import { Directive, EventEmitter, Input, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output } from "@angular/core"; import { ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router"; import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, firstValueFrom, Subject } from "rxjs"; import { debounceTime, first, map, skipWhile, takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators"; import { PasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions } from "@bitwarden/common/admin-console/models/domain/password-generator-policy-options"; import { AccountService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/account.service"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service"; import { ToastService } from "@bitwarden/components"; import { GeneratorType, DefaultPasswordBoundaries as DefaultBoundaries, } from "@bitwarden/generator-core"; import { PasswordGenerationServiceAbstraction, UsernameGenerationServiceAbstraction, UsernameGeneratorOptions, PasswordGeneratorOptions, } from "@bitwarden/generator-legacy"; export class EmailForwarderOptions { name: string; value: string; validForSelfHosted: boolean; } @Directive() export class GeneratorComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() comingFromAddEdit = false; @Input() type: GeneratorType | ""; @Output() onSelected = new EventEmitter(); usernameGeneratingPromise: Promise; typeOptions: any[]; passTypeOptions: any[]; usernameTypeOptions: any[]; subaddressOptions: any[]; catchallOptions: any[]; forwardOptions: EmailForwarderOptions[]; usernameOptions: UsernameGeneratorOptions = { website: null }; passwordOptions: PasswordGeneratorOptions = {}; username = "-"; password = "-"; showOptions = false; avoidAmbiguous = false; enforcedPasswordPolicyOptions: PasswordGeneratorPolicyOptions; usernameWebsite: string = null; private destroy$ = new Subject(); private isInitialized$ = new BehaviorSubject(false); // update screen reader minimum password length with 500ms debounce // so that the user isn't flooded with status updates private _passwordOptionsMinLengthForReader = new BehaviorSubject( DefaultBoundaries.length.min, ); protected passwordOptionsMinLengthForReader$ = this._passwordOptionsMinLengthForReader.pipe( map((val) => val || DefaultBoundaries.length.min), debounceTime(500), ); private _password = new BehaviorSubject("-"); constructor( protected passwordGenerationService: PasswordGenerationServiceAbstraction, protected usernameGenerationService: UsernameGenerationServiceAbstraction, protected platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, protected accountService: AccountService, protected i18nService: I18nService, protected logService: LogService, protected route: ActivatedRoute, protected ngZone: NgZone, private win: Window, protected toastService: ToastService, ) { this.typeOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t("password"), value: "password" }, { name: i18nService.t("username"), value: "username" }, ]; this.passTypeOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t("password"), value: "password" }, { name: i18nService.t("passphrase"), value: "passphrase" }, ]; this.usernameTypeOptions = [ { name: i18nService.t("plusAddressedEmail"), value: "subaddress", desc: i18nService.t("plusAddressedEmailDesc"), }, { name: i18nService.t("catchallEmail"), value: "catchall", desc: i18nService.t("catchallEmailDesc"), }, { name: i18nService.t("forwardedEmail"), value: "forwarded", desc: i18nService.t("forwardedEmailDesc"), }, { name: i18nService.t("randomWord"), value: "word" }, ]; this.subaddressOptions = [{ name: i18nService.t("random"), value: "random" }]; this.catchallOptions = [{ name: i18nService.t("random"), value: "random" }]; this.forwardOptions = [ { name: "", value: "", validForSelfHosted: false }, { name: "", value: "anonaddy", validForSelfHosted: true }, { name: "DuckDuckGo", value: "duckduckgo", validForSelfHosted: false }, { name: "Fastmail", value: "fastmail", validForSelfHosted: true }, { name: "Firefox Relay", value: "firefoxrelay", validForSelfHosted: false }, { name: "SimpleLogin", value: "simplelogin", validForSelfHosted: true }, { name: "Forward Email", value: "forwardemail", validForSelfHosted: true }, ].sort((a, b) =>; this._password.pipe(debounceTime(250)).subscribe((password) => { => { this.password = password; }); this.passwordGenerationService.addHistory(this.password).catch((e) => { this.logService.error(e); }); }); } cascadeOptions(navigationType: GeneratorType = undefined, accountEmail: string) { this.avoidAmbiguous = !this.passwordOptions.ambiguous; if (!this.type) { if (navigationType) { this.type = navigationType; } else { this.type = this.passwordOptions.type === "username" ? "username" : "password"; } } this.passwordOptions.type = this.passwordOptions.type === "passphrase" ? "passphrase" : "password"; if (this.usernameOptions.type == null) { this.usernameOptions.type = "word"; } if ( this.usernameOptions.subaddressEmail == null || this.usernameOptions.subaddressEmail === "" ) { this.usernameOptions.subaddressEmail = accountEmail; } if (this.usernameWebsite == null) { this.usernameOptions.subaddressType = this.usernameOptions.catchallType = "random"; } else { = this.usernameWebsite; const websiteOption = { name: this.i18nService.t("websiteName"), value: "website-name" }; this.subaddressOptions.push(websiteOption); this.catchallOptions.push(websiteOption); } } async ngOnInit() { combineLatest([ this.route.queryParams.pipe(first()), this.accountService.activeAccount$.pipe(first()), this.passwordGenerationService.getOptions$(), this.usernameGenerationService.getOptions$(), ]) .pipe( map(([qParams, account, [passwordOptions, passwordPolicy], usernameOptions]) => ({ navigationType: qParams.type as GeneratorType, accountEmail:, passwordOptions, passwordPolicy, usernameOptions, })), takeUntil(this.destroy$), ) .subscribe((options) => { this.passwordOptions = options.passwordOptions; this.enforcedPasswordPolicyOptions = options.passwordPolicy; this.usernameOptions = options.usernameOptions; this.cascadeOptions(options.navigationType, options.accountEmail);; if (this.regenerateWithoutButtonPress()) { this.regenerate().catch((e) => { this.logService.error(e); }); } this.isInitialized$.next(true); }); // once initialization is complete, `ngOnInit` should return. // // FIXME(#6944): if a sync is in progress, wait to complete until after // the sync completes. await firstValueFrom( this.isInitialized$.pipe( skipWhile((initialized) => !initialized), takeUntil(this.destroy$), ), ); } ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(); this.destroy$.complete(); this.isInitialized$.complete(); this._passwordOptionsMinLengthForReader.complete(); } async typeChanged() { await this.savePasswordOptions(); } async regenerate() { if (this.type === "password") { await this.regeneratePassword(); } else if (this.type === "username") { await this.regenerateUsername(); } } async sliderChanged() { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.savePasswordOptions(); await this.passwordGenerationService.addHistory(this.password); } async onPasswordOptionsMinNumberInput($event: Event) { // `savePasswordOptions()` replaces the null this.passwordOptions.number = null; await this.savePasswordOptions(); // fixes UI desync that occurs when minNumber has a fixed value // that is reset through normalization ($ as HTMLInputElement).value = `${this.passwordOptions.minNumber}`; } async setPasswordOptionsNumber($event: boolean) { this.passwordOptions.number = $event; // `savePasswordOptions()` replaces the null this.passwordOptions.minNumber = null; await this.savePasswordOptions(); } async onPasswordOptionsMinSpecialInput($event: Event) { // `savePasswordOptions()` replaces the null this.passwordOptions.special = null; await this.savePasswordOptions(); // fixes UI desync that occurs when minSpecial has a fixed value // that is reset through normalization ($ as HTMLInputElement).value = `${this.passwordOptions.minSpecial}`; } async setPasswordOptionsSpecial($event: boolean) { this.passwordOptions.special = $event; // `savePasswordOptions()` replaces the null this.passwordOptions.minSpecial = null; await this.savePasswordOptions(); } async sliderInput() { await this.normalizePasswordOptions(); } async savePasswordOptions() { // map navigation state into generator type const restoreType = this.passwordOptions.type; if (this.type === "username") { this.passwordOptions.type = this.type; } // save options await this.normalizePasswordOptions(); await this.passwordGenerationService.saveOptions(this.passwordOptions); // restore the original format this.passwordOptions.type = restoreType; } async saveUsernameOptions() { await this.usernameGenerationService.saveOptions(this.usernameOptions); if (this.usernameOptions.type === "forwarded") { this.username = "-"; } } async regeneratePassword() { await this.passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(this.passwordOptions), ); } regenerateUsername() { return this.generateUsername(); } async generateUsername() { try { this.usernameGeneratingPromise = this.usernameGenerationService.generateUsername( this.usernameOptions, ); this.username = await this.usernameGeneratingPromise; if (this.username === "" || this.username === null) { this.username = "-"; } } catch (e) { this.logService.error(e); } } copy() { const password = this.type === "password"; const copyOptions = != null ? { window: } : null; this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard( password ? this.password : this.username, copyOptions, ); this.toastService.showToast({ variant: "info", title: null, message: this.i18nService.t( "valueCopied", this.i18nService.t(password ? "password" : "username"), ), }); } select() { this.onSelected.emit(this.type === "password" ? this.password : this.username); } toggleOptions() { this.showOptions = !this.showOptions; } regenerateWithoutButtonPress() { return this.type !== "username" || this.usernameOptions.type !== "forwarded"; } private async normalizePasswordOptions() { // Application level normalize options dependent on class variables this.passwordOptions.ambiguous = !this.avoidAmbiguous; if ( !this.passwordOptions.uppercase && !this.passwordOptions.lowercase && !this.passwordOptions.number && !this.passwordOptions.special ) { this.passwordOptions.lowercase = true; if ( != null) { const lowercase ="#lowercase") as HTMLInputElement; if (lowercase) { lowercase.checked = true; } } } await this.passwordGenerationService.enforcePasswordGeneratorPoliciesOnOptions( this.passwordOptions, ); } }