import "@webcomponents/custom-elements"; import "lit/polyfill-support.js"; import { FocusableElement, tabbable } from "tabbable"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status"; import { FocusedFieldData } from "../background/abstractions/overlay.background"; import { EVENTS } from "../constants"; import AutofillField from "../models/autofill-field"; import AutofillOverlayButtonIframe from "../overlay/iframe-content/autofill-overlay-button-iframe"; import AutofillOverlayListIframe from "../overlay/iframe-content/autofill-overlay-list-iframe"; import { ElementWithOpId, FillableFormFieldElement, FormFieldElement } from "../types"; import { AutofillOverlayElement, RedirectFocusDirection, AutofillOverlayVisibility, } from "../utils/autofill-overlay.enum"; import { generateRandomCustomElementName, sendExtensionMessage, setElementStyles, } from "../utils/utils"; import { AutofillOverlayContentService as AutofillOverlayContentServiceInterface, OpenAutofillOverlayOptions, } from "./abstractions/autofill-overlay-content.service"; import { AutoFillConstants } from "./autofill-constants"; class AutofillOverlayContentService implements AutofillOverlayContentServiceInterface { isFieldCurrentlyFocused = false; isCurrentlyFilling = false; isOverlayCiphersPopulated = false; pageDetailsUpdateRequired = false; private readonly findTabs = tabbable; private readonly sendExtensionMessage = sendExtensionMessage; private autofillOverlayVisibility: number; private userFilledFields: Record = {}; private authStatus: AuthenticationStatus; private focusableElements: FocusableElement[] = []; private isOverlayButtonVisible = false; private isOverlayListVisible = false; private overlayButtonElement: HTMLElement; private overlayListElement: HTMLElement; private mostRecentlyFocusedField: ElementWithOpId; private focusedFieldData: FocusedFieldData; private userInteractionEventTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout; private overlayElementsMutationObserver: MutationObserver; private bodyElementMutationObserver: MutationObserver; private mutationObserverIterations = 0; private mutationObserverIterationsResetTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout; private autofillFieldKeywordsMap: WeakMap = new WeakMap(); private eventHandlersMemo: { [key: string]: EventListener } = {}; private readonly customElementDefaultStyles: Partial = { all: "initial", position: "fixed", display: "block", zIndex: "2147483647", }; /** * Initializes the autofill overlay content service by setting up the mutation observers. * The observers will be instantiated on DOMContentLoaded if the page is current loading. */ init() { if (globalThis.document.readyState === "loading") { globalThis.document.addEventListener(EVENTS.DOMCONTENTLOADED, this.setupGlobalEventListeners); return; } this.setupGlobalEventListeners(); } /** * Sets up the autofill overlay listener on the form field element. This method is called * during the page details collection process. * * @param formFieldElement - Form field elements identified during the page details collection process. * @param autofillFieldData - Autofill field data captured from the form field element. */ async setupAutofillOverlayListenerOnField( formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId, autofillFieldData: AutofillField, ) { if (this.isIgnoredField(autofillFieldData)) { return; } if (!this.autofillOverlayVisibility) { await this.getAutofillOverlayVisibility(); } this.setupFormFieldElementEventListeners(formFieldElement); if (this.getRootNodeActiveElement(formFieldElement) === formFieldElement) { await this.triggerFormFieldFocusedAction(formFieldElement); return; } if (!this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) { await this.updateMostRecentlyFocusedField(formFieldElement); } } /** * Handles opening the autofill overlay. Will conditionally open * the overlay based on the current autofill overlay visibility setting. * Allows you to optionally focus the field element when opening the overlay. * Will also optionally ignore the overlay visibility setting and open the * * @param options - Options for opening the autofill overlay. */ openAutofillOverlay(options: OpenAutofillOverlayOptions = {}) { const { isFocusingFieldElement, isOpeningFullOverlay, authStatus } = options; if (!this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) { return; } if (this.pageDetailsUpdateRequired) { this.sendExtensionMessage("bgCollectPageDetails", { sender: "autofillOverlayContentService", }); this.pageDetailsUpdateRequired = false; } if (isFocusingFieldElement && !this.recentlyFocusedFieldIsCurrentlyFocused()) { this.focusMostRecentOverlayField(); } if (typeof authStatus !