import "@webcomponents/custom-elements"; import "lit/polyfill-support.js"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { OverlayCipherData } from "../../../background/abstractions/overlay.background"; import { EVENTS } from "../../../constants"; import { globeIcon, lockIcon, plusIcon, viewCipherIcon } from "../../../utils/svg-icons"; import { buildSvgDomElement } from "../../../utils/utils"; import { InitAutofillOverlayListMessage, OverlayListWindowMessageHandlers, } from "../../abstractions/autofill-overlay-list"; import AutofillOverlayPageElement from "../shared/autofill-overlay-page-element"; class AutofillOverlayList extends AutofillOverlayPageElement { private overlayListContainer: HTMLDivElement; private resizeObserver: ResizeObserver; private eventHandlersMemo: { [key: string]: EventListener } = {}; private ciphers: OverlayCipherData[] = []; private ciphersList: HTMLUListElement; private cipherListScrollIsDebounced = false; private cipherListScrollDebounceTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout; private currentCipherIndex = 0; private readonly showCiphersPerPage = 6; private readonly overlayListWindowMessageHandlers: OverlayListWindowMessageHandlers = { initAutofillOverlayList: ({ message }) => this.initAutofillOverlayList(message), checkAutofillOverlayListFocused: () => this.checkOverlayListFocused(), updateOverlayListCiphers: ({ message }) => this.updateListItems(message.ciphers), focusOverlayList: () => this.focusOverlayList(), }; constructor() { super(); this.setupOverlayListGlobalListeners(); } /** * Initializes the overlay list and updates the list items with the passed ciphers. * If the auth status is not `Unlocked`, the locked overlay is built. * * @param translations - The translations to use for the overlay list. * @param styleSheetUrl - The URL of the stylesheet to use for the overlay list. * @param theme - The theme to use for the overlay list. * @param authStatus - The current authentication status. * @param ciphers - The ciphers to display in the overlay list. */ private async initAutofillOverlayList({ translations, styleSheetUrl, theme, authStatus, ciphers, }: InitAutofillOverlayListMessage) { const linkElement = this.initOverlayPage("button", styleSheetUrl, translations); globalThis.document.documentElement.classList.add(theme); this.overlayListContainer = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); this.overlayListContainer.classList.add("overlay-list-container", theme); this.overlayListContainer.setAttribute("role", "dialog"); this.overlayListContainer.setAttribute("aria-modal", "true"); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.overlayListContainer); this.shadowDom.append(linkElement, this.overlayListContainer); if (authStatus === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) { this.updateListItems(ciphers); return; } this.buildLockedOverlay(); } /** * Builds the locked overlay, which is displayed when the user is not authenticated. * Facilitates the ability to unlock the extension from the overlay. */ private buildLockedOverlay() { const lockedOverlay = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); = "locked-overlay-description"; lockedOverlay.classList.add("locked-overlay", "overlay-list-message"); lockedOverlay.textContent = this.getTranslation("unlockYourAccount"); const unlockButtonElement = globalThis.document.createElement("button"); = "unlock-button"; unlockButtonElement.tabIndex = -1; unlockButtonElement.classList.add("unlock-button", "overlay-list-button"); unlockButtonElement.textContent = this.getTranslation("unlockAccount"); unlockButtonElement.setAttribute( "aria-label", `${this.getTranslation("unlockAccount")}, ${this.getTranslation("opensInANewWindow")}`, ); unlockButtonElement.prepend(buildSvgDomElement(lockIcon)); unlockButtonElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.CLICK, this.handleUnlockButtonClick); const overlayListButtonContainer = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); overlayListButtonContainer.classList.add("overlay-list-button-container"); overlayListButtonContainer.appendChild(unlockButtonElement); this.overlayListContainer.append(lockedOverlay, overlayListButtonContainer); } /** * Handles the click event for the unlock button. * Sends a message to the parent window to unlock the vault. */ private handleUnlockButtonClick = () => { this.postMessageToParent({ command: "unlockVault" }); }; /** * Updates the list items with the passed ciphers. * If no ciphers are passed, the no results overlay is built. * * @param ciphers - The ciphers to display in the overlay list. */ private updateListItems(ciphers: OverlayCipherData[]) { this.ciphers = ciphers; this.currentCipherIndex = 0; this.overlayListContainer.innerHTML = ""; if (!ciphers?.length) { this.buildNoResultsOverlayList(); return; } this.ciphersList = globalThis.document.createElement("ul"); this.ciphersList.classList.add("overlay-actions-list"); this.ciphersList.setAttribute("role", "list"); globalThis.addEventListener(EVENTS.SCROLL, this.handleCiphersListScrollEvent); this.loadPageOfCiphers(); this.overlayListContainer.appendChild(this.ciphersList); } /** * Overlay