mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2025-03-25 15:51:17 +01:00

Merge branch 'master' into EC-598-beeep-properly-store-passkeys-in-bitwarden

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Coroiu 2023-02-10 13:08:19 +01:00
commit 526dd11e64
No known key found for this signature in database
1211 changed files with 44762 additions and 10346 deletions

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ storybook-static

View File

@ -4,106 +4,129 @@
"browser": true,
"webextensions": true
"plugins": ["@typescript-eslint", "rxjs", "rxjs-angular", "import"],
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"parserOptions": {
"project": ["./tsconfig.eslint.json"],
"sourceType": "module"
"extends": [
"settings": {
"import/parsers": {
"@typescript-eslint/parser": [".ts"]
"import/resolver": {
"typescript": {
"alwaysTryTypes": true
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off", // TODO: This should be re-enabled
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": ["error", { "args": "none" }],
"@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": [
"accessibility": "no-public"
"@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias": [
"allowedNames": ["self"]
"no-console": "error",
"import/no-unresolved": "off", // TODO: Look into turning off once each package is an actual package.
"import/order": [
"alphabetize": {
"order": "asc"
"overrides": [
"files": ["*.ts", "*.js"],
"plugins": ["@typescript-eslint", "rxjs", "rxjs-angular", "import"],
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"parserOptions": {
"project": ["./tsconfig.eslint.json"],
"sourceType": "module",
"ecmaVersion": 2020
"extends": [
"settings": {
"import/parsers": {
"@typescript-eslint/parser": [".ts"]
"newlines-between": "always",
"pathGroups": [
"import/resolver": {
"typescript": {
"alwaysTryTypes": true
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off", // TODO: This should be re-enabled
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": ["error", { "args": "none" }],
"@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": [
"pattern": "@bitwarden/**",
"group": "external",
"position": "after"
"pattern": "src/**/*",
"group": "parent",
"position": "before"
"accessibility": "no-public"
"pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes": ["builtin"]
"rxjs-angular/prefer-takeuntil": "error",
"rxjs/no-exposed-subjects": ["error", { "allowProtected": true }],
"no-restricted-syntax": [
"message": "Calling `svgIcon` directly is not allowed",
"selector": "CallExpression[callee.name='svgIcon']"
"message": "Accessing FormGroup using `get` is not allowed, use `.value` instead",
"selector": "ChainExpression[expression.object.callee.property.name='get'][expression.property.name='value']"
"curly": ["error", "all"],
"import/namespace": ["off"], // This doesn't resolve namespace imports correctly, but TS will throw for this anyway
"import/no-restricted-paths": [
"zones": [
// Do not allow angular/node code to be imported into common
"@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias": [
"target": "./libs/common/**/*",
"from": "./libs/angular/**/*"
"allowedNames": ["self"]
"no-console": "error",
"import/no-unresolved": "off", // TODO: Look into turning off once each package is an actual package.
"import/order": [
"alphabetize": {
"order": "asc"
"newlines-between": "always",
"pathGroups": [
"pattern": "@bitwarden/**",
"group": "external",
"position": "after"
"pattern": "src/**/*",
"group": "parent",
"position": "before"
"pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes": ["builtin"]
"rxjs-angular/prefer-takeuntil": "error",
"rxjs/no-exposed-subjects": ["error", { "allowProtected": true }],
"no-restricted-syntax": [
"message": "Calling `svgIcon` directly is not allowed",
"selector": "CallExpression[callee.name='svgIcon']"
"target": "./libs/common/**/*",
"from": "./libs/node/**/*"
"message": "Accessing FormGroup using `get` is not allowed, use `.value` instead",
"selector": "ChainExpression[expression.object.callee.property.name='get'][expression.property.name='value']"
"curly": ["error", "all"],
"import/namespace": ["off"], // This doesn't resolve namespace imports correctly, but TS will throw for this anyway
"import/no-restricted-paths": [
"zones": [
// Do not allow angular/node code to be imported into common
"target": "./libs/common/**/*",
"from": "./libs/angular/**/*"
"target": "./libs/common/**/*",
"from": "./libs/node/**/*"
"no-restricted-imports": [
{ "patterns": ["src/**/*"], "paths": ["@fluffy-spoon/substitute"] }
"no-restricted-imports": [
{ "patterns": ["src/**/*"], "paths": ["@fluffy-spoon/substitute"] }
"overrides": [
"files": ["*.html"],
"parser": "@angular-eslint/template-parser",
"plugins": ["@angular-eslint/template", "tailwindcss"],
"rules": {
"@angular-eslint/template/button-has-type": "error",
"tailwindcss/no-custom-classname": [
// uses negative lookahead to whitelist any class that doesn't start with "tw-"
// in other words: classnames that start with tw- must be valid TailwindCSS classes
"whitelist": ["(?!(tw)\\-).*"]
"tailwindcss/enforces-negative-arbitrary-values": "error",
"tailwindcss/enforces-shorthand": "error",
"tailwindcss/no-contradicting-classname": "error"
"files": ["libs/common/src/**/*.ts"],
"rules": {

.github/CODEOWNERS vendored
View File

@ -2,4 +2,27 @@
# https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners
# The following owners will be the default owners for everything in the repo.
# Unless a later match takes precedence
# @bitwarden/team-leads
## Secrets Manager team files ##
bitwarden_license/bit-web/src/app/secrets-manager @bitwarden/pod-sm-dev
## Auth team files ##
apps/browser/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
apps/cli/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
apps/desktop/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
apps/web/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
# web connectors used for auth
apps/web/src/connectors @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
libs/angular/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
libs/common/src/auth @bitwarden/team-auth-dev
## Vault team files ##
apps/browser/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev
apps/cli/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev
apps/desktop/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev
apps/web/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev
libs/angular/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev
libs/common/src/vault @bitwarden/team-vault-dev

View File

@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
@ -24,26 +21,14 @@
@ -53,21 +38,12 @@
@ -79,13 +55,11 @@
@ -94,20 +68,13 @@
@ -120,20 +87,14 @@
@ -142,13 +103,10 @@
@ -178,24 +136,16 @@
@ -222,7 +172,6 @@

View File

@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ jobs:
name: Build CLI
runs-on: windows-2019
os: [ubuntu-20.04, windows-2019, macos-11]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- setup
@ -78,7 +81,15 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2
- name: Setup Unix Vars
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
run: |
echo "LOWER_RUNNER_OS=$(echo $RUNNER_OS | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "SHORT_RUNNER_OS=$(echo $RUNNER_OS | awk '{print substr($0, 1, 3)}' | \
awk '{print tolower($0)}')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Setup Windows builder
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
choco install checksum --no-progress
choco install reshack --no-progress
@ -98,6 +109,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Get pkg-fetch
shell: pwsh
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
cd $HOME
$fetchedUrl = "https://github.com/vercel/pkg-fetch/releases/download/v$env:_WIN_PKG_VERSION/node-v$env:_WIN_PKG_FETCH_VERSION-win-x64"
@ -108,6 +120,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Setup Version Info
shell: pwsh
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
$major,$minor,$patch = $env:_PACKAGE_VERSION.split('.')
$versionInfo = @"
@ -142,6 +155,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Resource Hacker
shell: cmd
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker
set WIN_PKG=C:\Users\runneradmin\.pkg-cache\v%_WIN_PKG_VERSION%\fetched-v%_WIN_PKG_FETCH_VERSION%-win-x64
@ -155,25 +169,36 @@ jobs:
run: npm ci
working-directory: ./
- name: Build & Package
run: npm run dist --quiet
- name: Build & Package Windows
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: npm run dist:win --quiet
- name: Build & Package Unix
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
run: npm run dist:${{ env.SHORT_RUNNER_OS }} --quiet
- name: Package Chocolatey
shell: pwsh
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
Copy-Item -Path stores/chocolatey -Destination dist/chocolatey -Recurse
Copy-Item dist/windows/bw.exe -Destination dist/chocolatey/tools
Copy-Item ${{ github.workspace }}/LICENSE.txt -Destination dist/chocolatey/tools
choco pack dist/chocolatey/bitwarden-cli.nuspec --version ${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }} --out dist/chocolatey
- name: Zip
- name: Zip Windows
shell: cmd
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: 7z a ./dist/bw-windows-%_PACKAGE_VERSION%.zip ./dist/windows/bw.exe
- name: Zip Unix
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
run: |
7z a ./dist/bw-windows-%_PACKAGE_VERSION%.zip ./dist/windows/bw.exe
7z a ./dist/bw-macos-%_PACKAGE_VERSION%.zip ./dist/macos/bw
7z a ./dist/bw-linux-%_PACKAGE_VERSION%.zip ./dist/linux/bw
cd ./dist/${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}
zip ../bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip ./bw
- name: Version Test
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
dir ./dist/
Expand-Archive -Path "./dist/bw-windows-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" -DestinationPath "./test/windows"
@ -184,16 +209,21 @@ jobs:
Throw "Version test failed."
- name: Create checksums
- name: Create checksums Windows
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
checksum -f="./dist/bw-windows-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" `
-t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-windows-sha256-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt
checksum -f="./dist/bw-macos-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" `
-t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-macos-sha256-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt
checksum -f="./dist/bw-linux-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" `
-t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-linux-sha256-${env:_PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt
- name: Create checksums Unix
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
run: |
cd ./dist
sha256sum bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip \
| awk '{split($0, a); print a[1]}' > bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
- name: Upload windows zip asset
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-windows-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
@ -201,41 +231,31 @@ jobs:
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload windows checksum asset
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-windows-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-windows-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload macos zip asset
- name: Upload unix zip asset
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-macos-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-macos-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
name: bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload macos checksum asset
- name: Upload unix checksum asset
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-macos-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-macos-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload linux zip asset
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-linux-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-linux-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload linux checksum asset
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bw-linux-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-linux-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
name: bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
path: apps/cli/dist/bw-${{ env.LOWER_RUNNER_OS }}-sha256-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload Chocolatey asset
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bitwarden-cli.${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}.nupkg
@ -243,6 +263,7 @@ jobs:
if-no-files-found: error
- name: Upload NPM Build Directory asset
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0
name: bitwarden-cli-${{ env._PACKAGE_VERSION }}-npm-build.zip

View File

@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ jobs:
npm_command: "dist:bit:selfhost"
- name: "cloud-QA"
npm_command: "build:bit:qa"
- name: "cloud-POC"
npm_command: "build:bit:poc"
- name: "ee"
npm_command: "build:bit:ee"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
name: Deploy Web - Non-Prod
run-name: Deploy Web ${{ inputs.environment }}
description: 'Environment'
required: true
default: 'QA'
type: choice
- QA
name: Setup
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
environment: ${{ steps.config.outputs.environment }}
environment-url: ${{ steps.config.outputs.environment-url }}
environment-name: ${{ steps.config.outputs.environment-name }}
environment-branch: ${{ steps.config.outputs.environment-branch }}
environment-artifact: ${{ steps.config.outputs.environment-artifact }}
- name: Configure
id: config
run: |
ENV_NAME_LOWER=$(echo "${{ inputs.environment }}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
echo "configuring the Web deploy for ${{ inputs.environment }}"
echo "environment=${{ inputs.environment }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "environment-url=http://vault.$ENV_NAME_LOWER.bitwarden.pw" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "environment-name=Web Vault - ${{ inputs.environment }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "environment-branch=cf-pages-$ENV_NAME_LOWER" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "environment-artifact=web-*-cloud-${{ inputs.environment }}.zip" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
name: Deploy Web Vault to ${{ inputs.environment }} CloudFlare Pages branch
needs: setup
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
_ENVIRONMENT: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment }}
_ENVIRONMENT_URL: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment-url }}
_ENVIRONMENT_NAME: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment-name }}
_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment-branch }}
_ENVIRONMENT_ARTIFACT: ${{ needs.setup.outputs.environment-artifact }}
- name: Create GitHub deployment
uses: chrnorm/deployment-action@1b599fe41a0ef1f95191e7f2eec4743f2d7dfc48
id: deployment
token: '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
initial-status: 'in_progress'
environment-url: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_URL }}
environment: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_NAME }}
description: 'Deployment from branch ${{ github.ref_name }}'
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2
- name: Download latest cloud asset
uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/download-artifacts@850faad0cf6c02a8c0dc46eddde2363fbd6c373a
workflow: build-web.yml
path: apps/web
workflow_conclusion: success
branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
artifacts: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_ARTIFACT }}
- name: Unzip cloud asset
working-directory: apps/web
run: unzip ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_ARTIFACT }}
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2
ref: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH }}
path: deployment
- name: Setup git config
run: |
git config --global user.name "GitHub Action Bot"
git config --global user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
git config --global url."https://github.com/".insteadOf ssh://git@github.com/
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf ssh://
- name: Deploy CloudFlare Pages
run: |
rm -rf ./*
cp -R ../apps/web/build/* .
working-directory: deployment
- name: Push new ver to ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH }}
run: |
if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then
git add .
git commit -m "Deploy ${{ github.ref_name }} to ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT }} Cloudflare pages"
git push -u origin ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH }}
echo "No changes to commit!";
working-directory: deployment
- name: Update deployment status to Success
if: ${{ success() }}
uses: chrnorm/deployment-status@07b3930847f65e71c9c6802ff5a402f6dfb46b86
token: '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
environment-url: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_URL }}
state: 'success'
deployment-id: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.deployment_id }}
- name: Update deployment status to Failure
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: chrnorm/deployment-status@07b3930847f65e71c9c6802ff5a402f6dfb46b86
token: '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
environment-url: ${{ env._ENVIRONMENT_URL }}
state: 'failure'
deployment-id: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.deployment_id }}

View File

@ -184,6 +184,12 @@ jobs:
--quiet \
--endpoint-url https://${CF_ACCOUNT}.r2.cloudflarestorage.com
- name: Get checksum files
uses: bitwarden/gh-actions/get-checksum@8b6a560c8ad3b9dab81659ae6cd1e319d8771a91
packages_dir: "apps/desktop/artifacts"
file_path: "apps/desktop/artifacts/sha256-checksums.txt"
- name: Create Release
uses: ncipollo/release-action@95215a3cb6e6a1908b3c44e00b4fdb15548b1e09
if: ${{ steps.release-channel.outputs.channel == 'latest' && github.event.inputs.release_type != 'Dry Run' && github.event.inputs.github_release }}
@ -214,7 +220,8 @@ jobs:
apps/desktop/artifacts/Bitwarden-${{ env.PKG_VERSION }}-universal.pkg.archive,
apps/desktop/artifacts/${{ env.RELEASE_CHANNEL }}.yml,
apps/desktop/artifacts/${{ env.RELEASE_CHANNEL }}-linux.yml,
apps/desktop/artifacts/${{ env.RELEASE_CHANNEL }}-mac.yml"
apps/desktop/artifacts/${{ env.RELEASE_CHANNEL }}-mac.yml,
commit: ${{ github.sha }}
tag: desktop-v${{ env.PKG_VERSION }}
name: Desktop v${{ env.PKG_VERSION }}

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ jobs:
workflow_conclusion: success
branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
artifacts: web-*-cloud-QA.zip
- name: Unzip cloud asset
working-directory: apps/web
run: unzip web-*-cloud-QA.zip

View File

@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ jobs:
# Tests in apps/ are typechecked when their app is built, so we just do it here for libs/
# See https://bitwarden.atlassian.net/browse/EC-497
- name: Run typechecking
run: |
for p in libs/**/tsconfig.spec.json; do
echo "Typechecking $p"
npx tsc --noEmit --project $p
run: npm run test:types
- name: Run tests
run: npm run test

View File

@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ storybook-static
# External libraries / auto synced locales

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Please refer to the [Clients section](https://contributing.bitwarden.com/getting
# We're Hiring!
Interested in contributing in a big way? Consider joining our team! We're hiring for many positions. Please take a look at our [Careers page](https://bitwarden.com/careers/) to see what opportunities are currently open as well as what it's like to work at Bitwarden.
Interested in contributing in a big way? Consider joining our team! We're hiring for many positions. Please take a look at our [Careers page](https://bitwarden.com/careers/) to see what opportunities are [currently open](https://bitwarden.com/careers/#open-positions) as well as what it's like to work at Bitwarden.
# Contribute

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
"dev_flags": {},
"flags": {}
"flags": {
"showPasswordless": true

View File

@ -5,5 +5,7 @@
"base": "https://localhost:8080"
"flags": {}
"flags": {
"showPasswordless": true

View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ function dist(browserName, manifest) {
function distFirefox() {
return dist("firefox", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
delete manifest.storage;
return manifest;
@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ function distFirefox() {
function distOpera() {
return dist("opera", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
return manifest;
@ -76,7 +74,6 @@ function distOpera() {
function distChrome() {
return dist("chrome", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
return manifest;
@ -86,7 +83,6 @@ function distChrome() {
function distEdge() {
return dist("edge", (manifest) => {
delete manifest.applications;
delete manifest.content_security_policy;
delete manifest.sidebar_action;
delete manifest.commands._execute_sidebar_action;
return manifest;

