mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 17:27:50 +01:00
convert vault listing to ciphers
This commit is contained in:
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ angular
// user is guaranteed to be authenticated becuase of previous check
if (toState.name.indexOf('backend.org.') > -1 && toParams.orgId) {
// clear vault rootScope when visiting org admin section
$rootScope.vaultLogins = $rootScope.vaultFolders = null;
$rootScope.vaultCiphers = $rootScope.vaultFolders = null;
authService.getUserProfile().then(function (profile) {
var orgs = profile.organizations;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ angular
_service.logOut = function () {
$rootScope.vaultFolders = $rootScope.vaultLogins = null;
$rootScope.vaultFolders = $rootScope.vaultCiphers = null;
_userProfile = null;
@ -181,11 +181,13 @@ angular
id: encryptedCipher.Id,
organizationId: encryptedCipher.OrganizationId,
collectionIds: encryptedCipher.CollectionIds || [],
'type': encryptedCipher.Type,
folderId: encryptedCipher.FolderId,
favorite: encryptedCipher.Favorite,
edit: encryptedCipher.Edit,
organizationUseTotp: encryptedCipher.OrganizationUseTotp,
hasAttachments: !!encryptedCipher.Attachments && encryptedCipher.Attachments.length > 0
hasAttachments: !!encryptedCipher.Attachments && encryptedCipher.Attachments.length > 0,
meta: {}
var cipherData = encryptedCipher.Data;
@ -196,13 +198,13 @@ angular
switch (cipher.type) {
case constants.cipherType.login:
cipher.subTitle = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Username, key, true);
cipher.password = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Password, key, true);
cipher.meta.password = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Password, key, true);
case constants.cipherType.secureNote:
cipher.subTitle = 'secure note'; // TODO: what to do for this sub title?
case constants.cipherType.card:
cipher.number = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Number, key, true);
cipher.meta.number = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Number, key, true);
var brand = _service.decryptProperty(cipherData.Brand, key, true);
cipher.subTitle = brand + ', *1234'; // TODO: last 4 of number
@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ angular
return login;
return cipher;
_service.decryptAttachment = function (key, encryptedAttachment) {
@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
.controller('vaultController', function ($scope, $uibModal, apiService, $filter, cryptoService, authService, toastr,
cipherService, $q, $localStorage, $timeout, $rootScope, $state, $analytics) {
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.logins = [];
$scope.ciphers = [];
$scope.favoriteCollapsed = $localStorage.collapsedFolders && 'favorite' in $localStorage.collapsedFolders;
$scope.folderIdFilter = undefined;
if ($state.params.refreshFromServer) {
$rootScope.vaultFolders = $rootScope.vaultLogins = null;
$rootScope.vaultFolders = $rootScope.vaultCiphers = null;
$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {
if ($rootScope.vaultFolders && $rootScope.vaultLogins) {
if ($rootScope.vaultFolders && $rootScope.vaultCiphers) {
$scope.loading = false;
@ -39,17 +39,17 @@
var cipherPromise = apiService.ciphers.list({}, function (ciphers) {
var decLogins = [];
var decCiphers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ciphers.Data.length; i++) {
if (ciphers.Data[i].Type === 1) {
var decLogin = cipherService.decryptLoginPreview(ciphers.Data[i]);
var decCipher = cipherService.decryptCipherPreview(ciphers.Data[i]);
$q.when(folderPromise).then(function () {
folderPromise.then(function () {
@ -62,26 +62,26 @@
$rootScope.vaultFolders = $filter('orderBy')(decFolders, folderSort);
function loadLoginData(decLogins) {
function loadCipherData(decCiphers) {
angular.forEach($rootScope.vaultFolders, function (folderValue, folderIndex) {
folderValue.collapsed = $localStorage.collapsedFolders &&
(folderValue.id || 'none') in $localStorage.collapsedFolders;
angular.forEach(decLogins, function (loginValue) {
if (loginValue.favorite) {
loginValue.sort = -1;
angular.forEach(decCiphers, function (cipherValue) {
if (cipherValue.favorite) {
cipherValue.sort = -1;
else if (loginValue.folderId == folderValue.id) {
loginValue.sort = folderIndex;
else if (cipherValue.folderId == folderValue.id) {
cipherValue.sort = folderIndex;
$rootScope.vaultLogins = $scope.logins = $filter('orderBy')(decLogins, ['sort', 'name', 'username']);
$rootScope.vaultCiphers = $scope.ciphers = $filter('orderBy')(decCiphers, ['sort', 'name', 'subTitle']);
var chunks = chunk($rootScope.vaultLogins, 400);
var chunks = chunk($rootScope.vaultCiphers, 400);
if (chunks.length > 0) {
$scope.logins = chunks[0];
$scope.ciphers = chunks[0];
var delay = 200;
