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synced 2025-03-10 13:09:37 +01:00
Autosync the updated translations (#6369)
Co-authored-by: bitwarden-devops-bot <106330231+bitwarden-devops-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimum lêergrootte is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "U kan eers hierdie funksie gebruik wanneer u u enkripsiesleutel bygewerk het."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Toegevoegde item"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Sleutel bygewerk"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Werk sleutel by"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Werk enkripsiesleutel by"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "U gebruik tans ’n verouderde enkripsieskema."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "الحجم الأقصى للملف هو 500 ميجابايت."
"updateKey": {
"message": "لا يمكنك استخدام هذه المِيزة حتى تحديث مفتاح التشفير الخاص بك."
"addedItem": {
"message": "تمت إضافة العنصر"
@ -752,10 +749,10 @@
"message": "لا توجد أية عناصر في القائمة."
"noPermissionToViewAllCollectionItems": {
"message": "You do not have permission to view all items in this collection."
"message": "ليس لديك الصلاحية لعرض جميع العناصر في هذه المجموعة."
"noCollectionsInList": {
"message": "There are no collections to list."
"message": "لا توجد مجموعات لعرضها."
"noGroupsInList": {
"message": "لا توجد أية مجموعات لعرضها."
@ -764,7 +761,7 @@
"message": "ليس هناك مستخدمون لعرضهم."
"noMembersInList": {
"message": "There are no members to list."
"message": "ليس هناك أعضاء لعرضهم."
"noEventsInList": {
"message": "لا توجد أية أحداث لعرضها."
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimal fayl həcmi 500 MB-dır."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Şifrələmə açarınızı güncəlləyənə qədər bu özəlliyi istifadə edə bilməzsiniz."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Element əlavə edildi"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Açar güncəlləndi"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Açarı güncəllə"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Şifrələmə açarını güncəllə"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Hal-hazırda köhnə bir şifrələmə sxemi istifadə edirsiniz."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Daha yaxşı güvənlik və daha yeni özəlliklərə müraciəti təmin edən daha böyük şifrələmə açarlarına keçdik. Şifrələmə açarınızı güncəlləmək sürətli və asandır. Sadəcə aşağıda ana parolunuzu yazın. Bu güncəlləmə, nəticədə məcburi olacaq."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Daha yaxşı güvənlik təqdim etmək üçün şifrələmə sxemini dəyişdirdik. Ana parolunuzu aşağıda daxil edərək şifrələmə açarınızı güncəlləyin."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Şifrələmə açarını güncəllədikdən sonra, hazırda istifadə etdiyiniz (mobil tətbiq və ya brauzer genişləndirmələri kimi) bütün Bitwarden tətbiqlərində çıxış edib yenidən giriş etməlisiniz. Çıxış edib təkrar giriş etməmək (yeni şifrələmə açarının endirilməsi prosesi) verilənlərin zədələnməsi ilə nəticələnə bilər. Avtomatik olaraq çıxış etməyə çalışacağıq, bu gecikə bilər."
@ -3634,7 +3625,7 @@
"message": "Bu element, düzəldilməli köhnə fayl qoşmalarını ehtiva edir."
"attachmentFixDescription": {
"message": "This attachment uses outdated encryption. Select 'Fix' to download, re-encrypt, and re-upload the attachment."
"message": "Bu qoşma güncəl olmayan şifrələmə istifadə edir. Qoşmanı endirmək, təkrar şifrələmək və təkrar yükləmək üçün \"Düzəlt\"i seçin."
"fix": {
"message": "Düzəlt",
@ -4622,10 +4613,10 @@
"message": "Şifrələmə üsuluna əsasən, ana parollar və güvənilən cihazlar unudulduqda və ya itirildikdə hesabları bərpa edin."
"accountRecoveryPolicyWarning": {
"message": "Existing accounts with master passwords will require members to self-enroll before administrators can recover their accounts. Automatic enrollment will turn on account recovery for new members."
"message": "Ana parolları olan mövcud hesablar, administratorların öz hesablarını bərpa edə bilməsindən əvvəl üzvlərin öz-özünə yazılmalarını tələb edəcək. Avto-yazılma, yeni üzvlər üçün hesab bərpasını işə salacaq."
"accountRecoverySingleOrgRequirementDesc": {
"message": "The single organization Enterprise policy must be turned on before activating this policy."
"message": "Bu siyasət aktivləşdirilməzdən əvvəl, \"Tək təşkilat\" Müəssisə siyasəti işə salınmalıdır."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Avtomatik qeydiyyat"
@ -4730,7 +4721,7 @@
"message": "Xəta"
"accountRecoveryManageUsers": {
"message": "Manage users must also be granted with the manage account recovery permission"
"message": "\"Hesab bərpasını idarə et\" icazəsi ilə birgə \"İstifadəçiləri idarə et\"ə icazə verilməlidir"
"setupProvider": {
"message": "Provayder quraşdırması"
@ -4942,7 +4933,7 @@
"message": "Fərdi anbarın ixracını sıradan çıxart"
"disablePersonalVaultExportDescription": {
"message": "Do not allow members to export data from their individual vault."
"message": "Üzvlərin öz anbarlarından datanı xaricə köçürməsinə icazə verməyin."
"vaultExportDisabled": {
"message": "Anbar ixracı sıradan çıxarıldı"
@ -5246,7 +5237,7 @@
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'"
"ssoPolicyHelpAnchor": {
"message": "require single sign-on authentication policy",
"message": "tək daxil olma kimlik təsdiqləmə siyasətini tələb et",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Use the require single-sign-on authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'"
"ssoPolicyHelpEnd": {
@ -5446,7 +5437,7 @@
"message": "Təşkilat anbarının ixracı"
"exportingIndividualVaultDescription": {
"message": "Only the individual vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included. Only vault item information will be exported and will not include associated attachments.",
"message": "Yalnız $EMAIL$ ilə əlaqələndirilmiş fərdi anbar elementləri xaricə köçürüləcək. Təşkilat anbar elementləri daxil edilməyəcək. Yalnız anbar element məlumatları xaricə köçürüləcək və əlaqələndirilmiş qoşmalar daxil edilməyəcək.",
"placeholders": {
"email": {
"content": "$1",
@ -7179,6 +7170,6 @@
"message": "Beta"
"alreadyHaveAccount": {
"message": "Already have an account?"
"message": "Artıq bir hesabınız var?"
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Максімальны памер файла 500 МБ."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Вы не зможаце выкарыстоўваць гэту функцыю, пакуль не абнавіце свой ключ шыфравання."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Элемент дададзены"
@ -1098,7 +1095,7 @@
"message": "Уліковы запіс абноўлены"
"changeEmail": {
"message": "Змяніць электронную пошту"
"message": "Змяніць адрас электроннай пошты"
"changeEmailTwoFactorWarning": {
"message": "Працягваючы, вы зменіце адрас электроннай пошты вашага ўліковага запісу. Гэта не паўплывае на змяненне адраса электроннай пошты, які выкарыстоўваецца для двухфактарнай аўтэнтыфікацыі. Калі вы хочаце змяніць і яго, то вам неабходна гэта зрабіць у наладах двухфактарнай аўтэнтыфікацыі."
