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synced 2025-03-02 03:41:09 +01:00
Autosync the updated translations (#10314)
Co-authored-by: bitwarden-devops-bot <106330231+bitwarden-devops-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
"itemsMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Items moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Elementlər bura daşındı: $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
"itemMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Item moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Element bura daşındı: $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -646,16 +646,16 @@
"message": "Seansın müddəti bitdi."
"restartRegistration": {
"message": "Restart registration"
"message": "Qeydiyyatı yenidən başlat"
"expiredLink": {
"message": "Expired link"
"message": "Vaxtı bitmiş keçid"
"pleaseRestartRegistrationOrTryLoggingIn": {
"message": "Please restart registration or try logging in."
"message": "Lütfən qeydiyyatı yenidən başladın və ya giriş etməyə çalışın."
"youMayAlreadyHaveAnAccount": {
"message": "You may already have an account"
"message": "Artıq bir hesabınız ola bilər"
"logOutConfirmation": {
"message": "Çıxış etmək istədiyinizə əminsiniz?"
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"message": "Xaricə köçürülən faylın şifrəsi açılarkən xəta baş verdi. Şifrələmə açarınız, datanı xaricə köçürmək üçün istifadə edilən şifrələmə açarı ilə uyuşmur."
"destination": {
"message": "Destination"
"message": "Hədəf"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "Daxilə köçürmə seçimlərinizi öyrənin"
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@
"message": "Yuxarıdakı təşkilata qoşulmaq üçün dəvət edildiniz. Dəvəti qəbul etmək üçün Bitwarden hesabına giriş etməli və ya yeni bir hesab yaratmalısınız."
"finishJoiningThisOrganizationBySettingAMasterPassword": {
"message": "Finish joining this organization by setting a master password."
"message": "Bu ana parol təyin edərək bu təşkilata qoşulmağı tamamlayın."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Dəvət qəbul edildi"
@ -3820,7 +3820,7 @@
"message": "Heç nə seçmədiniz."
"receiveMarketingEmailsV2": {
"message": "Get advice, announcements, and research opportunities from Bitwarden in your inbox."
"message": "Bitwarden-in tövsiyə, elan və araşdırma imkanlarını gələn qutunuzda əldə edin."
"unsubscribe": {
"message": "Abunəlikdən çıx"
@ -4274,7 +4274,7 @@
"message": "Bu təşkilat üçün SSO əlaqəsini kəsmək istədiyinizə əminsiniz?"
"linkSso": {
"message": "SSO bağlantısını yarat"
"message": "SSO ilə əlaqələndir"
"singleOrg": {
"message": "Tək təşkilat"
@ -4383,14 +4383,14 @@
"message": "Ləğv edildi"
"sendLink": {
"message": "\"Send\" bağlantısı",
"message": "\"Send\" keçidi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Keçidi kopyala"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "\"Send\" bağlantısını kopyala",
"message": "\"Send\" keçidini kopyala",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"removePassword": {
@ -4767,10 +4767,10 @@
"message": "Göndərmək istədiyiniz fayl."
"copySendLinkOnSave": {
"message": "Saxladıqdan sonra bu \"Send\"in paylaşma bağlantısını lövhəmə kopyala."
"message": "Saxladıqdan sonra bu \"Send\"in paylaşma keçidini lövhəmə kopyala."
