import { CipherData } from '../models/data/cipherData'; import { FolderData } from '../models/data/folderData'; import { CipherResponse } from '../models/response/cipherResponse'; import { DomainsResponse } from '../models/response/domainsResponse'; import { FolderResponse } from '../models/response/folderResponse'; import { ProfileResponse } from '../models/response/profileResponse'; import { SyncResponse } from '../models/response/syncResponse'; import ApiService from './api.service'; import CipherService from './cipher.service'; import CryptoService from './crypto.service'; import FolderService from './folder.service'; import SettingsService from './settings.service'; import UserService from './user.service'; import UtilsService from './utils.service'; const Keys = { lastSyncPrefix: 'lastSync_', }; export default class SyncService { syncInProgress: boolean = false; constructor(private userService: UserService, private apiService: ApiService, private settingsService: SettingsService, private folderService: FolderService, private cipherService: CipherService, private cryptoService: CryptoService, private logoutCallback: Function) { } async getLastSync() { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const lastSync = await UtilsService.getObjFromStorage(Keys.lastSyncPrefix + userId); if (lastSync) { return new Date(lastSync); } return null; } async setLastSync(date: Date) { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); await UtilsService.saveObjToStorage(Keys.lastSyncPrefix + userId, date.toJSON()); } syncStarted() { this.syncInProgress = true; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'syncStarted' }); } syncCompleted(successfully: boolean) { this.syncInProgress = false; // tslint:disable-next-line chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'syncCompleted', successfully: successfully }); } async fullSync(forceSync: boolean) { this.syncStarted(); const isAuthenticated = await this.userService.isAuthenticated(); if (!isAuthenticated) { this.syncCompleted(false); return false; } const now = new Date(); const needsSyncResult = await this.needsSyncing(forceSync); const needsSync = needsSyncResult[0]; const skipped = needsSyncResult[1]; if (skipped) { this.syncCompleted(false); return false; } if (!needsSync) { await this.setLastSync(now); this.syncCompleted(false); return false; } const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); try { const response = await this.apiService.getSync(); await this.syncProfile(response.profile); await this.syncFolders(userId, response.folders); await this.syncCiphers(userId, response.ciphers); await this.syncSettings(userId,; await this.setLastSync(now); this.syncCompleted(true); return true; } catch (e) { this.syncCompleted(false); return false; } } // Helpers private async needsSyncing(forceSync: boolean) { if (forceSync) { return [true, false]; } try { const response = await this.apiService.getAccountRevisionDate(); const accountRevisionDate = new Date(response); const lastSync = await this.getLastSync(); if (lastSync != null && accountRevisionDate <= lastSync) { return [false, false]; } return [true, false]; } catch (e) { return [false, true]; } } private async syncProfile(response: ProfileResponse) { const stamp = await this.userService.getSecurityStamp(); if (stamp != null && stamp !== response.securityStamp) { if (this.logoutCallback != null) { this.logoutCallback(true); } throw new Error('Stamp has changed'); } await this.cryptoService.setEncKey(response.key); await this.cryptoService.setEncPrivateKey(response.privateKey); await this.cryptoService.setOrgKeys(response.organizations); await this.userService.setSecurityStamp(response.securityStamp); } private async syncFolders(userId: string, response: FolderResponse[]) { const folders: { [id: string]: FolderData; } = {}; for (const f of response) { folders[] = new FolderData(f, userId); } return await this.folderService.replace(folders); } private async syncCiphers(userId: string, response: CipherResponse[]) { const ciphers: { [id: string]: CipherData; } = {}; for (const c of response) { ciphers[] = new CipherData(c, userId); } return await this.cipherService.replace(ciphers); } private async syncSettings(userId: string, response: DomainsResponse) { let eqDomains: string[][] = []; if (response != null && response.equivalentDomains != null) { eqDomains = eqDomains.concat(response.equivalentDomains); } if (response != null && response.globalEquivalentDomains != null) { for (const global of response.globalEquivalentDomains) { if ( > 0) { eqDomains.push(; } } } return this.settingsService.setEquivalentDomains(eqDomains); } }