
"message": "Kudeatu baimenak"
"adminPermissions": {
"message": "Kudeatzailearen baimenak"
"accessEventLogs": {
"message": "Sarreren erregistroak"
"accessImportExport": {
"message": "Sarreren inportazioa/esportazioa"
"accessReports": {
"message": "Sarrera txostenak"
"missingPermissions": {
"message": "Ez duzu baimenik ekintza hau egiteko."
"manageAllCollections": {
"message": "Kudeatu bilduma guztiak"
"createNewCollections": {
"message": "Sortu bilduma berriak"
"editAnyCollection": {
"message": "Editatu edozein bilduma"
"deleteAnyCollection": {
"message": "Ezabatu edozein bilduma"
"manageAssignedCollections": {
"message": "Kudeatu esleitutako bildumak"
"editAssignedCollections": {
"message": "Editatu esleitutako bildumak"
"deleteAssignedCollections": {
"message": "Ezabatu esleitutako bildumak"
"manageGroups": {
"message": "Kudeatu taldeak"
"managePolicies": {
"message": "Kudeatu politikak"
"manageSso": {
"message": "SSO kudeatu"
"manageUsers": {
"message": "Kudeatu erabiltzaileak"
"manageAccountRecovery": {
"message": "Manage account recovery"
"disableRequiredError": {
"message": "$POLICYNAME$-en politika eskuz desgaitu behar duzu, politika hori desgaitua izan baino lehen.",
"placeholders": {
"policyName": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Single Sign-On Authentication"
"personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakunde politika batek, jabetza aukerei eragiten die."
"personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": {
"message": "Erakunde politika batek desgaitu egin du artikuluen inportazioa zure kutxa gotor pertsonalean."
"personalOwnershipCheckboxDesc": {
"message": "Erakundearen erabiltzaileentzako jabetza pertsonala desgaitzea"
"textHiddenByDefault": {
"message": "Send-era sartzean, ezkutatu testua modu lehenetsian",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNameDesc": {
"message": "Send hau deskribatzeko izena.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTextDesc": {
"message": "Bidali nahi duzun testua."
"sendFileDesc": {
"message": "Bidali nahi duzun fitxategia."
"copySendLinkOnSave": {
"message": "Gordetzean kopiatu Send honen esteka arbelean, ondoren partekatzeko."
"sendLinkLabel": {
"message": "Send esteka",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"send": {
"message": "Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendAccessTaglineProductDesc": {
"message": "Bitwarden Send-ek informazio sentikorra eta aldi baterakoa transmititzen die beste batzuei erraz eta modu seguruan.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendAccessTaglineLearnMore": {
"message": "Informazio gehiago",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more about** Bitwarden Send or sign up to try it today.'"
"sendVaultCardProductDesc": {
"message": "Partekatu testua edo fitxategiak zuzenean edozeinekin."
"sendVaultCardLearnMore": {
"message": "Gehiago ikasi",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more**, see how it works, or try it now. '"
"sendVaultCardSee": {
"message": "ikusi",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, **see** how it works, or try it now.'"
"sendVaultCardHowItWorks": {
"message": "nola funtzionatzen duen",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see **how it works**, or try it now.'"
"sendVaultCardOr": {
"message": "edo",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "saiatu orain",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, or **try it now**.'"
"sendAccessTaglineOr": {
"message": "edo",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send **or** sign up to try it today.'"
"sendAccessTaglineSignUp": {
"message": "izena eman",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or **sign up** to try it today.'"
"sendAccessTaglineTryToday": {
"message": "gaur probatzeko.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or sign up to **try it today.**'"
"sendAccessCreatorIdentifier": {
"message": "Bitwarden member $USER_IDENTIFIER$ shared the following with you",
"placeholders": {
"user_identifier": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "An email address"
"viewSendHiddenEmailWarning": {
"message": "Send hau sortu duen Bitwarden erabiltzaileak emaileko helbidea ezkutatzea erabaki du. Ziurtatu lotura honen iturrian konfiantza duzula edukia erabili edo deskargatu aurretik.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDateIsInvalid": {
"message": "Iraungitze data ez da baliozkoa."
"deletionDateIsInvalid": {
"message": "Ezabatze data ez da baliozkoa."
"expirationDateAndTimeRequired": {
"message": "Iraungitze data eta ordua behar dira."
"deletionDateAndTimeRequired": {
"message": "Ezabatze data eta ordua behar dira."
"dateParsingError": {
"message": "Akatsa gertatu da ezabatze eta iraungitze datak gordetzean."
"webAuthnFallbackMsg": {
"message": "Zure 2FA egiaztatzeko, klikatu beheko botoian."
"webAuthnAuthenticate": {
"message": "WebAuthn autentifikatu"
"webAuthnNotSupported": {
"message": "WebAuthn ez da bateragarria nabigatzaile honetan."
"webAuthnSuccess": {
"message": "WebAuthn behar bezala egiaztatu da! Fitxa hau itxi dezakezu."
"hintEqualsPassword": {
"message": "Zure pasahitza ezin da izan zure pasahitzaren pistaren berdina."
"enrollAccountRecovery": {
"message": "Enroll in account recovery"
"enrolledAccountRecovery": {
"message": "Enrolled in account recovery"
"withdrawAccountRecovery": {
"message": "Withdraw from account recovery"
"enrollPasswordResetSuccess": {
"message": "Izen-ematea burutu da!"
"withdrawPasswordResetSuccess": {
"message": "Izen ematetik atera zara!"
"eventEnrollAccountRecovery": {
"message": "User $ID$ enrolled in account recovery.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"eventWithdrawAccountRecovery": {
"message": "User $ID$ withdrew from account recovery.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"eventAdminPasswordReset": {
"message": "$ID$ erabiltzailearen pasahitz nagusia berrezarria.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"eventResetSsoLink": {
"message": "Berrezarri SSO konexioa $ID$ erabiltzailearentzat",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"firstSsoLogin": {
"message": "$ID$ lehen aldiz SSO erabiliz konektatuta",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"resetPassword": {
"message": "Berrezarri pasahitza"
"resetPasswordLoggedOutWarning": {
"message": "Jarraitzeak uneko $NAME$ -ren saioa itxiko du eta berriro saioa hasteko eskatuko zaio. Beste gailu batzuetako saio aktiboek ordubete iraun dezakete aktibo.",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"thisUser": {
"message": "erabiltzaile hau"
"resetPasswordMasterPasswordPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok pasahitz nagusia behar dute baldintza hauek betetzeko:"
"resetPasswordSuccess": {
"message": "Pasahitza berrezarria!"
"resetPasswordEnrollmentWarning": {
"message": "Izen-emateak aukera emango die erakundeko administratzaileei pasahitz nagusia aldatzeko"
"accountRecoveryPolicy": {
"message": "Account recovery administration"
"accountRecoveryPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Based on the encryption method, recover accounts when master passwords or trusted devices are forgotten or lost."
"accountRecoveryPolicyWarning": {
"message": "Existing accounts with master passwords will require members to self-enroll before administrators can recover their accounts. Automatic enrollment will turn on account recovery for new members."
"accountRecoverySingleOrgRequirementDesc": {
"message": "The single organization Enterprise policy must be turned on before activating this policy."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Izen-emate automatikoa"
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnrollCheckbox": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile berriak automatikoki izen-emateko eskatzea"
"resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": {
"message": "Erakunde honen enpresa politika baten ondorioz, automatikoki pasahitza berrezartzean izen-emango zaitu. Izen-emateak aukera emango die erakundeko administratzaileei pasahitz nagusia aldatzeko."
"resetPasswordOrgKeysError": {
"message": "Erakundearen gakoaren erantzuna baliogabea da"
"resetPasswordDetailsError": {
"message": "Pasahitzaren xehetasunen berrezartzea baliogabea da"
"trashCleanupWarning": {
"message": "Zakarrontzian 30 egun baino gehiagoz egon diren elementuak automatikoki ezabatuko dira."
"trashCleanupWarningSelfHosted": {
"message": "Zakarrontzian denbora batez egon diren elementuak automatikoki ezabatuko dira."
"passwordPrompt": {
"message": "Berriro eskatu pasahitz nagusia"
"passwordConfirmation": {
"message": "Baieztatu pasahitz nagusia"
"passwordConfirmationDesc": {
"message": "Ekintza hau babestuta dago. Jarraitzeko, mesedez, sartu berriro pasahitz nagusia zure identitatea egiaztatzeko."
"reinviteSelected": {
"message": "Birbidali gonbidapenak"
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Berbidali jakinarazpena"
"noSelectedUsersApplicable": {
"message": "Ekintza hau ezin zaie hautatutako erabiltzaileei aplikatu."
"removeUsersWarning": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude erabiltzaile hauek ezabatu nahi dituzula? Baliteke segundo batzuk behar izatea prozesua osatzeko, eta ezin da eten edo bertan behera utzi."
"removeOrgUsersConfirmation": {
"message": "Kideak ezabatzen direnean, jada ez dute erakundearen datuetarako sarbiderik, eta ekintza hau atzeraezina da. Kideak berriro erakundean sartzeko, berriro gonbidatu eta sartu behar dira. Baliteke segundo batzuk behar izatea prozesua osatzeko, eta ezin da eten edo bertan behera utzi."
"revokeUsersWarning": {
"message": "Kideak ezeztatzen direnean, jada ez dute erakundearen datuetarako sarbiderik. Kideen sarrera berehala leheneratzeko, joan Ezeztatuak atalera. Baliteke segundo batzuk behar izatea prozesua osatzeko, eta ezin da eten edo bertan behera utzi."
"theme": {
"message": "Gaia"
"themeDesc": {
"message": "Hautatu kutxa gotorrerako gaia."
"themeSystem": {
"message": "Erabili sistemaren gaia"
"themeDark": {
"message": "Iluna"
"themeLight": {
"message": "Argia"
"confirmSelected": {
"message": "Berretsi hautapena"
"bulkConfirmStatus": {
"message": "Ekintza masibo egoera"
"bulkConfirmMessage": {
"message": "Ondo baieztatua."
"bulkReinviteMessage": {
"message": "Behar bezala bergonbidatua."
"bulkRemovedMessage": {
"message": "Behar bezala kendua"
"bulkRevokedMessage": {
"message": "Erakunderako sarrera behar bezala ezeztatua"
"bulkRestoredMessage": {
"message": "Erakunderako sarrera behar bezala berreskuratua"
"bulkFilteredMessage": {
"message": "Baztertua, ez dagokio ekintza honi."
