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synced 2025-03-11 13:30:39 +01:00
Autosync the updated translations (#5471)
Co-authored-by: bitwarden-devops-bot <106330231+bitwarden-devops-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1462,16 +1462,16 @@
"message": "مورد خودکار پر شد"
"message": "مورد خودکار پر شد"
"insecurePageWarning": {
"insecurePageWarning": {
"message": "Warning: This is an unsecured HTTP page, and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others. This Login was originally saved on a secure (HTTPS) page."
"message": "هشدار: این یک صفحه HTTP ناامن است و هر اطلاعاتی که ارسال میکنید میتواند توسط دیگران دیده شود و تغییر کند. این ورود در ابتدا در یک صفحه امن (HTTPS) ذخیره شد."
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"message": "Do you still wish to fill this login?"
"message": "آیا هنوز میخواهید این ورود را پر کنید؟"
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"message": "The form is hosted by a different domain than the URI of your saved login. Choose OK to auto-fill anyway, or Cancel to stop."
"message": "فرم توسط دامنه ای متفاوت از نشانی اینترنتی ورود به سیستم ذخیره شده شما میزبانی میشود. به هر حال برای پر کردن خودکار، تأیید را انتخاب کنید یا برای توقف، لغو را انتخاب کنید."
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"message": "To prevent this warning in the future, save this URI, $HOSTNAME$, to your Bitwarden login item for this site.",
"message": "برای جلوگیری از این هشدار در آینده، این نشانی اینترنتی، $HOSTNAME$، را در مورد ورود Bitwarden خود برای این سایت ذخیره کنید.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hostname": {
"hostname": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -1483,13 +1483,13 @@
"message": "تنظیم کلمه عبور اصلی"
"message": "تنظیم کلمه عبور اصلی"
"currentMasterPass": {
"currentMasterPass": {
"message": "Current master password"
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی فعلی"
"newMasterPass": {
"newMasterPass": {
"message": "New master password"
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی جدید"
"confirmNewMasterPass": {
"confirmNewMasterPass": {
"message": "Confirm new master password"
"message": "تأیید کلمه عبور اصلی جدید"
"masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": {
"masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "یک یا چند سیاست سازمانی برای تأمین شرایط زیر به کلمه عبور اصلی شما احتیاج دارد:"
"message": "یک یا چند سیاست سازمانی برای تأمین شرایط زیر به کلمه عبور اصلی شما احتیاج دارد:"
@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی شما اخیراً توسط سرپرست سازمانتان تغییر کرده است. برای دسترسی به گاوصندوق، باید همین حالا کلمه عبور اصلی خود را بهروز کنید. در صورت ادامه، شما از نشست فعلی خود خارج میشوید و باید دوباره وارد سیستم شوید. نشست فعال در دستگاه های دیگر ممکن است تا یک ساعت همچنان فعال باقی بمانند."
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی شما اخیراً توسط سرپرست سازمانتان تغییر کرده است. برای دسترسی به گاوصندوق، باید همین حالا کلمه عبور اصلی خود را بهروز کنید. در صورت ادامه، شما از نشست فعلی خود خارج میشوید و باید دوباره وارد سیستم شوید. نشست فعال در دستگاه های دیگر ممکن است تا یک ساعت همچنان فعال باقی بمانند."
"updateWeakMasterPasswordWarning": {
"updateWeakMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Your master password does not meet one or more of your organization policies. In order to access the vault, you must update your master password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour."