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "الدكتور"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "الاسم الأول"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Giriş formu aşkarlananda, səhifə yüklənən zaman formu avto-doldurma icra edilsin."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Bu, hazırda təcrübi bir özəllikdir. İstifadə zamanı riski sizə aiddir."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Avto-doldurma haqqında daha ətraflı"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Giriş məlumatları üçün ilkin avto-doldurma tənzimləməsi"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Hörmətli"
"firstName": {
"message": "Ad"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "E-poçtu xatırla"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Cihazla giriş et"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Cihazla giriş etmə, Bitwarden tətbiqinin tənzimləmələrində quraşdırılmalıdır. Başqa bir seçimə ehtiyacınız var?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Barmaq izi ifadəsi"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Zəhmət olmasa anbarınızın kilidinin açıq olduğuna və Barmaq izi ifadəsinin digər cihazda uyğun gəldiyinə əmin olun."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Bildirişi təkrar göndər"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Bütün giriş etmə seçimlərinə bax"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Cihazınıza bir bildiriş göndərildi."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Giriş etmə başladıldı"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "İfşa olunmuş ana parol"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Parol, məlumat pozuntusunda tapıldı. Hesabınızı qorumaq üçün unikal bir parol istifadə edin. İfşa olunmuş bir parol istifadə etmək istədiyinizə əminsiniz?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Zəif və ifşa olunmuş ana parol"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Zəif parol məlumat pozuntusunda aşkarlandı və tapıldı. Hesabınızı qorumaq üçün güclü və unikal bir parol istifadə edin. Bu parolu istifadə etmək istədiyinizə əminsiniz?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Bu parol üçün bilinən məlumat pozuntularını yoxlayın"
"important": {
"message": "Vacib:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Unutsanız, ana parolunuz bərpa edilə bilməz!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minimum $LENGTH$ simvol",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Калі выяўлена форма ўваходу, то будзе выканана яе аўтазапаўненне падчас загрузкі вэб-старонкі."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "У дадзены час гэта функцыя з'яўляецца эксперыментальнай. Рызыку падчас яе выкарыстанні вы прымаеце на сябе."
"message": "Скампраметаваныя або ненадзейныя вэб-сайты могуць задзейнічаць функцыю аўтазапаўнення падчас загрузкі старонкі."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Даведацца больш пра аўтазапаўненне"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Прадвызначаная налада аўтазапаўнення для элементаў уваходу"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Доктар"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Імя"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Запомніць электронную пошту"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Уваход з прыладай"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Неабходна наладзіць уваход з прыладай у наладах мабільнай праграмы Bitwarden. Патрабуецца іншы варыянт?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Фраза адбітка пальца"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Пераканайцеся, што ваша сховішча разблакіравана, а фраза адбітка пальца супадае з іншай прыладай."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Адправіць апавяшчэнне паўторна"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Паглядзець усе варыянты ўваходу"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Апавяшчэнне было адпраўлена на вашу прыладу."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Ініцыяваны ўваход"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Скампраметаваны асноўны пароль"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Пароль знойдзены ва ўцечках даных. Выкарыстоўвайце ўнікальныя паролі для абароны свайго ўліковага запісу. Вы сапраўды хочаце выкарыстоўваць скампраметаваны пароль?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Ненадзейны і скампраметаваны асноўны пароль"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Вызначаны ненадзейны пароль, які знойдзены ва ўцечках даных. Выкарыстоўвайце надзейныя і ўнікальныя паролі для абароны свайго ўліковага запісу. Вы сапраўды хочаце выкарыстоўваць гэты пароль?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Праверыць у вядомых уцечках даных для гэтага пароля"
"important": {
"message": "Важна:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Ваш асноўны пароль немагчыма будзе аднавіць, калі вы яго забудзеце!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Мінімальная колькасць сімвалаў: $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "При засичане на формуляр за вписване при зареждането на уеб страницата автоматично да се попълват данните на съответстващата регистрация."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Това все още е в експериментална фаза, ползвате го на собствена глава."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Научете повече относно автоматичното попълване"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Стандартна настройка за автоматичното попълване"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Д-р"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Собствено име"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Запомняне на е-пощата"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Вписване с устройство"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Вписването с устройство трябва да е включено в настройките на приложението на Битуорден. Друга настройка ли търсите?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Уникална фраза"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Уверете се, че трезорът Ви е отключен и че Уникалната фраза съвпада с другото устройство."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Повторно изпращане на известието"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Вижте всички възможности за вписване"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Към устройството Ви е изпратено известие."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Вписването е стартирано"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Проверяване в известните случаи на изтекли данни за тази парола"
"important": {
"message": "Важно:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Главната парола не може да бъде възстановена, ако я забравите!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Минимум $LENGTH$ знака",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "যদি কোনও লগইন ফর্ম সনাক্ত হয়, ওয়েব পৃষ্ঠাটি লোড হওয়ার পরে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে স্বতঃপূরণ করুন।"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "এটি বর্তমানে একটি পরীক্ষামূলক বৈশিষ্ট্য। আপনার নিজ ঝুঁকিতে ব্যবহার করুন।"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "ডাঃ"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "নামের প্রথমাংশ"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1067,40 +1070,40 @@
"message": "Expiration"
"january": {
"message": "January"
"message": "Januar"
"february": {
"message": "February"
"message": "Februar"
"march": {
"message": "March"
"message": "Mart"
"april": {
"message": "April"
"may": {
"message": "May"
"message": "Maj"
"june": {
"message": "June"
"message": "Juni"
"july": {
"message": "July"
"message": "Juli"
"august": {
"message": "August"
"message": "Avgust"
"september": {
"message": "September"
"message": "Septembar"
"october": {
"message": "October"
"message": "Oktobar"
"november": {
"message": "November"
"message": "Novembar"
"december": {
"message": "December"
"message": "Decembar"
"securityCode": {
"message": "Security code"
@ -1112,55 +1115,58 @@
"message": "Title"
"mr": {
"message": "Mr"
"message": "Gospodin"
"mrs": {
"message": "Mrs"
"message": "Gđa"
"ms": {
"message": "Ms"
"message": "G-đica"
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
"message": "Ime"
"middleName": {
"message": "Middle name"
"message": "Nadimak"
"lastName": {
"message": "Last name"
"message": "Prezime"
"fullName": {
"message": "Full name"
"message": "Puno ime"
"identityName": {
"message": "Identity name"
"message": "Ime identiteta"
"company": {
"message": "Company"
"message": "Preduzeće"
"ssn": {
"message": "Social Security number"
"message": "Broj socijalnog osiguranja / Jmbg"
"passportNumber": {
"message": "Passport number"
"message": "Broj pasoša"
"licenseNumber": {
"message": "License number"
"message": "Broj vozačke dozvole"
"email": {
"message": "Email"
"phone": {
"message": "Phone"
"message": "Telefon"
"address": {
"message": "Address"
"message": "Adresa"
"address1": {
"message": "Address 1"
"message": "Adresa 1"
"address2": {
"message": "Address 2"
@ -1263,10 +1269,10 @@
"message": "Exact"
"startsWith": {
"message": "Starts with"
"message": "Počinje sa"
"regEx": {
"message": "Regular expression",
"message": "Regularni izraz",
"description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'."
"matchDetection": {
@ -1335,15 +1341,15 @@
"message": "Who owns this item?"
"strong": {
"message": "Strong",
"message": "Sigurno",
"description": "ex. A strong password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"good": {
"message": "Good",
"message": "Dobro",
"description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weak": {
"message": "Weak",
"message": "Slabo",
"description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weakMasterPassword": {
@ -1357,7 +1363,7 @@
"description": "PIN code. Ex. The short code (often numeric) that you use to unlock a device."
"unlockWithPin": {
"message": "Unlock with PIN"
"message": "Otključaj PIN-om"
"setYourPinCode": {
"message": "Set your PIN code for unlocking Bitwarden. Your PIN settings will be reset if you ever fully log out of the application."
@ -1396,11 +1402,11 @@
"message": "Vault timeout action"
"lock": {
"message": "Lock",
"message": "Zaključaj",
"description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by"
"trash": {
"message": "Trash",
"message": "Smeće",
"description": "Noun: a special folder to hold deleted items"
"searchTrash": {
@ -1596,10 +1602,10 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeText": {
"message": "Text"
"message": "Tekst"
"sendTypeFile": {
"message": "File"
"message": "Fajl"
"allSends": {
"message": "All Sends",
@ -1610,7 +1616,7 @@
"description": "This text will be displayed after a Send has been accessed the maximum amount of times."
"expired": {
"message": "Expired"
"message": "Isteklo"
"pendingDeletion": {
"message": "Pending deletion"
@ -1626,7 +1632,7 @@
"message": "Remove Password"
"delete": {
"message": "Delete"
"message": "Izbriši"
"removedPassword": {
"message": "Password removed"
@ -1683,7 +1689,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"oneDay": {
"message": "1 day"
"message": "1 dan"
"days": {
"message": "$DAYS$ days",
@ -2042,6 +2048,60 @@
"message": "New around here?"
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"message": "Zapamti email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Važno:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Si es detecta un formulari d'inici de sessió, es realitza automàticament un emplenament automàtic quan es carrega la pàgina web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Actualment és una característica experimental. Utilitzeu sota el vostre propi risc."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Obteniu més informació sobre l'emplenament automàtic"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuració per defecte d'emplenament automàtic per als elements d'inici de sessió"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Nom"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Recorda el correu electronic"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Inici de sessió amb dispositiu"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "L'inici de sessió amb el dispositiu ha d'estar activat a la configuració de l'aplicació Bitwarden. Necessiteu una altra opció?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Frase d'empremta digital"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Assegureu-vos que la vostra caixa forta estiga desbloquejada i que la frase d'empremta digital coincidisca amb l'altre dispositiu."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Torna a enviar la notificació"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Veure totes les opcions d'inici de sessió"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "S'ha enviat una notificació al vostre dispositiu."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "S'ha iniciat la sessió"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Contrasenya mestra exposada"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "S'ha trobat la contrasenya en una filtració de dades. Utilitzeu una contrasenya única per protegir el vostre compte. Esteu segur que voleu utilitzar una contrasenya exposada?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Contrasenya mestra exposada i poc segura"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Contrasenya feble identificada i trobada en una filtració de dades. Utilitzeu una contrasenya única i segura per protegir el vostre compte. Esteu segur que voleu utilitzar aquesta contrasenya?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Comproveu les filtracions de dades conegudes per a aquesta contrasenya"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "La contrasenya mestra no es pot recuperar si la oblideu!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ caràcters mínims",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Pokud je zjištěn přihlašovací formulář, automaticky se při načítání webové stránky vyplní přihlašovací údaje."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Toto je momentálně experimentální funkce. Použijte na vlastní riziko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Výchozí nastavení automatického vyplňování pro položky přihlášení"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "MUDr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Jméno"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Pamatovat si e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Hvis der registreres en loginformular, så auto-udfyld, når websiden indlæses."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dette er i øjeblikket en eksperimentel funktion. Brug på egen risiko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standardindstilling for autofyld for loginelementer"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Neutral"
"firstName": {
"message": "Fornavn"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Husk e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log ind med enhed"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log ind med enhed skal være opsat i indstillingerne i Bitwarden mobil-appen. Behov for en anden mulighed?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingeraftrykssætning"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Sørg for, at din boks er oplåst, samt at Fingeraftrykssætningen på den anden enhed matcher."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Gensend notifikation"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Vis alle indlogningsmuligheder"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "En notifikation er sendt til din enhed."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Indlogning påbegyndt"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Kompromitteret hovedadgangskode"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Adgangskode fundet i datalæk. Brug en unik adgangskode til at beskytte din konto. Sikker på, at du vil bruge en kompromitteret adgangskode?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Svag eller kompromitteret hovedadgangskode"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Svag adgangskode identificeret og fundet i datalæk. Brug en unik adgangskode til at beskytte din konto. Sikker på, at at denne adgangskode skal bruges?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Tjek kendte datalæk for denne adgangskode"
"important": {
"message": "Vigtigt:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Hovedadgangskoden kan ikke gendannes, hvis den glemmes!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minimum $LENGTH$ tegn",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Wenn eine Zugangsmaske erkannt wird, füge automatisch die Zugangsdaten ein während die Webseite lädt."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dies ist derzeit ein experimentelles Feature. Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Erfahre mehr über Auto-Ausfüllen"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standard Auto-Ausfüllen Einstellung für Login-Einträge"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Divers"
"firstName": {
"message": "Vorname"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "E-Mail-Adresse merken"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Mit Gerät anmelden"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Mit Gerät anmelden muss in den Einstellungen der Bitwarden App eingerichtet werden. Benötigst du eine andere Option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerabdruck-Phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Bitte stelle sicher, dass dein Tresor entsperrt ist und die Fingerabdruck-Phrase mit dem anderen Gerät übereinstimmt."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Benachrichtigung erneut senden"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Alle Anmelde-Optionen anzeigen"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Eine Benachrichtigung wurde an dein Gerät gesendet."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Anmeldung initiiert"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Kompromittiertes Master-Passwort"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Passwort in einem Datendiebstahl gefunden. Verwende ein einzigartiges Passwort, um dein Konto zu schützen. Bist du sicher, dass du ein kompromittiertes Passwort verwenden möchtest?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Schwaches und kompromittiertes Master-Passwort"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Schwaches Passwort erkannt und in einem Datendiebstahl gefunden. Verwende ein starkes und einzigartiges Passwort, um dein Konto zu schützen. Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Passwort verwenden möchtest?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Bekannte Datendiebstähle auf dieses Passwort überprüfen"
"important": {
"message": "Wichtig:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Dein Master-Passwort kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden, wenn du es vergisst!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Mindestens $LENGTH$ Zeichen",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"message": "Συνδεθείτε ή δημιουργήστε ένα νέο λογαριασμό για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στο ασφαλές vault σας."
"createAccount": {
"message": "Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού"
"message": "Δημιουργία λογαριασμού"
"login": {
"message": "Σύνδεση"
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"message": "Ρυθμίσεις"
"currentTab": {
"message": "Τρέχουσα Καρτέλα"
"message": "Τρέχουσα καρτέλα"
"copyPassword": {
"message": "Αντιγραφή Κωδικού"
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"message": "Αποστολή Κωδικού"
"codeSent": {
"message": "Ο Κωδικός Στάλθηκε"
"message": "Ο κωδικός στάλθηκε"
"verificationCode": {
"message": "Κωδικός Επαλήθευσης"
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
"message": "Μετακίνηση"
"addFolder": {
"message": "Προσθήκη Φακέλου"
"message": "Προσθήκη φακέλου"
"name": {
"message": "Όνομα"
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
"message": "Νέο URI"
"addedItem": {
"message": "Προστέθηκε στοιχείο"
"message": "Το στοιχείο προστέθηκε"
"editedItem": {
"message": "Επεξεργασμένο στοιχείο"
@ -546,13 +546,13 @@
"message": "Διαγραμμένο στοιχείο"
"overwritePassword": {
"message": "Αντικατάσταση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης"
"message": "Αντικατάσταση κωδικού πρόσβασης"
"overwritePasswordConfirmation": {
"message": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αντικαταστήσετε τον τρέχον κωδικό πρόσβασης;"
"overwriteUsername": {
"message": "Αντικατάσταση Username"
"message": "Αντικατάσταση ονόματος χρήστη"
"overwriteUsernameConfirmation": {
"message": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αντικαταστήσετε το τρέχον username;"
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
"message": "Τύπος αναζήτησης"
"noneFolder": {
"message": "Χωρίς Φάκελο",
"message": "Χωρίς φάκελο",
"description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items"
"enableAddLoginNotification": {
@ -649,14 +649,14 @@
"message": "Εξαγωγή Vault"
"fileFormat": {
"message": "Μορφή Αρχείου"
"message": "Μορφή αρχείου"
"warning": {
"message": "ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ",
"description": "WARNING (should stay in capitalized letters if the language permits)"
"confirmVaultExport": {
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση εξαγωγής Vault"
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση εξαγωγής vault"
"exportWarningDesc": {