"fingerprint": {
"message": "Hatz-marka"
"removeUsers": {
"message": "Kendu erabiltzaileak"
"revokeUsers": {
"message": "Ezeztatu erabiltzaileak"
"restoreUsers": {
"message": "Berreskuratu erabiltzaileak"
"error": {
"message": "Akatsa"
"accountRecoveryManageUsers": {
"message": "Manage users must also be granted with the manage account recovery permission"
"setupProvider": {
"message": "Hornitzailearen ezarpenak"
"setupProviderLoginDesc": {
"message": "Hornitzaile berri bat konfiguratzera gonbidatu zaituzte. Aurrera egiteko, saioa hasi edo Bitwarden kontu berri bat sortu behar duzu."
"setupProviderDesc": {
"message": "Sartu xehetasun hauek hornitzailea konfiguratzeko. Galderarik baduzu, jarri harremanetan bezeroarentzako arreta zerbitzuarekin."
"providerName": {
"message": "Hornitzailearen izena"
"providerSetup": {
"message": "Hornitzailea ondo konfiguratu da."
"clients": {
"message": "Bezeroa"
"client": {
"message": "Bezeroa",
"description": "This is used as a table header to describe which client application created an event log."
"providerAdmin": {
"message": "Hornitzailearen kudeatzailea"
"providerAdminDesc": {
"message": "Sarbide handieneko erabiltzaileak bere hornitzailearen alderdi guztiak kudea ditzake, bai eta bezeroen erakundeetara sartu eta haiek kudeatu ere."
"serviceUser": {
"message": "Zerbitzuko erabiltzailea"
"serviceUserDesc": {
"message": "Zerbitzuko erabiltzaileek bezeroen erakunde guztietara sartu eta kudea ditzakete."
"providerInviteUserDesc": {
"message": "Gonbidatu erabiltzaile berri bat zure hornitzailera, jarraian bere Bitwarden kontuko emaila sartuz. Bitwarden konturik ez badu, kontu berri bat sortzeko eskatuko zaio."
"joinProvider": {
"message": "Batu hornitzailera"
"joinProviderDesc": {
"message": "Lehen aipatutako hornitzailean parte hartzera gonbidatu zaituzte. Gonbidapena onartzeko, saioa hasi edo Bitwarden kontu berri bat sortu behar duzu."
"providerInviteAcceptFailed": {
"message": "Ezin du gonbidapena onartu. Eskatu hornitzaileko kudeatzaile bati gonbidapen berri bat bidaltzeko."
"providerInviteAcceptedDesc": {
"message": "Hornitzaileko kudeatzaile batek berresten zaituenean sartu ahal izango zara. Email bat bidaliko dizugu hori gertatzen denean."
"providerUsersNeedConfirmed": {
"message": "Gonbidapena onartu duten erabiltzaileak dituzu, baina oraindik berretsi egin behar dituzu. Erabiltzaileek ez dute hornitzailera sartzerik izango berretsi arte."
"provider": {
"message": "Hornitzailea"
"newClientOrganization": {
"message": "Bezero erakunde berria"
"newClientOrganizationDesc": {
"message": "Sor ezazu hornitzaile gisa zurekin elkartuko den bezero erakunde berri bat. Erakunde honetara sartu eta kudeatu ahal izango duzu."
"newClient": {
"message": "New client"
"addExistingOrganization": {
"message": "Gehitu existitzen den erakunde bat"
"addNewOrganization": {
"message": "Add new organization"
"myProvider": {
"message": "Nire hornitzailea"
"addOrganizationConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude $ORGANIZATION$ bezero gisa gehitu nahi diozula $PROVIDER$-ri?",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"provider": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "My Provider Name"
"organizationJoinedProvider": {
"message": "Erakundea behar bezala gehitu zaio hornitzaileari"
"accessingUsingProvider": {
"message": "$PROVIDER$ hornitzailearen bidez sartu erakundea",
"placeholders": {
"provider": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Provider Name"
"providerIsDisabled": {
"message": "Hornitzailea desgaituta dago."
"providerUpdated": {
"message": "Hornitzailea eguneratuta"
"yourProviderIs": {
"message": "Zure hornitzailea $PROVIDER$ da. Kudeaketa eta fakturazio pribilegioak dituzte zure erakundearentzat.",
"placeholders": {
"provider": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Provider Name"
"detachedOrganization": {
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$ erakundea hornitzailetik bereizi da.",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"detachOrganizationConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al daude erakunde hau bereizi nahi duzula? Erakundeak existitzen jarraituko du, baina hornitzaileak ez du kudeatuko."
"add": {
"message": "Gehitu"
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia eguneratuta"
"updateMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia eguneratu"
"updateMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Zure erakundeko administratzaile batek pasahitz nagusia aldatu berri du. Kutxa gotorrera sartzeko, pasahitz nagusia orain eguneratu behar duzu. Beraz, oraingo saiotik atera eta saioa hasteko eskatuko zaizu. Beste gailu batzuetako saio aktiboek ordubete iraun dezakete aktibo."
"masterPasswordInvalidWarning": {
"message": "Zure pasahitz nagusiak ez ditu betetzen erakunde honen politika baldintzak. Erakundera sartzeko, pasahitz nagusia orain eguneratu behar duzu. Beraz, oraingo saiotik atera eta saioa hasteko eskatuko zaizu. Beste gailu batzuetako saio aktiboek ordubete iraun dezakete aktibo."
"updateWeakMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Your master password does not meet one or more of your organization policies. In order to access the vault, you must update your master password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour."
"maximumVaultTimeout": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorraren itxaronaldia"
"maximumVaultTimeoutDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri kutxa gotorraren gehienezko itxaronaldia kideentzat."
"maximumVaultTimeoutLabel": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorreko gehienezko itxaronaldia"
"invalidMaximumVaultTimeout": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorreko itxaronaldia baliogabea."
"hours": {
"message": "Ordu"
"minutes": {
"message": "Minutu"
"vaultTimeoutPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Zure erakundearen politikek zure itxaronaldiari eragiten diote. Itxaronaldiak gehienez ere $HOURS$ ordu eta $MINUTES$ minutu izango ditu",
"placeholders": {
"hours": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"minutes": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"vaultTimeoutPolicyWithActionInEffect": {
"message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed vault timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s). Your vault timeout action is set to $ACTION$.",
"placeholders": {
"hours": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"minutes": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"action": {
"content": "$3",
"example": "Lock"
"vaultTimeoutActionPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Your organization policies have set your vault timeout action to $ACTION$.",
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Lock"
"customVaultTimeout": {
"message": "Ezarri kutxa gotorreko itxaronaldia"
"vaultTimeoutToLarge": {
"message": "Zure kutxa gotorreko itxaronaldiak, zure erakundeak ezarritako murrizpen bat gainditzen ditu."
"vaultCustomTimeoutMinimum": {
"message": "Ezarri daiteken gutxieneko itxaronaldia minutu 1 da."
"vaultTimeoutRangeError": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorreko itxaronaldia ez dago baimendutako tartean."
"disablePersonalVaultExport": {
"message": "Desgaitu kutxa gotor pertsonalaren esportazioa"
"disablePersonalVaultExportDescription": {
"message": "Do not allow members to export data from their individual vault."
"vaultExportDisabled": {
"message": "Kutxa gotorreko esportazioa desgaituta"
"personalVaultExportPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok kutxa gotorra esportatzea galarazten dute."
"activateAutofill": {
"message": "Gaitu betetze automatikoa"
"activateAutofillPolicyDesc": {
"message": "Activate the auto-fill on page load setting on the browser extension for all existing and new members."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Automatikoki betetzeari buruzko informazio gehiago"
"selectType": {
"message": "Aukeratu SSO mota"
"type": {
"message": "Mota"
"openIdConnectConfig": {
"message": "OpenID Connect-en ezarpenak"
"samlSpConfig": {
"message": "SAML zerbitzu hornitzailearen ezarpenak"
"samlIdpConfig": {
"message": "SAML identifikazio hornitzailearen ezarpenak"
"callbackPath": {
"message": "Deien URL-a"
"signedOutCallbackPath": {
"message": "Dei itzulpenen URL-a itxita"
"authority": {
"message": "Agintaritza"
"clientId": {
"message": "Bezeroaren IDa"
"clientSecret": {
"message": "Bezeroaren sekretua"
"metadataAddress": {
"message": "Metadata helbidea"
"oidcRedirectBehavior": {
"message": "OIDC birbideratzearen portaera"
"getClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint": {
"message": "Lortu erabiltzailearen endpointeko informazio erreklamazioak"
"additionalScopes": {
"message": "Eremu pertsonalizatuak"
"additionalUserIdClaimTypes": {
"message": "ID erabiltzaile pertsonalizatuaren erreklamazio motak"
"additionalEmailClaimTypes": {
"message": "Emaileko erreklamazio motak"
"additionalNameClaimTypes": {
"message": "Izen pertsonalizatuko erreklamazio motak"
"acrValues": {
"message": "Eskatutako autentifikazio testuinguruaren erreferentzia balioak"
"expectedReturnAcrValue": {
"message": "\"acr\" erreklamazio balioa espero zen erantzunean"
"spEntityId": {
"message": "SP entitatearen ID-a"
"spMetadataUrl": {
"message": "SAML 2.0 metadataren URL-a"
"spAcsUrl": {
"message": "Assertion Consumer Service (ACS)-ren URL-a"
"spNameIdFormat": {
"message": "ID izenaren formatua"
"spOutboundSigningAlgorithm": {
"message": "Sinadura irtenaren algoritmoa"
"spSigningBehavior": {
"message": "Sinaduraren portaera"
"spMinIncomingSigningAlgorithm": {
"message": "Gutxieneko sarrerako sinaduraren algoritmoa"
"spWantAssertionsSigned": {
"message": "Sinatutako baieztapenen zain"
"spValidateCertificates": {
"message": "Balioztatu ziurtagiriak"
"spUniqueEntityId": {
"message": "Set a unique SP entity ID"
"spUniqueEntityIdDesc": {
"message": "Generate an identifier that is unique to your organization"
"idpEntityId": {
"message": "Entitatearen ID-a"
"idpBindingType": {
"message": "Lotura motak"
"idpSingleSignOnServiceUrl": {
"message": "Saio haste bakarraren zerbitzuaren URL-a"
"idpSingleLogoutServiceUrl": {
"message": "Saio itxiera bakarraren zerbitzuaren URL-a"
"idpX509PublicCert": {
"message": "X509 zertifikatu publikoa"
"idpOutboundSigningAlgorithm": {
"message": "Sinadura irtenaren algoritmoa"
"idpAllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse": {
"message": "Baimendu eskatu gabeko autentifikazio erantzunak"
"idpAllowOutboundLogoutRequests": {
"message": "Onartu saioa ixteko eskaerak"
"idpSignAuthenticationRequests": {
"message": "Autentifikazio eskaeren sinadura"
"ssoSettingsSaved": {
"message": "Saio haste bakarraren konfigurazioa gorde da."