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی شما با یک یا چند سیاست سازمانتان مطابقت ندارد. برای دسترسی به گاوصندوق، باید همین حالا کلمه عبور اصلی خود را بهروز کنید. در صورت ادامه، شما از نشست فعلی خود خارج میشوید و باید دوباره وارد سیستم شوید. نشست فعال در دستگاه های دیگر ممکن است تا یک ساعت همچنان فعال باقی بمانند."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "ثبت نام خودکار"
"message": "ثبت نام خودکار"
@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@
"vaultTimeoutPolicyWithActionInEffect": {
"vaultTimeoutPolicyWithActionInEffect": {
"message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed vault timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s). Your vault timeout action is set to $ACTION$.",
"message": "سیاستهای سازمانتان بر مهلت زمانی گاوصندوق شما تأثیر میگذارد. حداکثر زمان مجاز گاوصندوق $HOURS$ ساعت و $MINUTES$ دقیقه است. عملگر مهلت زمانی گاوصندوق شما روی $ACTION$ تنظیم شده است.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hours": {
"hours": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@
"vaultTimeoutActionPolicyInEffect": {
"vaultTimeoutActionPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Your organization policies have set your vault timeout action to $ACTION$.",
"message": "سباستهای سازمان شما، عملگر زمانبندی گاوصندوق شما را روی $ACTION$ تنظیم کرده است.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"action": {
"action": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -2222,6 +2222,6 @@
"opensInANewWindow": {
"opensInANewWindow": {
"message": "Opens in a new window"
"message": "در پنجره جدید باز میشود"
@ -1462,16 +1462,16 @@
"message": "Kohde täytettiin automaattisesti"
"message": "Kohde täytettiin automaattisesti"
"insecurePageWarning": {
"insecurePageWarning": {
"message": "Warning: This is an unsecured HTTP page, and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others. This Login was originally saved on a secure (HTTPS) page."
"message": "Varoitus: Tämä on suojaamaton HTTP-sivu, eli ulkopuolisten tahojen voi olla mahdollista tarkastella ja muuttaa lähettämiäsi tietoja. Tämä kirjautumistieto on alun perin tallennettu suojatulle HTTPS-sivulle."
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"message": "Do you still wish to fill this login?"
"message": "Haluatko silti täyttää kirjautumistiedot?"
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"message": "The form is hosted by a different domain than the URI of your saved login. Choose OK to auto-fill anyway, or Cancel to stop."
"message": "Lomakkeen URI-osoite poikkeaa kirjautumistietoon tallennetusta osoitteesta. Täytä se siitä huolimatta valitsemalla OK tai peru täyttö valitsemalla Peruuta."
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"message": "To prevent this warning in the future, save this URI, $HOSTNAME$, to your Bitwarden login item for this site.",
"message": "Välttyäksesi varoitukselta jatkossa, tallenna URI $HOSTNAME$ sivustolle tallennettuun Bitwarden-kirjautumistietoosi.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hostname": {
"hostname": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -519,10 +519,10 @@
"message": "Mapa izbrisana"
"message": "Mapa izbrisana"
"gettingStartedTutorial": {
"gettingStartedTutorial": {
"message": "Getting started tutorial"
"message": "Vodič za začetnike"
"gettingStartedTutorialVideo": {
"gettingStartedTutorialVideo": {
"message": "Watch our getting started tutorial to learn how to get the most out of the browser extension."
"message": "Naš vodič za začtenike vam pokaže, kako najbolje izkoristiti Bitwardnovo razširitev za brskalnik."
"syncingComplete": {
"syncingComplete": {
"message": "Sinhronizacija končana"
"message": "Sinhronizacija končana"
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
"message": "Prikaži možnosti kontekstnega menuja"
"message": "Prikaži možnosti kontekstnega menuja"
"contextMenuItemDesc": {
"contextMenuItemDesc": {
"message": "Use a secondary click to access password generation and matching logins for the website. "
"message": "Z desnim klikom se vam prikažejo možnosti generiranja gesel in shranjenih prijav za spletno stran, na kateri ste."
"defaultUriMatchDetection": {
"defaultUriMatchDetection": {
"message": "Privzet način preverjanja ujemanja URI-ja",
"message": "Privzet način preverjanja ujemanja URI-ja",
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
"message": "Če za prijavo uporabljate avtentikacijski ključ, se verifikacijska koda TOTP samodejno kopira v odložišče, kadar uporabite samodejno izpolnjevanje."
