diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json index bc1158bfc2..fce84d1b43 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ "description": "A category title describing the concept of web domains" }, "blockedDomains": { - "message": "Blocked domains" + "message": "Gesperrte Domains" }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ausgeschlossene Domains" @@ -2337,7 +2337,7 @@ "message": "Bitwarden wird für alle angemeldeten Konten nicht danach fragen Zugangsdaten für diese Domains speichern. Du musst die Seite neu laden, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden." }, "blockedDomainsDesc": { - "message": "Autofill und andere zugehörige Funktionen werden für diese Websites nicht angeboten. Sie müssen die Seite aktualisieren, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden." + "message": "Automatisches Ausfüllen und andere zugehörige Funktionen werden für diese Webseiten nicht angeboten. Sie müssen die Seite aktualisieren, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden." }, "autofillBlockedNotice": { "message": "Das automatische Ausfüllen ist für diese Website gesperrt. Dieses Verhalten kann in den Einstellungen überprüft oder geändert werden." @@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ } }, "blockedDomainsSavedSuccess": { - "message": "Blocked domain changes saved" + "message": "Änderungen gesperrter Domains gespeichert" }, "excludedDomainsSavedSuccess": { "message": "Änderungen der ausgeschlossenen Domain gespeichert" @@ -2815,7 +2815,7 @@ "description": "This is part of a larger sentence. The full sentence will read 'Contact customer success to avoid additional data loss.'" }, "contactCSToAvoidDataLossPart2": { - "message": "to avoid additional data loss.", + "message": "um zusätzlichen Datenverlust zu vermeiden.", "description": "This is part of a larger sentence. The full sentence will read 'Contact customer success to avoid additional data loss.'" }, "generateUsername": { @@ -4671,22 +4671,22 @@ "message": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, diesen Eintrag zu bearbeiten" }, "biometricsStatusHelptextUnlockNeeded": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is unavailable because PIN or password unlock is required first." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist nicht verfügbar, da zuerst mit PIN oder Passwort entsperrt werden muss." }, "biometricsStatusHelptextHardwareUnavailable": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is currently unavailable." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist derzeit nicht verfügbar." }, "biometricsStatusHelptextAutoSetupNeeded": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is unavailable due to misconfigured system files." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist aufgrund falsch konfigurierter Systemdateien nicht verfügbar." }, "biometricsStatusHelptextManualSetupNeeded": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is unavailable due to misconfigured system files." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist aufgrund falsch konfigurierter Systemdateien nicht verfügbar." }, "biometricsStatusHelptextDesktopDisconnected": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is unavailable because the Bitwarden desktop app is closed." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist nicht verfügbar, da die Bitwarden Desktop-App geschlossen ist." }, "biometricsStatusHelptextNotEnabledInDesktop": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is unavailable because it is not enabled for $EMAIL$ in the Bitwarden desktop app.", + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist nicht verfügbar, da es für $EMAIL$ in der Bitwarden Desktop-App nicht aktiviert ist.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", @@ -4695,7 +4695,7 @@ } }, "biometricsStatusHelptextUnavailableReasonUnknown": { - "message": "Biometric unlock is currently unavailable for an unknown reason." + "message": "Biometrisches Entsperren ist derzeit aus einem unbekannten Grund nicht verfügbar." }, "authenticating": { "message": "Authentifizierung" diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json index 0653623f07..04e2c4ee64 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json @@ -2337,13 +2337,13 @@ "message": "Bitwarden non chiederà di salvare le credenziali di accesso per questi domini per tutti gli account sul dispositivo. Ricarica la pagina affinché le modifiche abbiano effetto." }, "blockedDomainsDesc": { - "message": "Autofill and other related features will not be offered for these websites. You must refresh the page for changes to take effect." + "message": "Per questi siti, l'auto-completamento e funzionalità simili non saranno disponibili. Ricarica la pagina per applicare le modifiche." }, "autofillBlockedNotice": { - "message": "Autofill is blocked for this website. Review or change this in settings." + "message": "L'auto-completamento è bloccato per questo sito. Modifica questa scelta nelle impostazioni." }, "autofillBlockedTooltip": { - "message": "Autofill is blocked on this website. Review in settings." + "message": "L'auto-completamento è bloccato per questo sito. Verifica nelle impostazioni." }, "websiteItemLabel": { "message": "Sito $number$ (URI)", @@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ } }, "blockedDomainsSavedSuccess": { - "message": "Blocked domain changes saved" + "message": "Modifiche ai domini bloccati salvate" }, "excludedDomainsSavedSuccess": { "message": "Modifiche del dominio escluso salvate" diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json index 0e45e970ad..3a12c9ae4f 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json @@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ "message": "Opprett en konto" }, "newToBitwarden": { - "message": "New to Bitwarden?" + "message": "Er du ny til Bitwarden?" }, "logInWithPasskey": { - "message": "Log in with passkey" + "message": "Logg inn med passnøkkel" }, "useSingleSignOn": { "message": "Use single sign-on" }, "welcomeBack": { - "message": "Welcome