"sendLinkLabel": {
"message": "\"Send\" bağlantısı",
"message": "\"Send\" keçidi",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"send": {
@ -4808,61 +4808,61 @@
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Sirlərin idarə edilməsini mərkəzləşdirin."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Sirlərin təşkilatınızda yayılmasını önləmək üçün sirləri güvənli şəkildə saxlayın və idarə edin."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Sirr sızıntılarını önləyin."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Sirləri ucdan-uca şifrələmə ilə qoruyun. Artıq sabit kodlaşdırma sirlərinə və ya .env faylları üzərindən paylaşmağa ehtiyac yoxdur."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Tərtibatçı məhsuldarlığını artır."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Tərtibatçıların, kod keyfiyyətini yaxşılaşdırmaq kimi vacib mövzulara fokuslana bilməsi üçün \"runtime\"da sirləri proqramlı şəkildə alın və yerləşdirin."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Biznes təhlükəsizliyini gücləndirin."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "SSO inteqrasiyaları, \"event\" jurnalları və \"access rotation\" ilə maşın və insanların sirlərə müraciətinə ciddi nəzarət edin."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "İndi sına"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Tələb göndər"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Not əlavə et"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Bitwarden Sirr Meneceri"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Bitwarden-dən daha çox məhsul"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "\"Sirr Meneceri\"nə müraciət tələb et"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "\"Sirr Meneceri\"ni sınamaq üçün administratorunuzun təsdiqi lazımdır."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "Sirr menecerinə müraciət tələbi üçün e-poçt adminlərə göndərildi."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Salam,\n\nBu, komandamız üçün \"Bitwarden Sirr Meneceri\"nə abunə olmaq istəyidir. Dəstəyiniz, bizim üçün böyük məna kəsb edir!\n\nBitwarden Sirr Meneceri, API açarları, databaza parolları və autentifikasiya sertifikatları kimi maşın kimlik məlumatlarını güvənli şəkildə saxlamaq, paylaşmaq və yerləşdirmək üçün ucdan-uca şifrələnmiş sirlərin idarə edilməsi həllidir.\n\nSirr Meneceri, bizə belə kömək edəcək:\n\n- Güvənliyi artırmaq\n- Əməliyyatları asanlaşdırmaq\n- Dəyərli sirr sızıntılarını önləmək\n\nKomandamız üçün ödənişsiz sınağı tələb etmək üçün lütfən Bitwarden ilə əlaqə saxlayın.\n\nKöməyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Üzvlərə müraciət icazəsi vermə:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "Sirr Menecerinə müraciət icazəsi vermək üçün üzvləri görün və seçin."
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
@ -4899,7 +4899,7 @@
"viewSendHiddenEmailWarning": {
"message": "Bu \"Send\"i yaradan Bitwarden istifadəçisi e-poçt ünvanını gizlətməyi seçdi. İstifadə etməzdən və ya endirməzdən əvvəl bu bağlantının mənbəyinin etibarlı olduğuna əmin olmalısınız.",
"message": "Bu \"Send\"i yaradan Bitwarden istifadəçisi e-poçt ünvanını gizlətməyi seçib. İstifadə etməzdən və ya endirməzdən əvvəl bu keçidin mənbəyinin etibarlı olduğuna əmin olmalısınız.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDateIsInvalid": {
@ -4975,7 +4975,7 @@
"eventResetSsoLink": {
"message": "$ID$ istifadəçisi üçün SSO bağlantısını sıfırla",
"message": "$ID$ istifadəçisi üçün SSO keçidini sıfırla",
"placeholders": {
"id": {
"content": "$1",
@ -5508,7 +5508,7 @@
"message": "Ailə sirləri üçün paylaşılan kolleksiyalar"
"badToken": {
"message": "Bağlantı artıq etibarlı deyil. Lütfən sponsorun təklifi yenidən göndərməsini təmin edin."
"message": "Keçid, artıq etibarlı deyil. Lütfən sponsorun təklifi yenidən göndərməsini təmin edin."
"reclaimedFreePlan": {
"message": "Geri alınmış ödənişsiz plan"
@ -7997,10 +7997,10 @@
"message": "Bu kolleksiyalara təyin et"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionSingular": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the item."
"message": "Yalnız bu kolleksiyalara müraciəti olan təşkilat üzvləri bu elementi görə biləcək."
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionPlural": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items."
"message": "Yalnız bu kolleksiyalara müraciəti olan təşkilat üzvləri bu elementləri görə biləcək."
"selectCollectionsToAssign": {
"message": "Təyin ediləcək kolleksiyaları seçin"
@ -8655,10 +8655,10 @@
"message": "Qovluq seç"
"personalItemTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own this item."
"message": "1 element seçilmiş təşkilata birdəfəlik transfer ediləcək. Artıq bu elementlərə sahib olmaya bilməyəcəksiniz."
"personalItemsTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ element seçilmiş təşkilata birdəfəlik transfer ediləcək. Artıq bu elementlərə sahib olmaya bilməyəcəksiniz.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8667,7 +8667,7 @@
"personalItemWithOrgTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own this item.",
"message": "1 element $ORG$ təşkilatına birdəfəlik transfer ediləcək. Artıq bu elementlərə sahib olmaya bilməyəcəksiniz.",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8676,7 +8676,7 @@
"personalItemsWithOrgTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ element $ORG$ təşkilatına birdəfəlik transfer ediləcək. Artıq bu elementlərə sahib olmaya bilməyəcəksiniz.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Копиране на връзката"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Копиране на връзката към изпратеното",
@ -4805,73 +4805,73 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"message": "Екипите по разработка, софтуерни операции и инфраструктура избират Управлението на тайни на Битуорден, за да управляват и внедряват по сигурен начин своите тайни данни свързани с инфраструктурата и конкретни машини."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Централизирайте управлението на тайни."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Съхранявайте и управлявайте сигурно тайните си данни на едно място, за да предотвратите разгласяването им из организацията."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Предотвратете изтичането на тайни данни."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Защитете тайните си данни с шифроване от край до край. Без повече тайни в кода или споделяне чрез файлове „.env“."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Подобрете производителността на разработчиците."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Изтегляйте и внедрявайте тайни в процеса на изпълнение на приложенията, така че разработчиците да могат да се концентрират върху това, в което са най-добри – да подобряват качеството на кода."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Подсилете сигурността на бизнеса си."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "Упражнявайте стриктен контрол върху достъпа на машини и хора до тайните данни с внедряване на еднократно удостоверяване, журнали на събитията и завъртане на достъпа."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "Изпробвайте сега"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Изпращане на зайвка"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Добавете бележка"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Управление на тайни от Битуорден"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Още продукти от Битуорден"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "Заявете достъп до Управлението на тайни"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "Необходимо е одобрение от администратор, за да изпробвате Управлението на тайни."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "Заявката за достъп до Управлението на данни е изпратена по е-поща до администраторите."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Здравейте!\n\nИмам нужда от абонамент за Управлението на тайни на Битуорден за нашия екип. Подкрепата Ви ще означава много за нас!\n\nУправлението на тайни на Битуорден е решение за управлението на тайни данни с шифроване от край до край, чрез което могат да се съхраняват, споделят и внедряват данни за удостоверяване на различни машини, като ключове за ППИ, пароли за бази данни и сертификати.\n\nУправлението на тайни ще ни помогне да:\n – подобрим сигурността си;\n – уеднаквим операционните си процеси;\n – предотвратим потенциални изтичания на тайни данни.\n\nМоля, свържете се с Битуорден, за да направите заявка за безплатен пробен период.\n\nБлагодаря предварително за помощта!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Даване на достъп за членовете:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "прегледайте и изберете членовете, на които искате да дадете достъп до Управлението на тайни."
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "Използвайки менюто, изберете"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": ", за да дадете достъп на избраните членове."
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "пробвайте още сега",
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
"itemsMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Items moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Einträge verschoben nach $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
"itemMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Item moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Eintrag verschoben nach $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"message": "Fehler beim Entschlüsseln der exportierten Datei. Dein Verschlüsselungsschlüssel stimmt nicht mit dem beim Export verwendeten Verschlüsselungsschlüssel überein."
"destination": {
"message": "Destination"
"message": "Ziel"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "Erfahre mehr über deine Importoptionen"
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@
"message": "Du wurdest eingeladen, dem oben genannten Organisation beizutreten. Um die Einladung anzunehmen, musst du ein Bitwarden-Konto erstellen oder dich mit deinem bestehenden Bitwarden-Konto anmelden."
"finishJoiningThisOrganizationBySettingAMasterPassword": {
"message": "Finish joining this organization by setting a master password."
"message": "Schließe den Beitritt zu dieser Organisation ab, indem du ein Master-Passwort festlegst."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Einladung angenommen"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Link kopieren"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Send-Link kopieren",
@ -4805,61 +4805,61 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"message": "Entwickler, DevOps und IT-Teams wählen den Bitwarden Secrets Manager aus, um ihre Infrastruktur- und Maschinengeheimnisse sicher zu verwalten und bereitzustellen."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Geheimnisverwaltung zentralisieren."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Speicher und verwalte Geheimnisse sicher an einem Ort, um die unkontrollierte Ausbreitung von Geheimnissen in deinem Unternehmen zu verhindern."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Verhinderung von Geheimdatenlecks."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Schütze Geheimnisse mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung. Keine fest kodierten Geheimnisse mehr oder Teilen über .env-Dateien."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Steigerung der Produktivität der Entwickler."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Programmgesteuertes Abrufen und Bereitstellen von Geheimnissen zur Laufzeit, damit sich die Entwickler auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können, nämlich die Verbesserung der Codequalität."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Stärkung der Unternehmenssicherheit."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "Behalte mit SSO-Integrationen, Ereignisprotokollen und Zugriffsrotation eine strenge Kontrolle über den maschinellen und menschlichen Zugriff auf Geheimnisse."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "Jetzt ausprobieren"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Anfrage absenden"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Eine Notiz hinzufügen"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Mehr Produkte von Bitwarden"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "Zugriff auf Secrets Manager anfragen"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "Du benötigst die Genehmigung deines Administrators, um den Secrets Manager auszuprobieren."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "E-Mail mit Zugriffsanfrage für Secrets Manager an Administratoren gesendet."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Hi,\n\nich möchte ein Abonnement des Bitwarden Secrets Manager für unser Team beantragen. Deine Unterstützung würde eine Menge bedeuten!\n\nDer Bitwarden Secrets Manager ist eine Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselte Verwaltungslösung für das sichere Aufbewahren, Teilen und Bereitstellen von Maschinen-Zugangsdaten wie API-Schlüssel, Datenbank-Passwörter und Authentifizierungszertifikate.\n\nSecrets Manager hilft uns bei der:\n\n- Verbesserung der Sicherheit\n- Rationalisierung von Abläufen\n- Vermeidung kostspieliger Geheimdatenlecks\n\nUm eine kostenlose Testversion für unser Team anzufordern, wende dich bitte an Bitwarden.\n\nVielen Dank für deine Hilfe!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Mitgliedern Zugriff geben:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
@ -7997,10 +7997,10 @@
"message": "Diesen Sammlungen zuweisen"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionSingular": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the item."
