import { Meta, Story, Primary, Controls, Canvas } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; import * as stories from "./item.stories"; ```ts import { ItemModule } from "@bitwarden/components"; ``` # Item `` is a horizontal card that contains one or more interactive actions. It is a generic container that can be used for either standalone content, an alternative to tables, or to list nav links. ## Primary Content The primary content of an item is supplied by `bit-item-content`. ### Content Types The content can be a button, anchor, or static container. ```html Hi, I am a link. I'm just static :( ``` ### Content Slots `bit-item-content` contains the following slots to help position the content: | Slot | Description | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | | default | primary text or arbitrary content; fan favorite | | `slot="secondary"` | supporting text; under the default slot | | `slot="start"` | commonly an icon or avatar; before the default slot | | `slot="end"` | commonly an icon; after the default slot | - Note: There is also an `end` slot within `bit-item` itself. Place [interactive secondary actions](#secondary-actions) there, and place non-interactive content (such as icons) in `bit-item-content` ```html ``` ## Secondary Actions Secondary interactive actions can be placed in the item through the `"end"` slot, outside of `bit-item-content`. Each action must be wrapped by ``. Actions are commonly icon buttons or badge buttons. ```html ``` ## Item Groups Groups of items can be associated by wrapping them in the ``. ### A11y Keyboard nav is currently disabled due to a bug when used within a virtual scroll viewport. Item groups utilize arrow-based keyboard navigation ([further reading here]( Use `aria-label` or `aria-labelledby` to give groups an accessible name. ```html ... ... ... ``` ### Virtual Scrolling