"message": "Αυτή η εξαγωγή περιέχει τα δεδομένα σε μη κρυπτογραφημένη μορφή. Δεν πρέπει να αποθηκεύετε ή να στείλετε το εξαγόμενο αρχείο μέσω μη ασφαλών τρόπων (όπως μέσω email). Διαγράψτε το αμέσως μόλις τελειώσετε με τη χρήση του."
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@
"message": "Το Bitwarden επιτρέπει να μοιράζεστε τα στοιχεία του vault σας με άλλους χρησιμοποιώντας ένα λογαριασμό οργανισμού. Θέλετε να επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα bitwarden.com για να μάθετε περισσότερα;"
"moveToOrganization": {
"message": "Μετακίνηση στον Οργανισμό"
"message": "Μετακίνηση σε οργανισμό"
"share": {
"message": "Κοινοποίηση"
@ -708,10 +708,10 @@
"message": "Κλειδί επαλήθευσης (TOTP)"
"verificationCodeTotp": {
"message": "Κωδικός Επαλήθευσης (TOTP)"
"message": "Κωδικός επαλήθευσης (TOTP)"
"copyVerificationCode": {
"message": "Αντιγραφή Κωδικού Επαλήθευσης"
"message": "Αντιγραφή κωδικού επαλήθευσης"
"attachments": {
"message": "Συνημμένα"
@ -726,25 +726,25 @@
"message": "Το συνημμένο διαγράφηκε"
"newAttachment": {
"message": "Προσθήκη Νέου Συνημμένου"
"message": "Προσθήκη νέου συνημμένου"
"noAttachments": {
"message": "Χωρίς συνημμένα."
"attachmentSaved": {
"message": "Το συννημένο έχει αποθηκευτεί."
"message": "Το συνημμένο αποθηκεύτηκε"
"file": {
"message": "Αρχείο"
"selectFile": {
"message": "Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο."
"message": "Επιλέξτε αρχείο"
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Το μέγιστο μέγεθος αρχείου είναι 500 MB."
"featureUnavailable": {
"message": "Μη Διαθέσιμο Χαρακτηριστικό"
"message": "Μη διαθέσιμο χαρακτηριστικό"
"updateKey": {
"message": "Δεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτήν τη λειτουργία μέχρι να ενημερώσετε το κλειδί κρυπτογράφησης."
@ -753,19 +753,19 @@
"message": "Συνδρομή Premium"
"premiumManage": {
"message": "Διαχείριση Συνδρομής"
"message": "Διαχείριση συνδρομής"
"premiumManageAlert": {
"message": "Μπορείτε να διαχειριστείτε την ιδιότητά σας ως μέλος στο bitwarden.com web vault. Θέλετε να επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα τώρα;"
"premiumRefresh": {
"message": "Ανανέωση Συνδρομής"
"message": "Ανανέωση συνδρομής"
"premiumNotCurrentMember": {
"message": "Δεν είστε premium μέλος."
"message": "Δεν είστε μέλος Premium."
"premiumSignUpAndGet": {
"message": "Εγγραφείτε για μια premium συνδρομή και λάβετε:"
"message": "Εγγραφείτε για συνδρομή Premium και λάβετε:"
"ppremiumSignUpStorage": {
"message": "1 GB κρυπτογραφημένο αποθηκευτικό χώρο για συνημμένα αρχεία."
@ -783,16 +783,16 @@
"message": "Προτεραιότητα υποστήριξης πελατών."
"ppremiumSignUpFuture": {
"message": "Όλα τα μελλοντικά χαρακτηριστικά premium. Έρχονται περισσότερα σύντομα!"
"message": "Όλα τα μελλοντικά χαρακτηριστικά Premium. Έρχονται περισσότερα σύντομα!"
"premiumPurchase": {
"message": "Αγορά Premium έκδοσης"
"premiumPurchaseAlert": {
"message": "Μπορείτε να αγοράσετε συνδρομή premium στο bitwarden.com web vault. Θέλετε να επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα τώρα;"
"message": "Μπορείτε να αγοράσετε συνδρομή Premium στο web vault του bitwarden.com. Θέλετε να επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα τώρα;"
"premiumCurrentMember": {
"message": "Είστε ένα premium μέλος!"
"message": "Είστε μέλος Premium!"
"premiumCurrentMemberThanks": {
"message": "Ευχαριστούμε που υποστηρίζετε το Bitwarden."
@ -819,10 +819,10 @@
"message": "Ζητήστε βιομετρικά κατά την εκκίνηση"
"premiumRequired": {
"message": "Απαιτείται Έκδοση Premium"
"message": "Απαιτείται έκδοση Premium"
"premiumRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτή τη λειτουργία, απαιτείται η έκδοση premium."
"message": "Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτή τη λειτουργία, απαιτείται έκδοση Premium."
"enterVerificationCodeApp": {
"message": "Εισάγετε τον 6ψήφιο κωδικό από την εφαρμογή επαλήθευσης."
@ -870,25 +870,25 @@
"message": "Ταυτοποίηση WebAuthn"
"loginUnavailable": {
"message": "Σύνδεση μη Διαθέσιμη"
"message": "Μη διαθέσιμη σύνδεση"
"noTwoStepProviders": {
"message": "Αυτός ο λογαριασμός έχει ενεργοποιημένη τη σύνδεση σε δύο βήματα, ωστόσο, κανένας από τους διαμορφωμένους παροχείς δύο βημάτων δεν υποστηρίζεται από αυτό το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης."
"message": "Αυτός ο λογαριασμός έχει ενεργοποιημένη τη σύνδεση δύο βημάτων, ωστόσο, κανένας από τους καθορισμένους παρόχους δύο βημάτων δεν υποστηρίζεται από αυτό το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης."
"noTwoStepProviders2": {
"message": "Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε ένα υποστηριζόμενο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης (όπως το Chrome) και/ή προσθέστε επιπλέον ή/και προσθέστε άλλους παρόχους που υποστηρίζονται καλύτερα σε προγράμματα περιήγησης (όπως μια εφαρμογή επαλήθευσης)."
"twoStepOptions": {
"message": "Επιλογές σύνδεσης δύο παραγόντων"
"message": "Επιλογές σύνδεσης δύο βημάτων"
"recoveryCodeDesc": {
"message": "Έχετε χάσει την πρόσβαση σε όλους τους παρόχους δύο παραγόντων; Χρησιμοποιήστε τον κωδικό ανάκτησης για να απενεργοποιήσετε όλους τους παρόχους δύο παραγόντων από το λογαριασμό σας."
"recoveryCodeTitle": {
"message": "Κωδικός Ανάκτησης"
"message": "Κωδικός ανάκτησης"
"authenticatorAppTitle": {
"message": "Εφαρμογή Επαλήθευσης Ταυτότητας"
"message": "Εφαρμογή ελέγχου ταυτότητας"
"authenticatorAppDesc": {
"message": "Χρησιμοποιήστε μια εφαρμογή επαλήθευσης (όπως το Authy ή Google Authenticator) για να δημιουργήσει κωδικούς επαλήθευσης με χρόνικο περιορισμό.",
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@
"message": "FIDO2 WebAuthn"
"webAuthnDesc": {
"message": "Χρησιμοποιήστε οποιοδήποτε κλειδί ασφαλείας WebAuthn για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στο λογαριασμό σας."
"message": "Χρησιμοποιήστε οποιοδήποτε κλειδί ασφαλείας συμβατό με το WebAuthn για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στο λογαριασμό σας."
"emailTitle": {
"message": "Email"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Εάν εντοπιστεί μια φόρμα σύνδεσης, πραγματοποιείται αυτόματα μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση όταν φορτώνεται η ιστοσελίδα."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Αυτή είναι μια πειραματική λειτουργία. Χρησιμοποιήστε το με δική σας ευθύνη."
"message": "Παραβιασμένοι ή μη αξιόπιστοι ιστότοποι μπορούν να εκμεταλλευτούν την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση κατά τη φόρτωση της σελίδας."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Μάθετε περισσότερα σχετικά με την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Προεπιλεγμένη ρύθμιση αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης για στοιχεία σύνδεσης"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Όνομα"
@ -2009,7 +2015,7 @@
"message": "Αυτο-φιλοξενείται"
"thirdParty": {
"message": "Third-party"
"message": "Τρίτο μέρος"
"thirdPartyServerMessage": {
"message": "Συνδέθηκε με υλοποίηση διακομιστή τρίτων, $SERVERNAME$. Παρακαλώ επαληθεύστε τα σφάλματα χρησιμοποιώντας τον επίσημο διακομιστή, ή αναφέρετε τα στον διακομιστή τρίτων.",
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Απομνημόνευση email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Σύνδεση με τη χρήση συσκευής"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Η σύνδεση με τη χρήση συσκευής πρέπει να έχει ρυθμιστεί στις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής Bitwarden. Χρειάζεστε κάποια άλλη επιλογή;"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Φράση δακτυλικών αποτυπωμάτων"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι το vault σας είναι ξεκλειδωμένο και η Φράση δακτυλικών αποτυπωμάτων ταιριάζει στην άλλη συσκευή."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Επαναποστολή ειδοποίησης"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Δείτε όλες τις επιλογές σύνδεσης"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Μια ειδοποίηση έχει σταλεί στη συσκευή σας."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Η σύνδεση ξεκίνησε"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Εκτεθειμένος Κύριος Κωδικός Πρόσβασης"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Ο κωδικός έχει βρεθεί σε παραβίαση δεδομένων. Χρησιμοποιήστε έναν μοναδικό κωδικό για την προστασία του λογαριασμού σας. Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε έναν εκτεθειμένο κωδικό πρόσβασης;"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Αδύναμος και εκτεθειμένος Κύριος Κωδικός Πρόσβασης"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Αδύναμος κωδικός που έχει εντοπιστεί σε παραβίαση δεδομένων. Χρησιμοποιήστε έναν ισχυρό και μοναδικό κωδικό για την προστασία του λογαριασμού σας. Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτόν τον κωδικό;"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Ελέγξτε γνωστές παραβιάσεις δεδομένων για αυτόν τον κωδικό πρόσβασης"
"important": {
"message": "Σημαντικό:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Ο κύριος κωδικός πρόσβασης δεν μπορεί να ανακτηθεί εάν τον ξεχάσετε!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Τουλάχιστον $LENGTH$ χαρακτήρες",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1985,7 +1988,7 @@
"message": "Organization suspended."
"disabledOrganizationFilterError": {
"message" : "Items in suspended Organizations cannot be accessed. Contact your Organization owner for assistance."
"message": "Items in suspended Organizations cannot be accessed. Contact your Organization owner for assistance."
"cardBrandMir": {
"message": "Mir"
@ -2062,6 +2065,30 @@
"origin": {
"message": "Origin"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
@ -2091,5 +2118,26 @@
"example": "14"
"tryAutofillPageLoad": {
"message": "Try auto-fill on page load?"
"tryAutofill": {
"message": "How to auto-fill"
"autofillPageLoadInfo": {
"message": "Login forms will automatically fill in matching credentials if you turn on auto-fill on page load."
"autofillSelectInfo": {
"message": "Select an item from this page to auto-fill the active tab's form."
"autofillTurnedOn": {
"message": "Auto-fill on page load turned on"
"turnOn": {
"message": "Turn on"
"notNow": {
"message": "Not now"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit autofill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, automatically perform an auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"message": "Sincronizar"
"syncVaultNow": {
"message": "Sincronizar caja fuerte ahora"
"message": "Sincronizar caja fuerte"
"lastSync": {
"message": "Última sincronización:"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Si se detecta un formulario, realizar automáticamente un autorellenado cuando la web cargue."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Esta es una característica experimental. Úsala bajo tu propio riesgo."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Más información sobre el relleno automático"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuración de autorrelleno por defecto para elementos de inicio de sesión"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Nombre"
@ -1563,7 +1569,7 @@
"message": "Esta acción no se puede realizar en la barra lateral, por favor, vuelve a intentar la acción en la ventana emergente o popout."
"personalOwnershipSubmitError": {
"message": "Debido a una política de organización, tiene restringido el guardar elementos a su bóveda personal. Cambie la configuración de propietario a organización y elija entre las colecciones disponibles."
"message": "Debido a una política de organización, tiene restringido el guardar elementos a su caja fuerte personal. Cambie la configuración de propietario a organización y elija entre las colecciones disponibles."
"personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Una política de organización está afectando a sus opciones de propiedad."
@ -1811,7 +1817,7 @@
"message": "Verificación de correo electrónico requerida"
"emailVerificationRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Debes verificar tu correo electrónico para usar esta función. Puedes verificar tu correo electrónico en la bóveda web."
"message": "Debes verificar tu correo electrónico para usar esta función. Puedes verificar tu correo electrónico en la caja fuerte web."
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Contraseña maestra actualizada"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Recordar email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Acceder con un dispositivo"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "El acceso con dispositivo debe prepararse en la configuración de la aplicación Bitwarden. ¿Necesita otra opción?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Frase de huella"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Por favor, asegúrese de que su caja fuerte está desbloqueada y la frase de huella dactilar coincide en el otro dispositivo."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Reenviar notificación"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Ver todas las opciones de acceso"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Se ha enviado una notificación a tu dispositivo."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Inicio de sesión en proceso"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Contraseña maestra comprometida"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Contraseña encontrada en una violación de datos. Utilice una contraseña única para proteger su cuenta. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar una contraseña comprometida?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Contraseña maestra débil y comprometida"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Contraseña débil encontrada en una violación de datos. Utilice una contraseña única para proteger su cuenta. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar una contraseña comprometida?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Comprobar filtración de datos conocidos para esta contraseña"
"important": {
"message": "Importante:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Tu contraseña maestra no se puede recuperar si la olvidas"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ caracteres mínimo",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Sisselogimise vormi tuvastamisel sisestatakse sinna kontoandmed automaatselt."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "See funktsioon on katsetusjärgus. Kasuta omal vastutusel."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Vaikevalik kontoandmete täitmiseks"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Eesnimi"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Mäleta e-posti aadressi"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Logi sisse seadme kaudu"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Bitwardeni rakenduse seadistuses peab olema konfigureeritud sisselogimine läbi seadme. Vajad teist valikut?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Sõrmejälje fraas"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Veendu, et hoidla on lahti lukustatud ja sõrmejälje fraasid seadmete vahel ühtivad."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Saada märguanne uuesti"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Vaata kõiki valikuid"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Sinu seadmesse saadeti teavitus."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Sisselogimine on käivitatud"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Saio-hasierako formulario bat detektatzen bada, auto-bete webgunea kargatzen denean."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Hau ezaugarri esperimental bat da. Zure ardurapean erabili."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Saio-hasierako elementuetarako lehenetsitako auto-betetzearen konfigurazioa"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Jn."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Izena"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Emaila gogoratu"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "اگر یک فرم ورودی شناسایی شد، وقتی صفحه وب بارگذاری شد، به صورت خودکار پر شود."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "در حال حاضر این یک ویژگی آزمایشی است. با مسئولیت خود استفاده کنید."
"message": "وب‌سایت‌های در معرض خطر یا نامعتبر می‌توانند از پر کردن خودکار در بارگذاری صفحه سوء استفاده کنند."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "درباره پر کردن خودکار بیشتر بدانید"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "تنظیم تکمیل خودکار پیش‌فرض برای موارد ورود به سیستم"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "دکتر"
"mx": {
"message": "عنوان"
"firstName": {
"message": "نام"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "ایمیل را به خاطر بسپار"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "ورود با دستگاه"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "ورود به سیستم با دستگاه باید در تنظیمات برنامه‌ی Bitwarden تنظیم شود. به گزینه دیگری نیاز دارید؟"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "عبارت اثر انگشت"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "لطفاً مطمئن شوید که قفل گاوصندوق شما باز است و عبارت اثر انگشت با دستگاه دیگر مطابقت دارد."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "ارسال مجدد اعلان"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "مشاهده همه گزینه‌های ورود به سیستم"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "یک اعلان به دستگاه شما ارسال شده است."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "ورود به سیستم آغاز شد"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی افشا شده"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "کلمه عبور در نقض داده پیدا شد. از یک کلمه عبور منحصر به فرد برای محافظت از حساب خود استفاده کنید. آیا مطمئنید که می‌خواهید از یک کلمه عبور افشا شده استفاده کنید؟"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی ضعیف و افشا شده"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "کلمه عبور ضعیف شناسایی و در یک نقض داده پیدا شد. از یک کلمه عبور قوی و منحصر به فرد برای محافظت از حساب خود استفاده کنید. آیا مطمئنید که می‌خواهید از این کلمه عبور استفاده کنید؟"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "نقض اطلاعات شناخته شده برای این کلمه عبور را بررسی کنید"
"important": {
"message": "مهم:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "کلمه عبور اصلی شما در صورت فراموشی قابل بازیابی نیست!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "حداقل کاراکتر $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
"message": "Voit vaihtaa pääsalasanasi bitwarden.com-verkkoholvissa. Haluatko käydä sivustolla nyt?"
"twoStepLoginConfirmation": {
"message": "Kaksivaiheinen kirjautuminen tekee tilistäsi turvallisemman edellyttämällä salasanan lisäksi kirjautumisen lisätodennusta todennuslaitteen, sovelluksen, tekstiviestin, puhelun tai sähköpostin avulla. Voit ottaa kaksivaiheisen kirjautumisen käyttöön bitwarden.comverkkoholvissa. Haluatko käydä sivustolla nyt?"
"message": "Kaksivaiheinen kirjautuminen parantaa tilisi suojausta vaatimalla kirjautumisen vahvistuksen salasanan lisäksi todennuslaitteen, sovelluksen, tekstiviestin, puhelun tai sähköpostin avulla. Voit ottaa kaksivaiheisen kirjautumisen käyttöön bitwarden.comverkkoholvissa. Haluatko avata sen nyt?"
"editedFolder": {
"message": "Kansio tallennettiin"
@ -960,13 +960,16 @@
"message": "Jos havaitaan kirjautumislomake, suorita automaattinen täyttö sivun avautuessa."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Tämä on vielä kokeellinen toiminto. Käytä omalla vastuullasi."
"message": "Vaarantuneet tai epäluotettavat sivustot voivat väärinkäyttää sivun avautuessa suoritettavaa automaattista täyttöä."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Lue lisää automaattisesta täytöstä"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Automaattisen täytön oletusasetus kirjautumistiedoille"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Voit ottaa automaattisen täytön käyttöön tai poistaa sen käytöstä kirjautumistietokohtaisesti muokkaamalla kohdetta."
"message": "Voit ottaa automaattisen täytön käyttöön tai poistaa sen käytöstä kirjautumistietokohtaisesti muokkaamalla kirjautumistetoa."
"itemAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Automaattinen täyttö sivun avautuessa (jos määritetty asetuksista)"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Tri"
"mx": {
"message": "Neutraali"
"firstName": {
"message": "Etunimi"
@ -1820,7 +1826,7 @@
"message": "Vaihda pääsalasana"
"updateMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Organisaatiosi ylläpito on hiljattain vaihtanut pääsalasanasi. Käyttääksesi holvia, on sinun päivitettävä se nyt. Tämä uloskirjaa kaikki nykyiset istunnot pakottaen uudelleenkirjautumisen. Muiden laitteiden aktiiviset istunnot saattavat toimia vielä tunnin ajan."
"message": "Organisaatiosi ylläpito on hiljattain vaihtanut pääsalasanasi. Käyttääksesi holvia sinun on päivitettävä pääsalasanasi nyt. Tämä uloskirjaa kaikki nykyiset istunnot pakottaen uudelleenkirjautumisen. Muiden laitteiden aktiiviset istunnot saattavat toimia vielä tunnin ajan."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Automaattinen liitos"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Muista sähköpostiosoite"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Laitteella kirjautuminen"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Laitteella kirjautuminen on määritettävä Bitwarden-mobiilisovelluksen asetuksista. Tarvitsetko eri vaihtoehdon?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Tunnistelauseke"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Varmista, että holvisi on avattu ja tunnistelauseke täsmää toisella laitteella."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Lähetä ilmoitus uudelleen"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Näytä kaikki kirjautumisvaihtoehdot"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Laitteellesi on lähetetty ilmoitus."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Kirjautuminen aloitettu"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Paljastunut pääsalasana"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Salasana löytyi tietovuodosta. Sinun tulisi suojata tilisi ainutlaatuisella salasanalla. Haluatko varmasti käyttää paljastunutta salasanaa?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Heikko ja paljastunut pääsalasana"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Havaittiin heikko ja tietovuodosta löytynyt salasana. Sinun tulisi suojata tilisi vahvalla ja ainutlaatuisella salasanalla. Haluatko varmasti käyttää tätä salasanaa?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Tarkasta esiintyykö salasanaa tunnetuissa tietovuodoissa"