"message": "Nur Organisationsmitglieder mit Zugriff auf diese Sammlungen können die Einträge sehen."
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionPlural": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items."
"message": "Nur Organisationsmitglieder mit Zugriff auf diese Sammlungen können die Einträge sehen."
"selectCollectionsToAssign": {
"message": "Zu zuweisende Sammlungen auswählen"
@ -8655,10 +8655,10 @@
"message": "Ordner auswählen"
"personalItemTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own this item."
"message": "1 Eintrag wird dauerhaft an die ausgewählte Organisation übertragen. Du wirst diesen Eintrag nicht mehr besitzen."
"personalItemsTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ werden dauerhaft an die ausgewählte Organisation übertragen. Du wirst diese Einträge nicht mehr besitzen.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8667,7 +8667,7 @@
"personalItemWithOrgTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own this item.",
"message": "1 Eintrag wird dauerhaft an $ORG$ übertragen. Du wirst diesen Eintrag nicht mehr besitzen.",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8676,7 +8676,7 @@
"personalItemsWithOrgTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ werden dauerhaft an $ORG$ übertragen. Du wirst diese Einträge nicht mehr besitzen.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8689,7 +8689,7 @@
"data": {
"message": "Data"
"message": "Daten"
"purchasedSeatsRemoved": {
"message": "erworbene Benutzerplätze entfernt"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Kopioi linkki"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Kopioi Send-linkki",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Hivatkozás másolása"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Send hivatkozás másolása",
@ -4817,61 +4817,61 @@
"message": "シークレットの漏洩を防ぎます。"
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "エンドツーエンド暗号化でシークレットを保護します。シークレットハードコーディングや .env ファイルでの共有はもう必要ありません。"
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "開発者の生産性を高めます。"
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "開発者がコードの品質を向上させるなど最も重要なことに集中できるように、プログラム実行時にシークレットを取得およびデプロイします。"
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "ビジネスの安全を強化します。"
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "SSO 統合、イベントログ、アクセスローテーションを使用して、マシンと人間のシークレットへのアクセスを厳密に制御します。"
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "今すぐ試す"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "リクエストを送信"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "メモを追加"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Bitwarden シークレットマネージャー"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Bitwarden の他の製品"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "シークレットマネージャーへのアクセスを要求する"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "シークレットマネージャーを試すには管理者からの承認が必要です。"
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "シークレットマネージャーのアクセスリクエストメールを管理者に送信しました。"
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "お疲れ様です。\n\nチームでの Bitwarden シークレットマネージャーのサブスクリプション契約を検討していただけないでしょうか。\n\nBitwarden シークレットマネージャーは、API キー、データベースパスワード、認証証明書などのマシン認証情報を安全に保管、共有、デプロイするためのエンドツーエンドの暗号化シークレット管理ソリューションです。\n\n・セキュリティ強化\n・操作の簡素化\n・シークレット流出防止\nといった観点で効果的だと考えております。\n\nBitwarden に連絡いただければ無料お試しも可能です。\n\nご検討よろしくお願いいたします。"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "メンバーにアクセスを許可する:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "一覧を表示して、シークレットマネージャーへのアクセスを許可したいメンバーを選択してください。"
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"message": "組織の"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "メニューを使用して、"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": "をクリックすると選択したメンバーへのアクセスを許可します。"
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "試してみてください",
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@
"message": "Tu esi uzaicināts pievienoties augstāk norādītajai apvienībai. Lai to pieņemtu, jāpiesakās vai jāizveido jauns Bitwarden konts."
"finishJoiningThisOrganizationBySettingAMasterPassword": {
"message": "Finish joining this organization by setting a master password."