"sponsoredFamilies": {
"message": "Doako Bitwarden Familia"
"sponsoredFamiliesEligible": {
"message": "Zu eta zure familia hautagai zarete Free Bitwarden Familia-rentzat. Trukatu zure email pertsonalarekin zure datuak modu seguruan."
"sponsoredFamiliesEligibleCard": {
"message": "Trukatu zure Doako Bitwarden Familia plana gaur bertan, zure datuak seguru mantentzeko, baita lanean ari ez zarenean ere."
"sponsoredFamiliesInclude": {
"message": "Hauek sartzen dira Bitwarden Familia planean"
"sponsoredFamiliesPremiumAccess": {
"message": "6 erabiltzailerentzako Premium sarbidea"
"sponsoredFamiliesSharedCollections": {
"message": "Familiako sekretuen bilduma partekatuak"
"badToken": {
"message": "Lotura ez da baliozkoa. Mesedez, eskatu babesleari eskaintza birbidaltzeko."
"reclaimedFreePlan": {
"message": "Doako plana berreskuratua"
"redeem": {
"message": "Trukatu"
"sponsoredFamiliesSelectOffer": {
"message": "Hautatu babestu nahi duzun erakundea"
"familiesSponsoringOrgSelect": {
"message": "Doako Familia-ren zein eskaintza trukatu nahi zenuke?"
"sponsoredFamiliesEmail": {
"message": "Sartu zure email pertsonala Bitwarden Familia trukatzeko"
"sponsoredFamiliesLeaveCopy": {
"message": "Eskaintza bat erretiratzen bada edo erakunde babeslearengandik erretiratzen bada, Familia babesa hurrengo berritze egunean iraungiko da."
"acceptBitwardenFamiliesHelp": {
"message": "Lehendik dagoen erakunde baten eskaintza bat onartu edo Familia erakunde berri bat sortu."
"setupSponsoredFamiliesLoginDesc": {
"message": "Bitwarden Familia Planaren doako antolaketa eskaini dizute. Aurrera egiteko, saioa hasi behar da eskaintza jaso den kontuan."
"sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailed": {
"message": "Ezin da eskaintza onartu. Mesedez, bidali berriro eskaintzaren emaila zure enpresa kontutik eta saiatu berriro."
"sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailedShort": {
"message": "Ezin dugu eskaintza onartu. $DESCRIPTION$",
"placeholders": {
"description": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "You must have at least one existing Families organization."
"sponsoredFamiliesOffer": {
"message": "Doako Bitwarden Familia onartu"
"sponsoredFamiliesOfferRedeemed": {
"message": "Doako Bitwarden Familia eskaintza behar bezala trukatu da"
"redeemed": {
"message": "Trukatuta"
"redeemedAccount": {
"message": "Kontua trukatuta"
"revokeAccount": {
"message": "Ezeztatu $NAME$ kontua",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Sponsorship Name"
"resendEmailLabel": {
"message": "Birbidali babesleen emaila $NAME$-(e)ra",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Sponsorship Name"
"freeFamiliesPlan": {
"message": "Doako Familia plana"
"redeemNow": {
"message": "Trukatu orain"
"recipient": {
"message": "Nori"
"removeSponsorship": {
"message": "Kendu babeslea"
"removeSponsorshipConfirmation": {
"message": "Babesle bat kendu ondoren, harpidetza horren eta hari lotutako fakturen arduraduna izango zara. Ziur al daude jarraitu nahi duzula?"
"sponsorshipCreated": {
"message": "Babeslea sortua"
"emailSent": {
"message": "Emaila bidalia"
"revokeSponsorshipConfirmation": {
"message": "Kontu hau ezabatu ondoren, fakturazio-aldiaren amaieran amaituko da Familiak planaren babesa. Ezin izango duzu beste babes-eskaintza bat trukatu, harik eta eskaintza amaitu arte. Ziur al daude jarraitu nahi duzula?"
"removeSponsorshipSuccess": {
"message": "Babeslea kendua"
"ssoKeyConnectorError": {
"message": "Errore bat gertatu da Key Connector-ekin: ziurtatu Key Connector erabilgarri dagoela eta behar bezala dabilela."
"keyConnectorUrl": {
"message": "Key Connector URL-a"
"sendVerificationCode": {
"message": "Bidali egiaztatze-kodea zure emailera"
"sendCode": {
"message": "Bidali kodea"
"codeSent": {
"message": "Kodea bidalia"
"verificationCode": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kodea"
"confirmIdentity": {
"message": "Jarraitzeko, berretsi zure identitatea."
"verificationCodeRequired": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kodea behar da."
"invalidVerificationCode": {
"message": "Egiaztatze-kodea ez da baliozkoa"
"convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": {
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$ ostatatze propioko gako-zerbitzari batekin SSO erabiltzen ari da. Dagoeneko ez da pasahitz nagusirik behar erakunde honetako kideentzat saioa hasteko.",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"leaveOrganization": {
"message": "Utzi erakundea"
"removeMasterPassword": {
"message": "Ezabatu pasahitz nagusia"
"removedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia ezabatua."
"allowSso": {
"message": "Baimendu SSO autentifikazioa"
"allowSsoDesc": {
"message": "Ezarri ondoren, ezarpenak gorde egingo dira eta kideak identitate-hornitzailearen kredentzialak erabiliz autentifikatu ahalko dira."
"ssoPolicyHelpStart": {
"message": "Erabili",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'"
"ssoPolicyHelpAnchor": {
"message": "require single sign-on authentication policy",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'"
"ssoPolicyHelpEnd": {
"message": "kide guztiei SSOrekin saioa hasteko eskatzea.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'"
"memberDecryptionOption": {
"message": "Kidea deszifratzeko aukerak"
"memberDecryptionPassDesc": {
"message": "Autentifikatu ondoren, kideek kutxa gotorraren datuak deszifratuko dituzte beren pasahitz nagusiak erabiliz."
"keyConnector": {
"message": "Key Connector"
"memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescStart": {
"message": "Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members wont need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members wont need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'"
"memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescLink": {
"message": "require SSO authentication and single organization policies",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members wont need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'"
"memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDescEnd": {
"message": "are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Connect login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members wont need to use their master passwords to decrypt vault data. The require SSO authentication and single organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance.'"
"keyConnectorPolicyRestriction": {
"message": "\"SSO bidezko saio hasiera eta Key Connector-en deszifratzea\" gaituta dago. Politika hau jabe eta administratzaileei bakarrik aplikatuko zaie."
"enabledSso": {
"message": "SSO gaituta"
"disabledSso": {
"message": "SSO desgaituta"
"enabledKeyConnector": {
"message": "Key Connector gaituta"
"disabledKeyConnector": {
"message": "Key Connector desgaituta"
"keyConnectorWarning": {
"message": "Kideak Key Connector erabiltzen hasten direnean, zure erakundeak ezin du pasahitz nagusia berriro deszifratu. Gako-zerbitzari bat ezarria baduzu eta ongi kudeatzen ari bazara soilik jarraitu."
"migratedKeyConnector": {
"message": "Key Connector-era migratua"
"paymentSponsored": {
"message": "Mesedez ezarri ordaintzeko modu bat, erakundearekin elkartzeko. Ez kezkatu, ez dizugu ezer kobratuko ezaugarri osagarriak hautatu edo zure babesa iraungitzen ez bada. "
"orgCreatedSponsorshipInvalid": {
"message": "Babeslearen eskaintza amaitu egin da. Sortu zenuen erakundea ezaba dezakezu, 7 eguneko saioaren amaieran kargu bat egon ez dadin. Bestela, ohar hau itxi dezakezu erakundea mantentzeko eta fakturatzeko erantzukizuna zure gain hartzeko."
"newFamiliesOrganization": {
"message": "Familia erakunde berria"
"acceptOffer": {
"message": "Onartu eskaintza"
"sponsoringOrg": {
"message": "Erakunde babeslea"
"keyConnectorTest": {
"message": "Testa"
"keyConnectorTestSuccess": {
"message": "Egina! Key Connector lortua."
"keyConnectorTestFail": {
"message": "Ezin da Key Connector lortu. Berrikusi URL-a."
"sponsorshipTokenHasExpired": {
"message": "Babeslearen eskaintza amaitu egin da."
"freeWithSponsorship": {
"message": "DOAN babeslearekin"
"viewBillingSyncToken": {
"message": "Ikusi fakturazioren sinkronizazio tokena"
"generateBillingSyncToken": {
"message": "Sortu fakturazioren sinkronizazio tokena"
"copyPasteBillingSync": {
"message": "Kopiatu eta itsatsi token hau zure erakundearen fakturazio sinkronizazioaren ezarpenetan."
"billingSyncCanAccess": {
"message": "Zure fakturazioa sinkronizatzeko tokena erakunde honen harpidetza ezarpenetara sartu eta editatu dezakezu."
"manageBillingSync": {
"message": "Kudeatu fakturazioaren sinkronizazioa"
"setUpBillingSync": {
"message": "Ezarri fakturazioaren sinkronizazioa"
"generateToken": {
"message": "Sortu tokena"
"rotateToken": {
"message": "Berritu tokena"
"rotateBillingSyncTokenWarning": {
"message": "Jarraitzen baduzu, fakturazioaren sinkronizazioa ostatatze propioko zerbitzarian berriz ezarri beharko duzu."
"rotateBillingSyncTokenTitle": {
"message": "Fakturazioa sinkronizatzeko tokena berrituz gero, aurreko tokena baliogabetuko da."
"selfHostingTitle": {
"message": "Ostatatze propioa"
"selfHostingEnterpriseOrganizationSectionCopy": {
"message": "Zure erakundea zure zerbitzarian konfiguratzeko, lizentzia-fitxategia kargatu beharko duzu. Doako Familia planak eta zure erakunde autonomoaren fakturazio-gaitasun aurreratuak babesteko, fakturazioaren sinkronizazioa konfiguratu beharko duzu."
"billingSyncApiKeyRotated": {
"message": "Tokena berritua."
"billingSyncDesc": {
"message": "Doako Familia planak kideentzako fakturazioaren sinkronizazioa eta fakturatzeko gaitasun aurreratuak eskaintzen ditu, Bitwarden ostatatze propioa Bitwarden zerbitzariarekin konektatuz."
"billingSyncKeyDesc": {
"message": "Formulario hau osatzeko, zure erakundearen hodeiko harpidetza ezarpenetan fakturazioaren sinkronizatzeko tokena behar da."