back" + "message": "Velkommen tilbake" }, "setAStrongPassword": { - "message": "Set a strong password" + "message": "Velg et sterkt passord" }, "finishCreatingYourAccountBySettingAPassword": { "message": "Finish creating your account by setting a password" @@ -138,31 +138,31 @@ "message": "Kopier sikkerhetskoden" }, "copyName": { - "message": "Copy name" + "message": "Kopiér navn" }, "copyCompany": { "message": "Copy company" }, "copySSN": { - "message": "Copy Social Security number" + "message": "Kopiér fødselsnummer" }, "copyPassportNumber": { - "message": "Copy passport number" + "message": "Kopiér passnummer" }, "copyLicenseNumber": { - "message": "Copy license number" + "message": "Kopiér lisensnummer" }, "copyPrivateKey": { - "message": "Copy private key" + "message": "Kopiér privat nøkkel" }, "copyPublicKey": { - "message": "Copy public key" + "message": "Kopiér offentlig nøkkel" }, "copyFingerprint": { - "message": "Copy fingerprint" + "message": "Kopiér fingeravtrykk" }, "copyCustomField": { - "message": "Copy $FIELD$", + "message": "Kopiér $FIELD$", "placeholders": { "field": { "content": "$1", @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ } }, "copyWebsite": { - "message": "Copy website" + "message": "Kopiér nettsted" }, "copyNotes": { - "message": "Copy notes" + "message": "Kopiér notater" }, "fill": { - "message": "Fill", + "message": "Fyll", "description": "This string is used on the vault page to indicate autofilling. Horizontal space is limited in the interface here so try and keep translations as concise as possible." }, "autoFill": { @@ -193,10 +193,10 @@ "message": "Auto-utfyll identitet" }, "fillVerificationCode": { - "message": "Fill verification code" + "message": "Fyll inn verifiseringskode" }, "fillVerificationCodeAria": { - "message": "Fill Verification Code", + "message": "Fyll inn verifiseringskode", "description": "Aria label for the heading displayed the inline menu for totp code autofill" }, "generatePasswordCopied": { @@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ "message": "Legg til en gjenstand" }, "accountEmail": { - "message": "Account email" + "message": "Kontoens E-postadresse" }, "requestHint": { - "message": "Request hint" + "message": "Be om et hint" }, "requestPasswordHint": { - "message": "Request password hint" + "message": "Be om passordhint" }, "enterYourAccountEmailAddressAndYourPasswordHintWillBeSentToYou": { "message": "Enter your account email address and your password hint will be sent to you" @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "message": "Logg ut" }, "aboutBitwarden": { - "message": "About Bitwarden" + "message": "Om Bitwarden" }, "about": { "message": "Om" @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ "message": "More from Bitwarden" }, "continueToBitwardenDotCom": { - "message": "Continue to bitwarden.com?" + "message": "Vil du fortsette til bitwarden.com?" }, "bitwardenForBusiness": { "message": "Bitwarden for Business" @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ "message": "Nest a folder by adding the parent folder's name followed by a “/”. Example: Social/Forums" }, "noFoldersAdded": { - "message": "No folders added" + "message": "Ingen mapper er lagt til" }, "createFoldersToOrganize": { "message": "Create folders to organize your vault items" @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ "description": "Card header for password generator include block" }, "uppercaseDescription": { - "message": "Include uppercase characters", + "message": "Inkluder store bokstaver", "description": "Tooltip for the password generator uppercase character checkbox" }, "uppercaseLabel": { @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ "description": "Label for the password generator uppercase character checkbox" }, "lowercaseDescription": { - "message": "Include lowercase characters", + "message": "Inkluder små bokstaver", "description": "Full description for the password generator lowercase character checkbox" }, "lowercaseLabel": { @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ "description": "Label for the password generator numbers checkbox" }, "specialCharactersDescription": { - "message": "Include special characters", + "message": "Inkluder spesialtegn", "description": "Full description for the password generator special characters checkbox" }, "specialCharactersLabel": { @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ "message": "Minste antall spesialtegn" }, "avoidAmbiguous": { - "message": "Avoid ambiguous characters", + "message": "Unngå forvekslingsbare tegn", "description": "Label for the avoid ambiguous characters checkbox." }, "generatorPolicyInEffect": { @@ -564,19 +564,19 @@ "message": "Favoritt" }, "unfavorite": { - "message": "Unfavorite" + "message": "Fjern favorittstempel" }, "itemAddedToFavorites": { - "message": "Item added to favorites" + "message": "Gjenstand lagt til i favorittene" }, "itemRemovedFromFavorites": { - "message": "Item removed from favorites" + "message": "Gjenstand fjernet fra favorittene" }, "notes": { "message": "Notater" }, "privateNote": { - "message": "Private note" + "message": "Privat notat" }, "note": { "message": "Notat" @@ -597,10 +597,10 @@ "message": "Åpne" }, "launchWebsite": { - "message": "Launch website" + "message": "Åpne nettstedet" }, "launchWebsiteName": { - "message": "Launch website $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Åpne nettstedet $ITEMNAME$", "placeholders": { "itemname": { "content": "$1", @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ "message": "Your account is locked" }, "or": { - "message": "or" + "message": "eller" }, "unlock": { "message": "Lås opp" @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ "message": "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it!" }, "masterPassHintLabel": { - "message": "Master password hint" + "message": "Få et hint om hovedpassordet" }, "errorOccurred": { "message": "En feil har oppstått" @@ -785,10 +785,10 @@ "message": "You have been logged in!" }, "youSuccessfullyLoggedIn": { - "message": "You successfully logged