"message": "Pabeigt pievienošanos šai apvienībai ar galvenās paroles iestatīšanu."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Uzaicinājums pieņemts"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Ievietot saiti starpliktuvē"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Ievietot Send saiti starpliktuvē",
@ -4805,73 +4805,73 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"message": "Izstrādes, DevOps un IT komandas izvēlas Bitwarden noslēpumu pārvaldnieku, lai droši pārvaldītu un izvietotu savus infrastruktūras un mašīnu noslēpumus."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Noslēpumu pārvaldības centralizēšana."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Noslēpumu droša uzglabāšana un pārvaldīšana vienā vietā, lai apvienībā novērstu noslēpumu izkliedētību."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Noslēpumu noplūdes novēršana."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Noslēpumu aizsargāšana ar pilnīgu šifrēšanu. Vairs nekādu noslēpumu kodā vai kopīgošana ar .env datnēm."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Izstrādātāju produktivitātes uzlabošana."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Noslēpumu programmatiska izgūšana un izvietošana izpildlaikā, tādējādi izstrādātāji var pievērsties svarīgākajam, piemēram, koda kvalitātes uzlabošanai."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Uzņēmējdarbības drošības stiprināšana."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "Ciešas pārraudzības pār mašīnu un cilvēku piekļuvi noslēpumiem uzturēšana ar SSO integrācijām, notikumu žurnāliem un piekļuves maiņa."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "Izmēģināt tagad"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Nosūtīt pieprasījumu"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Pievienot piezīmi"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Bitwarden noslēpumu pārvaldnieks"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Vairāk izstrādājumu no Bitwarden"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "Pieprasīt piekļuvi Noslēpumu pārvaldniekam"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "Ir nepieciešams apstiprinājums no pārvaldītāja, lai izmēģinātu Noslēpumu pārvaldnieku."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "Piekļuves pieprasījuma Noslēpumu pārvaldniekam e-pasta ziņojumus ir nosūtīts pārvaldītājiem."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Sveiki!\n\nEs lūdzu Bitwarden noslēpumu pārvaldnieka abonementu mūsu komandai. Jūsu atbalsts būs ļoti nozīmīgs.\n\nBitwarden noslēpumu pārvaldnieks ir pilnībā šifrēts noslēpumu pārvaldības risinājumus tādu mašīnu piekļuves datu kā API atslēgu, datubāžu paroļu un autentifikācijas sertifikātu drošai uzglabāšanai, kopīgošanai un izvietošanai.\n\nNoslēpumu pārvaldnieks palīdzēs mums:\n\n- uzlabot drošību;\n- pilnveidot darbības;\n- novērst dārgas noslēpumu noplūdes.\n\nLai pieprasītu bezmaksas izmēģinājumu mūsu komandai, lūgums vērsties pie Bitwarden.\n\nPaldies par palīdzību!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Piešķirt dalībniekiem piekļuvi:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "skatīt un atlasīt dalībniekus, kuriem piešķirt piekļuvi Noslēpumu pārvaldniekam."
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"message": "Jāatver savas apvienības"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "Izvēlnē jāatlasa"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": ", lai piešķirtu piekļuvi atlasītajiem dalībniekiem."
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "izmēģināt tagad",
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"message": "Chyba pri dešifrovaní exportovaného súboru. Váš šifrovací kľúč sa nezhoduje so šifrovacím kľúčom použitým pri exporte údajov."
"destination": {
"message": "Destination"
"message": "Cieľ"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "Zistiť viac o možnostiach importu"
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@
"message": "Obdržali ste pozvánku do vyššie menovanej Organizácie. Ak chcete pozvánku prijať, musíte sa prihlásiť alebo si vytvoriť nový Bitwarden účet."
"finishJoiningThisOrganizationBySettingAMasterPassword": {
"message": "Finish joining this organization by setting a master password."
