mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 13:03:53 +01:00
attachment display and download. refactor to WC
This commit is contained in:
@ -714,5 +714,9 @@
"copyVerificationCode": {
"message": "Copy Verification Code",
"description": "Copy Verification Code"
"attachments": {
"message": "Attachments",
"description": "Attachments"
@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ var Login = function (obj, alreadyEncrypted) {
this.totp = obj.totp ? new CipherString(obj.totp) : null;
if (response.attachments) {
if (obj.attachments) {
this.attachments = [];
for (var i = 0; i < response.attachments.length; i++) {
this.attachments.push(new Attachment(response.attachments[i], alreadyEncrypted));
for (var i = 0; i < obj.attachments.length; i++) {
this.attachments.push(new Attachment(obj.attachments[i], alreadyEncrypted));
else {
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ var Folder = function (obj, alreadyEncrypted) {
favorite: self.favorite
var attachments = [];
var deferred = Q.defer();
self.name.decrypt(self.organizationId).then(function (val) {
@ -217,6 +218,41 @@ var Folder = function (obj, alreadyEncrypted) {
return null;
}).then(function (val) {
model.totp = val;
if (self.attachments) {
var attachmentPromises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < self.attachments.length; i++) {
(function (attachment) {
var promise = attachment.decrypt(self.organizationId).then(function (decAttachment) {
return Q.all(attachmentPromises);
}).then(function () {
model.attachments = attachments.length ? attachments : null;
return deferred.promise;
Attachment.prototype.decrypt = function (orgId) {
var self = this;
var model = {
id: self.id,
size: self.size,
sizeName: self.sizeName,
url: self.url
var deferred = Q.defer();
self.fileName.decrypt(orgId).then(function (val) {
model.fileName = val;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ angular
.controller('vaultViewLoginController', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, loginService, toastr, $q,
$analytics, i18nService, utilsService, totpService, $timeout, tokenService) {
$analytics, i18nService, utilsService, totpService, $timeout, tokenService, $window, cryptoService) {
$scope.i18n = i18nService;
var from = $stateParams.from,
totpInterval = null;
@ -104,6 +104,49 @@ angular
$scope.showPassword = !$scope.showPassword;
$scope.download = function (attachment) {
if (attachment.downloading) {
attachment.downloading = true;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', attachment.url, true);
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
req.onload = function (evt) {
if (!req.response) {
$timeout(function () {
attachment.downloading = false;
cryptoService.getOrgKey($scope.login.organizationId).then(function (key) {
return cryptoService.decryptFromBytes(req.response, key);
}).then(function (decBuf) {
var blob = new Blob([decBuf]);
var a = $window.document.createElement('a');
a.href = $window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.download = attachment.fileName;
$timeout(function () {
attachment.downloading = false;
}, function () {
$timeout(function () {
attachment.downloading = false;
$scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
if (totpInterval) {
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
<span class="text">
<i class="fa fa-share-alt text-muted" ng-if="login.organizationId" title="{{i18n.shared}}"></i>
<i class="fa fa-paperclip text-muted" ng-if="login.attachments" title="{{i18n.attachments}}"></i>
<span class="detail">{{login.username}}</span>
@ -76,5 +76,20 @@
<div class="list-section-item pre">{{login.notes}}</div>
<div class="list-section" ng-if="login.attachments && login.attachments.length">
<div class="list-section-header">
<div class="list-section-items">
<a class="list-section-item list-allow-selection" href="#" stop-click
ng-repeat="attachment in login.attachments"
<i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner text-muted" ng-if="attachment.downloading"></i>