in" + "message": "Du har vellykket logget inn" }, "youMayCloseThisWindow": { - "message": "You may close this window" + "message": "Du kan lukke dette vinduet" }, "masterPassSent": { "message": "Vi har sendt deg en E-post med hintet til superpassordet." @@ -834,10 +834,10 @@ "message": "Bitwarden can store and fill 2-step verification codes. Select the camera icon to take a screenshot of this website's authenticator QR code, or copy and paste the key into this field." }, "learnMoreAboutAuthenticators": { - "message": "Learn more about authenticators" + "message": "Lær mer om autentisering" }, "copyTOTP": { - "message": "Copy Authenticator key (TOTP)" + "message": "Kopier autentiseringsnøkkel (TOTP)" }, "loggedOut": { "message": "Logget av" @@ -852,19 +852,19 @@ "message": "Logg inn" }, "logInToBitwarden": { - "message": "Log in to Bitwarden" + "message": "Logg inn på Bitwarden" }, "restartRegistration": { "message": "Restart registration" }, "expiredLink": { - "message": "Expired link" + "message": "Utløpt lenke" }, "pleaseRestartRegistrationOrTryLoggingIn": { "message": "Please restart registration or try logging in." }, "youMayAlreadyHaveAnAccount": { - "message": "You may already have an account" + "message": "Du har kanskje allerede en konto" }, "logOutConfirmation": { "message": "Er du sikker på at du vil logge av?" @@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ "message": "Lås opp" }, "additionalOptions": { - "message": "Additional options" + "message": "Ekstra innstillinger" }, "enableContextMenuItem": { "message": "Vis alternativer for kontekstmeny" @@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ "message": "Set a file password to encrypt the export and import it to any Bitwarden account using the password for decryption." }, "exportTypeHeading": { - "message": "Export type" + "message": "Eksporttype" }, "accountRestricted": { "message": "Account restricted" @@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ "description": "WARNING (should stay in capitalized letters if the language permits)" }, "warningCapitalized": { - "message": "Warning", + "message": "Advarsel", "description": "Warning (should maintain locale-relevant capitalization)" }, "confirmVaultExport": { @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ "message": "Fil" }, "fileToShare": { - "message": "File to share" + "message": "Filen som skal deles" }, "selectFile": { "message": "Velg en fil." @@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ "message": "1 GB med kryptert fillagring for filvedlegg." }, "premiumSignUpEmergency": { - "message": "Emergency access." + "message": "Nødtilgang." }, "premiumSignUpTwoStepOptions": { "message": "Proprietary two-step login options such as YubiKey and Duo." @@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ "message": "E-post" }, "emailDescV2": { - "message": "Enter a code sent to your email." + "message": "Skriv inn koden du har fått tilsendt på E-post." }, "selfHostedEnvironment": { "message": "Selvbetjent miljø" @@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@ "description": "Represents the message for allowing the user to enable the autofill overlay" }, "autofillSuggestionsSectionTitle": { - "message": "Autofill suggestions" + "message": "Autoutfyllingsforslag" }, "showInlineMenuLabel": { "message": "Show autofill suggestions on form fields" @@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ "message": "Kompromitterte eller upålitelige nettsider kan utnytte auto-utfylling når du laster inn siden." }, "learnMoreAboutAutofillOnPageLoadLinkText": { - "message": "Learn more about risks" + "message": "Lær mer om risikoer" }, "learnMoreAboutAutofill": { "message": "Lær mer om auto-utfylling" @@ -1768,10 +1768,10 @@ "message": "Identitet" }, "typeSshKey": { - "message": "SSH key" + "message": "SSH-nøkkel" }, "newItemHeader": { - "message": "New $TYPE$", + "message": "Ny $TYPE$", "placeholders": { "type": { "content": "$1", @@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ } }, "editItemHeader": { - "message": "Edit $TYPE$", + "message": "Rediger $TYPE$", "placeholders": { "type": { "content": "$1", @@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ } }, "viewItemHeader": { - "message": "View $TYPE$", + "message": "Vis $TYPE$", "placeholders": { "type": { "content": "$1", @@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@ "message": "Passordhistorikk" }, "generatorHistory": { - "message": "Generator history" + "message": "Generatorhistorikk" }, "clearGeneratorHistoryTitle": { "message": "Clear generator history" @@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ "message": "Sikre notiser" }, "sshKeys": { - "message": "SSH Keys" + "message": "SSH-nøkler" }, "clear": { "message": "Tøm", @@ -1929,7 +1929,7 @@ "message": "Tøm historikk" }, "nothingToShow": { - "message": "Nothing to show" + "message": "Ingenting å vise" }, "nothingGeneratedRecently": { "message": "You haven't generated anything recently" @@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@ "message": "Lås opp med biometri" }, "unlockWithMasterPassword": { - "message": "Unlock with master password" + "message": "Lås opp med hovedpassord" }, "awaitDesktop": { "message": "Venter på bekreftelse fra skrivebordsprogrammet" @@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ "message": "Lås med hovedpassordet når du starter nettleseren på nytt" }, "lockWithMasterPassOnRestart1": { - "message": "Require master password on browser restart" + "message": "Krev hovedpassord ved omstart av nettleseren" }, "selectOneCollection": { "message": "Du må velge minst én samling." @@ -2041,22 +2041,22 @@ "message": "Klon" }, "passwordGenerator": { - "message": "Password generator" + "message": "Passordgenerator" }, "usernameGenerator": { - "message": "Username generator" + "message": "Brukernavngenerator" }, "useThisPassword": { "message": "Bruk dette passordet" }, "useThisUsername": { - "message": "Use this username" + "message": "Bruk dette brukernavnet" }, "securePasswordGenerated": { "message": "Secure password generated! Don't forget to also update