"important": {
"message": "Tärkeää:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Pääsalasanan palautus ei ole mahdollista, jos unohdat sen!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Vähintään $LENGTH$ merkkiä",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"message": "Bitwarden"
"extName": {
"message": "Bitwarden",
"message": "Bitwarden - Gestion des mots de passe",
"description": "Extension name, MUST be less than 40 characters (Safari restriction)"
"extDesc": {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"message": "Coffre"
"myVault": {
"message": "Mon Coffre"
"message": "Mon coffre"
"allVaults": {
"message": "Tous les coffres"
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"message": "Paramètres"
"currentTab": {
"message": "Onglet actif"
"message": "Onglet actuel"
"copyPassword": {
"message": "Copier le mot de passe"
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"message": "Copier le code de sécurité"
"autoFill": {
"message": "Remplissage automatique"
"message": "Saisie automatique"
"generatePasswordCopied": {
"message": "Générer un mot de passe (copié)"
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"message": "Continuer"
"sendVerificationCode": {
"message": "Envoyer un code de vérification à votre adresse email"
"message": "Envoyez un code de vérification à votre courriel"
"sendCode": {
"message": "Envoyer le code"
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
"message": "Générer un mot de passe"
"regeneratePassword": {
"message": "Re-générer un mot de passe"
"message": "Régénérer un mot de passe"
"options": {
"message": "Options"
@ -418,10 +418,10 @@
"message": "Une erreur est survenue"
"emailRequired": {
"message": "L'adresse e-mail est requise."
"message": "L'adresse électronique est requise."
"invalidEmail": {
"message": "Adresse e-mail invalide."
"message": "Adresse électronique invalide."
"masterPasswordRequired": {
"message": "Le mot de passe principal est requis."
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
"autofillError": {
"message": "Impossible de remplir automatiquement le site sélectionné sur cette page. Copiez/collez plutôt votre nom d'utilisateur et/ou votre mot de passe."
"message": "Impossible de saisir automatiquement l'élément sélectionné sur cette page. Copiez-collez plutôt l'information."
"loggedOut": {
"message": "Déconnecté"
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
"message": "L'authentification à deux facteurs rend votre compte plus sûr en vous demandant de vérifier votre connexion avec un autre dispositif tel qu'une clé de sécurité, une application d'authentification, un SMS, un appel téléphonique ou un courriel. L'authentification à deux facteurs peut être configurée sur le coffre web de bitwarden.com. Voulez-vous visiter le site web maintenant ?"
"editedFolder": {
"message": "Dossier modifié"
"message": "Dossier sauvegardé"
"deleteFolderConfirmation": {
"message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce dossier ?"
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
"description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill."
"defaultUriMatchDetectionDesc": {
"message": "Choisissez la manière par défaut dont la détection de correspondance URI est gérée pour les connexions lors de l'exécution d'actions telles que le remplissage automatique."
"message": "Choisissez la manière de gestion par défaut de la détection de correspondance URI pour les identifiants lors de l'exécution d'actions telles que la saisie automatique."
"theme": {
"message": "Thème"
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
"message": "Confirmer l'export du coffre"
"exportWarningDesc": {
"message": "Cet export contient les données de votre coffre dans un format non chiffré. Vous ne devriez ni le stocker ni l'envoyer via des canaux non sécurisés (tel que l'e-mail). Supprimez-le immédiatement après l'avoir utilisé."
"message": "Cet export contient vos données de coffre dans un format non chiffré. Vous ne devriez pas stocker ou envoyer le fichier exporté par des canaux non sécurisés (comme le courriel). Supprimez-le immédiatement dès que vous avez fini de l'utiliser."
"encExportKeyWarningDesc": {
"message": "Cet export chiffre vos données en utilisant la clé de chiffrement de votre compte. Si jamais vous modifiez la clé de chiffrement de votre compte, vous devriez exporter à nouveau car vous ne pourrez pas déchiffrer ce fichier."
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
"message": "Copier le code TOTP automatiquement"
"disableAutoTotpCopyDesc": {
"message": "Si une clé d'authentification est rattachée à votre identifiant, alors le code de vérification TOTP est automatiquement copié dans le presse-papiers lorsque vous renseignez l'identifiant."
"message": "Si un identifiant possède une clé d'authentification, copiez le code de vérification TOTP dans votre presse-papiers lorsque vous saisissez automatiquement l'identifiant."
"enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": {
"message": "Demander la biométrie au lancement"
@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
"message": "Saisissez le code de vérification à 6 chiffres depuis votre application d'authentification."
"enterVerificationCodeEmail": {
"message": "Saisissez le code de vérification à 6 chiffres qui vous a été envoyé par e-mail à $EMAIL$.",
"message": "Saisissez le code de vérification à 6 chiffres qui a été envoyé par courriel à $EMAIL$.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@
"verificationCodeEmailSent": {
"message": "E-mail de vérification envoyé à $EMAIL$.",
"message": "Courriel de vérification envoyé à $EMAIL$.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
"message": "Rester connecté"
"sendVerificationCodeEmailAgain": {
"message": "Envoyer à nouveau l'e-mail du code de vérification"
"message": "Envoyer à nouveau le courriel de code de vérification"
"useAnotherTwoStepMethod": {
"message": "Utiliser une autre méthode d'identification en deux étapes"
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@
"message": "Utilisez n'importe quelle clé de sécurité compatible WebAuthn pour accéder à votre compte."
"emailTitle": {
"message": "E-mail"
"message": "Courriel"
"emailDesc": {
"message": "Les codes de vérification vont vous être envoyés par e-mail."
"message": "Les codes de vérification vous seront envoyés par courriel."
"selfHostedEnvironment": {
"message": "Environnement auto-hébergé"
@ -954,31 +954,34 @@
"message": "Les URLs d'environnement ont été enregistrées."
"enableAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Activer le remplissage automatique au chargement de la page"
"message": "Saisir automatiquement au chargement de la page"
"enableAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Si un formulaire de connexion est détecté, remplir automatiquement les champs au chargement de la page web."
"message": "Si un formulaire de connexion est détecté, saisir automatiquement lors du chargement de la page web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ceci est actuellement une fonctionnalité expérimentale. À utiliser avec prudence."
"message": "Les sites web compromis ou non fiables peuvent exploiter la saisie automatique au chargement de la page."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "En savoir plus sur la saisie automatique"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Paramètre de saisie automatique par défaut pour les identifiants"
"message": "Paramètre de saisie automatique par défaut pour les éléments de connexion"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Vous pouvez désactiver la saisie automatique au chargement de la page pour les éléments de connexion individuels à partir de la vue Éditer l'élément."
"itemAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Remplissage automatique au chargement de la page (si activé dans les options)"
"message": "Saisir automatiquement au chargement de la page (si configuré dans les options)"
"autoFillOnPageLoadUseDefault": {
"message": "Utiliser le paramètre par défaut"
"autoFillOnPageLoadYes": {
"message": "Remplissage automatique au chargement de la page"
"message": "Saisir automatique au chargement de la page"
"autoFillOnPageLoadNo": {
"message": "Ne pas remplir automatiquement au chargement de la page"
"message": "Ne pas saisir automatiquement au chargement de la page"
"commandOpenPopup": {
"message": "Ouvrir la popup du coffre"
@ -987,7 +990,7 @@
"message": "Ouvrir le coffre dans la barre latérale"
"commandAutofillDesc": {
"message": "Remplir automatiquement le dernier identifiant utilisé pour le site web actuel."
"message": "Saisir automatiquement le dernier identifiant utilisé pour le site web actuel"
"commandGeneratePasswordDesc": {
"message": "Générer et copier un nouveau mot de passe aléatoire dans le presse-papiers."
@ -1031,7 +1034,7 @@
"description": "This describes a value that is 'linked' (tied) to another value."
"popup2faCloseMessage": {
"message": "Le fait de cliquer à l'extérieur de la fenêtre pop-up pour vérifier votre e-mail avec votre code de vérification fermera cette pop-up. Voulez-vous ouvrir cette pop-up dans une nouvelle fenêtre pour qu'elle ne soit pas fermée ?"
"message": "Cliquer en dehors de la fenêtre popup pour vérifier votre courriel avec le code de vérification va causer la fermeture de cette fenêtre popup. Voulez-vous ouvrir cette fenêtre popup dans une nouvelle fenêtre afin qu'elle ne se ferme pas ?"
"popupU2fCloseMessage": {
"message": "Ce navigateur ne peut pas traiter les demandes U2F dans cette fenêtre popup. Voulez-vous ouvrir cette popup dans une nouvelle fenêtre afin de pouvoir vous connecter à l'aide de l'U2F ?"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Prénom"
@ -1151,7 +1157,7 @@
"message": "Numéro de permis de Conduire"
"email": {
"message": "E-mail"
"message": "Courriel"
"phone": {
"message": "Téléphone"
@ -1431,7 +1437,7 @@
"message": "Confirmation de l'action lors de l'expiration du délai"
"autoFillAndSave": {
"message": "Remplir automatiquement et enregistrer"
"message": "Saisir automatiquement et sauvegarder"
"autoFillSuccessAndSavedUri": {
"message": "Élément saisi automatiquement et URI sauvegardé"
@ -1731,7 +1737,7 @@
"message": "Nombre d'accès actuel"
"createSend": {
"message": "Créer un nouveau Send",
"message": "Nouveau Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
@ -1750,7 +1756,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "Send modifié",
"message": "Send sauvegardé",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLinuxChromiumFileWarning": {
@ -1808,10 +1814,10 @@
"message": "Cette action est protégée. Pour continuer, veuillez saisir à nouveau votre mot de passe principal pour vérifier votre identité."
"emailVerificationRequired": {
"message": "Vérification de l'adresse e-mail nécessaire"
"message": "Vérification de courriel requise"
"emailVerificationRequiredDesc": {
"message": "Vous devez vérifier votre adresse e-mail pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Vous pouvez vérifier votre adresse e-mail dans le coffre web."
"message": "Vous devez vérifier votre courriel pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Vous pouvez vérifier votre courriel dans le coffre web."
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Mot de passe principal mis à jour"
@ -1923,14 +1929,14 @@
"message": "Type de nom d'utilisateur"
"plusAddressedEmail": {
"message": "E-mail suffixé",
"message": "Courriel sous-adressé",
"description": "Username generator option that appends a random sub-address to the username. For example: address+subaddress@email.com"
"plusAddressedEmailDesc": {
"message": "Utilisez les capacités de sous-adressage de votre fournisseur d'e-mail."
"message": "Utilisez les capacités de sous-adressage de votre fournisseur de messagerie électronique."
"catchallEmail": {
"message": "Collecteur d'e-mail"
"message": "Courriel \"catch-all\""
"catchallEmailDesc": {
"message": "Utilisez la boîte de réception du collecteur configurée de votre domaine."
@ -1967,7 +1973,7 @@
"message": "Jeton d'accès API"
"apiKey": {
"message": "Clé d'API"
"message": "Clé API"
"ssoKeyConnectorError": {
"message": "Erreur Key Connector : vérifiez que Key Connector est disponible et fonctionne correctement."
@ -1997,7 +2003,7 @@
"message": "Les paramètres ont été modifiés"
"environmentEditedClick": {
"message": "Cliquez ici"
"message": "Cliquer ici"
"environmentEditedReset": {
"message": "pour réinitialiser aux paramètres par défaut"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Se souvenir du courriel"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Mot de passe principal exposé"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Mot de passe trouvé dans une brèche de données. Utilisez un mot de passe unique pour protéger votre compte. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir utiliser un mot de passe exposé ?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Mot de passe principal faible et exposé"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Mot de passe faible identifié et trouvé dans une brèche de données. Utilisez un mot de passe robuste et unique pour protéger votre compte. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir utiliser ce mot de passe ?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Vérifier les brèches de données connues pour ce mot de passe"
"important": {
"message": "Important :"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Votre mot de passe principal ne peut pas être récupéré si vous l'oubliez !"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Caractère minimum $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "אם זוהה טופס כניסה, בצע אוטומטית מילוי-אוטומטי כשהעמוד נטען."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "זוהי אופציה נסיונית. השימוש באופציה זו על אחריותך."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "הגדרת ברירת מחדל למילוי אוטומטי של פרטי התחברות"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "דוקטור"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "שם פרטי"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
"message": "टैब"
"vault": {
"message": "Vault"
"message": "तिजोरी"
"myVault": {
"message": "My Vault"
"allVaults": {
"message": "All vaults"
"message": "सभी तिजोरियाँ"
"tools": {
"message": "उपकरण"
@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
"message": "Generate Password (copied)"
"copyElementIdentifier": {
"message": "Copy custom field name"
"message": "कस्टम फील्ड नाम कॉपी करें"
"noMatchingLogins": {
"message": "कोई मेल-मिला लॉगिन नहीं |"
"unlockVaultMenu": {
"message": "Unlock your vault"
"message": "आपकी तिजोरी का ताला खोलें"
"loginToVaultMenu": {
"message": "अपने अकाउंट में लॉगिन करें"
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"message": "जारी रखें"
"sendVerificationCode": {
"message": "Send a verification code to your email"
"message": "एक सत्यापन कोड अपने ईमेल पर भेजें"
"sendCode": {
"message": "कोड भेजें"
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"message": "Verification Code"
"confirmIdentity": {
"message": "Confirm your identity to continue."
"message": "आगे बढ़ने के लिए अपने पहचान की पुष्टि करें"
"account": {
"message": "खाता"
@ -236,16 +236,16 @@
"message": "लंबाई"
"uppercase": {
"message": "Uppercase (A-Z)"
"message": "बड़े अक्षर (A-Z)"
"lowercase": {
"message": "Lowercase (a-z)"
"message": "छोटे अक्षर (a-z)"
"numbers": {
"message": "Numbers (0-9)"
"message": "संख्या (0-9)"
"specialCharacters": {
"message": "Special characters (!@#$%^&*)"
"message": "विशेष अक्षर (!@#$%^&*)"
"numWords": {
"message": "Number of Words"
@ -424,13 +424,13 @@
"message": "अमान्य ई-मेल |"
"masterPasswordRequired": {
"message": "Master password is required."
"message": "मास्टर पासवर्ड की आवश्यकता है।"
"confirmMasterPasswordRequired": {
"message": "Master password retype is required."
"message": "मास्टर पासवर्ड पुनः डालने की आवश्यकता है।"
"masterPasswordMinlength": {
"message": "Master password must be at least 8 characters long."
"message": "मास्टर पासवर्ड कम से कम 8 वर्ण लंबा होना चाहिए।"
"masterPassDoesntMatch": {
"message": "मास्टर पासवर्ड पुष्टि मेल नहीं खाती है।"
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
"message": "सत्यापन टोकन आवश्यक है"
"invalidVerificationCode": {
"message": "Invalid verification code"
"message": "सत्यापन कोड अवैध है"
"valueCopied": {
"message": " copied",
@ -552,10 +552,10 @@
"message": "क्या आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि आप वर्तमान पासवर्ड को ओवरराइट करना चाहते हैं?"
"overwriteUsername": {
"message": "Overwrite username"
"message": "उपयोगकर्ता नाम अधिलेखित करें"
"overwriteUsernameConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to overwrite the current username?"
"message": "क्या आप वाकई वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता नाम को अधिलेखित करना चाहते हैं?"
"searchFolder": {
"message": "फोल्डर में खोजें"
@ -571,22 +571,22 @@
"description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items"
"enableAddLoginNotification": {
"message": "Ask to add login"
"message": "लॉगिन जोड़ने के लिए कहें"
"addLoginNotificationDesc": {
"message": "The \"Add Login Notification\" automatically prompts you to save new logins to your vault whenever you log into them for the first time."
"showCardsCurrentTab": {
"message": "Show cards on Tab page"
"message": "टैब पेज पर कार्ड दिखाएं"
"showCardsCurrentTabDesc": {
"message": "List card items on the Tab page for easy auto-fill."
"message": "आसान ऑटो-फिल के लिए टैब पेज पर कार्ड आइटम सूचीबद्ध करें।"
"showIdentitiesCurrentTab": {
"message": "Show identities on Tab page"
"message": "टैब पेज पर पहचान दिखाएं"
"showIdentitiesCurrentTabDesc": {
"message": "List identity items on the Tab page for easy auto-fill."
"message": "आसान ऑटो-फिल के लिए टैब पेज पर कार्ड आइटम सूचीबद्ध करें।"
"clearClipboard": {
"message": "क्लिपबोर्ड खाली करें",
@ -603,10 +603,10 @@
"message": "Yes, Save Now"
"enableChangedPasswordNotification": {
"message": "Ask to update existing login"
"message": "मौजूदा लॉगिन को अपडेट करने के लिए कहें"
"changedPasswordNotificationDesc": {
"message": "Ask to update a login's password when a change is detected on a website."
"message": "किसी वेबसाइट पर परिवर्तन का पता चलने पर लॉगिन का पासवर्ड अपडेट करने के लिए कहें।"
"notificationChangeDesc": {
"message": "क्या आप बिटवर्डन में इस पासवर्ड को अपडेट करना चाहते हैं?"
@ -615,10 +615,10 @@
"message": "Yes, Update Now"
"enableContextMenuItem": {
"message": "Show context menu options"
"message": "संदर्भ मेनू विकल्प दिखाएं"
"contextMenuItemDesc": {
"message": "Use a secondary click to access password generation and matching logins for the website. "
"message": "वेबसाइट के लिए पासवर्ड जेनरेशन और मैचिंग लॉग इन तक पहुंचने के लिए सेकेंडरी क्लिक का उपयोग करें। "
"defaultUriMatchDetection": {
"message": "डिफॉल्ट URI मैच डिटेक्शन",
@ -810,13 +810,13 @@
"message": "ताज़ा पूरा"
"enableAutoTotpCopy": {
"message": "Copy TOTP automatically"
"message": "TOTP को स्वचालित रूप से कॉपी करें"
"disableAutoTotpCopyDesc": {
"message": "यदि आपके लॉगिन में एक प्रमाणक कुंजी जुड़ी हुई है, तो जब भी आप लॉगिन को ऑटो-फिल करते हैं तो TOTP सत्यापन कोड स्वचालित रूप से आपके क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी किया जाता है।"
"enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": {
"message": "Ask for biometrics on launch"
"message": "लॉन्च पर बायोमेट्रिक्स के लिए पूछें"
"premiumRequired": {
"message": "Premium Required"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "यदि लॉगिन फॉर्म का पता चलता है, तो वेब पेज लोड होने पर स्वचालित रूप से ऑटो-फिल करें।"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "यह वर्तमान में एक प्रयोगात्मक विशेषता है। अपने जोखिम पर उपयोग करें।"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "लॉगिन आइटम के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट ऑटोफिल सेटिंग"
@ -996,7 +999,7 @@
"message": "वॉल्ट लॉक करें"
"privateModeWarning": {
"message": "Private mode support is experimental and some features are limited."
"message": "निजी मोड समर्थन प्रायोगिक है और कुछ सुविधाएँ सीमित हैं।"
"customFields": {
"message": "Custom Fields"
@ -1023,11 +1026,11 @@
"message": "बूलियन"
"cfTypeLinked": {
"message": "Linked",
"message": "जुड़ा हुआ",
"description": "This describes a field that is 'linked' (tied) to another field."
"linkedValue": {
"message": "Linked value",
"message": "लिंक्ड मान",
"description": "This describes a value that is 'linked' (tied) to another value."
"popup2faCloseMessage": {
@ -1037,16 +1040,16 @@
"message": "यह ब्राउज़र इस पॉपअप विंडो में U2F अनुरोधों को संसाधित नहीं कर सकता है।क्या आप इस पॉपअप को एक नई विंडो में खोलना चाहते हैं ताकि आप U2F का उपयोग करके लॉग इन कर सकें?"
"enableFavicon": {
"message": "Show website icons"
"message": "वेबसाइट आइकन दिखाएं"
"faviconDesc": {
"message": "Show a recognizable image next to each login."
"message": "प्रत्येक लॉगिन के आगे एक पहचानने योग्य छवि दिखाएं।"
"enableBadgeCounter": {