<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>
<small class="item-sub-label">{{attachment.sizeName}}</small>
@ -354,6 +354,10 @@
color: @gray-light;
small.item-sub-label {
margin-top: 2px;
&.condensed {
padding: 3px 10px;
@ -449,7 +453,7 @@
&.list-no-selection {
.list-grouped-item, .list-section-item {
.list-grouped-item:not(.list-allow-selection), .list-section-item:not(.list-allow-selection) {
&:hover {
background-color: white;
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
_crypto = window.crypto,
_subtle = window.crypto.subtle;
CryptoService.prototype.setKey = function (key, callback) {
if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') {
@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
self.decrypt(new CipherString(obj.encPrivateKey), null, 'raw').then(function (privateKey) {
var privateKeyB64 = forge.util.encode64(privateKey);
_privateKey = fromB64ToBuffer(privateKeyB64);
_privateKey = fromB64ToArray(privateKeyB64).buffer;
}, function () {
deferred.reject('Cannot get private key. Decryption failed.');
@ -402,103 +404,175 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
CryptoService.prototype.encrypt = function (plainValue, key, plainValueEncoding) {
var self = this;
var deferred = Q.defer();
if (plainValue === null || plainValue === undefined) {
else {
getKeyForEncryption(self, key).then(function (keyToUse) {
key = keyToUse;
if (!key) {
deferred.reject('Encryption key unavailable.');
plainValueEncoding = plainValueEncoding || 'utf8';
var buffer = forge.util.createBuffer(plainValue, plainValueEncoding);
var ivBytes = forge.random.getBytesSync(16);
var cipher = forge.cipher.createCipher('AES-CBC', key.encKey);
cipher.start({ iv: ivBytes });
var iv = forge.util.encode64(ivBytes);
var ctBytes = cipher.output.getBytes();
var ct = forge.util.encode64(ctBytes);
var mac = !key.macKey ? null : computeMac(ivBytes + ctBytes, key.macKey, true);
var cs = new CipherString(key.encType, iv, ct, mac);
return Q.fcall(function () {
return null;
return deferred.promise;
CryptoService.prototype.decrypt = function (cipherString, key, outputEncoding) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var self = this;
if (cipherString === null || cipherString === undefined || !cipherString.encryptedString) {
deferred.reject('cannot decrypt nothing');
plainValueEncoding = plainValueEncoding || 'utf8'
if (plainValueEncoding === 'utf8') {
plainValue = fromUtf8ToArray(plainValue);
getKeyForEncryption(self, key).then(function (keyToUse) {
key = keyToUse;
if (!key) {
deferred.reject('Encryption key unavailable.');
return aesEncrypt(this, plainValue.buffer, key).then(function (encValue) {
var encType = encValue.key.encType;
var iv = fromBufferToB64(encValue.iv);
var ct = fromBufferToB64(encValue.ct);
var mac = encValue.mac ? fromBufferToB64(encValue.mac) : null;
return new CipherString(encType, iv, ct, mac);
CryptoService.prototype.encryptToBytes = function (plainValue, key) {
return aesEncrypt(this, plainValue, key).then(function (encValue) {
var macLen = 0;
if (encValue.mac) {
macLen = encValue.mac.length
outputEncoding = outputEncoding || 'utf8';
var encBytes = new Uint8Array(1 + encValue.iv.length + macLen + encValue.ct.length);
if (cipherString.encryptionType === constantsService.encType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 &&
key.encType === constantsService.encType.AesCbc256_B64) {
// Old encrypt-then-mac scheme, swap out the key
_legacyEtmKey = _legacyEtmKey ||
new SymmetricCryptoKey(key.key, false, constantsService.encType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64);
key = _legacyEtmKey;
encBytes.set(encValue.iv, 1);
if (encValue.mac) {
encBytes.set(encValue.mac, 1 + encValue.iv.length);
encBytes.set(encValue.ct, 1 + encValue.iv.length + macLen);
return encBytes.buffer;
function aesEncrypt(self, plainValue, key) {
var obj = {
iv: new Uint8Array(16),
ct: null,
mac: null,
key: null
var keyBuf;
return getKeyForEncryption(self, key).then(function (keyToUse) {
obj.key = keyToUse;
