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synced 2025-03-27 16:10:08 +01:00
Autosync the updated translations (#4649)
Co-authored-by: bitwarden-devops-bot <106330231+bitwarden-devops-bot@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Giriş formu aşkarlananda, səhifə yüklənən zaman formu avto-doldurma icra edilsin."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Bu, hazırda təcrübi bir özəllikdir. İstifadə zamanı riski sizə aiddir."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Avto-doldurma haqqında daha ətraflı"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Giriş məlumatları üçün ilkin avto-doldurma tənzimləməsi"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Калі выяўлена форма ўваходу, то будзе выканана яе аўтазапаўненне падчас загрузкі вэб-старонкі."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "У дадзены час гэта функцыя з'яўляецца эксперыментальнай. Рызыку падчас яе выкарыстанні вы прымаеце на сябе."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Прадвызначаная налада аўтазапаўнення для элементаў уваходу"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "При засичане на формуляр за вписване при зареждането на уеб страницата автоматично да се попълват данните на съответстващата регистрация."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Това все още е в експериментална фаза, ползвате го на собствена глава."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Научете повече относно автоматичното попълване"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Стандартна настройка за автоматичното попълване"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "যদি কোনও লগইন ফর্ম সনাক্ত হয়, ওয়েব পৃষ্ঠাটি লোড হওয়ার পরে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে স্বতঃপূরণ করুন।"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "এটি বর্তমানে একটি পরীক্ষামূলক বৈশিষ্ট্য। আপনার নিজ ঝুঁকিতে ব্যবহার করুন।"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Si es detecta un formulari d'inici de sessió, es realitza automàticament un emplenament automàtic quan es carrega la pàgina web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Actualment és una característica experimental. Utilitzeu sota el vostre propi risc."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Obteniu més informació sobre l'emplenament automàtic"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuració per defecte d'emplenament automàtic per als elements d'inici de sessió"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Pokud je zjištěn přihlašovací formulář, automaticky se při načítání webové stránky vyplní přihlašovací údaje."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Toto je momentálně experimentální funkce. Použijte na vlastní riziko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Výchozí nastavení automatického vyplňování pro položky přihlášení"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Hvis der registreres en loginformular, så auto-udfyld, når websiden indlæses."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dette er i øjeblikket en eksperimentel funktion. Brug på egen risiko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standardindstilling for autofyld for loginelementer"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Wenn eine Zugangsmaske erkannt wird, füge automatisch die Zugangsdaten ein während die Webseite lädt."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dies ist derzeit ein experimentelles Feature. Verwendung auf eigene Gefahr."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Erfahre mehr über Auto-Ausfüllen"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standard Auto-Ausfüllen Einstellung für Login-Einträge"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Εάν εντοπιστεί μια φόρμα σύνδεσης, πραγματοποιείται αυτόματα μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση όταν φορτώνεται η ιστοσελίδα."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Αυτή είναι μια πειραματική λειτουργία. Χρησιμοποιήστε το με δική σας ευθύνη."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Προεπιλεγμένη ρύθμιση αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης για στοιχεία σύνδεσης"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, automatically perform an auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Si se detecta un formulario, realizar automáticamente un autorellenado cuando la web cargue."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Esta es una característica experimental. Úsala bajo tu propio riesgo."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Más información sobre autorelleno"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuración de autorrelleno por defecto para elementos de inicio de sesión"
@ -1124,7 +1127,7 @@
"message": "Dr"
"mx": {
"message": "\"Mx\" = \"Sr./Sra"
"message": "Mx"
"firstName": {
"message": "Nombre"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Sisselogimise vormi tuvastamisel sisestatakse sinna kontoandmed automaatselt."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "See funktsioon on katsetusjärgus. Kasuta omal vastutusel."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Vaikevalik kontoandmete täitmiseks"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Saio-hasierako formulario bat detektatzen bada, auto-bete webgunea kargatzen denean."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Hau ezaugarri esperimental bat da. Zure ardurapean erabili."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Saio-hasierako elementuetarako lehenetsitako auto-betetzearen konfigurazioa"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "اگر یک فرم ورودی شناسایی شد، وقتی صفحه وب بارگذاری شد، به صورت خودکار پر شود."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "در حال حاضر این یک ویژگی آزمایشی است. با مسئولیت خود استفاده کنید."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "تنظیم تکمیل خودکار پیشفرض برای موارد ورود به سیستم"
@ -960,13 +960,16 @@
"message": "Jos havaitaan kirjautumislomake, suorita automaattinen täyttö sivun avautuessa."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Tämä on vielä kokeellinen toiminto. Käytä omalla vastuullasi."