"message": "Dokončite pripojenie k tejto organizácii nastavením hlavného hesla."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Pozvánka prijatá"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Kopírovať odkaz"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Kopírovať odkaz na Send",
@ -4805,73 +4805,73 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"message": "Vývojari, DevOps a IT tímy si vyberajú Bitwarden Secrets Manager na bezpečnú správu a nasadenie tajomstiev pre infraštruktúru a zariadenia."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Centralizujte správu tajomstiev."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Bezpečne ukladajte a spravujte tajomstvá na jednom mieste a zabráňte rozptýleniu tajomstiev v celej organizácii."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Zabráňte úniku tajomstiev."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Chráňte tajomstvá pomocou end-to-end šifrovania. Už žiadne vkladanie tajomstiev do kódu alebo zdieľanie prostredníctvom súborov .env."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Zlepšite vývojársku produktivitu."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Programovo získavajte a nasadzujte tajomstvá za behu, aby sa vývojári mohli sústrediť na to najdôležitejšie, napríklad na zlepšovanie kvality kódu."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Posilnite bezpečnosť spoločnosti."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "Udržujte prísnu kontrolu nad prístupom strojov a ľudí k tajomstvám pomocou integrácie SSO, protokolov udalostí a rotácie prístupu."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "Vyskúšať teraz"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Odoslať žiadosť"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Pridať poznámku"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Viac produktov od spoločnosti Bitwarden"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "Požiadať o prístup k Secrets Manager"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "Aby ste mohli vyskúšať Secrets Manager, potrebujete povolenie od vášho správcu."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "Požiadavka na Secrets Manager odoslaná vaším správcom."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Ahoj,\n\nŽiadam o predplatné programu Bitwarden Secrets Manager pre náš tím. Veľmi by sme ocenili Vašu podporu.\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager je komplexné šifrované riešenie na správu tajomstiev a na bezpečné ukladanie, zdieľanie a nasadzovanie strojových poverení, ako sú kľúče API, heslá do databáz a autentifikačné certifikáty.\n\nSecrets Manager nám pomôže:\n\n- Zlepšiť bezpečnosť\n- Zefektívniť prevádzku\n- Zabrániť nákladným únikom tajomstiev\n\nAk chcete požiadať o bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu pre náš tím, obráťte sa na spoločnosť Bitwarden.\n\nĎakujeme za vašu pomoc!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Poskytnúť členom prístup k:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "zobrazte a vyberte členov ktorým chcete umožniť prístup k Secrets Manager."
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"message": "Otvorte organizáciu"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "Pomocou menu vyberte"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": "aby ste povolili prístup vybraným členom."
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "to skúste teraz",
@ -7997,10 +7997,10 @@
"message": "Prideliť k týmto zbierkam"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionSingular": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the item."
"message": "Položku si budú môcť pozrieť len členovia organizácie s prístupom k týmto zbierkam."
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionPlural": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items."
"message": "Položky si budú môcť pozrieť len členovia organizácie s prístupom k týmto zbierkam."
"selectCollectionsToAssign": {
"message": "Vyberte zbierky na pridelenie"
@ -8689,7 +8689,7 @@
"data": {
"message": "Data"
"message": "Údaje"
"purchasedSeatsRemoved": {
"message": "zakúpené sedenia boli odstránené"
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
"itemsMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Items moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Елементи переміщено до $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
"itemMovedToOrg": {
"message": "Item moved to $ORGNAME$",
"message": "Елемент переміщено до $ORGNAME$",
"placeholders": {
"orgname": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"message": "Помилка розшифрування експортованого файлу. Ваш ключ шифрування відрізняється від ключа, використаного для експортування даних."
"destination": {
"message": "Destination"
"message": "Призначення"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "Дізнайтеся про параметри імпорту"
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@
"message": "Вас було запрошено приєднатися до зазначеної вгорі організації. Щоб підтвердити запрошення, вам необхідно увійти в обліковий запис Bitwarden, або створити його."
"finishJoiningThisOrganizationBySettingAMasterPassword": {
"message": "Finish joining this organization by setting a master password."
"message": "Завершіть приєднання до цієї організації, встановивши головний пароль."
"inviteAccepted": {
"message": "Запрошення прийнято"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Копіювати посилання"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "Копіювати посилання відправлення",
@ -4805,73 +4805,73 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "Development, DevOps, and IT teams choose Bitwarden Secrets Manager to securely manage and deploy their infrastructure and machine secrets."
"message": "Команди розробників, DevOps та IT-спеціалісти обирають Менеджер секретів Bitwarden для безпечного керування і розгортання інфраструктурних і машинних секретів."
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "Centralize secrets management."
"message": "Централізуйте керування секретами."
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "Безпечно зберігайте та керуйте секретами в одному місці, щоб запобігти неналежному розповсюдженню в організації."
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "Запобігайте витоку секретів."
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "Захистіть секрети за допомогою наскрізного шифрування. Більше не потрібно кодувати секрети чи ділитися ними за допомогою файлів .env."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "Підвищте продуктивність розробників."
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "Програмовано отримуйте та розгортайте секрети, щоб розробники могли зосередитися на найважливішому, як-от вдосконалення якості коду."
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "Посильте безпеку бізнесу."
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "Надійно контролюйте доступ машин і людей до секретів за допомогою інтеграції SSO, журналів подій та оновлення дозволів на доступ."