== "undefined") { this.authStatus = authStatus; } if ( this.autofillOverlayVisibility === AutofillOverlayVisibility.OnButtonClick && !isOpeningFullOverlay ) { this.updateOverlayButtonPosition(); return; } this.updateOverlayElementsPosition(); } /** * Focuses the most recently focused field element. */ focusMostRecentOverlayField() { this.mostRecentlyFocusedField?.focus(); } /** * Removes focus from the most recently focused field element. */ blurMostRecentOverlayField() { this.mostRecentlyFocusedField?.blur(); } /** * Removes the autofill overlay from the page. This will initially * unobserve the body element to ensure the mutation observer no * longer triggers. */ removeAutofillOverlay = () => { this.removeBodyElementObserver(); this.removeAutofillOverlayButton(); this.removeAutofillOverlayList(); }; /** * Removes the overlay button from the DOM if it is currently present. Will * also remove the overlay reposition event listeners. */ removeAutofillOverlayButton() { if (!this.overlayButtonElement) { return; } this.overlayButtonElement.remove(); this.isOverlayButtonVisible = false; this.sendExtensionMessage("autofillOverlayElementClosed", { overlayElement: AutofillOverlayElement.Button, }); this.removeOverlayRepositionEventListeners(); } /** * Removes the overlay list from the DOM if it is currently present. */ removeAutofillOverlayList() { if (!this.overlayListElement) { return; } this.overlayListElement.remove(); this.isOverlayListVisible = false; this.sendExtensionMessage("autofillOverlayElementClosed", { overlayElement: AutofillOverlayElement.List, }); } /** * Formats any found user filled fields for a login cipher and sends a message * to the background script to add a new cipher. */ addNewVaultItem() { if (!this.isOverlayListVisible) { return; } const login = { username: this.userFilledFields["username"]?.value || "", password: this.userFilledFields["password"]?.value || "", uri: globalThis.document.URL, hostname: globalThis.document.location.hostname, }; this.sendExtensionMessage("autofillOverlayAddNewVaultItem", { login }); } /** * Redirects the keyboard focus out of the overlay, selecting the element that is * either previous or next in the tab order. If the direction is current, the most * recently focused field will be focused. * * @param direction - The direction to redirect the focus. */ redirectOverlayFocusOut(direction: string) { if (!this.isOverlayListVisible || !this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) { return; } if (direction === RedirectFocusDirection.Current) { this.focusMostRecentOverlayField(); setTimeout(this.removeAutofillOverlay, 100); return; } if (!this.focusableElements.length) { this.focusableElements = this.findTabs(globalThis.document.body, { getShadowRoot: true }); } const focusedElementIndex = this.focusableElements.findIndex( (element) => element === this.mostRecentlyFocusedField, ); const indexOffset = direction === RedirectFocusDirection.Previous ? -1 : 1; const redirectFocusElement = this.focusableElements[focusedElementIndex + indexOffset]; redirectFocusElement?.focus(); } /** * Sets up the event listeners that facilitate interaction with the form field elements. * Will clear any cached form field element handlers that are encountered when setting * up a form field element to the overlay. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element to set up the event listeners for. */ private setupFormFieldElementEventListeners(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { this.removeCachedFormFieldEventListeners(formFieldElement); formFieldElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.BLUR, this.handleFormFieldBlurEvent); formFieldElement.addEventListener(EVENTS.KEYUP, this.handleFormFieldKeyupEvent); formFieldElement.addEventListener( EVENTS.INPUT, this.handleFormFieldInputEvent(formFieldElement), ); formFieldElement.addEventListener( EVENTS.CLICK, this.handleFormFieldClickEvent(formFieldElement), ); formFieldElement.addEventListener( EVENTS.FOCUS, this.handleFormFieldFocusEvent(formFieldElement), ); } /** * Removes any cached form field element handlers that are encountered * when setting up a form field element to present the overlay. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element to remove the cached handlers for. */ private removeCachedFormFieldEventListeners(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { const handlers = [EVENTS.INPUT, EVENTS.CLICK, EVENTS.FOCUS]; for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { const event = handlers[index]; const memoIndex = this.getFormFieldHandlerMemoIndex(formFieldElement, event); const existingHandler = this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex]; if (!existingHandler) { return; } formFieldElement.removeEventListener(event, existingHandler); delete this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex]; } } /** * Helper method that facilitates registration of an event handler to a form field element. * * @param eventHandler - The event handler to memoize. * @param memoIndex - The memo index to use for the event handler. */ private useEventHandlersMemo = (eventHandler: EventListener, memoIndex: string) => { return this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex] || (this.eventHandlersMemo[memoIndex] = eventHandler); }; /** * Formats the memoIndex for the form field event handler. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element to format the memo index for. * @param event - The event to format the memo index for. */ private getFormFieldHandlerMemoIndex( formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId, event: string, ) { return `${formFieldElement.opid}-${}-${event}-handler`; } /** * Form Field blur event handler. Updates the value identifying whether * the field is focused and sends a message to check if the overlay itself * is currently focused. */ private handleFormFieldBlurEvent = () => { this.isFieldCurrentlyFocused = false; this.sendExtensionMessage("checkAutofillOverlayFocused"); }; /** * Form field keyup event handler. Facilitates the ability to remove the * autofill overlay using the escape key, focusing the overlay list using * the ArrowDown key, and ensuring that the overlay is repositioned when * the form is submitted using the Enter key. * * @param event - The keyup event. */ private handleFormFieldKeyupEvent = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const eventCode = event.code; if (eventCode === "Escape") { this.removeAutofillOverlay(); return; } if (eventCode === "Enter" && !this.isCurrentlyFilling) { this.handleOverlayRepositionEvent(); return; } if (eventCode === "ArrowDown") { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.focusOverlayList(); } }; /** * Triggers a focus of the overlay list, if it is visible. If the list is not visible, * the overlay will be opened and the list will be focused after a short delay. Ensures * that the overlay list is focused when the user presses the down arrow key. */ private async focusOverlayList() { if (!this.isOverlayListVisible && this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) { await this.updateMostRecentlyFocusedField(this.mostRecentlyFocusedField); this.openAutofillOverlay({ isOpeningFullOverlay: true }); setTimeout(() => this.sendExtensionMessage("focusAutofillOverlayList"), 125); return; } this.sendExtensionMessage("focusAutofillOverlayList"); } /** * Sets up and memoizes the form field input event handler. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the input event. */ private handleFormFieldInputEvent = (formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) => { return this.useEventHandlersMemo( () => this.triggerFormFieldInput(formFieldElement), this.getFormFieldHandlerMemoIndex(formFieldElement, EVENTS.INPUT), ); }; /** * Triggers when the form field element receives an input event. This method will * store the modified form element data for use when the user attempts to add a new * vault item. It also acts to remove the overlay list while the user is typing. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the input event. */ private triggerFormFieldInput(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { if (formFieldElement instanceof HTMLSpanElement) { return; } this.storeModifiedFormElement(formFieldElement); if (formFieldElement.value && (this.isOverlayCiphersPopulated || !this.isUserAuthed())) { this.removeAutofillOverlayList(); return; } this.openAutofillOverlay(); } /** * Stores the modified form element data for use when the user attempts to add a new * vault item. This method will also store the most recently focused field, if it is * not already stored. * * @param formFieldElement * @private */ private storeModifiedFormElement(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { if (formFieldElement === this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) { this.mostRecentlyFocusedField = formFieldElement; } if (formFieldElement.type === "password") { this.userFilledFields.password = formFieldElement; return; } this.userFilledFields.username = formFieldElement; } /** * Sets up and memoizes the form field click event handler. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the click event. */ private handleFormFieldClickEvent = (formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) => { return this.useEventHandlersMemo( () => this.triggerFormFieldClickedAction(formFieldElement), this.getFormFieldHandlerMemoIndex(formFieldElement, EVENTS.CLICK), ); }; /** * Triggers when the form field element receives a click event. This method will * trigger the focused action for the form field element if the overlay is not visible. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the click event. */ private async triggerFormFieldClickedAction(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { if (this.isOverlayButtonVisible || this.isOverlayListVisible) { return; } await this.triggerFormFieldFocusedAction(formFieldElement); } /** * Sets up and memoizes the form field focus event handler. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the focus event. */ private handleFormFieldFocusEvent = (formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) => { return this.useEventHandlersMemo( () => this.triggerFormFieldFocusedAction(formFieldElement), this.getFormFieldHandlerMemoIndex(formFieldElement, EVENTS.FOCUS), ); }; /** * Triggers when the form field element receives a focus event. This method will * update the most recently focused field and open the autofill overlay if the * autofill process is not currently active. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the focus event. */ private async triggerFormFieldFocusedAction(formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId) { if (this.isCurrentlyFilling) { return; } this.isFieldCurrentlyFocused = true; this.clearUserInteractionEventTimeout(); const initiallyFocusedField = this.mostRecentlyFocusedField; await this.updateMostRecentlyFocusedField(formFieldElement); const formElementHasValue = Boolean((formFieldElement as HTMLInputElement).value); if ( this.autofillOverlayVisibility === AutofillOverlayVisibility.OnButtonClick || (formElementHasValue && initiallyFocusedField !== this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) ) { this.removeAutofillOverlayList(); } if (!formElementHasValue || (!this.isOverlayCiphersPopulated && this.isUserAuthed())) { this.sendExtensionMessage("openAutofillOverlay"); return; } this.updateOverlayButtonPosition(); } /** * Validates whether the user is currently authenticated. */ private isUserAuthed() { return this.authStatus === AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked; } /** * Identifies if the autofill field's data contains any of * the keyboards matching the passed list of keywords. * * @param autofillFieldData - Autofill field data captured from the form field element. * @param keywords - Keywords to search for in the autofill field data. */ private keywordsFoundInFieldData(autofillFieldData: AutofillField, keywords: string[]) { const searchedString = this.getAutofillFieldDataKeywords(autofillFieldData); return keywords.some((keyword) => searchedString.includes(keyword)); } /** * Aggregates the autofill field's data into a single string * that can be used to search for keywords. * * @param autofillFieldData - Autofill field data captured from the form field element. */ private getAutofillFieldDataKeywords(autofillFieldData: AutofillField) { if (this.autofillFieldKeywordsMap.has(autofillFieldData)) { return this.autofillFieldKeywordsMap.get(autofillFieldData); } const keywordValues = [ autofillFieldData.htmlID, autofillFieldData.htmlName, autofillFieldData.htmlClass, autofillFieldData.type, autofillFieldData.title, autofillFieldData.placeholder, autofillFieldData.autoCompleteType, autofillFieldData["label-data"], autofillFieldData["label-aria"], autofillFieldData["label-left"], autofillFieldData["label-right"], autofillFieldData["label-tag"], autofillFieldData["label-top"], ] .join(",") .toLowerCase(); this.autofillFieldKeywordsMap.set(autofillFieldData, keywordValues); return keywordValues; } /** * Validates that the most recently focused field is currently * focused within the root node relative to the field. */ private recentlyFocusedFieldIsCurrentlyFocused() { return ( this.getRootNodeActiveElement(this.mostRecentlyFocusedField) === this.mostRecentlyFocusedField ); } /** * Updates the position of both the overlay button and overlay list. */ private updateOverlayElementsPosition() { this.updateOverlayButtonPosition(); this.updateOverlayListPosition(); } /** * Updates the position of the overlay button. */ private updateOverlayButtonPosition() { if (!this.overlayButtonElement) { this.createAutofillOverlayButton(); } if (!this.isOverlayButtonVisible) { this.appendOverlayElementToBody(this.overlayButtonElement); this.isOverlayButtonVisible = true; this.setOverlayRepositionEventListeners(); } this.sendExtensionMessage("updateAutofillOverlayPosition", { overlayElement: AutofillOverlayElement.Button, }); } /** * Updates the position of the overlay list. */ private updateOverlayListPosition() { if (!this.overlayListElement) { this.createAutofillOverlayList(); } if (!this.isOverlayListVisible) { this.appendOverlayElementToBody(this.overlayListElement); this.isOverlayListVisible = true; } this.sendExtensionMessage("updateAutofillOverlayPosition", { overlayElement: AutofillOverlayElement.List, }); } /** * Appends the overlay element to the body element. This method will also * observe the body element to ensure that the overlay element is not * interfered with by any DOM changes. * * @param element - The overlay element to append to the body element. */ private appendOverlayElementToBody(element: HTMLElement) { this.observeBodyElement(); globalThis.document.body.appendChild(element); } /** * Sends a message that facilitates hiding the overlay elements. * * @param isHidden - Indicates if the overlay elements should be hidden. */ private toggleOverlayHidden(isHidden: boolean) { const displayValue = isHidden ? "none" : "block"; this.sendExtensionMessage("updateAutofillOverlayHidden", { display: displayValue }); this.isOverlayButtonVisible = !isHidden; this.isOverlayListVisible = !isHidden; } /** * Updates the data used to position the overlay elements in relation * to the most recently focused form field. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the focus event. */ private async updateMostRecentlyFocusedField( formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId, ) { this.mostRecentlyFocusedField = formFieldElement; const { paddingRight, paddingLeft } = globalThis.getComputedStyle(formFieldElement); const { width, height, top, left } = await this.getMostRecentlyFocusedFieldRects(formFieldElement); this.focusedFieldData = { focusedFieldStyles: { paddingRight, paddingLeft }, focusedFieldRects: { width, height, top, left }, }; this.sendExtensionMessage("updateFocusedFieldData", { focusedFieldData: this.focusedFieldData, }); } /** * Gets the bounding client rects for the most recently focused field. This method will * attempt to use an intersection observer to get the most recently focused field's * bounding client rects. If the intersection observer is not supported, or the * intersection observer does not return a valid bounding client rect, the form * field element's bounding client rect will be used. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the focus event. */ private async getMostRecentlyFocusedFieldRects( formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId, ) { const focusedFieldRects = await this.getBoundingClientRectFromIntersectionObserver(formFieldElement); if (focusedFieldRects) { return focusedFieldRects; } return formFieldElement.getBoundingClientRect(); } /** * Gets the bounds of the form field element from the IntersectionObserver API. * * @param formFieldElement - The form field element that triggered the focus event. */ private async getBoundingClientRectFromIntersectionObserver( formFieldElement: ElementWithOpId, ): Promise { if (!("IntersectionObserver" in window) && !("IntersectionObserverEntry" in window)) { return null; } return new Promise((resolve) => { const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver( (entries) => { let fieldBoundingClientRects = entries[0]?.boundingClientRect; if (!fieldBoundingClientRects?.width || !fieldBoundingClientRects.height) { fieldBoundingClientRects = null; } intersectionObserver.disconnect(); resolve(fieldBoundingClientRects); }, { root: globalThis.document.body, rootMargin: "0px", threshold: 0.9999, // Safari doesn't seem to function properly with a threshold of 1 }, ); intersectionObserver.observe(formFieldElement); }); } /** * Identifies if the field should have the autofill overlay setup on it. Currently, this is mainly * determined by whether the field correlates with a login cipher. This method will need to be * updated in the future to support other types of forms. * * @param autofillFieldData - Autofill field data captured from the form field element. */ private isIgnoredField(autofillFieldData: AutofillField): boolean { const ignoredFieldTypes = new Set(AutoFillConstants.ExcludedAutofillTypes); if ( autofillFieldData.readonly || autofillFieldData.disabled || !autofillFieldData.viewable || ignoredFieldTypes.has(autofillFieldData.type) || this.keywordsFoundInFieldData(autofillFieldData, ["search", "captcha"]) ) { return true; } const isLoginCipherField = autofillFieldData.type === "password" || this.keywordsFoundInFieldData(autofillFieldData, AutoFillConstants.UsernameFieldNames); return !isLoginCipherField; } /** * Creates the autofill overlay button element. Will not attempt * to create the element if it already exists in the DOM. */ private createAutofillOverlayButton() { if (this.overlayButtonElement) { return; } const customElementName = generateRandomCustomElementName(); globalThis.customElements?.define(customElementName, AutofillOverlayButtonIframe); this.overlayButtonElement = globalThis.document.createElement(customElementName); this.updateCustomElementDefaultStyles(this.overlayButtonElement); this.moveDocumentElementChildrenToBody(globalThis.document.documentElement.childNodes); } /** * Creates the autofill overlay list element. Will not attempt * to create the element if it already exists in the DOM. */ private createAutofillOverlayList() { if (this.overlayListElement) { return; } const customElementName = generateRandomCustomElementName(); globalThis.customElements?.define(customElementName, AutofillOverlayListIframe); this.overlayListElement = globalThis.document.createElement(customElementName); this.updateCustomElementDefaultStyles(this.overlayListElement); } /** * Updates the default styles for the custom element. This method will * remove any styles that are added to the custom element by other methods. * * @param element - The custom element to update the default styles for. */ private updateCustomElementDefaultStyles(element: HTMLElement) { this.unobserveCustomElements(); setElementStyles(element, this.customElementDefaultStyles, true); this.observeCustomElements(); } /** * Queries the background script for the autofill overlay visibility setting. * If the setting is not found, a default value of OnFieldFocus will be used * @private */ private async getAutofillOverlayVisibility() { const overlayVisibility = await