import { ITreeNodeObject, TreeNode } from "./models/domain/tree-node"; export class ServiceUtils { /** * Recursively adds a node to nodeTree * @param {TreeNode[]} nodeTree - An array of TreeNodes that the node will be added to * @param {number} partIndex - Index of the `parts` array that is being processed * @param {string[]} parts - Array of strings that represent the path to the `obj` node * @param {ITreeNodeObject} obj - The node to be added to the tree * @param {ITreeNodeObject} parent - The parent node of the `obj` node * @param {string} delimiter - The delimiter used to split the path string, will be used to combine the path for missing nodes */ static nestedTraverse( nodeTree: TreeNode[], partIndex: number, parts: string[], obj: ITreeNodeObject, parent: TreeNode | undefined, delimiter: string ) { if (parts.length <= partIndex) { return; } const end: boolean = partIndex === parts.length - 1; const partName: string = parts[partIndex]; for (let i = 0; i < nodeTree.length; i++) { if (nodeTree[i] !== partName) { continue; } if (end && nodeTree[i] !== { // Another node exists with the same name as the node being added nodeTree.push(new TreeNode(obj, parent, partName)); return; } // Move down the tree to the next level ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse( nodeTree[i].children, partIndex + 1, parts, obj, nodeTree[i], delimiter ); return; } // If there's no node here with the same name... if (nodeTree.filter((n) => === partName).length === 0) { // And we're at the end of the path given, add the node if (end) { nodeTree.push(new TreeNode(obj, parent, partName)); return; } // And we're not at the end of the path, combine the current name with the next name // 1, *1.2, 1.2.1 becomes // 1, *1.2/1.2.1 const newPartName = partName + delimiter + parts[partIndex + 1]; ServiceUtils.nestedTraverse( nodeTree, 0, [newPartName, + 2)], obj, parent, delimiter ); } } /** * Searches a tree for a node with a matching `id` * @param {TreeNode} nodeTree - A single TreeNode branch that will be searched * @param {string} id - The id of the node to be found * @returns {TreeNode} The node with a matching `id` */ static getTreeNodeObject( nodeTree: TreeNode, id: string ): TreeNode { if ( === id) { return nodeTree; } for (let i = 0; i < nodeTree.children.length; i++) { if (nodeTree.children[i].children != null) { const node = ServiceUtils.getTreeNodeObject(nodeTree.children[i], id); if (node !== null) { return node; } } } return null; } /** * Searches an array of tree nodes for a node with a matching `id` * @param {TreeNode} nodeTree - An array of TreeNode branches that will be searched * @param {string} id - The id of the node to be found * @returns {TreeNode} The node with a matching `id` */ static getTreeNodeObjectFromList( nodeTree: TreeNode[], id: string ): TreeNode { for (let i = 0; i < nodeTree.length; i++) { if (nodeTree[i] === id) { return nodeTree[i]; } else if (nodeTree[i].children != null) { const node = ServiceUtils.getTreeNodeObjectFromList(nodeTree[i].children, id); if (node !== null) { return node; } } } return null; } }