name: Build on: push: branches-ignore: - 'l10n_master' jobs: cloc: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up cloc run: | sudo apt update sudo apt -y install cloc - name: Print lines of code run: cloc --include-lang TypeScript,JavaScript --vcs git cli: name: Build CLI runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Windows builder run: | choco install checksum --no-progress choco install reshack --no-progress - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '10.x' - name: Set PACKAGE_VERSION & VER_INFO run: | $env:pkgVersion = (Get-Content -Raw -Path .\package.json | ConvertFrom-Json).version echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$env:pkgVersion" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append echo "WIN_PKG=$env:WIN_PKG" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append echo "version: $env:pkgVersion" env: WIN_PKG: C:\Users\runneradmin\.pkg-cache\v2.5\fetched-v10.4.1-win-x64 - name: get pkg-fetch shell: pwsh run: | cd $HOME $fetchedUrl = "" New-Item -ItemType directory -Path .\.pkg-cache New-Item -ItemType directory -Path .\.pkg-cache\v2.5 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $fetchedUrl -OutFile ".\.pkg-cache\v2.5\fetched-v10.4.1-win-x64" env: WIN_PKG: C:\Users\runneradmin\.pkg-cache\v2.5\fetched-v10.4.1-win-x64 - name: Setup Version Info shell: pwsh run: ./scripts/make-versioninfo.ps1 - name: Resource Hacker shell: cmd run: | set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Hacker ResourceHacker -open %WIN_PKG% -save %WIN_PKG% -action delete -mask ICONGROUP,1, ResourceHacker -open version-info.rc -save version-info.res -action compile ResourceHacker -open %WIN_PKG% -save %WIN_PKG% -action addoverwrite -resource version-info.res - name: Install run: npm install - name: Setup sub-module run: npm run sub:init - name: Build & Package run: npm run dist - name: Package Chocolatey shell: pwsh run: | Copy-Item -Path stores/chocolatey -Destination dist/chocolatey -Recurse Copy-Item dist/windows/bw.exe -Destination dist/chocolatey/tools Copy-Item LICENSE.txt -Destination dist/chocolatey/tools choco pack dist/chocolatey/bitwarden-cli.nuspec --version ${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }} --out dist/chocolatey - name: Zip shell: cmd run: | 7z a ./dist/ ./dist/windows/bw.exe 7z a ./dist/ ./dist/macos/bw 7z a ./dist/ ./dist/linux/bw - name: Version Test run: | dir ./dist/ Expand-Archive -Path "./dist/bw-windows-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" -DestinationPath "./test/windows" $testVersion = Invoke-Expression '& ./test/windows/bw.exe -v' echo "version: $env:PACKAGE_VERSION" echo "testVersion: $testVersion" if($testVersion -ne $env:PACKAGE_VERSION) { Throw "Version test failed." } - name: Create checksums if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' run: | checksum -f="./dist/bw-windows-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" ` -t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-windows-sha256-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt checksum -f="./dist/bw-macos-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" ` -t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-macos-sha256-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt checksum -f="./dist/bw-linux-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip" ` -t sha256 | Out-File -Encoding ASCII ./dist/bw-linux-sha256-${env:PACKAGE_VERSION}.txt - name: Publish windows zip to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-windows-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip path: ./dist/bw-windows-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip - name: Publish windows checksum to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-windows-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt path: ./dist/bw-windows-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt - name: Publish macos zip to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-macos-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip path: ./dist/bw-macos-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip - name: Publish macos checksum to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-macos-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt path: ./dist/bw-macos-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt - name: Publish linux zip to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip path: ./dist/bw-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip - name: Publish linux checksum to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-linux-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt path: ./dist/bw-linux-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt - name: Publish Chocolatey CLI if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bitwarden-cli.${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.nupkg path: ./dist/chocolatey/bitwarden-cli.${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.nupkg snap: name: Build Snap runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: cli if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set PACKAGE_VERSION shell: pwsh run: | $env:pkgVersion = (Get-Content -Raw -Path ./package.json | ConvertFrom-Json).version echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$env:pkgVersion" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append - name: Install Snapcraft uses: samuelmeuli/action-snapcraft@v1 - name: Print environment run: | whoami snapcraft --version echo "GitHub ref: $GITHUB_REF" echo "GitHub event: $GITHUB_EVENT" echo "BW Package Version: $PACKAGE_VERSION" env: GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }} GITHUB_EVENT: ${{ github.event_name }} - name: Get bw linux cli uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip path: ./dist/snap - name: Build Snap Package run: | cp -r stores/snap/* -t dist/snap sed -i s/__version__/${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}/g dist/snap/snapcraft.yaml cd dist/snap ls -alth snapcraft sha256sum bw_${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}_amd64.snap | awk '{split($0, a); print a[1]}' > bw-snap-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt - name: Install Snap run: sudo snap install dist/snap/bw*.snap --dangerous - name: Test Snap shell: pwsh run: | $testVersion = Invoke-Expression '& bw -v' if($testVersion -ne $env:PACKAGE_VERSION) { Throw "Version test failed." } - name: Cleanup Test & Update Snap for Publish shell: pwsh run: | sudo snap remove bw - name: Publish snap to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw_${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}_amd64.snap path: ./dist/snap/bw_${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}_amd64.snap - name: Publish snap checksum to GitHub if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: bw-snap-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt path: ./dist/snap/bw-snap-sha256-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.txt