@ -1426,10 +1423,10 @@
"message": "Абараніце свой уліковы запіс з дапамогай дадатковага кроку праверкі падчас уваходу."
"twoStepLoginTeamsDesc": {
"message": "Enable two-step login for your organization."
"message": "Уключыць двухэтапную аўтарызацыю для вашай арганізацыі."
"twoStepLoginEnterpriseDescStart": {
"message": "Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the ",
"message": "Забяспечыць параметры двухэтапнага ўваходу ў Bitwarden для ўдзельнікаў, выкарыстоўваючы ",
"description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enforce Bitwarden Two-step Login options for members by using the Two-step Login Policy.'"
"twoStepLoginPolicy": {
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ключ абноўлены"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Абнавіць ключ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Абнавіць ключ шыфравання"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Зараз вы выкарыстоўваеце састарэлую схему шыфравання."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Мы перайшлі на больш складаныя ключы шыфравання, якія забяспечваюць лепшую бяспеку і доступ да самых новых функцый. Абнаўленне вашых ключоў шыфравання адбудзецца хутка і лёгка. Проста ўвядзіце свой асноўны пароль знізу. Гэта абнаўленне ўрэшце стане абавязковым."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Мы змянілі схему шыфравання каб надаць найлепшы ўзровень бяспекі. Каб абнавіць ваш ключ шыфравання, увядзіце ваш асноўны пароль ніжэй."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Пасля абнаўлення вашага ключа шыфравання вам неабходна выйсці з сістэмы, а потым выканаць паўторны ўваход ва ўсе праграмы Bitwarden, якія вы зараз выкарыстоўваеце (напрыклад, мабільныя праграмы або пашырэнні для браўзераў). Збой пры выхадзе і паўторным уваходзе (пры гэтым спампоўваецца ваш новы ключ шыфравання) можа стаць прычынай пашкоджання даных. Мы паспрабуем аўтаматычна ажыццявіць завяршэнне ўсіх вашых сеансаў, але гэта можа адбывацца з затрымкай."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Големината на файла е най-много 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Трябва да обновите шифриращия си ключ, за да използвате тази възможност."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Елементът е добавен"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ключът е обновен"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Обновяване на ключа"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Обновяване на ключа за шифриране"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Ползвате остаряла схема за шифриране."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Вече ползваме по-дълги ключове за по-добра сигурност и повече възможности. Обновяването на ключа е бързо и лесно. Просто въведете главната си парола по-долу. В някой бъдещ момент това обновяване ще бъде задължително."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Променихме схемата на шифроване, за да подобрим сигурността. Обновете шифриращия си ключ сега, като въведете главната си парола по-долу."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "След смяната на ключа за шифриране ще трябва да се отпишете и след това да се впишете в регистрацията си във всички приложения на Битуорден, които ползвате (като мобилното приложение и разширенията за браузъри). Ако не се отпишете и впишете повторно (за да получите достъп до новия ключ), рискувате да повредите записите си. Сега ще се пробва да бъдете отписани автоматично, това обаче може да се забави."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "সর্বোচ্চ ফাইলের আকার ১০০ এমবি।"
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimalna veličina datoteke je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ne možete koristiti ovu uslugu dok ne ažurirate Vaš enkripcioni ključ."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Stavka Dodata"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "La mida màxima del fitxer és de 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "No podeu utilitzar aquesta funció fins que actualitzeu la vostra clau de xifratge."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Element afegit"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Clau actualitzada"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Actualitza clau"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Actualitza la clau de xifratge"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Esteu fent servir un esquema de xifrage antiquat."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Hem canviat a claus de xifratge més grans que proporcionen una millor seguretat i accés a característiques més noves. L'actualització de la vostra clau de xifratge és ràpida i senzilla. Només cal que introduïu la vostra contrasenya mestra a continuació. Aquesta actualització es convertirà en obligatòria en qualsevol moment."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Després d'actualitzar la vostra clau de xifratge, heu de tancar la sessió i tornar a entrar a totes les aplicacions de Bitwarden que esteu utilitzant actualment (com ara l'aplicació mòbil o les extensions del navegador). Si no es tanca i torna a iniciar la sessió (la qual descarrega la vostra nova clau de xifratge) pot provocar corrupció en les dades. Intentarem registrar-vos automàticament, però, es pot retardar."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximální velikost souboru je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Dokud neaktualizujete svůj šifrovací klíč, nemůžete tuto funkci použít."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Položka byla přidána"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Klíč byl aktualizován"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Aktualizovat klíč"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Aktualizovat šifrovací klíč"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Aktuálně používáte zastaralé šifrovací schéma."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Přešli jsme na delší šifrovací klíče, které poskytují vyšší úroveň zabezpečení a přístup k novým funkcím. Aktualizace Vašeho šifrovacího klíče je rychlá a snadná. Stačí níže zadat Vaše hlavní heslo. Provedení této aktualizace může být v budoucnu povinné."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Změnili jsme šifrovací schéma pro zajištění větší bezpečnosti. Aktualizujte Váš šifrovací klíč nyní zadáním hlavního hesla níže."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Po aktualizace šifrovacího klíče dojde k odhlášení a budete se muset opětovně přihlásit do všech aplikací Bitwardenu, které aktuálně používáte (např. mobilní aplikace či rozšíření pro prohlížeč). Nezdaří-li se odhlášení a opětovné přihlášení (během něhož bude stažen nový šifrovací klíč), může dojít k poškození dat. Pokusíme se Vás automaticky odhlásit, nicméně, může to chvíli trvat."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maks. filstørrelse er 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Denne funktion kan ikke bruges, før du opdaterer din krypteringsnøgle."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Emne tilføjet"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Nøgle opdateret"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Opdatér nøgle"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Opdatér krypteringsnøgle"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Du bruger i øjeblikket en forældet krypteringsmetode."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Vi har skiftet til større krypteringsnøgler, der giver bedre sikkerhed og adgang til nyere funktioner. Opdatering af din krypteringsnøgle er hurtig og nem. Indtast bare din hovedadgangskode nedenfor. Denne opdatering bliver obligatorisk på et senere tidspunkt."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Vi har ændret krypteringsmetoden mhp. bedre sikkerhed. Opdatér krypteringsnøglen nu ved at angive din hovedadgangskode nedenfor."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Efter opdatering af din krypteringsnøgle skal du logge ud og ind igen i alle Bitwarden-programmer, du bruger i øjeblikket (f.eks. mobilapp eller browserudvidelser). Hvis du ikke logger ud og ind (som downloader din nye krypteringsnøgle), kan det resultere i data korruption. Vi vil forsøge at logge dig ud automatisk, men det kan blive forsinket."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Die maximale Dateigröße beträgt 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Sie können diese Funktion nicht nutzen, bevor Sie Ihren Verschlüsselungscode aktualisiert haben."