mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2024-10-02 04:48:57 +02:00

some updates to overlay icon positioning

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Spearrin 2016-10-05 00:20:12 -04:00
parent 5d269884d4
commit 869a3ffa8a
2 changed files with 75 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
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var icons = [],
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@ -12,9 +16,7 @@
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@ -44,17 +46,22 @@
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@ -140,6 +154,13 @@
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@ -151,34 +172,10 @@
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// ref http://stackoverflow.com/a/14570614/1090359
var observeDOM = (function () {
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// have the observer observe foo for changes in children
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@ -241,26 +238,48 @@
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a.form&&(d.form=b(a.form,'opid'));f(d,'fakeTested',h(d,a),!1);return d});F.filter(function(a){return a.fakeTested}).forEach(function(a){var b=c.elementsByOPID[a.opid];b.getBoundingClientRect();var d=b.value;!b||b&&'function'!==typeof b.click||b.click();w(b,!1);b.dispatchEvent(G(b,'keydown'));b.dispatchEvent(G(b,'keypress'));b.dispatchEvent(G(b,'keyup'));b.value!==d&&(b.value=d);b.click&&b.click();a.postFakeTestVisible=A(b);a.postFakeTestViewable=B(b);a.postFakeTestType=b.type;a=b.value;var d=b.ownerDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents'),
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function b(a, g) { var d = a[g]; if ('string' == typeof d) return d; d = a.getAttribute(g); return 'string' == typeof d ? d : null } function h(a, g) { if (-1 === ['text', 'password'].indexOf(g.type.toLowerCase()) || !(n.test(a.value) || n.test(a.htmlID) || n.test(a.htmlName) || n.test(a.placeholder) || n.test(a['label-tag']) || n.test(a['label-data']) || n.test(a['label-aria']))) return !1; if (!a.visible) return !0; if ('password' == g.type.toLowerCase()) return !1; var d = g.type; w(g, !0); return d !== g.type } function p(a) {
switch (q(a.type)) {
case 'checkbox': return a.checked ?
'✓' : ''; case 'hidden': a = a.value; if (!a || 'number' != typeof a.length) return ''; 254 < a.length && (a = a.substr(0, 254) + '...SNIPPED'); return a; default: return a.value
} function m(a) { return a.options ? (a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a.options).map(function (a) { var d = a.text, d = d ? q(d).replace(/\\s/mg, '').replace(/[~`!@$%^&*()\\-_+=:;'\"\\[\\]|\\\\,<.>\\?]/mg, '') : null; return [d ? d : null, a.value] }), { options: a }) : null } function s(a) {
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a.id && (d = d.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(x(c, 'label[for=' + JSON.stringify(a.id) + ']')))); if (a.name) {
g =
x(c, 'label[for=' + JSON.stringify(a.name) + ']'); for (var b = 0; b < g.length; b++) -1 === d.indexOf(g[b]) && d.push(g[b])
} for (g = a; g && g != c; g = g.parentNode) 'label' === q(g.tagName) && -1 === d.indexOf(g) && d.push(g)
} 0 === d.length && (g = a.parentNode, 'dd' === g.tagName.toLowerCase() && 'dt' === g.previousElementSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() && d.push(g.previousElementSibling)); return 0 < d.length ? d.map(function (a) { return (a.textContent || a.innerText).replace(/^\\s+/, '').replace(/\\s+$/, '').replace('\\n', '').replace(/\\s{2,}/, ' ') }).join('') :
} function f(a, c, d, b) { void 0 !== b && b === d || null === d || void 0 === d || (a[c] = d) } function q(a) { return 'string' === typeof a ? a.toLowerCase() : ('' + a).toLowerCase() } function x(a, c) { var d = []; try { d = a.querySelectorAll(c) } catch (b) { } return d } var u = c.defaultView ? c.defaultView : window, n = RegExp('((\\\\b|_|-)pin(\\\\b|_|-)|password|passwort|kennwort|(\\\\b|_|-)passe(\\\\b|_|-)|contraseña|senha|密码|adgangskode|hasło|wachtwoord)', 'i'), v = Array.prototype.slice.call(x(c, 'form')).map(function (a, c) {
var d = {}, e = '__form__' + c; a.opid = e; d.opid =