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "Спробувати зараз"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "Надіслати запит"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "Додати нотатку"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Менеджер секретів Bitwarden"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "Інші продукти від Bitwarden"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "Запитати доступ до менеджера секретів"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "Щоб спробувати менеджер секретів, необхідне схвалення вашого адміністратора."
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "Електронний лист із запитом на доступ до менеджера секретів надіслано адміністраторам."
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "Вітаю!\n\nПрошу надати передплату на Менеджер секретів Bitwarden для нашої команди. Ваша підтримка дуже важлива для нас!\n\nМенеджер секретів Bitwarden – це рішення з наскрізним шифруванням для керування секретами, яке дає змогу надійно зберігати, ділитися та розгортати машинні облікові дані, як-от ключі API, паролі баз даних і сертифікати автентифікації.\n\nЗа допомогою менеджера секретів ми зможемо:\n\n- Вдосконалити безпеку\n- Підвищити продуктивність операцій\n- Запобігти витоку секретів\n\nЩоб надіслати запит на безплатний пробний період для нашої команди, зверніться до Bitwarden.\n\nДякую за допомогу!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "Надати доступ учасникам:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "перегляньте й виберіть учасників, яким ви хочете надати доступ до менеджера секретів."
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"message": "Відкрийте"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "За допомогою меню виберіть"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": "вашої організації, щоб надати доступ вибраним учасникам."
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "спробуйте",
@ -7997,10 +7997,10 @@
"message": "Призначити до цих збірок"
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionSingular": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the item."
"message": "Лише учасники організації з доступом до цих збірок зможуть переглядати запис."
"bulkCollectionAssignmentDialogDescriptionPlural": {
"message": "Only organization members with access to these collections will be able to see the items."
"message": "Лише учасники організації з доступом до цих збірок зможуть переглядати записи."
"selectCollectionsToAssign": {
"message": "Оберіть збірки для призначення"
@ -8655,10 +8655,10 @@
"message": "Вибрати теку"
"personalItemTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own this item."
"message": "1 елемент буде остаточно перенесено до вибраної організації. Ви більше не будете власником цього елемента."
"personalItemsTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to the selected organization. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ елементи буде остаточно перенесено до вибраної організації. Ви більше не будете власником цих елементів.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8667,7 +8667,7 @@
"personalItemWithOrgTransferWarningSingular": {
"message": "1 item will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own this item.",
"message": "1 елемент буде остаточно перенесено до $ORG$. Ви більше не будете власником цього елемента.",
"placeholders": {
"org": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8676,7 +8676,7 @@
"personalItemsWithOrgTransferWarningPlural": {
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ items will be permanently transferred to $ORG$. You will no longer own these items.",
"message": "$PERSONAL_ITEMS_COUNT$ елементи буде остаточно перенесено до $ORG$. Ви більше не будете власником цих елементів.",
"placeholders": {
"personal_items_count": {
"content": "$1",
@ -8689,7 +8689,7 @@
"data": {
"message": "Data"
"message": "Дані"
"purchasedSeatsRemoved": {
"message": "куплених місць вилучено"
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
"message": "解密导出的文件时出错。您的加密密钥与导出数据时使用的加密密钥不匹配。"
"destination": {
"message": "Destination"
"message": "目的地"
"learnAboutImportOptions": {
"message": "了解您的导入选项"
@ -3587,10 +3587,10 @@
"message": "验证银行账户"
"verifyBankAccountDesc": {
"message": "我们已将两笔小额转账存入您的银行账户(将会在 1-2 个工作日到账)。输入这些金额来验证银行账户。"
"message": "我们已向您的银行账户存入了两笔小额转账(可能需要 1-2 个工作日到账)。输入这些金额以验证银行账户。"
"verifyBankAccountInitialDesc": {
"message": "只有美国用户才能使用银行账户付款。您需要验证自己的银行账户。我们将在 1-2 个工作日内进行两笔小额转账,在组织的计费页面输入这些金额来验证银行账户。"
"message": "使用银行账户付款仅对美国用户开放。您将被要求验证您的银行账户。我们将在 1-2 个工作日内进行两笔小额转账,请在组织的计费页面输入这些金额以验证银行账户。"
"verifyBankAccountFailureWarning": {
"message": "验证银行账户失败将会错过支付,您的订阅将失效。"
@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "复制链接"
"copySendLink": {
"message": "复制 Send 链接",
@ -4805,73 +4805,73 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'"
"developmentDevOpsAndITTeamsChooseBWSecret": {
"message": "开发 DevOps 和 IT 团队选择 Bitwarden 机密管理器来安全管理和部署他们的基础设施和机器秘密。"
"message": "开发、DevOps 和 IT 团队选择 Bitwarden 机密管理器来安全地管理和部署他们的基础设施和机器机密。"
"centralizeSecretsManagement": {
"message": "集中管理秘密。"
"message": "集中管理机密。"
"centralizeSecretsManagementDescription": {
"message": "Securely store and manage secrets in one location to prevent secret sprawl across your organization."