"message": "Če za prijavo uporabljate avtentikacijski ključ, se verifikacijska koda TOTP samodejno kopira v odložišče, kadar uporabite samodejno izpolnjevanje."
"enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": {
"enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": {
"message": "Ask for biometrics on launch"
"message": "Ob zagonu zahtevaj biometrično preverjanje"
"premiumRequired": {
"premiumRequired": {
"message": "Potrebno je premium članstvo"
"message": "Potrebno je premium članstvo"
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
"verificationCodeEmailSent": {
"verificationCodeEmailSent": {
"message": "Verification email sent to $EMAIL$.",
"message": "Potrditveno sporočilo poslano na $EMAIL$.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@
"message": "Ta račun ima omogočemo prijavo v dveh korakih, ampak, nobena izmed konfiguriranih prijav v dveh korakih ni podprta v teb spletnem brskalniku."
"message": "Ta račun ima omogočemo prijavo v dveh korakih, ampak, nobena izmed konfiguriranih prijav v dveh korakih ni podprta v teb spletnem brskalniku."
"noTwoStepProviders2": {
"noTwoStepProviders2": {
"message": "Please use a supported web browser (such as Chrome) and/or add additional providers that are better supported across web browsers (such as an authenticator app)."
"message": "Uporabite enega izmed podprtih spletnih brskalnikov (npr. Chrome) in/ali dodajte ponudnika, ki je bolje podprt na različnih brskalnikih (npr. aplikacija za avtentikacijo)."
"twoStepOptions": {
"twoStepOptions": {
"message": "Možnosti dvostopenjske prijave"
"message": "Možnosti dvostopenjske prijave"
@ -907,14 +907,14 @@
"message": "Aplikacija za avtentikacijo"
"message": "Aplikacija za avtentikacijo"
"authenticatorAppDesc": {
"authenticatorAppDesc": {
"message": "Use an authenticator app (such as Authy or Google Authenticator) to generate time-based verification codes.",
"message": "Uporabite aplikacijo za avtentikacijo (npr. Authy ali Google Authenticator), ki za vas ustvarja časovno spremenljive kode.",
"description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated."
"description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated."
"yubiKeyTitle": {
"yubiKeyTitle": {
"message": "YubiKey OTP Security Key"
"message": "Varnostni ključ YubiKey za enkratna gesla"
"yubiKeyDesc": {
"yubiKeyDesc": {
"message": "Use a YubiKey to access your account. Works with YubiKey 4, 4 Nano, 4C, and NEO devices."
"message": "Za dostop do svojega računa uporabite YubiKey. Podprti so YubiKey 4, 4 Nano, 4C in naprave NEO."
"duoDesc": {
"duoDesc": {
"message": "Verify with Duo Security using the Duo Mobile app, SMS, phone call, or U2F security key.",
"message": "Verify with Duo Security using the Duo Mobile app, SMS, phone call, or U2F security key.",
@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@
"message": "Novo polje po meri"
"message": "Novo polje po meri"
"dragToSort": {
"dragToSort": {
"message": "Drag to sort"
"message": "Sortirajte z vlečenjem"
"cfTypeText": {
"cfTypeText": {
"message": "Besedilo"
"message": "Besedilo"
@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
"message": "Dr."
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"message": "Gx"
"firstName": {
"firstName": {
"message": "Ime"
"message": "Ime"
@ -1531,13 +1531,13 @@
"masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": {
"masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": {
"message": "Your new master password does not meet the policy requirements."
"message": "Vaše novo glavno geslo ne ustreza zahtevam."
"acceptPolicies": {
"acceptPolicies": {
"message": "By checking this box you agree to the following:"
"message": "Strinjam se z naslednjim:"
"acceptPoliciesRequired": {
"acceptPoliciesRequired": {
"message": "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have not been acknowledged."
"message": "Niste sprejeli Pogojev uporabe in Pravilnika o zasebnosti."
