mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2025-03-12 13:39:14 +01:00

Autosync the updated translations (#3201)

Co-authored-by: github-actions <>
This commit is contained in:
github-actions[bot] 2022-07-29 11:05:50 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3c7bb3bb84
commit 9594c4f1f8
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 30 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@
"description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weak": {
"message": "Biguna",
"message": "Ahula",
"description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong"
"weakMasterPassword": {
@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@
"message": "Berreskuratu elementua"
"restoreItemConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur zaude elementu hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"message": "Ziur zaude elementu hau berreskuratu nahi duzula?"
"restoredItem": {
"message": "Elementua berreskuratua"
@ -1580,15 +1580,15 @@
"send": {
"message": "Bidalketa",
"message": "Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"searchSends": {
"message": "Bildalketak bilatu",
"message": "Send-ak bilatu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"addSend": {
"message": "Gehitu Bidalketa",
"message": "Gehitu Send-a",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeText": {
@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@
"message": "Fitxategia"
"allSends": {
"message": "Bidalketa guztiak",
"message": "Send guztiak",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"maxAccessCountReached": {
@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@
"message": "Pasahitz babestua"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Bidalketa esteka kopiatu",
"message": "Send esteka kopiatu",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"removePassword": {
@ -1628,11 +1628,11 @@
"message": "Pasahitza kendua"
"deletedSend": {
"message": "Bidalketa ezabatua",
"message": "Send-a ezabatua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLink": {
"message": "Bidalketa esteka",
"message": "Send esteka",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"disabled": {
@ -1642,23 +1642,23 @@
"message": "Ziur zaude pasahitz hau ezabatu nahi duzula?"
"deleteSend": {
"message": "Ezabatu Bidalketa",
"message": "Ezabatu Send-a",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deleteSendConfirmation": {
"message": "Ziur al zaude Bidalketa hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"message": "Ziur al zaude Send hau ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editSend": {
"message": "Bidalketa editatu",
"message": "Editatu Send-a",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeHeader": {
"message": "Zein Bidalketa mota da hau?",
"message": "Zein Send mota da hau?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNameDesc": {
"message": "Bidalketa hau deskribatzeko izena.",
"message": "Send hau deskribatzeko izena.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendFileDesc": {
@ -1668,14 +1668,14 @@
"message": "Ezabatze data"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "Bidalketa betiko ezabatuko da zehaztutako datan eta orduan.",
"message": "Send-a betiko ezabatuko da zehaztutako datan eta orduan.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Iraungitze data"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, Bidalketa honetarako sarbidea zehaztutako egunean eta orduan amaituko da.",
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, Send honetarako sarbidea zehaztutako egunean eta orduan amaituko da.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"oneDay": {
@ -1697,56 +1697,56 @@
"message": "Sarbide kopuru maximoa"
"maximumAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, erabiltzaileak ezin izango dira Bidalketa honetara sartu gehienezko sarbide kopurura iritsi ondoren.",
"message": "Hala ezartzen bada, erabiltzaileak ezin izango dira Send honetara sartu gehienezko sarbide kopurura iritsi ondoren.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Nahi izanez gero, pasahitza eskatu erabiltzaileak bidalketa honetara sar daitezen.",
"message": "Nahi izanez gero, pasahitza eskatu erabiltzaileak Send honetara sar daitezen.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNotesDesc": {
"message": "Bidalketa honi buruzko ohar pribatuak.",
"message": "Send honi buruzko ohar pribatuak.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisableDesc": {
"message": "Desgaitu Bidalketa hau inor sar ez dadin.",
"message": "Desgaitu Send hau inor sar ez dadin.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendShareDesc": {
"message": "Gordetzean, kopiatu Bidalketa honen esteka arbelean.",
"message": "Gordetzean, kopiatu Send honen esteka arbelean.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTextDesc": {
"message": "Bidali nahi duzun testua."
"sendHideText": {
"message": "Ezkutatu Bidalketako testu hau, modu lehenetsian.",
"message": "Ezkutatu Send-eko testu hau, modu lehenetsian.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Uneko sarbide kopurua"
"createSend": {
"message": "Sortu Bidalketa berria",
"message": "Sortu Send berria",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
"message": "Pasahitz berria"
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "Bidalketa desgaituta",
"message": "Send-a desgaitua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisabledWarning": {
"message": "Enpresa-politika baten ondorioz, lehendik dagoen Bidalketa bakarrik ezaba dezakezu.",
"message": "Enpresa-politika baten ondorioz, lehendik dagoen Send-a bakarrik ezaba dezakezu.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createdSend": {
"message": "Bidalketa sortua",
"message": "Send-a sortua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "Bidalketa editatua",
"message": "Send-a editatua",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLinuxChromiumFileWarning": {
@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@
"message": "Ezkutatu nire helbide elektronikoa hartzaileei."
"sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": {
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok Bidalketa aukerei eragiten diote."
"message": "Erakundeko politika batek edo gehiagok Send-eko aukerei eragiten diote."
"passwordPrompt": {
"message": "Berriro eskatu pasahitz nagusia"

View File

@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
"message": "Blokowanie sejfu"
"lockNow": {
"message": "Zablokuj teraz"
"message": "Zablokuj"
"immediately": {
"message": "Natychmiast"

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Gailu guztien artean pasahitz mugagabeak kudeatu, biltegiratu, babestu eta parte
Pasahitz sendoak, bakarrak eta ausazkoak sortzen ditu, webgune bakoitzaren segurtasun-baldintzetan oinarrituta.
Bitwarden Bidalketak-ek azkar transmititzen dio zifratutako informazioa --- artxiboak eta testu sinplea -- edozein pertsonari zuzenean.
Bitwarden Send-ek azkar transmititzen du zifratutako informazioa --- artxiboak eta testu sinplea -- edozein pertsonari zuzenean.
Bitwarden-ek Taldeak eta Enpresak planak eskaintzen ditu, enpresa bereko lankideek pasahitzak modu seguruan parteka ditzaten.