angular .module('bit.vault') .controller('vaultEditSiteController', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, siteService, folderService, cryptoService, $q, toastr, SweetAlert) { var returnScrollY = $stateParams.returnScrollY; var returnSearchText = $stateParams.returnSearchText; var siteId = $stateParams.siteId; var fromView = $stateParams.fromView; $ = { folderId: null }; if ($ { angular.extend($, $; } else { siteService.get(siteId, function (site) { $q.when(site.decrypt()).then(function (model) { $ = model; }); }); } $q.when(folderService.getAllDecrypted()).then(function (folders) { $scope.folders = folders; }); popupUtils.initListSectionItemListeners(); $scope.savePromise = null; $ = function (model) { $scope.savePromise = $q.when(siteService.encrypt(model)).then(function (siteModel) { var site = new Site(siteModel, true); return $q.when(siteService.saveWithServer(site)).then(function (site) { toastr.success('Edited site'); $scope.close(); }); }); }; $scope.close = function () { if (fromView) { $state.go('viewSite', { siteId: siteId, animation: 'out-slide-down', returnScrollY: returnScrollY || 0, returnSearchText: returnSearchText }); } else { $state.go('tabs.vault', { animation: 'out-slide-down', scrollY: returnScrollY || 0, searchText: returnSearchText }); } }; $scope.generatePassword = function () { if ($ { SweetAlert.swal({ title: 'Warning', text: 'Are you sure you want to overwrite the current password?', type: 'warning', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: 'Yes', cancelButtonText: 'No' }, function (confirmed) { if (confirmed) { goPasswordGenerator(); } }); } else { goPasswordGenerator(); } }; function goPasswordGenerator() { $state.go('passwordGenerator', { animation: 'in-slide-up', editState: { fromView: fromView, siteId: siteId, site: $, returnScrollY: returnScrollY, returnSearchText: returnSearchText } }); } });