view that is presented when no ciphers are found for a given page. * Facilitates the ability to add a new vault item from the overlay. */ private buildNoResultsOverlayList() { const noItemsMessage = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); noItemsMessage.classList.add("no-items", "overlay-list-message"); noItemsMessage.textContent = this.getTranslation("noItemsToShow"); const newItemButton = globalThis.document.createElement("button"); newItemButton.tabIndex = -1; = "new-item-button"; newItemButton.classList.add("add-new-item-button", "overlay-list-button"); newItemButton.textContent = this.getTranslation("newItem"); newItemButton.setAttribute( "aria-label", `${this.getTranslation("addNewVaultItem")}, ${this.getTranslation("opensInANewWindow")}`, ); newItemButton.prepend(buildSvgDomElement(plusIcon)); newItemButton.addEventListener(EVENTS.CLICK, this.handeNewItemButtonClick); const overlayListButtonContainer = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); overlayListButtonContainer.classList.add("overlay-list-button-container"); overlayListButtonContainer.appendChild(newItemButton); this.overlayListContainer.append(noItemsMessage, overlayListButtonContainer); } /** * Handles the click event for the new item button. * Sends a message to the parent window to add a new vault item. */ private handeNewItemButtonClick = () => { this.postMessageToParent({ command: "addNewVaultItem" }); }; /** * Loads a page of ciphers into the overlay list container. */ private loadPageOfCiphers() { const lastIndex = Math.min( this.currentCipherIndex + this.showCiphersPerPage, this.ciphers.length, ); for (let cipherIndex = this.currentCipherIndex; cipherIndex < lastIndex; cipherIndex++) { this.ciphersList.appendChild(this.buildOverlayActionsListItem(this.ciphers[cipherIndex])); this.currentCipherIndex++; } if (this.currentCipherIndex >= this.ciphers.length) { globalThis.removeEventListener(EVENTS.SCROLL, this.handleCiphersListScrollEvent); } } /** * Handles updating the list of ciphers when the * user scrolls to the bottom of the list. */ private handleCiphersListScrollEvent = () => { if (this.cipherListScrollIsDebounced) { return; } this.cipherListScrollIsDebounced = true; if (this.cipherListScrollDebounceTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.cipherListScrollDebounceTimeout); } this.cipherListScrollDebounceTimeout = setTimeout(this.handleDebouncedScrollEvent, 300); }; /** * Debounced handler for updating the list of ciphers when the user scrolls to * the bottom of the list. Triggers at most once every 300ms. */ private handleDebouncedScrollEvent = () => { this.cipherListScrollIsDebounced = false; if (globalThis.scrollY + globalThis.innerHeight >= this.ciphersList.clientHeight - 300) { this.loadPageOfCiphers(); } }; /** * Builds the list item for a given cipher. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the list item for. */ private buildOverlayActionsListItem(cipher: OverlayCipherData) { const fillCipherElement = this.buildFillCipherElement(cipher); const viewCipherElement = this.buildViewCipherElement(cipher); const cipherContainerElement = globalThis.document.createElement("div"); cipherContainerElement.classList.add("cipher-container"); cipherContainerElement.append(fillCipherElement, viewCipherElement); const overlayActionsListItem = globalThis.document.createElement("li"); overlayActionsListItem.setAttribute("role", "listitem"); overlayActionsListItem.classList.add("overlay-actions-list-item"); overlayActionsListItem.appendChild(cipherContainerElement); return overlayActionsListItem; } /** * Builds the fill cipher button for a given cipher. * Wraps the cipher icon and details. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the fill cipher button for. */ private buildFillCipherElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData) { const cipherIcon = this.buildCipherIconElement(cipher); const cipherDetailsElement = this.buildCipherDetailsElement(cipher); const fillCipherElement = globalThis.document.createElement("button"); fillCipherElement.tabIndex = -1; fillCipherElement.classList.add("fill-cipher-button"); fillCipherElement.setAttribute( "aria-label", `${this.getTranslation("fillCredentialsFor")} ${}`, ); fillCipherElement.setAttribute( "aria-description", `${this.getTranslation("partialUsername")}, ${cipher.login.username}`, ); fillCipherElement.append(cipherIcon, cipherDetailsElement); fillCipherElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.CLICK, this.handleFillCipherClickEvent(cipher)); fillCipherElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.KEYUP, this.handleFillCipherKeyUpEvent); return fillCipherElement; } /** * Handles the click event for the fill cipher button. * Sends a message to the parent window to fill the selected cipher. * * @param cipher - The cipher to fill. */ private handleFillCipherClickEvent = (cipher: OverlayCipherData) => { return this.useEventHandlersMemo( () => this.postMessageToParent({ command: "fillSelectedListItem", overlayCipherId:, }), `${}-fill-cipher-button-click-handler`, ); }; /** * Handles the keyup event for the fill cipher button. Facilitates * selecting the next/previous cipher item on ArrowDown/ArrowUp. Also * facilitates moving keyboard focus to the view cipher button on ArrowRight. * * @param event - The keyup event. */ private handleFillCipherKeyUpEvent = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const listenedForKeys = new Set(["ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "ArrowRight"]); if (!listenedForKeys.has(event.code) || !