"message": "Show badge counter"
"message": "बैज काउंटर दिखाएं"
"badgeCounterDesc": {
"message": "Indicate how many logins you have for the current web page."
"message": "इंगित करें कि आपके पास वर्तमान वेब पेज के लिए कितने लॉगिन हैं।"
"cardholderName": {
"message": "Cardholder Name"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "डॉ"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First Name"
@ -1252,7 +1258,7 @@
"description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com"
"domainName": {
"message": "Domain name",
"message": "डोमेन नाम",
"description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com"
"host": {
@ -1312,7 +1318,7 @@
"description": "ex. Date this item was updated"
"dateCreated": {
"message": "Created",
"message": "बनाया था",
"description": "ex. Date this item was created"
"datePasswordUpdated": {
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@
"message": "इस बॉक्स की जांच करके आप निम्नलिखित से सहमत हैं:"
"acceptPoliciesRequired": {
"message": "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have not been acknowledged."
"message": "सेवा की शर्तों और गोपनीयता नीति को स्वीकार नहीं किया गया है।"
"termsOfService": {
"message": "सेवा की शर्तें"
@ -1814,34 +1820,34 @@
"message": "इस सुविधा का उपयोग करने के लिए आपको अपने ईमेल को सत्यापित करना होगा। आप वेब वॉल्ट में अपने ईमेल को सत्यापित कर सकते हैं।"
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Updated master password"
"message": "अपडेट किया गया मास्टर पासवर्ड"
"updateMasterPassword": {
"message": "Update master password"
"message": "मास्टर पासवर्ड अपडेट करें"
"updateMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Your master password was recently changed by an administrator in your organization. In order to access the vault, you must update it now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour."
"message": "आपका मास्टर पासवर्ड हाल ही में आपके संगठन के एक व्यवस्थापक द्वारा बदल दिया गया था। तिजोरी तक पहुँचने के लिए, आपको इसे अभी अपडेट करना होगा। ये कार्यवाही आपको अपने वर्तमान सत्र से लॉग आउट कर देगी, जिसके लिए आपको वापस लॉग इन करने की आवश्यकता होगी। अन्य उपकरणों पर सक्रिय सत्र एक घंटे तक सक्रिय रह सकते हैं।"
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Automatic enrollment"
"message": "स्वचालित नामांकन"
"resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": {
"message": "This organization has an enterprise policy that will automatically enroll you in password reset. Enrollment will allow organization administrators to change your master password."
"message": "इस संगठन की एक उद्यम नीति है जो स्वचालित रूप से आपको पासवर्ड रीसेट में नामांकित करेगी। नामांकन संगठन प्रशासकों को आपका मास्टर पासवर्ड बदलने की अनुमति देगा।"
"selectFolder": {
"message": "Select folder..."
"message": "फ़ोल्डर चुनें..."
"ssoCompleteRegistration": {
"message": "In order to complete logging in with SSO, please set a master password to access and protect your vault."
"message": "SSO के साथ लॉग-इन पूर्ण करने के लिए, कृपया अपनी तिजोरी तक पहुँचने और सुरक्षित रखने के लिए एक मास्टर पासवर्ड सेट करें।"
"hours": {
"message": "Hours"
"message": "घंटे"
"minutes": {
"message": "Minutes"
"message": "मिनट"
"vaultTimeoutPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed Vault Timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s)",
"message": "आपकी संगठन नीतियां आपके तिजोरी टाइमआउट को प्रभावित कर रही हैं। अधिकतम अनुमत तिजोरी टाइमआउट $HOURS$ घंटे और $MINUTES$ मिनट है",
"placeholders": {
"hours": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1854,10 +1860,10 @@
"vaultTimeoutTooLarge": {
"message": "Your vault timeout exceeds the restrictions set by your organization."
"message": "आपके तिजोरी टाइमआउट का समय आपके संगठन द्वारा निर्धारित प्रतिबंधों से अधिक है।"
"vaultExportDisabled": {
"message": "Vault export unavailable"
"message": "तिजोरी निर्यात अनुपलब्ध"
"personalVaultExportPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "One or more organization policies prevents you from exporting your individual vault."
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "ईमेल याद रखें"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "आवश्यक सूचनाः"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "यदि आप इसे भूल जाते हैं तो आपका मास्टर पासवर्ड पुनर्प्राप्त नहीं किया जा सकता!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ वर्ण न्यूनतम",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Nakon učitavanja web stranice, ako je otkriven obrazac za prijavu, auto-ispuni."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ovo je trenutno eksperimentalna značajka. Koristi na vlastitu odgovornost."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Zadana postvaka Auto-ispune za prijave"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Ime"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Zapamti adresu e-pošte"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ha egy bejelentkezési űrlap észlelésre került, az adatok automatikus kitöltése az oldal betöltésekor."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ez jelenleg egy kísérleti funkció. Csak saját felelősségedre használd."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "További információk az automatikus kitöltésről"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Alapértelmezett beállítások bejelentkezési elemekhez"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Személynév"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Email megjegyzése"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Bejelentkezés eszközzel"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Az eszközzel történő bejelentkezést a Biwarden mobilalkalmazás beállításaiban kell beállítani. Másik opcióra van szükség?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Ujjlenyomat kifejezés"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Ellenőrizzük, hogy a széf feloldásra került és az Ujjlenyomat kifejezés egyezik a másik eszközön levővel."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Értesítés újraküldése"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Összes bejelentkezési opció megtekintése"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Egy értesítés lett elküldve az eszközre."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "A bejelentkezés elindításra került."
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Kiszivárgott mesterjelszó"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "A jelszó megtalálható egy adatvédelmi incidensben. A fiók védelméhez használjunk egyedi jelszót. Biztos, hogy kiszivárgott elszót szeretnénk használni?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Gyenge vagy kitett mesterjelszó"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Gyenge jelszó lett azonosítva és megtalálva egy adatvédelmi incidens során. A fók védelme érdekében használjunk erős és egyedi jelszót. Biztosan használni szeretnénk ezt a jelszót?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Az ehhez a jelszóhoz tartozó ismert adatvédelmi incidensek ellenőrzése"
"important": {
"message": "Fontos:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Az elfelejtett mesterjelszó nem állítható helyre, ha elfelejtik!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Legalább $LENGTH$ karakter",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Jika formulir info masuk terdeteksi, secara otomatis melakukan pengisian otomatis ketika memuat laman web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Fitur ini saat ini adalah fitur eksperimental. Gunakan dengan risiko Anda sendiri."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Konfigurasi autofill standard untuk item login."
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Nama Depan"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Ingat email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se viene rilevato un modulo di accesso, effettua un auto-completamento quando la pagina web si carica."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Al momento questa funzionalità è sperimentale. Usala a tuo rischio e pericolo."
"message": "I siti web compromessi o non attendibili possono sfruttare l'autorizzazione all'inserimento automatico all'avvio della pagina."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Ulteriori informazioni sul completamento automatico"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Impostazioni di completamento automatico predefinito per i login"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dottore"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Nome"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Ricorda email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Accedi con il dispositivo"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Il login con il dispositivo deve essere abilitato nelle impostazioni dell'app Bitwarden. Hai bisogno di un'altra opzione?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Frase impronta"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Assicurati che la tua cassaforte sia sbloccata e che la \"frase impronta\" corrisponda sull'altro dispositivo."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Invia nuova notifica"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Visualizza tutte le opzioni di accesso"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Una notifica è stata inviata al tuo dispositivo."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Login avviato"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Password principale violata"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password trovata in un database di data breach noto. Usa una password esclusiva per proteggere il tuo account. Sei sicuro di voler usare una password violata?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Password principale debole e violata"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password debole trovata in un database di data breach noto. Usa una password forte ed esclusiva per proteggere il tuo account. Sei sicuro di voler utilizzare questa password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Controlla se la tua password è presente nei database dei data breach noti"
"important": {
"message": "Importante:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "La tua password principale non può essere recuperata se la dimentichi!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minimo $LENGTH$ caratteri",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ページ読み込み時にログインフォームを検出したとき、ログイン情報を自動入力します。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "これは現在、実験的な機能です。自己責任で使用してください。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "自動入力についての詳細"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "ログインアイテムのデフォルトの自動入力設定"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "名"
@ -1506,7 +1512,7 @@
"message": "デスクトップ同期の検証"
"desktopIntegrationVerificationText": {
"message": "デスクトップアプリにこの指紋が表示されていることを確認してください: "
"message": "デスクトップアプリにこが表示されていることを確認してください: "
"desktopIntegrationDisabledTitle": {
"message": "ブラウザ統合が有効になっていません"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "メールアドレスを保存"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "デバイスでログイン"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Bitwarden アプリの設定でデバイスでログインする必要があります。別のオプションが必要ですか?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "パスフレーズ"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "保管庫がロックされていることと、パスフレーズが他のデバイスと一致していることを確認してください。"
"resendNotification": {
"message": "通知を再送信する"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "すべてのログインオプションを表示"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "デバイスに通知を送信しました。"
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "ログイン開始"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "流出したマスターパスワード"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "入力したパスワードはデータ流出結果で見つかりました。アカウントを保護するためには一意のパスワードを使用してください。流出済みのパスワードを本当に使用しますか?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "脆弱で流出済みのマスターパスワード"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "入力されたパスワードは脆弱かつすでに流出済みです。アカウントを守るためより強力で一意なパスワードを使用してください。本当にこの脆弱なパスワードを使用しますか?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "このパスワードの既知のデータ流出を確認"
"important": {
"message": "重要"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "マスターパスワードを忘れた場合は復元できません!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ 文字以上",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಪತ್ತೆಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ, ವೆಬ್ ಪುಟ ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗುವಾಗ ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಸ್ವಯಂ ಭರ್ತಿ ಮಾಡಿ."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "ಇದು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕ ಲಕ್ಷಣವಾಗಿದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಅಪಾಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಐಟಂಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಆಟೋಫಿಲ್ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "ಮೊದಲ ಹೆಸರು"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "로그인 양식을 감지하면 웹 페이지 로드 시 자동 완성을 자동으로 수행합니다."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "현재 실험 중인 기능입니다. 위험을 감수하여 사용하세요."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "로그인 항목에 대한 기본 자동 완성 설정"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "이름"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Vardas"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
"description": "Extension description"
"loginOrCreateNewAccount": {
"message": "Pieraksties vai izveido jaunu kontu, lai piekļūtu drošajai glabātavai!"
"message": "Jāpiesakās vai jāizveido jauns konts, lai piekļūdu drošajai glabātavai."
"createAccount": {
"message": "Izveidot kontu"
"login": {
"message": "Pierakstīties"
"message": "Pieteikties"
"enterpriseSingleSignOn": {
"message": "Uzņēmuma vienotā pierakstīšanās"
@ -98,19 +98,19 @@
"message": "Pavairot pielāgotā lauka nosaukumu"
"noMatchingLogins": {
"message": "Nav atbilstošu pierakstīšanās vienumu."
"message": "Nav atbilstošu pieteikšanās vienumu"
"unlockVaultMenu": {
"message": "Atslēgt glabātavu"
"loginToVaultMenu": {
"message": "Pierakstīties glabātavā"
"message": "Pieteikties savā glabātavā"
"autoFillInfo": {
"message": "Nav pierakstīšanās vienumu, kurus automātiski ievadīt pašreizējā pārlūka cilnē."
"message": "Nav pieteikšanās vienumu, kurus automātiski ievadīt pašreizējā pārlūka cilnē."
"addLogin": {
"message": "Pievienot pierakstīšanās vienumu"
"message": "Pievienot pieteikšanās vienumu"
"addItem": {
"message": "Pievienot vienumu"
@ -157,10 +157,10 @@
"description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing."
"twoStepLogin": {
"message": "Divpakāpju pierakstīšanās"
"message": "Divpakāpju pieteikšanās"
"logOut": {
"message": "Izrakstīties"
"message": "Atteikties"
"about": {
"message": "Par"
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
"description": "Short for 'Password Generator'."
"passGenInfo": {
"message": "Automātiski veido spēcīgas, neatkārtojamas paroles visiem pierakstīšanās vienumiem. "
"message": "Automātiski veido spēcīgas, neatkārtojamas paroles visiem pieteikšanās vienumiem."
"bitWebVault": {
"message": "Bitwarden tīmekļa glabātava"
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
"message": "Atslēgt"
"loggedInAsOn": {
"message": "Pierakstījies $HOSTNAME$ kā $EMAIL$.",
"message": "Pieteicies $HOSTNAME$ kā $EMAIL$.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
"message": "Galvenās paroles apstiprinājums nesakrīt."
"newAccountCreated": {
"message": "Tavs jaunais konts ir izveidots. Tagad Tu vari pierakstīties."
"message": "Jaunais konts ir izveidots. Tagad vari pieteikties."
"masterPassSent": {
"message": "Mēs nosūtījām galvenās paroles norādi e-pastā."
@ -461,13 +461,13 @@
"message": "Neizdevās automātiski aizpildīt izvēlēto vienumu šajā lapā. Tā vietā kopē un ielīmē to! "
"loggedOut": {
"message": "Izrakstījies"
"message": "Atteicies"
"loginExpired": {
"message": "Pierakstīšanās sesija ir beigusies."
"message": "Pieteikšanās sesija ir beigusies."
"logOutConfirmation": {
"message": "Vai tiešām izrakstīties?"
"message": "Vai tiešām atteikties?"
"yes": {
"message": "Jā"
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
"message": "Galveno paroli ir iespējams mainīt bitwarden.com tīmekļa glabātavā. Vai apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni?"
"twoStepLoginConfirmation": {
"message": "Divpakāpju pieslēgšanās padara kontu krietni drošāku, pieprasot apstiprināt pierakstīšanos ar tādu citu ierīču vai pakalpojumu starpniecību kā drošības atslēga, autentificētāja lietotne, īsziņa, tālruņa zvans vai e-pasts. Divpakāpju pierakstīšanos var iespējot bitwarden.com tīmekļa glabātavā. Vai apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni?"
"message": "Divpakāpju pieteikšanās padara kontu krietni drošāku, pieprasot apstiprināt pieteikšanos ar tādu citu ierīču vai pakalpojumu starpniecību kā drošības atslēga, autentificētāja lietotne, īsziņa, tālruņa zvans vai e-pasts. Divpakāpju pieteikšanos var iespējot bitwarden.com tīmekļa glabātavā. Vai apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni?"
"editedFolder": {
"message": "Mape labota"
@ -571,10 +571,10 @@
"description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items"
"enableAddLoginNotification": {
"message": "Vaicāt, lai pievienotu pierakstīšanās vienumu"
"message": "Vaicāt, lai pievienotu pieteikšanās vienumu"
"addLoginNotificationDesc": {
"message": "Iestatījums \"Piekļuves vienumu pievienošanas paziņojumi\" piedāvā saglabāt jaunus pieslēgšanās ierakstus, kad vien tie tiek izmantoti pirmo reizi ierakstoties."
"message": "Vaicāt pievienot vienumu, ja tāds nav atrodams glabātavā."
"showCardsCurrentTab": {
"message": "Rādīt kartes cilnes lapā"
@ -603,10 +603,10 @@
"message": "Jā, saglabāt"
"enableChangedPasswordNotification": {
"message": "Vaicāt atjaunināt esošu pierakstīšanās vienumu"
"message": "Vaicāt atjaunināt esošu pieteikšanās vienumu"
"changedPasswordNotificationDesc": {
"message": "Vaicāt atjaunināt pierakstīšanās vienuma paroli, ja vietnē ir noteiktas tās izmaiņas."
"message": "Vaicāt atjaunināt pieteikšanās vienuma paroli, ja vietnē ir noteiktas tās izmaiņas."
"notificationChangeDesc": {
"message": "Vai atjaunināt šo paroli Bitwarden?"
@ -618,14 +618,14 @@
"message": "Rādīt konteksta izvēlnes iespējas"
"contextMenuItemDesc": {
"message": "Izmantot orējo klikšķi, lai piekļūtu paroļu veidošanai un vietnei atbilstošajiem pierakstīšanās vienumiem. "
"message": "Izmantot orējo klikšķi, lai piekļūtu paroļu veidošanai un vietnei atbilstošajiem pieteikšanās vienumiem. "
"defaultUriMatchDetection": {
"message": "Noklusējuma URI atbilstības noteikšana",
"description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill."
"defaultUriMatchDetectionDesc": {
"message": "Izvēlēties noklusējuma veidu, kādā URI atbilstības noteikšana tiek apstrādāta, kad tiek veiktas tādas darbības kā automātiska aizpildīšana."
"message": "Izvēlēties noklusējuma veidu, kādā tiek apstrādāta pieteikšan'ās vienumu URI atbilstības noteikšana, kad tiek veiktas tādas darbības kā automātiska aizpildīšana."
"theme": {
"message": "Izskats"
@ -771,13 +771,13 @@
"message": "1 GB šifrētas krātuves datņu pielikumiem."
"ppremiumSignUpTwoStep": {
"message": "Tādas papildus divpakāpju pierakstīšanās iespējas kā YubiKey, FIDO U2F un Duo."
"message": "Tādas papildu divpakāpju pieteikšanās iespējas kā YubiKey, FIDO U2F un Duo."
"ppremiumSignUpReports": {
"message": "Paroļu higiēnas, kontu veselības un datu pārkāpumu pārskati, lai uzturētu glabātavu drošu."
"ppremiumSignUpTotp": {
"message": "TOTP apstiprinājuma kodu (2FA) veidotājs piekļuves ierakstiem glabātavā."
"message": "TOTP apstiprinājuma koda (2FA) veidotājs glabātavas pieteikšanās vienumiem."
"ppremiumSignUpSupport": {
"message": "Priekšrocīgs lietotāju atbalsts."
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@
"message": "Automātiski ievietot TOTP starpliktuvē"
"disableAutoTotpCopyDesc": {
"message": "Ja pierakstīšanās datiem ir pievienota autentificētāja atslēga, TOTP apstiprinājuma kods tiks automātiski pārkopēts uz starpliktuvi, kad vien tiks automātiski aizpildīta pierakstīšanās veidne."
"message": "Ja pieteikšanās vienumam ir pievienota autentificētāja atslēga, TOTP apstiprinājuma kods tiks automātiski pārkopēts uz starpliktuvi, kad vien tiks automātiski aizpildīta pieteikšanās veidne."
"enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": {
"message": "Palaižot vaicāt biometriju"
@ -852,7 +852,7 @@
"message": "Sūtīt apstiprinājuma koda e-pastu vēlreiz"
"useAnotherTwoStepMethod": {
"message": "Izmantot citu divpakāpju pierakstīšanās veidu"
"message": "Izmantot citu divpakāpju pieteikšanās veidu"
"insertYubiKey": {
"message": "Ievieto savu YubiKey datora USB ligzdā un pieskaries tā pogai!"
@ -870,16 +870,16 @@
"message": "Autentificēt WebAuthn"
"loginUnavailable": {
"message": "Pierakstīšanās nav pieejama"
"message": "Pieteikšanās nav pieejama"
"noTwoStepProviders": {
"message": "Šim kontam ir iespējota divpakāpju pierakstīšanās, bet šajā pārlūkā netiek atbalstīts neviens no uzstādītajiem divpakāpju pārbaudes nodrošinātājiem."
"message": "Šim kontam ir iespējota divpakāpju pieteikšanās, bet šajā pārlūkā netiek atbalstīts neviens no uzstādītajiem divpakāpju pārbaudes nodrošinātājiem."
"noTwoStepProviders2": {
"message": "Lūgums izmantot atbalstītu tīmekļa pārlūku (piemēram Chrome) un/vai pievienot papildus nodrošinātājus, kas tiek labāk atbalstīti dažādos pārlūkos (piemēram autentificētāja lietotni)."
"twoStepOptions": {
"message": "Divpakāpju pierakstīšanās iespējas"
"message": "Divpakāpju pieteikšanās iespējas"
"recoveryCodeDesc": {
"message": "Zaudēta piekļuve visiem divpakāpju nodrošinātājiem? Izmanto atkopšanas kodus, lai atspējotu visus sava konta divpakāpju nodrošinātājus!"
@ -957,16 +957,19 @@
"message": "Iespējot aizpildīšanu lapas ielādes brīdī"
"enableAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Ja tiek noteikta pieslēgšanās veidne, tā tiks aizpildīta lapas ielādes brīdī."
"message": "Ja tiek noteikta pieteikšanās veidne, tā tiks aizpildīta lapas ielādes brīdī."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Šī iespēja pašlaik ir izmēģināšanā. Izmantošanas atbildība ir katra paša pārziņā. "
"message": "Kompromitētas vai neuzticamas vietnes var izmantot automātisko aizpildīšanu lapas ielādes laikā."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Uzzināt vairāk par automātisko aizpildīšanu"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Noklusējuma automātiskās aizpildes iestatījums pierakstīšanās vienumiem"
"message": "Noklusējuma automātiskās aizpildes iestatījums pieteikšanās vienumiem"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Pēc automātiskās aizpildes lapas ielādes brīdī iespējošanas šo iespēju var ieslēgt vai izslēgt atsevišķiem pierakstīšanās vienumiem. Šis ir noklusējuma iestatījums visiem ierakstiem, kuriem nav norādīts šis uzstādījums."
"message": "Automātisko aizpildi lapas ielādes brīdī atsevišķiem pieteikšanās vienumiem var atslēgt vienuma labošanas skatā."
"itemAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Automātiski aizpildīt lapas ielādes brīdī (ja iespējots iestatījumos)"
@ -987,7 +990,7 @@
"message": "Atvērt glabātavu sānu joslā"
"commandAutofillDesc": {
"message": "Automātiski aizpildīt ar iepriekš izmantoto pierakstīšanās vienumu pašreizējā tīmekļa vietnē"
"message": "Automātiski aizpildīt ar iepriekš izmantoto pieteikšanās vienumu pašreizējā tīmekļa vietnē"
"commandGeneratePasswordDesc": {
"message": "Izveidot jaunu nejaušu paroli un ievietot to starpliktuvē"
@ -1031,22 +1034,22 @@
"description": "This describes a value that is 'linked' (tied) to another value."
"popup2faCloseMessage": {
"message": "Klikšķināšana ārpus uznirstošā loga, lai apskatītu e-pastā apstiprinājuma kodu, to aizvērs. Vai atvērt to atsevišķā logā, lai tas netiktu aizvērts?"
"message": "Klikšķināšana ārpus uznirstošā loga, lai e-pastā apskatītu apstiprinājuma kodu, to aizvērs. Vai atvērt to atsevišķā logā, lai tas netiktu aizvērts?"
"popupU2fCloseMessage": {
"message": "Šis pārlūks nevar apstrādāt U2F pieprasījumus šajā uznirstošajā logā. Vai atvērt to atsevišķā logā, lai varētu pierakstīties, izmantojot U2F?"
"message": "Šis pārlūks nevar apstrādāt U2F pieprasījumus šajā uznirstošajā logā. Vai atvērt to atsevišķā logā, lai varētu pieteikties, izmantojot U2F?"
"enableFavicon": {
"message": "Rādīt vietņu ikonas"
"faviconDesc": {
"message": "Attēlot atpazīstamu attēlu pie katra pierakstīšanās vienuma."
"message": "Attēlot atpazīstamu attēlu pie katra pieteikšanās vienuma."
"enableBadgeCounter": {
"message": "Rādīt skaita nozīmīti"
"badgeCounterDesc": {
"message": "Attēlot pašreizējāi tīmekļa vietnei atbilstošo pierakstīšanās vienumu skaitu."
"message": "Attēlot pašreizējāi tīmekļa vietnei atbilstošo pieteikšanās vienumu skaitu."
"cardholderName": {
"message": "Kartes īpašnieka vārds"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Vārds"
@ -1184,10 +1190,10 @@
"message": "Veids"
"typeLogin": {
"message": "Pierakstīšanās vienums"
"message": "Pieteikšanās vienums"
"typeLogins": {
"message": "Pierakstīšanās vienumi"
"message": "Pieteikšanās vienumi"
"typeSecureNote": {
"message": "Droša piezīme"
@ -1223,7 +1229,7 @@
"message": "Identitātes"
"logins": {
"message": "Pierakstīšanās vienumi"
"message": "Pieteikšanās vienumi"
"secureNotes": {
"message": "Drošās piezīmes"
@ -1425,7 +1431,7 @@
"message": "Vienums atjaunots"
"vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": {
"message": "Izrakstīšanās noņems visu piekļuvi glabātavai un pieprasīs tiešsaistes pieteikšanos pēc noildzes laika. Vai tiešām izmantot šo iestatījumu?"
"message": "Atteikšanās noņems piekļuvi glabātavai un pieprasīs tiešsaistes pieteikšanos pēc noildzes laika. Vai tiešām izmantot šo iestatījumu?"
"vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmationTitle": {
"message": "Noildzes darbības apstiprināšana"
@ -1533,7 +1539,7 @@
"message": "Darbvirsmas saziņa tika pārtraukta"
"nativeMessagingWrongUserDesc": {
"message": "Darbvirsmas lietotne ir pierakstījusies atšķirīgā kontā. Lūgums nodrošināt, ka abas lietotnes ir pierakstījušās vienam un tam pašam kontam."
"message": "Darbvirsmas lietotne ir pieteikusies atšķirīgā kontā. Lūgums nodrošināt, ka abas lietotnes ir pieteikušās vienā un tajā pašā kontā."
"nativeMessagingWrongUserTitle": {
"message": "Konta nesaderība"
@ -1560,7 +1566,7 @@
"message": "Atļaujas pieprasījuma kļūda"
"nativeMessaginPermissionSidebarDesc": {
"message": "Šī darbība nav izpildāma sānjoslā, tāpēc lūgums mēģināt to veikt uznirstošajā vai izlecošajā logā."
"message": "Šī darbība nav izpildāma sānjoslā, tāpēc lūgums mēģināt to veikt uznirstošajā vai jaunā logā."
"personalOwnershipSubmitError": {
"message": "Uzņēmuma nosacījumi liedz saglabāt vienumus privātajā glabātavā. Norādi piederību apvienībai un izvēlies kādu no pieejamajiem krājumiem."
@ -1572,7 +1578,7 @@
"message": "Izņēmuma domēni"
"excludedDomainsDesc": {
"message": "Bitwarden nevaicās saglabāt pierakstīšanās datus šiem domēniem. Ir jāpārlādē lapa, lai izmaiņas iedarbotos."
"message": "Bitwarden nevaicās saglabāt pieteikšanās datus šiem domēniem. Ir jāpārlādē lapa, lai izmaiņas iedarbotos."
"excludedDomainsInvalidDomain": {
"message": "$DOMAIN$ nav derīgs domēns",
@ -1584,15 +1590,15 @@
"send": {
"message": "\"Send\"",
"message": "Sūtījums",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"searchSends": {
"message": "Meklēt \"Send\"",
"message": "Meklēt Sūtījumus",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"addSend": {
"message": "Pievienot \"Send'",
"message": "Pievienot Sūtījumu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeText": {
@ -1602,7 +1608,7 @@
"message": "Datne"
"allSends": {
"message": "Visi \"Send\"",
"message": "Visi Sūtījumi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"maxAccessCountReached": {
@ -1619,7 +1625,7 @@
"message": "Aizsargāts ar paroli"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Ievietot \"Send\" saiti starpliktuvē",
"message": "Kopēt Sūtījuma saiti",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"removePassword": {
@ -1632,11 +1638,11 @@
"message": "Parole noņemta"
"deletedSend": {
"message": "\"Send\" izdzēsts",
"message": "Sūtījums dzēsts",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLink": {
"message": "\"Send\" saite",
"message": "Sūtījuma saite",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"disabled": {
@ -1646,23 +1652,23 @@
"message": "Vai tiešām noņemt paroli?"
"deleteSend": {
"message": "Dzēst \"Send\"",
"message": "Dzēst Sūtījumu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deleteSendConfirmation": {
"message": "Vai tiešām izdzēst šo \"Send\"?",
"message": "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo Sūtījumu?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editSend": {
"message": "Labot \"Send\"",
"message": "Rediģēt Sūtījumu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeHeader": {
"message": "Kāds veids ir šim \"Send\"?",
"message": "Kāds ir šī Sūtījums veids?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNameDesc": {
"message": "Lasāms nosaukums, kas apraksta šo \"Send\".",
"message": "Draudzīgs nosaukums, lai raksturotu šo Sūtījumu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendFileDesc": {
@ -1672,14 +1678,14 @@
"message": "Dzēšanas datums"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "\"Send\" tiks pastāvīgi izdzēsts norādītajā dienā un laikā.",
"message": "Sūtījums tiks neatgriezeniski dzēsts norādītajā datumā un laikā.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Derīguma beigu datums"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "Ja uzstādīts, piekļuve šim \"Send\" beigsies norādītajā dienā un laikā.",
"message": "Ja tas ir iestatīts, piekļuve šim Sūtījumam beigsies norādītajā datumā un laikā.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"oneDay": {
@ -1701,56 +1707,56 @@
"message": "Lielākais pieļaujamais piekļuvju skaits"
"maximumAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "Ja uzstādīts, lietotāji nevarēs piekļūt šim \"Send\", kad tiks sasniegts lielākais pieļaujamais piekļūšanas reižu skaits.",
"message": "Ja tas ir iestatīts, lietotāji vairs nevarēs piekļūt šim Sūtījumam, tiklīdz būs sasniegts maksimālais piekļuves skaits.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Pēc izvēles pieprasīt lietotājiem paroli, lai viņi varētu piekļūt šim \"Send\".",
"message": "Pēc izvēles pieprasīt paroli, lai lietotāji varētu piekļūt šim Sūtījumam.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNotesDesc": {
"message": "Personīgās piezīmes par šo \"Send\".",
"message": "Privātas piezīmes par šo Sūtījumu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisableDesc": {
"message": "Atspējot šo \"Send\", lai neviens tam nevarētu piekļūt.",
"message": "Deaktivizēt šo Sūtījumu, lai neviens tam nevarētu piekļūt.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendShareDesc": {
"message": "Saglabājot ievietot šī \"Send\" saiti starpliktuvē.",
"message": "Saglabājot, kopējiet šī Sūtījuma saiti starpliktuvē.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTextDesc": {
"message": "Teksts, kuru ir vēlme nosūtīt."
"sendHideText": {
"message": "Pēc noklusējuma paslēpt šī \"Send\" tekstu.",
"message": "Pēc noklusējuma slēpt šī Sūtījuma tekstu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Pašreizējais piekļuvju skaits"
"createSend": {
"message": "Izveidot jaunu \"Send\"",
"message": "Jauns Sūtījums",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
"message": "Jauna parole"
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "\"Send\" atspējots",
"message": "Sūtījums noņemts",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisabledWarning": {
"message": "Uzņēmuma nosacījumu kopas dēļ ir tikai iespējams dzēst esošu \"Send\".",
"message": "Organizācijas politikas dēļ jūs varat dzēst tikai esošu Sūtījumu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createdSend": {
"message": "\"Send\" izveidots",
"message": "Sūtījums izveidots",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "\"Send\" labots",
"message": "Sūtījums saglabāts",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLinuxChromiumFileWarning": {
@ -1763,18 +1769,18 @@
"message": "Lai izvēlētos datni, ja tiek izmantots Safari, paplašinājums ir jāatver jaunā logā, klikšķinot uz šī paziņojuma."
"sendFileCalloutHeader": {
"message": "Pirms sākt"
"message": "Pirms Jūs sākat"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage1": {
"message": "Lai izmantotu kalendāra veida datumu atlasītāju,",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**To use a calendar style date picker ** click here to pop out your window.'"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage2": {
"message": "klikšķināt šeit,",
"message": "noklikšķiniet šeit",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker **click here** to pop out your window.'"
"sendFirefoxCustomDatePopoutMessage3": {
"message": "lai atvērtu jaunā logā.",
"message": ", lai atvērtu jaunā logā.",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'To use a calendar style date picker click here **to pop out your window.**'"
"expirationDateIsInvalid": {
@ -1796,7 +1802,7 @@
"message": "Slēpt e-pasta adresi no saņēmējiem."
"sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Viens vai vairāki apvienības nosacījumi ietekmē \"Send\" iestatījumus."
"message": "Viena vai vairākas organizācijas politikas ietekmē jūsu Sūtījuma opcijas."
"passwordPrompt": {
"message": "Galvenās paroles pārvaicāšana"
@ -1820,7 +1826,7 @@
"message": "Atjaunināt galveno paroli"
"updateMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Apvienības pārvaldnieks nesen nomainīja galveno paroli. Lai piekļūtu glabātavai, tā ir jāatjaunina. Turpinot tiks izbeigta pašreizējā sesija un tiks pieprasīta atkārtota pierakstīšanās. Esošās sesijas citās iekārtās var turpināt darboties līdz vienai stundai."
"message": "Apvienības pārvaldnieks nesen nomainīja galveno paroli. Tā ir jāatjaunina, lai varētu piekļūt glabātavai. Turpinot tiks izbeigta pašreizējā sesija un tiks pieprasīta atkārtota pieteikšanās. Esošās sesijas citās ierīcēs var turpināt darboties līdz vienai stundai."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Automātiska ievietošana sarakstā"
@ -1869,7 +1875,7 @@
"message": "Nav atrasts neviens neatkārtojams identifikators"
"convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": {
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$ izmanto vienoto pieteikšanos ar pašizvietotu atslēgu serveri. Tās dalībniekiem vairs nav nepieciešama galvenā parole, lai pieslēgtos.",
"message": "$ORGANIZATION$ izmanto vienoto pieteikšanos ar pašizvietotu atslēgu serveri. Tās dalībniekiem vairs nav nepieciešama galvenā parole, lai pieteiktos.",
"placeholders": {
"organization": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1896,7 +1902,7 @@
"message": "Pārslēgt rakstzīmju skaita attēlošanu"
"sessionTimeout": {
"message": "Sesijai iestājās noildze. Lūgums mēģināt pierakstīties vēlreiz."
"message": "Sesijai iestājās noildze. Lūgums mēģināt pieteikties vēlreiz."
"exportingPersonalVaultTitle": {
"message": "Izdod personīgo glabātavu"
@ -1985,7 +1991,7 @@
"message": "Mir"
"loggingInTo": {
"message": "Pierakstās $DOMAIN$",
"message": "Piesakās $DOMAIN$",
"placeholders": {
"domain": {
"content": "$1",
@ -2030,10 +2036,10 @@
"loginWithMasterPassword": {
"message": "Pierakstīties ar galveno paroli"
"message": "Pieteikties ar galveno paroli"
"loggingInAs": {
"message": "Pierakstās kā"
"message": "Piesakās kā"
"notYou": {
"message": "Tas neesi Tu?"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Atcerēties e-pasta adresi"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Pieteikties ar ierīci"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Ir jāuzstāda pieteikšanās ar ierīci Bitwarden lietotnes iestatījumos. Nepieciešama cita iespēja?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Atpazīšanas vārdkopa"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Jāpārliecinās, ka glabātava ir atslēgta un atpazīšanas vārdkopa ir tāda pati arī citā ierīcē."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Atkārtoti nosūtīt paziņojumu"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Skatīt visas pieteikšanās iespējas"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Uz ierīci ir nosūtīts paziņojums."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Uzsākta pieteikšanās"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Noplūdusi galvenā parole"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Parole ir atrasta datu noplūdē. Jāizmanto spēcīga parole, lai aizsargātu savu kontu. Vai tiešām izmantot noplūdušu paroli?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Vāja un noplūdusi galvenā parole"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Noteikta vāja parole, un tā ir atrasta datu noplūdē. Jāizmanto spēcīga parole, lai aizsargātu savu kontu. Vai tiešām izmantot šo paroli?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Pārbaudīt šo paroli pret zināmām datu noplūdēm"
"important": {
"message": "Svarīgi:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Galvenā parole nevar tikt atgūta, ja tā ir aizmirsta!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Vismaz $LENGTH$ rakstzīmes",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ഒരു ലോഗിൻ ഫോം കണ്ടെത്തിയാൽ, വെബ് പേജ് ലോഡുചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ യാന്ത്രികമായി ഒരു സ്വയം പൂരിപ്പിക്കൽ നടത്തുക."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "ഇത് നിലവിൽ ഒരു പരീക്ഷണാത്മക സവിശേഷതയാണ്. നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വന്തം ഉത്തരവാദിത്വത്തിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "ഡോ"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "പേരിന്റെ ആദ്യഭാഗം"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Dersom et innloggingskjema blir oppdaget, utfør automatisk en auto-utfylling når nettstedet lastes inn."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dette er for øyeblikket en eksperimentell egenskap. Bruk det på din egen risiko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standard autofyll innstilling for innloggingselementer"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Fornavn"
@ -1278,7 +1284,7 @@
"description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill."
"toggleOptions": {
"message": "Skru av/på innstillinger"
"message": "Skru innstillinger av/på"
"toggleCurrentUris": {
"message": "Veksle nåværende URI-er",
@ -1312,7 +1318,7 @@
"description": "ex. Date this item was updated"
"dateCreated": {
"message": "Created",
"message": "Opprettet",
"description": "ex. Date this item was created"
"datePasswordUpdated": {
@ -2030,18 +2036,72 @@
"loginWithMasterPassword": {
"message": "Log in with master password"
"message": "Logg på med hovedpassord"
"loggingInAs": {
"message": "Logging in as"
"message": "Logger på som"
"notYou": {
"message": "Not you?"
"message": "Ikke deg?"
"newAroundHere": {
"message": "New around here?"
"message": "Er du ny her?"
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"message": "Husk e-post"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Eksponert hovedpassord"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Passord funnet i et databrudd. Bruk et unikt passord for å beskytte kontoen din. Er du sikker på at du vil bruke et utsatt passord?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Svakt og eksponert hovedpassord"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Svakt passord identifisert og funnet i et databrudd. Bruk et sterkt og unikt passord for å beskytte kontoen din. Er du sikker på at du vil bruke dette passordet?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Sjekk kjente databrudd for dette passordet"
"important": {
"message": "Viktig:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Hovedpassordet ditt kan ikke gjenopprettes hvis du glemmer det!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minst $LENGTH$ tegn",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Als een inlogformulier wordt gedetecteerd, dan worden de inloggegevens automatisch ingevuld."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dit is momenteel een experimentele functie; gebruik hiervan is op eigen risico."
"message": "Gehackte of onbetrouwbare websites kunnen auto-invullen tijdens het laden van de pagina misbruiken."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Lees meer over automatisch invullen"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standaardinstelling voor automatisch invullen login-items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Voornaam"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "E-mailadres onthouden"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Inloggen met apparaat"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Inloggen met apparaat moet aangezet worden in de instellingen van de Bitwarden app. Nood aan een andere optie?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Vingerafdrukzin"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Zorg ervoor dat je kluis is ontgrendeld en de vingerafdrukzin hetzelfde is op het andere apparaat."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Melding opnieuw verzenden"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Alle loginopties bekijken"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Er is een melding naar je apparaat verzonden."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Inloggen gestart"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Gelekt hoofdwachtwoord"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Wachtwoord gevonden in een datalek. Gebruik een uniek wachtwoord om je account te beschermen. Weet je zeker dat je een gelekt wachtwoord wilt gebruiken?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Zwak en gelekt hoofdwachtwoord"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Zwak wachtwoord geïdentificeerd en gevonden in een datalek. Gebruik een sterk en uniek wachtwoord om je account te beschermen. Weet je zeker dat je dit wachtwoord wilt gebruiken?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Bekende datalekken voor dit wachtwoord controleren"
"important": {
"message": "Belangrijk:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Je hoofdwachtwoord kan niet hersteld worden als je het vergeet!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ tekens minimaal",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Jeśli zostanie wykryty formularz logowania, automatycznie uzupełnij dane logowania po załadowaniu strony."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Obecnie jest to funkcja eksperymentalna. Używaj na własne ryzyko."
"message": "Zaatakowane lub niezaufane witryny internetowe mogą wykorzystać funkcję autouzupełniania podczas wczytywania strony, aby wyrządzić szkody."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Dowiedz się więcej o autouzupełnianiu"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Domyślne ustawienie autouzupełniania"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Doktor"
"mx": {
"message": "Pan(i)"
"firstName": {
