import { firstValueFrom } from "rxjs"; import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { SHOW_AUTOFILL_BUTTON } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/constants"; import { AutofillSettingsServiceAbstraction } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/services/autofill-settings.service"; import { DomainSettingsService } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/services/domain-settings.service"; import { InlineMenuVisibilitySetting } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/types"; import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/environment.service"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/state.service"; import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/misc/utils"; import { ThemeStateService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/theming/theme-state.service"; import { CipherService } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/abstractions/cipher.service"; import { CipherType } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/enums"; import { buildCipherIcon } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/icon/build-cipher-icon"; import { CipherView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/cipher.view"; import { LoginUriView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/login-uri.view"; import { LoginView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/login.view"; import { openUnlockPopout } from "../../auth/popup/utils/auth-popout-window"; import { BrowserApi } from "../../platform/browser/browser-api"; import { openViewVaultItemPopout, openAddEditVaultItemPopout, } from "../../vault/popup/utils/vault-popout-window"; import { AutofillService, PageDetail } from "../services/abstractions/autofill.service"; import { AutofillOverlayElement, AutofillOverlayPort } from "../utils/autofill-overlay.enum"; import { LockedVaultPendingNotificationsData } from "./abstractions/notification.background"; import { FocusedFieldData, OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessageHandlers, OverlayButtonPortMessageHandlers, OverlayCipherData, OverlayListPortMessageHandlers, OverlayBackground as OverlayBackgroundInterface, OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage, OverlayAddNewItemMessage, OverlayPortMessage, WebsiteIconData, } from "./abstractions/overlay.background"; class OverlayBackground implements OverlayBackgroundInterface { private readonly openUnlockPopout = openUnlockPopout; private readonly openViewVaultItemPopout = openViewVaultItemPopout; private readonly openAddEditVaultItemPopout = openAddEditVaultItemPopout; private overlayLoginCiphers: Map = new Map(); private pageDetailsForTab: Record< chrome.runtime.MessageSender["tab"]["id"], Map > = {}; private userAuthStatus: AuthenticationStatus = AuthenticationStatus.LoggedOut; private overlayButtonPort: chrome.runtime.Port; private overlayListPort: chrome.runtime.Port; private focusedFieldData: FocusedFieldData; private overlayPageTranslations: Record; private iconsServerUrl: string; private readonly extensionMessageHandlers: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessageHandlers = { openAutofillOverlay: () => this.openOverlay(false), autofillOverlayElementClosed: ({ message }) => this.overlayElementClosed(message), autofillOverlayAddNewVaultItem: ({ message, sender }) => this.addNewVaultItem(message, sender), getAutofillOverlayVisibility: () => this.getOverlayVisibility(), checkAutofillOverlayFocused: () => this.checkOverlayFocused(), focusAutofillOverlayList: () => this.focusOverlayList(), updateAutofillOverlayPosition: ({ message }) => this.updateOverlayPosition(message), updateAutofillOverlayHidden: ({ message }) => this.updateOverlayHidden(message), updateFocusedFieldData: ({ message }) => this.setFocusedFieldData(message), collectPageDetailsResponse: ({ message, sender }) => this.storePageDetails(message, sender), unlockCompleted: ({ message }) => this.unlockCompleted(message), addEditCipherSubmitted: () => this.updateOverlayCiphers(), deletedCipher: () => this.updateOverlayCiphers(), }; private readonly overlayButtonPortMessageHandlers: OverlayButtonPortMessageHandlers = { overlayButtonClicked: ({ port }) => this.handleOverlayButtonClicked(port), closeAutofillOverlay: ({ port }) => this.closeOverlay(port), forceCloseAutofillOverlay: ({ port }) => this.closeOverlay(port, true), overlayPageBlurred: () => this.checkOverlayListFocused(), redirectOverlayFocusOut: ({ message, port }) => this.redirectOverlayFocusOut(message, port), }; private readonly overlayListPortMessageHandlers: OverlayListPortMessageHandlers = { checkAutofillOverlayButtonFocused: () => this.checkOverlayButtonFocused(), forceCloseAutofillOverlay: ({ port }) => this.closeOverlay(port, true), overlayPageBlurred: () => this.checkOverlayButtonFocused(), unlockVault: ({ port }) => this.unlockVault(port), fillSelectedListItem: ({ message, port }) => this.fillSelectedOverlayListItem(message, port), addNewVaultItem: ({ port }) => this.getNewVaultItemDetails(port), viewSelectedCipher: ({ message, port }) => this.viewSelectedCipher(message, port), redirectOverlayFocusOut: ({ message, port }) => this.redirectOverlayFocusOut(message, port), }; constructor( private cipherService: CipherService, private autofillService: AutofillService, private authService: AuthService, private environmentService: EnvironmentService, private domainSettingsService: DomainSettingsService, private stateService: StateService, private autofillSettingsService: AutofillSettingsServiceAbstraction, private i18nService: I18nService, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private themeStateService: ThemeStateService, ) {} /** * Removes cached page details for a tab * based on the passed tabId. * * @param tabId - Used to reference the page details of a specific tab */ removePageDetails(tabId: number) { if (!this.pageDetailsForTab[tabId]) { return; } this.pageDetailsForTab[tabId].clear(); delete this.pageDetailsForTab[tabId]; } /** * Sets up the extension message listeners and gets the settings for the * overlay's visibility and the user's authentication status. */ async init() { this.setupExtensionMessageListeners(); const env = await firstValueFrom(this.environmentService.environment$); this.iconsServerUrl = env.getIconsUrl(); await this.getOverlayVisibility(); await this.getAuthStatus(); } /** * Updates the overlay list's ciphers and sends the updated list to the overlay list iframe. * Queries all ciphers for the given url, and sorts them by last used. Will not update the * list of ciphers if the extension is not unlocked. */ async updateOverlayCiphers() { if (this.userAuthStatus !== AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { return; } const currentTab = await BrowserApi.getTabFromCurrentWindowId(); if (!currentTab?.url) { return; } this.overlayLoginCiphers = new Map(); const ciphersViews = (await this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl(currentTab.url)).sort( (a, b) => this.cipherService.sortCiphersByLastUsedThenName(a, b), ); for (let cipherIndex = 0; cipherIndex < ciphersViews.length; cipherIndex++) { this.overlayLoginCiphers.set(`overlay-cipher-${cipherIndex}`, ciphersViews[cipherIndex]); } const ciphers = await this.getOverlayCipherData(); this.overlayListPort?.postMessage({ command: "updateOverlayListCiphers", ciphers }); await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(currentTab, "updateIsOverlayCiphersPopulated", { isOverlayCiphersPopulated: Boolean(ciphers.length), }); } /** * Strips out unnecessary data from the ciphers and returns an array of * objects that contain the cipher data needed for the overlay list. */ private async getOverlayCipherData(): Promise { const showFavicons = await firstValueFrom(this.domainSettingsService.showFavicons$); const overlayCiphersArray = Array.from(this.overlayLoginCiphers); const overlayCipherData = []; let loginCipherIcon: WebsiteIconData; for (let cipherIndex = 0; cipherIndex < overlayCiphersArray.length; cipherIndex++) { const [overlayCipherId, cipher] = overlayCiphersArray[cipherIndex]; if (!loginCipherIcon && cipher.type === CipherType.Login) { loginCipherIcon = buildCipherIcon(this.iconsServerUrl, cipher, showFavicons); } overlayCipherData.push({ id: overlayCipherId, name:, type: cipher.type, reprompt: cipher.reprompt, favorite: cipher.favorite, icon: cipher.type === CipherType.Login ? loginCipherIcon : buildCipherIcon(this.iconsServerUrl, cipher, showFavicons), login: cipher.type === CipherType.Login ? { username: cipher.login.username } : null, card: cipher.type === CipherType.Card ? cipher.card.subTitle : null, }); } return overlayCipherData; } /** * Handles aggregation of page details for a tab. Stores the page details * in association with the tabId of the tab that sent the message. * * @param message - Message received from the `collectPageDetailsResponse` command * @param sender - The sender of the message */ private storePageDetails( message: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, ) { const pageDetails = { frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: message.details, }; const pageDetailsMap = this.pageDetailsForTab[]; if (!pageDetailsMap) { this.pageDetailsForTab[] = new Map([[sender.frameId, pageDetails]]); return; } pageDetailsMap.set(sender.frameId, pageDetails); } /** * Triggers autofill for the selected cipher in the overlay list. Also places * the selected cipher at the top of the list of ciphers. * * @param overlayCipherId - Cipher ID corresponding to the overlayLoginCiphers map. Does not correspond to the actual cipher's ID. * @param sender - The sender of the port message */ private async fillSelectedOverlayListItem( { overlayCipherId }: OverlayPortMessage, { sender }: chrome.runtime.Port, ) { const pageDetails = this.pageDetailsForTab[]; if (!overlayCipherId || !pageDetails?.size) { return; } const cipher = this.overlayLoginCiphers.get(overlayCipherId); if (await this.autofillService.isPasswordRepromptRequired(cipher, { return; } const totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFill({ tab:, cipher: cipher, pageDetails: Array.from(pageDetails.values()), fillNewPassword: true, allowTotpAutofill: true, }); if (totpCode) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(totpCode); } this.overlayLoginCiphers = new Map([[overlayCipherId, cipher], ...this.overlayLoginCiphers]); } /** * Checks if the overlay is focused. Will check the overlay list * if it is open, otherwise it will check the overlay button. */ private checkOverlayFocused() { if (this.overlayListPort) { this.checkOverlayListFocused(); return; } this.checkOverlayButtonFocused(); } /** * Posts a message to the overlay button iframe to check if it is focused. */ private checkOverlayButtonFocused() { this.overlayButtonPort?.postMessage({ command: "checkAutofillOverlayButtonFocused" }); } /** * Posts a message to the overlay list iframe to check if it is focused. */ private checkOverlayListFocused() { this.overlayListPort?.postMessage({ command: "checkAutofillOverlayListFocused" }); } /** * Sends a message to the sender tab to close the autofill overlay. * * @param sender - The sender of the port message * @param forceCloseOverlay - Identifies whether the overlay should be force closed */ private closeOverlay({ sender }: chrome.runtime.Port, forceCloseOverlay = false) { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, "closeAutofillOverlay", { forceCloseOverlay }); } /** * Handles cleanup when an overlay element is closed. Disconnects * the list and button ports and sets them to null. * * @param overlayElement - The overlay element that was closed, either the list or button */ private overlayElementClosed({ overlayElement }: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage) { if (overlayElement === AutofillOverlayElement.Button) { this.overlayButtonPort?.disconnect(); this.overlayButtonPort = null; return; } this.overlayListPort?.disconnect(); this.overlayListPort = null; } /** * Updates the position of either the overlay list or button. The position * is based on the focused field's position and dimensions. * * @param overlayElement - The overlay element to update, either the list or button */ private updateOverlayPosition({ overlayElement }: { overlayElement?: string }) { if (!overlayElement) { return; } if (overlayElement === AutofillOverlayElement.Button) { this.overlayButtonPort?.postMessage({ command: "updateIframePosition", styles: this.getOverlayButtonPosition(), }); return; } this.overlayListPort?.postMessage({ command: "updateIframePosition", styles: this.getOverlayListPosition(), }); } /** * Gets the position of the focused field and calculates the position * of the overlay button based on the focused field's position and dimensions. */ private getOverlayButtonPosition() { if (!this.focusedFieldData) { return; } const { top, left, width, height } = this.focusedFieldData.focusedFieldRects; const { paddingRight, paddingLeft } = this.focusedFieldData.focusedFieldStyles; let elementOffset = height * 0.37; if (height >= 35) { elementOffset = height >= 50 ? height * 0.47 : height * 0.42; } const elementHeight = height - elementOffset; const elementTopPosition = top + elementOffset / 2; let elementLeftPosition = left + width - height + elementOffset / 2; const fieldPaddingRight = parseInt(paddingRight, 10); const fieldPaddingLeft = parseInt(paddingLeft, 10); if (fieldPaddingRight > fieldPaddingLeft) { elementLeftPosition = left + width - height - (fieldPaddingRight - elementOffset + 2); } return { top: `${Math.round(elementTopPosition)}px`, left: `${Math.round(elementLeftPosition)}px`, height: `${Math.round(elementHeight)}px`, width: `${Math.round(elementHeight)}px`, }; } /** * Gets the position of the focused field and calculates the position * of the overlay list based on the focused field's position and dimensions. */ private getOverlayListPosition() { if (!this.focusedFieldData) { return; } const { top, left, width, height } = this.focusedFieldData.focusedFieldRects; return { width: `${Math.round(width)}px`, top: `${Math.round(top + height)}px`, left: `${Math.round(left)}px`, }; } /** * Sets the focused field data to the data passed in the extension message. * * @param focusedFieldData - Contains the rects and styles of the focused field. */ private setFocusedFieldData({ focusedFieldData }: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage) { this.focusedFieldData = focusedFieldData; } /** * Updates the overlay's visibility based on the display property passed in the extension message. * * @param display - The display property of the overlay, either "block" or "none" */ private updateOverlayHidden({ display }: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage) { if (!display) { return; } const portMessage = { command: "updateOverlayHidden", styles: { display } }; this.overlayButtonPort?.postMessage(portMessage); this.overlayListPort?.postMessage(portMessage); } /** * Sends a message to the currently active tab to open the autofill overlay. * * @param isFocusingFieldElement - Identifies whether the field element should be focused when the overlay is opened * @param isOpeningFullOverlay - Identifies whether the full overlay should be forced open regardless of other states */ private async openOverlay(isFocusingFieldElement = false, isOpeningFullOverlay = false) { const currentTab = await BrowserApi.getTabFromCurrentWindowId(); await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(currentTab, "openAutofillOverlay", { isFocusingFieldElement, isOpeningFullOverlay, authStatus: await this.getAuthStatus(), }); } /** * Gets the overlay's visibility setting from the settings service. */ private async getOverlayVisibility(): Promise { return await firstValueFrom(this.autofillSettingsService.inlineMenuVisibility$); } /** * Gets the user's authentication status from the auth service. If the user's * authentication status has changed, the overlay button's authentication status * will be updated and the overlay list's ciphers will be updated. */ private async getAuthStatus() { const formerAuthStatus = this.userAuthStatus; this.userAuthStatus = await this.authService.getAuthStatus(); if ( this.userAuthStatus !== formerAuthStatus && this.userAuthStatus === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked ) { this.updateOverlayButtonAuthStatus(); await this.updateOverlayCiphers(); } return this.userAuthStatus; } /** * Sends a message to the overlay button to update its authentication status. */ private updateOverlayButtonAuthStatus() { this.overlayButtonPort?.postMessage({ command: "updateOverlayButtonAuthStatus", authStatus: this.userAuthStatus, }); } /** * Handles the overlay button being clicked. If the user is not authenticated, * the vault will be unlocked. If the user is authenticated, the overlay will * be opened. * * @param port - The port of the overlay button */ private handleOverlayButtonClicked(port: chrome.runtime.Port) { if (this.userAuthStatus !== AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.unlockVault(port); return; } // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.openOverlay(false, true); } /** * Facilitates opening the unlock popout window. * * @param port - The port of the overlay list */ private async unlockVault(port: chrome.runtime.Port) { const { sender } = port; this.closeOverlay(port); const retryMessage: LockedVaultPendingNotificationsData = { commandToRetry: { message: { command: "openAutofillOverlay" }, sender }, target: "overlay.background", }; await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, "addToLockedVaultPendingNotifications", retryMessage, ); await this.openUnlockPopout(, true); } /** * Triggers the opening of a vault item popout window associated * with the passed cipher ID. * @param overlayCipherId - Cipher ID corresponding to the overlayLoginCiphers map. Does not correspond to the actual cipher's ID. * @param sender - The sender of the port message */ private async viewSelectedCipher( { overlayCipherId }: OverlayPortMessage, { sender }: chrome.runtime.Port, ) { const cipher = this.overlayLoginCiphers.get(overlayCipherId); if (!cipher) { return; } await this.openViewVaultItemPopout(, { cipherId:, action: SHOW_AUTOFILL_BUTTON, }); } /** * Facilitates redirecting focus to the overlay list. */ private focusOverlayList() { this.overlayListPort?.postMessage({ command: "focusOverlayList" }); } /** * Updates the authentication status for the user and opens the overlay if * a followup command is present in the message. * * @param message - Extension message received from the `unlockCompleted` command */ private async unlockCompleted(message: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage) { await this.getAuthStatus(); if ( === "openAutofillOverlay") { await this.openOverlay(true); } } /** * Gets the translations for the overlay page. */ private getTranslations() { if (!this.overlayPageTranslations) { this.overlayPageTranslations = { locale: BrowserApi.getUILanguage(), opensInANewWindow: this.i18nService.translate("opensInANewWindow"), buttonPageTitle: this.i18nService.translate("bitwardenOverlayButton"), toggleBitwardenVaultOverlay: this.i18nService.translate("toggleBitwardenVaultOverlay"), listPageTitle: this.i18nService.translate("bitwardenVault"), unlockYourAccount: this.i18nService.translate("unlockYourAccountToViewMatchingLogins"), unlockAccount: this.i18nService.translate("unlockAccount"), fillCredentialsFor: this.i18nService.translate("fillCredentialsFor"), partialUsername: this.i18nService.translate("partialUsername"), view: this.i18nService.translate("view"), noItemsToShow: this.i18nService.translate("noItemsToShow"), newItem: this.i18nService.translate("newItem"), addNewVaultItem: this.i18nService.translate("addNewVaultItem"), }; } return this.overlayPageTranslations; } /** * Facilitates redirecting focus out of one of the * overlay elements to elements on the page. * * @param direction - The direction to redirect focus to (either "next", "previous" or "current) * @param sender - The sender of the port message */ private redirectOverlayFocusOut( { direction }: OverlayPortMessage, { sender }: chrome.runtime.Port, ) { if (!direction) { return; } // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, "redirectOverlayFocusOut", { direction }); } /** * Triggers adding a new vault item from the overlay. Gathers data * input by the user before calling to open the add/edit window. * * @param sender - The sender of the port message */ private getNewVaultItemDetails({ sender }: chrome.runtime.Port) { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(, { command: "addNewVaultItemFromOverlay" }); } /** * Handles adding a new vault item from the overlay. Gathers data login * data captured in the extension message. * * @param login - The login data captured from the extension message * @param sender - The sender of the extension message */ private async addNewVaultItem( { login }: OverlayAddNewItemMessage, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, ) { if (!login) { return; } const uriView = new LoginUriView(); uriView.uri = login.uri; const loginView = new LoginView(); loginView.uris = [uriView]; loginView.username = login.username || ""; loginView.password = login.password || ""; const cipherView = new CipherView(); = (Utils.getHostname(login.uri) || login.hostname).replace(/^www\./, ""); cipherView.folderId = null; cipherView.type = CipherType.Login; cipherView.login = loginView; await this.cipherService.setAddEditCipherInfo({ cipher: cipherView, collectionIds: cipherView.collectionIds, }); await BrowserApi.sendMessage("inlineAutofillMenuRefreshAddEditCipher"); await this.openAddEditVaultItemPopout(, { cipherId: }); } /** * Sets up the extension message listeners for the overlay. */ private setupExtensionMessageListeners() { BrowserApi.messageListener("overlay.background", this.handleExtensionMessage); BrowserApi.addListener(chrome.runtime.onConnect, this.handlePortOnConnect); } /** * Handles extension messages sent to the extension background. * * @param message - The message received from the extension * @param sender - The sender of the message * @param sendResponse - The response to send back to the sender */ private handleExtensionMessage = ( message: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, sendResponse: (response?: any) => void, ) => { const handler: CallableFunction | undefined = this.extensionMessageHandlers[message?.command]; if (!handler) { return; } const messageResponse = handler({ message, sender }); if (!messageResponse) { return; } // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises Promise.resolve(messageResponse).then((response) => sendResponse(response)); return true; }; /** * Handles the connection of a port to the extension background. * * @param port - The port that connected to the extension background */ private handlePortOnConnect = async (port: chrome.runtime.Port) => { const isOverlayListPort = === AutofillOverlayPort.List; const isOverlayButtonPort = === AutofillOverlayPort.Button; if (!isOverlayListPort && !isOverlayButtonPort) { return; } if (isOverlayListPort) { this.overlayListPort = port; } else { this.overlayButtonPort = port; } port.onMessage.addListener(this.handleOverlayElementPortMessage); port.postMessage({ command: `initAutofillOverlay${isOverlayListPort ? "List" : "Button"}`, authStatus: await this.getAuthStatus(), styleSheetUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL(`overlay/${isOverlayListPort ? "list" : "button"}.css`), theme: await firstValueFrom(this.themeStateService.selectedTheme$), translations: this.getTranslations(), ciphers: isOverlayListPort ? await this.getOverlayCipherData() : null, }); this.updateOverlayPosition({ overlayElement: isOverlayListPort ? AutofillOverlayElement.List : AutofillOverlayElement.Button, }); }; /** * Handles messages sent to the overlay list or button ports. * * @param message - The message received from the port * @param port - The port that sent the message */ private handleOverlayElementPortMessage = ( message: OverlayBackgroundExtensionMessage, port: chrome.runtime.Port, ) => { const command = message?.command; let handler: CallableFunction | undefined; if ( === AutofillOverlayPort.Button) { handler = this.overlayButtonPortMessageHandlers[command]; } if ( === AutofillOverlayPort.List) { handler = this.overlayListPortMessageHandlers[command]; } if (!handler) { return; } handler({ message, port }); }; } export default OverlayBackground;