keyBuf = keyToUse.getBuffers();
return _subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf.encKey, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, false, ['encrypt']);
}).then(function (encKey) {
return _subtle.encrypt({ name: 'AES-CBC', iv: obj.iv }, encKey, plainValue);
}).then(function (encValue) {
obj.ct = new Uint8Array(encValue);
if (!keyBuf.macKey) {
return null;
if (cipherString.encryptionType !== key.encType) {
deferred.reject('encType unavailable.');
var data = new Uint8Array(obj.iv.length + obj.ct.length);
data.set(obj.iv, 0);
data.set(obj.ct, obj.iv.length);
return computeMacWC(data.buffer, keyBuf.macKey);
}).then(function (mac) {
if (mac) {
obj.mac = new Uint8Array(mac);
return obj;
var ivBytes = forge.util.decode64(cipherString.initializationVector);
var ctBytes = forge.util.decode64(cipherString.cipherText);
CryptoService.prototype.decrypt = function (cipherString, key, outputEncoding) {
outputEncoding = outputEncoding || 'utf8'
if (key.macKey && cipherString.mac) {
var macBytes = forge.util.decode64(cipherString.mac);
var computedMacBytes = computeMac(ivBytes + ctBytes, key.macKey, false);
if (!macsEqual(key.macKey, computedMacBytes, macBytes)) {
console.error('MAC failed.');
deferred.reject('MAC failed.');
var ivBuf = fromB64ToArray(cipherString.initializationVector).buffer;
var ctBuf = fromB64ToArray(cipherString.cipherText).buffer;
var macBuf = cipherString.mac ? fromB64ToArray(cipherString.mac).buffer : null;
var ctBuffer = forge.util.createBuffer(ctBytes);
var decipher = forge.cipher.createDecipher('AES-CBC', key.encKey);
decipher.start({ iv: ivBytes });
var decValue;
return aesDecrypt(this, cipherString.encryptionType, ctBuf, ivBuf, macBuf, key).then(function (decValue) {
if (outputEncoding === 'utf8') {
decValue = decipher.output.toString('utf8');
return fromBufferToUtf8(decValue);
else {
decValue = decipher.output.getBytes();
var b64 = fromBufferToB64(decValue);
return forge.util.decode64(b64);
CryptoService.prototype.decryptFromBytes = function (encBuf, key) {
if (!encBuf) {
throw 'no encBuf.';
var encBytes = new Uint8Array(encBuf),
encType = encBytes[0],
ctBytes = null,
ivBytes = null,
macBytes = null;
switch (encType) {
case constantsService.encType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64:
case constantsService.encType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64:
if (encBytes.length <= 49) { // 1 + 16 + 32 + ctLength
return null;
ivBytes = encBytes.slice(1, 17);
macBytes = encBytes.slice(17, 49);
ctBytes = encBytes.slice(49);
case constantsService.encType.AesCbc256_B64:
if (encBytes.length <= 17) { // 1 + 16 + ctLength
return null;
ivBytes = encBytes.slice(1, 17);
ctBytes = encBytes.slice(17);
return null;
return aesDecrypt(this, encType, ctBytes.buffer, ivBytes.buffer, macBytes ? macBytes.buffer : null, key);
function aesDecrypt(self, encType, ctBuf, ivBuf, macBuf, key) {
var keyBuf,
return getKeyForEncryption(self, key).then(function (theKey) {
if (encType === constantsService.encType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 &&
theKey.encType === constantsService.encType.AesCbc256_B64) {
// Old encrypt-then-mac scheme, swap out the key
_legacyEtmKey = _legacyEtmKey ||
new SymmetricCryptoKey(theKey.key, false, constantsService.encType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64);
theKey = _legacyEtmKey;
keyBuf = theKey.getBuffers();
return _subtle.importKey('raw', keyBuf.encKey, { name: 'AES-CBC' }, false, ['decrypt']);
}).then(function (theEncKey) {
encKey = theEncKey;
return deferred.promise;
if (!keyBuf.macKey || !macBuf) {
return null;
var data = new Uint8Array(ivBuf.byteLength + ctBuf.byteLength);
data.set(new Uint8Array(ivBuf), 0);
data.set(new Uint8Array(ctBuf), ivBuf.byteLength);
return computeMacWC(data.buffer, keyBuf.macKey);
}).then(function (computedMacBuf) {
if (computedMacBuf === null) {
return null;
return macsEqualWC(keyBuf.macKey, macBuf, computedMacBuf);
}).then(function (macsMatch) {
if (macsMatch === false) {
console.error('MAC failed.');
