import { mockDeep } from "jest-mock-extended"; /** * Mocks a chrome.runtime.Port set up to send messages through `postMessage` to `onMessage.addListener` callbacks. * @param name - The name of the port. * @param immediateOnConnectExecution - Whether to immediately execute the onConnect callbacks against the new port. * Defaults to false. If true, the creator of the port will not have had a chance to set up listeners yet. * @returns a mock chrome.runtime.Port */ export function mockPorts() { // notify listeners of a new port (chrome.runtime.connect as jest.Mock).mockImplementation((portInfo) => { const port = mockDeep<chrome.runtime.Port>(); =; // set message broadcast (port.postMessage as jest.Mock).mockImplementation((message) => { (port.onMessage.addListener as jest.Mock).mock.calls.forEach(([callbackFn]) => { callbackFn(message, port); }); }); (chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener as jest.Mock).mock.calls.forEach(([callbackFn]) => { callbackFn(port); }); return port; }); }