this.sendExtensionMessage("getAutofillOverlayVisibility"); this.autofillOverlayVisibility = overlayVisibility || AutofillOverlayVisibility.OnFieldFocus; } /** * Sets up event listeners that facilitate repositioning * the autofill overlay on scroll or resize. */ private setOverlayRepositionEventListeners() { globalThis.addEventListener(EVENTS.SCROLL, this.handleOverlayRepositionEvent, { capture: true, }); globalThis.addEventListener(EVENTS.RESIZE, this.handleOverlayRepositionEvent); } /** * Removes the listeners that facilitate repositioning * the autofill overlay on scroll or resize. */ private removeOverlayRepositionEventListeners() { globalThis.removeEventListener(EVENTS.SCROLL, this.handleOverlayRepositionEvent, { capture: true, }); globalThis.removeEventListener(EVENTS.RESIZE, this.handleOverlayRepositionEvent); } /** * Handles the resize or scroll events that enact * repositioning of the overlay. */ private handleOverlayRepositionEvent = () => { if (!this.isOverlayButtonVisible && !this.isOverlayListVisible) { return; } this.toggleOverlayHidden(true); this.clearUserInteractionEventTimeout(); this.userInteractionEventTimeout = setTimeout(this.triggerOverlayRepositionUpdates, 750); }; /** * Triggers the overlay reposition updates. This method ensures that the overlay elements * are correctly positioned when the viewport scrolls or repositions. */ private triggerOverlayRepositionUpdates = async () => { if (!this.recentlyFocusedFieldIsCurrentlyFocused()) { this.toggleOverlayHidden(false); this.removeAutofillOverlay(); return; } await this.updateMostRecentlyFocusedField(this.mostRecentlyFocusedField); this.updateOverlayElementsPosition(); this.toggleOverlayHidden(false); this.clearUserInteractionEventTimeout(); if ( this.focusedFieldData.focusedFieldRects?.top > 0 && this.focusedFieldData.focusedFieldRects?.top < window.innerHeight ) { return; } this.removeAutofillOverlay(); }; /** * Clears the user interaction event timeout. This is used to ensure that * the overlay is not repositioned while the user is interacting with it. */ private clearUserInteractionEventTimeout() { if (this.userInteractionEventTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.userInteractionEventTimeout); } } /** * Sets up global event listeners and the mutation * observer to facilitate required changes to the * overlay elements. */ private setupGlobalEventListeners = () => { globalThis.document.addEventListener(EVENTS.VISIBILITYCHANGE, this.handleVisibilityChangeEvent); globalThis.addEventListener(EVENTS.FOCUSOUT, this.handleFormFieldBlurEvent); this.setupMutationObserver(); }; /** * Handles the visibility change event. This method will remove the * autofill overlay if the document is not visible. */ private handleVisibilityChangeEvent = () => { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { return; } this.mostRecentlyFocusedField = null; this.removeAutofillOverlay(); }; /** * Sets up mutation observers for the overlay elements, the body element, and the * document element. The mutation observers are used to remove any styles that are * added to the overlay elements by the website. They are also used to ensure that * the overlay elements are always present at the bottom of the body element. */ private setupMutationObserver = () => { this.overlayElementsMutationObserver = new MutationObserver( this.handleOverlayElementMutationObserverUpdate, ); this.bodyElementMutationObserver = new MutationObserver( this.handleBodyElementMutationObserverUpdate, ); const documentElementMutationObserver = new MutationObserver( this.handleDocumentElementMutationObserverUpdate, ); documentElementMutationObserver.observe(globalThis.document.documentElement, { childList: true, }); }; /** * Sets up mutation observers to verify that the overlay * elements are not modified by the website. */ private observeCustomElements() { if (this.overlayButtonElement) { this.overlayElementsMutationObserver?.observe(this.overlayButtonElement, { attributes: true, }); } if (this.overlayListElement) { this.overlayElementsMutationObserver?.observe(this.overlayListElement, { attributes: true }); } } /** * Disconnects the mutation observers that are used to verify that the overlay * elements are not modified by the website. */ private unobserveCustomElements() { this.overlayElementsMutationObserver?.disconnect(); } /** * Sets up a mutation observer for the body element. The mutation observer is used * to ensure that the overlay elements are always present at the bottom of the body * element. */ private observeBodyElement() { this.bodyElementMutationObserver?.observe(globalThis.document.body, { childList: true }); } /** * Disconnects the mutation observer for the body element. */ private removeBodyElementObserver() { this.bodyElementMutationObserver?.disconnect(); } /** * Handles the mutation observer update for the overlay elements. This method will * remove any attributes or styles that might be added to the overlay elements by * a separate process within the website where this script is injected. * * @param mutationRecord - The mutation record that triggered the update. */ private handleOverlayElementMutationObserverUpdate = (mutationRecord: MutationRecord[]) => { if (this.isTriggeringExcessiveMutationObserverIterations()) { return; } for (let recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < mutationRecord.length; recordIndex++) { const record = mutationRecord[recordIndex]; if (record.type !