"message": "Vaarantuneet tai epäluotettavat sivustot voivat väärinkäyttää sivun avautuessa suoritettavaa automaattista täyttöä."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Lue lisää automaattisesta täytöstä"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Automaattisen täytön oletusasetus kirjautumistiedoille"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Voit ottaa automaattisen täytön käyttöön tai poistaa sen käytöstä kirjautumistietokohtaisesti muokkaamalla kohdetta."
"message": "Voit ottaa automaattisen täytön käyttöön tai poistaa sen käytöstä kirjautumistietokohtaisesti muokkaamalla kirjautumistetoa."
"itemAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Automaattinen täyttö sivun avautuessa (jos määritetty asetuksista)"
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"message": "Kahabaan"
"uppercase": {
"message": "2. Mga letra na malalaki (A-Z)"
"message": "Uppercase (A-Z)"
"lowercase": {
"message": "Lowercase (a-t) sa Filipino ay mababang-letra (a-t)"
@ -741,13 +741,13 @@
"message": "Pumili ng File"
"maxFileSize": {
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB. - Ang pinakamataas na laki ng file ay 500 MB."
"message": "Maximum file size is 500 MB."
"featureUnavailable": {
"message": "Hindi magagamit ang tampok"
"updateKey": {
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key. - Hindi mo maari gamitin ang tampok na ito hanggang hindi mo iupdate ang iyong encryption key."
"message": "You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key."
"premiumMembership": {
"message": "Premium membership"
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
"message": "TOTP Verification Code (2FA) Generator para sa mga login sa iyong vault."
"ppremiumSignUpSupport": {
"message": ". Maunang Suporta sa Customer."
"message": "Priority customer support."
"ppremiumSignUpFuture": {
"message": "Lahat ng mga susunod na Premium na tampok. Marami pang darating!"
@ -936,34 +936,37 @@
"message": "URL ng Server"
"apiUrl": {
"message": "API Server URL - URL ng Server ng API"
"message": "API Server URL"
"webVaultUrl": {
"message": "Web vault server URL - URL ng Server ng Web vault"
"message": "Web vault server URL"
"identityUrl": {
"message": "Identity server URL - URL ng Server ng Identity"
"message": "Identity server URL"
"notificationsUrl": {
"message": "Notifications server URL - URL ng Server ng Mga Abiso"
"message": "Notifications server URL"
"iconsUrl": {
"message": "Icons server URL - URL ng Server ng Mga Icon"
"message": "Icons server URL"
"environmentSaved": {
"message": "Environment URLs saved - Mga URL ng Environment na Nai-save"
"message": "Environment URLs saved"
"enableAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Auto-fill on page load - Auto-fill sa Paglo-load ng Page"
"message": "Auto-fill on page load"
"enableAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads. - Kung ang login form ay napansin, auto-fill kapag ang web page ay naglo-load."
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk. - Ito ay kasalukuyang eksperimental na tampok. Gamitin sa iyong sariling panganib."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items - Default na setting ng auto-fill para sa mga login item"
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoadDesc": {
"message": "Maaari mong i-off ang auto-fill sa pag-load ng pahina para sa indibidwal na login items mula sa view ng Edit ng item."