"message": "Imię"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Zapamiętaj adres e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Zaloguj się za pomocą urządzenia"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Logowanie za pomocą urządzenia musi być włączone w ustawieniach aplikacji Bitwarden. Potrzebujesz innej opcji?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Unikalny identyfikator konta"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Upewnij się, że sejf jest odblokowany, a unikalny identyfikator konta pasuje do drugiego urządzenia."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Wyślij ponownie powiadomienie"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Zobacz wszystkie sposoby logowania"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Powiadomienie zostało wysłane na urządzenie."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Logowanie rozpoczęte"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Ujawnione hasło główne"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Hasło ujawnione w wyniku naruszenia ochrony danych. Użyj unikalnego hasła, aby chronić swoje konto. Czy na pewno chcesz użyć ujawnionego hasła?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Słabe i ujawnione hasło główne"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Słabe hasło ujawnione w wyniku naruszenia ochrony danych. Użyj silnego i unikalnego hasła, aby chronić swoje konto. Czy na pewno chcesz użyć tego hasła?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Sprawdź znane naruszenia ochrony danych tego hasła"
"important": {
"message": "Ważne:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Twoje hasło główne nie może zostać odzyskane, jeśli je zapomnisz!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minimum znaków: $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se um formulário de login for detectado, realizar automaticamente um auto-preenchimento quando a página web carregar."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Atualmente, este é um recurso experimental. Utilize por sua conta e risco."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Saiba mais sobre preenchimento automático"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuração de autopreenchimento padrão para itens de credenciais"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Primeiro Nome"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Lembrar e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Ver todas as opções de login"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Uma notificação foi enviada para seu dispositivo."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Senha Mestra comprometida"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "A senha foi encontrada em um vazamento de dados. Use uma senha única para proteger sua conta. Tem certeza de que deseja usar uma senha já exposta?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Senha Mestra fraca e comprometida"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Senha fraca identificada e encontrada em um vazamento de dados. Use uma senha forte e única para proteger a sua conta. Tem certeza de que deseja usar essa senha?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Verificar vazamento de dados conhecidos para esta senha"
"important": {
"message": "Importante:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Sua Senha Mestra não pode ser recuperada se você a esquecer!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ caracteres mínimos",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se um formulário de início de sessão foram detetado, realizar automaticamente um auto-preenchimento quando a página web carregar."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Esta é atualmente uma funcionalidade experimental. Utilize por sua conta e risco."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Predefinição padrão de preenchimento automático para itens de login"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Primeiro nome"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Relembrar e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Dacă se detectează un formular de autentificare, completați-l automat la încărcarea paginii web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "În acest moment, aceasta funcțiune este experimentală. O puteți folosi pe propria răspundere."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Setarea implicită de completare automată pentru articole de conectare"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Prenume"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Memorare e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Если обнаружена форма входа, автозаполнение выполняется при загрузке веб-страницы."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Это экспериментальная функция. Используйте на свой страх и риск."
"message": "Взломанные или недоверенные сайты могут внедрить вредоносный код во время автозаполнения при загрузке страницы."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Узнать больше об автозаполнении"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Настройка автозаполнения по умолчанию для логинов"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Тов."
"mx": {
"message": "Микстер"
"firstName": {
"message": "Имя"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Запомнить email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Войти с помощью устройства"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Вход с устройства должен быть настроен в настройках мобильного приложения Bitwarden. Нужен другой вариант?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Фраза отпечатка"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Убедитесь, что ваше хранилище разблокировано и фраза отпечатка пальца совпадает на другом устройстве."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Отправить уведомление повторно"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Посмотреть все варианты авторизации"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "На ваше устройство отправлено уведомление."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Вход инициирован"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Мастер-пароль скомпрометирован"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Пароль найден в утечке данных. Используйте уникальный пароль для защиты вашего аккаунта. Вы уверены, что хотите использовать скомпрометированный пароль?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Слабый и скомпрометированный мастер-пароль"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Обнаружен слабый пароль, найденный в утечке данных. Используйте надежный и уникальный пароль для защиты вашего аккаунта. Вы уверены, что хотите использовать этот пароль?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Проверьте известные случаи утечки данных для этого пароля"
"important": {
"message": "Важно:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Ваш мастер-пароль невозможно восстановить, если вы его забудете!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Минимум символов: $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "පිවිසුම් පෝරමයක් අනාවරණය කර ඇත්නම්, වෙබ් පිටුව පැටවුම් කරන විට ස්වයංක්රීයව ස්වයංක්රීයව පිරවීම සිදු කරන්න."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "මෙය දැනට පර්යේෂණාත්මක ලක්ෂණයකි. ඔබේම අවදානමකින් භාවිතා කරන්න."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "පිවිසුම් අයිතම සඳහා පෙරනිමි autofill සැකසුම"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "ආචාර්ය"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "මුල් නම"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ak je detekovaný prihlasovací formulár, automaticky vykonať vypĺňanie pri načítaní stránky."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Toto je zatiaľ experimentálna funkcia. Použite na vlastné riziko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Dozvedieť sa viac o automatickom dopĺňaní"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Predvolené nastavenie automatického vypĺňania pre prihlasovacie položky"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Vážený"
"firstName": {
"message": "Krstné meno"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Zapamätať si e-mail"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Prihlásiť pomocou zariadenia"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Prihlásenie pomocou zariadenia musí byť nastavené v nastaveniach aplikácie Bitwarden. Potrebujete inú možnosť?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fráza odtlačku prsta"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Uistite sa, že je váš trezor odomknutý a fráza odtlačku prsta sa zhoduje s frázou na druhom zariadení."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Znova odoslať upozornenie"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Zobraziť všetky možnosti prihlásenia"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Do vášho zariadenia bolo odoslané upozornenie."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Iniciované prihlásenie"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Odhalené hlavné heslo"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Nájdené heslo v uniknuných údajoch. Na ochranu svojho účtu používajte jedinečné heslo. Naozaj chcete používať odhalené heslo?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Slabé a odhalené hlavné heslo"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Nájdené slabé heslo v uniknuných údajoch. Na ochranu svojho účtu používajte silné a jedinečné heslo. Naozaj chcete používať toto heslo?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Skontrolovať známe úniky údajov pre toto heslo"
"important": {
"message": "Dôležité:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Vaše hlavné heslo sa nebude dať obnoviť, ak ho zabudnete!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minimálny počet znakov $LENGTH$",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Ime"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Zapomni si e-pošto"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ако се открије образац за пријаву, извршите аутоматско попуњавање када се веб страница учита."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ово је тренутно експериментална способност. Користите на властиту одговорност."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Сазнајте више о ауто-пуњење"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Подразумевано подешавање аутопуњења за пријаве"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Др"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Име"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Запамти имејл"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Пријавите се са уређајем"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Пријава помоћу уређаја мора бити подешена у подешавањима Bitwarden апликације. Потребна је друга опција?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Сигурносна фраза сефа"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Уверите се да је ваш сеф откључан и да се фраза отиска прста подудара на другом уређају."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Поново послати обавештење"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Погледајте сав извештај у опције"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Обавештење је послато на ваш уређај."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Пријава је покренута"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Utför automatisk ifyllnad om ett inloggningsformulär upptäcks när webbsidan laddas."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Detta är för närvarande en experimentell funktion. Använd på egen risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standardinställning för autofyll för inloggningsobjekt"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Förnamn"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Kom ihåg e-postadress"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Logga in med enhet"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingeravtrycksfras"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Visa alla inloggningsalternativ"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "En avisering har skickats till din enhet."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Huvudlösenordet har avslöjats"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Lösenordet avslöjades vid ett dataintrång. Använd ett unikt lösenord för att skydda ditt konto. Är du säker på att du vill använda ett lösenord som avslöjats?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Huvudlösenordet är svagt och har avslöjats"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Lösenordet är svagt och avslöjades vid ett dataintrång. Använd ett starkt och unikt lösenord för att skydda ditt konto. Är det säkert att du vill använda detta lösenord?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Kontrollera kända dataintrång för detta lösenord"
"important": {
"message": "Viktigt:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Ditt huvudlösenord kan inte återställas om du glömmer det!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Minst $LENGTH$ tecken",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "ดร."
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "First Name"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Remember email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Important:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ character minimum",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Sayfa yüklendiğinde giriş formu tespit edilirse otomatik olarak formu doldur."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Bu şu anda deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanımı sizin sorumluluğunuzdadır."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Otomatik doldurma hakkında bilgi alın"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Hesaplar için varsayılan otomatik doldurma ayarı"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Ad"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "E-postayı hatırla"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Cihazla giriş yap"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Cihazla girişi Bitwarden mobil uygulamasının ayarlarından etkinleştirmelisiniz. Başka bir seçeneğe mi ihtiyacınız var?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Parmak izi ifadesi"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Lütfen kasanızın kilidinin açık olduğundan ve parmak izi ifadesinin diğer cihazla eşleştiğinden emin olun."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Bildirimi yeniden gönder"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Tüm giriş seçeneklerini gör"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Cihazınıza bir bildirim gönderildi."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Giriş başlatıldı"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Açığa Çıkmış Ana Parola"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Bu parola bir veri ihlalinde tespit edildi. Hesabınızı korumak için aynı parolayı farklı yerlerde kullanmayın. Bu parolayı kullanmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Zayıf ve Açığa Çıkmış Ana Parola"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Hem zayıf hem de veri ihlalinde yer alan bir tespit edildi. Hesabınızı korumak için güçlü bir parola seçin ve o parolayı başka yerlerde kullanmayın. Bu parolayı kullanmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Bilinen veri ihlallerinde bu parolayı kontrol et"
"important": {
"message": "Önemli:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Ana parolanızı unutursanız kurtaramazsınız!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "En az $LENGTH$ karakter",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Якщо виявлено форму входу, автоматично заповнювати її під час завантаження вебсторінки."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Це експериментальна функція. При її використанні ви берете ризик на себе."
"message": "Скомпрометовані або ненадійні вебсайти можуть використати функцію автозаповнення під час завантаження сторінки для завдання шкоди."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Дізнатися більше про автозаповнення"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Типове налаштування автозаповнення для записів входу"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Доктор"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Ім’я"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Запам'ятати е-пошту"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Увійти з пристроєм"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Потрібно увімкнути схвалення запитів на вхід у налаштуваннях програми Bitwarden. Потрібен інший варіант?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Фраза відбитка"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Переконайтеся, що ваше сховище розблоковане, а фраза відбитка збігається з іншим пристроєм."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Надіслати сповіщення ще раз"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "Переглянути всі варіанти входу"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "Сповіщення було надіслано на ваш пристрій."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Ініційовано вхід"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Головний пароль викрито"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Пароль знайдено у витоку даних. Використовуйте унікальний пароль для захисту свого облікового запису. Ви дійсно хочете використати викритий пароль?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Слабкий і викритий головний пароль"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Виявлено слабкий пароль, який знайдено у витоку даних. Використовуйте надійний та унікальний пароль для захисту свого облікового запису. Ви дійсно хочете використати цей пароль?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Перевірити відомі витоки даних для цього пароля"
"important": {
"message": "Важливо:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Головний пароль неможливо відновити, якщо ви його втратите!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "Мінімум $LENGTH$ символів",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Nếu phát hiện biểu mẫu đăng nhập, thực hiện tự động điền khi trang web tải xong."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Đây là một tính năng thử nghiệm. Sử dụng nó có thể gây ra rủi ro cho bạn."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Cài đặt tự động điền mặc định cho mục đăng nhập"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Bác sĩ"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Tên"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "Ghi nhớ email"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Exposed Master Password"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "Check known data breaches for this password"
"important": {
"message": "Quan trọng:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ ký tự tối thiểu",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "网页加载时如果检测到登录表单,则执行自动填充。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "目前这是一项实验功能。使用需自担风险。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "了解更多关于自动填充的信息"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "登录项目的默认自动填充设置"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "博士"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "名"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "记住电子邮件地址"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "使用设备登录"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "重新发送通知"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "暴露的主密码"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "数据泄露中发现的密码。使用独特的密码来保护您的帐户。您确定要使用已暴露的密码吗?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "弱而暴露的主密码"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "已经识别和发现在数据泄露中的弱密码。使用强大且独特的密码来保护您的帐户。您确定要使用此密码吗?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "检查已知的数据泄露是否包含此密码。"
"important": {
"message": "简体中文:重要"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "检查此密码的已知数据泄露"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "重要",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "網頁載入時如果偵測到登入表單,則執行自動填入。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "這目前是一項實驗性功能。要使用需自行承擔風險。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "登入項目的預設自動填入設定"
@ -1123,6 +1126,9 @@
"dr": {
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "名"
@ -2043,5 +2049,59 @@
"rememberEmail": {
"message": "記住電子郵件地址"
"loginWithDevice": {
"message": "Log in with device"
"loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo": {
"message": "Log in with device must be set up in the settings of the Bitwarden app. Need another option?"
"fingerprintPhraseHeader": {
"message": "Fingerprint phrase"
"fingerprintMatchInfo": {
"message": "Please make sure your vault is unlocked and the Fingerprint phrase matches on the other device."
"resendNotification": {
"message": "Resend notification"
"viewAllLoginOptions": {
"message": "View all log in options"
"notificationSentDevice": {
"message": "A notification has been sent to your device."
"logInInitiated": {
"message": "Log in initiated"
"exposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "已暴露的主密碼"
"exposedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?"
"weakAndExposedMasterPassword": {
"message": "強度不足且已暴露的主密碼"
"weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?"
"checkForBreaches": {
"message": "檢查外洩密碼資料庫中是否有此密碼"
"important": {
"message": "重要事項:"
"masterPasswordHint": {
"message": "如果您忘記主密碼,沒有復原的方法!"
"characterMinimum": {
"message": "$LENGTH$ 個字元以上",
"placeholders": {
"length": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "14"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { clearClipboardAlarmName } from "../autofill/clipboard";
import { BrowserApi } from "../browser/browserApi";
import { clearClipboardAlarmName } from "../clipboard";
export const alarmKeys = [clearClipboardAlarmName] as const;
export type AlarmKeys = typeof alarmKeys[number];