angular.forEach(chunks, function (value, index) {
delay += 200;
@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
// skip the first chuck
if (index > 0) {
$timeout(function () {
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.logins, value);
Array.prototype.push.apply($scope.ciphers, value);
}, delay);
function sortScopedLoginData() {
$rootScope.vaultLogins = $scope.logins = $filter('orderBy')($rootScope.vaultLogins, ['name', 'username']);
function sortScopedCipherData() {
$rootScope.vaultCiphers = $scope.ciphers = $filter('orderBy')($rootScope.vaultCiphers, ['name', 'subTitle']);
function chunk(arr, len) {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
$scope.clipboardError = function (e) {
alert('Your web browser does not support easy clipboard copying. ' +
'Edit the login and copy it manually instead.');
'Edit the item and copy it manually instead.');
$scope.collapseExpand = function (folder, favorite) {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
$scope.editLogin = function (cipher) {
$scope.editCipher = function (cipher) {
var editModel = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/vault/views/vaultEditCipher.html',
@ -151,27 +151,28 @@
if (returnVal.action === 'edit') {
cipher.folderId = returnVal.data.folderId;
cipher.name = returnVal.data.name;
cipher.username = returnVal.data.login.username;
cipher.password = returnVal.data.login.password;
cipher.favorite = returnVal.data.favorite;
cipher.subTitle = returnVal.data.login.username;
cipher.meta.password = returnVal.data.login.password;
else if (returnVal.action === 'partialEdit') {
cipher.folderId = returnVal.data.folderId;
cipher.favorite = returnVal.data.favorite;
else if (returnVal.action === 'delete') {
$scope.$on('vaultAddLogin', function (event, args) {
$scope.addLogin = function (folder, favorite) {
$scope.addCipher = function (folder, favorite) {
var addModel = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/vault/views/vaultAddLogin.html',
@ -182,44 +183,44 @@
addModel.result.then(function (addedLogin) {
addModel.result.then(function (addedCipher) {
$scope.deleteLogin = function (login) {
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this login (' + login.name + ')?')) {
$scope.deleteCipher = function (cipher) {
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item (' + cipher.name + ')?')) {
apiService.ciphers.del({ id: login.id }, function () {
$analytics.eventTrack('Deleted Login');
apiService.ciphers.del({ id: cipher.id }, function () {
$analytics.eventTrack('Deleted Item');
$scope.attachments = function (login) {
$scope.attachments = function (cipher) {
authService.getUserProfile().then(function (profile) {
return {
isPremium: profile.premium,
orgUseStorage: login.organizationId && !!profile.organizations[login.organizationId].maxStorageGb
orgUseStorage: cipher.organizationId && !!profile.organizations[cipher.organizationId].maxStorageGb
}).then(function (perms) {
if (!login.hasAttachments) {
if (login.organizationId && !perms.orgUseStorage) {
if (!cipher.hasAttachments) {
if (cipher.organizationId && !perms.orgUseStorage) {
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/views/paidOrgRequired.html',
controller: 'paidOrgRequiredController',
resolve: {
orgId: function () { return login.organizationId; }
orgId: function () { return cipher.organizationId; }
if (!login.organizationId && !perms.isPremium) {
if (!cipher.organizationId && !perms.isPremium) {
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/views/premiumRequired.html',
@ -229,7 +230,7 @@
if (!login.organizationId && !cryptoService.getEncKey()) {
if (!cipher.organizationId && !cryptoService.getEncKey()) {
toastr.error('You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.', 'Feature Unavailable');
@ -239,12 +240,12 @@
templateUrl: 'app/vault/views/vaultAttachments.html',
controller: 'vaultAttachmentsController',
resolve: {
loginId: function () { return login.id; }
loginId: function () { return cipher.id; }
attachmentModel.result.then(function (hasAttachments) {
login.hasAttachments = hasAttachments;
cipher.hasAttachments = hasAttachments;
@ -298,42 +299,42 @@
$scope.canDeleteFolder = function (folder) {
if (!folder || !folder.id || !$rootScope.vaultLogins) {
if (!folder || !folder.id || !$rootScope.vaultCiphers) {
return false;
var logins = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultLogins, { folderId: folder.id });
return logins && logins.length === 0;
var ciphers = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultCiphers, { folderId: folder.id });
return ciphers && ciphers.length === 0;
$scope.share = function (login) {
$scope.share = function (cipher) {
var modal = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/vault/views/vaultShareLogin.html',
controller: 'vaultShareLoginController',