your password on the website." }, "useGeneratorHelpTextPartOne": { - "message": "Use the generator", + "message": "Bruk denne generatoren", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include the generator icon. The full sentence will read 'Use the generator [GENERATOR_ICON] to create a strong unique password'" }, "useGeneratorHelpTextPartTwo": { @@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ "message": "Gjenopprettet objekt" }, "alreadyHaveAccount": { - "message": "Already have an account?" + "message": "Har du allerede en konto?" }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": { "message": "Hvis du logger ut, fjerner du all tilgang til hvelvet ditt og krever online godkjenning etter tidsavbrudd. Er du sikker på at du vil bruke denne innstillingen?" @@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ "message": "Autofyll og lagre" }, "fillAndSave": { - "message": "Fill and save" + "message": "Fyll og lagre" }, "autoFillSuccessAndSavedUri": { "message": "Autoutfylt objekt og lagret URI" @@ -2195,10 +2195,10 @@ "message": "Avslutt abonnement" }, "atAnyTime": { - "message": "at any time." + "message": "når som helst." }, "byContinuingYouAgreeToThe": { - "message": "By continuing, you agree to the" + "message": "Ved å fortsette, samtykker du til" }, "and": { "message": "og" @@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ "description": "A category title describing the concept of web domains" }, "blockedDomains": { - "message": "Blocked domains" + "message": "Blokkerte domener" }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ekskluderte domener" @@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ "message": "Excluded domain changes saved" }, "limitSendViews": { - "message": "Limit views" + "message": "Begrens visninger" }, "limitSendViewsHint": { "message": "No one can view this Send after the limit is reached.", @@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ "message": "Tekst" }, "sendTypeTextToShare": { - "message": "Text to share" + "message": "Teksten som skal deles" }, "sendTypeFile": { "message": "Fil" @@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ "message": "Velg mappe …" }, "noFoldersFound": { - "message": "No folders found", + "message": "Ingen mapper ble funnet", "description": "Used as a message within the notification bar when no folders are found" }, "orgPermissionsUpdatedMustSetPassword": { @@ -2646,7 +2646,7 @@ "description": "Used as a card title description on the set password page to explain why the user is there" }, "cardMetrics": { - "message": "out of $TOTAL$", + "message": "av $TOTAL$", "placeholders": { "total": { "content": "$1", @@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@ "message": "Feil" }, "decryptionError": { - "message": "Decryption error" + "message": "Dekrypteringsfeil" }, "couldNotDecryptVaultItemsBelow": { "message": "Bitwarden could not decrypt the vault item(s) listed below." @@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@ "message": "Generate email" }, "spinboxBoundariesHint": { - "message": "Value must be between $MIN$ and $MAX$.", + "message": "Verdien må være mellom $MIN$ og $MAX$.", "description": "Explains spin box minimum and maximum values to the user", "placeholders": { "min": { @@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ "message": "Generer et e-postalias med en ekstern videresendingstjeneste." }, "forwarderDomainName": { - "message": "Email domain", + "message": "E-postdomene", "description": "Labels the domain name email forwarder service option" }, "forwarderDomainNameHint": { @@ -2912,11 +2912,11 @@ } }, "forwarderGeneratedBy": { - "message": "Generated by Bitwarden.", + "message": "Generert av Bitwarden.", "description": "Displayed with the address on the forwarding service's configuration screen." }, "forwarderGeneratedByWithWebsite": { - "message": "Website: $WEBSITE$. Generated by Bitwarden.", + "message": "Nettsted: $WEBSITE$. Generert av Bitwarden.", "description": "Displayed with the address on the forwarding service's configuration screen.", "placeholders": { "WEBSITE": { @@ -2960,7 +2960,7 @@ } }, "forwarderNoDomain": { - "message": "Invalid $SERVICENAME$ domain.", + "message": "Ugyldig $SERVICENAME$-domene.", "description": "Displayed when the domain is empty or domain authorization failed at the forwarding service.", "placeholders": { "servicename": { @@ -3097,16 +3097,16 @@ "message": "Send varslingen på nytt" }, "viewAllLogInOptions": { - "message": "View all log in options" + "message": "Vis alle påloggingsalternativer" }, "viewAllLoginOptionsV1": { - "message": "View all log in options" + "message": "Vis alle påloggingsalternativer" }, "notificationSentDevice": { "message": "Et varsel er sendt til enheten din." }, "aNotificationWasSentToYourDevice": { - "message": "A notification was sent to your device" + "message": "Et varsel ble sendt til enheten din" }, "makeSureYourAccountIsUnlockedAndTheFingerprintEtc": { "message": "Make sure your account is unlocked and the fingerprint phrase matches on the other device" @@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ "message": "You will be notified once the request is approved" }, "needAnotherOptionV1": { - "message": "Need another option?" + "message": "Trenger du et annet alternativ?" }, "loginInitiated": { "message": "Login initiated" @@ -3217,7 +3217,7 @@ "message": "Device approval required. Select an approval option below:" }, "deviceApprovalRequiredV2": { - "message": "Device approval required" + "message": "Enhetsgodkjennelse kreves" }, "selectAnApprovalOptionBelow": { "message": "Select an approval option below" @@ -3241,7 +3241,7 @@ "message": "Organization SSO identifier is required." }, "creatingAccountOn": { - "message": "Creating account on" + "message": "Oppretter en konto på" }, "checkYourEmail": { "message": "Check your email" @@ -3259,7 +3259,7 @@ "message": "Gå tilbake" }, "toEditYourEmailAddress": { - "message": "to edit your email address." + "message": "for å redigere E-postadressen din." }, "eu": { "message": "EU", @@ -3287,7 +3287,7 @@ "message": "Du vil bli varslet når det er godkjent." }, "troubleLoggingIn": { - "message": "Trouble logging in?" + "message": "Har du problemer med å logge inn?" }, "loginApproved": { "message": "Innlogging godkjent" @@ -3299,7 +3299,7 @@ "message": "Active user email not found. Logging you out." }, "deviceTrusted": { - "message": "Device trusted" + "message": "Enheten er betrodd" }, "sendsNoItemsTitle": { "message": "No active Sends", @@ -3450,7 +3450,7 @@ "description": "Notification message for when an import has completed successfully." }, "dataImportFailed": { - "message": "Error importing. Check console for details.", + "message": "Feil under importering. Sjekk loggkonsollen for detaljer.", "description": "Notification message for when an import has failed." }, "importNetworkError": { @@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ "description": "Screen reader and tool tip label for the overlay button" }, "bitwardenVault": { - "message": "Bitwarden autofill menu", + "message": "Bitwardens autoutfyllingsmeny", "description": "Page title in overlay" }, "unlockYourAccountToViewMatchingLogins": { @@ -3543,7 +3543,7 @@ "description": "Screen reader text (aria-label) for new login button within inline menu" }, "newCard": { - "message": "New card", + "message": "Nytt kort", "description": "Button text to display within inline menu when there are no matching items on a credit card field" }, "addNewCardItemAria": { @@ -3573,7 +3573,7 @@ "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" }, "importError": { - "message": "Import error" + "message": "Importeringsfeil" }, "importErrorDesc": { "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." @@ -3737,16 +3737,16 @@ "message": "Vault data exported" }, "typePasskey": { - "message": "Passkey" + "message": "Passnøkkel" }, "accessing": { "message": "Accessing" }, "loggedInExclamation": { - "message": "Logged in!" + "message": "Innlogget!" }, "passkeyNotCopied": { - "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + "message": "Passkoden vil ikke bli kopiert" }, "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" @@ -3776,10 +3776,10 @@ "message": "Bekreft" }, "savePasskey": { - "message": "Save passkey" + "message": "Lagre passnøkkel" }, "savePasskeyNewLogin": { - "message": "Save passkey as new login" + "message": "Lagre passnøkkelen som en ny pålogging" }, "chooseCipherForPasskeySave": { "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" @@ -3842,7 +3842,7 @@ "message": "Approve the login request in your authentication app or enter a one-time passcode." }, "passcode": { - "message": "Passcode" + "message": "Passkode" }, "lastPassMasterPassword": { "message": "LastPass-hovedpassord" @@ -3882,7 +3882,7 @@ "message": "Bytt kontoer" }, "switchToAccount": { - "message": "Switch to account" + "message": "Bytt til konto" }, "activeAccount": { "message": "Aktiv konto" @@ -3903,13 +3903,13 @@ "message": "låst opp" }, "server": { - "message": "server" + "message": "tjener" }, "hostedAt": { "message": "betjent hos" }, "useDeviceOrHardwareKey": { - "message": "Use your device or hardware key" + "message": "Bruk enhets- eller maskinvarenøkkel" }, "justOnce": { "message": "Kun én gang" @@ -3931,7 +3931,7 @@ "description": "Label indicating the most common import formats" }, "confirmContinueToBrowserSettingsTitle": { - "message": "Continue to browser settings?", + "message": "Vil du fortsette til nettleserinnstillingene?", "description": "Title for dialog which asks if the user wants to proceed to a relevant browser settings page" }, "confirmContinueToHelpCenter": { @@ -3975,7 +3975,7 @@ "description": "Description for the dialog that appears when the user has not granted the extension permission to set privacy settings" }, "makeDefault": { - "message": "Make default", + "message": "Gjør det til standarden", "description": "Button text for the setting that allows overriding the default browser autofill settings" }, "saveCipherAttemptSuccess": { @@ -3983,7 +3983,7 @@ "description": "Notification message for when saving credentials has succeeded." }, "passwordSaved": { - "message": "Password saved!", + "message": "Passordet ble lagret!", "description": "Notification message for when saving credentials has succeeded." }, "updateCipherAttemptSuccess": { @@ -3991,7 +3991,7 @@ "description": "Notification message for when updating credentials has succeeded." }, "passwordUpdated": { - "message": "Password updated!", + "message": "Passordet ble oppdatert!", "description": "Notification message for when updating credentials has succeeded." }, "saveCipherAttemptFailed": { @@ -4002,19 +4002,19 @@ "message": "Suksess" }, "removePasskey": { - "message": "Remove passkey" + "message": "Fjern passordnøkkel" }, "passkeyRemoved": { "message": "Passkey removed" }, "autofillSuggestions": { - "message": "Autofill suggestions" + "message": "Autoutfyllingsforslag" }, "autofillSuggestionsTip": { "message": "Save a login item for this site to autofill" }, "yourVaultIsEmpty": { - "message": "Your vault is empty" + "message": "Hvelvet ditt er tomt" }, "noItemsMatchSearch": { "message": "No items match your search" @@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ } }, "moreOptionsLabel": { - "message": "More options, $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Flere innstillinger, $ITEMNAME$", "description": "Aria label for a button that opens a menu with more options for an item.", "placeholders": { "itemname": { @@ -4053,7 +4053,7 @@ } }, "moreOptionsTitle": { - "message": "More options - $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Flere innstillinger - $ITEMNAME$", "description": "Title for a button that opens a menu with more options for an item.", "placeholders": { "itemname": { @@ -4063,7 +4063,7 @@ } }, "viewItemTitle": { - "message": "View item - $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Vis gjenstand - $ITEMNAME$", "description": "Title for a link that opens a view for an item.", "placeholders": { "itemname": { @@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@ } }, "autofillTitle": { - "message": "Autofill - $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Autoutfyll - $ITEMNAME$", "description": "Title for a button that autofills a login item.", "placeholders": { "itemname": { @@ -4086,7 +4086,7 @@ "message": "No values to copy" }, "assignToCollections": { - "message": "Assign to collections" + "message": "Legg til i samlinger" }, "copyEmail": { "message": "Copy email" @@ -4116,7 +4116,7 @@ "message": "Error assigning target folder." }, "viewItemsIn": { - "message": "View items in $NAME$", + "message": "Vis gjenstander i $NAME$", "description": "Button to view the contents of a folder or collection", "placeholders": { "name": { @@ -4126,7 +4126,7 @@ } }, "backTo": { - "message": "Back to $NAME$", + "message": "Tilbake til $NAME$", "description": "Navigate back to a previous folder or collection", "placeholders": { "name": { @@ -4139,7 +4139,7 @@ "message": "Ny" }, "removeItem": { - "message": "Remove $NAME$", + "message": "Fjern $NAME$", "description": "Remove a selected option, such as a folder or collection", "placeholders": { "name": { @@ -4149,13 +4149,13 @@ } }, "itemsWithNoFolder": { - "message": "Items with no folder" + "message": "Gjenstander uten mappe" }, "itemDetails": { - "message": "Item details" + "message": "Gjenstandens detaljer" }, "itemName": { - "message": "Item name" + "message": "Gjenstandens navn" }, "cannotRemoveViewOnlyCollections": { "message": "You cannot remove collections with View only permissions: $COLLECTIONS$", @@ -4183,10 +4183,10 @@ "message": "Tilleggsinformasjon" }, "itemHistory": { - "message": "Item history" + "message": "Gjenstandshistorikk" }, "lastEdited": { - "message": "Last edited" + "message": "Nyligst redigert" }, "ownerYou": { "message": "Owner: You" @@ -4201,10 +4201,10 @@ "message": "Last opp" }, "addAttachment": { - "message": "Add attachment" + "message": "Legg til vedlegg" }, "maxFileSizeSansPunctuation": { - "message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB" + "message": "Maksimal filstørrelse er 500 MB" }, "deleteAttachmentName": { "message": "Delete attachment $NAME$", @@ -4216,7 +4216,7 @@ } }, "downloadAttachmentName": { - "message": "Download $NAME$", + "message": "Last ned $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", @@ -4240,10 +4240,10 @@ "message": "Filter vault" }, "filterApplied": { - "message": "One filter applied" + "message": "Ett filter er benyttet" }, "filterAppliedPlural": { - "message": "$COUNT$ filters applied", + "message": "$COUNT$ filtre er benyttet", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", @@ -4252,16 +4252,16 @@ } }, "personalDetails": { - "message": "Personal details" + "message": "Personlige detaljer" }, "identification": { - "message": "Identification" + "message": "Identifikasjon" }, "contactInfo": { "message": "Kontaktinfo" }, "downloadAttachment": { - "message": "Download - $ITEMNAME$", + "message": "Last ned - $ITEMNAME$", "placeholders": { "itemname": { "content": "$1", @@ -4270,17 +4270,17 @@ } }, "cardNumberEndsWith": { - "message": "card number ends with", + "message": "kortnummeret slutter med", "description": "Used within the inline menu to provide an aria description when users are attempting to fill a card cipher." }, "loginCredentials": { "message": "Legitimasjoner for innlogging" }, "authenticatorKey": { - "message": "Authenticator key" + "message": "Autentiseringsnøkkel" }, "autofillOptions": { - "message": "Autofill options" + "message": "Autoutfyllings-innstillinger" }, "websiteUri": { "message": "Website (URI)" @@ -4296,7 +4296,7 @@ } }, "websiteAdded": { - "message": "Website added" + "message": "Nettsted lagt til" }, "addWebsite": { "message": "Legg til nettsted" @@ -4305,7 +4305,7 @@ "message": "Slett nettsted" }, "defaultLabel": { - "message": "Default ($VALUE$)", + "message": "Standard ($VALUE$)", "description": "A label that indicates the default value for a field with the current default value in parentheses.", "placeholders": { "value": { @@ -4336,16 +4336,16 @@ "message": "Autofill on page load?" }, "cardExpiredTitle": { - "message": "Expired card" + "message": "Utløpt kort" }, "cardExpiredMessage": { "message": "If you've renewed it, update the card's information" }, "cardDetails": { - "message": "Card details" + "message": "Kortdetaljer" }, "cardBrandDetails": { - "message": "$BRAND$ details", + "message": "$BRAND$-detaljer", "placeholders": { "brand": { "content": "$1", @@ -4357,7 +4357,7 @@ "message": "Aktiver animasjoner" }, "showAnimations": { - "message": "Show animations" + "message": "Vis animasjoner" }, "addAccount": { "message": "Legg til konto" @@ -4369,15 +4369,15 @@ "message": "Data" }, "passkeys": { - "message": "Passkeys", + "message": "Passnøkler", "description": "A section header for a list of passkeys." }, "passwords": { - "message": "Passwords", + "message": "Passord", "description": "A section header for a list of passwords." }, "logInWithPasskeyAriaLabel": { - "message": "Log in with passkey", + "message": "Logg inn med passnøkkel", "description": "ARIA label for the inline menu button that logs in with a passkey." }, "assign": { @@ -4402,16 +4402,16 @@ } }, "addField": { - "message": "Add field" + "message": "Legg til felt" }, "add": { "message": "Legg til" }, "fieldType": { - "message": "Field type" + "message": "Felttype" }, "fieldLabel": { - "message": "Field label" + "message": "Feltetikett" }, "textHelpText": { "message": "Use text fields for data like security questions" @@ -4441,7 +4441,7 @@ } }, "deleteCustomField": { - "message": "Delete $LABEL$", + "message": "Slett $LABEL$", "placeholders": { "label": { "content": "$1", @@ -4450,7 +4450,7 @@ } }, "fieldAdded": { - "message": "$LABEL$ added", + "message": "$LABEL$ er lagt til", "placeholders": { "label": { "content": "$1", @@ -4572,7 +4572,7 @@ } }, "itemLocation": { - "message": "Item Location" + "message": "Gjenstandens plassering" }, "fileSend": { "message": "File Send" @@ -4587,7 +4587,7 @@ "message": "Text Sends" }, "bitwardenNewLook": { - "message": "Bitwarden has a new look!" + "message": "Bitwarden har fått et nytt