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { ClearClipboard, clearClipboardAlarmName } from "../clipboard";
import { ClearClipboard, clearClipboardAlarmName } from "../autofill/clipboard";
import { alarmKeys, clearAlarmTime, getAlarmTime } from "./alarm-state";

View File

@ -1,26 +1,53 @@
import { AuthService as AbstractAuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/auth.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/auth.service";
import { AuthService as AbstractAuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/services/auth.service";
import { apiServiceFactory, ApiServiceInitOptions } from "./api-service.factory";
import { appIdServiceFactory } from "./app-id-service.factory";
import { cryptoServiceFactory, CryptoServiceInitOptions } from "./crypto-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/api-service.factory";
import { appIdServiceFactory } from "../../../background/service_factories/app-id-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/crypto-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/encrypt-service.factory";
import {
} from "./environment-service.factory";
import { CachedServices, factory, FactoryOptions } from "./factory-options";
import { I18nServiceInitOptions, i18nServiceFactory } from "./i18n-service.factory";
} from "../../../background/service_factories/environment-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/factory-options";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/i18n-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/log-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/messaging-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/platform-utils-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/state-service.factory";
import {
} from "./key-connector-service.factory";
import { logServiceFactory, LogServiceInitOptions } from "./log-service.factory";
import { MessagingServiceInitOptions, messagingServiceFactory } from "./messaging-service.factory";
import {
} from "./platform-utils-service.factory";
import { stateServiceFactory, StateServiceInitOptions } from "./state-service.factory";
import { TokenServiceInitOptions, tokenServiceFactory } from "./token-service.factory";
import { TwoFactorServiceInitOptions, twoFactorServiceFactory } from "./two-factor-service.factory";
@ -37,7 +64,8 @@ export type AuthServiceInitOptions = AuthServiceFactoyOptions &
EnvironmentServiceInitOptions &
StateServiceInitOptions &
TwoFactorServiceInitOptions &
I18nServiceInitOptions &
export function authServiceFactory(
cache: { authService?: AbstractAuthService } & CachedServices,
@ -60,7 +88,8 @@ export function authServiceFactory(
await environmentServiceFactory(cache, opts),
await stateServiceFactory(cache, opts),
await twoFactorServiceFactory(cache, opts),
await i18nServiceFactory(cache, opts)
await i18nServiceFactory(cache, opts),
await encryptServiceFactory(cache, opts)

View File

@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
import { KeyConnectorService as AbstractKeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/keyConnector.service";
import { KeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/keyConnector.service";
import { KeyConnectorService as AbstractKeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/key-connector.service";
import { KeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/services/key-connector.service";
import { apiServiceFactory, ApiServiceInitOptions } from "./api-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/api-service.factory";
import {
} from "./crypto-function-service.factory";
import { CryptoServiceInitOptions, cryptoServiceFactory } from "./crypto-service.factory";
import { FactoryOptions, CachedServices, factory } from "./factory-options";
import { logServiceFactory, LogServiceInitOptions } from "./log-service.factory";
} from "../../../background/service_factories/crypto-function-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/crypto-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/factory-options";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/log-service.factory";
import {
} from "./organization-service.factory";
import { stateServiceFactory, StateServiceInitOptions } from "./state-service.factory";
import { tokenServiceFactory, TokenServiceInitOptions } from "./token-service.factory";
} from "../../../background/service_factories/organization-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/state-service.factory";
import { TokenServiceInitOptions, tokenServiceFactory } from "./token-service.factory";
type KeyConnectorServiceFactoryOptions = FactoryOptions & {
keyConnectorServiceOptions: {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
import { TokenService as AbstractTokenService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/token.service";
import { TokenService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/token.service";
import { TokenService as AbstractTokenService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/token.service";
import { TokenService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/services/token.service";
import { CachedServices, factory, FactoryOptions } from "./factory-options";
import { stateServiceFactory, StateServiceInitOptions } from "./state-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/factory-options";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/state-service.factory";
type TokenServiceFactoryOptions = FactoryOptions;

View File

@ -2,11 +2,18 @@ import { TotpService as AbstractTotpService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractio
import { TotpService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/totp.service";
import {
} from "./crypto-function-service.factory";
import { CachedServices, factory, FactoryOptions } from "./factory-options";
import { logServiceFactory, LogServiceInitOptions } from "./log-service.factory";
} from "../../../background/service_factories/crypto-function-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/factory-options";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/log-service.factory";
type TotpServiceOptions = FactoryOptions;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
import { TwoFactorService as AbstractTwoFactorService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/twoFactor.service";
import { TwoFactorService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/twoFactor.service";
import { TwoFactorService as AbstractTwoFactorService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/two-factor.service";
import { TwoFactorService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/services/two-factor.service";
import { FactoryOptions, CachedServices, factory } from "./factory-options";
import { I18nServiceInitOptions, i18nServiceFactory } from "./i18n-service.factory";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/factory-options";
import {
} from "../../../background/service_factories/i18n-service.factory";
import {
} from "./platform-utils-service.factory";
} from "../../../background/service_factories/platform-utils-service.factory";
type TwoFactorServiceFactoryOptions = FactoryOptions;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from "@angular/router";
import { HintComponent as BaseHintComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/components/hint.component";
import { HintComponent as BaseHintComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/components/hint.component";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/log.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/login.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/login.service";
selector: "app-hint",

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from "@angular/router";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/login.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/login.service";
selector: "app-home",

View File

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
import { Component, NgZone } from "@angular/core";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { LockComponent as BaseLockComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/components/lock.component";
import { LockComponent as BaseLockComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/components/lock.component";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/auth.service";
import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/crypto.service";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { KeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/keyConnector.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/log.service";
import { MessagingService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/messaging.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { VaultTimeoutService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/vaultTimeout/vaultTimeout.service";
import { VaultTimeoutSettingsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/vaultTimeout/vaultTimeoutSettings.service";
import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/authenticationStatus";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { KeyConnectorService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/key-connector.service";
import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status";
import { BiometricErrors, BiometricErrorTypes } from "../../models/biometricErrors";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<div class="login-with-device">
<h1 class="login-center">
<span class="title">{{ "logIn" | i18n }}</span>
<div class="content login-page">
<p class="lead">{{ "logInInitiated" | i18n }}</p>
<p>{{ "notificationSentDevice" | i18n }}</p>
{{ "fingerprintMatchInfo" | i18n }}
<b class="fingerprint-phrase-header">{{ "fingerprintPhraseHeader" | i18n }}</b>
<p class="fingerprint-text">
<code>{{ passwordlessRequest?.fingerprintPhrase }}</code>
<div class="resend-notification" *ngIf="showResendNotification">
<a (click)="startPasswordlessLogin()">{{ "resendNotification" | i18n }}</a>
<div class="footer">
{{ "loginWithDeviceEnabledInfo" | i18n }}
<a routerLink="/login">{{ "viewAllLoginOptions" | i18n }}</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { LoginWithDeviceComponent as BaseLoginWithDeviceComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/components/login-with-device.component";
import { AnonymousHubService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/anonymousHub.service";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { AppIdService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/appId.service";
import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/crypto.service";
import { CryptoFunctionService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/cryptoFunction.service";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/log.service";
import { PasswordGenerationService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/passwordGeneration.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { ValidationService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/validation.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/login.service";
import { SyncService } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/abstractions/sync/sync.service.abstraction";
selector: "app-login-with-device",
templateUrl: "login-with-device.component.html",
export class LoginWithDeviceComponent
extends BaseLoginWithDeviceComponent
implements OnInit, OnDestroy
router: Router,
cryptoService: CryptoService,
cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService,
appIdService: AppIdService,
passwordGenerationService: PasswordGenerationService,
apiService: ApiService,
authService: AuthService,
logService: LogService,
environmentService: EnvironmentService,
i18nService: I18nService,
platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService,
anonymousHubService: AnonymousHubService,
validationService: ValidationService,
stateService: StateService,
loginService: LoginService,
syncService: SyncService
) {
super.onSuccessfulLogin = async () => {
await syncService.fullSync(true);

View File

@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
<div class="box-content">
<div class="box-content-row box-content-row-flex" appBoxRow>
<div class="row-main">
<input id="email" type="text" formControlName="email" [hidden]="true" />
<label for="masterPassword">{{ "masterPass" | i18n }}</label>
@ -54,6 +61,11 @@
<i class="bwi bwi-spinner bwi-lg bwi-spin" [hidden]="!form.loading" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="tw-mb-3" *ngIf="showLoginWithDevice && showPasswordless">
<button type="button" class="btn block" (click)="startPasswordlessLogin()">
<span> <i class="bwi bwi-mobile"></i> {{ "loginWithDevice" | i18n }} </span>
<button type="button" (click)="launchSsoBrowser()" class="btn block">
<i class="bwi bwi-provider" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ "enterpriseSingleSignOn" | i18n }}

View File

@ -2,27 +2,30 @@ import { Component, NgZone } from "@angular/core";
import { FormBuilder } from "@angular/forms";
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from "@angular/router";
import { LoginComponent as BaseLoginComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/components/login.component";
import { LoginComponent as BaseLoginComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/components/login.component";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { AppIdService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/appId.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/auth.service";
import { CryptoFunctionService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/cryptoFunction.service";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { FormValidationErrorsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/formValidationErrors.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/log.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/login.service";
import { PasswordGenerationService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/passwordGeneration.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { SyncService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/sync/sync.service.abstraction";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { LoginService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/login.service";
import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/misc/utils";
import { SyncService } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/abstractions/sync/sync.service.abstraction";
import { flagEnabled } from "../../flags";
selector: "app-login",
templateUrl: "login.component.html",
export class LoginComponent extends BaseLoginComponent {
showPasswordless = false;
apiService: ApiService,
appIdService: AppIdService,
@ -64,6 +67,13 @@ export class LoginComponent extends BaseLoginComponent {
await syncService.fullSync(true);
super.successRoute = "/tabs/vault";
this.showPasswordless = flagEnabled("showPasswordless");
if (this.showPasswordless) {
settings() {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { RegisterComponent as BaseRegisterComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/components/register.component";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { AuditService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/audit.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/auth.service";
import { CryptoService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/crypto.service";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { FormValidationErrorsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/formValidationErrors.service";
@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/log.service";
import { PasswordGenerationService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/passwordGeneration.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
selector: "app-register",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { RemovePasswordComponent as BaseRemovePasswordComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/components/remove-password.component";
import { RemovePasswordComponent as BaseRemovePasswordComponent } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/components/remove-password.component";
selector: "app-remove-password",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export { LockGuardService } from "./lock-guard.service";
export { UnauthGuardService } from "./unauth-guard.service";

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { LockGuard as BaseLockGuardService } from "@bitwarden/angular/guards/lock.guard";
import { LockGuard as BaseLockGuardService } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/guards/lock.guard";
export class LockGuardService extends BaseLockGuardService {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { UnauthGuard as BaseUnauthGuardService } from "@bitwarden/angular/guards/unauth.guard";
import { UnauthGuard as BaseUnauthGuardService } from "@bitwarden/angular/auth/guards/unauth.guard";
export class UnauthGuardService extends BaseUnauthGuardService {

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUti
import { PolicyApiServiceAbstraction } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/policy/policy-api.service.abstraction";
import { PolicyService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/policy/policy.service.abstraction";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service";
import { SyncService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/sync/sync.service.abstraction";
import { SyncService } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/abstractions/sync/sync.service.abstraction";
selector: "app-set-password",
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export class SetPasswordComponent extends BaseSetPasswordComponent {
i18nService: I18nService,
cryptoService: CryptoService,
messagingService: MessagingService,
stateService: StateService,
passwordGenerationService: PasswordGenerationService,
platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService,
policyApiService: PolicyApiServiceAbstraction,
@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ export class SetPasswordComponent extends BaseSetPasswordComponent {
router: Router,
syncService: SyncService,
route: ActivatedRoute,
stateService: StateService,
organizationApiService: OrganizationApiServiceAbstraction,
organizationUserService: OrganizationUserService
) {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More