resolve: {
loginId: function () { return login.id; }
loginId: function () { return cipher.id; }
modal.result.then(function (orgId) {
login.organizationId = orgId;
cipher.organizationId = orgId;
$scope.collections = function (login) {
$scope.collections = function (cipher) {
var modal = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'app/vault/views/vaultLoginCollections.html',
controller: 'vaultLoginCollectionsController',
resolve: {
loginId: function () { return login.id; }
loginId: function () { return cipher.id; }
modal.result.then(function (response) {
if (response.collectionIds && !response.collectionIds.length) {
@ -367,12 +368,12 @@
$scope.selectFolder = function (folder, $event) {
var checkbox = $($event.currentTarget).closest('.box').find('input[name="loginSelection"]');
var checkbox = $($event.currentTarget).closest('.box').find('input[name="cipherSelection"]');
checkbox.prop('checked', true);
$scope.select = function ($event) {
var checkbox = $($event.currentTarget).closest('tr').find('input[name="loginSelection"]');
var checkbox = $($event.currentTarget).closest('tr').find('input[name="cipherSelection"]');
checkbox.prop('checked', !checkbox.prop('checked'));
@ -380,18 +381,18 @@
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
function getSelectedLogins() {
return $('input[name="loginSelection"]:checked').map(function () {
function getSelectedCiphers() {
return $('input[name="cipherSelection"]:checked').map(function () {
return $(this).val();
function selectAll(select) {
$('input[name="loginSelection"]').prop('checked', select);
$('input[name="cipherSelection"]').prop('checked', select);
$scope.bulkMove = function () {
var ids = getSelectedLogins();
var ids = getSelectedCiphers();
if (ids.length === 0) {
alert('You have not selected anything.');
@ -409,37 +410,37 @@
modal.result.then(function (folderId) {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var login = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultLogins, { id: ids[i] });
if (login.length) {
login[0].folderId = folderId;
var cipher = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultCiphers, { id: ids[i] });
if (cipher.length) {
cipher[0].folderId = folderId;
toastr.success('Items have been moved!');
$scope.bulkDelete = function () {
var ids = getSelectedLogins();
var ids = getSelectedCiphers();
if (ids.length === 0) {
alert('You have not selected anything.');
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected logins (total: ' + ids.length + ')?')) {
if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected items (total: ' + ids.length + ')?')) {
$scope.bulkActionLoading = true;
apiService.ciphers.delMany({ ids: ids }, function () {
$analytics.eventTrack('Bulk Deleted Logins');
$analytics.eventTrack('Bulk Deleted Items');
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var login = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultLogins, { id: ids[i] });
if (login.length && login[0].edit) {
var cipher = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultCiphers, { id: ids[i] });
if (cipher.length && cipher[0].edit) {
@ -452,15 +453,15 @@
function removeLoginFromScopes(login) {
var index = $rootScope.vaultLogins.indexOf(login);
function removeCipherFromScopes(cipher) {
var index = $rootScope.vaultCiphers.indexOf(cipher);
if (index > -1) {
$rootScope.vaultLogins.splice(index, 1);
$rootScope.vaultCiphers.splice(index, 1);
index = $scope.logins.indexOf(login);
index = $scope.ciphers.indexOf(cipher);
if (index > -1) {
$scope.logins.splice(index, 1);
$scope.ciphers.splice(index, 1);
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
function findRootLogin(login) {
if ($rootScope.vaultLogins) {
var rootLogins = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultLogins, { id: login.id });
if ($rootScope.vaultCiphers) {
var rootLogins = $filter('filter')($rootScope.vaultCiphers, { id: login.id });
if (rootLogins && rootLogins.length) {
return rootLogins[0];
@ -224,9 +224,9 @@
function removeRootLogin(rootLogin) {
if (rootLogin && rootLogin.id) {
var index = $rootScope.vaultLogins.indexOf(rootLogin);
var index = $rootScope.vaultCiphers.indexOf(rootLogin);
if (index > -1) {
$rootScope.vaultLogins.splice(index, 1);
$rootScope.vaultCiphers.splice(index, 1);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<span ng-pluralize
count="vaultFolders.length > 0 ? vaultFolders.length - 1 : 0"
when="{'1': '{} folder', 'other': '{} folders'}"></span>,
<span ng-pluralize count="logins.length" when="{'1': '{} login', 'other': '{} logins'}"></span>
<span ng-pluralize count="ciphers.length" when="{'1': '{} item', 'other': '{} items'}"></span>
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<div class="box box-primary" ng-class="{'collapsed-box': favoriteCollapsed}" style="margin-bottom: 40px;"