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Eintrag hinzugefügt"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Schlüssel aktualisiert"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Schlüssel aktualisieren"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel aktualisieren"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Sie verwenden derzeit ein veraltetes Verschlüsselungsschema."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Wir sind auf größere Verschlüsselungscodes umgestiegen, welche bessere Sicherheit und Zugang zu neuen Features bieten. Das Update Ihres Verschlüsselungscodes ist schnell und einfach. Geben Sie einfach hier Ihr Master-Passwort ein. Das Update wird irgendwann verpflichtend."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Nach der Aktualisierung Ihres Verschlüsselungsschlüssels musst du dich bei allen Bitwarden-Anwendungen, die du momentan benutzt, erneut anmelden (wie z.B. die mobile App oder die Browser-Erweiterungen). Fehler bei Ab- und Anmeldung (die deinen neuen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel herunterlädt) könnte zu einer Beschädigung der Daten führen. Wir werden versuchen dich automatisch abzumelden, was jedoch verzögert geschehen kann."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Το μέγιστο μέγεθος αρχείου είναι 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Δεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτήν τη δυνατότητα μέχρι να ενημερώσετε το κλειδί κρυπτογράφησης."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Προστέθηκε στοιχείο"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Το Κλειδί Ενημερώθηκε"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Ενημέρωση Κλειδιού"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Ενημέρωση Κλειδιού Κρυπτογράφησης"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Αυτήν τη στιγμή χρησιμοποιείτε ένα ξεπερασμένο σύστημα κρυπτογράφησης."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Έχουμε μετακινηθεί σε μεγαλύτερα κλειδιά κρυπτογράφησης που παρέχουν καλύτερη ασφάλεια και πρόσβαση σε νεότερες λειτουργίες. Η ενημέρωση του κλειδιού κρυπτογράφησης είναι γρήγορη και εύκολη. Απλά πληκτρολογήστε τον κύριο κωδικό σας παρακάτω. Αυτή η ενημέρωση τελικά θα καταστεί υποχρεωτική."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Μετά την ενημέρωση του κλειδιού κρυπτογράφησης, πρέπει να αποσυνδεθείτε και να επιστρέψετε σε όλες τις εφαρμογές Bitwarden που χρησιμοποιείτε αυτήν τη στιγμή (όπως η εφαρμογή για κινητά ή οι επεκτάσεις του προγράμματος περιήγησης). Η αποτυχία αποσύνδεσης και επαναφοράς (στην οποία γίνεται λήψη του νέου κλειδιού κρυπτογράφησης) ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει καταστροφή δεδομένων. Θα προσπαθήσουμε να αποσυνδεθείτε αυτόματα, ωστόσο αυτό μπορεί να καθυστερήσει."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, although this may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Added item"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, although this may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimuma dosiergrandeco estas 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Vi ne povas uzi ĉi tiun funkcion antaŭ ol vi ĝisdatigos vian ĉifran ŝlosilon."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Aldonita ero"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ŝlosilo ĝisdatigita"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Ĝisdatiga Ŝlosilo"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Ĝisdatigi Ĉifran Ŝlosilon"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Vi nun uzas malmodernan ĉifran skemon."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Ni transloĝiĝis al pli grandaj ĉifraj ŝlosiloj, kiuj donas pli bonan sekurecon kaj aliron al pli novaj funkcioj. Ĝisdatigi vian ĉifran ŝlosilon estas rapide kaj facile. Simple tajpu vian ĉefan pasvorton sube. Ĉi tiu ĝisdatigo fine fariĝos deviga."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Post ĝisdatigi vian ĉifradan ŝlosilon, vi devas elsaluti kaj reeniri al ĉiuj Bitwarden-aplikaĵoj, kiujn vi nun uzas (kiel la poŝtelefona programo aŭ retumila etendaĵoj). Malsukceso elsaluti kaj reeniri (kiu elŝutas via nova ĉifra ŝlosilo) povas rezultigi korupton de datumoj. Ni provos elsaluti vin aŭtomate, tamen ĝi eble prokrastos. "
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "El tamaño máximo de archivo es de 500MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "No puedes usar esta característica hasta que actualices tu clave de cifrado."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Elemento añadido"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Clave actualizada"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Actualizar clave"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Actualizar clave de cifrado"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Actualmente utilizas un esquema de cifrado desactualizado."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Hemos cambiado a unas claves de cifrado más grandes para ofrecer una mayor seguridad y acceso a nuevas características. Actualizar tu clave de cifrado actual es fácil y rápido. Solo necesitas escribir tu contraseña maestra debajo. Esta actualización en algún momento se volverá obligatoria."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Hemos cambiado el esquema de cifrado para proporcionar una mayor seguridad. Actualice su clave de cifrado ahora introduciendo su contraseña maestra a continuación."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Una vez actualices tu clave de cifrado, será necesario que cierres sesión y vuelvas a identificarte en todas las aplicaciones de Bitwarden que estés utilizando (como la aplicación móvil o la extensión de navegador). Si la reautenticación falla (la cual descargaría la nueva clave de cifrad) puede producirse corrupción de datos. Intentaremos cerrar tu sesión automáticamente, pero puede tardar un tiempo."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimaalne faili suurus on 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Seda funktsiooni ei saa enne krüpteerimise võtme uuendamist kasutada."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Kirje on lisatud"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Võti on uuendatud"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Uuenda võtit"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Uuenda krüpteerimisvõtit"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Kasutad hetkeseisuga aegunud krüpteerimise skeemi."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Oleme kasutusele võtnud suuremad krüpteerimise võtmed, mis pakuvad paremat turvalisust ja uusi funktsioone. Krüpteerimisvõtmete uuendamine on lihtne ja kiire. Piisab ainult ülemparooli sisestamisest. See uuendus on möödapääsmatu ja tuleb ära teha."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Pärast krüpteerimisvõtme uuendamist pead kõikides seadmetes, kus Bitwardeni rakendust kasutad, oma kontosse uuesti sisse logima (nt nutitelefonis ja brauseris). Välja- ja sisselogimise (mis ühtlasi laadib ka uue krüpteerimisvõtme) nurjumine võib tingida andmete riknemise. Üritame sinu seadmetest ise välja logida, aga see võib võtta natukene aega."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Eranskinaren gehienezko tamaina 500MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ezin duzu ezaugarri hau erabili zifratze-gakoa eguneratu arte."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Gehitu elementua"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Gakoa eguneratua"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Eguneratu gakoa"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Eguneratu zifratze-gakoa"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Une honetan, zifratze sistema zaharkitua erabiltzen ari zara."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Zifratze-gako handiagoetara aldatu gara, segurtasun hobea eta ezaugarri berrietarako sarbidea ematen baitute. Zifratze-gakoa azkar eta erraz eguneratzen da. Idatzi zure pasahitz nagusia behean. Eguneratze hau nahitaezkoa izango da uneren batean."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Zifratze-gakoa eguneratu ondoren, saioa hasi eta erabiltzen ari zaren Bitwarden aplikazio guztietara itzuli behar duzu (adibidez, aplikazio mugikorra edo nabigatzailearen gehigarriak). Saioa berriro hasteak huts egiten badu (zifratze-gako berria deskargatzea dakar) datuen korrupzioa ekar lezake. Automatikoki saioa ixten saiatuko gara, baina atzeratu egin daiteke."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "بیشترین حجم فایل ۵۰۰ مگابایت است."