e; f(d, 'htmlName', b(a, 'name')); f(d, 'htmlID', b(a, 'id')); e = b(a, 'action'); e = new URL(e, window.location.href); f(d, 'htmlAction', e ? e.href : null); f(d, 'htmlMethod', b(a, 'method')); return d
}), F = Array.prototype.slice.call(z(c)).map(function (a, e) {
var d = {}, l = '__' + e, k = -1 == a.maxLength ? 999 : a.maxLength; if (!k || 'number' === typeof k && isNaN(k)) k = 999; c.elementsByOPID[l] = a; a.opid = l; d.opid = l; d.elementNumber = e; f(d, 'maxLength', Math.min(k, 999), 999); d.visible = A(a); d.viewable = B(a); f(d, 'htmlID', b(a, 'id')); f(d, 'htmlName', b(a, 'name'));
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'rel')); f(d, 'type', q(b(a, 'type'))); f(d, 'value', p(a)); f(d, 'checked', a.checked, !1); f(d, 'autoCompleteType', a.getAttribute('x-autocompletetype') || a.getAttribute('autocompletetype') || a.getAttribute('autocomplete'), 'off'); f(d, 'disabled', a.disabled); f(d, 'readonly', a.b || a.readOnly); f(d, 'selectInfo', m(a)); f(d, 'aria-hidden', 'true' == a.getAttribute('aria-hidden'), !1); f(d, 'aria-disabled', 'true' == a.getAttribute('aria-disabled'), !1); f(d, 'aria-haspopup', 'true' == a.getAttribute('aria-haspopup'), !1); f(d, 'data-unmasked',
a.dataset.unmasked); f(d, 'data-stripe', b(a, 'data-stripe')); f(d, 'onepasswordFieldType', a.dataset.onepasswordFieldType || a.type); f(d, 'onepasswordDesignation', a.dataset.onepasswordDesignation); f(d, 'onepasswordSignInUrl', a.dataset.onepasswordSignInUrl); f(d, 'onepasswordSectionTitle', a.dataset.onepasswordSectionTitle); f(d, 'onepasswordSectionFieldKind', a.dataset.onepasswordSectionFieldKind); f(d, 'onepasswordSectionFieldTitle', a.dataset.onepasswordSectionFieldTitle); f(d, 'onepasswordSectionFieldValue', a.dataset.onepasswordSectionFieldValue);
a.form && (d.form = b(a.form, 'opid')); f(d, 'fakeTested', h(d, a), !1); return d
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v.dataset[DISPLAY_TITLE_ATTRIBUE] && (u.displayTitle = v.dataset.onepasswordTitle); return u
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function A(c) { var e = c; c = (c = c.ownerDocument) ? c.defaultView : {}; for (var b; e && e !== document;) { b = c.getComputedStyle ? c.getComputedStyle(e, null) : e.style; if (!b) return !0; if ('none' === b.display || 'hidden' == b.visibility) return !1; e = e.parentNode } return e === document }
function B(c) {
var e = c.ownerDocument.documentElement, b = c.getBoundingClientRect(), h = e.scrollWidth, p = e.scrollHeight, m = b.left - e.clientLeft, e = b.top - e.clientTop, s; if (!A(c) || !c.offsetParent || 10 > c.clientWidth || 10 > c.clientHeight) return !1; var t = c.getClientRects(); if (0 === t.length) return !1; for (var f = 0; f < t.length; f++) if (s = t[f], s.left > h || 0 > s.right) return !1; if (0 > m || m > h || 0 > e || e > p) return !1; for (b = c.ownerDocument.elementFromPoint(m + (b.right > window.innerWidth ? (window.innerWidth - m) / 2 : b.width / 2), e + (b.bottom > window.innerHeight ?
(window.innerHeight - e) / 2 : b.height / 2)) ; b && b !== c && b !== document;) { if (b.tagName && 'string' === typeof b.tagName && 'label' === b.tagName.toLowerCase() && c.labels && 0 < c.labels.length) return 0 <= Array.prototype.slice.call(c.labels).indexOf(b); b = b.parentNode } return b === c
function H(c) { var e; if (void 0 === c || null === c) return null; try { var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(z(document)), h = b.filter(function (b) { return b.opid == c }); if (0 < h.length) e = h[0], 1 < h.length && console.warn('More than one element found with opid ' + c); else { var p = parseInt(c.split('__')[1], 10); isNaN(p) || (e = b[p]) } } catch (m) { console.error('An unexpected error occurred: ' + m) } finally { return e } }; var I = 'object' === typeof tabs || 'object' === typeof self && 'object' === typeof self.port; function z(c) { var e = []; try { e = c.querySelectorAll('input, select, button') } catch (b) { } return e } function w(c, e) { if (e) { var b = c.value; c.focus(); c.value !== b && (c.value = b) } else c.focus() };
return JSON.stringify(r(document, 'oneshotUUID'));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
!(function () {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (msg, sender, sendResponse) {
if (msg.command === 'openOverlayPopup') {
return true;