ng-show="vaultFolders.length && folderIdFilter === undefined && (!main.searchVaultText || favoriteLogins.length)">
ng-show="vaultFolders.length && folderIdFilter === undefined && (!main.searchVaultText || favoriteCiphers.length)">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h3 class="box-title">
<i class="fa fa-star"></i>
<small ng-pluralize count="favoriteLogins.length" when="{'1': '{} login', 'other': '{} logins'}"></small>
<small ng-pluralize count="favoriteCiphers.length" when="{'1': '{} item', 'other': '{} items'}"></small>
<div class="box-tools">
<div class="btn-group">
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="addLogin(null, true)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus-circle"></i> Add Login
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="addCipher(null, true)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus-circle"></i> Add Item
@ -65,16 +65,16 @@
<div class="box-body" ng-class="{'no-padding': favoriteLogins.length}">
<div ng-show="!favoriteLogins.length">
<p>No favorite logins.</p>
<button type="button" ng-click="addLogin(null, true)" class="btn btn-default btn-flat">Add a Login</button>
<div class="box-body" ng-class="{'no-padding': favoriteCiphers.length}">
<div ng-show="!favoriteCiphers.length">
<p>No favorite items.</p>
<button type="button" ng-click="addCipher(null, true)" class="btn btn-default btn-flat">Add an Item</button>
<div class="table-responsive" ng-show="favoriteLogins.length">
<div class="table-responsive" ng-show="favoriteCiphers.length">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-vmiddle">
<tr ng-repeat="login in favoriteLogins = (logins | filter: { favorite: true } |
filter: (main.searchVaultText || '')) track by login.id">
<tr ng-repeat="cipher in favoriteCiphers = (ciphers | filter: { favorite: true } |
filter: (main.searchVaultText || '')) track by cipher.id">
<td style="width: 70px;">
<div class="btn-group" data-append-to="body">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
@ -82,33 +82,33 @@
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editLogin(login)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editCipher(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i> Edit
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="attachments(login)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="attachments(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-paperclip"></i> Attachments
<li ng-show="!login.organizationId">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="share(login)">
<li ng-show="!cipher.organizationId">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="share(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-share-alt"></i> Share
<li ng-show="login.organizationId && login.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="collections(login)">
<li ng-show="cipher.organizationId && cipher.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="collections(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-cubes"></i> Collections
<li ng-show="login.password">
<li ng-show="cipher.meta.password">
<a href="#" stop-click ngclipboard ngclipboard-error="clipboardError(e)"
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-clipboard"></i> Copy Password
<li ng-show="login.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="deleteLogin(login)" class="text-red">
<li ng-show="cipher.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="deleteCipher(cipher)" class="text-red">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> Delete
@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
<td class="action-select">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{::login.id}}" name="loginSelection" />
<input type="checkbox" value="{{::cipher.id}}" name="cipherSelection" />
<td ng-click="select($event)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editLogin(login)" stop-prop>{{login.name}}</a>
<i class="fa fa-share-alt text-muted" title="Shared" ng-if="login.organizationId"
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editCipher(cipher)" stop-prop>{{cipher.name}}</a>
<i class="fa fa-share-alt text-muted" title="Shared" ng-if="cipher.organizationId"
<i class="fa fa-paperclip text-muted" title="Attachments" ng-if="login.hasAttachments"
<i class="fa fa-paperclip text-muted" title="Attachments" ng-if="cipher.hasAttachments"
stop-prop></i><br />
<span class="text-sm text-muted" stop-prop>{{login.username}}</span>
<span class="text-sm text-muted" stop-prop>{{cipher.subTitle}}</span>
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@
<div class="box" ng-class="{'collapsed-box': folder.collapsed}"
ng-repeat="folder in filteredVaultFolders = (vaultFolders | filter: folderFilter) track by folder.id"
