Code contributions are welcome! Please commit any pull requests against the `master` branch. # Internationalization (i18n) If you are interested in helping translate the bitwarden browser extension into another language, please follow these steps when creating your pull request: 1. Create a new folder under `/src/_locales` using the proper Chrome locale code. You can find the locales that Chrome supports here: . For example, if I want to create a new translation for German, I will create the folder `/src/_locales/de`. 2. Copy/paste the English `messages.json` file (`/src/_locales/en/messages.json`) into your newly created locales folder. 3. Open the `messages.json` for your newly created locale and start translating the `message` JSON properties. The `description` properties should be left in English as a reference. 4. Repeat the same process for the store `` and `` files in `/store`. Do not copy over the `assets` and `screenshots` folders to your new locale. We will update these based on your translations provided in ``. Finally, do not translate the titles in the markdown files (ex. `# Name` and `# Screenshot - Sync`). These are only for reference. 5. Test your translations to make sure they look correct in the extension. Sometimes the UI can break due to translations taking up more space than the original UI was built for. If possible, use a shorter or abbreviated version of the word/sentence to accomedate the available space. 6. Be sure to watch for [future changes]( to the `/src/_locales/en/messages.json` file so that your translation will stay up to date. You can find an example of a proper translation pull request here: