import { mock, MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service"; import { CipherType } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/enums"; import { Cipher } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/domain/cipher"; import { CipherView } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/models/view/cipher.view"; import { BrowserStateService } from "../../platform/services/abstractions/browser-state.service"; import { MainContextMenuHandler } from "./main-context-menu-handler"; describe("context-menu", () => { let stateService: MockProxy; let i18nService: MockProxy; let logService: MockProxy; let removeAllSpy: jest.SpyInstance void]>; let createSpy: jest.SpyInstance< string | number, [createProperties: chrome.contextMenus.CreateProperties, callback?: () => void] >; let sut: MainContextMenuHandler; beforeEach(() => { stateService = mock(); i18nService = mock(); logService = mock(); removeAllSpy = jest .spyOn(chrome.contextMenus, "removeAll") .mockImplementation((callback) => callback()); createSpy = jest.spyOn(chrome.contextMenus, "create").mockImplementation((props, callback) => { if (callback) { callback(); } return; }); sut = new MainContextMenuHandler(stateService, i18nService, logService); }); afterEach(() => jest.resetAllMocks()); describe("init", () => { it("has menu disabled", async () => { stateService.getDisableContextMenuItem.mockResolvedValue(true); const createdMenu = await sut.init(); expect(createdMenu).toBeFalsy(); expect(removeAllSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("has menu enabled, but does not have premium", async () => { stateService.getDisableContextMenuItem.mockResolvedValue(false); stateService.getCanAccessPremium.mockResolvedValue(false); const createdMenu = await sut.init(); expect(createdMenu).toBeTruthy(); expect(createSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(10); }); it("has menu enabled and has premium", async () => { stateService.getDisableContextMenuItem.mockResolvedValue(false); stateService.getCanAccessPremium.mockResolvedValue(true); const createdMenu = await sut.init(); expect(createdMenu).toBeTruthy(); expect(createSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(11); }); }); describe("loadOptions", () => { const createCipher = (data?: { id?: CipherView["id"]; username?: CipherView["login"]["username"]; password?: CipherView["login"]["password"]; totp?: CipherView["login"]["totp"]; viewPassword?: CipherView["viewPassword"]; }): CipherView => { const { id, username, password, totp, viewPassword } = data || {}; const cipherView = new CipherView( new Cipher({ id: id ?? "1", type: CipherType.Login, viewPassword: viewPassword ?? true, } as any), ); cipherView.login.username = username ?? "USERNAME"; cipherView.login.password = password ?? "PASSWORD"; cipherView.login.totp = totp ?? "TOTP"; return cipherView; }; it("is not a login cipher", async () => { await sut.loadOptions("TEST_TITLE", "1", { ...createCipher(), type: CipherType.SecureNote, } as any); expect(createSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("creates item for autofill", async () => { await sut.loadOptions( "TEST_TITLE", "1", createCipher({ username: "", totp: "", viewPassword: false, }), ); expect(createSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("create entry for each cipher piece", async () => { stateService.getCanAccessPremium.mockResolvedValue(true); await sut.loadOptions("TEST_TITLE", "1", createCipher()); // One for autofill, copy username, copy password, and copy totp code expect(createSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4); }); it("creates a login/unlock item for each context menu action option when user is not authenticated", async () => { stateService.getCanAccessPremium.mockResolvedValue(true); await sut.loadOptions("TEST_TITLE", "NOOP"); expect(createSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(6); }); }); });