( instanceof Element)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const currentListItem =".overlay-actions-list-item") as HTMLElement; if (event.code === "ArrowDown") { this.focusNextListItem(currentListItem); return; } if (event.code === "ArrowUp") { this.focusPreviousListItem(currentListItem); return; } this.focusViewCipherButton(currentListItem, as HTMLElement); }; /** * Builds the button that facilitates viewing a cipher in the vault. * * @param cipher - The cipher to view. */ private buildViewCipherElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData) { const viewCipherElement = globalThis.document.createElement("button"); viewCipherElement.tabIndex = -1; viewCipherElement.classList.add("view-cipher-button"); viewCipherElement.setAttribute( "aria-label", `${this.getTranslation("view")} ${}, ${this.getTranslation("opensInANewWindow")}`, ); viewCipherElement.append(buildSvgDomElement(viewCipherIcon)); viewCipherElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.CLICK, this.handleViewCipherClickEvent(cipher)); viewCipherElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.KEYUP, this.handleViewCipherKeyUpEvent); return viewCipherElement; } /** * Handles the click event for the view cipher button. Sends a * message to the parent window to view the selected cipher. * * @param cipher - The cipher to view. */ private handleViewCipherClickEvent = (cipher: OverlayCipherData) => { return this.useEventHandlersMemo( () => this.postMessageToParent({ command: "viewSelectedCipher", overlayCipherId: }), `${}-view-cipher-button-click-handler`, ); }; /** * Handles the keyup event for the view cipher button. Facilitates * selecting the next/previous cipher item on ArrowDown/ArrowUp. * Also facilitates moving keyboard focus to the current fill * cipher button on ArrowLeft. * * @param event - The keyup event. */ private handleViewCipherKeyUpEvent = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const listenedForKeys = new Set(["ArrowDown", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft"]); if (!listenedForKeys.has(event.code) || !( instanceof Element)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const currentListItem =".overlay-actions-list-item") as HTMLElement; const cipherContainer = currentListItem.querySelector(".cipher-container") as HTMLElement; cipherContainer?.classList.remove("remove-outline"); if (event.code === "ArrowDown") { this.focusNextListItem(currentListItem); return; } if (event.code === "ArrowUp") { this.focusPreviousListItem(currentListItem); return; } const previousSibling = as HTMLElement; previousSibling?.focus(); }; /** * Builds the icon for a given cipher. Prioritizes the favicon from a given cipher url * and the default icon element within the extension. If neither are available, the * globe icon is used. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the icon for. */ private buildCipherIconElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData) { const cipherIcon = globalThis.document.createElement("span"); cipherIcon.classList.add("cipher-icon"); cipherIcon.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); if (cipher.icon?.image) { try { const url = new URL(cipher.icon.image); = `url(${url.href})`; return cipherIcon; } catch { // Silently default to the globe icon element if the image URL is invalid } } if (cipher.icon?.icon) { cipherIcon.classList.add("cipher-icon", "bwi", cipher.icon.icon); return cipherIcon; } cipherIcon.append(buildSvgDomElement(globeIcon)); return cipherIcon; } /** * Builds the details for a given cipher. Includes the cipher name and username login. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the details for. */ private buildCipherDetailsElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData) { const cipherNameElement = this.buildCipherNameElement(cipher); const cipherUserLoginElement = this.buildCipherUserLoginElement(cipher); const cipherDetailsElement = globalThis.document.createElement("span"); cipherDetailsElement.classList.add("cipher-details"); if (cipherNameElement) { cipherDetailsElement.appendChild(cipherNameElement); } if (cipherUserLoginElement) { cipherDetailsElement.appendChild(cipherUserLoginElement); } return cipherDetailsElement; } /** * Builds the name element for a given cipher. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the name element for. */ private buildCipherNameElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData): HTMLSpanElement | null { if (! { return null; } const cipherNameElement = globalThis.document.createElement("span"); cipherNameElement.classList.add("cipher-name"); cipherNameElement.textContent =; cipherNameElement.setAttribute("title",; return cipherNameElement; } /** * Builds the username login element for a given cipher. * * @param cipher - The cipher to build the username login element for. */ private buildCipherUserLoginElement(cipher: OverlayCipherData): HTMLSpanElement | null { if (!cipher.login?.username) { return null; } const cipherUserLoginElement = globalThis.document.createElement("span"); cipherUserLoginElement.classList.add("cipher-user-login"); cipherUserLoginElement.textContent = cipher.login.username; cipherUserLoginElement.setAttribute("title", cipher.login.username); return cipherUserLoginElement; } /** * Validates whether the overlay list iframe is currently focused. * If not focused, will check if the button element is focused. */ private checkOverlayListFocused() { if (globalThis.document.hasFocus()) { return; } this.postMessageToParent({ command: "checkAutofillOverlayButtonFocused" }); } /** * Focuses the overlay list iframe. The element that receives focus is * determined by the presence of the unlock button, new item button, or * the first cipher button. */ private focusOverlayList() { const unlockButtonElement = this.overlayListContainer.querySelector( "#unlock-button", ) as HTMLElement; if (unlockButtonElement) { unlockButtonElement.focus(); return; } const newItemButtonElement = this.overlayListContainer.querySelector( "#new-item-button", ) as HTMLElement; if (newItemButtonElement) { newItemButtonElement.focus(); return; } const firstCipherElement = this.overlayListContainer.querySelector( ".fill-cipher-button", ) as HTMLElement; firstCipherElement?.focus(); } /** * Sets up the global listeners for the overlay list iframe. */ private setupOverlayListGlobalListeners() { this.setupGlobalListeners(this.overlayListWindowMessageHandlers); this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.handleResizeObserver); } /** * Handles the resize observer event. Facilitates updating the height of the * overlay list iframe when the height of the list changes. * * @param entries - The resize observer entries. */ private handleResizeObserver = (entries: ResizeObserverEntry[]) => { for (let entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < entries.length; entryIndex++) { const entry = entries[entryIndex]; if ( !== this.overlayListContainer) { continue; } const { height } = entry.contentRect; this.postMessageToParent({ command: "updateAutofillOverlayListHeight", styles: { height: `${height}px` }, }); break; } }; /** * Establishes a memoized event handler for a given event. * * @param eventHandler - The event handler to memoize. * @param memoIndex - The memo index to use for the event handler. */ private useEventHandlersMemo = (eventHandler: EventListener, memoIndex: string) => { return this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex] || (this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex] = eventHandler); }; /** * Focuses the next list item in the overlay list. If the current list item is the last * item in the list, the first item is focused. * * @param currentListItem - The current list item. */ private focusNextListItem(currentListItem: HTMLElement) { const nextListItem = currentListItem.nextSibling as HTMLElement; const nextSibling = nextListItem?.querySelector(".fill-cipher-button") as HTMLElement; if (nextSibling) { nextSibling.focus(); return; } const firstListItem = currentListItem.parentElement?.firstChild as HTMLElement; const firstSibling = firstListItem?.querySelector(".fill-cipher-button") as HTMLElement; firstSibling?.focus(); } /** * Focuses the previous list item in the overlay list. If the current list item is the first * item in the list, the last item is focused. * * @param currentListItem - The current list item. */ private focusPreviousListItem(currentListItem: HTMLElement) { const previousListItem = currentListItem.previousSibling as HTMLElement; const previousSibling = previousListItem?.querySelector(".fill-cipher-button") as HTMLElement; if (previousSibling) { previousSibling.focus(); return; } const lastListItem = currentListItem.parentElement?.lastChild as HTMLElement; const lastSibling = lastListItem?.querySelector(".fill-cipher-button") as HTMLElement; lastSibling?.focus(); } /** * Focuses the view cipher button relative to the current fill cipher button. * * @param currentListItem - The current list item. * @param currentButtonElement - The current button element. */ private focusViewCipherButton(currentListItem: HTMLElement, currentButtonElement: HTMLElement) { const cipherContainer = currentListItem.querySelector(".cipher-container") as HTMLElement; cipherContainer.classList.add("remove-outline"); const nextSibling = currentButtonElement.nextElementSibling as HTMLElement; nextSibling?.focus(); } } export default AutofillOverlayList;