return null;
return _subtle.decrypt({ name: 'AES-CBC', iv: ivBuf }, encKey, ctBuf);
CryptoService.prototype.rsaDecrypt = function (encValue) {
var headerPieces = encValue.split('.'),
@ -569,7 +643,7 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
throw 'Cannot determine padding.';
return window.crypto.subtle.importKey('pkcs8', privateKeyBytes, padding, false, ['decrypt']);
return _subtle.importKey('pkcs8', privateKeyBytes, padding, false, ['decrypt']);
}).then(function (privateKey) {
if (!encPieces || !encPieces.length) {
throw 'encPieces unavailable.';
@ -584,12 +658,12 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
var ctBuff = fromB64ToBuffer(encPieces[0]);
return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: padding.name }, privateKey, ctBuff);
var ctArr = fromB64ToArray(encPieces[0]);
return _subtle.decrypt({ name: padding.name }, privateKey, ctArr.buffer);
}, function () {
throw 'Cannot import privateKey.';
}).then(function (decBytes) {
var b64DecValue = toB64FromBuffer(decBytes);
var b64DecValue = fromBufferToB64(decBytes);
return b64DecValue;
}, function () {
throw 'Cannot rsa decrypt.';
@ -604,6 +678,13 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
return b64Output ? forge.util.encode64(mac.getBytes()) : mac.getBytes();
function computeMacWC(dataBuf, macKeyBuf) {
return _subtle.importKey('raw', macKeyBuf, { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, false, ['sign'])
.then(function (key) {
return _subtle.sign({ name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, key, dataBuf);
function getKeyForEncryption(self, key) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
@ -637,6 +718,35 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
return mac1 === mac2;
function macsEqualWC(macKeyBuf, mac1Buf, mac2Buf) {
var mac1,
return window.crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', macKeyBuf, { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, false, ['sign'])
.then(function (key) {
macKey = key;
return window.crypto.subtle.sign({ name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, macKey, mac1Buf);
}).then(function (mac) {
mac1 = mac;
return window.crypto.subtle.sign({ name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, macKey, mac2Buf);
}).then(function (mac2) {
if (mac1.byteLength !== mac2.byteLength) {
return false;
var arr1 = new Uint8Array(mac1);
var arr2 = new Uint8Array(mac2);
for (var i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function SymmetricCryptoKey(keyBytes, b64KeyBytes, encType) {
if (b64KeyBytes) {
keyBytes = forge.util.decode64(keyBytes);
@ -685,17 +795,31 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
function fromB64ToBuffer(str) {
var binary_string = window.atob(str);
var len = binary_string.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
SymmetricCryptoKey.prototype.getBuffers = function () {
if (this.keyBuf) {
return this.keyBuf;
return bytes.buffer;
function toB64FromBuffer(buffer) {
var key = fromB64ToArray(this.keyB64);
var keys = {
key: key.buffer
if (this.macKey) {
keys.encKey = key.slice(0, key.length / 2).buffer;
keys.macKey = key.slice(key.length / 2).buffer;
else {
keys.encKey = key.buffer;
keys.macKey = null;
this.keyBuf = keys;
return this.keyBuf;
function fromBufferToB64(buffer) {
var binary = '';
var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var len = bytes.byteLength;
@ -704,4 +828,29 @@ function initCryptoService(constantsService) {
return window.btoa(binary);
function fromBufferToUtf8(buffer) {
var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
function fromB64ToArray(str) {
var binary_string = window.atob(str);
var len = binary_string.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes;
function fromUtf8ToArray(str) {
var strUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
var arr = new Uint8Array(strUtf8.length);
for (var i = 0; i < strUtf8.length; i++) {
arr[i] = strUtf8.charCodeAt(i);
return arr;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user