@ -975,13 +978,13 @@
"message": "Gamitin ang default na setting"
"autoFillOnPageLoadYes": {
"message": "Auto-fill on page load - Auto-fill sa Paglo-load ng Page"
"message": "Auto-fill on page load"
"autoFillOnPageLoadNo": {
"message": "Do not auto-fill on page load - Huwag mag-auto-fill sa pag-load ng pahina"
"message": "Do not auto-fill on page load"
"commandOpenPopup": {
"message": "Open vault popup - Buksan ang vault popup"
"message": "Open vault popup"
"commandOpenSidebar": {
"message": "Buksan ang vault sa sidebar"
@ -1145,13 +1148,13 @@
"message": "Kumpanya"
"ssn": {
"message": "Social Security Number - Numero ng Seguridad Sosyal"
"message": "Social Security number"
"passportNumber": {
"message": "Numero ng Pasaporte"
"licenseNumber": {
"message": "License Number - Numero ng Lisensya"
"message": "License number"
"email": {
"message": "Email"
@ -1160,7 +1163,7 @@
"message": "Telepono"
"address": {
"message": "Address - Address"
"message": "Address"
"address1": {
"message": "Address 1"
@ -1172,40 +1175,40 @@
"message": "Address 3"
"cityTown": {
"message": "Bayan/Town"
"message": "City / Town"
"stateProvince": {
"message": "Estado/Probinsya"
"zipPostalCode": {
"message": "Zip / Postal code - Zip Code"
"message": "Zip / Postal code"
"country": {
"message": "Bayan"
"type": {
"message": "Type - Uri"
"message": "Type"
"typeLogin": {
"message": "Login"
"typeLogins": {
"message": "Logins - Mga Logins"
"message": "Logins"
"typeSecureNote": {
"message": "Secure note - Segurong Nota"
"message": "Secure note"
"typeCard": {
"message": "Card - Karta"
"message": "Card"
"typeIdentity": {
"message": "Identity - Pagkakakilanlan"
"message": "Identity"
"passwordHistory": {
"message": "Password history - Kasaysayan ng Password"
"message": "Password history"
"back": {
"message": "Back - Bumalik"
"message": "Bumalik"
"collections": {
"message": "Koleksyon"
@ -1255,7 +1258,7 @@
"description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com"
"domainName": {
"message": "Domain Name - Pangalan ng Domain",
"message": "Domain name",
"description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com"
"host": {
@ -1269,11 +1272,11 @@
"message": "Naguumpisa sa"
"regEx": {
"message": "Regular Expression - Regular na Pagpapahayag",
"message": "Regular expression",
"description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'."
"matchDetection": {
"message": "Match Detection - Pagtuklas ng Pares",
"message": "Match detection",
"description": "URI match detection for auto-fill."
"defaultMatchDetection": {
@ -1281,14 +1284,14 @@
"description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill."
"toggleOptions": {
"message": "Toggle Options - I-toggle ang Mga Opsyon"
"message": "Toggle options"
"toggleCurrentUris": {
"message": "Toggle Current URIs - I-toggle ang Kasalukuyang mga URI",
"message": "Toggle current URIs",
"description": "Toggle the display of the URIs of the currently open tabs in the browser."
"currentUri": {
"message": "Current URI - Kasalukuyang URI",
"message": "Current URI",
"description": "The URI of one of the current open tabs in the browser."
"organization": {
@ -1311,22 +1314,22 @@
"message": "Default"
"dateUpdated": {
"message": "Updated - Na-update",
"message": "Updated",
"description": "ex. Date this item was updated"
"dateCreated": {
"message": "Created - Na-create",
"message": "Created",
"description": "ex. Date this item was created"
"datePasswordUpdated": {
"message": "Password updated - Na-update ang password",
"message": "Password updated",
"description": "ex. Date this password was updated"
"neverLockWarning": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to use the \"Never\" option? Setting your lock options to \"Never\" stores your vault's encryption key on your device. If you use this option you should ensure that you keep your device properly protected. - Sigurado ka bang gusto mo gamitin ang \"Never\" option? Pag-set ng lock options mo sa \"Never\" nag-i-store ng iyong vault's encryption key sa iyong device. Kung gagamitin mo ang option na ito dapat siguraduhin mo na protektado ang iyong device."
"message": "Are you sure you want to use the \"Never\" option? Setting your lock options to \"Never\" stores your vault's encryption key on your device. If you use this option you should ensure that you keep your device properly protected."
"noOrganizationsList": {
"message": "You do not belong to any organizations. Organizations allow you to securely share items with other users. - Wala kang pag-aari sa alinmang organisasyon. Ang mga organisasyon ay nagbibigay sa iyo ng pagkakataon na maayos na i-share ang mga item sa ibang mga user."
"message": "You do not belong to any organizations. Organizations allow you to securely share items with other users."
"noCollectionsInList": {
"message": "Walang mga koleksyon na maipapakita."
@ -1396,30 +1399,30 @@
"message": "Isang o higit pang patakaran ng organisasyon ay nakakaapekto sa iyong mga setting ng generator."
