import MainBackground from "../../background/main.background"; import NotificationBackground from "./notification.background"; import OverlayBackground from "./overlay.background"; export default class TabsBackground { constructor( private main: MainBackground, private notificationBackground: NotificationBackground, private overlayBackground: OverlayBackground, ) {} private focusedWindowId: number; /** * Initializes the window and tab listeners. */ async init() { if (!chrome.tabs || ! { return; }; chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(this.handleTabOnActivated); chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(this.handleTabOnReplaced); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this.handleTabOnUpdated); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(this.handleTabOnRemoved); } /** * Handles the window onFocusChanged event. * * @param windowId - The ID of the window that was focused. */ private handleWindowOnFocusChanged = async (windowId: number) => { if (!windowId) { return; } this.focusedWindowId = windowId; await this.updateCurrentTabData(); this.main.messagingService.send("windowChanged"); }; /** * Handles the tab onActivated event. */ private handleTabOnActivated = async () => { await this.updateCurrentTabData(); this.main.messagingService.send("tabChanged"); }; /** * Handles the tab onReplaced event. */ private handleTabOnReplaced = async () => { if (this.main.onReplacedRan) { return; } this.main.onReplacedRan = true; await this.notificationBackground.checkNotificationQueue(); await this.updateCurrentTabData(); this.main.messagingService.send("tabChanged"); }; /** * Handles the tab onUpdated event. * * @param tabId - The ID of the tab that was updated. * @param changeInfo - The change information. * @param tab - The updated tab. */ private handleTabOnUpdated = async ( tabId: number, changeInfo: chrome.tabs.TabChangeInfo, tab: chrome.tabs.Tab, ) => { const removePageDetailsStatus = new Set(["loading", "unloaded"]); if (removePageDetailsStatus.has(changeInfo.status)) { this.overlayBackground.removePageDetails(tabId); } if (this.focusedWindowId > 0 && tab.windowId !== this.focusedWindowId) { return; } if (! { return; } await this.overlayBackground.updateOverlayCiphers(); if (this.main.onUpdatedRan) { return; } this.main.onUpdatedRan = true; await this.notificationBackground.checkNotificationQueue(tab); await this.main.refreshBadge(); await this.main.refreshMenu(); this.main.messagingService.send("tabChanged"); }; /** * Handles the tab onRemoved event. * * @param tabId - The ID of the tab that was removed. */ private handleTabOnRemoved = async (tabId: number) => { this.overlayBackground.removePageDetails(tabId); }; /** * Updates the current tab data, refreshing the badge and context menu * for the current tab. Also updates the overlay ciphers. */ private updateCurrentTabData = async () => { await this.main.refreshBadge(); await this.main.refreshMenu(); await this.overlayBackground.updateOverlayCiphers(); }; }