diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ar/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ar/messages.json index c3ba5c4a95..bf9ea103cf 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ar/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ar/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "الهوية" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "سجل كلمة المرور" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "النطاقات المستبعدة" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/az/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/az/messages.json index 483dc2c14f..2be5d8d0c2 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/az/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/az/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Kimlik" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Keçid açarı" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Parol tarixçəsi" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Bir təşkilat siyasəti, sahiblik seçimlərinizə təsir edir." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "İstisna edilən domenlər" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Bu sahəyə düzəliş etmək üçün \"Ana parolu təkrar soruş\"u söndürün", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Keçid açarı kopyalanmır" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Keçid açarı, klonlanmış elementə kopyalanmayacaq. Bu elementi klonlamağa davam etmək istəyirsiniz?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Başladan saytın tələb etdiyi doğrulama. Bu özəllik, hələlik ana parolu olmayan hesablara tətbiq olunmur." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Keçid açarı ilə giriş edilsin?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Bu tətbiq üçün bir keçid açarı artıq mövcuddur." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Bu tətbiq üçün heç bir keçid açarı tapılmadı." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Bu sayt üçün uyğunlaşan bir giriş məlumatınız yoxdur." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Təsdiqlə" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Keçid açarını saxla" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Keçid açarını yeni bir giriş olaraq saxla" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Bu keçid açarını saxlayacaq bir giriş seçin" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Keçid açarı elementi" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Keçid açarının üzərinə yazılsın?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Bu elementdə artıq bir keçid açarı var. Hazırkı keçid açarının üzərinə yazmaq istədiyinizə əminsiniz?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Özəllik hələ dəstəklənmir" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/be/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/be/messages.json index d0c1bac2bb..677087b8bb 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/be/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/be/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Пасведчанне" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Гісторыя пароляў" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Палітыка арганізацыі ўплывае на вашы параметры ўласнасці." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Выключаныя дамены" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bg/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bg/messages.json index 75d86dd2b4..a6728b3c3c 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bg/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bg/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Самоличност" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Секретен ключ" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Хронология на паролата" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Политика от някоя организация влияе на вариантите за собственост." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Изключени домейни" }, @@ -2183,13 +2189,13 @@ "message": "Exposed Master Password" }, "exposedMasterPasswordDesc": { - "message": "Password found in a data breach. Use a unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use an exposed password?" + "message": "Паролата е намерена в пробив на данни. Използвайте уникална парола, за да защитите вашия акаунт. Наистина ли искате да използвате слаба парола?" }, "weakAndExposedMasterPassword": { "message": "Weak and Exposed Master Password" }, "weakAndBreachedMasterPasswordDesc": { - "message": "Weak password identified and found in a data breach. Use a strong and unique password to protect your account. Are you sure you want to use this password?" + "message": "Разпозната е слаба парола, която присъства в известен случай на изтекли данни. Използвайте сложна и уникална парола, за да защитите данните си. Наистина ли искате да използвате тази парола?" }, "checkForBreaches": { "message": "Проверяване в известните случаи на изтекли данни за тази парола" @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Изключете повторното въвеждане на главната парола, за да редактирате това поле", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Секретният ключ няма да бъде копиран" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Секретният ключ няма да бъде копиран в клонирания елемент. Искате ли да продължите с клонирането на елемента?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Вписване със секретен ключ?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "За това приложение вече съществува секретен ключ." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Няма намерени секретни ключове за това приложение." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Нямате елемент за вписване, подходящ за този уеб сайт." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Потвърждаване" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Запазване на секретния ключ" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Запазване на секретния ключ като нов елемент за вписване" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Изберете елемент, в който да запазите този секретен ключ" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Да се замени ли секретният ключ?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Този елемент вече съдържа секретен ключ. Наистина ли искате да замените текущия секретен ключ?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Тази функционалност все още не се поддържа" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "За да се ползва секретният ключ, е необходимо удостоверяване. Потвърдете самоличността си, за да продължите." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Използване на браузъра" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bn/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bn/messages.json index f8c5fb8c85..2af3d6bc46 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bn/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bn/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "পরিচয়" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "পাসওয়ার্ড ইতিহাস" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের নীতি আপনার মালিকানা বিকল্পগুলিকে প্রভাবিত করছে।" }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bs/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bs/messages.json index d5d1bbb16a..c4f3faa483 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/bs/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/bs/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ca/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ca/messages.json index af85e586c8..b8afe3003e 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ca/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ca/messages.json @@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ "message": "Emplenament automàtic" }, "autoFillLogin": { - "message": "Auto-fill login" + "message": "Emplena automàticament l'inici de sessió" }, "autoFillCard": { - "message": "Auto-fill card" + "message": "Emplena automàticament la targeta" }, "autoFillIdentity": { - "message": "Auto-fill identity" + "message": "Emplena automàticament l'identitat" }, "generatePasswordCopied": { "message": "Genera contrasenya (copiada)" @@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ "message": "No hi ha inicis de sessió coincidents." }, "noCards": { - "message": "No cards" + "message": "Sense targetes" }, "noIdentities": { - "message": "No identities" + "message": "Sense identitats" }, "addLoginMenu": { - "message": "Add login" + "message": "Afig inici de sessió" }, "addCardMenu": { - "message": "Add card" + "message": "Afig una targeta" }, "addIdentityMenu": { - "message": "Add identity" + "message": "Afig identitat" }, "unlockVaultMenu": { "message": "1. Desbloquegeu la caixa forta." @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ "message": "Característica no disponible" }, "encryptionKeyMigrationRequired": { - "message": "Encryption key migration required. Please login through the web vault to update your encryption key." + "message": "Cal migrar la clau de xifratge. Inicieu la sessió a la caixa forta web per actualitzar la clau de xifratge." }, "premiumMembership": { "message": "Subscripció Premium" @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitat" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Clau de pas" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Historial de les contrasenyes" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Una política d’organització afecta les vostres opcions de propietat." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "Una política d'organització ha bloquejat la importació d'elements a la vostra caixa forta individual." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Dominis exclosos" }, @@ -2432,18 +2438,177 @@ "description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state." }, "aliasDomain": { - "message": "Alias domain" + "message": "Alies de domini" }, "passwordRepromptDisabledAutofillOnPageLoad": { - "message": "Items with master password re-prompt cannot be auto-filled on page load. Auto-fill on page load turned off.", + "message": "Els elements amb una nova sol·licitud de contrasenya mestra no es poden omplir automàticament en carregar la pàgina. L'emplenament automàtic en carregar de la pàgina està desactivat.", "description": "Toast message for describing that master password re-prompt cannot be auto-filled on page load." }, "autofillOnPageLoadSetToDefault": { - "message": "Auto-fill on page load set to use default setting.", + "message": "S'ha configurat l'emplenament automàtic en carregar la pàgina per que utilitze la configuració predeterminada.", "description": "Toast message for informing the user that auto-fill on page load has been set to the default setting." }, "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { - "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", + "message": "Desactiveu la sol·licitud de nova contrasenya mestra per editar aquest camp", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Importa dades", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Error d'importació" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "Hi ha hagut un problema amb les dades que heu intentat importar. Resoleu els errors que es mostren a continuació al fitxer font i torneu-ho a provar." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resoleu els errors següents i torneu-ho a provar." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Descripció" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Les dades s'han importat correctament" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "S'han importat un total de $AMOUNT$ elements.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "Esteu important dades a $ORGANIZATION$. Les vostres dades es poden compartir amb membres d'aquesta organització. Voleu continuar?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Les dades no estan formatades correctament. Comproveu el fitxer d'importació i torneu-ho a provar." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "No s'ha importat res." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error en desxifrar el fitxer exportat. La vostra clau de xifratge no coincideix amb la clau de xifratge utilitzada per exportar les dades." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Destinació de la importació" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Obteniu informació sobre les opcions d'importació" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Selecciona una carpeta" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Selecciona una col·lecció" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Seleccioneu aquesta opció si voleu que el contingut del fitxer importat es desplace a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "El fitxer conté elements no assignats." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Seleccioneu el format del fitxer d'importació" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Seleccioneu el fitxer d'importació" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Trieu fitxer" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No s'ha triat cap fitxer" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "o copieu/enganxeu el contingut dels fitxers d'importació" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "Instruccions de $NAME$", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirma la importació de la Caixa forta" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "Aquest fitxer està protegit amb contrasenya. Introduïu-la per importar dades." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirma la contrasenya del fitxer" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "La clau de pas no es copiarà" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "La clau de pas no es copiarà a l'element clonat. Voleu continuar clonant aquest element?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verificació requerida pel lloc iniciador. Aquesta funció encara no s'ha implementat per als comptes sense contrasenya mestra." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Inici de sessió amb clau de pas?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Ja hi ha una clau de pas per a aquesta aplicació." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No s'han trobat claus de pas per a aquesta aplicació." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "No teniu cap inici de sessió que coincidisca amb el d'aquest lloc." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirma-ho" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Guarda la clau de pas" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Guarda la clau de pas com a nou inici de sessió" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Trieu un inici de sessió per guardar aquesta clau de pas" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Element de clau de pas" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Sobreescriure la clau de pas?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Aquest element ja conté una clau de pas. Esteu segur que voleu sobreescriure la actual?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "La característica encara no és compatible" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Es requereix autenticació per utilitzar la clau de pas. Verifiqueu la vostra identitat per continuar." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Utilitza navegador" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/cs/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/cs/messages.json index e9b3bf997c..079709d7f7 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/cs/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/cs/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identita" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Přístupový klíč" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Historie hesel" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Zásady organizace ovlivňují možnosti vlastnictví." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Vyloučené domény" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Pro úpravu tohoto pole vypněte požadavek na hlavní heslo", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Přístupový klíč nebude zkopírován" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Přístupový klíč nebude zkopírován do duplikované položky. Chete pokračovat v duplikování této položky?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Ověření vyžadované iniciátorem webu. Tato funkce ještě není implementována pro účty bez hlavního hesla." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Přihlásit se pomocí přístupového klíče?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Přístupový klíč pro tuto aplikaci již existuje." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Pro tuto aplikaci nebyly nalezeny žádné přístupové klíče." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Pro tuto stránku nemáte žádné přihlašovací údaje." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Potvrdit" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Uložit přístupový klíč" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Uložit přístupový klíč jako nové přihlášení" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Vyberte přihlášení pro uložení tohoto přístupového klíče" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Položka přístupového klíče" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Přepsat přístupový klíč?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Tato položka již obsahuje přístupový klíč. Jste si jisti, že chcete přepsat aktuální přístupový klíč?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funkce nyní není podporována" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Pro použití přístupového klíče je vyžadováno ověření. Chcete-li pokračovat, ověřte svou identitu." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Použít prohlížeč" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/cy/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/cy/messages.json index ff3ccc684f..10e79db340 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/cy/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/cy/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Hunaniaeth" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Parthau wedi'u heithrio" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/da/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/da/messages.json index 5dd437827f..c3b1389230 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/da/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/da/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitet" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Adgangsnøgle" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Adgangskodehistorik" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "En organisationspolitik påvirker dine ejerskabsmuligheder." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ekskluderede domæner" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Slå anmodning om hovedadgangskode igen fra for at redigere dette felt", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Adgangsnøglen kopieres ikke" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Adgangsnøglen kopieres ikke til det klonede emne. Fortsæt kloningen af emnet alligevel?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Bekræftelse krævet af startwebstedet. Denne funktion er endnu ikke implementeret for konti uden hovedadgangskode." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log ind med adgangsnøgle?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "En adgangsnøgle findes allerede til denne applikation." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Ingen adgangsnøgler fundet til denne applikation." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Der er intet matchende login til dette websted." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Bekræft" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Gem adgangsnøgle" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Gem adgangsnøgle som nyt login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Vælg et login at gemme denne adgangsnøgle til" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Adgangsnøgleemne" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overskriv adgangsnøgle?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Emnet indeholder allerede en adgangsnøgle. Sikker på, at den aktuelle adgangsnøgle skal overskrives?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funktionen understøttes ikke endnu" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Godkendelse kræves for brug af adgangsnøgle. Bekræft din identitet for at fortsætte." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Benyt webbrowser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json index 3edd462918..0a725d52f1 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/de/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identität" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Passwortverlauf" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Eine Organisationsrichtlinie beeinflusst deine Eigentümer-Optionen." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ausgeschlossene Domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Deaktiviere die erneute Abfrage des Master-Passworts, um dieses Feld zu bearbeiten", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey wird nicht kopiert" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Der Passkey wird nicht in den duplizierten Eintrag kopiert. Möchtest du mit dem Duplizieren dieses Eintrags fortfahren?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Überprüfung durch die initiierende Website erforderlich. Diese Funktion ist noch nicht für Konten ohne Master-Passwort implementiert." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Mit Passkey anmelden?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Für diese Anwendung existiert bereits ein Passkey." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Keine Passkeys für diese Anwendung gefunden." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Du hast keinen passenden Zugangsdaten für diese Website." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Bestätigen" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey speichern" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Passkey als neue Zugangsdaten speichern" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Wähle Zugangsdaten aus, in die dieser Passkey gespeichert werden sollen" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey-Eintrag" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey überschreiben?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Dieser Eintrag enthält bereits einen Passkey. Bist du sicher, dass du den aktuellen Passkey überschreiben möchtest?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funktion wird noch nicht unterstützt" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentifizierung erforderlich, um Passkeys zu verwenden. Verifiziere deine Identität, um fortzufahren." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Browser verwenden" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/el/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/el/messages.json index 2692a89b7d..4de376db69 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/el/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/el/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Ταυτότητα" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Ιστορικό Κωδικού" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Μια πολιτική του οργανισμού, επηρεάζει τις επιλογές ιδιοκτησίας σας." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Εξαιρούμενοι Τομείς" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_GB/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_GB/messages.json index 4e1057956f..83f6d1abe0 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_GB/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_GB/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organisation policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organisation policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organisation. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used to export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_IN/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_IN/messages.json index 32dd196f2a..336761851b 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_IN/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/en_IN/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded Domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/es/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/es/messages.json index b81a05c9a4..b752372f7a 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/es/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/es/messages.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "message": "Crear cuenta" }, "login": { - "message": "Identificarse" + "message": "Iniciar sesión" }, "enterpriseSingleSignOn": { "message": "Inicio de sesión único empresarial" @@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ "message": "Autorellenar" }, "autoFillLogin": { - "message": "Auto-fill login" + "message": "Autocompletar inicio de sesión" }, "autoFillCard": { - "message": "Auto-fill card" + "message": "Autocompletar tarjeta" }, "autoFillIdentity": { - "message": "Auto-fill identity" + "message": "Autocompletar identidad" }, "generatePasswordCopied": { "message": "Generar contraseña (copiada)" @@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ "message": "Sin entradas coincidentes." }, "noCards": { - "message": "No cards" + "message": "No hay tarjetas" }, "noIdentities": { - "message": "No identities" + "message": "No hay identidades" }, "addLoginMenu": { - "message": "Add login" + "message": "Agregar inicio de sesión" }, "addCardMenu": { - "message": "Add card" + "message": "Agregar tarjeta" }, "addIdentityMenu": { - "message": "Add identity" + "message": "Agregar identidad" }, "unlockVaultMenu": { "message": "Desbloquea la caja fuerte" @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ "message": "Otros" }, "unlockMethodNeededToChangeTimeoutActionDesc": { - "message": "Set up an unlock method to change your vault timeout action." + "message": "Configura un método de desbloqueo para cambiar tu acción de cierre de la bóveda." }, "rateExtension": { "message": "Valora la extensión" @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ "message": "Actualizar" }, "notificationUnlockDesc": { - "message": "Unlock your Bitwarden vault to complete the auto-fill request." + "message": "Desbloquea tu bóveda Bitwarden para completar la solicitud de autollenado." }, "notificationUnlock": { "message": "Desbloquear" @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ "message": "1 GB de espacio cifrado en disco para adjuntos." }, "premiumSignUpTwoStepOptions": { - "message": "Proprietary two-step login options such as YubiKey and Duo." + "message": "Opciones de inicio de sesión con autenticación de dos pasos propietarios como YubiKey y Duo." }, "ppremiumSignUpReports": { "message": "Higiene de contraseña, salud de la cuenta e informes de violaciones de datos para mantener su caja fuerte segura." @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identidad" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Clave de acceso" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Historial de contraseñas" }, @@ -1630,10 +1633,10 @@ "message": "La biometría del navegador no es compatible con este dispositivo." }, "biometricsFailedTitle": { - "message": "Biometrics failed" + "message": "Fallo de biométrica" }, "biometricsFailedDesc": { - "message": "Biometrics cannot be completed, consider using a master password or logging out. If this persists, please contact Bitwarden support." + "message": "No se pueden completar la biométrica, considere usar una contraseña maestra o cerrar la sesión. Si esto persiste, póngase en contacto con el soporte de Bitwarden." }, "nativeMessaginPermissionErrorTitle": { "message": "Permiso no proporcionado" @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Una política de organización está afectando a sus opciones de propiedad." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Dominios excluidos" }, @@ -2016,7 +2022,7 @@ "message": "Exportando caja fuerte personal" }, "exportingIndividualVaultDescription": { - "message": "Only the individual vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included. Only vault item information will be exported and will not include associated attachments.", + "message": "Solo se exportarán los elementos individuales de la caja fuerte asociados con $EMAIL$. Los elementos de la bóveda de la organización no se incluirán. Solo se exportará la información de los elementos individuales y no incluirá adjuntos asociados.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", @@ -2117,7 +2123,7 @@ "message": "Versión del servidor" }, "selfHostedServer": { - "message": "self-hosted" + "message": "autoalojado" }, "thirdParty": { "message": "Aplicaciones de terceros" @@ -2177,7 +2183,7 @@ "message": "Se ha enviado una notificación a tu dispositivo." }, "loginInitiated": { - "message": "Login initiated" + "message": "Inicio de sesión en proceso" }, "exposedMasterPassword": { "message": "Contraseña maestra comprometida" @@ -2258,34 +2264,34 @@ } }, "loggingInOn": { - "message": "Logging in on" + "message": "Iniciando sesión en" }, "opensInANewWindow": { "message": "Abre en una nueva ventana" }, "deviceApprovalRequired": { - "message": "Device approval required. Select an approval option below:" + "message": "Se requiere aprobación del dispositivo. Seleccione una opción de aprobación a continuación:" }, "rememberThisDevice": { - "message": "Remember this device" + "message": "Recordar este dispositivo" }, "uncheckIfPublicDevice": { - "message": "Uncheck if using a public device" + "message": "Desmarcar si se utiliza un dispositivo público" }, "approveFromYourOtherDevice": { - "message": "Approve from your other device" + "message": "Apruebe desde otro dispositivo" }, "requestAdminApproval": { - "message": "Request admin approval" + "message": "Solicitar aprobación del administrador" }, "approveWithMasterPassword": { - "message": "Approve with master password" + "message": "Aprobar con contraseña maestra" }, "ssoIdentifierRequired": { - "message": "Organization SSO identifier is required." + "message": "Se requiere un identificador único de inicio de sesión de la organización." }, "eu": { - "message": "EU", + "message": "Unión Europea", "description": "European Union" }, "usDomain": { @@ -2304,40 +2310,40 @@ "message": "Display" }, "accountSuccessfullyCreated": { - "message": "Account successfully created!" + "message": "¡Cuenta creada con éxito!" }, "adminApprovalRequested": { - "message": "Admin approval requested" + "message": "Aprobación del administrador solicitada" }, "adminApprovalRequestSentToAdmins": { - "message": "Your request has been sent to your admin." + "message": "Su solicitud ha sido enviada a su administrador." }, "youWillBeNotifiedOnceApproved": { - "message": "You will be notified once approved." + "message": "Se le notificará una vez aprobado." }, "troubleLoggingIn": { - "message": "Trouble logging in?" + "message": "¿Problemas para iniciar sesión?" }, "loginApproved": { - "message": "Login approved" + "message": "Inicio de sesión aprobado" }, "userEmailMissing": { - "message": "User email missing" + "message": "Falta el correo electrónico del usuario" }, "deviceTrusted": { - "message": "Device trusted" + "message": "Dispositivo de confianza" }, "inputRequired": { - "message": "Input is required." + "message": "Entrada requerida." }, "required": { "message": "required" }, "search": { - "message": "Search" + "message": "Buscar" }, "inputMinLength": { - "message": "Input must be at least $COUNT$ characters long.", + "message": "La entrada debe tener al menos $COUNT$ caracteres.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", @@ -2346,7 +2352,7 @@ } }, "inputMaxLength": { - "message": "Input must not exceed $COUNT$ characters in length.", + "message": "La entrada no debe exceder los $COUNT$ caracteres de longitud.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", @@ -2355,7 +2361,7 @@ } }, "inputForbiddenCharacters": { - "message": "The following characters are not allowed: $CHARACTERS$", + "message": "Los siguientes caracteres no están permitidos: $CHARACTERS$", "placeholders": { "characters": { "content": "$1", @@ -2382,17 +2388,17 @@ } }, "multipleInputEmails": { - "message": "1 or more emails are invalid" + "message": "Una o más direcciones de correo electrónico no son válidas" }, "inputTrimValidator": { - "message": "Input must not contain only whitespace.", + "message": "La entrada no debe contener únicamente espacios en blanco.", "description": "Notification to inform the user that a form's input can't contain only whitespace." }, "inputEmail": { - "message": "Input is not an email address." + "message": "La entrada no es una dirección de correo electrónico." }, "fieldsNeedAttention": { - "message": "$COUNT$ field(s) above need your attention.", + "message": "$COUNT$ campo(s) anteriores necesitan su atención.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", @@ -2401,19 +2407,19 @@ } }, "selectPlaceholder": { - "message": "-- Select --" + "message": "-- Seleccione --" }, "multiSelectPlaceholder": { - "message": "-- Type to filter --" + "message": "-- Escriba para filtrar --" }, "multiSelectLoading": { - "message": "Retrieving options..." + "message": "Recuperando opciones..." }, "multiSelectNotFound": { - "message": "No items found" + "message": "No hay elementos" }, "multiSelectClearAll": { - "message": "Clear all" + "message": "Borrar todo" }, "plusNMore": { "message": "+ $QUANTITY$ more", @@ -2425,25 +2431,184 @@ } }, "submenu": { - "message": "Submenu" + "message": "Submenú" }, "toggleCollapse": { - "message": "Toggle collapse", + "message": "Colapsar/Expandir", "description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state." }, "aliasDomain": { - "message": "Alias domain" + "message": "Seudónimo del dominio" }, "passwordRepromptDisabledAutofillOnPageLoad": { - "message": "Items with master password re-prompt cannot be auto-filled on page load. Auto-fill on page load turned off.", + "message": "Los elementos que requieren la contraseña maestra no se pueden rellenar automáticamente al cargar la página. Se desactivó el autorrellenado de la página.", "description": "Toast message for describing that master password re-prompt cannot be auto-filled on page load." }, "autofillOnPageLoadSetToDefault": { - "message": "Auto-fill on page load set to use default setting.", + "message": "El autorrellenado de la página está usando la configuración predeterminada.", "description": "Toast message for informing the user that auto-fill on page load has been set to the default setting." }, "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "La clave de acceso no se copiará" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "La clave de acceso no se copiará al elemento clonado. ¿Desea continuar clonando este elemento?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verificación requerida por el sitio inicial. Esta característica aún no está implementada para cuentas sin contraseña maestra." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "¿Iniciar sesión con contraseña?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Ya existe una clave de acceso para esta aplicación." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No se encontraron contraseñas para esta aplicación." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "No tiene un inicio de sesión que coincida para este sitio." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirme" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Guardar clave" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Guardar contraseña como nuevo inicio de sesión" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Elija un inicio de sesión para guardar esta clave de acceso" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "¿Sobrescribir contraseña?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Este elemento ya contiene una clave de acceso. ¿Está seguro de que desea sobrescribir la contraseña actual?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Función aún no implementada" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Autenticación requerida para usar la clave de acceso. Verifique su identidad para continuar." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use un navegador web" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/et/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/et/messages.json index 4fe20767c0..dea664c500 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/et/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/et/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteet" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Pääsukood" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Paroolide ajalugu" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Organisatsiooni poliitika on seadnud omaniku valikutele piirangu." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Väljajäetud domeenid" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Pääsukoodi ei kopeerita" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Pääsukoodi ei kopeerita kloonitud kirjele. Oled kindel, et soovid jätkata?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/eu/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/eu/messages.json index 291a687f8b..d152be1eb5 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/eu/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/eu/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitatea" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Pasahitz historia" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Erakunde politika batek, jabetza aukerei eragiten die." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Kanporatutako domeinuak" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fa/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fa/messages.json index c366c3a00b..e0925526a3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fa/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fa/messages.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "description": "Extension description" }, "loginOrCreateNewAccount": { - "message": "وارد شوید یا یک حساب کاربری بسازید تا به گاوصندوق امنتان دسترسی یابید." + "message": "وارد شوید یا یک حساب کاربری بسازید تا به گاوصندوق امن‌تان دسترسی یابید." }, "createAccount": { "message": "ایجاد حساب کاربری" @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "هویت" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "کلید عبور" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "تاریخچه کلمه عبور" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "سیاست سازمانی بر تنظیمات مالکیت شما تأثیر می‌گذارد." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "دامنه های مستثنی" }, @@ -2150,7 +2156,7 @@ "message": "شما نیستید؟" }, "newAroundHere": { - "message": "اینجا جدیده؟" + "message": "اینجا تازه واردی؟" }, "rememberEmail": { "message": "ایمیل را به خاطر بسپار" @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "برای ویرایش این فیلد، درخواست مجدد کلمه عبور اصلی را خاموش کنید", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "کلید عبور کپی نمی‌شود" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "کلید عبور در مورد شبیه سازی شده کپی نمی‌شود. آیا می‌خواهید به شبیه سازی این مورد ادامه دهید؟" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "تأیید توسط سایت آغازگر الزامی است. این ویژگی هنوز برای حساب‌های بدون کلمه عبور اصلی اجرا نشده است." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "با کلید عبور وارد می‌شوید؟" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "یک کلید عبور از قبل برای این برنامه وجود دارد." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "هیچ کلمه عبوری برای این برنامه یافت نشد." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "شما هیچ ورود مشابهی برای این سایت ندارید." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "تأیید" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "ذخیره کلید عبور" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "کلید عبور را به عنوان ورود جدید ذخیره کن" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "یک ورود برای ذخیره این کلید عبور انتخاب کنید" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "مورد کلید عبور" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "بازنویسی کلید عبور؟" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "این مورد از قبل دارای یک کلید عبور است. آیا مطمئنید که می‌خواهید کلمه عبور فعلی را بازنویسی کنید؟" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "ویژگی هنوز پشتیبانی نمی‌شود" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "برای استفاده از کلید عبور، احراز هویت لازم است. برای ادامه، هویت خود را تأیید کنید." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "استفاده از مرورگر وب" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fi/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fi/messages.json index daaa9a8925..aa36865b8c 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fi/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fi/messages.json @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ "message": "Näytä tai piilota" }, "manage": { - "message": "Hallinnoi" + "message": "Hallitse" }, "other": { "message": "Muut" @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ "message": "Päivitä" }, "notificationUnlockDesc": { - "message": "Viimeistele automaattitäytön pyyntö avaamalla Bitwarden-holvisi lukitus." + "message": "Viimeistele automaattisen täytön pyyntö avaamalla Bitwarden-holvisi lukitus." }, "notificationUnlock": { "message": "Avaa" @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Henkilöllisyys" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Suojausavain" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Salasanahistoria" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Organisaatiokäytäntö vaikuttaa omistajuusvalintoihisi." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "Organisaatiokäytäntö estää kohteiden tuonnin yksityiseen holviisi." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ohitettavat verkkotunnukset" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Poista pääsalasanan uudelleenkysely käytöstä muokataksesi kenttää", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Tuo tietoja", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Tuontivirhe" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "Tiedoissa, joita yritit tuoda, havaittiin ongelma. Korjaa alla listatut virheet lähdetiedostosta ja yritä uudelleen." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Korjaa seuraavat virheet ja yritä uudelleen." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Kuvaus" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Tietojen tuonti onnistui" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "Kaikkiaan $AMOUNT$ kohdetta tuotiin.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Yhteensä" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "Olet tuomassa tietoja organisaatioon $ORGANIZATION$. Tietojasi saatetaan jakaa organisaation jäsenten kesken. Haluatko jatkaa?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Tietoja ei ole muotoiltu oikein. Tarkista tuotava tiedosto ja yritä uudelleen." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Mitään ei tuotu." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Virhe purettaessa viedyn tiedoston salausta. Salausavaimesi ei vastaa viennissä käytettyä salausavainta." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Tuontikohde" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Lue lisää tuontivaihtoehdoista" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Valitse kansio" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Valitse kokoelma" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Valitse tämä, jos haluat tuoda tiedoston sisällön kohteeseen \"$DESTINATION$\".", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "Tiedosto sisältää määrittämättömiä kohteita." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Valitse tuotavan tiedoston muoto" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Valitse tuotava tiedosto" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Valitse tiedosto" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "Tiedostoa ei ole valittu" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "tai kopioi ja liitä tuotavan tiedoston sisältö" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ -ohjeet", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Vahvista holvin tuonti" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "Tiedosto on salasanasuojattu. Jatka tuontia syöttämällä tiedoston salasana." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Vahvista tiedoston salasana" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Suojausavainta ei kopioida" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Suojausavain ei kopioidu kloonattuun kohteeseen. Haluatko jatkaa kloonausta?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Käynnistävä sivusto edellyttää todennusta. Ominaisuutta ei ole vielä toteutettu tileille, joilla ei ole pääsalasanaa." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Kirjaudutko suojausavaimella?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Tälle sovellukselle on jo tallennettu suojausavain." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Tälle sovellukselle ei löytynyt suojausavaimia." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Holvissasi ei ole tälle sivustolle sopivaa kirjautumistietoa." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Vahvista" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Tallenna suojausavain" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Tallenna suojausavain uuteen kirjautumistietoon" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Valitse kirjautumistieto, johon suojausavain tallennetaan" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Suojausavaimen kohde" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Korvataanko suojausavain?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Kohde sisältää jo suojausavaimen. Haluatko varmasti korvata nykyisen salasanan?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Ominaisuutta ei vielä tueta" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Salausavaimen käyttö edellyttää todennusta. Jatka vahvistamalla henkilöllisyytesi." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Käytä verkkoselainta" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fil/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fil/messages.json index 464cf88889..1f4d747c29 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fil/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fil/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Pagkakakilanlan" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Kasaysayan ng Password" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Isang organisasyon policy ang nakakaapekto sa iyong mga pagpipilian sa ownership." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Inilayo na Domain" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fr/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fr/messages.json index b0827b3900..b9fe8dced1 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/fr/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identité" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Clé d'accès" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Historique des mots de passe" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Une politique d'organisation affecte vos options de propriété." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domaines exclus" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Désactivez la resaisie du mot de passe maître pour éditer ce champ", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "La clé d'accès ne sera pas copiée" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "La clé d'accès ne sera pas présente sur l'entrée clonée. Continuer quand même ?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Le site requiert une vérification qui n'est pas supportée pour les comptes sans mot de passe maître." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Se connecter avec une clé d'accès ?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Une clé d'accès existe déjà pour cette application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Aucune clé d'accès trouvée pour cette application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Vous n'avez aucun élément correspondant à ce site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirmer" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Enregistrer la clé d'accès" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Enregistrer comme nouvel élément" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choisissez l'élément à associer à la clé d'accès" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Élément avec clé d'accès" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Écraser la clé d'accès existante ?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Cet élément contient déjà une clé d'accès. Voulez-vous vraiment l'écraser ?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Fonctionnalité non supportée" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentification requise pour utiliser cette clé d'accès. Veuillez vérifier votre identité pour continuer." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Utiliser le navigateur" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/gl/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/gl/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/gl/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/gl/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/he/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/he/messages.json index 19985cd5ec..65a0e9fb5c 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/he/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/he/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "זהות" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "היסטוריית סיסמאות" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "מדיניות ארגונית משפיעה על אפשרויות הבעלות שלך." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hi/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hi/messages.json index 4b68619290..8ce024f3e4 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hi/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hi/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "पहचान" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "पासवर्ड इतिहास" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "एक संगठन नीति आपके स्वामित्व विकल्पों को प्रभावित कर रही है।" }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "बहिष्कृत डोमेन" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hr/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hr/messages.json index b334d22332..5fcb75c47b 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hr/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hr/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitet" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Povijest" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Pravila organizacije utječu na tvoje mogućnosti vlasništva. " }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Izuzete domene" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Isključi traženje glavne lozinke za promjenu ovog polja", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hu/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hu/messages.json index abf5a12e5e..4130f51531 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/hu/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/hu/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Személyazonosság" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Hozzáférési kulcs" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Jelszó előzmények" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "A szervezeti házirend befolyásolja a tulajdonosi opciókat." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Kizárt domainek" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Kapcsoljuk ki a mesterjelszó újbóli bekérését a mező szerkesztéséhez.", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "A hozzáférési kulcs nem kerül másolásra." + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "A hozzáférési kulcs nem kerül másolásra a klónozott elembe. Folytatjuk ennek az elemnek a klónozását?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "A kezdeményező hely által megkövetelt ellenőrzés. Ez a szolgáltatás még nincs megvalósítva mesterjelszó nélküli fiókok esetén." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Bejelentkezés hozzáférési kulccsal?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Az alkalmazáshoz már létezik hozzáférési kulcs." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Az alkalmazáshoz nem található hozzáférési kulcs." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Nincs megfelelő bejelentkezés ehhez a webhelyhez." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Megerősítés" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Hozzáférési kulcs mentése" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Hozzáférési kulcs mentése új bejelentkezésként" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Bejelentkezés választás a hozzáférési kulcs mentéséhez" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Hozzáférési kulcs elem" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Bejelentkezési kulcs felülírása?