"billingSyncKey": {
"message": "Fakturazioren sinkronizazio tokena"
"active": {
"message": "Gaitua"
"inactive": {
"message": "Desgaitua"
"sentAwaitingSync": {
"message": "Bidalia (sinkronizazioaren zain)"
"sent": {
"message": "Bidalia"
"requestRemoved": {
"message": "Ezabatua (sinkronizazioaren zain)"
"requested": {
"message": "Eskatua"
"formErrorSummaryPlural": {
"message": "$COUNT$ eremuk zure arreta behar dute.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"formErrorSummarySingle": {
"message": "Lehengo eremuak zure arreta behar du."
"fieldRequiredError": {
"message": "$FIELDNAME$ beharrezkoa da.",
"placeholders": {
"fieldname": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Full name"
"required": {
"message": "beharrezkoa"
"charactersCurrentAndMaximum": {
"message": "$CURRENT$/$MAX$ character maximum",
"placeholders": {
"current": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "0"
"max": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "100"
"characterMaximum": {
"message": "$MAX$ character maximum",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "100"
"idpSingleSignOnServiceUrlRequired": {
"message": "Beharrezkoa da entitatearen ID-a URL bat ez bada."
"openIdOptionalCustomizations": {
"message": "Aukerako pertsonalizazioa"
"openIdAuthorityRequired": {
"message": "Beharrezkoa, agintaritza ez bada baliozkoa."
"separateMultipleWithComma": {
"message": "Bereizi balio anitzak komaz."
"sessionTimeout": {
"message": "Saioa amaitu da. Mesedez, itzuli eta saiatu berriro saioa hasten."
"exportingPersonalVaultTitle": {
"message": "Kutxa gotor pertsonala esportatzen"
"exportingOrganizationVaultTitle": {
"message": "Erakundeko kutxa gotorra esportatzen"
"exportingIndividualVaultDescription": {
"message": "Only the individual vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included. Only vault item information will be exported and will not include associated attachments.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "name@example.com"
"exportingOrganizationVaultDesc": {
"message": "Only the organization vault associated with $ORGANIZATION$ will be exported. Items in individual vaults or other organizations will not be included.",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"accessDenied": {
"message": "Sarbidea ukatuta. Ez duzu baimenik orri hau ikusteko."
"masterPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz nagusia"
"security": {
"message": "Segurtasuna"
"keys": {
"message": "Gakoak"
"billingHistory": {
"message": "Fakturazioaren historia"
"backToReports": {
"message": "Itzuli txostenetara"
"organizationPicker": {
"message": "Erakunde hautatzailea"
"currentOrganization": {
"message": "Uneko erakundea",
"description": "This is used by screen readers to indicate the organization that is currently being shown to the user."
"accountLoggedInAsName": {
"message": "Account: Logged in as $NAME$",
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"accountSettings": {
"message": "Kontuaren ezarpenak"
"generator": {
"message": "Sortzailea"
"whatWouldYouLikeToGenerate": {
"message": "Zer sortu nahi duzu?"
"passwordType": {
"message": "Pasahitz mota"
"regenerateUsername": {
"message": "Berrezarri erabiltzaile izena"
"generateUsername": {
"message": "Sortu erabiltzaile izena"
"usernameType": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile izen mota"
"plusAddressedEmail": {
"message": "Atzizkidun emaila",
"description": "Username generator option that appends a random sub-address to the username. For example: address+subaddress@email.com"
"plusAddressedEmailDesc": {
"message": "Erabili emailaren hornitzailearen azpihelbideratze gaitasunak."
"catchallEmail": {
"message": "Harrapatu email guztiak"
"catchallEmailDesc": {
"message": "Erabili zure domeinuan konfiguratutako sarrerako ontzia."
"random": {
"message": "Ausazkoa",
"description": "Generates domain-based username using random letters"
"randomWord": {
"message": "Ausazko hitza"
"service": {
"message": "Zerbitzua"
"unknownCipher": {
"message": "Elementu ezezaguna, baliteke elementu hau eskuratzeko baimena eskatu behar izatea."
"cannotSponsorSelf": {
"message": "Ezin da kontu aktiboarekin trukatu. Sartu beste email bat."
"revokeWhenExpired": {
"message": "$DATE$-an iraungitzen da",
"placeholders": {
"date": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "12/31/2020"
"awaitingSyncSingular": {
"message": "Tokena duela egun $DAYS$ berritu zen. Eguneratu fakturazioa sinkronizatzeko tokena zure ostatatze propioko erakundearen ezarpenetan.",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"awaitingSyncPlural": {
"message": "Tokena duela $DAYS$ egun berritu zen. Eguneratu fakturazioa sinkronizatzeko tokena zure ostatatze propioko erakundearen ezarpenetan.",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"lastSync": {
"message": "Azken sinkronizazioa",
"description": "Used as a prefix to indicate the last time a sync occured. Example \"Last sync 1968-11-16 00:00:00\""
"sponsorshipsSynced": {
"message": "Ostatatze propioko babesleak sinkronizatuta."
"billingManagedByProvider": {
"message": "$PROVIDER$-ek kudeatua",
"placeholders": {
"provider": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Managed Services Company"
"billingContactProviderForAssistance": {
"message": "Mesedez, joan haiengana laguntza gehiago lortzeko",
"description": "This text is displayed if an organization's billing is managed by a Provider. It tells the user to contact the Provider for assistance."
"forwardedEmail": {
"message": "Emaileko ezizena berbidalia"
"forwardedEmailDesc": {
"message": "Emaileko ezizen bat sortu kanpoko bidalketa zerbitzu batekin."
"hostname": {
"message": "Ostalariaren izena",
"description": "Part of a URL."
"apiAccessToken": {
"message": "Token sarbide API-a"
"deviceVerification": {
"message": "Gailu egiaztapena"
"enableDeviceVerification": {
"message": "Gaitu gailu egiaztapena"
"deviceVerificationDesc": {
"message": "Gaituta dagoenean, egiaztatze-kodeak zure emailera bidaltzen dira ezagutu gabeko gailu batetik saioa hasten denean"
"updatedDeviceVerification": {
"message": "Gailu egiaztapena eguneratua"
"areYouSureYouWantToEnableDeviceVerificationTheVerificationCodeEmailsWillArriveAtX": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to turn on device verification? The verification code emails will arrive at: $EMAIL$",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Email"
"premiumSubcriptionRequired": {
"message": "Premium harpidetza beharrezkoa da"
"scim": {
"message": "SCIM hornitzailea",
"description": "The text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated."
"scimDescription": {
"message": "Eman automatikoki erabiltzaileei eta taldeei zure identitate-hornitzaile gogokoenarekin, SCIM hornitzaile bidez",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated."
"scimEnabledCheckboxDesc": {
"message": "SCIM gaituta",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated."
"scimEnabledCheckboxDescHelpText": {
"message": "Ezarri zure identitate-hornitzaile gogokoena URL eta SCIM API gakoak ezarriz",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated."
"scimApiKeyHelperText": {
"message": "API gako honek zure erakundeko erabiltzaileak kudeatzeko aukera ematen du. Sekretupean gorde beharko litzake."
"copyScimKey": {
"message": "Kopiatu SCIM API gakoa zure arbelean",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"rotateScimKey": {
"message": "Berritu SCIM API gakoa",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"rotateScimKeyWarning": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude SCIM API gakoa berritu nahi duzula? Uneko gakoak ez du balioko lehendik ezarrita dauden integrazioetarako.",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"rotateKey": {
"message": "Berritu gakoa"
"scimApiKey": {
"message": "SCIM API gakoa",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"copyScimUrl": {
"message": "Kopiatu SCIM endpoint URL-a zure arbelean",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'URL', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"scimUrl": {
"message": "SCIM URL-a",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'URL', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"scimApiKeyRotated": {
"message": "SCIM API gakoa ongi berritu da",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM' and 'API', are acronymns and should not be translated."
"scimSettingsSaved": {
"message": "SCIM ezarpenak behar bezala gorde dira",
"description": "the text, 'SCIM', is an acronymn and should not be translated."
"inputRequired": {
"message": "Sarrera behar da."
"inputEmail": {
"message": "Sarrera ez da email bat."
"inputMinLength": {
"message": "Sarrerak gutxienez $COUNT$ karaktere izan behar du.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"inputMaxLength": {
"message": "Sarrerak ezin ditu $COUNT$ karaktere baino gehiago eduki.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "20"
"inputForbiddenCharacters": {
"message": "The following characters are not allowed: $CHARACTERS$",
"placeholders": {
"characters": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "@, #, $, %"
"inputMinValue": {
"message": "Input value must be at least $MIN$.",
"placeholders": {
"min": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "8"
"inputMaxValue": {
"message": "Input value must not exceed $MAX$.",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "100"
"multipleInputEmails": {
"message": "1 or more emails are invalid"
"tooManyEmails": {
"message": "You can only submit up to $COUNT$ emails at a time",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "20"
"fieldsNeedAttention": {
"message": "$COUNT$ eremuk zure arreta behar dute.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "4"
"launchDuoAndFollowStepsToFinishLoggingIn": {
"message": "Launch Duo and follow the steps to finish logging in."
"duoRequiredByOrgForAccount": {
"message": "Duo two-step login is required for your account."
"launchDuo": {
"message": "Launch Duo"
"turnOn": {
"message": "Piztu"
"on": {
"message": "Piztuta"
"off": {
"message": "Off"
"members": {
"message": "Kideak"
"reporting": {
"message": "Informatzen"
"numberOfUsers": {
"message": "Erabiltzaile kopurua"
"loggingInAs": {
"message": "Honela hasi saioa"
"notYou": {
"message": "Ez zara zu?"
"pickAnAvatarColor": {
"message": "Pick an avatar color"
"customizeAvatar": {
"message": "Customize avatar"
"avatarUpdated": {
"message": "Avatar updated"
"brightBlue": {
"message": "Bright Blue"
"green": {
"message": "Green"
"orange": {
"message": "Orange"
"lavender": {
"message": "Lavender"
"yellow": {
"message": "Yellow"
"indigo": {
"message": "Indigo"
"teal": {
"message": "Teal"
"salmon": {
"message": "Salmon"
"pink": {
"message": "Pink"
"customColor": {
"message": "Custom Color"
"selectPlaceholder": {
"message": "-- Select --"
"multiSelectPlaceholder": {
"message": "-- Idatzi iragazteko --"
"multiSelectLoading": {
"message": "Aukerak berreskuratzen..."
