import { Component, OnInit, } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router, } from '@angular/router'; import { Toast, ToasterService, } from 'angular2-toaster'; import { ApiService } from 'jslib/abstractions/api.service'; import { I18nService } from 'jslib/abstractions/i18n.service'; import { StateService } from 'jslib/abstractions/state.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib/abstractions/user.service'; import { OrganizationUserAcceptRequest } from 'jslib/models/request/organizationUserAcceptRequest'; @Component({ selector: 'app-accept-organization', templateUrl: 'accept-organization.component.html', }) export class AcceptOrganizationComponent implements OnInit { loading = true; authed = false; orgName: string; email: string; actionPromise: Promise; constructor(private router: Router, private toasterService: ToasterService, private i18nService: I18nService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private apiService: ApiService, private userService: UserService, private stateService: StateService) { } ngOnInit() { let fired = false; this.route.queryParams.subscribe(async (qParams) => { if (fired) { return; } fired = true; await this.stateService.remove('orgInvitation'); let error = qParams.organizationId == null || qParams.organizationUserId == null || qParams.token == null; let errorMessage: string = null; if (!error) { this.authed = await this.userService.isAuthenticated(); if (this.authed) { const request = new OrganizationUserAcceptRequest(); request.token = qParams.token; try { this.actionPromise = this.apiService.postOrganizationUserAccept(qParams.organizationId, qParams.organizationUserId, request); await this.actionPromise; const toast: Toast = { type: 'success', title: this.i18nService.t('inviteAccepted'), body: this.i18nService.t('inviteAcceptedDesc'), timeout: 10000, }; this.toasterService.popAsync(toast); this.router.navigate(['/vault']); } catch (e) { error = true; errorMessage = e.message; } } else { await'orgInvitation', qParams); =; this.orgName = qParams.organizationName; if (this.orgName != null) { // Fix URL encoding of space issue with Angular this.orgName = this.orgName.replace(/\+/g, ' '); } } } if (error) { const toast: Toast = { type: 'error', title: null, body: errorMessage != null ? this.i18nService.t('inviteAcceptFailedShort', errorMessage) : this.i18nService.t('inviteAcceptFailed'), timeout: 10000, }; this.toasterService.popAsync(toast); this.router.navigate(['/']); } this.loading = false; }); } }