ng-show="vaultFolders.length && (!main.searchVaultText || folderLogins.length)">
ng-show="vaultFolders.length && (!main.searchVaultText || folderCiphers.length)">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h3 class="box-title">
<i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-folder-open': folder.id !== null, 'fa-folder-open-o': folder.id === null}"></i>
<small ng-pluralize count="folderLogins.length" when="{'1': '{} login', 'other': '{} logins'}"></small>
<small ng-pluralize count="folderCiphers.length" when="{'1': '{} item', 'other': '{} items'}"></small>
<div class="box-tools">
<div class="btn-group">
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="addLogin(folder)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus-circle"></i> Add Login
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="addCipher(folder)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus-circle"></i> Add Item
<li ng-show="folder.id">
@ -175,16 +175,16 @@
<div class="box-body" ng-class="{'no-padding': folderLogins.length}">
<div ng-show="!folderLogins.length">
<p>No logins in this folder.</p>
<button type="button" ng-click="addLogin(folder)" class="btn btn-default btn-flat">Add a Login</button>
<div class="box-body" ng-class="{'no-padding': folderCiphers.length}">
<div ng-show="!folderCiphers.length">
<p>No items in this folder.</p>
<button type="button" ng-click="addCipher(folder)" class="btn btn-default btn-flat">Add an Item</button>
<div class="table-responsive" ng-show="folderLogins.length">
<div class="table-responsive" ng-show="folderCiphers.length">
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-vmiddle">
<tr ng-repeat="login in folderLogins = (logins | filter: { folderId: folder.id } |
filter: (main.searchVaultText || '')) track by login.id">
<tr ng-repeat="cipher in folderCiphers = (ciphers | filter: { folderId: folder.id } |
filter: (main.searchVaultText || '')) track by cipher.id">
<td style="width: 70px;">
<div class="btn-group" data-append-to="body">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
@ -192,33 +192,33 @@
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editLogin(login)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editCipher(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i> Edit
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="attachments(login)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="attachments(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-paperclip"></i> Attachments
<li ng-show="!login.organizationId">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="share(login)">
<li ng-show="!cipher.organizationId">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="share(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-share-alt"></i> Share
<li ng-show="login.organizationId && login.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="collections(login)">
<li ng-show="cipher.organizationId && cipher.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="collections(cipher)">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-cubes"></i> Collections
<li ng-show="login.password">
<li ng-show="cipher.meta.password">
<a href="#" stop-click ngclipboard ngclipboard-error="clipboardError(e)"
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-clipboard"></i> Copy Password
<li ng-show="login.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="deleteLogin(login)" class="text-red">
<li ng-show="cipher.edit">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="deleteCipher(cipher)" class="text-red">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash"></i> Delete
@ -226,17 +226,17 @@
<td class="action-select" ng-click="select($event)">
<input type="checkbox" value="{{::login.id}}" name="loginSelection" stop-prop />
<input type="checkbox" value="{{::cipher.id}}" name="cipherSelection" stop-prop />
<td ng-click="select($event)">
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editLogin(login)" stop-prop>{{login.name}}</a>
<i class="fa fa-star text-muted" title="Favorite" ng-show="login.favorite" stop-prop></i>
<i class="fa fa-share-alt text-muted" title="Shared" ng-show="login.organizationId"
<a href="#" stop-click ng-click="editCipher(cipher)" stop-prop>{{cipher.name}}</a>
<i class="fa fa-star text-muted" title="Favorite" ng-show="cipher.favorite" stop-prop></i>
<i class="fa fa-share-alt text-muted" title="Shared" ng-show="cipher.organizationId"
<i class="fa fa-paperclip text-muted" title="Attachments" ng-if="login.hasAttachments"
<i class="fa fa-paperclip text-muted" title="Attachments" ng-if="cipher.hasAttachments"
<br />
<span class="text-sm text-muted" stop-prop>{{login.username}}</span>
<span class="text-sm text-muted" stop-prop>{{cipher.subTitle}}</span>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user