/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, no-console */ const child = require("child_process"); const { exit } = require("process"); const fse = require("fs-extra"); const paths = { macosBuild: "./macos/build", extensionBuild: "./macos/build/Release/autofill-extension.appex", extensionDistDir: "./macos/dist", extensionDist: "./macos/dist/autofill-extension.appex", macOsProject: "./macos/desktop.xcodeproj", macOsConfig: "./macos/production.xcconfig", }; async function buildMacOs() { if (fse.existsSync(paths.macosBuild)) { fse.removeSync(paths.macosBuild); } if (fse.existsSync(paths.extensionDistDir)) { fse.removeSync(paths.extensionDistDir); } const proc = child.spawn("xcodebuild", [ "-project", paths.macOsProject, "-alltargets", "-configuration", "Release", // Uncomment when signing is fixed // "-xcconfig", // paths.macOsConfig, ]); stdOutProc(proc); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => proc.on("close", (code) => { if (code > 0) { console.error("xcodebuild failed with code", code); return reject(new Error(`xcodebuild failed with code ${code}`)); } console.log("xcodebuild success"); resolve(); }), ); fse.mkdirSync(paths.extensionDistDir); fse.copySync(paths.extensionBuild, paths.extensionDist); // Delete the build dir, otherwise MacOS will load the extension from there instead of the Bitwarden.app bundle fse.removeSync(paths.macosBuild); } function stdOutProc(proc) { proc.stdout.on("data", (data) => console.log(data.toString())); proc.stderr.on("data", (data) => console.error(data.toString())); } buildMacOs() .then(() => console.log("macOS build complete")) .catch((err) => { console.error("macOS build failed", err); exit(-1); });