"message": "在一个位置安全地存储和管理机密,以防止机密扩散到您的组织。"
"preventSecretLeaks": {
"message": "Prevent secret leaks."
"message": "防止机密遭泄漏。"
"preventSecretLeaksDescription": {
"message": "Protect secrets with end-to-end encryption. No more hard coding secrets or sharing through .env files."
"message": "使用端到端加密保护机密。而不再需要硬编码机密或通过 .env 文件分享机密。"
"enhanceDeveloperProductivity": {
"message": "Enhance developer productivity."
"message": "提高开发人员的生产力。"
"enhanceDeveloperProductivityDescription": {
"message": "Programmatically retrieve and deploy secrets at runtime so developers can focus on what matters most, like improving code quality."
"message": "程序化地在运行时检索和部署机密,使开发人员可以专注于最重要的事情,例如提高代码质量。"
"strengthenBusinessSecurity": {
"message": "Strengthen business security."
"message": "加强企业安全。"
"strengthenBusinessSecurityDescription": {
"message": "Maintain tight control over machine and human access to secrets with SSO integrations, event logs, and access rotation."
"message": "通过 SSO 集成、事件日志和访问轮换,保持机器和人类对机密访问权限的严格控制。"
"tryItNow": {
"message": "Try it now"
"message": "立即试用"
"sendRequest": {
"message": "Send request"
"message": "发送请求"
"addANote": {
"message": "Add a note"
"message": "添加备注"
"bitwardenSecretsManager": {
"message": "Bitwarden Secrets Manager"
"message": "Bitwarden 机密管理器"
"moreProductsFromBitwarden": {
"message": "More products from Bitwarden"
"message": "更多来自 Bitwarden 的产品"
"requestAccessToSecretsManager": {
"message": "Request access to Secrets Manager"
"message": "请求访问机密管理器"
"youNeedApprovalFromYourAdminToTrySecretsManager": {
"message": "You need approval from your administrator to try Secrets Manager."
"message": "您需要管理员的批准才能试用机密管理器。"
"smAccessRequestEmailSent": {
"message": "Access request for secrets manager email sent to admins."
"message": "对机密管理器的访问请求电子邮件已发送给管理员。"
"requestAccessSMDefaultEmailContent": {
"message": "Hi,\n\nI am requesting a subscription to Bitwarden Secrets Manager for our team. Your support would mean a great deal!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager is an end-to-end encrypted secrets management solution for securely storing, sharing, and deploying machine credentials like API keys, database passwords, and authentication certificates.\n\nSecrets Manager will help us to:\n\n- Improve security\n- Streamline operations\n- Prevent costly secret leaks\n\nTo request a free trial for our team, please reach out to Bitwarden.\n\nThank you for your help!"
"message": "您好,\n\n我请求为我们的团队订阅 Bitwarden Secrets Manager。您的支持对我们来说意义重大!\n\nBitwarden Secrets Manager 是一个端到端加密的机密管理解决方案,用于安全地存储、共享和部署机器凭证,如 API 密钥、数据库密码和身份验证证书。\n\nSecrets Manager 将帮助我们:\n\n- 提高安全性\n- 精简操作\n- 防止昂贵的机密遭泄漏\n\n要为我们的团队申请免费试用,请联系 Bitwarden。\n\n感谢您的帮助!"
"giveMembersAccess": {
"message": "Give members access:"
"message": "授予成员访问权限:"
"viewAndSelectTheMembers": {
"message": "view and select the members you want to give access to Secrets Manager."
"message": "查看并选择您想要授予机密管理器访问权限的成员。"
"openYourOrganizations": {
"message": "Open your organization's"
"message": "打开您的组织的"
"usingTheMenuSelect": {
"message": "Using the menu, select"
"message": "使用菜单,选择"
"toGrantAccessToSelectedMembers": {
"message": "to grant access to selected members."
"message": "以授予所选成员的访问权限。"
"sendVaultCardTryItNow": {
"message": "立即体验",
@ -8689,7 +8689,7 @@
"data": {
"message": "Data"
"message": "数据"
"purchasedSeatsRemoved": {
"message": "购买的席位已移除"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user