"multiSelectNotFound": {
"message": "Ez da elementurik aurkitu"
"multiSelectClearAll": {
"message": "Ezabatu dena"
"toggleCharacterCount": {
"message": "Toggle character count",
"description": "'Character count' describes a feature that displays a number next to each character of the password."
"passwordCharacterCount": {
"message": "Password character count",
"description": "'Character count' describes a feature that displays a number next to each character of the password."
"hide": {
"message": "Hide"
"projects": {
"message": "Proiektuak",
"description": "Description for the Projects field."
"lastEdited": {
"message": "Azken edizioa",
"description": "The label for the date and time when a item was last edited."
"editSecret": {
"message": "Editatu sekretua",
"description": "Action to modify an existing secret."
"addSecret": {
"message": "Gehitu sekretua",
"description": "Action to create a new secret."
"copySecretName": {
"message": "Kopiatu sekretuaren izena",
"description": "Action to copy the name of a secret to the system's clipboard."
"copySecretValue": {
"message": "Kopiatu sekretuaren balioa",
"description": "Action to copy the value of a secret to the system's clipboard."
"deleteSecret": {
"message": "Ezabatu sekretua",
"description": "Action to delete a single secret from the system."
"deleteSecrets": {
"message": "Ezabatu sekretuak",
"description": "The action to delete multiple secrets from the system."
"hardDeleteSecret": {
"message": "Permanently delete secret"
"hardDeleteSecrets": {
"message": "Permanently delete secrets"
"secretProjectAssociationDescription": {
"message": "Select projects that the secret will be associated with. Only organization users with access to these projects will be able to see the secret.",
"description": "A prompt explaining how secrets can be associated with projects."
"selectProjects": {
"message": "Select projects",
"description": "A label for a type-to-filter input field to choose projects."
"searchProjects": {
"message": "Search projects",
"description": "Label for the search bar used to search projects."
"project": {
"message": "Project",
"description": "Similar to collections, projects can be used to group secrets."
"editProject": {
"message": "Edit project",
"description": "The action to modify an existing project."
"viewProject": {
"message": "View project",
"description": "The action to view details of a project."
"deleteProject": {
"message": "Delete project",
"description": "The action to delete a project from the system."
"deleteProjects": {
"message": "Delete projects",
"description": "The action to delete multiple projects from the system."
"secret": {
"message": "Sekretua",
"description": "Label for a secret (key/value pair)"
"serviceAccount": {
"message": "Service account",
"description": "A machine user which can be used to automate processes and access secrets in the system."
"serviceAccounts": {
"message": "Service accounts",
"description": "The title for the section that deals with service accounts."
"secrets": {
"message": "Sekretuak",
"description": "The title for the section of the application that deals with secrets."
"nameValuePair": {
"message": "Name/Value pair",
"description": "Title for a name/ value pair. Secrets typically consist of a name and value pair."
"secretEdited": {
"message": "Sekretua editatua",
"description": "Notification for the successful editing of a secret."
"secretCreated": {
"message": "Sekretua sortua",
"description": "Notification for the successful creation of a secret."
"newSecret": {
"message": "Sekretu berria",
"description": "Title for creating a new secret."
"newServiceAccount": {
"message": "New service account",
"description": "Title for creating a new service account."
"secretsNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "Ez dago erakusteko sekreturik",
"description": "Empty state to indicate that there are no secrets to display."
"secretsNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "Hasteko, sortu edo inportatu sekretu berri bat.",
"description": "Message to encourage the user to start adding secrets."
"secretsTrashNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "There are no secrets in the trash."
"serviceAccountsNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "Zerbitzu-kontu berri bat sortu, sarbide sekretua automatizatzen hasteko.",
"description": "Message to encourage the user to start creating service accounts."
"serviceAccountsNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "Nothing to show yet",
"description": "Title to indicate that there are no service accounts to display."
"searchSecrets": {
"message": "Bilatu sekretuak",
"description": "Placeholder text for searching secrets."
"deleteServiceAccounts": {
"message": "Delete service accounts",
"description": "Title for the action to delete one or multiple service accounts."
"deleteServiceAccount": {
"message": "Delete service account",
"description": "Title for the action to delete a single service account."
"viewServiceAccount": {
"message": "View service account",
"description": "Action to view the details of a service account."
"deleteServiceAccountDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting service account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT$ is permanent and irreversible.",
"placeholders": {
"service_account": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Service account name"
"deleteServiceAccountsDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting service accounts is permanent and irreversible."
"deleteServiceAccountsConfirmMessage": {
"message": "Delete $COUNT$ service accounts",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"deleteServiceAccountToast": {
"message": "Service account deleted"
"deleteServiceAccountsToast": {
"message": "Service accounts deleted"
"searchServiceAccounts": {
"message": "Search service accounts",
"description": "Placeholder text for searching service accounts."
"editServiceAccount": {
"message": "Edit service account",
"description": "Title for editing a service account."
"addProject": {
"message": "Add project",
"description": "Title for creating a new project."
"projectEdited": {
"message": "Project edited",
"description": "Notification for the successful editing of a project."
"projectSaved": {
"message": "Project saved",
"description": "Notification for the successful saving of a project."
"projectCreated": {
"message": "Project created",
"description": "Notification for the successful creation of a project."
"projectName": {
"message": "Project name",
"description": "Label for entering the name of a project."
"newProject": {
"message": "New project",
"description": "Title for creating a new project."
"softDeleteSecretWarning": {
"message": "Sekretuak ezabatzeak uneko integrazioei eragin ahal die.",
"description": "Warns that deleting secrets can have consequences on integrations"
"softDeletesSuccessToast": {
"message": "Sekretua zakarrontzira bidalita",
"description": "Notifies that the selected secrets have been moved to the trash"
"hardDeleteSecretConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this secret?"
"hardDeleteSecretsConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these secrets?"
"hardDeletesSuccessToast": {
"message": "Secrets permanently deleted"
"smAccess": {
"message": "Access",
"description": "Title indicating what permissions a service account has"
"projectCommaSecret": {
"message": "Proiektua, sekretua",
"description": ""
"serviceAccountName": {
"message": "Service account name",
"description": "Label for the name of a service account"
"serviceAccountCreated": {
"message": "Service account created",
"description": "Notifies that a new service account has been created"
"serviceAccountUpdated": {
"message": "Service account updated",
"description": "Notifies that a service account has been updated"
"newSaSelectAccess": {
"message": "Idatzi edo aukeratu proiektu edo sekretuak",
"description": "Instructions for selecting projects or secrets for a new service account"
"newSaTypeToFilter": {
"message": "Type to filter",
"description": "Instructions for filtering a list of projects or secrets"
"deleteProjectsToast": {
"message": "Projects deleted",
"description": "Notifies that the selected projects have been deleted"
"deleteProjectToast": {
"message": "Proiektua eta honi lotutako sekretu guztiak ezabatu dira",
"description": "Notifies that a project has been deleted"
"deleteProjectDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting project $PROJECT$ is permanent and irreversible.",
"description": "Informs users that projects are hard deleted and not sent to trash",
"placeholders": {
"project": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "project name"
"deleteProjectInputLabel": {
"message": "Type \"$CONFIRM$\" to continue",
"description": "Users are prompted to type 'confirm' to delete a project",
"placeholders": {
"confirm": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Delete 3 projects"
"deleteProjectConfirmMessage": {
"message": "Delete $PROJECT$",
"description": "Confirmation prompt to delete a specific project, where '$PROJECT$' is a placeholder for the name of the project.",
"placeholders": {
"project": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "project name"
"deleteProjectsConfirmMessage": {
"message": "Delete $COUNT$ Projects",
"description": "Confirmation prompt to delete multiple projects, where '$COUNT$' is a placeholder for the number of projects to be deleted.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"deleteProjectsDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting projects is permanent and irreversible.",
"description": "This message is displayed in a dialog box as a warning before proceeding with project deletion."
"projectsNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "No projects to display",
"description": "Empty state to be displayed when there are no projects to display in the list."
"projectsNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "Gehitu proiektu berria sekretuak antolatzen hasteko.",
"description": "Message to be displayed when there are no projects to display in the list."
"smConfirmationRequired": {
"message": "Confirmation required",
"description": "Indicates that user confirmation is required for an action to proceed."
"bulkDeleteProjectsErrorMessage": {
"message": "The following projects could not be deleted:",
"description": "Message to be displayed when there is an error during bulk project deletion."
"softDeleteSuccessToast": {
"message": "Sekretua zakarrontzira bidalia",
"description": "Notification to be displayed when a secret is successfully sent to the trash."
"hardDeleteSuccessToast": {
"message": "Secret permanently deleted"
"accessTokens": {
"message": "Access tokens",
"description": "Title for the section displaying access tokens."
"newAccessToken": {
"message": "New access token",
"description": "Button label for creating a new access token."
"expires": {
"message": "Expires",
"description": "Label for the expiration date of an access token."
"canRead": {
"message": "Can read",
"description": "Label for the access level of an access token (Read only)."
"accessTokensNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "No access tokens to show",
"description": "Title to be displayed when there are no access tokens to display in the list."
"accessTokensNoItemsDesc": {
"message": "To get started, create an access token",
"description": "Message to be displayed when there are no access tokens to display in the list."
"downloadAccessToken": {
"message": "Download or copy before closing.",
"description": "Message to be displayed before closing an access token, reminding the user to download or copy it."
"expiresOnAccessToken": {
"message": "Expires on:",
"description": "Label for the expiration date of an access token."
"accessTokenCallOutTitle": {
"message": "Access tokens are not stored and cannot be retrieved",
"description": "Notification to inform the user that access tokens are only displayed once and cannot be retrieved again."
"copyToken": {
"message": "Copy token",
"description": "Copies the generated access token to the user's clipboard."
"accessToken": {
"message": "Access token",
"description": "A unique string that gives a client application (eg. CLI) access to a secret or set of secrets."
"accessTokenExpirationRequired": {
"message": "Expiration date required",
"description": "Error message indicating that an expiration date for the access token must be set."
"accessTokenCreatedAndCopied": {
"message": "Access token created and copied to clipboard",
"description": "Notification to inform the user that the access token has been created and copied to the clipboard."
"revokeAccessToken": {
"message": "Revoke access token",
"description": "Invalidates / cancels an access token and as such removes access to secrets for the client application."
"revokeAccessTokens": {
"message": "Revoke access tokens"
"revokeAccessTokenDesc": {
"message": "Revoking access tokens is permanent and irreversible."
"accessTokenRevoked": {
"message": "Access tokens revoked",
"description": "Toast message after deleting one or multiple access tokens."
"noAccessTokenSelected": {
"message": "No access token selected to revoke",
"description": "Toast error message after trying to delete access tokens but not selecting any access tokens."