"updateKey": {
"message": "تا زمانی که کد رمزنگاری را بهروز نکنید نمیتوانید از این قابلیت استفاده کنید."
"addedItem": {
"message": "مورد اضافه شد"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "کلیدها بهروز شد"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "کلید بهروزرسانی"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "کلید رمزگذاری را بهروز کنید"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "شما در حال حاضر از یک طرح رمزگذاری قدیمی استفاده میکنید."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "ما به سمت کلیدهای رمزگذاری بزرگتر رفته ایم که امنیت بهتر و دسترسی به ویژگی های جدیدتر را فراهم میکند. بهروزرسانی کلید رمزگذاری شما سریع و آسان است. فقط کلمه عبور اصلی خود را در زیر تایپ کنید. این بهروزرسانی در نهایت اجباری خواهد شد."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "پس از بهروزرسانی کلید رمزگذاری، باید از سیستم خارج شوید و دوباره به همه برنامههای Bitwarden که در حال حاضر استفاده میکنید (مانند برنامه تلفن همراه یا برنامههای افزودنی مرورگر) وارد شوید. عدم خروج و ورود مجدد (که کلید رمزگذاری جدید شما را دانلود میکند) ممکن است منجر به خراب شدن دادهها شود. ما سعی خواهیم کرد شما را به طور خودکار از سیستم خارج کنیم، اما ممکن است با تأخیر انجام شود."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Tiedoston enimmäiskoko on 500 Mt."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Et voi käyttää tätä toimintoa ennen kuin päivität salausavaimesi."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Kohde lisättiin"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Avain päivitettiin"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Päivitä avain"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Päivitä salausavain"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Käytät tällä hetkellä vanhentunutta salausjärjestelmää."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Olemme siirtyneet suurempiin salausavaimiin, jotka tarjoavat parempaa suojausta sekä uudempia toimintoja. Salausavaimesi päivitys on helppoa: syötä vain pääsalasanasi alle. Tästä päivityksestä tulee myöhemmin pakollinen."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Olemme muuttaneet salausmallia tarjotaksemme paremman tietoturvan. Päivitä salausavaimesi syöttämällä alle pääsalasanasi."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Salausavaimesi päivityksen jälkeen, sinun tulee kirjautua ulos ja sitten takaisin sisään kaikissa Bitwarden-sovelluksissa, jotka ovat käytössäsi (esim. mobiilisovellus ja selainlaajennukset). Uudelleenkirjautumisen (joka lataa uuden salausavaimen) suorittamatta jättäminen saattaa johtaa tietojen vaurioitumiseen. Yritämme kirjata sinut ulos autmaattisesti, mutta tämä voi tapahtua vasta jonkin ajan kuluttua."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Hanggang sa 500 MB lang dapat ang mga file."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Hindi mo magagamit ang feature na ito hanggang sa i-update mo ang encryption key mo."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Naidagdag ang item"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Na update ang Key"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Na update ang encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Kasalukuyan kang gumagamit ng isang hindi napapanahong scheme ng pag encrypt."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Lumipat kami sa mas malaking mga key ng pag encrypt na nagbibigay ng mas mahusay na seguridad at pag access sa mas bagong mga tampok. Ang pag update ng iyong key ng pag encrypt ay mabilis at madali. I type lamang ang iyong master password sa ibaba. Ang update na ito ay sa huli ay magiging sapilitan."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Matapos i update ang iyong key sa pag encrypt, kinakailangan kang mag log out at bumalik sa lahat ng mga application ng Bitwarden na kasalukuyang ginagamit mo (tulad ng mobile app o mga extension ng browser). Ang kabiguan na mag log out at bumalik sa (na nag download ng iyong bagong key ng pag encrypt) ay maaaring magresulta sa pagkasira ng data. Susubukan naming awtomatikong mag log out sa iyo, gayunpaman, maaari itong maantala."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "La taille maximale du fichier est de 500 Mo."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette fonctionnalité avant de mettre à jour votre clé de chiffrement."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Élément ajouté"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Clé mise à jour"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Mettre à jour la clé"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Mettre à jour la clé de chiffrement"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Vous utilisez actuellement un moyen de chiffrement obsolète."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Nous sommes passés à des clés de chiffrement plus grandes qui offrent une meilleure sécurité et un accès à des fonctionnalités plus récentes. La mise à jour de votre clé de chiffrement est rapide et facile. Il suffit de saisir votre mot de passe principal ci-dessous. Cette mise à jour deviendra éventuellement obligatoire."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Nous avons modifié le schéma de chiffrement pour améliorer la sécurité. Mettez à jour votre clé de chiffrement maintenant en entrant votre mot de passe principal ci-dessous."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Après avoir mis à jour votre clé de chiffrement, vous devez vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter à toutes les applications Bitwarden que vous utilisez actuellement (comme l'application mobile ou les extensions de navigateur). Si vous ne vous déconnectez pas et ne vous reconnectez pas (ce qui télécharge votre nouvelle clé de chiffrement), cela peut entraîner une corruption des données. Nous tenterons de vous déconnecter automatiquement, mais cela peut être retardé."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "גודל הקובץ המירבי הוא 500 מגה."
"updateKey": {
"message": "לא ניתן להשתמש ביכולת זו עד שתעדכן את מפתח ההצפנה שלך."