"termsOfService": {
"termsOfService": {
"message": "Pogoji uporabe"
"message": "Pogoji uporabe"
@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@
"message": "Pravilnik o zasebnosti"
"message": "Pravilnik o zasebnosti"
"hintEqualsPassword": {
"hintEqualsPassword": {
"message": "Your password hint cannot be the same as your password."
"message": "Namig za geslo ne sme biti enak geslu."
"ok": {
"ok": {
"message": "V redu"
"message": "V redu"
@ -1600,13 +1600,13 @@
"message": "Browser biometrics is not supported on this device."
"message": "Browser biometrics is not supported on this device."
"nativeMessaginPermissionErrorTitle": {
"nativeMessaginPermissionErrorTitle": {
"message": "Permission not provided"
"message": "Dovoljenje manjka"
"nativeMessaginPermissionErrorDesc": {
"nativeMessaginPermissionErrorDesc": {
"message": "Without permission to communicate with the Bitwarden Desktop Application we cannot provide biometrics in the browser extension. Please try again."
"message": "Brez dovoljenja za komunikacijo z Bitwardnovo namizno aplikacijo ni mogoče uporabljati bimetričnega preverjanja v razširitvi brskalnika. Prosimo, poskusite ponovno."
"nativeMessaginPermissionSidebarTitle": {
"nativeMessaginPermissionSidebarTitle": {
"message": "Permission request error"
"message": "Napaka pri zahtevku za dovoljenje"
"nativeMessaginPermissionSidebarDesc": {
"nativeMessaginPermissionSidebarDesc": {
"message": "This action cannot be done in the sidebar, please retry the action in the popup or popout."
"message": "This action cannot be done in the sidebar, please retry the action in the popup or popout."
@ -1672,13 +1672,13 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"removePassword": {
"removePassword": {
"message": "Remove Password"
"message": "Odstrani geslo"
"delete": {
"delete": {
"message": "Izbriši"
"message": "Izbriši"
"removedPassword": {
"removedPassword": {
"message": "Password removed"
"message": "Geslo odstranjeno"
"deletedSend": {
"deletedSend": {
"message": "Pošiljka izbrisana",
"message": "Pošiljka izbrisana",
@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
"message": "Onemogočeno"
"message": "Onemogočeno"
"removePasswordConfirmation": {
"removePasswordConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to remove the password?"
"message": "Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti geslo?"
"deleteSend": {
"deleteSend": {
"message": "Izbriši pošiljko",
"message": "Izbriši pošiljko",
@ -1718,14 +1718,14 @@
"message": "Datoteka, ki jo želite poslati"
"message": "Datoteka, ki jo želite poslati"
"deletionDate": {
"deletionDate": {
"message": "Deletion date"
"message": "Datum izbrisa"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "Pošiljka bo trajno izbrisana ob izbranem času.",
"message": "Pošiljka bo trajno izbrisana ob izbranem času.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Expiration date"
"message": "Datum poteka"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "Če to nastavite, bo pošiljka potekla ob izbranem času.",
"message": "Če to nastavite, bo pošiljka potekla ob izbranem času.",
@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@
"message": "Po meri"
"message": "Po meri"
"maximumAccessCount": {
"maximumAccessCount": {
"message": "Maximum Access Count"
"message": "Največje dovoljeno število dostopov"
"maximumAccessCountDesc": {
"maximumAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "Če to nastavite, uporabniki po določenem številu dostopov ne bodo mogli več dostopati do pošiljke.",
"message": "Če to nastavite, uporabniki po določenem številu dostopov ne bodo mogli več dostopati do pošiljke.",
@ -1777,14 +1777,14 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Current access count"
"message": "Trenutno število dstopov"
"createSend": {
"createSend": {
"message": "Nova pošiljka",
"message": "Nova pošiljka",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
"newPassword": {
"message": "New password"
"message": "Novo geslo"
"sendDisabled": {
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "Pošiljka odstranjena",
"message": "Pošiljka odstranjena",
@ -1812,37 +1812,37 @@
"message": "In order to choose a file using Safari, pop out to a new window by clicking this banner."