"vaultTimeoutAction": {
"message": "Vault timeout action - Aksyon sa Vault timeout"
"message": "Vault timeout action"
"lock": {
"message": "I-lock",
"description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by"
"trash": {
"message": "Trash - Basurahan",
"message": "Trash",
"description": "Noun: a special folder to hold deleted items"
"searchTrash": {
"message": "Search trash - Maghanap ng basurahan"
"message": "Search trash"
"permanentlyDeleteItem": {
"message": "Permanently delete item - Pansamantalang burahin ang item"
"message": "Permanently delete item"
"permanentlyDeleteItemConfirmation": {
"message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item? - Sigurado ka bang gusto mong pansamantalang burahin ang item na ito?"
"message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?"
"permanentlyDeletedItem": {
"message": "Item permanently deleted - Pansamantalang binura ang item"
"message": "Item permanently deleted"
"restoreItem": {
"message": "Restore item - Ibalik ang item"
"message": "Restore item"
"restoreItemConfirmation": {
"message": "Sigurado ka bang nais mong ibalik ang item na ito?"
@ -1817,16 +1820,16 @@
"message": "Kailangan mong i-verify ang iyong email upang gamitin ang tampok na ito. Maaari mong i-verify ang iyong email sa web vault."
"updatedMasterPassword": {
"message": "Updated master password - I-update ang master password"
"message": "Updated master password"
"updateMasterPassword": {
"message": "Update master password - I-update ang master password"
"message": "Update master password"
"updateMasterPasswordWarning": {
"message": "Your master password was recently changed by an administrator in your organization. In order to access the vault, you must update it now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour. - Ang iyong master password ay kamakailan lamang na binago ng isang administrator sa iyong organisasyon. Upang makapunta sa vault, kailangan mong i-update ito ngayon. Ang pagpapatuloy ay maglilipat ka sa iyong kasalukuyang sesyon, na nangangailangan sa iyo na mag-log in muli. Ang mga aktibong sesyon sa iba pang mga device ay maaaring magpatuloy na aktibo hanggang sa isang oras."
"message": "Your master password was recently changed by an administrator in your organization. In order to access the vault, you must update it now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour."
"resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": {
"message": "Automatic enrollment - Awtomatikong pagpaparehistro"
"message": "Automatic enrollment"
"resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": {
"message": "Ang organisasyon na ito ay may enterprise policy na automatikong mag-eenroll sa iyo sa password reset. Ang enrollment ay magbibigay ng mga administrator ng organisasyon upang mabago ang iyong master password."
@ -1914,32 +1917,32 @@
"error": {
"message": "Error - Maling pagkakabanggit"
"message": "Error"
"regenerateUsername": {
"message": "Regenerate username - Palitan ang username"
"message": "Regenerate username"
"generateUsername": {
"message": "Generate username - Lumikha ng username"
"message": "Generate username"
"usernameType": {
"message": "Username type - Uri ng username"
"message": "Username type"
"plusAddressedEmail": {
"message": "Plus addressed email - Email na may dagdag na address",
"message": "Plus addressed email",
"description": "Username generator option that appends a random sub-address to the username. For example: address+subaddress@email.com"
"plusAddressedEmailDesc": {
"message": "Use your email provider's sub-addressing capabilities. - Gamitin ang kakayahang magdagdag ng sub-address ng iyong email provider."
"message": "Use your email provider's sub-addressing capabilities."
"catchallEmail": {
"message": "Catch-all email - Catch-all email"
"message": "Catch-all email"
"catchallEmailDesc": {
"message": "Use your domain's configured catch-all inbox. - Gamitin ang naka-configure na catch-all inbox ng iyong domain."
"message": "Use your domain's configured catch-all inbox."
"random": {
"message": "Random - Walang pinipili"
"message": "Random"
"randomWord": {
"message": "Random word"
@ -1960,7 +1963,7 @@
"message": "Ipinasa ang alias ng email"
"forwardedEmailDesc": {
"message": "Generate an email alias with an external forwarding service. - Lumikha ng alias ng email gamit ang panlabas na serbisyo ng pagpapasa."
"message": "Generate an email alias with an external forwarding service."
"hostname": {
"message": "Hostname",
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Si un formulaire de connexion est détecté, saisir automatiquement lors du chargement de la page web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ceci est actuellement une fonctionnalité expérimentale. À utiliser avec prudence."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "En savoir plus sur la saisie automatique"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Paramètre de saisie automatique par défaut pour les identifiants"
@ -1970,7 +1973,7 @@
"message": "Jeton d'accès API"
"apiKey": {
"message": "Clé d'API"
"message": "Clé API"
"ssoKeyConnectorError": {
"message": "Erreur Key Connector : vérifiez que Key Connector est disponible et fonctionne correctement."
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "אם זוהה טופס כניסה, בצע אוטומטית מילוי-אוטומטי כשהעמוד נטען."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "זוהי אופציה נסיונית. השימוש באופציה זו על אחריותך."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "הגדרת ברירת מחדל למילוי אוטומטי של פרטי התחברות"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "यदि लॉगिन फॉर्म का पता चलता है, तो वेब पेज लोड होने पर स्वचालित रूप से ऑटो-फिल करें।"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "यह वर्तमान में एक प्रयोगात्मक विशेषता है। अपने जोखिम पर उपयोग करें।"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "लॉगिन आइटम के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट ऑटोफिल सेटिंग"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Nakon učitavanja web stranice, ako je otkriven obrazac za prijavu, auto-ispuni."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ovo je trenutno eksperimentalna značajka. Koristi na vlastitu odgovornost."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Zadana postvaka Auto-ispune za prijave"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ha egy bejelentkezési űrlap észlelésre került, az adatok automatikus kitöltése az oldal betöltésekor."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ez jelenleg egy kísérleti funkció. Csak saját felelősségedre használd."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "További információk az automatikus kitöltésről"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Alapértelmezett beállítások bejelentkezési elemekhez"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Jika formulir info masuk terdeteksi, secara otomatis melakukan pengisian otomatis ketika memuat laman web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Fitur ini saat ini adalah fitur eksperimental. Gunakan dengan risiko Anda sendiri."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Konfigurasi autofill standard untuk item login."
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se viene rilevato un modulo di accesso, effettua un auto-completamento quando la pagina web si carica."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Al momento questa funzionalità è sperimentale. Usala a tuo rischio e pericolo."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Impostazioni di completamento automatico predefinito per i login"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ページ読み込み時にログインフォームを検出したとき、ログイン情報を自動入力します。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "これは現在、実験的な機能です。自己責任で使用してください。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "自動入力についての詳細"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "ログインアイテムのデフォルトの自動入力設定"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ ಪತ್ತೆಯಾದಲ್ಲಿ, ವೆಬ್ ಪುಟ ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗುವಾಗ ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಸ್ವಯಂ ಭರ್ತಿ ಮಾಡಿ."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "ಇದು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕ ಲಕ್ಷಣವಾಗಿದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಅಪಾಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಐಟಂಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಆಟೋಫಿಲ್ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "로그인 양식을 감지하면 웹 페이지 로드 시 자동 완성을 자동으로 수행합니다."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "현재 실험 중인 기능입니다. 위험을 감수하여 사용하세요."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "로그인 항목에 대한 기본 자동 완성 설정"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ja tiek noteikta pieslēgšanās veidne, tā tiks aizpildīta lapas ielādes brīdī."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Šī iespēja pašlaik ir izmēģināšanā. Izmantošanas atbildība ir katra paša pārziņā. "
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Noklusējuma automātiskās aizpildes iestatījums pierakstīšanās vienumiem"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "ഒരു ലോഗിൻ ഫോം കണ്ടെത്തിയാൽ, വെബ് പേജ് ലോഡുചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ യാന്ത്രികമായി ഒരു സ്വയം പൂരിപ്പിക്കൽ നടത്തുക."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "ഇത് നിലവിൽ ഒരു പരീക്ഷണാത്മക സവിശേഷതയാണ്. നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വന്തം ഉത്തരവാദിത്വത്തിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Dersom et innloggingskjema blir oppdaget, utfør automatisk en auto-utfylling når nettstedet lastes inn."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dette er for øyeblikket en eksperimentell egenskap. Bruk det på din egen risiko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standard autofyll innstilling for innloggingselementer"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Als een inlogformulier wordt gedetecteerd, dan worden de inloggegevens automatisch ingevuld."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Dit is momenteel een experimentele functie; gebruik hiervan is op eigen risico."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Lees meer over automatisch invullen"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standaardinstelling voor automatisch invullen login-items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Jeśli zostanie wykryty formularz logowania, automatycznie uzupełnij dane logowania po załadowaniu strony."