"addedItem": {
"message": "פריט שהתווסף"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "המפתח עודכן"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "עדכן מפתח"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "עדכן מפתח הצפנה"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "אתה משתמש בסכמת-הצפנה לא מעודכנת."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "התחלנו להשתמש במפתחות הצפנה גדולים יותר בכדי לספק אבטחה טובה יותר ולאפשר גישה ליכולות חדשות. תהליך עדכון מפתחות האבטחה שלך הוא קל ומהיר. פשוט הזן את הסיסמה הראשית שלך. שים לב שעדכון זה יהפוך להכרחי בסופו של דבר."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "לאחר עדכון מפתחות ההצפנה שלך, תתבקש לצאת ולהכנס שוב בכל אפליקציות Bitwarden שאתה משתמש בהן (האפליקציה לפלאפון או ההרחבה לדפדפן). אם לא תצא ותכנס שוב (פעולת הכניסה מורידה את המפתח החדש), יתכן שתתקל במידע שגוי. אנו ננסה לגרום ליציאה אוטומטית, אך יתכן שהדבר לא יקרה מיידית."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "अधिकतम फाइल आकार 500 MB है।"
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Najveća veličina datoteke je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ne možeš koristiti ovu značajku prije nego ažuriraš ključ za šifriranje."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Stavka dodana"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ključ ažuriran"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Ažuriraj ključ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Ažuriraj ključ za šifriranje"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Trenutno koristiš zastarjeli način šifriranja."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Prešli smo na korištenje duljih ključeva za šifriranje koji pružaju bolju zaštitu kao i pristup novim uslugama. Ažuriranje ključa za šifriranje je brzo i jednostavno. Samo unesi svoju glavnu lozinku. Ova nadogradnja će uskoro postati obavezna."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Nakon ažuriranja svojeg ključa za šifriranje, obavezno se trebaš odjaviti i ponovno prijaviti u sve Bitwarden aplikacije koje trenutno koristiš (npr. mobilna aplikacija, proširenje preglednika, ...). Ako se ne odjaviš i ponovno prijaviš (čime se preuzima tvoj novi ključ za šifriranje) može doći do oštećenja spremljenih podataka. Pokušati ćemo te automatski odjaviti, no, to bi možda moglo potrajati."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "A maximális fájl méret 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ez a funkció nem használható a titkosítási kulcs frissítéséig."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Az elem hozzáadásra került."
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "A kulcs frissítésre került."
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Kulcs frissítés"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Titkosítási kulcs frissítés"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Jelenleg elavult titkosítási séma van használatban."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Hosszabb titkosítókulcsok kerültek használatba, amelyek jobb biztonságot és hozzáférést biztosítanak új funkciókhoz. A titkosító kulcs frissítése könnyű és gyors. Csak meg kell adni a mesterjelszót. Ez a frissítés kötelezővé válik."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "A titkosítási rendszer megváltozott, hogy nagyobb biztonságot nyújtson. Frissítsük a titkosítási kulcsot az mesterjelszó megadásával lentebb."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "A titkosítási kulcs frissítése után ki kell jelentkezni és vissza kell jelentkezni az összes jelenleg használt Bitwarden alkalmazásba (például a mobilalkalmazás vagy a böngésző bővítmények). A kijelentkezés és a bejelentkezés elmulasztása (amely letölti az új titkosítási kulcsot) adatvesztést okozhat. Megkíséreljük az automatikusan kijelentkeztetést, azonban ez késhet."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Ukuran berkas maksimal adalah 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Anda tidak dapat menggunakan fitur ini sampai Anda memperbarui kunci enkripsi Anda."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item yang Ditambahkan"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Kunci Diperbarui"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Perbarui Kunci"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Perbarui Kunci Enkripsi"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Anda saat ini menggunakan skema enkripsi yang sudah ketinggalan zaman."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Kami telah pindah ke kunci enkripsi yang lebih besar yang memberikan keamanan lebih baik dan akses ke fitur yang lebih baru. Memperbarui kunci enkripsi Anda dengan cepat dan mudah. Cukup ketikkan kata sandi utama Anda di bawah ini. Pembaruan ini pada akhirnya akan menjadi wajib."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Setelah memperbarui kunci enkripsi Anda, Anda diminta untuk keluar dan masuk kembali ke semua aplikasi Bitwarden yang saat ini Anda gunakan (seperti aplikasi seluler atau ekstensi browser). Kegagalan untuk keluar dan masuk kembali (yang mengunduh kunci enkripsi baru Anda) dapat menyebabkan kerusakan data. Kami akan mencoba mengeluarkan Anda secara otomatis, namun, hal itu mungkin tertunda."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "La dimensione massima del file è di 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Non puoi usare questa funzionalità finché non aggiorni la tua chiave di criptografia."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Elemento aggiunto"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Chiave aggiornata"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Aggiorna chiave"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Aggiorna chiave di criptografia"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Stai utilizzando uno schema di criptografia obsoleto."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Siamo passati a chiavi di criptografia più grandi che forniscono più sicurezza e accesso alle funzionalità più recenti. Aggiornare la chiave di criptografia è semplice e veloce, basta inserire la password principale qui sotto. Questo aggiornamento diventerà obbligatorio in futuro."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Abbiamo modificato lo schema di criptografia per fornire una maggiore sicurezza. Aggiorna la tua chiave di criptografia inserendo la tua password principale."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Dopo aver aggiornato la tua chiave di criptografia, devi uscire ed entrare di nuovo in tutte le app Bitwarden che stai usando (come l'app mobile o l'estensione del browser). Se non si esce e rientra (per scaricare la nuova chiave di criptografia) i dati della tua cassaforte potrebbero essere danneggiati. Cercheremo di farti uscire automaticamente, ma potrebbe esserci un ritardo."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "最大ファイルサイズは500MBです。"
"updateKey": {
"message": "暗号キーを更新するまでこの機能は使用できません。"
"addedItem": {
"message": "追加されたアイテム"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "キーが更新されました"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "キーの更新"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "暗号化キーを更新します。"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "古い暗号化方式が使用されています。"
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "より良いセキュリティと新しい機能が利用できる強力な暗号化方式へ移行することにしました。暗号化キーの更新は迅速かつ簡単です。以下にマスターパスワードを入力して下さい。この更新はやがて必須になります。"
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "より良いセキュリティを提供するために暗号化方式を変更しました。以下にマスターパスワードを入力して、今すぐ暗号化キーを更新してください。"
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "暗号化キーの更新後は、モバイルアプリやブラウザ拡張機能など現在利用中のすべてのBitwardenアプリで再ログインが必要となります。再ログインしないと(新しい暗号化キーをダウンロードすると)データが破損する可能性があります。自動的にログアウトを試みますが、遅延することがあります。"
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "მაქსიმალური ფაილის ზომაა 500 მბ."
"updateKey": {
"message": "თქვენ არ შეგიძლიათ ამ ფუნქციით სარგებლობაბ მანამ არ განაახლებთ დაშიფვრის გასაღებს."
"addedItem": {
"message": "საგანი დამატებულია"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "ಗರಿಷ್ಠ ಫೈಲ್ ಗಾತ್ರ 500 ಎಂಬಿ."
"updateKey": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸುವವರೆಗೆ ನೀವು ಈ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ."