== "attributes") { continue; } const element = as HTMLElement; if (record.attributeName !== "style") { this.removeModifiedElementAttributes(element); continue; } element.removeAttribute("style"); this.updateCustomElementDefaultStyles(element); } }; /** * Removes all elements from a passed overlay * element except for the style attribute. * * @param element - The element to remove the attributes from. */ private removeModifiedElementAttributes(element: HTMLElement) { const attributes = Array.from(element.attributes); for (let attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < attributes.length; attributeIndex++) { const attribute = attributes[attributeIndex]; if ( === "style") { continue; } element.removeAttribute(; } } /** * Handles the mutation observer update for the body element. This method will * ensure that the overlay elements are always present at the bottom of the body * element. */ private handleBodyElementMutationObserverUpdate = () => { if ( (!this.overlayButtonElement && !this.overlayListElement) || this.isTriggeringExcessiveMutationObserverIterations() ) { return; } const lastChild = globalThis.document.body.lastElementChild; const secondToLastChild = lastChild?.previousElementSibling; const lastChildIsOverlayList = lastChild === this.overlayListElement; const lastChildIsOverlayButton = lastChild === this.overlayButtonElement; const secondToLastChildIsOverlayButton = secondToLastChild === this.overlayButtonElement; if ( (lastChildIsOverlayList && secondToLastChildIsOverlayButton) || (lastChildIsOverlayButton && !this.isOverlayListVisible) ) { return; } if ( (lastChildIsOverlayList && !secondToLastChildIsOverlayButton) || (lastChildIsOverlayButton && this.isOverlayListVisible) ) { globalThis.document.body.insertBefore(this.overlayButtonElement, this.overlayListElement); return; } globalThis.document.body.insertBefore(lastChild, this.overlayButtonElement); }; /** * Handles the mutation observer update for the document element. This * method will ensure that any elements added to the document element * are appended to the body element. * * @param mutationRecords - The mutation records that triggered the update. */ private handleDocumentElementMutationObserverUpdate = (mutationRecords: MutationRecord[]) => { if ( (!this.overlayButtonElement && !this.overlayListElement) || this.isTriggeringExcessiveMutationObserverIterations() ) { return; } for (const record of mutationRecords) { if (record.type !== "childList" || record.addedNodes.length === 0) { continue; } this.moveDocumentElementChildrenToBody(record.addedNodes); } }; /** * Moves the passed nodes to the body element. This method is used to ensure that * any elements added to the document element are higher in the DOM than the overlay * elements. * * @param nodes - The nodes to move to the body element. */ private moveDocumentElementChildrenToBody(nodes: NodeList) { const ignoredElements = new Set([globalThis.document.body, globalThis.document.head]); for (const node of nodes) { if (ignoredElements.has(node as HTMLElement)) { continue; } // This is a workaround for an issue where the document element's children // are not appended to the body element. This forces the children to be // appended on the next tick of the event loop. setTimeout(() => globalThis.document.body.appendChild(node), 0); } } /** * Identifies if the mutation observer is triggering excessive iterations. * Will trigger a blur of the most recently focused field and remove the * autofill overlay if any set mutation observer is triggering * excessive iterations. */ private isTriggeringExcessiveMutationObserverIterations() { if (this.mutationObserverIterationsResetTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.mutationObserverIterationsResetTimeout); } this.mutationObserverIterations++; this.mutationObserverIterationsResetTimeout = setTimeout( () => (this.mutationObserverIterations = 0), 2000, ); if (this.mutationObserverIterations > 100) { clearTimeout(this.mutationObserverIterationsResetTimeout); this.mutationObserverIterations = 0; this.blurMostRecentOverlayField(); this.removeAutofillOverlay(); return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the root node of the passed element and returns the active element within that root node. * * @param element - The element to get the root node active element for. */ private getRootNodeActiveElement(element: Element): Element { const documentRoot = element.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot | Document; return documentRoot?.activeElement; } } export default AutofillOverlayContentService;