mirror of https://github.com/bitwarden/browser.git synced 2025-03-02 03:41:09 +01:00

New translations messages.json (Estonian)

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Spearrin 2021-03-11 13:53:39 -05:00
parent 3e422536b8
commit a08b6d4b5e

View File

@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
"message": "Kopeeri URI"
"copyVerificationCodeTotp": {
"message": "Copy Verification Code (TOTP)"
"message": "Kopeeri Kinnituskood (TOTP)"
"length": {
"message": "Pikkus"
@ -1228,10 +1228,10 @@
"message": "Eksporditav fail sisaldab hoidla sisu, mis on krüpteeringuta. Seda faili ei tohiks kaua käidelda ning mitte mingil juhul ebaturvaliselt saata (näiteks e-postiga). Kustuta see koheselt pärast kasutamist."
"encExportKeyWarningDesc": {
"message": "This export encrypts your data using your account's encryption key. If you ever rotate your account's encryption key you should export again since you will not be able to decrypt this export file."
"message": "Eksporditavate andmete krüpteerimiseks kasutatakse kontol olevat krüpteerimisvõtit. Kui sa peaksid seda krüpteerimise võtit roteerima, ei saa sa järgnevalt eksporditavaid andmeid enam dekrüpteerida."
"encExportAccountWarningDesc": {
"message": "Account encryption keys are unique to each Bitwarden user account, so you can't import an encrypted export into a different account."
"message": "Iga Bitwardeni kasutaja krüpteerimisvõti on unikaalne. Eksporditud andmeid ei saa importida teise Bitwardeni kasutajakontosse."
"exportMasterPassword": {
"message": "Hoidlas olevate andmete eksportimiseks on vajalik ülemparooli sisestamine."
@ -1505,108 +1505,108 @@
"message": "Organisatsiooni poliitika on seadnud omaniku valikutele piirangu."
"allSends": {
"message": "All Sends",
"message": "Kõik Sendid",
"description": "'Sends' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeFile": {
"message": "File"
"message": "Fail"
"sendTypeText": {
"message": "Text"
"message": "Tekst"
"searchSends": {
"message": "Search Sends",
"message": "Otsi Sende",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editSend": {
"message": "Edit Send",
"message": "Muuda Sendi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"myVault": {
"message": "My Vault"
"message": "Minu hoidla"
"text": {
"message": "Text"
"message": "Tekst"
"deletionDate": {
"message": "Deletion Date"
"message": "Kustutamise kuupäev"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "The Send will be permanently deleted on the specified date and time.",
"message": "Send kustutatakse määratud kuupäeval ja kellaajal jäädavalt.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Expiration Date"
"message": "Aegumiskuupäev"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "If set, access to this Send will expire on the specified date and time.",
"message": "Seadistamisel ei pääse sellele Sendile enam pärast määratud kuupäeva ligi.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"maxAccessCount": {
"message": "Maximum Access Count"
"message": "Maksimaalne ligipääsude arv"
"maxAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "If set, users will no longer be able to access this Send once the maximum access count is reached.",
"message": "Seadistamisel ei saa kasutajad pärast maksimaalse ligipääsude arvu saavutamist sellele Sendile enam ligi.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Current Access Count"
"message": "Hetkeline ligipääsude arv"
"disableSend": {
"message": "Disable this Send so that no one can access it.",
"message": "Keela see Send, et keegi ei pääseks sellele ligi.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Optionally require a password for users to access this Send.",
"message": "Mittekohustuslik parooli küsimine, et Sendile ligi pääseda.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNotesDesc": {
"message": "Private notes about this Send.",
"message": "Privaatne märkus selle Sendi kohta.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLink": {
"message": "Send link",
"message": "Sendi link",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLinkLabel": {
"message": "Send Link",
"message": "Sendi link",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"textHiddenByDefault": {
"message": "When accessing the Send, hide the text by default",
"message": "Sendi avamisel peida tekst automaatselt",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createdSend": {
"message": "Created Send",
"message": "Lõi Sendi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "Edited Send",
"message": "Muutis Sendi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deletedSend": {
"message": "Deleted Send",
"message": "Kustutas Sendi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
"message": "New Password"
"message": "Uus Parool"
"whatTypeOfSend": {
"message": "What type of Send is this?",
"message": "Mis tüüpi Send see on?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createSend": {
"message": "Create Send",
"message": "Loo Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTextDesc": {
"message": "The text you want to send."
"message": "Tekst, mida soovid saata."
"sendFileDesc": {
"message": "The file you want to send."
"message": "Fail, mida soovid saata."
"days": {
"message": "$DAYS$ days",
"message": "$DAYS$ päeva",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1615,43 +1615,43 @@
"oneDay": {
"message": "1 day"
"message": "1 päev"
"custom": {
"message": "Custom"
"message": "Kohandatud"
"deleteSendConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete this Send?",
"message": "Soovid tõesti selle Sendi kustutada?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copySendLinkToClipboard": {
"message": "Copy Send link to clipboard",
"message": "Kopeeri Sendi link lõikelauale",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copySendLinkOnSave": {
"message": "Copy the link to share this Send to my clipboard upon save."
"message": "Salvestamisel kopeeri Sendi jagamise link lõikepuhvrisse."
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "Send disabled",
"message": "Send on väljalülitatud",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisabledWarning": {
"message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are only able to delete an existing Send.",
"message": "Ettevõtte poliitika kohaselt saad ainult olemasolevat Sendi kustutada.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Kopeeri link"
"disabled": {
"message": "Disabled"
"message": "Keelatud"
"maxAccessCountReached": {
"message": "Max access count reached"
"message": "Maksimaalne ligipääsude arv on saavutatud"
"expired": {
"message": "Expired"
"message": "Aegunud"
"pendingDeletion": {
"message": "Pending deletion"
"message": "Kustutamise ootel"