"addedItem": {
"message": "ಐಟಂ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "ಕೀ ನವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "ಕೀ ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸಿ"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "ನೀವು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಹಳತಾದ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಯೋಜನೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವಿರಿ."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "ಉತ್ತಮ ಸುರಕ್ಷತೆ ಮತ್ತು ಹೊಸ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳಿಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುವ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಗಳಿಗೆ ನಾವು ಸರಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸುವುದು ತ್ವರಿತ ಮತ್ತು ಸುಲಭ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಕೆಳಗೆ ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ. ಈ ನವೀಕರಣವು ಅಂತಿಮವಾಗಿ ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ನವೀಕರಿಸಿದ ನಂತರ, ನೀವು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವ (ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ ಅಥವಾ ಬ್ರೌಸರ್ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಗಳಂತಹ) ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಬಿಟ್ವಾರ್ಡೆನ್ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ಗಳಿಗೆ ನೀವು ಲಾಗ್ ಔಟ್ ಮತ್ತು ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ ಇನ್ ಮಾಡಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಲಾಗ್ and ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಮತ್ತು ಹಿಂತಿರುಗಲು ವಿಫಲವಾದರೆ (ಅದು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೊಸ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ) ಡೇಟಾ ಭ್ರಷ್ಟಾಚಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾರಣವಾಗಬಹುದು. ನಾವು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಲಾಗ್ ಔಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸುತ್ತೇವೆ, ಆದಾಗ್ಯೂ, ಇದು ವಿಳಂಬವಾಗಬಹುದು."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "최대 파일 크기는 500MB입니다."
"updateKey": {
"message": "이 기능을 사용하려면 암호화 키를 업데이트해야 합니다."
"addedItem": {
"message": "항목 추가함"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "키 업데이트됨"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "키 업데이트"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "암호화 키 업데이트"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "현재 오래된 암호화 체계를 사용하고 있습니다."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "우리는 더 나은 보안 및 새로운 기능에 대한 액세스를 제공하는 더 큰 암호화 키로 이동했습니다. 암호화 키를 업데이트하는 것은 빠르고 쉽습니다. 그저 마스터 비밀번호를 입력하면 됩니다. 이 업데이트는 결국 필수사항이 될 것입니다."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "암호화 키를 업데이트하고난 후 현재 사용 중인 모든 Bitwarden 애플리케이션(예. 모바일 앱 혹은 브라우저 확장 기능)에서 로그아웃 후 다시 로그인해야 합니다. 재로그인하지 않으면 (새 암호화 키를 다운로드받는 경우) 데이터 손실이 발생할 수 있습니다. 자동으로 로그아웃을 시도하지만 지연될 수 있습니다."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Lielākais pieļaujamais datnes izmērs ir 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Šo iespēju nevar izmantot, kamēr nav atjaunināta šifrēšanas atslēga."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Vienums pievienots"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Atslēga atjaunināta"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Atjaunināt atslēgu"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Atjaunināt šifrēšanas atslēgu"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Pašreiz tiek izmantots novecojis šifrēšanas veids."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Tiek izmantotas garākas šifrēšanas atslēgas, kas nodrošina labāku drošību un piekļuvi jaunākām iespējām. Šifrēšanas atslēgas atjaunināšana ir ātra un vienkārša. Zemāk ir tikai jāievada galvenā parole. Ar laiku šis atjauninājums kļūs nepieciešams."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Mēs esam mainījuši šifrēšanas veidu, lai nodrošinātu labāku drošību. Savu šifrēšanas atslēgu var atjaunināt tagad, zemāk ievadot savu galveno paroli."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Pēc šifrēšanas atslēgas atjaunināšanas ir nepieciešams atteikties un tad pieteikties visās Bitwarden lietotnēs, kas pašreiz tiek izmantotas (piemēram, tālruņa lietotnē vai pārlūku paplašinājumā). Ja tas netiks darīts (tā tiek lejupielādēta jaunā šifrēšanas atslēga), dati var tikt bojāti. Tiks veikts automātisks atteikšanās mēģinājums, tomēr tas var notikt ar aizkavi."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "പരമാവധി ഫയൽ വലുപ്പം 500 MB ആണ്."
"updateKey": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ എൻക്രിപ്ഷൻ കീ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യുന്നതുവരെ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഈ സവിശേഷത ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല."
"addedItem": {
"message": "ചേർക്കപ്പെട്ട ഇനം"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "കീ അപ്ഡേറ്റുചെയ്തു"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "കീ അപ്ഡേറ്റുചെയ്യുക"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "എൻക്രിപ്ഷൻ കീ അപ്ഡേറ്റുചെയ്യുക"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Den maksimale filstørrelsen er 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Du kan ikke bruke denne funksjonen før du oppdaterer krypteringsnøkkelen din."
"addedItem": {
"message": "La til element"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Nøkkelen ble oppdatert"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Oppdater nøkkelen"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Oppdater krypteringsnøkkelen"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Du bruker for øyeblikket et utdatert krypteringsoppsett."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Vi har byttet over til lengre krypteringsnøkler som sørger for bedre sikkerhet og tilgang til nyere funksjoner. Å oppdatere krypteringsnøkkelen din er raskt og enkelt. Bare skriv inn hovedpassordet ditt nedenfor. Denne oppdateringen vil etter hvert bli påbudt."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Etter å ha oppdatert krypteringsnøkkelen din, er du påkrevd å logge av og på på alle Bitwarden-appene og -programmene som du bruker for øyeblikket (deriblant mobilappen og nettleserutvidelsene). Å ikke logge av og på igjen (noe som vil laste ned din nye krypteringsnøkkel) kan føre til datakorrumpering. Vi vil forsøke å logge deg av automatisk, men det kan kanskje bli forsinket."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximale bestandsgrootte is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Je kunt deze functie pas gebruiken als je je encryptiesleutel bijwerkt."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item is toegevoegd"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Sleutel bijgewerkt"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Sleutel bijwerken"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Encryptiesleutel bijwerken"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Je gebruikt een oud versleutelingsschema."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We zijn overgeschakeld naar langere encryptiesleutels die beter beveiligen en nieuwe functionaliteiten mogelijk maken. Het bijwerken van je encryptiesleutel gaat snel en eenvoudig. Typ gewoon je hoofdwachtwoord hieronder in. Deze wijziging zal uiteindelijk verplicht worden."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Na het bijwerken van je encryptiesleutel moet je je afmelden en weer aanmelden bij alle Bitwarden-applicaties die je gebruikt (zoals de mobiele app of browserextensies). Als je niet opnieuw inlogt (wat je nieuwe encryptiesleutel downloadt), kan dit gegevensbeschadiging tot gevolg hebben. We proberen je automatisch uit te loggen, maar het kan zijn dat dit met enige vertraging gebeurt."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Den høgste tillatne filstorleiken er 100 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Du kan ikkje bruka denne funksjonen før du rettar enkrypteringsnykelen din."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Oppføringar du har lagt til"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku to 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Nie możesz używać tej funkcji, dopóki nie zaktualizujesz klucza szyfrowania."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Element został dodany"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Klucz został zaktualizowany"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Zaktualizuj klucz"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Zaktualizuj klucz szyfrowania"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Używasz przestarzałej metody szyfrowania."