"submenu": {
"message": "Submenu"
"from": {
"message": "Igorlea"
"to": {
"message": "Nora"
"member": {
"message": "Kidea"
"update": {
"message": "Eguneratu"
"plusNMore": {
"message": "+ $QUANTITY$ more",
"placeholders": {
"quantity": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "5"
"groupInfo": {
"message": "Group info"
"editGroupMembersDesc": {
"message": "Grant members access to the group's assigned collections."
"editGroupCollectionsDesc": {
"message": "Grant access to collections by adding them to this group."
"accessAllCollectionsDesc": {
"message": "Grant access to all current and future collections."
"accessAllCollectionsHelp": {
"message": "If checked, this will replace all other collection permissions."
"selectMembers": {
"message": "Select members"
"selectCollections": {
"message": "Select collections"
"role": {
"message": "Rola"
"removeMember": {
"message": "Remove member"
"collection": {
"message": "Collection"
"noCollection": {
"message": "No collection"
"canView": {
"message": "Ikus dezake"
"canViewExceptPass": {
"message": "Ikus dezake, pasahitza izan ezik"
"canEdit": {
"message": "Editatu dezake"
"canEditExceptPass": {
"message": "Editatu dezake, pasahitza izan ezik"
"noCollectionsAdded": {
"message": "No collections added"
"noMembersAdded": {
"message": "No members added"
"noGroupsAdded": {
"message": "No groups added"
"group": {
"message": "Taldea"
"groupAccessAll": {
"message": "Talde hau elementu guztietara sartu eta aldaketak egin ditzake."
"memberAccessAll": {
"message": "Kide hau elementu guztietara sartu eta aldaketak egin ditzake."
"domainVerification": {
"message": "Domain verification"
"newDomain": {
"message": "New domain"
"noDomains": {
"message": "No domains"
"noDomainsSubText": {
"message": "Connecting a domain allows members to skip the SSO identifier field during Login with SSO."
"verifyDomain": {
"message": "Verify domain"
"reverifyDomain": {
"message": "Reverify domain"
"copyDnsTxtRecord": {
"message": "Copy DNS TXT record"
"dnsTxtRecord": {
"message": "DNS TXT record"
"dnsTxtRecordInputHint": {
"message": "Copy and paste the TXT record into your DNS Provider."
"domainNameInputHint": {
"message": "Example: mydomain.com. Subdomains require separate entries to be verified."
"automaticDomainVerification": {
"message": "Automatic Domain Verification"
"automaticDomainVerificationProcess": {
"message": "Bitwarden will attempt to verify the domain 3 times during the first 72 hours. If the domain cant be verified, check the DNS record in your host and manually verify. The domain will be removed from your organization in 7 days if it is not verified"
"invalidDomainNameMessage": {
"message": "Input is not a valid format. Format: mydomain.com. Subdomains require separate entries to be verified."
"removeDomain": {
"message": "Remove domain"
"removeDomainWarning": {
"message": "Removing a domain cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to continue?"
"domainRemoved": {
"message": "Domain removed"
"domainSaved": {
"message": "Domain saved"
"domainVerified": {
"message": "Domain verified"
"duplicateDomainError": {
"message": "You can't claim the same domain twice."
"domainNotAvailable": {
"message": "Someone else is using $DOMAIN$. Use a different domain to continue.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"domainNotVerified": {
"message": "$DOMAIN$ not verified. Check your DNS record.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"domainStatusVerified": {
"message": "Verified"
"domainStatusUnverified": {
"message": "Unverified"
"domainNameTh": {
"message": "Name"
"domainStatusTh": {
"message": "Status"
"lastChecked": {
"message": "Last checked"
"editDomain": {
"message": "Edit domain"
"domainFormInvalid": {
"message": "There are form errors that need your attention"
"addedDomain": {
"message": "Added domain $DOMAIN$",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"removedDomain": {
"message": "Removed domain $DOMAIN$",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"domainVerifiedEvent": {
"message": "$DOMAIN$ verified",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"domainNotVerifiedEvent": {
"message": "$DOMAIN$ not verified",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "bitwarden.com"
"verificationRequiredForActionSetPinToContinue": {
"message": "Verification required for this action. Set a PIN to continue."
"setPin": {
"message": "Set PIN"
"verifyWithBiometrics": {
"message": "Verify with biometrics"
"awaitingConfirmation": {
"message": "Awaiting confirmation"
"couldNotCompleteBiometrics": {
"message": "Could not complete biometrics."
"needADifferentMethod": {
"message": "Need a different method?"
"useMasterPassword": {
"message": "Use master password"
"usePin": {
"message": "Use PIN"
"useBiometrics": {
"message": "Use biometrics"
"enterVerificationCodeSentToEmail": {
"message": "Enter the verification code that was sent to your email."
"resendCode": {
"message": "Resend code"
"memberColumnHeader": {
"message": "Member"
"groupSlashMemberColumnHeader": {
"message": "Group/Member"
"selectGroupsAndMembers": {
"message": "Select groups and members"
"selectGroups": {
"message": "Select groups"
"userPermissionOverrideHelper": {
"message": "Permissions set for a member will replace permissions set by that member's group"
"noMembersOrGroupsAdded": {
"message": "No members or groups added"
"deleted": {
"message": "Deleted"
"memberStatusFilter": {
"message": "Member status filter"
"inviteMember": {
"message": "Invite member"
"needsConfirmation": {
"message": "Needs confirmation"
"memberRole": {
"message": "Member role"
"moreFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More from Bitwarden"
"switchProducts": {
"message": "Switch products"
"freeOrgInvLimitReachedManageBilling": {
"message": "Free organizations may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Upgrade to a paid plan to invite more members.",
"placeholders": {
"seatcount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"freeOrgInvLimitReachedNoManageBilling": {
"message": "Free organizations may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Contact your organization owner to upgrade.",
"placeholders": {
"seatcount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"teamsStarterPlanInvLimitReachedManageBilling": {
"message": "Teams Starter plans may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Upgrade to your plan to invite more members.",
"placeholders": {
"seatcount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"teamsStarterPlanInvLimitReachedNoManageBilling": {
"message": "Teams Starter plans may have up to $SEATCOUNT$ members. Contact your organization owner to upgrade your plan and invite more members.",
"placeholders": {
"seatcount": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"freeOrgMaxCollectionReachedManageBilling": {
"message": "Free organizations may have up to $COLLECTIONCOUNT$ collections. Upgrade to a paid plan to add more collections.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"freeOrgMaxCollectionReachedNoManageBilling": {
"message": "Free organizations may have up to $COLLECTIONCOUNT$ collections. Contact your organization owner to upgrade.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"server": {
"message": "Server"
"exportData": {
"message": "Export data"
"exportingOrganizationSecretDataTitle": {
"message": "Exporting Organization Secret Data"
"exportingOrganizationSecretDataDescription": {
"message": "Only the Secrets Manager data associated with $ORGANIZATION$ will be exported. Items in other products or from other organizations will not be included.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "My Org Name"
"fileUpload": {
"message": "File upload"
"acceptedFormats": {
"message": "Accepted Formats:"
"copyPasteImportContents": {
"message": "Copy & paste import contents:"
"or": {
"message": "or"
"licenseAndBillingManagement": {
"message": "License and billing management"
"automaticSync": {
"message": "Automatic sync"
"manualUpload": {
"message": "Manual upload"
"manualUploadDesc": {
"message": "If you do not want to opt into billing sync, manually upload your license here."
"syncLicense": {
"message": "Sync license"
"licenseSyncSuccess": {
"message": "Successfully synced license"
"licenseUploadSuccess": {
"message": "Successfully uploaded license"
"lastLicenseSync": {
"message": "Last license sync"
"billingSyncHelp": {
"message": "Billing Sync help"
"licensePaidFeaturesHelp": {
"message": "License paid features help"
"selfHostGracePeriodHelp": {
"message": "After your subscription expires, you have 60 days to apply an updated license file to your organization. Grace period ends $GRACE_PERIOD_END_DATE$.",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "May 12, 2024"
"uploadLicense": {
"message": "Upload license"
"projectPeopleDescription": {
"message": "Grant groups or people access to this project."
"projectPeopleSelectHint": {
"message": "Type or select people or groups"
"projectServiceAccountsDescription": {
"message": "Grant service accounts access to this project."
"projectServiceAccountsSelectHint": {
"message": "Type or select service accounts"
"projectEmptyPeopleAccessPolicies": {
"message": "Add people or groups to start collaborating"
"projectEmptyServiceAccountAccessPolicies": {
"message": "Add service accounts to grant access"
"serviceAccountPeopleDescription": {
"message": "Grant groups or people access to this service account."
"serviceAccountProjectsDescription": {
"message": "Assign projects to this service account. "
"serviceAccountEmptyProjectAccesspolicies": {
"message": "Add projects to grant access"
"canReadWrite": {
"message": "Can read, write"
"groupSlashUser": {
"message": "Group/User"
"lowKdfIterations": {
"message": "Low KDF Iterations"
"updateLowKdfIterationsDesc": {
"message": "Update your encryption settings to meet new security recommendations and improve account protection."
"changeKdfLoggedOutWarning": {
"message": "Proceeding will log you out of all active sessions. You will need to log back in and complete two-step login setup. We recommend exporting your vault before changing your encryption settings to prevent data loss."
"secretsManager": {
"message": "Secrets Manager"
"secretsManagerAccessDescription": {
"message": "Activate user access to Secrets Manager."
"userAccessSecretsManagerGA": {
"message": "This user can access Secrets Manager"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"viewAll": {
"message": "View all"
"showingPortionOfTotal": {
"message": "Showing $PORTION$ of $TOTAL$",
"placeholders": {
"portion": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"total": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "5"
"resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": {
"message": "Resolve the errors below and try again."
"description": {
"message": "Description"
"errorReadingImportFile": {
"message": "An error occurred when trying to read the import file"
"accessedSecret": {
"message": "Accessed secret $SECRET_ID$.",
"placeholders": {
"secret_id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "4d34e8a8"
"sdk": {
"message": "SDK",
"description": "Software Development Kit"
"createAnAccount": {
"message": "Create an account"
"createSecret": {
"message": "Create a secret"
"createProject": {
"message": "Create a project"
"createServiceAccount": {
"message": "Create a service account"
"downloadThe": {
"message": "Download the",
"description": "Link to a downloadable resource. This will be used as part of a larger phrase. Example: Download the Secrets Manager CLI"
"smCLI": {
"message": "Secrets Manager CLI"
"importSecrets": {
"message": "Import secrets"
"getStarted": {
"message": "Get started"
"complete": {
"message": "$COMPLETED$/$TOTAL$ Complete",
"placeholders": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "1"
"TOTAL": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "4"
"restoreSecret": {
"message": "Restore secret"
"restoreSecrets": {
"message": "Restore secrets"
"restoreSecretPrompt": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to restore this secret?"
