* Create and register new libs/importer
Create package.json
Create tsconfig
Create jest.config
Extend shared and root tsconfig and jest.configs
Register with eslint
* Move importer-related files to libs/importer
* Move importer-spec-related files to libs/importer
Move import.service.spec
* Update package-lock.json
* Set CODEOWNERS for new libs/importer
* Register libs/importer with cli and fix imports
* Register libs/importer with web and fix imports
* Move importOption into models
Rename importOptions to import-options
* Fix linting issues after updating prettier
* Only expose necessary files from libs/importer
Fix tsconfig files
- Removes the trailing /index on imports in web/cli
As the spec-files no longer can access the internals via @bitwarden/importer they import by path (../src/importers)
* Add barrel files to vendors with more than one importer
* Add item decryption to encryptService
* Create multithreadEncryptService subclass to handle web workers
* Create encryption web worker
* Refactor cipherService to use new interface
* Update dependencies
* Create base jest.config file
* Fix various tests that were broken
* Add maxWorkers to jest config
* Undo change to testEnvironment
* Enable tsconfig.spec.json