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Zdecydowaliśmy się na używanie silniejszych kluczy szyfrowania, które zapewniają lepsze bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do nowych funkcji. Zaktualizowanie klucza szyfrowania jest szybkie i łatwe. Wystarczy wpisać poniżej swoje hasło. Aktualizacja klucza stanie się wkrótce obowiązkowa."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Zmieniliśmy schemat szyfrowania, aby zapewnić lepsze bezpieczeństwo. Zaktualizuj swój klucz szyfrowania, wprowadzając hasło główne poniżej."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Po zaktualizowaniu klucza szyfrowania, musisz ponownie zalogować się do wszystkich aplikacji Bitwarden, z których obecnie korzystasz (na przykład aplikacje mobilne lub rozszerzenia przeglądarki). Niepowodzenie logowania (podczas którego pobierany jest nowy klucz szyfrowania) może spowodować uszkodzenie danych. Postaramy się wylogować Ciebie automatycznie, jednak może to chwilę potrwać."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "O tamanho máximo do arquivo é de 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Você não pode usar este recurso, até você atualizar sua chave de criptografia."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item adicionado"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Chave Atualizada"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Atualizar Chave"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Atualizar Chave de Criptografia"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Você está usando atualmente um esquema de criptografia desatualizado."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Passamos para chaves de criptografia maiores, que oferecem melhor segurança e acesso a recursos mais recentes. Atualizar sua chave de criptografia é rápido e fácil. Basta inserir sua senha mestra abaixo. Esta atualização eventualmente se tornará obrigatória."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Depois de atualizar sua chave de criptografia, é necessário encerrar e iniciar a sessão em todos os aplicativos do Bitwarden que você está usando atualmente (como o aplicativo móvel ou as extensões do navegador). Não encerrar e iniciar sessão (que baixa sua nova chave de criptografia) pode resultar em corrupção de dados. Nós tentaremos desconectá-lo automaticamente, mas isso pode demorar um pouco."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "O tamanho máximo do ficheiro é de 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Não pode utilizar esta funcionalidade até atualizar a sua chave de encriptação."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item adicionado"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Chave atualizada"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Atualizar chave"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Atualizar chave de encriptação"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Está atualmente a utilizar um esquema de encriptação desatualizado."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Passámos a utilizar chaves de encriptação maiores que proporcionam uma melhor segurança e acesso a novas funcionalidades. A atualização da sua chave de encriptação é rápida e fácil. Basta introduzir a sua palavra-passe mestra abaixo. Esta atualização acabará por se tornar obrigatória."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Alterámos o esquema de encriptação para proporcionar uma melhor segurança. Atualize a sua chave de encriptação agora, introduzindo a sua palavra-passe mestra abaixo."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Depois de atualizar a sua chave de encriptação, é necessário terminar sessão e voltar a iniciar em todas as aplicações Bitwarden que está a utilizar atualmente (como a aplicação móvel ou as extensões do navegador). A falha em terminar sessão e voltar a iniciar (que descarrega a sua nova chave de encriptação) pode resultar em corrupção de dados. Tentaremos terminar a sua sessão automaticamente, no entanto, pode demorar."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Mărimea maximă a fișierului este de 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Veți putea utiliza această caracteristică după ce veți actualiza cheia de criptare."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Articol adăugat"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Cheie actualizată"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Actualizare cheie"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Actualizare cheie de criptare"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "În prezent utilizați o schemă de criptare învechită."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Ne-am mutat la chei mai mari de criptare care oferă o mai bună securitate și acces la funcții mai noi. Actualizarea cheii de criptare este rapidă și ușoară. Doar tastați parola principală mai jos. Această actualizare va deveni în cele din urmă obligatorie."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "După actualizarea cheii de criptare, trebuie să vă reconectați în toate aplicațiile Bitwarden pe care le utilizați în prezent (cum ar fi aplicația mobilă sau extensiile browserului). Faptul de a nu vă deconecta și reconecta (care descarcă noua cheie de criptare) poate duce la corupția datelor. Vom încerca să vă deconectăm automat, însă ar putea fi întârziat."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Максимальный размер файла 500 МБ."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Вы не можете использовать эту функцию, пока не обновите свой ключ шифрования."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Элемент добавлен"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ключ обновлен"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Обновить ключ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Обновить ключ шифрования"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "В настоящее время вы используете устаревшую схему шифрования."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Мы перешли на более сложные ключи шифрования, которые обеспечивают лучшую безопасность и доступ к новым возможностям. Обновление ключа шифрования происходит быстро и легко. Просто введите свой мастер-пароль ниже. Это обновление в конечном итоге станет обязательным."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Мы изменили схему шифрования, чтобы повысить безопасность. Обновите ключ шифрования, введя ниже мастер-пароль."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "После обновления ключа шифрования необходимо выйти из всех приложений Bitwarden, которые вы используете (например, из мобильного приложения или расширения браузера). Если этого не сделать, могут повредиться данные (так как при выходе и последующем входе загружается ваш новый ключ шифрования). Мы попытаемся автоматически осуществить завершение ваших сессий, однако это может произойти с задержкой."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximálna veľkosť súboru je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Túto funkciu nemožno použiť, kým neaktualizujete svoj šifrovací kľúč."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Položka pridaná"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Kľúč aktualizovaný"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Aktualizovať kľúč"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Aktualizovať šifrovací kľúč"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Stále používate starý šifrovací systém."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Prešli sme na väčšie šifrovacie kľúče, ktoré poskytujú lepšiu bezpečnosť a prístup k novým funkciám. Aktualizácia šifrovacieho kľúča je rýchla a jednoduchá. Jednoducho zadajte vaše hlavné heslo nižšie. Táto aktualizácia bude po nejakom čase povinná."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Po aktualizácii šifrovacieho kľúča budete požiadaní o opätovné prihlásenie do všetkých Bitwarden aplikácii ktoré momentálne používate (napríklad mobilné aplikácie, alebo rozšírenia v prehliadači). Ak sa opätovne neprihlásite (touto operáciou sa stiahnu nové šifrovacie kľúče), mohlo by to viesť k poškodeniu uložených dát. Pokúsime sa odhlásiť vás automaticky, ale môže to chvíľu trvať."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Največja velikost datoteke je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Te funkcije ne morete koristiti, dokler dokler ne posodobite vašega ključa za šifriranje."