"restoreSecretsPrompt": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to restore these secrets?"
"secretRestoredSuccessToast": {
"message": "Secret restored"
"secretsRestoredSuccessToast": {
"message": "Secrets restored"
"selectionIsRequired": {
"message": "Selection is required."
"saPeopleWarningTitle": {
"message": "Access tokens still available"
"saPeopleWarningMessage": {
"message": "Removing people from a service account does not remove the access tokens they created. For security best practice, it is recommended to revoke access tokens created by people removed from a service account."
"smAccessRemovalWarningProjectTitle": {
"message": "Remove access to this project"
"smAccessRemovalWarningProjectMessage": {
"message": "This action will remove your access to the project."
"smAccessRemovalWarningSaTitle": {
"message": "Remove access to this service account"
"smAccessRemovalWarningSaMessage": {
"message": "This action will remove your access to the service account."
"removeAccess": {
"message": "Remove access"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"
"masterPasswordMinimumlength": {
"message": "Master password must be at least $LENGTH$ characters long.",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"
"inputTrimValidator": {
"message": "Input must not contain only whitespace.",
"description": "Notification to inform the user that a form's input can't contain only whitespace."
"dismiss": {
"message": "Dismiss"
"notAvailableForFreeOrganization": {
"message": "This feature is not available for free organizations. Contact your organization owner to upgrade."
"smProjectSecretsNoItemsNoAccess": {
"message": "Contact your organization's admin to manage secrets for this project.",
"description": "The message shown to the user under a project's secrets tab when the user only has read access to the project."
"enforceOnLoginDesc": {
"message": "Require existing members to change their passwords"
"smProjectDeleteAccessRestricted": {
"message": "You don't have permissions to delete this project",
"description": "The individual description shown to the user when the user doesn't have access to delete a project."
"smProjectsDeleteBulkConfirmation": {
"message": "The following projects can not be deleted. Would you like to continue?",
"description": "The message shown to the user when bulk deleting projects and the user doesn't have access to some projects."
"updateKdfSettings": {
"message": "Update KDF settings"
"loginInitiated": {
"message": "Login initiated"
"deviceApprovalRequired": {
"message": "Device approval required. Select an approval option below:"
"rememberThisDevice": {
"message": "Remember this device"
"uncheckIfPublicDevice": {
"message": "Uncheck if using a public device"
"approveFromYourOtherDevice": {
"message": "Approve from your other device"
"requestAdminApproval": {
"message": "Request admin approval"
"approveWithMasterPassword": {
"message": "Approve with master password"
"trustedDeviceEncryption": {
"message": "Trusted device encryption"
"trustedDevices": {
"message": "Trusted devices"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartOne": {
"message": "Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO Required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkOne": {
"message": "single organization",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartTwo": {
"message": "policy,",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkTwo": {
"message": "SSO required",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartThree": {
"message": "policy, and",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionLinkThree": {
"message": "account recovery administration",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"memberDecryptionOptionTdeDescriptionPartFour": {
"message": "policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using a key stored on their device. The single organization policy, SSO required policy, and account recovery administration policy with automatic enrollment will turn on when this option is used.'"
"orgPermissionsUpdatedMustSetPassword": {
"message": "Your organization permissions were updated, requiring you to set a master password.",
"description": "Used as a card title description on the set password page to explain why the user is there"
"orgRequiresYouToSetPassword": {
"message": "Your organization requires you to set a master password.",
"description": "Used as a card title description on the set password page to explain why the user is there"
"notFound": {
"message": "$RESOURCE$ not found",
"placeholders": {
"resource": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Service Account"
"verificationRequired": {
"message": "Verification required",
"description": "Default title for the user verification dialog."
"recoverAccount": {
"message": "Recover account"
"updatedTempPassword": {
"message": "User updated a password issued through account recovery."
"activatedAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Activated access to Secrets Manager",
"description": "Confirmation message that one or more users gained access to Secrets Manager"
"activateAccess": {
"message": "Activate access"
"bulkEnableSecretsManagerDescription": {
"message": "Grant the following members access to Secrets Manager. The role granted in the Password Manager will apply to Secrets Manager.",
"description": "This description is shown to an admin when they are attempting to add more users to Secrets Manager."
"activateSecretsManager": {
"message": "Activate Secrets Manager"
"yourOrganizationsFingerprint": {
"message": "Your organization's fingerprint phrase",
"description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their organization's public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing."
"deviceApprovals": {
"message": "Device approvals"
"deviceApprovalsDesc": {
"message": "Approve login requests below to allow the requesting member to finish logging in. Unapproved requests expire after 1 week. Verify the members information before approving."
"deviceInfo": {
"message": "Device info"
"time": {
"message": "Time"
"denyAllRequests": {
"message": "Deny all requests"
"denyRequest": {
"message": "Deny request"
"approveRequest": {
"message": "Approve request"
"noDeviceRequests": {
"message": "No device requests"
"noDeviceRequestsDesc": {
"message": "Member device approval requests will appear here"
"loginRequestDenied": {
"message": "Login request denied"
"allLoginRequestsDenied": {
"message": "All login requests denied"
"loginRequestApproved": {
"message": "Login request approved"
"removeOrgUserNoMasterPasswordTitle": {
"message": "Account does not have master password"
"removeOrgUserNoMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Removing $USER$ without setting a master password for them may restrict access to their full account. Are you sure you want to continue?",
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "John Smith"
"noMasterPassword": {
"message": "No master password"
"removeMembersWithoutMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Removing members who do not have master passwords without setting one for them may restrict access to their full account."
"approvedAuthRequest": {
"message": "Approved device for $ID$.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "First 8 Character of a GUID"
"rejectedAuthRequest": {
"message": "Denied device for $ID$.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "First 8 Character of a GUID"
"requestedDeviceApproval": {
"message": "Requested device approval."
"startYour7DayFreeTrialOfBitwardenFor": {
"message": "Start your 7-Day free trial of Bitwarden for $ORG$",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Organization name"
"startYour7DayFreeTrialOfBitwardenSecretsManagerFor": {
"message": "Start your 7-Day free trial of Bitwarden Secrets Manager for $ORG$",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Organization name"
"next": {
"message": "Next"
"ssoLoginIsRequired": {
"message": "SSO login is required"
"selectedRegionFlag": {
"message": "Selected region flag"
"accountSuccessfullyCreated": {
"message": "Account successfully created!"
"adminApprovalRequested": {
"message": "Admin approval requested"
"adminApprovalRequestSentToAdmins": {
"message": "Your request has been sent to your admin."
"youWillBeNotifiedOnceApproved": {
"message": "You will be notified once approved."
"troubleLoggingIn": {
"message": "Trouble logging in?"
"loginApproved": {
"message": "Login approved"
"userEmailMissing": {
"message": "User email missing"
"deviceTrusted": {
"message": "Device trusted"
"sendsNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "No active Sends",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendsNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "Use Send to securely share encrypted information with anyone.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"inviteUsers": {
"message": "Invite Users"
"secretsManagerForPlan": {
"message": "Secrets Manager for $PLAN$",
"placeholders": {
"plan": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Teams"
"secretsManagerForPlanDesc": {
"message": "For engineering and DevOps teams to manage secrets throughout the software development lifecycle."
"free2PersonOrganization": {
"message": "Free 2-person Organizations"
"unlimitedSecrets": {
"message": "Unlimited secrets"
"unlimitedProjects": {
"message": "Unlimited projects"
"projectsIncluded": {
"message": "$COUNT$ projects included",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"serviceAccountsIncluded": {
"message": "$COUNT$ service accounts included",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"additionalServiceAccountCost": {
"message": "$COST$ per month for additional service accounts",
"placeholders": {
"cost": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$0.50"
"subscribeToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Subscribe to Secrets Manager"
"addSecretsManagerUpgradeDesc": {
"message": "Add Secrets Manager to your upgraded plan to maintain access to any secrets created with your previous plan."
"additionalServiceAccounts": {
"message": "Additional service accounts"
"includedServiceAccounts": {
"message": "Your plan comes with $COUNT$ service accounts.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50"
"addAdditionalServiceAccounts": {
"message": "You can add additional service accounts for $COST$ per month.",
"placeholders": {
"cost": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$0.50"
"collectionManagement": {
"message": "Collection management"
"collectionManagementDesc": {
"message": "Manage the collection behavior for the organization"
"limitCollectionCreationDeletionDesc": {
"message": "Limit collection creation and deletion to owners and admins"
"allowAdminAccessToAllCollectionItemsDesc": {
"message": "Owners and admins can manage all collections and items"
"updatedCollectionManagement": {
"message": "Updated collection management setting"
"passwordManagerPlanPrice": {
"message": "Password Manager plan price"
"secretsManagerPlanPrice": {
"message": "Secrets Manager plan price"
"passwordManager": {
"message": "Password Manager"
"freeOrganization": {
"message": "Free Organization"
"limitServiceAccounts": {
"message": "Limit service accounts (optional)"
"limitServiceAccountsDesc": {
"message": "Set a limit for your service accounts. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to create new service accounts."
"serviceAccountLimit": {
"message": "Service account limit (optional)"
"maxServiceAccountCost": {
"message": "Max potential service account cost"
"loggedInExclamation": {
"message": "Logged in!"
"beta": {
"message": "Beta"
"assignCollectionAccess": {
"message": "Assign collection access"
"editedCollections": {
"message": "Edited collections"
"baseUrl": {
"message": "Server URL"
"aliasDomain": {
"message": "Alias domain"
"alreadyHaveAccount": {
"message": "Already have an account?"
"skipToContent": {
"message": "Skip to content"
"managePermissionRequired": {
"message": "At least one member or group must have can manage permission."
"typePasskey": {
"message": "Passkey"
"passkeyNotCopied": {
"message": "Passkey will not be copied"
"passkeyNotCopiedAlert": {
"message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?"
"modifiedCollectionManagement": {
"message": "Modified collection management setting $ID$.",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Unique ID"
"seeDetailedInstructions": {
"message": "See detailed instructions on our help site at",
"description": "This is followed a by a hyperlink to the help website."
"installBrowserExtension": {
"message": "Install browser extension"
"installBrowserExtensionDetails": {
"message": "Use the extension to quickly save logins and auto-fill forms without opening the web app."
"projectAccessUpdated": {
"message": "Project access updated"
"unexpectedErrorSend": {
"message": "An unexpected error has occurred while loading this Send. Try again later."
