import * as program from 'commander'; import * as inquirer from 'inquirer'; import { ApiService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/api.service'; import { AuthService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/auth.service'; import { CryptoFunctionService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/cryptoFunction.service'; import { CryptoService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/crypto.service'; import { EnvironmentService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/environment.service'; import { I18nService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/i18n.service'; import { PasswordGenerationService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/passwordGeneration.service'; import { PlatformUtilsService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/platformUtils.service'; import { PolicyService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/policy.service'; import { SyncService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/sync.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/user.service'; import { UpdateTempPasswordRequest } from 'jslib-common/models/request/updateTempPasswordRequest'; import { MessageResponse } from 'jslib-node/cli/models/response/messageResponse'; import { Utils } from 'jslib-common/misc/utils'; import { LoginCommand as BaseLoginCommand } from 'jslib-node/cli/commands/login.command'; export class LoginCommand extends BaseLoginCommand { private options: program.OptionValues; private email: string; constructor(authService: AuthService, apiService: ApiService, cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService, syncService: SyncService, i18nService: I18nService, environmentService: EnvironmentService, passwordGenerationService: PasswordGenerationService, platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private userService: UserService, private cryptoService: CryptoService, private policyService: PolicyService, private logoutCallback: () => Promise) { super(authService, apiService, i18nService, environmentService, passwordGenerationService, cryptoFunctionService, platformUtilsService, 'cli'); this.validatedParams = async () => { const key = await cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(64); process.env.BW_SESSION = Utils.fromBufferToB64(key); }; this.success = async () => { await syncService.fullSync(true); = await this.userService.getEmail(); if (await this.userService.getForcePasswordReset()) { return await this.updateTempPassword(); } return this.deliverResponse(); }; } run(email: string, password: string, options: program.OptionValues) { this.options = options; = email; return, password, options); } private deliverResponse(): MessageResponse { if ((this.options.sso != null || this.options.apikey != null) && this.canInteract) { const res = new MessageResponse('You are logged in!', '\n' + 'To unlock your vault, use the `unlock` command. ex:\n' + '$ bw unlock'); return res; } else { const res = new MessageResponse('You are logged in!', '\n' + 'To unlock your vault, set your session key to the `BW_SESSION` environment variable. ex:\n' + '$ export BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n' + '> $env:BW_SESSION="' + process.env.BW_SESSION + '"\n\n' + 'You can also pass the session key to any command with the `--session` option. ex:\n' + '$ bw list items --session ' + process.env.BW_SESSION); res.raw = process.env.BW_SESSION; return res; } } private async updateTempPassword(error?: string): Promise { // If no interaction available, alert user to use web vault if (!this.canInteract) { await this.logoutCallback(); this.authService.logOut(() => { /* Do nothing */ }); return new MessageResponse('An organization administrator recently changed your master password. In order to access the vault, you must update your master password now via the web vault. You have been logged out.', null); } // Get New Master Password const baseMessage = 'An organization administrator recently changed your master password.In order to access the vault, you must update your master password now.\n' + 'Master password: '; const firstMessage = error != null ? error + baseMessage : baseMessage; const mp: inquirer.Answers = await inquirer.createPromptModule({ output: process.stderr })({ type: 'password', name: 'password', message: firstMessage, }); const masterPassword = mp.password; // Master Password Validation if (masterPassword == null || masterPassword === '') { return this.updateTempPassword('Master password is required.\n'); } if (masterPassword.length < 8) { return this.updateTempPassword('Master password must be at least 8 characters long.\n'); } // Get New Master Password Re-type const retype: inquirer.Answers = await inquirer.createPromptModule({ output: process.stderr })({ type: 'password', name: 'password', message: 'Re-type New Master password:', }); const masterPasswordRetype = retype.password; // Re-type Validation if (masterPassword !== masterPasswordRetype) { return this.updateTempPassword('Master password confirmation does not match.\n'); } // Get Hint (optional) const hint: inquirer.Answers = await inquirer.createPromptModule({ output: process.stderr })({ type: 'input', name: 'input', message: 'Master Password Hint:', }); const masterPasswordHint = hint.input; // Retrieve details for key generation const enforcedPolicyOptions = await this.policyService.getMasterPasswordPolicyOptions(); const kdf = await this.userService.getKdf(); const kdfIterations = await this.userService.getKdfIterations(); // Strength & Policy Validation const strengthResult = this.passwordGenerationService.passwordStrength(masterPassword, this.getPasswordStrengthUserInput()); if (enforcedPolicyOptions != null && !this.policyService.evaluateMasterPassword( strengthResult.score, masterPassword, enforcedPolicyOptions)) { return this.updateTempPassword('Your new master password does not meet the policy requirements.\n'); } try { // Create new key and hash new password const newKey = await this.cryptoService.makeKey(masterPassword,, kdf, kdfIterations); const newPasswordHash = await this.cryptoService.hashPassword(masterPassword, newKey); // Grab user's current enc key const userEncKey = await this.cryptoService.getEncKey(); // Create new encKey for the User const newEncKey = await this.cryptoService.remakeEncKey(newKey, userEncKey); // Create request const request = new UpdateTempPasswordRequest(); request.key = newEncKey[1].encryptedString; request.newMasterPasswordHash = newPasswordHash; request.masterPasswordHint = masterPasswordHint; // Update user's password await this.apiService.putUpdateTempPassword(request); return this.deliverResponse(); } catch (e) { await this.logoutCallback(); this.authService.logOut(() => { /* Do nothing */ }); return e; } } private getPasswordStrengthUserInput() { let userInput: string[] = []; const atPosition ='@'); if (atPosition > -1) { userInput = userInput.concat(, atPosition).trim().toLowerCase().split(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/)); } return userInput; } }