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Dodaj element"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ključ posodobljen"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Posodobi ključ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Posodobi šifrirni ključ"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Максимална величина је 500МБ."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Не можете да користите ову способност док не промените Ваш кључ за шифровање."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Ставка додата"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Кључ је ажуриран"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Ажурирате кључ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Ажурирајте кључ за шифровање"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Тренутно користите застарелу шему шифровања."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Прешли смо на веће кључеве за шифровање који пружају бољу сигурност и приступ новијим функцијама. Ажурирање кључа за шифровање је брзо и једноставно. Само унесите главну лозинку испод. Ово ажурирање ће временом постати обавезно."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Након ажурирања кључа за шифровање, мораћете да се одјавите и вратите у све Bitwarden апликације које тренутно користите (као што су мобилна апликација или додаци прегледача). Ако се не одјавите и поново пријавите (чиме се преузима ваш нови кључ за шифровање), може доћи до оштећења података. Покушаћемо аутоматски да се одјавимо, али може доћи до одлагања."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimalna veličina fajla je 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ne možete da koristite ovu uslugu dok ne ažurirate Vaš enkripcioni ključ."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Stavka je dodata"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximal filstorlek är 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Du kan inte använda denna funktion förrän du uppdaterar din krypteringsnyckel."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Nytt objekt skapat"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Nyckeln uppdaterades"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Uppdatera nyckel"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Uppdatera krypteringsnyckel"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Du använder för närvarande ett föråldrat krypteringssystem."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Vi har övergått till större krypteringsnycklar som ger bättre säkerhet och tillgång till nyare funktioner. Att uppdatera din krypteringsnyckel är snabbt och smidigt. Skriv bara in ditt huvudlösenord nedan. Denna uppdatering kommer så småningom bli obligatorisk."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Efter att ha uppdaterat din krypteringsnyckel, måste du logga ut och in igen i alla Bitwarden-program som du använder (t.ex. mobilappen och webbläsartillägget). Att inte logga ut och in igen (vilket hämtar din nya krypteringsnyckel) kan resultera i datakorruption. Vi kommer försöka logga ut dig automatiskt, men det kan vara fördröjt."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุด คือ 500 MB"
"updateKey": {
"message": "คุณไม่สามารถใช้คุณลักษณะนี้ได้จนกว่าคุณจะปรับปรุงคีย์การเข้ารหัสลับของคุณ"
"addedItem": {
"message": "Item added"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maksimum dosya boyutu 500 MB'dir."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Şifreleme anahtarınızı güncellemeden bu özelliği kullanamazsınız."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Kayıt eklendi"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Anahtar güncellendi"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Anahtarı güncelle"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Şifreleme anahtarını güncelle"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Şu anda eski bir şifreleme modeli kullanıyorsunuz."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Daha yüksek güvenlik ve daha yeni özelliklere erişim sağlayan daha büyük şifreleme anahtarlarına geçtik. Şifreleme anahtarınızı kolayca güncelleyebilirsiniz. Ana parolanızı aşağıya yazmanız yeterli. Bu güncelleme bir süre sonra zorunlu hale gelecektir."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Güvenliği daha da artırmak için şifreleme şemamızı değiştirdik. Aşağıya ana parolanızı yazarak şifreleme anahtarınızı güncelleyebilirsiniz."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Şifreleme anahtarınızı güncelledikten sonra, şu anda kullanmakta olduğunuz tüm Bitwarden uygulamalarında (mobil uygulama veya tarayıcı uzantıları gibi) oturumunuzu kapatıp tekrar açmanız gerekir. Yeni şifreleme anahtarınızı indirme için oturumu kapatıp tekrar açmamamız verilerin bozulmasına neden olabilir. Oturumunuzu otomatik olarak kapatmaya çalışacağız, ancak bu gecikebilir."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Максимальний розмір файлу 500 Мб."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Ви не можете використовувати цю функцію доки не оновите свій ключ шифрування."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Запис додано"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Ключ оновлено"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Оновити ключ"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Оновити ключ шифрування"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "Зараз ви використовуєте застарілу схему шифрування."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "Ми перейшли на більші ключі шифрування, що гарантує кращу безпеку і доступ до новіших функцій. Оновлення вашого ключа шифрування є швидким і простим процесом. Просто введіть свій головний пароль внизу. Це оновлення невдовзі стане обов'язковою вимогою."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "Ми змінили схему шифрування для кращої безпеки. Введіть головний пароль нижче, щоб оновити свій ключ шифрування."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "Після оновлення вашого ключа шифрування вам необхідно вийти з системи і потім виконати повторний вхід у всіх програмах Bitwarden, які ви використовуєте. Збій при виході та повторному вході може призвести до пошкодження даних. Ми спробуємо завершити ваші сеанси автоматично, однак, цей процес може відбутися із затримкою."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Kích thước tối đa của tệp tin là 500 MB."
"updateKey": {
"message": "Bạn không thể sử dụng tính năng này cho đến khi bạn cập nhật khoá mã hóa."
"addedItem": {
"message": "Đã thêm mục"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "Key updated"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "Update key"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "Update encryption key"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme."
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory."
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed."
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "文件最大为 500 MB。"
"updateKey": {
"message": "在您更新加密密钥前,您不能使用此功能。"
"addedItem": {
"message": "项目已添加"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "密钥已更新"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "更新密钥"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "更新加密密钥"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "您目前使用的是过时的加密方案。"
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "我们已经采用更强大的加密密钥,提供了更强的安全性和更新的功能。更新您的加密密钥非常简单快捷,只需要输入主密码。此次更新最终将强制执行。"
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "我们更改了加密方案以提供更好的安全性。请在下方输入您的主密码以立即更新您的加密密钥。"
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "更新加密密钥后,您需要注销所有正在使用的 Bitwarden 应用(比如手机版应用或者浏览器扩展)后重新登录。注销或者重新登录(这将下载新的加密密钥)失败可能会导致数据损坏。我们会尝试自动为您注销,但是,可能会有所延迟。"
@ -508,9 +508,6 @@
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "檔案最大為 500MB。"
"updateKey": {
"message": "更新加密金鑰前不能使用此功能。"
"addedItem": {
"message": "項目已新增"
@ -3476,17 +3473,11 @@
"keyUpdated": {
"message": "金鑰已更新"
"updateKeyTitle": {
"message": "更新金鑰"
"updateEncryptionKey": {
"message": "更新加密金鑰"
"updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": {
"message": "您目前使用的是過時的加密方式。"
"updateEncryptionKeyDesc": {
"message": "我們已經採用更強大的加密金鑰,此金鑰提供了更強的安全性及更新功能。更新您的加密金鑰非常簡單快速,僅需輸入您的主密碼即可。此次更新最終將強制執行。"
"updateEncryptionSchemeDesc": {
"message": "We've changed the encryption scheme to provide better security. Update your encryption key now by entering your master password below."
"updateEncryptionKeyWarning": {
"message": "更新加密金鑰後,您需要登出並重新登入目前使用的所有 Bitwarden 應用程式(如行動應用程式或瀏覽器擴充套件)。登出和重新登入(這會下載新的加密金鑰)失敗可能會導致資料損毀。我們將嘗試自動登出,但可能會有所延遲。"
Reference in New Issue
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