"seatLimitReached": {
"message": "Seat limit has been reached"
"contactYourProvider": {
"message": "Contact your provider to purchase additional seats."
"seatLimitReachedContactYourProvider": {
"message": "Seat limit has been reached. Contact your provider to purchase additional seats."
"collectionAccessRestricted": {
"message": "Collection access is restricted"
"readOnlyCollectionAccess": {
"message": "You do not have access to manage this collection."
"grantCollectionAccess": {
"message": "Grant groups or members access to this collection."
"grantCollectionAccessMembersOnly": {
"message": "Grant members access to this collection."
"adminCollectionAccess": {
"message": "Administrators can access and manage collections."
"serviceAccountAccessUpdated": {
"message": "Service account access updated"
"commonImportFormats": {
"message": "Common formats",
"description": "Label indicating the most common import formats"
"maintainYourSubscription": {
"message": "To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, ",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, add a payment method.'",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Example Inc."
"addAPaymentMethod": {
"message": "add a payment method",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To maintain your subscription for $ORG$, add a payment method.'"
"collectionEnhancementsDesc": {
"message": "Add new settings and permissions for additional flexibility. Replace the Manager role with the \"can manage\" permission, and introduce options to allow users to create collections as well as restrict administrative access to collections.",
"description": "This describes new features and improvements for user roles and collections"
"collectionEnhancementsLearnMore": {
"message": "Learn more about collection management"
"organizationInformation": {
"message": "Organization information"
"confirmationDetails": {
"message": "Confirmation details"
"smFreeTrialThankYou": {
"message": "Thank you for signing up for Bitwarden Secrets Manager!"
"smFreeTrialConfirmationEmail": {
"message": "We've sent a confirmation email to your email at "
"confirmCollectionEnhancementsDialogTitle": {
"message": "This action is irreversible"
"confirmCollectionEnhancementsDialogContent": {
"message": "Turning on this feature will deprecate the manager role and replace it with a Can manage permission. This will take a few moments. Do not make any organization changes until it is complete. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
"sorryToSeeYouGo": {
"message": "Sorry to see you go! Help improve Bitwarden by sharing why you're canceling.",
"description": "A message shown to users as part of an offboarding survey asking them to provide more information on their subscription cancelation."
"selectCancellationReason": {
"message": "Select a reason for canceling",
"description": "Used as a form field label for a select input on the offboarding survey."
"anyOtherFeedback": {
"message": "Is there any other feedback you'd like to share?",
"description": "Used as a form field label for a textarea input on the offboarding survey."
"missingFeatures": {
"message": "Missing features",
"description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription."
"movingToAnotherTool": {
"message": "Moving to another tool",
"description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription."
"tooDifficultToUse": {
"message": "Too difficult to use",
"description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription."
"notUsingEnough": {
"message": "Not using enough",
"description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription."
"tooExpensive": {
"message": "Too expensive",
"description": "An option for the offboarding survey shown when a user cancels their subscription."
"freeForOneYear": {
"message": "Free for 1 year"
"newWebApp": {
"message": "Welcome to the new and improved web app. Learn more about whats changed."
"releaseBlog": {
"message": "Read release blog"
"adminConsole": {
"message": "Admin Console"
"providerPortal": {
"message": "Provider Portal"
"viewCollection": {
"message": "View collection"
"restrictedGroupAccess": {
"message": "You cannot add yourself to groups."
"restrictedCollectionAccess": {
"message": "You cannot add yourself to collections."
"assign": {
"message": "Assign"
"assignToCollections": {
"message": "Assign to collections"
"assignToTheseCollections": {
"message": "Assign to these collections"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescription": {
"message": "Select the collections that the items will be shared with. Once an item is updated in one collection, it will be reflected in all collections. Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items."
"selectCollectionsToAssign": {
"message": "Select collections to assign"
"noCollectionsAssigned": {
"message": "No collections have been assigned"
"successfullyAssignedCollections": {
"message": "Successfully assigned collections"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentWarning": {
"message": "You have selected $TOTAL_COUNT$ items. You cannot update $READONLY_COUNT$ of the items because you do not have edit permissions.",
"placeholders": {
"total_count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "10"
"readonly_count": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "3"
"items": {
"message": "Items"
"assignedSeats": {
"message": "Assigned seats"
"assigned": {
"message": "Assigned"
"used": {
"message": "Used"
"remaining": {
"message": "Remaining"
"unlinkOrganization": {
"message": "Unlink organization"
"manageSeats": {
"message": "MANAGE SEATS"
"manageSeatsDescription": {
"message": "Adjustments to seats will be reflected in the next billing cycle."
"unassignedSeatsDescription": {
"message": "Unassigned subscription seats"
"purchaseSeatDescription": {
"message": "Additional seats purchased"
"assignedSeatCannotUpdate": {
"message": "Assigned Seats can not be updated. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"subscriptionUpdateFailed": {
"message": "Subscription update failed"
"trial": {
"message": "Trial",
"description": "A subscription status label."
"pastDue": {
"message": "Past due",
"description": "A subscription status label"
"subscriptionExpired": {
"message": "Subscription expired",
"description": "The date header used when a subscription is past due."
"pastDueWarningForChargeAutomatically": {
"message": "You have a grace period of $DAYS$ days from your subscription expiration date to maintain your subscription. Please resolve the past due invoices by $SUSPENSION_DATE$.",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "11"
"suspension_date": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "01/10/2024"
"description": "A warning shown to the user when their subscription is past due and they are charged automatically."
"pastDueWarningForSendInvoice": {
"message": "You have a grace period of $DAYS$ days from the date your first unpaid invoice is due to maintain your subscription. Please resolve the past due invoices by $SUSPENSION_DATE$.",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "11"
"suspension_date": {
"content": "$2",
"example": "01/10/2024"
"description": "A warning shown to the user when their subscription is past due and they pay via invoice."
"unpaidInvoice": {
"message": "Unpaid invoice",
"description": "The header of a warning box shown to a user whose subscription is unpaid."
"toReactivateYourSubscription": {
"message": "To reactivate your subscription, please resolve the past due invoices.",
"description": "The body of a warning box shown to a user whose subscription is unpaid."
"cancellationDate": {
"message": "Cancellation date",
"description": "The date header used when a subscription is cancelled."
"machineAccountsCannotCreate": {
"message": "Machine accounts cannot be created in suspended organizations. Please contact your organization owner for assistance."
"machineAccount": {
"message": "Machine account",
"description": "A machine user which can be used to automate processes and access secrets in the system."
"machineAccounts": {
"message": "Machine accounts",
"description": "The title for the section that deals with machine accounts."
"newMachineAccount": {
"message": "New machine account",
"description": "Title for creating a new machine account."
"machineAccountsNoItemsMessage": {
"message": "Create a new machine account to get started automating secret access.",
"description": "Message to encourage the user to start creating machine accounts."
"machineAccountsNoItemsTitle": {
"message": "Nothing to show yet",
"description": "Title to indicate that there are no machine accounts to display."
"deleteMachineAccounts": {
"message": "Delete machine accounts",
"description": "Title for the action to delete one or multiple machine accounts."
"deleteMachineAccount": {
"message": "Delete machine account",
"description": "Title for the action to delete a single machine account."
"viewMachineAccount": {
"message": "View machine account",
"description": "Action to view the details of a machine account."
"deleteMachineAccountDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting machine account $MACHINE_ACCOUNT$ is permanent and irreversible.",
"placeholders": {
"machine_account": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Machine account name"
"deleteMachineAccountsDialogMessage": {
"message": "Deleting machine accounts is permanent and irreversible."
"deleteMachineAccountsConfirmMessage": {
"message": "Delete $COUNT$ machine accounts",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "2"
"deleteMachineAccountToast": {
"message": "Machine account deleted"
"deleteMachineAccountsToast": {
"message": "Machine accounts deleted"
"searchMachineAccounts": {
"message": "Search machine accounts",
"description": "Placeholder text for searching machine accounts."
"editMachineAccount": {
"message": "Edit machine account",
"description": "Title for editing a machine account."
"machineAccountName": {
"message": "Machine account name",
"description": "Label for the name of a machine account"
"machineAccountCreated": {
"message": "Machine account created",
"description": "Notifies that a new machine account has been created"
"machineAccountUpdated": {
"message": "Machine account updated",
"description": "Notifies that a machine account has been updated"
"projectMachineAccountsDescription": {
"message": "Grant machine accounts access to this project."
"projectMachineAccountsSelectHint": {
"message": "Type or select machine accounts"
"projectEmptyMachineAccountAccessPolicies": {
"message": "Add machine accounts to grant access"
"machineAccountPeopleDescription": {
"message": "Grant groups or people access to this machine account."
"machineAccountProjectsDescription": {
"message": "Assign projects to this machine account. "
"createMachineAccount": {
"message": "Create a machine account"
"maPeopleWarningMessage": {
"message": "Removing people from a machine account does not remove the access tokens they created. For security best practice, it is recommended to revoke access tokens created by people removed from a machine account."
"smAccessRemovalWarningMaTitle": {
"message": "Remove access to this machine account"
"smAccessRemovalWarningMaMessage": {
"message": "This action will remove your access to the machine account."
"machineAccountsIncluded": {
"message": "$COUNT$ machine accounts included",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "3"
"additionalMachineAccountCost": {
"message": "$COST$ per month for additional machine accounts",
"placeholders": {
"cost": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$0.50"
"additionalMachineAccounts": {
"message": "Additional machine accounts"
"includedMachineAccounts": {
"message": "Your plan comes with $COUNT$ machine accounts.",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "50"
"addAdditionalMachineAccounts": {
"message": "You can add additional machine accounts for $COST$ per month.",
"placeholders": {
"cost": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "$0.50"
"limitMachineAccounts": {
"message": "Limit machine accounts (optional)"
"limitMachineAccountsDesc": {
"message": "Set a limit for your machine accounts. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to create new machine accounts."
"machineAccountLimit": {
"message": "Machine account limit (optional)"
"maxMachineAccountCost": {
"message": "Max potential machine account cost"
"machineAccountAccessUpdated": {
"message": "Machine account access updated"
"unassignedItemsBanner": {
"message": "Notice: Unassigned organization items are no longer visible in your All Vaults view across devices and are now only accessible via the Admin Console. Assign these items to a collection from the Admin Console to make them visible."
"unassignedItemsBannerSelfHost": {
"message": "Notice: On May 2, 2024, unassigned organization items will no longer be visible in your All Vaults view across devices and will only be accessible via the Admin Console. Assign these items to a collection from the Admin Console to make them visible."