"message": "In order to choose a file using Safari, pop out to a new window by clicking this banner."
"sendFileCalloutHeader": {
"sendFileCalloutHeader": {
"message": "Before you start"
"message": "Preden pričnete"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage1": {
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage1": {
"message": "To use a calendar style date picker",
"message": "Za vnos datuma s pomočjo koledarčka",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**To use a calendar style date picker ** click here to pop out your window.'"
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**To use a calendar style date picker ** click here to pop out your window.'"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage2": {
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage2": {
"message": "click here",
"message": "kliknite tukaj",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker **click here** to pop out your window.'"
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker **click here** to pop out your window.'"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage3": {
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage3": {
"message": "to pop out your window.",
"message": "za prikaz v lastnem oknu.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker click here **to pop out your window.**'"
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker click here **to pop out your window.**'"
"expirationDateIsInvalid": {
"expirationDateIsInvalid": {
"message": "The expiration date provided is not valid."
"message": "Datum poteka ni veljaven."
"deletionDateIsInvalid": {
"deletionDateIsInvalid": {
"message": "The deletion date provided is not valid."
"message": "Datum izbrisa ni veljaven."
"expirationDateAndTimeRequired": {
"expirationDateAndTimeRequired": {
"message": "An expiration date and time are required."
"message": "Datum in čas poteka sta obvezna."
"deletionDateAndTimeRequired": {
"deletionDateAndTimeRequired": {
"message": "A deletion date and time are required."
"message": "Datum in čas izbrisa sta obvezna."
"dateParsingError": {
"dateParsingError": {
"message": "There was an error saving your deletion and expiration dates."
"message": "Pri shranjevanju datumov poteka in izbrisa je prišlo do napake."
"hideEmail": {
"hideEmail": {
"message": "Hide my email address from recipients."
"message": "Skrij moj e-naslov pred prejemniki."
"sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": {
"sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Nekatere nastavitve organizacije vplivajo na možnosti, ki jih imate v zvezi s pošiljkami."
"message": "Nekatere nastavitve organizacije vplivajo na možnosti, ki jih imate v zvezi s pošiljkami."
@ -1851,19 +1851,19 @@
"message": "Ponovno zahtevaj glavno geslo"
"message": "Ponovno zahtevaj glavno geslo"
"passwordConfirmation": {
"passwordConfirmation": {
"message": "Master password confirmation"
"message": "Potrditev glavnega gesla"
"passwordConfirmationDesc": {
"passwordConfirmationDesc": {
"message": "This action is protected. To continue, please re-enter your master password to verify your identity."
"message": "To dejanje je zaščiteno. Za nadaljevanje vpišite svoje glavno geslo, da potrdite svojo istovetnost."
"emailVerificationRequired": {
"emailVerificationRequired": {
"message": "Email verification required"
"message": "Potrebna je potrditev e-naslova"
"emailVerificationRequiredDesc": {
"emailVerificationRequiredDesc": {
"message": "You must verify your email to use this feature. You can verify your email in the web vault."
"message": "Za uporabo te funkcionalnosti morate potrditi svoj e-naslov. To lahko storite v spletnem trezorju."
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Updated master password"
"message": "Posodobi glavno geslo"
"updateMasterPassword": {
"updateMasterPassword": {
"message": "Spremeni glavno geslo"
"message": "Spremeni glavno geslo"
@ -1462,16 +1462,16 @@
"message": "Fyllde i objektet automatiskt"
"message": "Fyllde i objektet automatiskt"
"insecurePageWarning": {
"insecurePageWarning": {
"message": "Warning: This is an unsecured HTTP page, and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others. This Login was originally saved on a secure (HTTPS) page."
"message": "Varning: Detta är en icke säkrad HTTP-sida, och all information du skickar kan potentiellt ses och ändras av andra. Denna inloggning sparades ursprungligen på en säker (HTTPS) sida."
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"message": "Do you still wish to fill this login?"
"message": "Vill du fortfarande fylla i denna inloggning?"