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Obecnie jest to funkcja eksperymentalna. Używaj na własne ryzyko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Dowiedz się więcej o autouzupełnianiu"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Domyślne ustawienie autouzupełniania"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se um formulário de login for detectado, realizar automaticamente um auto-preenchimento quando a página web carregar."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Atualmente, este é um recurso experimental. Utilize por sua conta e risco."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Configuração de autopreenchimento padrão para itens de credenciais"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Se um formulário de início de sessão foram detetado, realizar automaticamente um auto-preenchimento quando a página web carregar."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Esta é atualmente uma funcionalidade experimental. Utilize por sua conta e risco."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Predefinição padrão de preenchimento automático para itens de login"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Dacă se detectează un formular de autentificare, completați-l automat la încărcarea paginii web."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "În acest moment, aceasta funcțiune este experimentală. O puteți folosi pe propria răspundere."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Setarea implicită de completare automată pentru articole de conectare"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Если обнаружена форма входа, автозаполнение выполняется при загрузке веб-страницы."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Это экспериментальная функция. Используйте на свой страх и риск."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Настройка автозаполнения по умолчанию для логинов"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "පිවිසුම් පෝරමයක් අනාවරණය කර ඇත්නම්, වෙබ් පිටුව පැටවුම් කරන විට ස්වයංක්රීයව ස්වයංක්රීයව පිරවීම සිදු කරන්න."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "මෙය දැනට පර්යේෂණාත්මක ලක්ෂණයකි. ඔබේම අවදානමකින් භාවිතා කරන්න."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "පිවිසුම් අයිතම සඳහා පෙරනිමි autofill සැකසුම"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ak je detekovaný prihlasovací formulár, automaticky vykonať vypĺňanie pri načítaní stránky."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Toto je zatiaľ experimentálna funkcia. Použite na vlastné riziko."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Dozvedieť sa viac o automatickom dopĺňaní"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Predvolené nastavenie automatického vypĺňania pre prihlasovacie položky"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Ако се открије образац за пријаву, извршите аутоматско попуњавање када се веб страница учита."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Ово је тренутно експериментална способност. Користите на властиту одговорност."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Подразумевано подешавање аутопуњења за пријаве"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Utför automatisk ifyllnad om ett inloggningsformulär upptäcks när webbsidan laddas."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Detta är för närvarande en experimentell funktion. Använd på egen risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Standardinställning för autofyll för inloggningsobjekt"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "If a login form is detected, auto-fill when the web page loads."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "This is currently an experimental feature. Use at your own risk."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Default autofill setting for login items"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Sayfa yüklendiğinde giriş formu tespit edilirse otomatik olarak formu doldur."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Bu şu anda deneysel bir özelliktir. Kullanımı sizin sorumluluğunuzdadır."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Otomatik doldurma hakkında bilgi alın"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Hesaplar için varsayılan otomatik doldurma ayarı"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Якщо виявлено форму входу, автоматично заповнювати її під час завантаження вебсторінки."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Це експериментальна функція. При її використанні ви берете ризик на себе."
"message": "Скомпрометовані або ненадійні вебсайти можуть використати функцію автозаповнення під час завантаження сторінки для завдання шкоди."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Дізнатися більше про автозаповнення"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Типове налаштування автозаповнення для записів входу"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "Nếu phát hiện biểu mẫu đăng nhập, thực hiện tự động điền khi trang web tải xong."
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "Đây là một tính năng thử nghiệm. Sử dụng nó có thể gây ra rủi ro cho bạn."
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "Cài đặt tự động điền mặc định cho mục đăng nhập"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "网页加载时如果检测到登录表单,则执行自动填充。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "目前这是一项实验功能。使用需自担风险。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "了解更多关于自动填充的信息"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "登录项目的默认自动填充设置"
@ -960,7 +960,10 @@
"message": "網頁載入時如果偵測到登入表單,則執行自動填入。"
"experimentalFeature": {
"message": "這目前是一項實驗性功能。要使用需自行承擔風險。"
"message": "Compromised or untrusted websites can exploit auto-fill on page load."
"learnMoreAboutAutofill": {
"message": "Learn more about auto-fill"
"defaultAutoFillOnPageLoad": {
"message": "登入項目的預設自動填入設定"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user