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Ez az elem már tartalmaz egy hozzáférési kulcsot. Biztosan felülírásra kerüljön az aktuális hozzáférési kulcs?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Nem támogatott funkció" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "A hozzáférési kulcs használatához hitelesítés szükséges. A személyazonosság ellenőrzése szükséges a folytatáshoz." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Böngésző használata" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/id/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/id/messages.json index 7b19a6838c..7bcb9ed128 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/id/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/id/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitas" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Riwayat Kata Sandi" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Kebijakan organisasi memengaruhi opsi kepemilikan Anda." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domain yang Dikecualikan" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json index 9bca2da606..244bf76511 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/it/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identità" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Cronologia delle password" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Una politica dell'organizzazione sta influenzando le tue opzioni di proprietà." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domini esclusi" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Disattiva l'inserimento della password principale di nuovo per modificare questo campo", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "La passkey non sarà copiata" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "La passkey non sarà copiata nell'elemento clonato. Vuoi continuare a clonare questo elemento?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verifica richiesta dal sito web. Questa funzionalità non è ancora implementata per gli account senza password principale." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Accedi con passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Esiste già una passkey per questa applicazione." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Nessuna passkey trovata per questa applicazione." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Non hai un elemento corrispondente per questo sito." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Conferma" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Salva passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Salva la passkey come nuovo elemento" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Scegli un elemento in cui salvare questa passkey" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Sovrascrivi passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Questo elemento contiene già una passkey. Sei sicuro di voler sovrascrivere la passkey corrente?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funzionalità non ancora supportata" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Autenticazione obbligatoria per usare una passkey. Verifica la tua identità per continuare." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Usa browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ja/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ja/messages.json index d2528a4548..747431f415 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ja/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ja/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "ID" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "パスキー" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "パスワードの履歴" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "組織のポリシーが所有者のオプションに影響を与えています。" }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "組織のポリシーにより、個々の保管庫へのアイテムのインポートがブロックされました。" + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "除外するドメイン" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "このフィールドを編集するには、マスターパスワードの再入力をオフにしてください", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "データのインポート", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "インポート エラー" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "インポートしようとしたデータに問題がありました。以下のエラーをソースファイルで解決し、もう一度やり直してください。" + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "以下のエラーを解決してやり直してください。" + }, + "description": { + "message": "説明" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "データをインポートしました" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "合計 $AMOUNT$ 件のアイテムをインポートしました。", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "合計" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "$ORGANIZATION$にデータをインポートしています。データはこの組織のメンバーと共有される可能性があります。続行しますか?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "データが正しい形式ではありません。インポートするファイルを確認してやり直してください。" + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "何もインポートされませんでした。" + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "エクスポートされたファイルの復号でエラーが発生しました。暗号化キーが、データをエクスポートするために使用された暗号化キーと一致しません。" + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "インポート先" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "インポートオプションの詳細" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "フォルダーを選択" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "コレクションを選択" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "インポートしたファイルコンテンツを $DESTINATION$ に移動したい場合は、このオプションを選択してください。", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "割り当てられていないアイテムがファイルに含まれています。" + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "インポートするファイルの形式を選択" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "インポートするファイルを選択" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "ファイルを選択" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "ファイルが選択されていません" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "またはインポートするファイルの中身をコピーして貼り付け" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ 向けの説明", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "保管庫のインポートの確認" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "このファイルはパスワードで保護されています。インポートするファイルのパスワードを入力してください。" + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "ファイルパスワードの確認" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "パスキーはコピーされません" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "パスキーは複製されたアイテムにコピーされません。このアイテムを複製しますか?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "開始サイトでの認証が必要です。この機能はマスターパスワードのないアカウントではまだ対応していません。" + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "パスキーでログインしますか?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "このアプリにはすでにパスキーが存在します。" + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "このアプリにはパスキーがありません。" + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "このサイトに一致するログイン情報がありません。" + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "確認" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "パスキーを保存" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "パスキーを新しいログイン情報として保存" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "このパスキーを保存するログイン情報を選択してください" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "パスキーアイテム" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "パスキーを上書きしますか?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "このアイテムにはすでにパスキーが含まれています。現在のパスキーを上書きしてもよろしいですか?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "機能は未対応です" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "パスキーを使用するには認証が必要です。続行するには本人確認を行ってください。" + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "ブラウザーを使用" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ka/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ka/messages.json index 2d2b5cb8a5..a2ff8bb698 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ka/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ka/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/km/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/km/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/km/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/km/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/kn/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/kn/messages.json index 95c9350aff..53f8da830f 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/kn/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/kn/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "ಗುರುತಿಸುವಿಕೆ" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಇತಿಹಾಸ" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಯ ನೀತಿಯು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಾಲೀಕತ್ವದ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಪರಿಣಾಮ ಬೀರುತ್ತಿದೆ." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿದ ಡೊಮೇನ್ಗಳು" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ko/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ko/messages.json index e7aba95f49..291ebe6576 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ko/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ko/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "신원" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "비밀번호 변경 기록" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "조직의 정책이 소유권 설정에 영향을 미치고 있습니다." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "제외된 도메인" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/lt/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/lt/messages.json index 885b3cbec8..bf093b83b3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/lt/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/lt/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Tapatybė" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Slaptažodžio istorija" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/lv/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/lv/messages.json index 2abb0ac4de..4c3eedbbbc 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/lv/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/lv/messages.json @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ "message": "Lūgums apsvērt palīdzēt mums ar labu atsauksmi." }, "browserNotSupportClipboard": { - "message": "Tīmekļa pārlūks neatbalsta vienkāršu starpliktuves kopēšanu. Tā vietā tas pašrocīgi jāievieto starpliktuvē." + "message": "Pārlūks neatbalsta vienkāršo ievietošanu starpliktuvē. Tā vietā tas jāievieto starpliktuvē pašrocīgi." }, "verifyIdentity": { "message": "Apstiprināt identitāti" @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ "message": "Uzsākšanas pamācība" }, "gettingStartedTutorialVideo": { - "message": "Noskaties mūsu uzsākšanas pamācību, lai uzzinātu, kā iegūt vislielāko labumu no pārlūka paplašinājuma." + "message": "Noskaties mūsu uzsākšanas pamācību, lai uzzinātu, kā iegūt vislielāko labumu no pārlūka paplašinājuma!" }, "syncingComplete": { "message": "Sinhronizācija pabeigta" @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ "description": "Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device." }, "clearClipboardDesc": { - "message": "Automātiski noņemt kopētās vērtības no starpliktuves.", + "message": "Automātiski noņemt starpliktuvē ievietotās vērtības.", "description": "Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device." }, "notificationAddDesc": { @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ "message": "Automātiski ievietot TOTP starpliktuvē" }, "disableAutoTotpCopyDesc": { - "message": "Ja pieteikšanās vienumam ir pievienota autentificētāja atslēga, TOTP apstiprinājuma kods tiks automātiski pārkopēts uz starpliktuvi, kad vien tiks automātiski aizpildīta pieteikšanās veidne." + "message": "Ja pieteikšanās vienumam ir pievienota autentificētāja atslēga, TOTP apstiprinājuma kods tiks automātiski ievietots starpliktuvē, kad vien tiks automātiski aizpildīta pieteikšanās veidne." }, "enableAutoBiometricsPrompt": { "message": "Palaižot vaicāt biometriju" @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitāte" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Piekļuves atslēga" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Paroļu vēsture" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Apvienības nosacījumi ietekmē Tavas īpašumtiesību iespējas." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Izņēmuma domēni" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Jāizslēdz galvenās paroles pārvaicāšana, lai labotu šo lauku", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Piekļuves atslēga netiks ievietota starpliktuvē" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Piekļuves atslēga netiks ievietota klonētajā vienumā. Vai turpināt šī vienuma klonēšanu?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Vietne, kurā tika uzsākta darbība, pieprasa pārbaudi. Šī iespēja vēl nav īstenota kontiem, kuriem nav galvenās paroles." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Pieteikties ar piekļuves atslēgu?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Šai lietotnei jau pastāv piekļuves atslēga." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Šai lietotnei netika atrastas piekļuves atslēgas." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Nav šai vietnei atbilstoša pieteikšanās vienuma." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Apstiprināt" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Saglabāt piekļuves atslēgu" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Saglabāt piekļuves atslēgu kā jaunu pieteikšanās vienumu" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Izvēlēties pieteikšanās vienumu, kurā saglabāt šo piekļuves atslēgu" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Piekļuves atslēgas vienums" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Pārrakstīt piekļuves atslēgu?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Šis vienums jau satur piekļuves atslēgu. Vai tiešām pārrakstīt pašreizējo piekļuves atslēgu?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Iespēja vēl netiek nodrošināta" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Nepieciešama apstiprinājums, lai izmantotu piekļuves atslēgu. Jāapliecina sava identitāte, lai turpinātu." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Izmantot pārlūku" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ml/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ml/messages.json index 258ad3fd96..a6bac72dc4 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ml/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ml/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "ഐഡന്റിറ്റി" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "പാസ്സ്‌വേഡ് നാൾവഴി" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/mr/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/mr/messages.json index 131c062d54..d4b7f29434 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/mr/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/mr/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/my/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/my/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/my/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/my/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json index 43a19478bb..84007751f7 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nb/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitet" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Passordhistorikk" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "En virksomhetsregel påvirker dine eierskapsinnstillinger." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Ekskluderte domener" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ne/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ne/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ne/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ne/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nl/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nl/messages.json index 630510f672..93be4e47ec 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nl/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nl/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteit" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Geschiedenis" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Een organisatiebeleid heeft invloed op je eigendomsopties." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Uitgesloten domeinen" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey wordt niet gekopieerd" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "De passkey wordt niet gekopieerd naar het gekloonde item. Wil je doorgaan met het klonen van dit item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "De initiërende site vereist verificatie. Deze functie is nog niet geïmplementeerd voor accounts zonder hoofdwachtwoord." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Inloggen met passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Er bestaat al een passkey voor deze applicatie." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Geen passkeys gevonden voor deze applicatie." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Je hebt geen overeenkomende login voor deze site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Bevestigen" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey opslaan" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Passkey als nieuwe login opslaan" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Kies een login om deze passkey bij op te slaan" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey-Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey overschrijven?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Dit item bevat al een passkey. Weet je zeker dat je de huidige passkey wilt overschrijven?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Functie nog niet ondersteund" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authenticatie vereist om passkey te gebruiken. Verifieer je identiteit om door te gaan." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Browser gebruiken" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nn/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nn/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/nn/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/nn/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/or/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/or/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/or/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/or/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pl/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pl/messages.json index 5b16c13ef1..15b57656d7 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pl/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pl/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Tożsamość" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Historia hasła" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Zasada organizacji ma wpływ na opcję własności elementów." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "Polityka organizacji zablokowała importowanie elementów do Twojego sejfu." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Wykluczone domeny" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Wyłącz prośbę o podanie hasła głównego, aby edytować to pole", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Importuj dane", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Błąd importu" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "Wystąpił problem z danymi, które chcesz zaimportować. Rozwiąż poniższe problemy w Twoim pliku i spróbuj ponownie." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Rozwiąż poniższe błędy i spróbuj ponownie." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Opis" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Importowanie danych zakończone sukcesem" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "Zaimportowano elementów: $AMOUNT$.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Łącznie" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "Importujesz dane do organizacji $ORGANIZATION$. Dane mogą zostać udostępnione członkom organizacji. Czy chcesz kontynuować?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Dane nie są poprawnie sformatowane. Sprawdź importowany plik i spróbuj ponownie." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nic nie zostało zaimportowane." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Wystąpił błąd podczas odszyfrowywania pliku. Klucz szyfrowania nie pasuje do klucza użytego podczas eksportowania danych." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Miejsce docelowe importu" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Dowiedz się więcej o opcjach importu" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Wybierz folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Wybierz kolekcję" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Wybierz tę opcję, jeśli chcesz, aby zawartość zaimportowanego pliku została przeniesiona do $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "Plik zawiera nieprzypisane elementy." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Wybierz format importowanego pliku" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Wybierz plik do zaimportowania" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Wybierz plik" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "Nie wybrano pliku" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "lub skopiuj/wklej treść pliku" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "Instrukcja dla $NAME$", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Potwierdź importowanie sejfu" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "Plik jest chroniony hasłem. Wprowadź hasło pliku, aby zaimportować dane." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Potwierdź hasło pliku" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey nie zostanie skopiowany" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Passkey nie zostanie skopiowane do sklonowanego elementu. Czy chcesz kontynuować klonowanie tego elementu?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Weryfikacja jest wymagana przez stronę inicjującą. Ta funkcja nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowana dla kont bez hasła głównego." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Zaloguj się za pomocą passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Passkey już istnieje dla tej aplikacji." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Nie znaleziono passkey'a dla tej aplikacji." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Nie masz pasujących danych logowania do tej witryny." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Potwierdź" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Zapisz passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Zapisz passkey jako nowe dane logowania" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Wybierz dane logowania do których przypisać passkey" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Zastąpić passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Ten element zawiera już passkey. Czy na pewno chcesz nadpisać bieżący passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funkcja nie jest jeszcze obsługiwana" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Wymagane uwierzytelnienie aby używać passkey. Sprawdź swoją tożsamość, aby kontynuować." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Użyj przeglądarki" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json index 7578ae170c..22e8968485 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identidade" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Histórico de Senha" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Uma política de organização está afetando suas opções de propriedade." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domínios Excluídos" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json index 1495b64e45..5a3cd21de1 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identidade" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Chave de acesso" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Histórico de palavras-passe" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Uma política da organização está a afetar as suas opções de propriedade." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domínios excluídos" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Desativar o pedido para reintroduzir a palavra-passe mestra para editar este campo", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "A chave de acesso não será copiada" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "A chave de acesso não será copiada para o item duplicado. Pretende ainda assim duplicar este item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verificação exigida pelo site inicial. Esta funcionalidade ainda não está implementada para contas sem palavra-passe mestra." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Iniciar sessão com a chave de acesso?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Já existe uma chave de acesso para esta aplicação." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Não foram encontradas chaves de acesso para esta aplicação." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Não tem uma credencial correspondente para este site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirmar" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Guardar a chave de acesso" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Guardar a chave de acesso como uma nova credencial" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Escolha uma credencial para guardar esta chave de acesso" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Item da chave de acesso" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Substituir chave de acesso?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Este item já contém uma chave de acesso. Tem a certeza de que pretende substituir a chave de acesso atual?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funcionalidade ainda não suportada" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "É necessária a autenticação para utilizar a chave de acesso. Verifique a sua identidade para continuar." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Utilizar o navegador" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ro/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ro/messages.json index 085951a93f..b6ec78b92d 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ro/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ro/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitate" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Istoric parole" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "O politică de organizație vă afectează opțiunile de proprietate." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Domenii excluse" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Dezactivați reintroducerea parolei principale pentru a edita acest câmp", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ru/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ru/messages.json index 40ecd382bd..b9259d8e96 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/ru/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Личная информация" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Ключ доступа" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "История паролей" }, @@ -1378,7 +1381,7 @@ "message": "Вы действительно хотите отключить блокировку хранилища? В этом случае ключ шифрования вашего хранилища будет сохранен на вашем устройстве. Отключая блокировку, вы должны убедиться, что ваше устройство надежно защищено." }, "noOrganizationsList": { - "message": "Вы не являетесь членом какой-либо организации. Организации позволяют безопасно обмениваться элементами с другими пользователями." + "message": "Вы не являетесь участником какой-либо организации. Организации позволяют безопасно обмениваться элементами с другими пользователями." }, "noCollectionsInList": { "message": "Нет коллекций для отображения." @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Политика организации влияет на ваши варианты владения." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "Импорт элементов в ваше личное хранилище отключен политикой организации." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Исключенные домены" }, @@ -1983,7 +1989,7 @@ "message": "Уникальный идентификатор не найден." }, "convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": { - "message": "$ORGANIZATION$ использует SSO с собственным сервером ключей. Для авторизации членам этой организации больше не требуется мастер-пароль.", + "message": "$ORGANIZATION$ использует SSO с собственным сервером ключей. Для авторизации пользователям этой организации больше не требуется мастер-пароль.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Для редактирования этого поля отключите повторный запрос мастер-пароля", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Импорт данных", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Ошибка импорта" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "Возникла проблема с данными, которые вы пытались импортировать. Исправьте в исходном файле перечисленные ниже ошибки и попробуйте еще раз." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Устраните указанные ниже ошибки и повторите попытку." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Описание" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Данные успешно импортированы" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "Всего импортировано элементов: $AMOUNT$.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Всего" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "Вы импортируете данные в $ORGANIZATION$. Пользователи этой организации могут получить к ним доступ. Продолжить?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Формат данных некорректен. Проверьте файл импорта и повторите попытку." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Ничего не было импортировано." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Ошибка при расшифровке экспортированного файла. Ваш ключ шифрования не совпадает с ключом шифрования, использованным при экспорте данных." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Цель импорта" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Узнайте о возможностях импорта" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Выберите папку" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Выберите коллекцию" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Выберите эту опцию, если хотите, чтобы содержимое импортированного файла было перемещено в $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "Файл содержит неназначенные элементы." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Выберите формат файла импорта" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Выберите файл импорта" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Выбрать файл" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "Файл не выбран" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "или скопируйте и вставьте содержимое файла импорта" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "Инструкции для $NAME$", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Подтвердите импорт хранилища" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "Этот файл защищен паролем. Введите пароль для импорта данных." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Подтвердите пароль к файлу" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Ключ доступа не будет скопирован" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Ключ доступа не будет скопирован в клонированный элемент. Продолжить клонирование этого элемента?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Необходима верификация со стороны инициирующего сайта. Для аккаунтов без мастер-пароля эта возможность пока не реализована." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Войти с ключом доступа?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Для данного приложения уже существует ключ доступа." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Для данного приложения ключей доступа не найдено." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "У вас нет подходящего логина для этого сайта." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Подтвердить" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Сохранить ключ доступа" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Сохранить ключ доступа как новый логин" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Выберите логин, для которого будет сохранен данный ключ доступа" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Ключ доступа элемента" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Перезаписать ключ доступа?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Этот элемент уже содержит ключ доступа. Вы уверены, что хотите перезаписать текущий ключ?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Функция пока не поддерживается" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Для использования ключа доступа необходима аутентификация. Для продолжения работы подтвердите свою личность." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Использовать браузер" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/si/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/si/messages.json index 8ea364cb6d..a8d880b2a0 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/si/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/si/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "අනන්යතාවය" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "මුරපද ඉතිහාසය" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "සංවිධාන ප්රතිපත්තියක් ඔබේ හිමිකාරිත්ව විකල්පයන් කෙරෙහි බලපායි." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "බැහැර වසම්" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sk/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sk/messages.json index d04f2ccf05..65ff30cebb 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sk/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sk/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identita" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Prístupový kľúč" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "História hesla" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Politika organizácie ovplyvňuje vaše možnosti vlastníctva." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Vylúčené domény" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Vypnite výzvu na opätovné zadanie hlavného hesla na úpravu tohto poľa", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Prístupový kód sa neskopíruje" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Prístupový kľúč sa do klonovanej položky neskopíruje. Chcete pokračovať v klonovaní tejto položky?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Overenie požadované iniciujúcim webom. Táto funkcia zatiaľ nie je implementovaná pre účty bez hlavného hesla." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Prihlásiť sa s prístupovým kľúčom?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Pre túto aplikáciu už existuje prístupový kľúč." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Pre túto aplikáciu neboli nájdené žiadne prístupové kľúče." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Pre túto stránku nemáte zodpovedajúce prihlasovacie údaje." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Potvrdiť" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Uložiť prístupový kľúč" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Uložiť prístupový kľúč ako nové prihlasovacie údaje" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Vyberte prihlasovacie údaje, do ktorých chcete uložiť prístupový kľúč" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Položka prístupového kľúča" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Prepísať prístupový kľúč?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Táto položka už obsahuje prístupový kľúč. Naozaj chcete prepísať aktuálny prístupový kľúč?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Funkcia ešte nie je podporovaná" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Na použitie prístupového kľúča sa vyžaduje overenie. Ak chcete pokračovať, overte svoju totožnosť." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Použiť webový prehliadač" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sl/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sl/messages.json index 5f859e9e5f..28abc91b1c 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sl/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sl/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteta" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Zgodovina gesel" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Izključene domene" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sr/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sr/messages.json index c496e7628d..d4322cd254 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sr/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sr/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Идентитет" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Приступачни кључ" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Историја Лозинке" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "смернице организације утичу на ваше могућности власништва." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Изузети домени" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Искључите поновни упит главне лозинке да бисте уредили ово поље", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Приступачни кључ неће бити копиран" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Приступачни кључ неће бити копиран на клонирану ставку. Да ли желите да наставите са клонирањем ставке?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Верификацију захтева сајт који покреће. Ова функција још увек није имплементирана за налоге без главне лозинке." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Пријавите се са приступачним кључем?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "За ову апликацију већ постоји приступачни кључ." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Нису пронађени приступни кључеви за ову апликацију." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "Немате одговарајућу пријаву за овај сајт." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Потврди" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Сачувати приступни кључ" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Сачувати приступни кључ као нову пријаву" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Изаберите пријаву да бисте сачували овај приступни кључ" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Ставка приступачног кључа" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Заменити приступни кључ?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Ова ставка већ садржи приступни кључ. Да ли сте сигурни да желите да замените тренутни приступни кључ?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Функција још није подржана" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "За коришћење приступног кључа је потребна аутентификација. Потврдите свој идентитет да бисте наставили." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Користите претраживач" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sv/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sv/messages.json index 283665f497..e30a79b545 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/sv/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/sv/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identitet" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Lösenordshistorik" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "En organisationspolicy påverkar dina ägarskapsalternativ." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Exkluderade domäner" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Bekräfta" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Använd webbläsare" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/te/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/te/messages.json index 2233090157..24e1bc3ce3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/te/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/te/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identity" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Password history" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/th/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/th/messages.json index 20702a1de4..eb5e21dca7 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/th/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/th/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "ข้อมูลระบุตัวตน" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "ประวัติของรหัสผ่าน" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Excluded domains" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/tr/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/tr/messages.json index e9763386aa..d0afcfe039 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/tr/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/tr/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Kimlik" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Geçiş anahtarı" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Parola geçmişi" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Bir kuruluş ilkesi sahiplik seçeneklerinizi etkiliyor." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Hariç tutulan alan adları" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Bu alanı düzenlemek için ana parolayı yeniden istemeyi kapatın", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/uk/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/uk/messages.json index 666870146d..cdc0ea2caa 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/uk/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/uk/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Особисті дані" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Ключ доступу" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Історія паролів" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Політика організації впливає на ваші параметри власності." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Виключені домени" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Вимкніть повторний запит головного пароля, щоб редагувати це поле", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Ключ доступу не буде скопійовано" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "Ключ доступу не буде скопійовано до клонованого запису. Хочете продовжити клонування цього запису?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Сайт ініціює обов'язкову верифікацію. Ця функція ще не реалізована для облікових записів без головного пароля." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Увійти з ключем доступу?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "Ключ доступу для цієї програми вже існує." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "Для цієї програми не знайдено ключів доступу." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "У вас немає відповідних записів для цього сайту." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Підтвердити" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Зберегти ключ доступу" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Зберегти ключ доступу як новий запис" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Виберіть запис для збереження цього ключа доступу" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Ключ доступу" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Перезаписати ключ доступу?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "Цей елемент вже містить ключ доступу. Ви впевнені, що хочете перезаписати поточний ключ доступу?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Функція ще не підтримується" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Для використання ключа доступу потрібна автентифікація. Пройдіть перевірку, щоб продовжити." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Скористатися браузером" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/vi/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/vi/messages.json index caedbb8b91..ee64633dff 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/vi/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/vi/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "Danh tính" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Lịch sử mật khẩu" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Chính sách của tổ chức đang ảnh hưởng đến các tùy chọn quyền sở hữu của bạn." }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "Tên miền đã loại trừ" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "Turn off master password re-prompt to edit this field", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index 5331208af8..7060c16a67 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "身份" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "通行密钥" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "密码历史记录" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "一个组织策略正影响您的所有权选项。" }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "组织策略已阻止将项目导入您的个人密码库。" + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "排除域名" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "关闭主密码重新提示以编辑此字段", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "导入数据", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "导入出错" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "您尝试导入的数据有问题。请解决如下列出的源文件中的错误,然后重试。" + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "解决下面的错误,然后重试。" + }, + "description": { + "message": "描述" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "数据导入成功" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "一共导入了 $AMOUNT$ 个项目。", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "总计" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "您正在将数据导入到 $ORGANIZATION$。您的数据可能会与此组织中的成员共享。要继续吗?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "数据格式不正确。请检查您的导入文件后重试。" + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "没有导入任何内容。" + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "解密导出的文件时出错。您的加密密钥与导出数据时使用的加密密钥不匹配。" + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "导入目的地" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "了解您的导入选项" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "选择一个文件夹" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "选择一个集合" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "如果您希望将导入的文件内容移动到 $DESTINATION$,请选择此选项", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "文件包含未分配项目。" + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "选择导入文件的格式" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "选择要导入的文件" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "选择文件" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "未选择文件" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "或复制/粘贴要导入的文件内容" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "确认密码库导入" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "此文件受密码保护。请输入文件密码以导入数据。" + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "确认文件密码" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "通行密钥不会被复制" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "通行密钥将不会被复制到克隆的项目。要继续克隆这个项目吗?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "启动站点需要验证。对于没有主密码的账户,此功能尚未实现。" + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "使用通行密钥登录吗?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "此应用程序已存在一个通行密钥。" + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "没有找到此应用程序的通行密钥。" + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "不存在匹配此站点的登录项目。" + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "确认" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "保存通行密钥" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "作为新的登录项目保存通行密钥" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "选择一个用于保存此通行密钥的登录项目" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "通行密钥项目" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "覆盖通行密钥吗?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "此项目已包含一个通行密钥。您确定要覆盖当前的通行密钥吗?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "功能尚不被支持" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "使用通行密钥需要身份验证。请验证身份以继续。" + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "使用浏览器" } } diff --git a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json index b3368beb18..9019ba65f3 100644 --- a/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json +++ b/apps/browser/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json @@ -1253,6 +1253,9 @@ "typeIdentity": { "message": "身分" }, + "typePasskey": { + "message": "Passkey" + }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "密碼歷史記錄" }, @@ -1653,6 +1656,9 @@ "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "組織原則正在影響您的擁有權選項。" }, + "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { + "message": "An organization policy has blocked importing items into your individual vault." + }, "excludedDomains": { "message": "排除網域" }, @@ -2445,5 +2451,164 @@ "turnOffMasterPasswordPromptToEditField": { "message": "關閉主密碼重新提示以編輯此欄位", "description": "Message appearing below the autofill on load message when master password reprompt is set for a vault item." + }, + "importData": { + "message": "Import data", + "description": "Used for the header of the import dialog, the import button and within the file-password-prompt" + }, + "importError": { + "message": "Import error" + }, + "importErrorDesc": { + "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." + }, + "resolveTheErrorsBelowAndTryAgain": { + "message": "Resolve the errors below and try again." + }, + "description": { + "message": "Description" + }, + "importSuccess": { + "message": "Data successfully imported" + }, + "importSuccessNumberOfItems": { + "message": "A total of $AMOUNT$ items were imported.", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "total": { + "message": "Total" + }, + "importWarning": { + "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", + "placeholders": { + "organization": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "My Org Name" + } + } + }, + "importFormatError": { + "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." + }, + "importNothingError": { + "message": "Nothing was imported." + }, + "importEncKeyError": { + "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." + }, + "importDestination": { + "message": "Import destination" + }, + "learnAboutImportOptions": { + "message": "Learn about your import options" + }, + "selectImportFolder": { + "message": "Select a folder" + }, + "selectImportCollection": { + "message": "Select a collection" + }, + "importTargetHint": { + "message": "Select this option if you want the imported file contents moved to a $DESTINATION$", + "description": "Located as a hint under the import target. Will be appended by either folder or collection, depending if the user is importing into an individual or an organizational vault.", + "placeholders": { + "destination": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "folder or collection" + } + } + }, + "importUnassignedItemsError": { + "message": "File contains unassigned items." + }, + "selectFormat": { + "message": "Select the format of the import file" + }, + "selectImportFile": { + "message": "Select the import file" + }, + "chooseFile": { + "message": "Choose File" + }, + "noFileChosen": { + "message": "No file chosen" + }, + "orCopyPasteFileContents": { + "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" + }, + "instructionsFor": { + "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", + "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", + "placeholders": { + "name": { + "content": "$1", + "example": "LastPass (csv)" + } + } + }, + "confirmVaultImport": { + "message": "Confirm vault import" + }, + "confirmVaultImportDesc": { + "message": "This file is password-protected. Please enter the file password to import data." + }, + "confirmFilePassword": { + "message": "Confirm file password" + }, + "passkeyNotCopied": { + "message": "Passkey will not be copied" + }, + "passkeyNotCopiedAlert": { + "message": "The passkey will not be copied to the cloned item. Do you want to continue cloning this item?" + }, + "passkeyFeatureIsNotImplementedForAccountsWithoutMasterPassword": { + "message": "Verification required by the initiating site. This feature is not yet implemented for accounts without master password." + }, + "logInWithPasskey": { + "message": "Log in with passkey?" + }, + "passkeyAlreadyExists": { + "message": "A passkey already exists for this application." + }, + "noPasskeysFoundForThisApplication": { + "message": "No passkeys found for this application." + }, + "noMatchingPasskeyLogin": { + "message": "You do not have a matching login for this site." + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Confirm" + }, + "savePasskey": { + "message": "Save passkey" + }, + "savePasskeyNewLogin": { + "message": "Save passkey as new login" + }, + "choosePasskey": { + "message": "Choose a login to save this passkey to" + }, + "passkeyItem": { + "message": "Passkey Item" + }, + "overwritePasskey": { + "message": "Overwrite passkey?" + }, + "overwritePasskeyAlert": { + "message": "This item already contains a passkey. Are you sure you want to overwrite the current passkey?" + }, + "featureNotSupported": { + "message": "Feature not yet supported" + }, + "yourPasskeyIsLocked": { + "message": "Authentication required to use passkey. Verify your identity to continue." + }, + "useBrowserName": { + "message": "Use browser" } }