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synced 2025-03-02 03:41:09 +01:00
New translations messages.json (Catalan)
This commit is contained in:
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
"message": "Copia URI"
"copyVerificationCodeTotp": {
"message": "Copy Verification Code (TOTP)"
"message": "Copia codi de verificació (TOTP)"
"length": {
"message": "Longitud"
@ -1228,10 +1228,10 @@
"message": "Aquesta exportació conté les dades de la vostra caixa forta en un format no xifrat. No hauríeu d'emmagatzemar o enviar el fitxer exportat a través de canals no segurs (com ara el correu electrònic). Elimineu-lo immediatament després d'haver acabat d'usar-lo."
"encExportKeyWarningDesc": {
"message": "This export encrypts your data using your account's encryption key. If you ever rotate your account's encryption key you should export again since you will not be able to decrypt this export file."
"message": "Aquesta exportació xifra les vostres dades mitjançant la clau de xifratge del vostre compte. Si alguna vegada gireu eixa clau, hauríeu d'exportar de nou, ja que no podreu desxifrar aquest fitxer d'exportació."
"encExportAccountWarningDesc": {
"message": "Account encryption keys are unique to each Bitwarden user account, so you can't import an encrypted export into a different account."
"message": "Les claus de xifratge són exclusives de cada compte d'usuari Bitwarden, de manera que no podeu importar una exportació xifrada a un compte diferent."
"exportMasterPassword": {
"message": "Introduïu la contrasenya mestra per exportar les dades de la caixa forta."
@ -1505,108 +1505,108 @@
"message": "Una política d’organització afecta les vostres opcions de propietat."
"allSends": {
"message": "All Sends",
"message": "Tots els Send",
"description": "'Sends' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTypeFile": {
"message": "File"
"message": "Fitxer"
"sendTypeText": {
"message": "Text"
"searchSends": {
"message": "Search Sends",
"message": "Cerca Sends",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editSend": {
"message": "Edit Send",
"message": "Edita Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"myVault": {
"message": "My Vault"
"message": "La meua caixa forta"
"text": {
"message": "Text"
"deletionDate": {
"message": "Deletion Date"
"message": "Data de supressió"
"deletionDateDesc": {
"message": "The Send will be permanently deleted on the specified date and time.",
"message": "El Send se suprimirà permanentment a la data i hora especificades.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"expirationDate": {
"message": "Expiration Date"
"message": "Data de caducitat"
"expirationDateDesc": {
"message": "If set, access to this Send will expire on the specified date and time.",
"message": "Si s'estableix, l'accés a aquest Send caducarà en la data i hora especificades.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"maxAccessCount": {
"message": "Maximum Access Count"
"message": "Recompte màxim d'accessos"
"maxAccessCountDesc": {
"message": "If set, users will no longer be able to access this Send once the maximum access count is reached.",
"message": "Si s’estableix, els usuaris ja no podran accedir a aquest Send una vegada s’assolisca el nombre màxim d’accessos.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"currentAccessCount": {
"message": "Current Access Count"
"message": "Recompte d’accessos actual"
"disableSend": {
"message": "Disable this Send so that no one can access it.",
"message": "Deshabiliteu aquest Send perquè ningú no hi puga accedir.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendPasswordDesc": {
"message": "Optionally require a password for users to access this Send.",
"message": "Opcionalment, necessiteu una contrasenya perquè els usuaris accedisquen a aquest Send.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendNotesDesc": {
"message": "Private notes about this Send.",
"message": "Notes privades sobre aquest Send.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLink": {
"message": "Send link",
"message": "Enllaç Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendLinkLabel": {
"message": "Send Link",
"message": "Enllaç Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"textHiddenByDefault": {
"message": "When accessing the Send, hide the text by default",
"message": "Quan accediu a Send, amaga el text per defecte",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createdSend": {
"message": "Created Send",
"message": "Send creat",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"editedSend": {
"message": "Edited Send",
"message": "Send editat",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"deletedSend": {
"message": "Deleted Send",
"message": "Send suprimit",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"newPassword": {
"message": "New Password"
"message": "Contrasenya nova"
"whatTypeOfSend": {
"message": "What type of Send is this?",
"message": "Quin tipus de Send és aquest?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"createSend": {
"message": "Create Send",
"message": "Crea Send",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendTextDesc": {
"message": "The text you want to send."
"message": "El text que voleu enviar."
"sendFileDesc": {
"message": "The file you want to send."
"message": "El fitxer que voleu enviar."
"days": {
"message": "$DAYS$ days",
"message": "$DAYS$ dies",
"placeholders": {
"days": {
"content": "$1",
@ -1615,43 +1615,43 @@
"oneDay": {
"message": "1 day"
"message": "1 dia"
"custom": {
"message": "Custom"
"message": "Personalitzat"
"deleteSendConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete this Send?",
"message": "Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest Send?",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copySendLinkToClipboard": {
"message": "Copy Send link to clipboard",
"message": "Copia l'enllaç Send al porta-retalls",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copySendLinkOnSave": {
"message": "Copy the link to share this Send to my clipboard upon save."
"message": "Copie l'enllaç per compartir aquest Send al meu porta-retalls després de guardar-lo."
"sendDisabled": {
"message": "Send disabled",
"message": "Send desactivat",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"sendDisabledWarning": {
"message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are only able to delete an existing Send.",
"message": "A causa d'una política empresarial, només podeu suprimir un Send existent.",
"description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated."
"copyLink": {
"message": "Copy link"
"message": "Copia l'enllaç"
"disabled": {
"message": "Disabled"
"message": "Deshabilitat"
"maxAccessCountReached": {
"message": "Max access count reached"
"message": "S'ha assolit el recompte màxim d'accesos"
"expired": {
"message": "Expired"
"message": "Caducat"
"pendingDeletion": {
"message": "Pending deletion"
"message": "Pendent de supressió"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user