utseende!" }, "bitwardenNewLookDesc": { "message": "It's easier and more intuitive than ever to autofill and search from the Vault tab. Take a look around!" @@ -4608,16 +4608,16 @@ "message": "Enterprise policy requirements have been applied to this setting" }, "sshPrivateKey": { - "message": "Private key" + "message": "Privat nøkkel" }, "sshPublicKey": { - "message": "Public key" + "message": "Offentlig nøkkel" }, "sshFingerprint": { - "message": "Fingerprint" + "message": "Fingeravtrykk" }, "sshKeyAlgorithm": { - "message": "Key type" + "message": "Nøkkeltype" }, "sshKeyAlgorithmED25519": { "message": "ED25519" @@ -4638,22 +4638,22 @@ "message": "Minimum custom timeout is 1 minute." }, "additionalContentAvailable": { - "message": "Additional content is available" + "message": "Ytterligere innhold er tilgjengelig" }, "fileSavedToDevice": { "message": "File saved to device. Manage from your device downloads." }, "showCharacterCount": { - "message": "Show character count" + "message": "Vis tegntelleren" }, "hideCharacterCount": { - "message": "Hide character count" + "message": "Skjul tegntelleren" }, "itemsInTrash": { - "message": "Items in trash" + "message": "Gjenstander i papirkurven" }, "noItemsInTrash": { - "message": "No items in trash" + "message": "Ingen gjenstander i papirkurven" }, "noItemsInTrashDesc": { "message": "Items you delete will appear here and be permanently deleted after 30 days" @@ -4709,11 +4709,11 @@ "description": "Notification message for when a password has been regenerated" }, "saveLoginToBitwarden": { - "message": "Save login to Bitwarden?", + "message": "Vil du lagre påloggingen i Bitwarden?", "description": "Confirmation message for saving a login to Bitwarden" }, "spaceCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Space", + "message": "Mellomrom", "description": "Represents the space key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "tildeCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4721,15 +4721,15 @@ "description": "Represents the ~ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "backtickCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Backtick", + "message": "Baklengs apostrof", "description": "Represents the ` key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "exclamationCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Exclamation mark", + "message": "Utropstegn", "description": "Represents the ! key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "atSignCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "At sign", + "message": "Alfakrøll", "description": "Represents the @ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "hashSignCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4737,11 +4737,11 @@ "description": "Represents the # key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "dollarSignCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Dollar sign", + "message": "Dollartegn", "description": "Represents the $ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "percentSignCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Percent sign", + "message": "Prosenttegn", "description": "Represents the % key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "caretCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4749,7 +4749,7 @@ "description": "Represents the ^ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "ampersandCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Ampersand", + "message": "Prosenttegn", "description": "Represents the & key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "asteriskCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4757,23 +4757,23 @@ "description": "Represents the * key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "parenLeftCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Left parenthesis", + "message": "Venstre parantes", "description": "Represents the ( key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "parenRightCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Right parenthesis", + "message": "Høyre parantes", "description": "Represents the ) key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "hyphenCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Underscore", + "message": "Understrek", "description": "Represents the _ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "underscoreCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Hyphen", + "message": "Bindestrek", "description": "Represents the - key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "plusCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Plus", + "message": "Plusstegn", "description": "Represents the + key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "equalsCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4781,19 +4781,19 @@ "description": "Represents the = key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "braceLeftCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Left brace", + "message": "Venstre krøllparentes", "description": "Represents the { key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "braceRightCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Right brace", + "message": "Høyre krøllparentes", "description": "Represents the } key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "bracketLeftCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Left bracket", + "message": "Venstre firkantparantes", "description": "Represents the [ key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "bracketRightCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Right bracket", + "message": "Høyre firkantparantes", "description": "Represents the ] key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "pipeCharacterDescriptor": { @@ -4801,69 +4801,69 @@ "description": "Represents the | key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "backSlashCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Back slash", + "message": "Skråstrek bakover", "description": "Represents the back slash