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"message": "The form is hosted by a different domain than the URI of your saved login. Choose OK to auto-fill anyway, or Cancel to stop."
"message": "The form is hosted by a different domain than the URI of your saved login. Choose OK to auto-fill anyway, or Cancel to stop."
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"message": "To prevent this warning in the future, save this URI, $HOSTNAME$, to your Bitwarden login item for this site.",
"message": "För att förhindra denna varning i framtiden, spara denna URI, $HOSTNAME$, till ditt Bitwarden inloggningsobjekt för denna webbplats.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hostname": {
"hostname": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -1462,16 +1462,16 @@
"message": "Kayıt otomatik dolduruldu "
"message": "Kayıt otomatik dolduruldu "
"insecurePageWarning": {
"insecurePageWarning": {
"message": "Uyarı: Bu güvenli olmayan bir HTTP sayfasıdır ve gönderdiğiniz herhangi bir bilgi potansiyel olarak başkaları tarafından görülebilir ve değiştirilebilir. Bu Oturum Açma orijinal olarak güvenli (HTTPS) bir sayfaya kaydedilmiştir."
"message": "Uyarı: Güvenli olmayan bir HTTP sayfasındasınız. Gönderdiğiniz bilgiler potansiyel olarak başkaları tarafından görülebilir ve değiştirilebilir. Bu hesabı güvenli (HTTPS) bir sayfa üzerinden kaydetmiştiniz."
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"message": "Hala bu girişi doldurmak istiyor musunuz?"
"message": "Yine de bu hesabı doldurmak istiyor musunuz?"
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"message": "Form, kayıtlı girişinizin URI'sinden farklı bir etki alanı tarafından barındırılıyor. Yine de otomatik doldurmak için Tamam'ı veya durdurmak için İptal'i seçin."
"message": "Bu form, kayıtlı hesabınızın URI'sinden farklı bir alan adında yer alıyor. Yine de otomatik doldurmak isterseniz \"Tamam\"ı, durdurmak için \"İptal\"i seçin."
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"message": "Gelecekte bu uyarıyı önlemek için $HOSTNAME$ URI'sini bu site için Bitwarden oturum açma öğenize kaydedin.",
"message": "İleride bu uyarıyı görmek istemiyorsanız bu siteye ait Bitwarden hesap kaydınıza $HOSTNAME$ URI'sini ekleyin.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hostname": {
"hostname": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -1462,16 +1462,16 @@
"message": "Запис заповнено"
"message": "Запис заповнено"
"insecurePageWarning": {
"insecurePageWarning": {
"message": "Warning: This is an unsecured HTTP page, and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others. This Login was originally saved on a secure (HTTPS) page."
"message": "Попередження: це незахищена сторінка HTTP, тому будь-яка інформація, яку ви передаєте, потенційно може бути переглянута чи змінена сторонніми. Ці облікові дані було збережено на безпечній сторінці (HTTPS)."
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"insecurePageWarningFillPrompt": {
"message": "Do you still wish to fill this login?"
"message": "Ви все ще бажаєте заповнити поля для входу?"
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"autofillIframeWarning": {
"message": "The form is hosted by a different domain than the URI of your saved login. Choose OK to auto-fill anyway, or Cancel to stop."
"message": "Домен форми входу відрізняється від URL-адреси, за якою його було збережено. Оберіть OK, якщо ви все одно хочете її заповнити, або Скасувати для зупинки."
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"autofillIframeWarningTip": {
"message": "To prevent this warning in the future, save this URI, $HOSTNAME$, to your Bitwarden login item for this site.",
"message": "Щоб надалі не бачити таке попередження, збережіть цей URI, $HOSTNAME$ у записі входу Bitwarden для цього сайту.",
"placeholders": {
"placeholders": {
"hostname": {
"hostname": {
"content": "$1",
"content": "$1",
@ -2222,6 +2222,6 @@
"opensInANewWindow": {
"opensInANewWindow": {
"message": "Opens in a new window"
"message": "Відкривається у новому вікні"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user