key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "colonCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Colon", + "message": "Kolon", "description": "Represents the : key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "semicolonCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Semicolon", + "message": "Semikolon", "description": "Represents the ; key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "doubleQuoteCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Double quote", + "message": "Hermetegn", "description": "Represents the double quote key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "singleQuoteCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Single quote", + "message": "Apostrofe", "description": "Represents the ' key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "lessThanCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Less than", + "message": "Mindre enn", "description": "Represents the < key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "greaterThanCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Greater than", + "message": "Større enn", "description": "Represents the > key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "commaCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Comma", + "message": "Komma", "description": "Represents the , key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "periodCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Period", + "message": "Tidsperiode", "description": "Represents the . key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "questionCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Question mark", + "message": "Spørsmålstegn", "description": "Represents the ? key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "forwardSlashCharacterDescriptor": { - "message": "Forward slash", + "message": "Skråstrek", "description": "Represents the / key in screen reader content as a readable word" }, "lowercaseAriaLabel": { - "message": "Lowercase" + "message": "Små bokstaver" }, "uppercaseAriaLabel": { - "message": "Uppercase" + "message": "Store bokstaver" }, "generatedPassword": { - "message": "Generated password" + "message": "Generert passord" }, "compactMode": { - "message": "Compact mode" + "message": "Kompakt modus" }, "beta": { "message": "Beta" }, "importantNotice": { - "message": "Important notice" + "message": "Viktig melding" }, "setupTwoStepLogin": { - "message": "Set up two-step login" + "message": "Sett opp 2-trinnspålogging" }, "newDeviceVerificationNoticeContentPage1": { "message": "Bitwarden will send a code to your account email to verify logins from new devices starting in February 2025." @@ -4884,7 +4884,7 @@ } }, "newDeviceVerificationNoticePageOneEmailAccessNo": { - "message": "No, I do not" + "message": "Nei, det gjør jeg ikke" }, "newDeviceVerificationNoticePageOneEmailAccessYes": { "message": "Yes, I can reliably access my email" @@ -4893,15 +4893,15 @@ "message": "Turn on two-step login" }, "changeAcctEmail": { - "message": "Change account email" + "message": "Endre kontoens E-postadresse" }, "extensionWidth": { - "message": "Extension width" + "message": "Utvidelsens bredde" }, "wide": { - "message": "Wide" + "message": "Bred" }, "extraWide": { - "message": "Extra wide" + "message": "Ekstra bred" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index f11f0860d1..dd6a2286c4 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ "message": "前往帮助中心吗?" }, "continueToHelpCenterDesc": { - "message": "访问帮助中心了解更多如何使用 Bitwarden 的信息。" + "message": "在帮助中心进一步了解如何使用 Bitwarden。" }, "continueToBrowserExtensionStore": { "message": "前往浏览器扩展商店吗?" @@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ "message": "Bitwarden 可以存储并填充两步验证码。选择相机图标来截取此网站的验证器二维码,或者手动复制并粘贴密钥到此字段。" }, "learnMoreAboutAuthenticators": { - "message": "了解更多关于验证器的信息" + "message": "进一步了解验证器" }, "copyTOTP": { "message": "复制验证器密钥 (TOTP)" @@ -1514,10 +1514,10 @@ "message": "不完整或不信任的网站可以利用页面加载时的自动填充功能。" }, "learnMoreAboutAutofillOnPageLoadLinkText": { - "message": "了解更多关于风险的信息" + "message": "进一步了解风险" }, "learnMoreAboutAutofill": { - "message": "了解更多关于自动填充的信息" + "message": "进一步了解自动填充" }, "defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": { "message": "登录项目的默认自动填充设置" @@ -2318,14 +2318,14 @@ "message": "一个组织策略正影响您的所有权选项。" }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { - "message": "组织策略已阻止将项目导入您的个人密码库。" + "message": "某个组织策略已阻止将项目导入您的个人密码库。" }, "domainsTitle": { "message": "域名", "description": "A category title describing the concept of web domains" }, "blockedDomains": { - "message": "已屏蔽的域名" + "message": "屏蔽域名" }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "排除域名" @@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ } }, "blockedDomainsSavedSuccess": { - "message": "已屏蔽的域名更改已保存" + "message": "屏蔽域名更改已保存" }, "excludedDomainsSavedSuccess": { "message": "排除域名更改已保存" @@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@ "message": "稍后提醒我" }, "newDeviceVerificationNoticePageOneFormContent": { - "message": "您能可正常访问您的电子邮箱 $EMAIL$ 吗?", + "message": "您可以正常访问您的电子邮箱 $EMAIL$ 吗?", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", diff --git a/apps/browser/store/locales/zh_CN/copy.resx b/apps/browser/store/locales/zh_CN/copy.resx index 3348cf1910..0f73ccd661 100644 --- a/apps/browser/store/locales/zh_CN/copy.resx +++ b/apps/browser/store/locales/zh_CN/copy.resx @@ -135,11 +135,12 @@ 每个人都应该拥有的保持在线安全的工具 使用 Bitwarden 是免费的,没有广告,不会出售数据。Bitwarden 相信每个人都应该拥有保持在线安全的能力。高级计划提供了对高级功能的访问。 -使用 BITWARDEN 为您的团队提供支持 +使用 Bitwarden 为您的团队提供支持 团队计划和企业计划具有专业的商业功能。例如 SSO 集成、自托管、目录集成,以及 SCIM 配置、全局策略、API 访问、事件日志等。 使用 Bitwarden 保护您的劳动成果,并与同事共享敏感信息。 + 选择 Bitwarden 的更多理由: 世界级加密 @@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ Bitwarden 的翻译涵盖 60 多种语言,由全球社区使用 Crowdin 翻译 从任何浏览器、移动设备或桌面操作系统中安全地访问和共享 Bitwarden 密码库中的敏感数据。 Bitwarden 保护的不仅仅是密码 -Bitwarden 的端对端加密凭据管理解决方案使组织能够保护所有内容,包括开发人员机密和通行密钥体验。访问 Bitwarden.com 了解更多关于 Bitwarden Secrets Manager 和 Bitwarden Passwordless.dev 的信息! +Bitwarden 的端对端加密凭据管理解决方案使组织能够保护所有内容,包括开发人员机密和通行密钥体验。访问 Bitwarden.com 进一步了解 Bitwarden Secrets Manager 和 Bitwarden Passwordless.dev! 无论是在家中、工作中还是在旅途中,Bitwarden 都可以轻松地保护您的所有密码、通行密钥和敏感信息。